curtiqss oslon, Tisprde. Gneu*w .-mt U sm. Eoom ~as iau ~ single with a l99 frgsod M Vore M~oe21 D l.143* and ntirot. Uarly 0W. Penick topped 6h. pe a lth a 616 csant. Lamr0cont 63 'Dcc. i - Jck's tnovcd out ot Bd Jonies 603 and George Dolbsy tir into sole posssion of first 604. AI Pentck and Lary Mc- place, smo ponts ahead of Jise's. Douail arm tied for top averaea Regas pulîrd op ioto a tir for mith 203. PlnuStiS third with Rahy's. . Standins! Pontioca baro 21 Oec. 1 - Arselia Baosett Ird the Jue Gould had ladies' higti points, Sockets 1-7. L.ellionnairos ladies mith a 235 single and 562 single srith 231 sohile Audtrey Ma- 17, Hobr.aps 16, Stoto 1é. COnste- "2541-1139) triple. Peter Burra s00 rolîrd top triple. 634. Stao natios 13, Piapuacitera 7 and threw torot trigh sioglr wi653 2M3 Marsh sous 328 and Jack <lold Pittpissers 6. wohite Wilfred Bassoît rolîrd high toith 738 ttad higt single and triple ai 533 (209-117-207). Edea triple fur tIse mrn. Mr. anld Mos. Cluls Bsingle wthi BerI haît ladis Geo Standings: Jacksa took 4 for .50 Dc. 4 - Thelma Bousfleld fed! ilefe hll e ally an Ge, otoe ta date. Juora 2 for 48, Rohy's 2 the ladies a11 ttc way witltier Hefo te mo ta 13 lwfr 40, Sagas 3 for 40 (2951 pin- 224 single and 554 triple. Fred for th mon.faIt,) Evy's 5 for 39 ard Lor's 3 Smilth lopped the mer wilh fils Standings: Mops took 5 for 55 for 35. single of 237 and triple of 602. mauli tnes ar 38 and T1ýc i fr w46Md à& C8doria ML6 Sien~ 2J. *o4tdlal!at iltie IoiIesaq PinH *aah7 f« 47to, dote, Plyora I for 42, E for 41 (3»92 plafalli, W0ls 5011k Koas 7, f PIo. 2 -Milea gmawasi Transport 7 for 42. Chsrles HM]e 41, Four 1 miovcd inoa a imo-ioit Iead os 3 for 42, Meters t for 42, lI o 7 2e swept savon. Flyers are sec- for 41, Canodier Tire 2 for 39 and ced. rotlosad bWilia 1Mill, Trgr- Fred 'Mille 2 for 37. m0 a lhre-way, île for third. MuIrs had heen leadtsg the les. #u aollh Jets a close aocond. jets are om.n sloth poaition. Bilt MGionts liadt top single foc tIse evening with a 348 wohite T. 'Hoddlealon liad bigh threc. lierre total with 829. Obtter gord singles more T. Huddlestottc 310. S. Nadatîr 307, E. Toltfata 3018. S. Rigo .30 and B. Se-inti 303. Good t,-istais torse B. Nadotin 01, S. 48 Ail"e idieke Doo 4 - High triple and osge mere lune P.okioo milS 674 (22, 281, 273). latte Gould mas riner. op wilb 634 (188, 183 andi 263). Lowto riple mas Joyce Morton 3t3 (12,S, 90, 98) and toto aingle mat Lorraite Ilagar 72. Geer M2 saimes more Joanne Fins 247, Iry MoClelland 238. Faye Choriron 236, Carttl Ellis 236, Lenore Rkoberts 224, ltoay Lewvme Dec. l~..Kolf 51dm tc.ok four tram 1h. 101 in# lowert 10010 but slipped 10 tirl p la os Go Geibors teck serIn frooes a p lace Rochets, Go <101148 hard hlgo 10010 pintait thl r 3135 total. lare Poswell tgh ladies' bigis sio#le hooora midi a 219 gaine white Dotnna Birdatîl had higb triple midi 484. Fmed Hordasmd îopptd the mea with the 216 single ami 677 tziple. ctico. Ttla four~ tçamo btg M.eeobbt tht bot=po four1. rotled Mis triple fer the nigSl more Shsirleyi 16<11691.s, Heipol 63s, 11.135Cuida 627 and Donna Clrenke 61-1. SStandings: Lii Ka*Ityrbi toch 5 points for 3401o date, Kath Coalël 3 for 2Z Dopa Grenite 5 for 20, wNIle Wilson S for 19. Gertie Moonitain z for 15, Della MoPhail 2 for 13, Put Ouag 2 for 13 and Mary Heipol 2 for 12. &WltooL po ers" pla5a4lo l59t againat Aclon. Tisey played pou4 bua sa gtise Aeloa toam a Nber Ioler talllad f lu tissu sicomi. ther Milotn paot- poes ra ereKaithltM miti guis Va aad oae = I. Posi Kithh0 andi Mocy $se wi!is two pea and one Asslat osaI, Brion Binait and Kens Parteoa th osto goal and tmg assista. Doogle ilearna witb one goal, Ted Hod and steve Kenta mils taro as- asis eacb andi Philip Bouaits aad DSavid Gales toitS une esuirt gaotl. TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR - TOWN 0F OAKVILLE NOTICE, TO VOTERS Trafalgar and Oakviiia electorate are haraby adivilsai that ELECTION DAY ia DECEMBIR 1Bth, 1961, poli ing hours 10.00 &.m. t808.00 p.m. 1818s requested that the acconspanying mnaps b. studied te familiarisa yourself with th. location of your Polling Place with- in the Ward in which you reside; in the case of Non. Rneaident owrner th loaI0f the Poiling Place within the Wnrd inwhich you own property. WARS tPOAIN TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR WARDS AND POLLING SUBDIVISIONS An ADVANCE POIL wiN b. held on DICEMBER 16eh, 1961; one Pol iocated in the Municipal Building, Town of Oakvilla; on. Pol locatad in the Municipal Building, Township of Trafulgar. Polling hours frent 9.00 a.M. to 5.00 p.m. S. A. FIATHIESTONI, Rêturning Officer WHERE YOU WILL VOTE IN TRAFALGAR WARD POU POILIHO PLACES 1 l-Rtedfld4a Lsd., Ne. 10 Sidere.d andi Hwy. 25 1 2-Raptne Cnsasasnily Hall, Snyne 1 3-McCurdy~s Cammuty Hall, Ho. 10 Sidaroad and 985 Liso i 4-SidWs~ Bssaio, aIs Canceasias sortis of Doadas SI. and tise als inso I 5-Olel Soen at Paissas 2 6-ft. Donlies Raffls cafflB Bschi, Osiseaa Sit. 2 7-4ueiisrnala Bsaen Mâcassem te. 2 B-Usitsd Ciseral haeeae, Toillor E. 2 e-Ceasieller lassai, TrllfW Bt. WARD POLI POLLIHO PLACES 2 10-luise Wilson Saisna, Tii Lito 2 i 1-Westllsl Saine, Isusomiti Cressast 2 12-R. A. Off SaSsai, iSsais Driva 2 13-Rsisne Street Five Hall 2 14-Roosa Street Pire Hall 2 1S-Rroaisdale Saisool, bridge Road and Vale Place 2 lO-Pisugroe Matora, 4iis Lin. and Speera Rd. 3 17-Pierove laissai, 4iis Liso 3 iU-anrdn Bssaio, maedsa Rd. and Rsisaaa St. S 19.-Mloasi laScon, Meeds gel. anad Rouiaa St. 3 20-Lias Comunhly Wnmen Pooi Auditorium, Pelan Ave., Oasvll WARD POI. POLLINO PLACES 3 21-Sunningdaie Saissol, Oxford Aven-js 3 22-Lema Site Scleei, %des, Drive 4 23-Wlssssl Baptiat Cisurci, Bib Lis. 4 24-Llintis Sabtol, Ushesala Roand 4 25-Usiooei Scisool, Unti JSRud 4 26-St. Vîscants Ramas Catisode lehool, Brieside Dr. 4 27-E. J. lamas Stisen, Coirnareff Drive 4 28-Maple Onve Bssai, 9is Liso 4 29-Mapi. Orsvn laissai, 9ts Lino IN OAKVILLE 8 30-ta Cisinissi St. N. à 31-22 Brant St. S. WARD POL. POffl PACIM 3 32-Lions Puni Auitoriuma, 51 Folon Ave. 3 33-Oaakmnnd Publie Saisel, hotu« Dr. 3 34-Dabtossi Publie lSa", Baies Or. 3 35-Oeakwmod Puic Seissel Sortes De. 3 36-BS. Aidanes Ciserai Hall, 134 Quten Mary Dr. 3 37-Si. Aidas's Cisorsi Heff, 134 Quosn Mary Dr. 3 38-Lagios Hall. 26 Chuoah S#. 3 39-lêglon Hafl, 26 Choyah is5. 4 40-5 Allan St. S. 4 41-0roesui Puie Saisol, 107 Alias St. H. 4 42-Susie'a Hall, 5 Divisios SI. 4 43-Saa* Ne#l, 8 Pulsias SI. POLLING SUBDIVISIONS IN TOWN 0F OAKVILLE 1 m aummumamw 1