'cIp_7=77 .tl.S' ~. ac flue Cueneallee Cisesesple., T4seae*~t.Newaesebae S, 1961 SSportscope ACTN, GEORGETOWN, MILTON, OAKVILLE in an lateccuadiate buake ' league? This cculd hae hci pa'ccac lt a lau' yvrs walth e annotiace- ament at week bhat Actua. out af the iatrmeadiate hockey sur- rordiagssiice 950, wuld tar a rtintu bis ter in the Western Ontario Atietie Assariatltaa's goupiag. The tuti a cili bc the scear of aasc artificial !ce surface ibis visari' lic fb inst t icaci and saith ibis tha laterasediate club is becua pl.auced. Reascu 1or aaceriag the W.O.A.A. la gisenaus au csasier Itîcta ut cucupelitittt hi thetclub autburitics, rualir tltaa ha struag Occtaria Hockey Association gruupings. Fei-gus, Elut a. Mourir Farest, Ern aad Listuccel are turne of lttown tca hacc clubs entrd ta tbe W.O.A.A. Intrctaita serias. Tbe Actua cuea ficac Ibat thar cauid parlicipata i t Iis loup aiprecrittastil tbry wuudblecstcualanuutbtarnura ittheb O.H.A. accuriag ta reparts. * Tbe local bakev tlas cuill ressacuber bock belote the '50's sabra Acta nras ane af tbe sit-oagast Intecatdiata clubs tn tba * O.H.A.îtand wsa dcccii resprard sabra il tank ta tbe ira. Sit stht kactcs. aavbc tl cill tira ratuira ta the aid tiaie dats uct? At one tite Fetrlais. Autua, Oragestîle, Milton ad Caîouattttcaitgttptal tuacthcr aad masey alhatrrasa- hnatictcs ut lacal clubs hate rie bir l ha pictara. * Tltat oluliailc>tcttt lc Taaarv Townasahcbaryua ruf"luts as Auin tua. pe wnrrtua Miltcoa and Oubsilla saillint ail prtî1,lailitiv ttc caacuad cn ra fat irn t crie THE ONTARIO BASEBALL Assuciatiua field tas usaual ladies' atchi Saiîtitt, ai Guelph. A racular cueetinat ufthe Associutioa % salo cal cc Saiccdaî tattiau up tha seasonas busiaess. 'Flisa O.BA. bas haca la uparattua lac alatast 50 vars nw andiha, seiccdthusaatsafhaiipiairrs right îruuthe lic ctarc.taksconcup iatu iictoptSraior raabs. Ma up at men rai one end cai utheit proviace ta tha uthar. ha Ontatio Asuciat i ca% tarcucu ta 1914 aad an the 1961 pitcii tactaca 135 icass aacaccd an tha sacita' arouaiati. A nuacicat oi sall hasehali liraups cuabr up the O.B.A. and chaiav cd [rive tuicaicc eaatc tich att ua ta acampra lac tha piccciccille.c litoal tgirctttpts kaas'aas theHaat Cusi In racasi %su' ci tis Ontaria Assoaiatian lias brldi shat il acrnis a tatica' viglit %%lian the atcathrs ofl the aeautita givea basnq cc accd ulia c i hitch asm maa aal cuachar ad ratai'- tains ilita i ci. Stct atur iittsierai uft ha caacbeciaar ahanai the R,,.l Hicl inGuelph aad filowintaahealtr' no a meeitagcccaejatrcd hs the %vives lac tha acaaiag. Jsa blilicuas. cîhu an ciscaucat nomaaer isatpeerin ariisaIsoailtrasahr tiihe OB.A. adasuanhadta icr hi, accias. Mr. tiiicuaa ccli ha ta accu lac tha Laaiaa'c Arcuistice lIa hanqtuta onctict 11, atd aaaicc lacriai tha cuaah cctcaa ita Rued S&,\ iascacl cltuh s holingc i aaaual acght. NOTES: The icc is ta at [lita atca ancd the schulr buildiag laoks ne\ . . . A i sh cuatailpaci bas hacauddad tathesatac acca but the hig utilti c i ita catittag chiah bas bara peiat- cdl altccictcccc .ad ittaccus ta hrighbtaatha place ccp,... Sbutitgan.td hckeaitihe sparts iahiuh bacc ruptarrd the ia ai prrcîtt . . . Marcha' cc bacc a six ceas lrague ta play ta ihic s'car and tccth ai1 s"A" clubs, tha cap four ta the cacia plccuil, it cuasa ral baril ail saca laag... Oabc Ili, Gecrgetown,. Bradforcd, Toroatu Macrduaiaas. Part Ccrutit uh"d the Mt*c haci.s cuik up the lup suith the sahedala tu)staca. brr ccii Friday acght, Bradfurd Fards tha vsitaca *..Thai cuas aisaratactaca Brameplt Juniar "As' Ttesday aiaht ia an exhibitioa muatch. w -hf lilnémw,1w4« iy m ,16 A MOST LOYAL FAN ws baunard buturdap night by the On- tacriStel tar of theacuctrcia lage, when theaeeskr uf tha team gathasnd ta avînyt theca jachats lac acaniag the caîspiaacbcp ts -curer. Paggy Marshcall, ahc navrs- ted a gata ail ynac. racacaad the "Mccl Layai Faai" acuard. Adsairiag ci cs Mach Gsaîba. te bat hcy, ah a su alsc aanded ajabac. Stort Classes Figure ikacica Liassaisutil] stars S Alerta, and 'tsa lial htc.iliv. arac ripatct it lkea tri ta tts ycar's Tucîcicu sud Thisaaac. lt-i sous spaascc i tisa Milton - Fiagtra Sbccccag Club. WE MUST ut Cuelphi, salt lia hiak ici itruit ------- the ahiluirac la dancing orc fiaures. Cals a casa applicatlins basa baaaeaea raanicad bot mcuc are expvcirciUY NO balot cc paiic day. chia ean saith Bradford the anti loag trip ... Maceduuiaac piaîc'd in the Lahashure Intanacadiata teatca tact cinter and caca tha Iaguras flst belte benatusîrd by tha champion Part Cuiharne club . .. udus, sahich taiiad lu thr Central uraupint tait year. Ic la the Niiagara District iaagca Ibis ier . . . The toaa acu bans ica fneai tha acana tac Tuacclay icxbibitiact tilt pcssible) anti Wcd- nescday nithts next aeebta radvi fIsc tha bhome apanan Friday saiib Badford ut 8.30 prn. sharp. progressive ipsdustry WALLACE GRAY - 107 Court Stc TR 8-2421 SUN LIPS ASSUCANCII COMPANY OF CANADA VINS up 500o CLEAR OUR ENTIRE STOCK TO Toys Galore ETRICS 88e ~ HOBY and CAFT bsase Reg. ta $2.98 :z1.SUPPIES SPORTS IIUNTING GOLFING FISIIING EQUIPMENT MILTON SPORTS & CYCLE 201 Moi. St. MUlfoa SIgSoifgu A11 &%MA PmASE I and SAVE for CHRISTMAS MILTON SPORTS A CYCLE lU M*411tY CtoSINS OUIT lu0 SINTIRI STOCK AND ICOlI. TINUINO SUSINISSL BUY »M ad BAVE SAVE ..BAVE Six Teams F.rm k4o< A sx leua I oeeete hocbey bas i n Toron t ar aui beauableiaeuaaete seueamc lle aI h4iW g uupg salI bh e altuatofr t =aa wa sg e seek, ft ab club ae daise. l heM flouMecbaettbockeyaclub mailinag aup w i gard de- Top ormwdo I laF tar hat 1%1-62 seutrai uas te- feeaiet Up ftru the asitulaio le rr- h1 aauld ths sark. ictird Muay Orsenke la expectatd u e rsedsailh auerlasuoftlet 'SuO Fars Gaetss iiers, Oak" ta couts but bauleukl 1e a ursgtiau ae ul aille Oaku, Part Cradit Sulaiît s aey wacaîug iaeey au Sul a hakeeeie., Jack Pria taidA wh ha jutard by th1e Merchaatc lu lad aLeammogu buclyl Mta tub aiaitauc ib ausai uallkei e~l tîrrn abat 1c iaaked a ar ause rlyr cuialc ha lc r badrh rraiîed wBltair Caslolnsel- Lu a M W ue bcl M lve theastruagrit iantaarnedial()aP ta c bautshilssbiî tarik 1uasa, snespaba lu hihe etup sacuer lu the Cetral auta me"1 n sl egbl la tht rastayc.ou the Toronta Fire Dearîrmnu Oario Junior "B- lagae tlaaeee le 1 uhtiee RaI Ocelle das'taiiaschirnlut attendcat.iasasoaaurenbe fthe Br osaal M pl eb Im11e AIl "A' clubs, t cuill mnaa a ularlp. Oua athare arnearnubuiuis idena u eut~~ bas s I" llaa ese baotte cight tiai the firtt drap heau uctfranteHamitn abtasaîhe sigard ared hadu a cuto aheube 11* Erefud Pahit sali uflapuck ascuiiytan t urncam plaedawiibi)utdaast yar,ltut tairai arailabla. Art Meiasesoa atiesam ta the playatta, the clubs salt ail vyefr tarha top faur spats le iba standiags taobe eligibie tac fic playatîs. Thîs puce th1e clabs la tha lea.u M a ltlle dîitacutn situaion tha athar yeurc alcea ilwsgeaeral fil ail clubs saauld gel lula the ptaytatt round, Last yeur, hacuaver, Duasax elirnid sn the sagalar erbedate cf the laup aller the Merahasets grubhad tha haarth ad tact play- att harth in a baifla ta the sacra. Oukaille, Barrie tble yaar tait- angintihe Gaouiau Buy taupi aad Georgetownu teca the aiher "A" clubs la 1the C.O.H.L lai terni. Piracîle a uiy The Mrcautt have bras hold- iat daîlv couantus cisca tha ce rataurd uit ha araaa. The firct ssinwsSuuday aftactcua ad chra Mcrndui aighl, Tuesia', aigt ithas had lait uigbt cff t55 atend tha diaaer buaaciaa thr is hachai pluyars saha have givea quita a tacu years uf hockey tactha itoal uand they sali hae oul tu- aightaltd tamrnrasaitht assurîl. Tha guaicaudcag departateat. seesatesli ulsacit a questioa la clibr years. rai aur af tha first itemsa catîrd hy coacb Jack Fnace uchra Barri Paiiey iaha casae in ta aid the club lu the pla.vaîfs -u e tait yeari sas sigtad fac the ira- HOCKEY SEASON 1s NiaEit tab he ice suafaca as Milton Acesua opeseti ta the public aver lb co had. Onl detasce a poussibla cueabaad. Muadap aad Taeeday aights coach Jack Pica led hic Mescaess interediate ksayep profilera exsts Eddie Huzeat is ltc tbcuugh tata gruau ang pruactau sessionato lahaip a club lru chape prier ta seat Fsidupes haome ad iar Pleatual rlab plaint upseaaa radford. Abara lt ara nawcoce lair Consatisof urlington Jnir "B"sc haractaw seuscai cga but aic r etmiaccadr Barry la isy laraeay of Duadas, cach Prias and hacuabsas tscsaesd SOu Hessost, McKcccir. Ray Murphy is assici- surnaune in charge ufth11e run tac manage and Elcar Widoau... The bays use thse miiger end Minor Hockey Starts 1,b epn rodi h ueiecuswr odte cahiat depaccurat. Ed Casai' cauldrat gouanthe icefrTes.- T ahs b5asthurida M orn ing osii i craaapurltia muaaager. day aighi'c caurkaut saithut tiras Mino hokeyentusistswil 11 - ear- ods o o, i 10 As tac tha Trc-Couuay Juceacla rc-gisterie . Sainea lcet ep sailh- haveachaance ta shasa chair scaîf clkth10vaodsg on asicî,thrv acuhid a crcu cat their rnts d 13. and wee furthefirt tmeibi SatrîdalatIl 'clckthenin-yei l ueidayanigiclandihad13randi- ptrnplysetlhomeeta ge ilr tani ha i tar îhce Sauai uicccirual dte utuaodai'thcaaiauhaad made ta tIII ut a forai riglit sacaicg ctic ch 1c vuil alctircai'lit ta finitsh att the ccti Artiarr,'retirn autaca- thure. lîsaucheti 100lpercen ... avaiahir ta thasa fan il tIsa iicicuiaig tha aitht-ycar-uldc anae sos us tha haicui ut Milcua's nasa A cachbas' aeeing salt hae held rime. on ain1a2a'cucb utiliune. 1i1tuetJuirtry. JhM- aiprasidat Hatb Higgc'blhome Eaah age aroupiaa tî ba rae Oser 200 Raulster ais bak as the tas aagerii uon Tcîrdaniht ... Somnes dividaed up ca thare cuill ssi ha Otr 280tapplicationschavebeanet.d -Ediib Ounaurbi, cpounsorct ut ssa seaterc hase bad tu ba uft tha 13-yaar-oids are usbad ta parc. saitsiscvarai morrsprrtad. Tha Kiassaun Par Waaean c uryi u l u ai ceaeu a'rick aitb Ail ptarc ahu hava furets and Trc-Cauaiv agura cuill aurbal Maubuaizaiun bas belpad lu stckanadeskates ly, fui' an have'raiturd thrsainiist, are nestccaabuitb CackCaeraic bier fucreanagemnen. huari' saurbaut; ut L ight aabad tu fira Ibert isc Bits rarias aad Oas-r Pracb sait a'clark, tha 12 ycur-utdî taba av Kiligbi'u by tanctht or rue atb basa bis camspioa Lagiannalaici .-'. aae"c a an, thenaiu rirciuab tha thi 10 ta e harrua SacruiccPata aa out thaa asîvail. 8 cuasaiag. Nu platici vttill ha ai- Tralasi 'Mittur bas aarpcrd *iiae"'uis'5l ISi tituu'd su go an tlia lc. -sithaut tha ipassicp ut titis traras buts lu praviausîs ra;-gisirraul. Novice tasa FATALITY FREE Intermrediate Skates andi stiac sali e the NMS: Sahrdulec sacre ta- suiv equipmeunt casad la ail ua euad far the Tri-Cacaty teaguca DAYS IN MILTONi I. aaupa. Afir Ibis Saiurdaî'ýTcsdat *csad once agaits the Mil- Rouna-up acaisitirs. tht. ragitiar sabadutas tac ail star eausi cuill usa Moa- >aira~snac'us The Mrchans wil playal i i bc ccc bas up ailh the cuacu duvataigas micirbhockey nighc Tha acuuai ah pty u c laassifiaticas tu ba lîsird la urci In -Mittua . .. The tuakar causaa ai tchair hcome garnac an Friday saraha' papa'r. cig .Il* naffectd hi the Rotary M L O ihas .. cot iaguera- Thf AiI-Slurs Startbsg clu cuuiar tha souh sectioa ut M I TO Georgetasac, thers Triue' Cacati Mid,,t suats ,uc tha arraa bas had ccp- R I lataiiciiaunaited thissct bas aolaud Tr d ao t boards iccîcclird fo lac ha e o f fbat icth it sch l it ha ouitr lary ba iecvhdacunhicaot E N atrsadays ... Tacic acd n der the bod o a h Aiu Aahta nsoigtesetr hsawlt play thei anauca Mabufl and muaager Luabla aad aqaipsacut . .. The reaeu- lO A on Sndayafte-__livericia tisa stagr csf appaiuliag Yack Areas; Bradtord salt use------- thair Saurday siaht dctc us Set. Nos. 4 ucuai; Part Credtit cs agala uicg Wadaasday night c Oabvitia Oabc PUBLIC SKATING haveacuvedta Suudaiaiughtî ai IM IF 2 - 4 P., 8 - 10P.M. carra a'alucb eaaiag Miltonancd SU LouIMsi the Crargatacua Raiders tha antaGo ui Friday ig clatubs ... Thara aill a G lic il Friduy horne dactes . .. The club bas pcuctic limenaut the uî..Mai Nov. 8 arn nWadnesdlay nights frucu progressive alahi u'ciaab uatit 1t ad saitb Acl, end PruSalimel msaus cf the games haiag plaîrd compan7/ 2 - tp.sa onthe saaaaad it mallas thea m currbnight prariar quise travihia Luunte isaselten lawue11 Ontario Rural Matbati Astuciu- ien Busetua "B" uahritplap tii tueseser, utasime m SA., salsearebaqut lut lbgrmutt lut saeek land ech luiesaler of th1e tesa recetuai bun livilual tropby. A festi iraphy sait ha ctsalsg lter far the teua, aed saill pre- bably 11e peuel ulla sa111 Iseifllia lachs etc a teasqepse baer plceese lu ot seaamm d the oureet n aatteere uo boyc arr cu¶agllg the buq-4P. lntriaIl Leg lles Sulueday seigli at Mureray Grrres ee e te tah1e Ieeeebere ufthle 11*1 feasti. Ret bey Marks Grasete ti a jacket lu.au, th11e Isas imset layai faue Peur Murshall iLeurselug leauhet mae ta use year thaon eseperleace pn 20. ' a sua te paur batte and 5111 prueslge ielesty saure Npc r liassW ltp 1 IlEteMN cL 4-26 'Mb ose w-l ser a sue us U f1ifi"' lb b6 kO TNSRAD AG Tcfo n ubba nîhl NO 0R MI HO0C KE Y TEAMS AND SCNIOULES WILL APPIAI IN NWX WiiRtS ISSUE THIS SATURDAY SKATING ONLY Ai POLLOWS Agpas saluiîited es ut Acg. 2/6t 7 a.m te8a.m..l 3year oldte 1 allas- 10yaec éids 8 a.m. te 9 am. - 12 year Ids 11 s.te 12 .sa,- 9yeursaide 9 .p ese1ioa.ms. -11yor old 12 a.m le1 p.ms. -Byeur lda MONDAY NIGHT 5 P.i, TO 6 P.M. - MONDAY NIONT GiOUP 6 Pli, TOI8 Pli, - ALL MIDOiTS (l14 & 1 S) A INOUSTO IN COAC14INO OR ASSIStING WIH MINU NOICIM PU UT TUISDAY NIGNT AT ?JS PM. At HMl HMU MAIN ST. W. IfIîafable lea ttsd ed itrs.ed oi liant lbggs or Lrep Abts NO PIAYER WILL Si ALLOWED ON Ici UNTIL RMGISTIEO Extra larssar ce aval[- otite nusa ut lue Knigbt's Mas Wear t t haelk.tI M.tisths N Aaua.alktv a» B 8100t 10, ell otl e irsrcta fLlIieSbM' ibes lit i peoc.1ul le ta s h ihii eh, lita ==1~u C l WW=iýet b be a imau d Uiemscallu Whou Ue, aslà so 10 3i su . os ellans ut if ailRaisons Couléry seer SIlat 1119 tg;' Fuir *Bd. Maceuaflii Jtle lu th1e r ' se uthe ptub"î up fer club superalersetid du andi w=aeele. il wsaitki by dolt lit aI sessionI of loodibuli tome clubs 118 sal eig aitlas lb- ise tisa Wlamsa iena- ce fresh traIe lise mm *~ teri thl iulall 1e fiat tient il vsea lie pilzar =i~ ~lc0111 a Associa- te heae li ut. lime plupieeiee., A n emee teê doubIeer of fri l e ita sesuIè " ae solu Uem a fle, alc me thI îoglesP fil rpr Wbdss the ellis or uOcbeabe (tu allleese arr ulelesi aile teeomatule. the sab *»on et il ealu rmImd, M(KIM HARDWARE