Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1961, p. 5

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Josathan Ris aI the homse of =ts oiteuMrs. W. Greeslees ut Cuptllil early Salurtay, Novemitor 25. Bare Pehmury 7, 1878 in Esqoeaiog Tow-nship, ho mu-s lthe secondi of oci-en i-hittites of Casuel anti Somantita Neilsas. Beoae his reliremnent ta Pore, star Miltn, he I-armet fui- uler 20 yeurt un tht fiftit lise, Estiats- ing, miteveeooka pridi- in his Ferchi-rus horsts. Beingagfeol- tral haniy man, lie titi his au-n hblatitsmilhisgaori-arptntering as lthe eedtise In 1907 Mr. Noilsan mas mur- niedtol Mary Anse Mi-Ruen, mita pretieeased im ian ncetmber of 1924. Ht is surviveti hy itis set. ond wife, Mary Ellos (Mollie) W. Stark hoieumnaarietiin 1930, andtw luataugitters, Mrs. A. W. Bentan lîsaitetlal of Linsehauat anti Mm. Wilfrid Greeolees (Char- lotte) of Campittllville. Fur granti-hiltren asdti u- greut grasti-hiltires, ose siater, Mm. G. Pearson, (Mary) of Milton, ont a itrether, William Neilsan af Hillsharg also survive him. Tht funteul aI the Mai-Nait anti Sos Pantral Chapti, an Nuveto. ber 27, mas coototteti hy Bei-. B. Revn, minissttr ai Boston Pros. byterian Char-h. of miih he mais a memiter. toterment fallotdi n Evtrgreen Cenetory. Miltan. Failiearees mcre formter seigh- hors, Gordoan Mi-Gibitun, Gordon OIITUAQP "Short" Cayell Taxi Operator A i-i-idi-st of Miltan ai-t 1922 anti a lui-ai husinessmen for ahoot 27 uf ltote yeams, lfaralia Alexandier "Short" Cayellta! Miii St.. tutti aI Miltion Cisirit Hospi- tal Mantay fallowing a brie! imi- 'Bare at Ou-en Round sn 1888, hoe i-amne la Miltan on 1922. Peum 1927 la 1947 he mas in lthe garage business in ttu-n, thon u-orhtt as a salesmen. bn 1934 ho siarlet a taxi business, aod mas tl aptrulisg Royal Tati mth bis son aI lte liie aI- ii tieati. He mas prettcaaet hy itis scift Viala PelI fi ce vears agt. Surviilg ai-e a son Hurtley Will- iam of Milten, a irtrahar Willianm i-i Owen Stand, und siiii'i' Mrs. Lîîî Cuit ai Toronto, Hi-Ian til Tai-tait utBeaiitri i oAin t- bai-g. Poogral seevice ma telti Wtt. nestiay utolssoo frn lte Mi: Hait anti Sun Ltd. thopel mth interns6nt aI crergceën Cestotery. Milton. Rev. J. R. L. Mi-Gownofa Knox Presityterlan Citurtit ci- tiaeti lte sevice, oand pallittar ors mere Ross Peheon. Jin Watt. ie, AI! Waldie, Harold Powys, Jaciràlardrand L»tStc King. iaeti si-itans, uarger staffs, a hourd business atinisteoîor býus fac, ilitits ont auditoriumsn. Tht first bia expasion in the taownship mas lte 'Loi-ut hoe tubant, erette i n tht faite 1940's anti naanet after tht inspetor u-it hents thte tumasitipas inspect- ing staff-. "Ti-afalgar han been very gant to ane" Mi-. Mey toit Tht Cham. pion itis metit un thtereafitis retirernt. "I have met a lot gf -te tii-t people, anti any mark on theehoaru-us agfietîe ci-ana for mt. Dm!lt Delay Wîith only 14 shopping tays leI-t unlil Chi-ismas, sitoppees might be ati-isedti 10 -aaplele thtii- list and pari-hast gifla in ortier nut Io tilappitint anont. Rotiney, Alois Reicitl Cao Al- len. Gardas MuCveatiy anti Rap Cai-rit. Floral trihati mere i-ar. rnet hy grant citiltren,' Neao. Albert ast Glentia Benito.Moi-i. anse and Williams Ellittt, Lois To the Voters of the Township of Nasuagaweya We wich to thank you for your sup- port end elaction foi your township school area board, for anothar term, in Mondey'e election. COMPLIMENTS 0F THE! SEASON TO: ALL HORACE BLYTII JACK MePIAIL CAL McINTYRE Ontia,~V ZzO 1 misiO Mtt a us aaNri! tnap Itua NtX) CasoANDIaat Chrysie for '2 je th onl arV in fs aewthnOuioBdto Johneonroc or '62 hrnyscar eindaed ca gret ao Theunviableiio tradition of suparb engineering and unheatable luxury le, more than ever before, an integral part of this fine lino of cars. For ex- emple, among the manry brand new engineering featuras, sa the 32,000 mile BUILT-IN chassie lubrication. And you only have tel change the anigine oil every 4,000 miles inetead of the custom- ary 1,000 miles. Quit., a savlng in t ime and money. Test drive Chryster for '62 today et: MUiRSUStGaSSStsqi<SUsosUaus«et<tmausu .. .~. ~ iaauaasuuasuuwsu (,oeW Hardwate's US NOW OPEN PANDA BEAR A eaI favorite, tufii plaît in blacit anti u-it, soft plasticaoie $2.79 "UNTOUCHABLES" TOMMY GUN R3altey'pau-eet suiith recuit tarre[. soîurti reul. Batte^' les sut tacluted. $2.98 BATTERY OFEEATED FREIGHT TRAIN Ligitiet diesel locomotiv'e, frigit cor ant log car, c- oret ictntry aaiaolî. Rut- teisnat inalatiat. $3.," CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1S-LIGHT MULTIFLE OUT- D00E SET BT NOMA PRICEO LOW FOR CHRISTEMAS ONI.Y I. - - - $1.00 VALUE FRICTION CAR WITN TRAIIER 55c DART BOARD t8' bavittuh til tîe iluris $2.88 JUMBO MONKEY Big 35" a.atily piomit- kcv 'îsit f plastic fui-t toitý asi- anti-i-I. $12.98 FLINTSTONE GAME An cciiîg naî gainefoi-1 lu 4 plylu5si i-ci 8Oit atuit. $2.98 PASSENGER JET spun. Fui- itiyi 2 i- 10. 24 FC. KIDDIES' TEA SET Ctlocfal pint anti bloc si-ith hilian ilsigo. Doiuable iuiabît. $1.98 COLORED DOLL A îîîî a 12"' doit in gin!. hum tii-si iatd uir rithtvî. $1,98 VICKI WITH BhAOS ci-autiful 15' tait u-iith beau-o motet hair, preltt- tmire pinufore anti slrau- tut. $S5-" WE'VE EXPANDED YES,' CRERT HARDWARE HAS EECENTLY ADOCO ANOTHER 478 SQUARE FRET OF SELWNG AREA FOR THE CONVEN. IENCE CF 0UR CUSTOMERS. THIS MEANS BIOGER AND SETTER TOYIANO AND GIFT SELECTIONS AT CHAIN STORE FEICINO. DROF IN AND BROWSE AROUNO SOONI ELECTRIC TRAIN 027 guage smok.ing freight trai. Elcahiiaullv opeateid 1ih tranformer. Ha-Ou, veri-e. hiudligl, aulumina culiig. $24.98 AUTO TRANSPORT 98e SINGLE HOLSTER SET Wib rvotlne, hitîîl, hall aou 6 to' tulits. $1.98 SMOKE RIFLE 0.îîîîîîî lii, i dli-lil $5.98 CAPTAIN KANGAROO Talai tii-fimîîu Cupluin K.vguî to tl. 20" Iîigh. $4.98 THOSSANDS 0F OTHER EXCITINO VALUES HUCKLEBERRY IIOUND A TV-cartoon favoarite, In atîli fluait. îufl plati f.ace sot tants. 1I-" tit. $3.98 18" DUMP TRUCK non t-î',I iiuiî)ii tilu liir $2.98 DOPit MURMT, OWNER lt, 8-M1 m iess thte commercial softbait The Caaien Champion, Thursday, Decemiter 7, 1961 league wiii Iikely holti two gaines - ~~~~every Sunday afternoon nettsoin- missiig heoh ent icilea.e 'ithuavedlioiog and Regmoid Wmer in a legitimate master . .. and u-utters ifonen pickati upplatiale gettiig it baok les ~Nou-or aithetmoment un he l up by miakeiTe o y p o-i-m meiomraes, eteotion L g i i tes floodlights I-te nht diaton. hi-oc is they tuttit ruai- une imeeting Mondav, Deternher1, 60nior hockey officiais itis t arn. - Caadian Tire vs Local 9411IRAY SANUARir 27 lte cloiiwns tuilet up for piaade Pearen sudtlu vctt his lfor Reg-. clubi-tiai il yu plais i atteind meek osànounced the scisedule ut 4970 70am.- Green Fuels vit Citou tiuly Siliira, liiuii is cii Thte coa tistuvy blocI-li-k twee'd .ad cli-liî,eai 8.30. minort aimas I-m Dehemiter 9 9.15 arn. - Rebelcals vil Firemen diats Tira ossntiuy n ght s nbaI elec- they mesîl atili continue ton use _______________________________________ ta Feiteoaey 24 ibis week. 10.15 arn. - Crest Hsrdware vs & ast. - Milton Catcrisg vis lion n git o the Brasch anti lu lthe tieligit of lthe youog cromi. Tems le te Novice grosp are 'Little PontioaLoa 497 ies ovey memier achance epeially Nie only fihat, tl s the Crest Haedware lforeterly Det- 11.30 ana. - Fay Plumiting vs 9.15 arn - Rebekal" -s Ccct to tue out anti vote for te i-ltitime miten the avenua ispack- roil), PireimonChiaple Leufs), Lit. îMocaig Ina. 1fiwr man ho tinks ites soitcd for a d to over loming. tle Ponitieca (,Botîo) anti Reite. 12.30 arn. - Milton Lumiter vsl 10.15 u.m. - Little Poni v sition. Theve are Sonme 89 nom kaita (Chicago). Pan Wee teama Miltos Phurmacy Firemen fondoos for 18 postitons asti DARTS are S. A. Fuy aiid Son, MuCuaig 5AURAir DIECEME 11.30 arn. - McCuaig Irit, vs Mil hile muuy of these are repu-aIs, Mar-y Capuoua O.S.P. tam is Insurgoce. -Miltos Lumiter and igm arn i eeh ois Lumiter a itt a n t ies tops uin olthe lodustrial Curi Lea Milton Fhurmacy.Ponîlucs iv ite1.0pm - Miltoo Pharmc v s sepresece i n.tho nominations pie ibis stieit aitit 24 paois afte j P. L. Roberrtson Uoion Loal, 8 a.m. - Croît Hardwaure vs Fire- Puy Plumhing The usal dinoer startii ut akiot 10 agoinst Hou-nil Hopkins 4970 has laites over lthe Buffulo mon 'SATIORAY MRERUARYV seveo o c oti aod the mecting Reitels. leam, -Milton Calering has Cleve- 9.15 o.m. - McCuaig Irs. vs Mil- 7 a.m. - Green Patta vis Milton tarts a 8.30, su if any memeties Pallingitronit anti Legionnaires tland, Canadian Tire tas Spring- ton Pha acy vaein ani a comas doun aus for the cuplaintd hy Hon-y Watt anti fietld anti Gren Fuels la the foros. 10.30 a.- Milton Lumbeur vs tts'l. na iev eo eetiuns, be heve oi 8.30. Duuney E vas rotpectinely, litd or Raner tein nteBnare PayPlumhlng al 497 CaaSTrev uana Raem fuor six palis tuait anti remaintd teagne. The 'Mltgets are Knlght% 11t.30 a.m.- Green Fuels vs 9.15 u.an. - RI-itchts tire . ata a n usa andose Saua on- p ins e tandng Pouh 20 Monts Wear, Ledmitits Murkets, Loal 4970 mesdalto usad as o-pit ac.NmPcc' i t eparîmetl Store anti Milton rul- 12.30 p.m. - Canodian Tire vsl to.1 ana-CrtHrdurv fusiun as is utual m th an affuit veots claimeti eigitt points aguiot lu Enta ujr.Milton Caloring Little Punîlacu Of hbis type, hat tho espressions Nipper -Muskelît Lttwiths to NOM -Thereare fur Mý 11.3 a.m.- FayPlumbng vi Mc-of theonser auong the pu- moite ito atlitlforheent poi- MOTETiner arhedu for Mon lt3Oam.-PayFlumiti6ng aseuratieaan in thearenu must tion aiti 18 points. Champion daygunts citdoetifortits STUSRA 2AUAR 6 Caaig Irs. cerlainîf give tht mes mito spenti Boppers tint George Winney't montitOs Cee7r'ito I1ledl'htimt 7 a.m. - Creat Hartiware vsi Re. 12.30 a.m. - Milton Lamiter vsmany hantisaf their tinie orgaiia Wiltiaaln 6-6 la stand ai t6-16 in meet Celatrment Store anti iekuts 'Milton Phurmacy igat rsniglt i ioi iesadnsat s lt Knigitt vs Police. Titea Cetestitr 8 a.m. - Lhile Pontiaus vs Pire. n n rsnigtebgso, h tnig n nls lc 18 Ksigitts vsl Dept. Store anti Fil- mens SATSIRDAS- lEBSUARY 10 1 rouI ulun of satisfatiuon. Thte lthe inesperienatti Rehels tqaad !ce vs Ledu-itits. 9.15 ana. - McCuaig Inas. vs Mil- 7 u.m. - Reitekoits vs Littlo question han iteto put forth in itus t2 points. lacolwngi h ced i o Luanier Postfacs alter yeurs as ta wither itlai Th Stura flogi e s iel l0.t5 a.m. - Miltun Pitarsnaiy vsl 9.00 a.m. - CrOat Hardw-are vs a gooti itea ta use tht arena mites EUCIIRE fa atraygme:Fuy Pluming Piremes tl la alu-ays putheti for tht showm 0ýSF. I ttam, taptuinei hy RATIORDAY DECEJeBER 9 11.30 a.m. - Greeo Faels vs Ca. 0.15 a.m. - McCaaig Ins.*v il. ant il t rppei ap again itis year. Jimmit Smilth, sils atop titis 10 7 u.m. - Mi-Cuuig lris. vs Phan nudian Tire. ton Pharmacy Certailyilanopsuoff afise effort tcam loop after alt Tuestiay' muu3i Mit 12.30 s.m. - Milton Cateriîîg vu 10.15 unm. - Firemen vs Fay hyi-ltote genttemes anti wite il play-, ulith 74 points. Dan Jayct t 8a.m. - itnLoseer vst Fuf Local 4970 Pîumbing liholy wasld laite a lot aI- mork 0.SF. 2 i-ana stili cotinues t Plumbing 11.30 a.m. - Green Fuels ssL& offltheirshauliersity not usiag calenge fer theleadiershipsviith FlumhingSATUR1DAY JANUARY 13 i-I4970 lthe tint anti passing lthe uandy 69 points mitileitack in ihirtip 49SaM.-rtFessoa am.MloLmtrs î.130 p.m. - Canutian Tiru vs out alanglihe sree, I imagine ion sit Harolti Agi-' Blites - ~ ~ o 10 Mlun________________ Bill Kelman's Olti S-tata hu eý 10.15 a.- Canadien Tire vaMil. 8 a.rn. - Puy Plumiting vs Mc. Mito-Strng6 points, witle Ross Ruiterisu la Caterisg Cuuig Irit. SATIORDAY FEBRUARY 17 d1 Peu s-ita tint ltheSue 113Ps.-Rhhisv iîe91 ana. - Green Fuels vs Mil. 7 a.m. - Little Putiaus vs Fit oS n ltoe niit rest u- A U6 N e w M F -5 0 D ieseal Poanluca Ion Catering men L a Sept.! Lumitartis, msly un tou- leut 12.30 pst. - Crest Hardwmurevil 10-15 a.m. - Casatiun, Tire vs 0.00 a.m. - Rethoits vsCet-icSass e ir Peler Tusellits fine play, are Piemn. oal470 . Hardwmare Msquitas havtetsenreported neni u-iit 5 points fuluu-et hv * Full 3Plow Tractor SATIORDAY DECENSER li 1.30 a.m. - Reitekhs vs Pire. 9.15 anm. - Mi-Cuaig Inis. vs Mlil- luehisg on muit for any ossuspe- Suit Kranlaz Happy Gang anti Bah mnton'Luanitr ing hy-pau-tr an tht Base Lioe Clements' Cas. Tire Sterv-ice tieti a.m. - Green Fuels vs Canadian 12.30 p.m. - Crest Hartimare vs 10.15 a.m. -Milton Pitarmacy vs u-est of tuu-n as ltle as Dtestrbtt u-iith 52 ctih. Tigers u-ilh Ci-.fotad f ae lf Tire Little PuticsFy Plumbing I. Mm. Hanr of RiE. 3 Milton, r- tii Rnu-ley as tapluin hai-e 47 S Increasea rn n we.ght t keheevy litequipmtrent 8a.m. - Milton Calering vsi tiis 11.30 a.m-Green Fuels vs Cun- porledtthe Champiotiatsite pinis antino last-bt nul lthe Local 4970 SATURDAY JANUARY 20 atian Tire aitterveti a greup of thte i-reatores leusi pousition is Lau-ren-e King'san "Cig 80tehl. 9.15 a.m. - Rehekhis vs Creat 7 a.m. - Milton Lamiter i-s Puy 12.30 pst. - Milot Calering vs in iter seigihuoriuat fast metit. Oit Vots.an Cig tohe il Hardware Plumhing Loi-ai 4970 Muntiay, a Qaren Rt. resitent NOE ThZneBCulg 10.15 ast. - Little Posliai-s iv ast. - MciCuaig Ina. vs Milan pNOTESe aThamn Fryhah e u- Z i ugt u-u ii xatonel B7LCgring"aity PrmoPiturmacy -SATUISDAY FEBRUARY 24 I-ram iter gai-tiin andti o oi in thii Suotiay starling ut 10 u.m.0 EcpinlLu ig a lty 11.30 a.m. - M-Cuig Inas. vs Mil- 9.15 anm. - Green Puels vo Lu- 7.00 ast. - Puy Plum'iting vs Mi- lthe haute ta a marmer i-limaIs. Brinait 136 u-ill bte rnprtstntt 'tus Lumiter cal 4970 Cuaig Iris. Il mas jstin ofimie, jatging ity lhiiytur again asinithepuit 12.30 pst. - Millon Pharma-y vs 10.15 a.m. - Canatian Tire vs 800 a.m. - Milton Lumiter vs Tuestoy's mu-alter. A -a f4 uitsauu ieSFne yrulcSs n8.wrd Pay Plamiting Milt-on Cularn0 Milton Piturmuay Tit-ic -u hi-i- a Aear - toat aro 40i tinners gn te nietHdaui ytmintewrd RATIRISAv DECEMBER 23 11.30 a.m. Rebei-kahs vs Little 9.t5 a. - Greeo Puels vs Mil- sirau-ierri-a stilI i n exstence a Iu 1 egian lui-hi-y nighi neni 'Pontiaic aon Caterig ]aile ai ltisu-ti-i. Heulithy 5--Piu eeie a- iu 7ast. -.Green Fuels; i-s Miltan t2.30 pst. - Cri-si I-artu-uie vi10.15 ast. - Canutian Tii.o vs pulalues ar- alsu reptet la n'Wtt aiu-uyvce r15 ace ti Cattritig Piremen Lui-ai 4070 xit M.t open,< M IL IN CO.wasa i tISOu.m - eititaii m ri-i- -Tte Citristmas tatty i-oses i-ni- ieli-ume ... Cluit 25 iv huit. - 5nmii'i-.5yinoti' i.i- mOes andtuoluri-tligitîsaohytro poles in lte fiIt ai lis tantes itis A Division of 0O91TUARY I12.30 pst. - Creel Hardu-are vs are really itrigiteirt opteir Percy Merry . Lilîle Punliats Main St. titeveioys. gapttFrituy nigh in lte Legian ui-.RBNH O LORML LD I toium anti yu may altnd, R BNH O LU IL T... Johathan Neilson I Contisteti froa Pope One i-tapies oly, hy purthusîng asyFruoSleanSrvc mriaan edefa mees li-het frum une of lthe memiters. Msa.sgssSlsm eas Si-att ob se1 .r nlt ng~tsuo 0elieve Remnis Sinm7s funciive. MILTON TR 8-958 7ls aged cituiens in lt e pasaincOf the,... ne.. f . t In 1 1 Okuying -of Sootiay sports miii - I

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