mi __ _ _ ~e- ,~ . o 1 believe that the people of Milton want "High Quality" Library Service. 1 ballon. that tbe people of Miltan waaa a lbrarp building tbap caa hae praad af. Ask your School Board Repreefentative to appoint me to the Library Board TOM ANDERSON THANK YOD a... MILTON ELECTORS FOR CONSIDERING MY EFFORT ON COUINCIL WORTH-Y 0F ANOTHER TtRM. 1 WILI CON- TiNUE TO UFPHOI.D THE INTEREST 0F MILTON. Charles Johnson FOR THE TRUST PLACED IN ME THROUON ELICTION TO MILTON COUNCIL MY SINCERE THANKS 1 WILL ENDRAVOR TO JUSTIFY THAT TRUST IN THR SIST INTRRSTS 0F MILTON GEORGE PURDY Join New Markeimfe Rsaneal dozan Nuawga-ya speakers and cducting th formera gatbtned la. BrodovirIIe sausse-ena Co-mnitp lOt1 Weddnepday tan- M. tsltie-ia tcld "W nbsg Novtmber 29, le bean atean- agriclture are face ta tace si spaers, lacbsdit Charle- 00e-e set-le-c preblemna. Fo Me Innes, fomer preidant et as a e-ay et lîfe ta belng ire tbe Ptstarln Ecg P aeata d ced ." Ha esplalatd people e pati sîBeut riet Fa-nrae ln tee-plie0 te tans trmlng MtiEtrpln FME), me slaltîty o business propcoitit meetnlamosponsored by theb0pe0 ~ gt to the Ncssagaeya Federclien cf AgnI- we-bre fcre-lg is c business toiture, pr-oduction et food le cc- Amblie Servica, a Ncssagancoyo tien mitls nature is e-cm th tcrmner cnd 2cd Vite Presidant et business ... il e-lt cle-cyst FJAIME e-as aamed abairman eftlaie ilasetatua,' the meeating, ietaedaaicg the Mn. McGnit statMd, "Fao SeIo InAtes P. M By Ma-a Caci] Radlaaaaa Charles Jotrit e- c poutieo A pi esacet eseetlotek plate on MilIce Distict Hospital w lilsaedcy esensngmboen Pony Mer- be laidemne-ot tctgery an T tF e-tsboncrede-itb apreeneta- dayoandaneond opratiet oancd dtnoar ai tht Cecnty Toeoday e-creltg. lOis e-cnt deaire. Mn. Mar-n bas beaut o ends e-lob hie- o speedy ced tbcnnber eftIhe Trafalgar At-no pinta neaoaeny te tord beaut tcbeci board since ils lomeptios MIany tece- ibis district ai fi 1944. He e ed fieyerased the funencraricein M cltairmon ced ibis ya le r-r ce Monday fcr tho tale Wl iRg os the anea bord sa loe ho Ryes. Mn, toes e-ce in a dlobaoded prier ta ame-cigama- rem tond hecith but ecîfe- tIen e-lth Oakaitie, heurt atlaak ced passad! a Ail fermer meethans cf the sberfiy atten hae netined on bdctd e-ilb the ade-inistrativa dcy eaenig allthe hoe-of staff ntone prenanit. Ait bad aCatwe-igbt. Ha e-as le bis pleascot lieeniseing and c- tat- bn e-île di d se-atal y aoting peot dcys. Mn, Mercy e-as cgo. He a isunrvisod by c ni pnesontede-itb c gift by Et. ja brtocead sevencteletces Jaean ce bcatf et the bacindepbens. Ht e-os laid te net aed Mrs. Mont-y receiaod c loet Esertreco Ceeeoy, Milton. lp e-isad bouqueîet offieera *Aeraacy Dlaer frnt Mns. E, trvine. Wenixend congratulatiens l'Mn. Witllie- MtCcrtncy et Mn. ced Mn. Alvin Andersot s Eyne menne-t hce froe- Mil. Iboin 251h woddleg annines ton Hosalibis pcslt web. Fi fiaambcn 5.TIobonclieant ends hope sbte is Osce feeling this ccason a foe-iiy dit Sbetiet, e-ce hoid aith ihoe et Mt. Flac Ecbre Mns. Hoer MeCoen ce Sec Ae ejeycht ecre parîy e-as Dte-bar 3. Tbay reaaised in hetd ia teyae Cee-e-oilyceneflogod e-lshes ced gifla. on Settstday eeitge-ithanlage Rotatives ced friands cf ctledcaa nic ntaee e-redistrict etre scddaoed an e atit Oeîhy, Put-ad Lmneacae dcy, Dcatmban 3 en e Mns. John Oe-lit ced Mrs. i- Caset Olhniih, pnntty ya bat-t Ford. A tt-velling pt-ize ton daghlaa of Mss. Fcggy Galbi coe banda e-as e-on by Clan, and the tata Albet Gaibratit Fond. Mcnkhce-. bcd been kiiiad i Th nuimeigadee- a cieto end o lice et olficors e-as bold ced Torotoe. Fnetci servsiceecsi ncary alieret-ed toeoteonTeayoad ntermst fite. Preaidant is Net-man Clark, la Oe-cgh Prashylerica Chu a&acry-imcean.er Mns. Staff Cetety. Caret's tathon e-as Cantis; come-ittea, John Wttl- bitted en ce accidetît eighi ys e-iti, Howarnd Gne-Ind, Noa,cgo. Oursincere sy-pathy1 Clark ced Malville Dolby. net te the moiher, brocher Il isplcned tuhold a soial ad istnein cair sad er eserYt-y eeks, atenctng c eoa andI toi thn. osabre pnîy ced n dante. A1tolntheopcsigaofibis yo ibese allai-s, tho ladies miii pt-e- pers-ae aida beach. Sypepcty is exantndad le Mr.ad Mns. Godondoctd Ha-m tonton fae-ity on c bcme-pt af appbas ced baese dett of Ihain se-cili child ere e-as by Mn. ced Mta. H. ntacb. Winch. Setet aider, aisotea frm thc Centianri fae-ily, ntcs *Ataonding tuac 1959 Amani eioytd hs a i]. Banets Assen. sorvcy, e- At bticoet af eting, a dali- banka e-l ue enspcpcnn clean lunch e-as nanttd. bhi acdstiing tca aay et Hoapîtaita medium - le fal, me-e- t Wa ana net-ty te report chat e-ut ose TV, radio. ced e-s île- Jat-nia, lbind son tf Mrs. one an-hineai. t Three Plans for lnv.sting in Ha lon & Peel etiioe TRUS & SVINSTCANYRD O 44 CEAN TR NE -102 TeUrLnG toN 5ye *Mgr. J. E. Whitelock, Res. TR 8-9535 Oa es aeey dollar cf, pictoa~L l esg ion dollans a pear .. we con # .A M and sooad fiod e-cys ansd meosc Bp Pedro WIA young Oelntei e-e md Chrsmcas more dese ~ E n erpr se He infore-ed the audience Jusa baveadan Callag n e il bfre Fbor dl- doo lbogb the yeans have whaf they culd expeca PÂlIE Aheut ihis lime cf year, h , ee b n evipdocormmoaitflfe e-bich le, do if the formera did loin and atrale and. ladafinabie si Cri e-'en e la produces friendship, ce-panico- enter marketing as suggested. "Iftlabos p..sesiom et the world. la d abdn eclte f i n with sblP . .. this comno tîy fle ia e-e do le il. wbat sa FAtaE golag parmeales the nemotest crer bii s aoeti rn e-ina laing thnealened banca cf tiee Io.de for us? The prablem la char ot or exostesse aod is magie 5rmbl arhe-mghydl sien- cote coditions. In 1960 coa-. price levais aretfouloc. Thb fime la feltnabenever alhue-atsbe . atema ra aeca.w al m a& aiait farmens made 19,6ttttt thlag we have te de fa change tacts. Semebont, tee are mor vn latoles echaat they did in 1959, fat this is te creale cempetilien ..kind and sympatheta te ottars. On the firsi Christmas dav n.o'l theeostof operating wasop 7e by beiea inel and biddtogalu W deelce araf mrtoium God senthissoenilotothe word otage ttt,00 and the people of Canada, raton pnice levas .. . another n chcte, and the ferocous coe-. Iteath es the letton cf love - The paid $162lt,00000 more for cbeinr great cppnrtenity s thle nurplus atelsîtn ameng us telkes on a the love cf Ged fer evary man, ptena- food. . . this sa a tericas sicoa- areSrlutsc keeping antice hie-ilion aspect. The giencie, hap- ced tht tavt ai eser-,y otan for .e t ien ced une whieh tannoi be levai elds . . e-e can gel te py neatm et chtldbead cames is flttans. And in thin te-t fld maio le cied te go os." Ne eetiened there ced bondIe these senittane at te on hard-hittati adaît nalatienship lies tht anseo le the tba 50andemoe yas agethe fore hbaaefiteftedersnrail> e-ertd, ande-osîofaushtceme as rtnetsprahlee-eofearlie - mnens avenage foriner praduted ettoag an thoen the honafit eftrIade. Su. tla chitdrec agate, geneneas, tha piet of homes ratatin- food for hime-elt aed bi. tefe. plusen ane haieg asad te pusb bled aed gay. shipe. If the Christe-cs siit et tee- the avenage tarmner pneduces pnican doen we-hn People are go- Fer c little ehile e-e tergal narDineLv odb rastd enoogh forhimselfh Ià ife and ingtmhed sentieg.lstoid py sophistication, ced Oersceotad intettrms fettnatday liinghby frot10 lu te 0 oIthers, yet the Canada te lice sarpiues ae-oy prearans, ced gthiler t pt-tt leeopla e e-ar the cerd, nhe standard cf living hastertainly andtold do much godasaec nd he maner nthe asablame dbcn o r.l e t landeno ! net imPrOed cermespeediogy. sWeil.,, atnethlaheme, mhere a chiid e-as memas han o l las ce arma The FAME prmsidenî gave the le sslosiag -Mn. MtGinnsakd hoseo o r et chiot nessor e-hiah hae 'hetievas "Are w ed oasmthce-a te the har ibs araige ctForsbn la rasposihia for the tee- stand. npte-ibiily on are e reedy fata de ie cbern Thes colmta Anidi yoen F et Otant hc t1 le ard et living et farsens, "pie as goeched and ceotiaeîopnayîo e-an edto fers yeanasiysehe hn e .Btiste-c fla i lele skate fermn People base bee intenestcdt Ged te ciao us aharas,iena alecy ceacdn fryo eralet nahreisdntmas cafssiAeefari hem- in oaiy ana thing - predccicg. cllee-trcd oue-tuharane. r. n o er re-shnn dal ofsso f o n pe hase e-ada Bile or ne investi. fit? itsnot se math sehat mor e ed hy tht elcee-ing temtentleg faillh chat saeinas e-its tad's Itri- galion nieu the marketing et on geint te gai out et il, bat e-bat seanda ef the stable. There is hetp, e-e cea cchievt pace an corn- produce . heas f hs lb ea du ormohitd for bati. ne finarîfeelint cbat con camae toeaocnh, and gonde-itameagen. h. are labed o te hat thet mcdo cns, fer the îcrm comnt a e-en chan te knent chat hoe n Yeuctan hegi ta trahte Ibis tond- e-lt tlie as ton our produe ....FAME glana us th ub rct trasted hy his liiso. Yeu ladt ideci c reclity je yae n f ile iltothe htrcde sotsocn pritcds o nity te halpemaira ibis a hanter Year ttck,cad paased amoment todcyh y rammerioanale-hct ee Or standard of, iing e-enild. Io lislote the dentented seceds Yea hast data fan ethans, bat .Plia cf Icediat. mhct ethars hcve dace fer yea- cr a Ilhas coeothe Poitamhre pihen taler qoentiened ce tono- la A Stable nt nhthc tint e-t-d ea ou. te-y eana cal te go a uitie hit forth- tract tcrmiag, Mn. McGtnnas scid Tiln perhapa, yee neee - hut sehat yae anta tht e-anld; nat t- or . .. yec hcve 'boiter chan $2 thct choe tesetsed en this are cd Il le Christmeas! And the a til. hs ree-hctya c galeot Cari iavented loevotry Si cf the ethor crue-dieg the average prodacat- gtstne'e etthsey f gfilbtft.ai yaare on 8t fotîne-, yeî Yeu gai tes thont 40 ne etuhsiness. Ho scid, "In~ a the e-et-d looh place le c stcble e- ads ca cents an the dellar nthla the tee- yars, aithaer they are geting on tht liras Christe-as Evt. Il star, chen tallent gel baller chan ts 6a t lei central or e-e as pt-e- e-as se le-partant that e-e ece-ha datermned b hloaes ofse inaes usthe ppenaeiîyefhcbing erc*NoVcccancy' signesasy- ro p el piy ced dee-and bul Iby maipla- tna cocntrellia1 position, cf heieg we-in-s-a tia a to ienandpcalice fixing ci yocanas- ea n ma mcttts." And e-e ntho 4le and t-tapat DEPARTMENT tepense ced thdît et the consumer. Cicyles Fs-n-, cice-prasidoot cf tht aimois c tisa frm hca c oee pih»Io this le gotng ce, eoct FAME, reiteated partof Mr.M. e-at-eth iste feurciss e- net-y fomrae andcamog Pedes, in pcsîe-enîbs h afathct,and-hepresent theSeon cf Gedteha -e dc Iot go entc marketing. ThIn le Our syîe- -any fcretiers ara tenaed Estt-yoe elsa e-an tee hesy! ay test cace,eOureniy heasee-ce le sae-et- aoff the fcrm te Ad eormemea,scou,îchcti ag remna If e-e cme geiag seteest-n F hi ne 'Mn. e-an tht Shephards, battant ibis nataltho fce-ity fat-e, tht firm Fryt said chat tht cnd is ebvioca ttatsh Oer shair ftecbn hy sight ian- aeemeunit e-t e-est gai ino tiis fornastregnggniocîiee. e-be hand the beat-ad agcls sng schct business ef e-taletin. Thana ct-t William 'Mahen, prtsidant et tint fit-st Christe-as Ccrol. 'i cair four Pressures hmepiag fritta Hattea Ce-Opeativo Suppiess, te Ged la tho bithans, and an culs den: tht ahalen stae .,.. theo bhate-ce At-abt Strvice, second cantn pac, ced wiii ce-eeg t et ntholosclan ... the Proessen .ta-prsidant af FA-ME, Roy e-mv Ne ana tint ntcn *isteaing. n c ced the ceotry bayer. Thcsa Cofertan cd Clif tren, pt-es- Se, I tbieb Chriist ha d dsin foesemusthleesariddoe'- detote acteepadertineof eta ty spaieaieg for hetd Agriculture,. spebe brietty, om- fat-etn. e-ce ascidorthse-rectdeegoce phesain 0 bi-eîo fe Mesaoge For Ail stascnte-shfcrantegia epttiencandthtatd feor a tanetety fortfret-. W aine mart-ing inas big e-ey, le heiid poetfat fcrmeat-' enganiocîlea. cil sted Christmacs, ced pathape MEN'S SOCES by MaGreoe in meol anai nylon sinrtbina ce tbe ice-cas Visset -l-ol$1.50 DRESS SHIRTS hy Ftayîb in e-bita or stripos, tare ina iar Chitstm-as giisag. Ses 14V/2 t0 bail/_...........__.......$60 TIRS. ananas ai pnttetts te thoosa item in- ctadstng cenaic Itats .. $1.50 etnd $2.00 GLOVES are nlways c eecoe-e gist. Leathon liised gleaes iv sis 9to 11.....$495 NANDKERCNIPS, Itisb e-hile lisntn orpat- terss...............35c or 3 tac $1.00 NYLON WINDRREAKERS, se-cnsiy styleai, se-crt looing in olssaa greta, tatai cbtarcent gtey. Sicen 38e c,42-............$11.95 SPORT SHIRTS hy Bueastosa. A raa salas- tion af colors te sinense ftoe-. Fssced item........................... $5.00 SCARVES, Thea iamnes Sue-ey ail-meel satarvsac eee an checbs, plins anai acîbaa- tis tartns -------s ... ..... $2.95 DREES FANTS isa tarytave uaid weel. Grnys, btemvs, gtreens eaid thatteal. Sizos 32 te 44- -d - ---- .............$1495 SWEATERS isa gray, beige, hie tanai chat- toal gray. Pcîlnsaers........ $695 Caraiigas.. ...... ...........ý$995 PYJAMAS la settesa et flanneinîte are sema-. bhitg aay e-at nyprasiatat. Cotlt -, $3.98 Fiaaneîn .. $4.95. Polo pyjae-as .... $4.95 DRESSING GOWNS in rayon anai a saarinîf ai cobors. Sies se-uit, mediue- anal large ----........ _------------$995 CAMPBELL'S 228 MAIN ST. DEPARTMENT STORE MILTON IR 8.6021 M tha Canadien Champion, Thursday, Denember 7, 1961 and haaîches butthe needsand Aftet-dlaar, il lbetter tuee- heartoabes of otbrs. move the sts.ffing fromn fowl and Se the spirit cf Chriisines wstl rfiacai odttbr base-ee the anse-en t the surite, pcratly, cdn'lse the Information ced confusion of Our treebiad trench af the Ontauio Depart- e'erid. entl of Agriculture. THANK YOU TO THE ELECTORS 0F OUR NEW TOWN For their vote during the election. fr4., W. lu ver THANKS! TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME IN THE RECENT ELECTION, YOUR CONFIDENCE IS APPRECIATED. Charles Wilson Bo .age .Ibm last ban han aga-