THE PfONEUR CLUMUY boais e fine loobing fencn Ibese dlays. iolloo-ieg matif boars ofimentit by the dnparînsent. Thsis outrmer c)toplaints wemm rogialared aboat the rasef fere o-hisb o-as follingow ens ai iegronle St. oenseory, and the loren o-as orged le sinoan ap the properly o-bora the lones piononrirtest. Worh<mee tob dlown the fesse, hod il repainted whiste, and censente th 1e posîs Ie. Aboce, Bill Falier and Ed Mosiap oek on poils ond oailles o-bicb w-i keep cari front hlino the fonce. as-- nues- auu- us la HALTON COUNTY WARDEN Alec Phliîips, o-ho is eo bu hosi le the annual Warden's dineer ihis ecenies (Thursdoay) ai Oakcille, ell ho o-euîieo is cens chain of offise for the firsi officiai fonction. The beostifal silcer choie, fornsod ai nsapie noces, o-as preoenied to, hi- ai the conclu ' for ^a 1pou meetnge of Couesy Cquecil Moeday. fiera Reece John Chorlioe and Depoiut 0otst~t06 l*i*bO45 nom Chain. c - Night School Looks Successful 215 Out for First Lessons Tues. A sccet.ssful starts sgss. sssîh the Deparmnct of Edoua Guelph; ne.sdls.stl Mrs. Hstsn Milt on Nsghl OShool Tsdas-lo stu alid 16e st-ood o-ut s.nthus Haighhl Oskt lis., Miss eccief wnsc 215 auat stadents asttc aoi tl luoks lskc a sacss- Agns McLecd and Mîiss Elizabeth atîlcoIc tlisa lit-st es-s-Isbas tati y-as-. coitt-c. Musc hase s-cgstet-cd bol Liai Tahe' McLcssd ut Guclph; hcginnecss'a 1st EIslcccoshtos eltoic Coucrses antd thuir teachs s- Mis.. W.sGas-.,sadvanocd ast, staluwce ih ocd hmes and tcIaI es-ciet la i c-eeaty dressnsokisg. Mrs Majtors Harocld Ncosoast. George- ct-y-ctctcgcscs22 : D. N. Hoetlcy. Gulph; isias- tsssse;scccces'atiocat Frecsh, Ms-s. satlsscn oÉ thec Adviscsy Ccin- ictrs'.smkisgMrstaK. Ns -itsn stso sps oiic n Adoît Edoctticn. Wshu Rsddell. Milton, udsuoscd dt-ct-c Gccsgc Casrolhfers. Milcn-, Wod- ss-ssasr 16e 14 o-s-s cI Tnesduc nsukieg. Mrs. J. C. Taylcr, Guclph. w.oosksaî. A. Hcggctt. Miltn; cîcoing couses tin so-c-i ion lutiloriog Miss Lillia Bs-oo-a phYtscal edcsltuicît Miss Muse Vs-tii, Milcon; osus o-chanis, alicas Milton; anod Collect $1 ,512 hDeN ffD *Da scst- Miss Gryt-uaski, Oakcillc. t ow Sui- ay N asoms î e TN LZ For Blind Here .. ay (eau..1, a MLO PAZ Mi tiss- carsis-rs fur su'Remoasheasce Day wcies cIls- Canadlian National testitule l'ot- pana te lame te a dilstî m k a d it IleBlo cletc ttl atid cassales af lhree mue.. SHOP $1,512.81 in blti caolngît blila cli Bs-aeci 136 af tise RayaI Can- feuilles tact o-s-c. asiall Loalen hba plonet a * Sed-lss 0 Phsoto Sapplies Lssit.ig iie tucd Ms. G. C., -service as tht enoupis In Via- SotC cs Spla Iisstlaid t-aid the otits-t wold tarfla Park, bisaliln aruanti DOLLS bs-ssii ed levect t hc CXN..B. Il aum. Tisa pas-ada luivs tise soffis- at l4csilon. The ssii lccal Leglea Hall il 10.30 u.m. 4 % F sls.slies ot-Ihe- ..DE. and o-s-so Mes-ehuns hane haum auhat tssliits-sIics-t lît-stî frintowscon- goaclosse fer tsetesaml 1.30 litn fi,1 p.11 titi t Stiýstit oice [cc nva lit-ercaplsut- te 11.30 on Nos-ettiho Il su itisa . Mît- t. E. Yalc. Mrs. R. Bcs-e- huIs1. Ms. B. McKcsr., Mît-. R. C-s-s- Ms. T. Miflcecogh. Ms- Jii Siiiai. Mss. E. Whit-tosh. Msrs. M. Snîilh. Mît- N. Pis-bll Mses. C. A. Walies-ss Mt-. RL Rat-p: bs-st s Ms-s. J. Vcrace and SOts. R. M.sck.y. luise lu fle parade aid lise hrtet cimaaph service This messdn lise L.eilast holdsa a nasa Pupily Day =id ...llds-e. o-II ho ailîbsa popples ontise ets-naa te rinse fonds fus' lise LugIonsa Poppy Paad. (A D V ESRT IS E M E NT) It's Curtain, Action, Music At CIub's Minstrel Show Tat-r Mînsts-els for apetniachotrus and noliss. Ilighi. Ftidlay. Nusenbcr 10. Thcrc'll bc soseiiy tomîher,, Aisa lo acl csto s-rethao4 lciclrosliclackacesilst t s hise- ps-epat-itg Miltons fiscland git-ls ci Si. Pauais Ms-. assî nîflîsîie t-ho inc lu oasi ycar-. Ms Clsb, o, arc prs-e-mina Tr.dimt, [lis bisars eas Ille siec the. sico- fu 'sels c îsisît.itis-tas Mil flt i ti hl S. wtt l l htc e t-si h,' iî-isit til Ast Woltasssl. t-tut l.stsil-, tt,.s,.i 1 C.,iii .st iiîcîs F idît - Nt' Osîtî - lu s , l s ll- 'nst 'st. stt ttt att ltat lI tti iiittls - l ;s. ite, 6t Mr. tt-liilcîs-t. hel, Il lu 8,it pat.ilîsîs soic ' A choreussîl 30 o-Ill piclithe cpsen as 7.30. Ticekait- clic culs o-taicai backgroussd ondes- tisaa uLodtih's. Chanspion office, capable direction otMro.: H. Mu- Caoadien Tire and McKins Hard- ,ce. Ild tise favorites litre OSwa- o-are or frotan club members. Ad- nue. Halls Ma Belby. Mansin. olîn $I, shlldron 50e. De CaspossORces Old Folks Youooto-untl -umis the .Hune a ia e s of otisers Mill Too-n Minstruls o-bas t6e ai1 be a sldad onshe prtagrons. carIain is ouponslo-week. Gel Api or-ches-ra, complets nili yaus- ticketîs sons. Teachin'g Word Mean ings Subject At Capacity Meeting of Ass>oc. Therc,a, assnadisg rm oniy Ganot Speaker Shoîld Chaleg ai Sarlîgln soeI Public The gssest speaker o-as Donald Nsew cords sýhoold .lwty. eha. schoael. John T. Tacis. an Taesday ttrqaart, Reading Cosnsultant lange the papil. Yei, sorte teach- Oclebes' 24t6, cohen oiver 300 ftaom Nos-li Tas-osto, Mr. Us-- es, Mr-. Urqas- feared. In slseir Icaclhets fs-ant Haillon Couop qtuart, bore ie Hong Kong, was eageress la lest-case the vocabul- gaîhered for the finsI mseeting edccated ie Westerno Cinao, In- asies of thei- young charges, Ihis terei arI the lalemt-osoi dias and Eoalaed. Ha froids a slleo killtIhe desire of the child- Readingf Assocatisna, Hasson dersee froans the Unisverst.iy of ren lusexplute for thesoselstes Ceanc-il. Ms-. Lasrless. Supei- Tornolaaodhas doneesie He stres.sedîtheîeaeher sold tesndeet af BasIingson Public leaching le Hnllaed laor the Cas- cretas ptstive attitude amns Sebaals apeeed fic meeting scitb udias Gucereseens. the papils lassard readisg. The aîrst, ods cf seelcanse fsom lise Mr. Ursscart spoke on tha leach- ase csf gs-capiog 6y senior teach- But'lioglan Board cI Educatiao, lngof mccrdreeaeiog. When a ertsauns e.ensl ioder lo deal aed exps-esseci sarpsisedi pleasare pultil nsrsts a secs -ari, Mr. Us- Wteh1e sacs diffesences sn relut- aI the eîerohelmnsig asous. quarts-tessed, the teachers's job ing abililie. as the sensar levet. ____________sas tuseelaoiîl tatte ppil Iltsas ephasiaedstient eahes ha hthe eqaipmnessu atlackthe shanld select stosies Iran the r.. u M Wossrdbhinseland fiallyrive readrshat wcold ppealto the I & ,e f ri a is alatiylsisedealspid iafD eststecpal asa-ore. (lut llerass te child deelops M rUsqat as iî-deed by Isard nseaoings o-lt deepea. Ms. Snsith Schcl. Uqaas-sasged the leachers lodlcaini lesereot * Appsas'd paymnseo of $780,alssayc loancoage the shild- The respunse la Ibi the lirsl la the Oabsille and Dissrict Hu. s-es ta disttees nseasinsf, Itnglit ufth1e sellant yens- of mleSociety as the final pay- morsds frotis the sosIent lie ohicb t6e Intrntional Reading Assasi- mrent aI sheis 1961 gs-alt of $1.590. lhey use ased. 'Oisseeling' scosds alias ledicaîrs the isses-est of 0 Receiced a ete-frontmMu. tudicave- Iheirms-as lier the teêieeo ati oït nicipal Plannisg Consultants ac. reconsneded. sn ane nfIp1e nsost imsportant ksoo-Iedging the loo-sss lette-______________ associations ln e 6e rcbieg pro- relaisiof hitrns us Plansing Con- fession. The esecalice la antici- sultants tuathe Tono af itone C 1 < palief an ester greaser sespas and adsising Ihal lhey o-ere ps-o- Speciai Services ai is est mseting in -Milles eedisg insnediately wish an ce Jauus-y 17. Anesalios Slady.F r * Heard a repas-s fren Broca o A nniIvIrsJIy McKerr as bis allendance ai tIha nos Ps-esbytes-îae Chsreh bel tion in Mossroal. Discussions on day. Ras. R. A. Jaskson, M . Den Aib u susi tasy land lili operasion. sens- Knttx Presbytes-ian Chos-c, Gaîl, Qfl Water Break age Ireaioscel pIent opes-ution and gavte the ses-on en the nsoreio inspection and nsaintenancte of se-tvices and Ras'. F. G. Steo-as-t, Li.thility ssas deniad by isas- sses-rs, o-are s-esiewed. C.D., Si. Aeds-escs Preshylesian oece adjastcs-s Adamos Lld. fes- * Agsroed te proced ssilh an Clîarch. Kitchene-, sas the guesI Kesose Budin0 Supplies, a-piratsslkunltheecast side of ailtheot'esisg sernise. characd by Milton wtsih dunsag- Cout Si. tuthe tack seas-k At thensorsioa worship ser- igthe tnsn's2 ich-aetfie. tsold not bcdelayedonthe in. ic., caest sloist Rbert cFa-- A letler tcCoaoeil Monday sug stallation aI 1he C.P.R.pedecss-ian lurte cf Cuiedasia. gase the scar- gested Kenscre cnId not ba tsal Ichen the oosk cs dose by sbire in sona. The chais- asîben held sesposible fcr 16e dansage the raiway. taas Praisc Be TuThe.' tuoshe ssust- sMain ecuse il 0 Chial R. Andress Dr. Stessas- guse 16e eseisgtus oi oti o utsly the o'- luofircuadditions e t assist lise scs-ton, hased os 16e lest "A et-s und tht-te tus noreconahie police ut Hattosseen. Ot-cît Seat-ch'" tureioc indicutina is preseose * Apps-cs-d aoagrccorotssih Inccoeesticnnsith theuannie-- helo-gs-rc. 16e epato-et I T-unpos s ýa a-t~-- tos-kcy dinser wsu field Damauge lu. 16e fioe ansoasted th oetren sesis Taspoicafus Mody ecnieg o-ith uboltt 200 ts $321.40. The Iirm badl been las- dt-ivet-s pet-ois un one day ofthedi ccnas-egatinn atleediec. lest ds-illieg las- a graea sappiy. a seek. Afterseeraula-enednts li udi' wart ss servecd hy 16e Cooocil iostsacled the malter flicuareem-ent wusuappeovediasl $5Ldc, id and o-as lhos-caably 6e refert-ed tuothe solicito- for fus- îwu yeers. coyesd hy aIl. Fcllsating the discussion o-ith the adjussers. dslttc Mss. Harolad Maeesang * Accpted tht- tendcr ot W. H. ttcIc ss;tus and the fim "The Hid- Clo-cnl ai 196. fors puinting the HletHurt" wstu shaso. clcrk s and usse-scurs cIlice. The leader o-us the Io-er of I-o, recve.BevrPals SQUARE * Lcurocî t bth1e daytines Kanuru district truppers -c.tli.s-ý and cn the C.P.R. wold ha a ftag ccl $160,631.86 Iroin 16e sule c .stop in Milton. LusI o-eeb coueicil 25,ô47 polLs takan dcring 16e' ua dvsed il scaald sol bcO96 t1 fr trasping scan.Tse! Folk - D n i stipig laid of 11,357 bouses-s sauad ail D ncn a Approsed 16e fattao-ing ue- upps-osioatety $11000 agate o-as cauns lus- pay-eos o-user 3390. lte Moat important fur lruppad.ý Fridays - 8.30 p.m. celles und sooliegeesies, 1181.47, of the Is-uppers' revenue and, PERU. PARK $efr 154.64, lire light and po- 'us eaer, sepresested 900a of lisc $1,121.49. finune $,546.14. their seatos noe1 i aura s a .4T .E. se sur- Nons sEs s eeyeslail S -E ITY 51'620 For 1962 Saiely is a feature thatis a onmon Io ail Plynsouthas. Plymsouth is a car you sssll drive o-lh confiidentce, soie in the knonsledge thol enginseerinlg perfection has been carried out tothe lostdeaillîo assure you ofrouble Iresoperation, evrry mile yosc drive. Let us showe you the features that put Plymouth out frontt. Bcîter stisi, test drive a Plymsouth at Joheison's ibis o-eek. 'I. Tho Canadien Champion Thursday Novomisor 2, 1961 3 New Officers Preside For Rebekah Meeting The en officers and sister Hauel Wosdiey, N. G.. ps-esded fs- 'tise seguatas Meeting Tisossduy esesisa of Rseninig Stas- Rehebais Losige. Abost 20 sislers nselored tu Georgetoo-n the presioas Tues- day tu o-iless tise installation oI lisais olfisers for 1961-62 und ted support bo fise sissere fro-t Miltone os lise isnstallation staff. A sco-he of siste-s andti 5o brasses tisitsd Pins-at Reisakah Lodge. Bsraspton, Monday nI tacs o-=k tn o-isness 16e installation oI alficers, by Siclor Violet Mc- Belli, DsDP. -Hydre o-as sisal off as lise nsaalaie o-ens of Milton fs- as hoar Tusay night. Receives Face Cuts As Car Hits Ditch A Milton district o-an s-eeived a s-aclaseds oseasndluacialests Tuesday os-ut Hueshy tshen his c ar entecd u ditch und slrock an aine rilent, cuiof $500 dlias- aie tu bis car. A. G. Fisher of R.R. 5. Miltone mspreceedieg eusl on t6e Base Lsore nsr 16e Octet Lloe scisaî hiscCar stid lIn tise dilch. Cons. Witt1 GriIIiths of Ncrth Haacon O.P.P. issenttigted. -The sosn aI St. Fatals Unoited Char-b Kao- Dub Club o-ashed 73 cars Saînrdac ut Allen Clans- cars' garage and rctported] a profit aI oser $60. ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT AND GROCERY STORE Cr4yp Frsoh Bunchen RADISHES - - -3 for 10c Fient Grain Large Heada CABBAGE 10c eu. Press Crtapy PASCALE CELERY - 2 stalks for 1 9c Ne. 1 Ontario 3 lis. Bag COOKING ONIONS - - 19C Chase & Sehr DAD'S COFEÊ' Oatmneal Cookies Reg. Griod Sasle Psic 69c IL pkg. 2 pIC9L 49c Rose Brand Sireon Mixed Lg. 16 an. Jar PICKLES - - - 29c York Brand LE. 20 oz. Tins PORK & BEANS --7 for $1.00 Canada Pockheen- Rtndlesai- Sltad $ide BACON IL - 45c Loin Frenh LOIN PORK CHOPS --lb. 59c Jubile* Pure art SAUSAGE - - lb. pkg. 39c CHICKENS NOAPILE LEAF Frylog or Breliog BOLOGNA lb. 29c Ilb 29c FR STI PHON It's wonderful when you know you look o preiîy from the in- side out . and its so easy b do..whon you Wear our lovely slips that are SO easy 10 care for. SKIItT SAVER PETTISLIP-the ps-s-iici crus .sttates-stleoatb kniticlsand ot oi ttiî ociesses-. Thbck us utlistkit s t-in Tat-sîlda ssbish hcids ils stapce conspiceis Tire Irant s nylon tricot fluât ps-escsst- pttisip Is-o siding op o-bile cimnatieg ail signs ui hsslk tender- slimest cf Iasbicss. OSies $ .snsul. Mesdiuns and tas-be. $4.9 Thccnqoiit- CRYSTAL PLEATED SLIP [s-un Lusniis-Kâscrt "Ci*s-alai-s colleion. Tht- ahodi-c,setssss-s litcs-sdEitt and lace 1 asnttc. ONLY $89 Caimpbell's Dept. Store 228 Main St. Mikon. TR 8-6021 6' ~~KERS PHARMACY 21l2 Mino St. E. Militos WILL BE OPEN FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE SATUROAY UNTIL 9 P.M. AND THIS SUNDAY 1.30 P.M. TO 5 P.M. - 7.30 TO 9 P.M. YO1JR PRESCRIPTION WIiL BE PROMPTI.Y FILLi-D OY A REGISTERED PHARMACIST. EMERGENCY CALLS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIREC- TED THIS SUNDAY TO TR 8-4492 HOEPHOLNE MBER TR 9924 'J