Westernt Tnp in Colored Slides Shown Oragemen et Annuel Banquet By MM, EdWiled Roteftan Chi stian.Art eacock won me ness meeting. A suggested it Fo ty esi t Lok a4 hgh forhemen and theelmof ffierfo tiiheneseogani a- vtge othe TB ni at theinentL Stanley Hall. Eeryei on "The Unied Cha-ch - Orange HalTe yo las rpoed haing afne Lme. me"wsepreentedkRuh Bus wee.T rete h HemII The Horny North 4HHme fed ast edkEv Hosoden te b coionFria hr the akng Clield ther meeig serelunch. moil ui ws etuptahae SaÉeiaa aie home of Agnes thete lests checked. Pec>enk. The meeshers innrked The Santa Clans parade in Mii- On iheir garments and books. ir tire attracred neyeraI Hnrnby di. na S announced Achievement Day strict children and gronups on wsearly in Febrisary and the Saturday aflernen. semmer neparales are te he com L U- Speedy get seell seishen le thrze plitan Deen e me 2.Lnh C stm < residents that are an the sick In Grey Cup list. Min. A. Nejînon and Wilmer Duhe and JSe, the ieam of FOR Thompson are ie the Milton D!- terset oned by S. May, had strict hospital asnd Snny Hall is th honor et dratcitg an eut Scotch Pins, SPI, in tie Oakville-Trafalgar Ho pi." herse drain rire engine je the taltconvalescingftrainan opera, Grey Copparade onSaurdcv in 5'- Lion.pyBllda eJosn Toronto. 'Mr. May e-as ai lhe -t.tPW Hap rtdyt onereins. SPRUCE 1 MOTOUIR CLOWNS Stuart Hall, Daeny Boadreau and Jije Caughill hait fun je thse Santa Soalhwood on her fourih hirzh- Mes. L. Scmpson Ieîrodoeed Cilans parade Satorday ns they drove thene tiny leaders from tie Bruce St. sthool grond te day on December 9, ta Caret Les- Mrs. MeKescie of Frecln, the S E R ,, th. arerfa le tie annnel Senae Clans parade. Thiai antics delighted aise thildeen in the erowd lie os December 1-t and te Linda gaest speaker at lthe General H tisas w ettisa d the parad aen tck n ahe are s show . B elley n Deneseber 13. W .A. a d W jM .S. m ee tig held ý The ladies et Streetsville L.-, Chureli. Mes. McKeezie, the rR82 1 93131101 BA. siered a delicinas nappes te Chrishtian Stewardship Seeretary TR822 The Bible Troday lie 70 seho allenedi te aonnai tee Haltes Presliytery, chose as ____________ banqueîet ofthe Horehy L.OL. 615 her tapie "Feed for tlie tener M oose Hunting Adventures An eppeal for more - eptre lield ai the Hall n Friday. Fol- Man - The Spiritual Man," Mrs. pro- rne elooieg thie supper Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson lhaned her for lie ople d a moderaletinerease. The Dellerl Dams shieed mente mest ienpieiegmessage andprre M ovie Shown to Young Peope sple seeured ie Sas Francis- films eft heir wseetern trip and ne-lted lier euth e smatl gjtt. Min H O Bp MNin. WanUea Watsn vilalion inas reed iniieg the eo and earried liy tke S.S. Hope Lorraine Goddard sliosed ctler- Lleyd May presidei for thelii nt Kilride Young People'sUnion groptaattend aaaarptîonsfreealy eased hy the ed slides ofseveraltloal scenes met Wedeesday evening ai tlie hy tke Rveeisg W.A. Lime thc skif errîned a Honotulu. _________________andhe____ haome et Me. and Mes. Gleorge 1 Mr. Henry G arter sang a The enmaieing New Tesaments tere er ades'oydaihewie. o Robertitan wiîh 12 pisseet. Presi- Chiia aa itdyn leare ctreaity strken for aed 111 ir er ais igi e.(e ade.t Frances Robertson jeasn bc KigMsRmrHaletgt i tbthed shen tlie slip re- dnRhen.adielonRsl INSURANCE thare The meeting opeeed inith rndnsed the goesi speaker Mrs. ihra hymnWha A Frind eHaeeTmi.Si av kC le The lest et the aneiflahle Hein In 2maiý. Devotloeh -seýoedaei- United Clireli inemen. Mes. Testaments seere ginen ont in Ti in. ed hy Rolihie;Hephain atsisted hy Josephi Fickei tt7;aned Mrs. Ami,, itpa eemess Trp o Lseass ..antam F Art Robertson. The setiniary's le- Tamlis. Work For TleN ftpie samajor prahlemn. port mas reed ly Lois Roliert- Cnmina inas nana n. The meetieg On5 th Moe Triumph Over Acton son, lose withthe Mizph enedi- dAdited te the shortage is the Milton Bactajes retled te e 9-t soeee nliteMeai dftieolty of ieliveey inhee the timhoe co ntes ,Me. Robertson shoined the triaepl sher Aels tesanl tkeneef ond g up me mship pseeurtast tymoe Csuplea[m game et the regsitar sehedole bere R. R. FO RD liii advecnues meene haeting. A preenetation aind misettene- hadt te inait fer the arrivai et Satarday Tlie line et Marshaîll winhl scere tee y in erestica. Tht oas sheiner inee leld en Killiride tise slip ai Sicgapnre. pieeg afne geat acd the _______________0-13S7_ meetieg tlotedi iil the Miepali. Commeniîy Hall Scleeday ee. te mati pae hr heasssbten hm ikMrh Lunh ws ervd b te hstss ingtahonr r. nd rs Mu- Hnpe calledihe loclmision allpieeaop tno gals andon assisiedby Frantes and ArF Rie an mcrey 'stee Mariyc5scheîcold havesd a ava sitSeeSed o oega herisen. Tinin.'C: ableecopies ofthe Seriptees. and tineassists and Crig Brsh Thenexl meetinge-illhe nlold Murraynid MaritYninee Pire- Feaish is asecoed lagegescreiijeegocls.DD et 'lie home et Mr. aed Mns seeied iih a steiterockerechair inaIeeoesiareqieain scostW Hephare. ced maey liiely nifts. They ex- clie the firth grade. Maey Ie- Stene Gernali, Leee Stichle, Rn Honer Memiser peessed their sincee thanks tii rineesians use Englinli, a test atteeses and Jim Cote eacis re. The W.A. et Killiride Ueited eneevne and luachl e- s sernrdi. qaite ee. gisiereri a goal aed Gary Mnantaic Clinrel met le tht Saeday 'Me. cad Mrs. Harry Blcgdee The Bible Sciety muset use lticked aie a sst stisoal reeje Tharsday aftereeee. epet thr îeckeed et Wied.,uc sra iceini tryieg te dit- Snday, Milten and Gergetowen' URIATO Pset cchre. Atckimet iec vieitne r dMs. LreR-ttibtie the e--attable Stripiares met en Georgetown in ane exhii- SERVICE t O E P IiE Hwt s ag. Mae Jie oîbl Mens. Clet pit i rk e iry. tioc match ccd plcyed te a tour- M R O E ingni ne.r s Jei o hnci lo-- eicije Sher he he cd is n Suggeastel Readhsgs aIl île ini a snetl-ptayed grime. SCAR WASU ingwothcodute te ev- i.itngbe boteran hs viesday, Geeesis 1: 1;2; 3. Mee- Agaîs. thie Marshal-Seeds-mrsth TIRE REPAIES TO CUT Si< tuoaa. Secreicryns repert e-cc Me. and Mes. Decis Hanter ai day, Psalms 1: 1-6. Teesiay lice dnmieatet Mitto's scorojigt ue i a h atr ginen -ly Mes. Eric McArihur. Derbn, Michilgas. Psalms a: t-9. Wedsesday. Psatms e-ith Srasli getting tkres goals O GASOIINESaeZîh. taiefnit Mes. Malt Hoivard gave the curai M,. and Mes. James eihereli 19: 1-14. Thurnitay, Fsatms 2.Tý and. an assisa, Marshsalt tanres as Zlp - PLUS notea psewer report. speelt Satarday eceeisg cviîh Mr. 1-6. Friday, Leke t0: 1-24. Sater- tisîn acd Sceds a goal andt as Frieeaily S.A. Service ai eiaang aobI Test pre nad A preseetaliee cnes hetd tee aed Mes. Hamiltn Kerr it Fret- dcy. Acîs 4: 13-21. assisi. hemn ta gin. yne TROUELE- Mes. Lotre DIiienw e-i s -e tee. ClfJII ay. Qaîickstîratng, fuît pco eesiiting le Miltoni. Mes. Mi.Ar- Annitiercuti grectjegs ge tu A E fuand mntenance oasis: ihur s-aithle cai eess aend Min. Me. and Me. BilLepcaieeo De- etCanswby Hjsteck peeseeteai le ice injljue cesec t. BA E VC Get and Iry aise Saper Ziph gifi. Mes. Dixn thanket cieey- Rieuidue geeuicg acit hesi Ak V LJ ea-l St. st Naie t1 Sideroad oei jetail hein she ejoyed ýiihes te tn Mes. Doenie Coui- MITN TE329 wokn ihteld esAnn- see thin eek. M A N Ssneyesea m MILLTO IR8-39 scaueer-eMe. caid Mes. Alîry La and ceai9 m a10pm M L O >LveeoftMount Albeet spee t Sut- O>pen 7 ain. t, 10 pari MARTIN ST. MILTI eac e-iih Me. aed Mes. Bil .-i Farm Safety Council Lepard 1it.. MILTON VOTERS._____________________ Sponsors Competition Tht Eveejcg W.A. et Kithriite r J. tH. Tcyler, Chciejean et tht Cnie-ia chaeeh met Meeav eve- O RSP RTI Hultee Farm, Scfely Ceeecil, bac eueg ci tht heme nf Me. cnd YU UPR aesencelliutheeaejlejjMr.Jack Iiglis ithl12 pcret. speesere a heen Cocil e Final plcns vee mait caid cm- spnseeor p oetui pth hsinitie mnes selecteda fer thie hazuce. GREATLY APPRECIATED. pes.ihleeCresi feri he um St Plans ee made te huve e poseCeaci orthe armeCenci Christmas prytthehaeeof hasdeiaofedtacrioe Cucrs Me. caid PceeTcef. Lench was I WILL BE WORKING feracclCunety. Halien'seetey srneiculv he heelsjeeth yjît lie stîccîrai froeti es lenreitleiehsc. thie CCmpeuitiuun speesoeta hy tle TO THE BEST 0F MYt Haltes Farse Scfeîy CCeticil. The Hattec Furm Scfety CCert-M cil is ce erganiallait repeesent- LW. EM S isg taem nrgacieuîiecs snilhie lie ABILITY TO MAINTAIN Ceanty. tus peepese is le direct tarim safeîy pregrammes that iju ELECTRI C henet HaltCc's farmi peelite. Fcrming in one ertIhe inesi YOUR TRUST IN ME. dccgeeeas occupations anditi tutrati farmaoe t etIhe mat duegeenas Cet 9aa places te tjne. This shenlai noet anad Sarviin B L hehifr accidents ccc hc peevent- I Te-e yeues ago-every ceuety Phone MIII.. TE 8-9731 caid itistict le Ontarie cetuicit a fCrmiaccident suey. This sur- vey pointedaoutithenecifor Farm Safty. When the serney e-ascon pleteit. ceaely anit previcial tcrm safteycouecis ereeread te direct tarin safely pregrammes 198 MIN*gr ie tht Coacly unit Province. M lo e a t e t S o e M LO programmes. le the lie-t ycur et eperaten the Halte Fans Sctety Ceencil e-as respennihîr tee thity-teîîr tarin peple Chk- SPE CIALS 0F THE W EEK efg Fjesî Aid ceueses. TheseE people receittruiningccndceeîj. fictes tecm St. Jehnt Amulanuce. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLYT Wtihite u Ceesl ilself e-il netT preeent aem ccideen.Lîcan ee ausetact! tul promoetarin SEAMLESS DCvella Fal yWashahleB hsc Cempelitiee is open teIYIlJWO L- aIl] tarin peeple je Haîjen, heut NYLONMM I PLAID eely ene cnry per fmily. Te FL15111Ly st lae terest, total prize HOSE 54in nRed, Blath AT RA mecey et SitO.0 is offertai. e Green anai Goit Idea ter Dresses or Skh s Reg. 89c pair Eeg. $2.93 Eeg. $2.79 SE Y U IT N E 59C 1.97yd 181 E ORMLO L MILTON DEPARTMENT STOR MILTON HYDRO ELIC 198 M ain St. M ilton M lo , O f Tha Cateidiîas Chsampicn, Tsuesdny, Decencier 7, t1961 lis appreache t he nthse r. whtch Hard Luck Moose steoit n lier limai legs andt streel GOGAMA - A e-hile moose outai ut er e-hite sisier math lier h esiaies heing a eurity, semis also front feet. dricisg hier -eey. le lit as aelcusî lrom lis heeth- Thereafter the wchite messe etay- re hecaseof is actacl.d smeisane cincytecin the ouratCilic l1 e-C ew whch unnjded he. When the cre of Lndts nd F erests aurceft OCY spejîcai ihret minsejneamrsh- a e-hite cee- mrane acnd C hall aed etu ofcatorat caoneuatien - tltey netaia as tht ilirce inet- cd seo the osi thue e-hit ei ow Dit 3s Trees SALE uce and Balsaim O' - 15' )D HUME EUL S. FREE DELIVERY RNTE SAW DIGER TRIES sea aiste lances Hoelila lei bisete eaegses ce thse mesa sancea cnsi PREE SERVICE dlay ehfer cee lin eis pnsitin, loje noite lise Sepér Zip peas- ILLING Co. ON TE 8-9508 DEC. 17 LAST DAY TO MnSTYOUR nrsTAgt MAIL FOR LOCAL O<LMER * Gifts that shine at Christmas time! LECTRICAL GIFTS O LIGHTEN AND RIGHTEN THE EARS TO COME 1 CTRICAL DEALERS ELECTIONS TRUC COMMIS9SION MI