The Canadian Champion, Thursday. Sept. 28th, 196 PART Oll A LARfl CROD ftat gathered for the Matior's Of- soulaf ion, coho condctnd the religious dedication ceremony. ficosi openîng on Thursday ICI sern in titis photo, takan during 1 Oer the weeend at laat 1,000 tourefi the rnw facilities and the Impressve cersmony. On the Manor verandahae h passed in some fins comments on tire County's honte for the openlssg officiais and memiters of the Milton MinitraAs aged. Manor staffers cortducfedl fours for fte many goesfs. Predict Record-Breaking Event Titis year's shomoase uf agrical- 2 miii haute the comsneroial es- isg ut tht juin and jetly otest Latre lu oui Mu smash test years hibits cnd No. 3 building coul ho inlenlly, ltuping for c coin Mo put saoord.itrmitind Milsos Fait Fuir. deroleti tu tht Jusior Farasers. Clhent in c highty hoosured Positiot Offiiais ut the Hulton Agricu- 1Officel OsseaOsg cmosg Cihe hosmives. Tht fuir Idrisi Sooiety are pltased mlth the Stan Hall, M.F.P. for Hulton, ces coul prohuhly rouve their bus- ontanlot rsshisg'riveof enries coul officiully opta lthe fair ut 2 banods standisg to sur thr display p e.ri.g sais hird'ests t the luit Slu-day lteroo. The put us y Hallcs comeo's 1- leco dessuls ac ailtihat itave Friduy iiit. Gcrtlon- coili ffuoiktlu sut the tua.bestraigstened out ssoo- Pties and mocprizescoilile floors and plants exhibitscmhil ise opcsas Ft-lsay. Everytsing givno out tu cicurs of the tiv- those coiith the omustive tuncit coilI is osilr ontrol, aooordiog Lu stocit cosptiios, Asuther et- Umeo admiiingly ut cils, pastel$, sOoiuty prusideot Wilt Creier.cluietfor-thefai-and forualuofuwtur ooorandttud pictres MOdsay Thila Hultun is tht gout coet. in the urss and croft displuy. Chiltirto coul thitul ou the maid- Tht sort cf iigs coill houe Pirata Utaplar couy rotes. and miether yoO ar oompoliog lrutterc. puotro asd Tht amateur shutlerhougs coul a foesser, meroitant, sîsessmore drivers frus acil cour Ontario. oec h htguht of housocoife, lttero s inte-ecI for Although thut-e mil ho o coager itl,~ e the tome ouhihis cloug yuu. The sho iltbcmsch the tag fuoilititc. tht triaisocf speed wcihlo'iy uroutcuch sasse as test yeur, usoofs titut couil ho cu cf the highligitts. coilI ho luoiig ut muIdl cosit neco tisa là, sspptyiog sthe raid- Beot atd duiry ctîie.seepuad edîuhercrafît omadc jooît-y, couyidoassdolttcoulhuocotocolibtfeno ff. clort pottery cnd sevtrul notahle eceptions. utcoeu h uiscu oti h ua thur net-riios cf urtictio homo- Aflor us absence ofovea ruit. Furets ccc mau t-lctht- ytct-s, une ut lthe mccl populcr t.hildreo's dispîcys cf pessmust- evnsin fuitrs cf the past, lthe B hip ut-t suhool projeols scoin, BabySho wil reu. sirthe Champion Busy ittdst-ià arts, collections ced pust teco ytars, tht shoco hus uI grioulturcl oxiiits. lachod c sponsor, hut this ytar .&cuÀor ,C is Hutrs howclassescoill bc Ccopiteli's Departmeet Store howri C ild cn lthe hail diumotd in front duidd toitacitit. Ahrandeu Thetvote recult serviceuttfered to the gt-uedstusd. The outtît tealure is tht ut-rival otahlicop- Nussagumoyu cosideots hy Tht t-ings coili hoe itsy cIl day Satot- t-. cohict coilI protide paotamio Champios ce iraturduy tviong day coitit judgisg cf seoural ss niucos ut tht fuir cnd et Miltont couanoculstceding suoen. Dot-- es tuiig Place ut cu lime. teaet darlngeough tu risitinge eveinoo rsi ot8,0..ît 1 All in ll il promisesotu the ltaiing a ride.- Atl asd oroft ced flocoor mili flf tht hall aoder tht graod- fCntinsua frms Page crtel "Il cous decidtd tu haild a c hecutitul cirupel. an auditor- Browna, Coney Clerit, is scre- (bheunîronces wbcithe ivteol flinmcge d CCtirarther litens bluff Residence separute fromt ium, c Iihrary, a cit sbirop irar- tary cf tite huard, shoctseofe individual rohihitor. inlut-ge th m est a Bruapton, tht maia huilding ced thus freo her chep, ireauty put-tut and FolooiagîChe coeittod open Wumeo's tastitutes coilI doemia- a oem nos. chuuid ire hut, 12 mute heds for the ose cf rosi- ct-uIt shops. Tht ieterest ati house, tire supot-isteadeel re- cie the No. I building coitr mot-h "te April. 1949, Hultue County dents, la Aprit, 1956, oactrotc- gonorosty cf lte ohorchus, ser- put-ted Be roreived maoy tuner- hy Milscascirhildren shcowing Coaniti appoietd c cosasittre huan coa stcrted ce a Staff rosi- vioe cluhs, fraterael ot-garlina- cabte commenîs on tht baitding hching, socoino, and cter stmplec Mu forsoalate a plan for coostroc- denoo cotting 198,500. Il cous cf- liens ad uîher on providiog frcm gusts coho tocrefi tire humne cf hume ecoaomioo. Building Na. tionofauthome in Hetton. In fiially opened bi Mr. L.F3.Lud-vserietandoentrloinimestieepuand trom superielendeals ut0- JuIy. the uomsaitlee presried 1m oeie 956. t huce fuoilitiet in constatute. iriler homes for tht uged miro thuir report lu lire couceil, re- Mare Accommotiona "The lcndoouping cf the oiciîrd front distriot rentres. sETTER TO THÉ WITfOI comsanding thut conuctonc "Eut-ty in f858, it mac ugelo grounds icproreosiaguandcoho Visilors front oulside tire cur- ho comssencedi us tcona as pos- apparent Chat furîhorccommo- cumpleîrd, coilI muite tho Mueor ty miro ctteodod and registeretad A~r iae sible. ta Soptoehat-, 20 acrestof datioomust ieprovitlodtItcoc une cf the shompluces ufth1e an tht gueot hboit inctoded Bn p rca lundnere purcrastd for 16,000. deoietihythe Board, Couutycutyuund oneofcoMoir alliti peuple fromt Brodford, Watertoo, A pa ~ L On utoirer 26, 1950, Cooely Counucil aod tht Deput-mtnlt cf zeos ssay moîl ho proud. Cur- Hamitona, Satigrone, Necomar- ApelFor Mnemb.ers Cooriil accepted the tender cf Welfare, Homes for tire Aged ly Couicil, lire Sourd cf Man- itot, Iagertoil, Toronto, Bt-amp- Mr. Jint Dilîs, lamtes Kemp Constructin Coin- Braoch, tire addition tittuld ire ut agemsent ced lthe recideuts cf Ion, Guelphr, Clietue, Preston c/c Cauadiun Champioa, paoy for $530.000. for constu- uarge as the eoitig services Hullua Ceottaclul Maco mich and Ficton. Titere meus ent Milice, Ontari. tio cf o 93-itid home. July t0, moud permis aad thut this coccî tiu acinocoledge mith siocore goucIs fromt the Fruvnce ut Dat- Deer Sit-, 1952, Haîttus Ceoleeniat Munor ire tht ollimate site cf the home. Ihunito tht mcoy gift and donc- hec ood une front Eogland. i mculd lite lu Celle thit op- mus ufficiuity opeed und about Tht plas, theustore, culleti for lions hy chucies, sot-vice oluhs, Mr. Allon untctd that any- purîuoiîy lu thait yo un buohait 35 rosidets more tructftt-red ao iutoouce from 105 le 235 heds. fti tnul orguniecinseond in- caoe coho migitt hune mlssed the cI the Milton Girls' Pipe Band. from Bramspton tu thuir nom The itdct ttf tht original dînidualu. Thoi r contributions opea hooes t lîl meluctu r0 i lthe aticle chicir yoc pu- home. commitLue in pct-chcsiog such a have cdded greully tu the coco- ce tire nom cilitios. Droapa nr itlishd in the Catcdien Chcm- ,tlcoet theopinionno naty largOepiec oftland in suoh CI fotad10yetti h el niidasaeivdt set pioun givinou-r band a hoott, officiels ced tire Depurtmroi ci idea ocilatlion ccs eutv uppot- dents." lire M unur ctytime dcting isit- muly tomurds mo-cl support. Wettace Chat tii 95-hd humo acitid. Board Membiers ut-t hours, 2 lu 4 p.m. lSunduyc Acaresuîl cf itis article me pronidiogorml cure,hbed cure "While planning thecdditions Thisycrthre MnorBard ic2.3 tnt4p.m.) or ctytntaning have hoduit vrclogirlstjciothe andtpciul creccmmdtin tultheuhom,lprtiscoct- comprisedofchcirmaa Douglas 71tu 8p.m. hand,ead odietfor more omite cocad sofce for-mcy yat6-tdd ere ogeiacot oftht facthcrgentReeve of Georgeownco; ourhbatdhigger and stronfe- onte. Duc e ti t-eu et increcce ChtI, mcoy cf tht rescdrals cold Reeve Alert Fhillips, Wcrdenor cfhan irrfcre. Thaiig ycc agiai, an popoulison cod lthe ucceptuanc ot ho uble ta participate io lthe Hultun Cucty: Roovo Campbeoll n ~ I remuin. hy senior citizeas cf Heltos Cea- lfeocf tire cosmuaity. Additions Sinclair cf Ecquesiog, Rtoî.o IRea y iS îa SYoc- ieey trsial Maoorcas a home,rallier lu Hcitcc Ceatocnal Maonoh itMilnof Nsscgcmryc,cand yt.p'y oussnecy thus cn institution, il iteuame hurt-fore, pt-cuide a, vieil as Couve Fred C. TiIIey cf Ouitvilr Forc' yao Dolo nfcuoueSry in 1955 tu provide ex- large. ittighI, lied, sitlhsg and Stanley A. Allra is seperinsen"d- îo raae Fair Scouy t-c teutt. diaiogrmunis,such feures a u t o f the Maur ati Garfield Meroiros ct-e usudyinu djs- c~ot*tO~aOe Oi. vc~oea~vocmemumom playt, tit-um anti conlests for Ko Trudu Fcir ocheduleti for is CAMMMSIuvLLE Mr. M. Grahamuasrimsby. upettlitgaoettTurdy. The ivoirien fuît cf lthe cm- Showo manager- Rota Pearson ru- m- cunily are ccuning ia preparu- poted itis meektihe ethihit FIÙDdSlio fiD r U ufr lire coiter, ati cosict- picuned hy tht Cancdicn Muter iog huit- hcchcoids in thu lost Cc. coccit deosrate tire reettu- 1 utihe het-iti. clair the chiid- factureocf their -prodocît. ORRallaw v j versury t-oc at-oi thu. Titis coeoitod oilise sto ar ___________ on orie, uof tIhe exiiiiiits Chat at-e By MO-t George Iogtfa luiu hiiii 0hwedn ni o bc copleld hy Wodnesdey 3t Mrc. Leusurd Stoites on lite irth mct-oi.d ai lthe homeof thcnfi 9 3 "01oeig of c dcuhLor and tu Mr. andi hede c parents "Brai. But-o - A uesc police ullicar joined ice The choit Ihis 30cr is dos.elop- Murt. Haroldi Melioa un lh irtIl Caniphi.lloilh. on Srpte.îsrhi 23, Norlth Halles OFF.. Detachreus ce intu an extensive muot- show For 30 years .f c soa. 1911. Thu bide cous ctiendod hy lad t h ricging lte staff Lu Cou, et mcoy ct- dealers ct-calte Mr. antt Mrc. A. Sohoulen ut [ier tiviet- Miss Pocrl Crecfoirl 13. -dicplcying their ner modeît. same manag ES.. t, Camprelluiho ct-rit-rd hume ccd thhr uroom hy its irthi.- lnst meeitod lt-cm e tht-to munt E. D. -Mahun. Dr. A. Blair mas Het. c Wiifroih Griifilhc. hurmer- Vicil in Hullaod coihh relativeos. uffiolehinu clergyman. ly cf Niagara un the Laite. Cuti. -A ciuod ut 400 oojuyed her-- vice station , Mr. cati Mrs. Hcrt Ceccford Thelo tamily Mr. and Mres stabrle Gt-tfilhc cuat c mrmhor hocued chichen, tulutit, pie and intervening *ho ac lit-iug uh Craiclurd Laite David Mahun and suits JîmiecI hol Lit-et-pool, Eutghcnd yolice lea ot- coffre Saurdcy siglil ai gem hy jet lu Calilurîtia ladL acd Johnocf Windsor, ati Mr. lut-ce. lut- cuerai yr-. Ht. s ctlie cocual chiohon batrbeue ai retail gasolir t~citanîd Mrc. Murray Mahontan m0jcatrediandihas a reîllamily. Gace Anglican Chut-oh. Organo Ft-nods of Mis. Loncîd And-daie r aiewlu daotadi curt-totly luuitigtforcaiesreport-Che t-umd wa ig- and the Ch t-v cand Mrc. Gordona A0ccu ac 45 relatives anrd friend u l c lue u da tu lvin cu'n 10 ge- Chan lasI picased tuitnccoloy aretclie humof hi so, Murra-y Ma- __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ Iis hospilci cnet- the coeituud. iron, E. S. 1, Cemyhelivillo. Dur- Mr. atnd Mos. Eticott Huliccd nf lte ecenicu. citer Ehenuocr houe mct-ed frt- Cte Guelpht Ludies cltred tu inert, Robert EW N T Ue lu Boulcu. McFariacocf Culedunia. c fri- WE CoANTen e.. Mm. JuerankthfGeogt-oiuni of tihe lacoily, euhýriisd W ih C n i e c ..RESULTED IN ît sp-odiegicocouus itolh Mrs. ih soloscand alivly icng Juhn Gilrecur and Auna. iih Mis. Lloycd Cratuitrd al ClicAN ASW Anniicerccry grcciufc lu Mr. pian.iMay grt-eigcuof guid N A W and Mrs. Lurue Cclling. Mr. ccd oichuc ail conegrtulations ei c-itO CONTINUET Mrs. JohnD. Ccrric, and Mr. and t-roiudiilheappreciciusbyithe Mrc. Jacit MoFitail. coupla. A telegrere nf ietec cishus Siremer Bt-Ode huret Commnerdr coul Mt--. E. C. Mes, lmer Dcodge upoîeti Maioî ch Ottawao s-ast-ad. ht-t- homte lu a n siacoii uc si teu-,tied t-cm Buffalo. ahuconc Fridcy ueeing cucicl- Gcelph, Tirerinu, Toîcclî, Cale ed ^y Mrs. Douglas Dredur, ho îIonie. Windsor, Gaîl. Oahcilld, heaur Miss Geotht-du Hulmac, Eckiicot. and Carephelluilla. E k co mili ho ssar-ld la William At Wedig F E Johnsoon Oîlteirer I ah the Mr. crd Mrs. Lloyd Beyley ci- home ut Mss. Edmatti Dt-edge. lacded the Mitchell-Nixon eiddd- Coaettvotreealiteddp-izet iug on Grît-enhurci Salut-day. crtetire te Mesdamst Wal- The fal scuuon lut- lte Cuhc lace Ring, Carl Doughoriy. Jacita. ioperilcoilh 2liatendae Baci-'Y, George tuglis. ced Miss ai lthe lecst meelting. This isru Anni Clarkt. Mucyccsetat and giirt-tioo weh atho Oranga hociu ifts mure reoineti, Hall muth Aheac Mic. Lloyd Sait. PREMIERE MisesMarionuanolive Mahon lev, cnd es.,scîct Cci Masîci tsf Buffclc ullended lthe golden Miss Pal Hameocf Miltons iahioeng96 I wudditg uneiverscry nf Mr. ced carge.19 2 C Ut-n. J. K. Muhon ou Sclurday. Scet-cal rciden front hure 'Mît. Alla Mairon is c ocoulot- cliecded ie Eireacezr hUritd Au- A D O acg ch lite homeofc her dulîler i t-a-u, Muitclshot-g Baplîi costA D O Uitc. Kceti McDuecld al Git. Annicacai*s.v and Carlisle Uit . . . you can choeyour Barrymore Mr. ced Mic. Rouit of Uttoolît. Acoicvru ladt Scnidcy. AI] mot-o Carpet in fhe CDmfDrl of your own mt- their tamilt- Mr. and Mis. Ral Dec mcc iihtet-icd ai Si. m. Convenient Budget Tem ardareep B. C. Deaura and lamily cf S. S. D.iiidc Prevhylcrieu Chut-ch uc. available and Barrymore Qualily is Do- RFEH ET E 2 CamphollvilLe. Scoîfet iche Mics Shirley Dred-i pendable.NT BSEr oci oasSls Visitors uisir Mr. cuit Mis. Crutpohie o iermisiiecry mut-h pedb e un o l e asat- Leuse Mitchell un Scedcy met-oc lthe Peae River Dictrict lthis factingarned Mr. and Mrc. John Barher eh pasl somîtmer. Dougules Parinra ed GeorgtnreMr .coMr-s.N.L.clcis uiedithe-hurCi MaMilîco etTtcl. Baitti Nets Hnse Coul Mr. Campbell for Information M- is. lliau M0îî hAieicc Mr, andl Mi. J. Hcll i andîî Miss' Mamîie M.e i ui -l IRl. 3 .,iiiîll0ila the cut-oe, close lu 40t Hîghuoy, thics distit. oil C P L ' L etmou tlicre rsideuhc ut Nacouge- Congratulations Id ncsulyit-od- seoya Townoship vcod ot Salut- Mr. cani Mrs. Rolandi Duho, ccd iCrla i nu r of liqor. I is tex- Mr. and Mms. Juin Kennedy. BL Jisoitid to ho niet t-coing, ýMt ati Mrs. Houso Lctit DEPARTMENT STORE Il' bat Aasnv-aaey tpent tiact Bunday murh Mr. atiMATN T Tire fomiiy of Lt. Cul. and Mrs. Mrs. E. Grant as Aldet-titt. 228 MAIN ST. MILTON 'Mf 86021 M RI T J. K.Maiceentetatintt i acin- Mes. R. C. Mendies, anti Mro. net-i tetir honnor on tht ou- E. Bat-tien are irelitcyiog coith _______________________ teidnight,stuarly 200 suturs htct fui- yut. coitit c ittît sonnu- itîrptoned lut lucre te resaîts lhieg ine st-ue for tocryoec co uf lthaI duy's liqor sole. uttend. Tco tuluphoot hUes core kept itssy tut- tht four hours ascor- iogocalc. Fit-st recuIts dido't conte in until .25 p.m. and tatcoas uuly the figure luttoquetocs lt-cm polliog division lhree. Final relu-oc didet arive cutl cfller 11 oclcki.__ _ PI1 GulhCsosMan P J. Normane Agew, c nativeocf Milton, h as t-totived the appoin- met hy he Depurîmoot cf Net- tional Revnu, Customsanud Excise Division, su tht post ot tolleclor cf Custos an d Extcise for lthe pot-t cf Guelpht. Mr. Agnec, chu coco huldo the classification cf ohiof ort, tente- od the sorvico cf tht depatmoot mot-o tirco 31 youc cllai. Sine Chat Cime hoe hec hield scoh olassi- fictionsosutoms acd esoise ufficor compcliog olerit, uppruisot- ced chicf dot-h. Ho cv.s hure tn Milton ced mooivod hic o40uation ut Milton High Scoul.- H e suooeuds J. Croighcon Sceoo co icol rosi-O on Soptosahor 2h. -Militon Fui-. Suptocohr 29 ced 30. MILTON Miss Jean Br Wins U.S. Bus Tour An attractive young Halton girl, Miss JeanI Britton. who plootd highcst oI points for Jas- ior Far-msotand 4-H Clubwort coco ooatdcd o Unoited Nations Tout cf Washington ad Now Yorkt City Miss Brt-ilon chu lias huas ctive in Junior Fut-sar and 4-HO cosi lft Scodcy mornîsa by chatetred busand will join mcoy other toproseututioru os tht tuas. White in hot United Stattes thle cill visit p-osnent places and eoioy conucid tocrs. Tissu coul bu clicored Cho cluh trprsentc- [toc lufor shoppiog asd other ro- Sir coul retorn Saturdcy coco oio. Misc Britcon [c tho dughtor of Mc. Chrts Britu, R.R. , THE NEEDLE RECORD BAR 0 CLASSICAL 0 JAZZ 0 POPUtAR O WESTERNI Robt. Charles Furniture 181 Main St. TR 8-2001 ARMACY i I NNIVERSARY 3Qth Bouls have been on the samre location in Milton and under the amaent. lE was in September of 1931 that kills rushed their ser- te, completion for the opening of Milton Fali Fair. During those 30 years the firrn has grown from the original wholesale and Ce outiet ta include modern garage and service station facilities evrolet, Oldsmobile, Corvair, Envoy and Chevrolet truck dealer- 0 EXPRESS OUR THANKS FOR THE PATRONAGE THAT MAS THE GROWTH 0F THE BUSINESS. UT MAS BEEN APPRECIATED LOOK FORWARD TO THE YEARS AHEAD WE RESOLVE TO O EARN THAT SUPPORT AND PATRONAGE. YGIOU 0s lons GI ine E SURE CAN 50 Gallons cf Gasolino YOU DRAW WI 0Fe raeJobs ENTER TR 8-6380 222 Mais St. S Ntion WILL BE OPEN FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE SATUODAY UNTIL 9 P.M. AND THIS SUNDAY 1.30 TO 9 P.M. YOfIR FRESCRIPTION WILL BE PROMPTLY FILLED BY A REGISTERED PHARMACIST. EMERGENCY CALIS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIREC- TED THIS SIJNDAY TO TR 8-971 ,HOME PHONE NfJMBER TR 8-M75 SHOWING IEVROLET )SMOBILE tember 29th RVED - FREE DRAW MILTON FALL FAIR SHOWING 0F THE 1962 MODELS Saturday, September 3Oth FREE DRAW BROS. LTD i~. itton