MMATON COIJNTY'S SINIOR RESIDONT are weli taises cae of et photos show- sonne of the nçwàr additions ta the braildlnûg. la the Haltan Centenniel Maoar, aver 1,000 guests learneti aver the the upper left canneris theciçcaler chepel, designed far tise by 'ooekénd when rhey tcured the new fecilities pravided far aged ail religiaus denomninatiaes. Belaw that s a view af the aadfi- jriznsi thé rnom additian ta the Manar. Abace, a few staff anium with ils large stage and seating cepecity far 200 people. 1n 'the -etaI a tyýIMoè p~'sin the nmofata rare wlng. on thé riwt 'a th. ee h»rlb i MW "sp wh. 10 6»,rositfnts caryse îthr 1r' Cu catitq*ît I.enft ti. 14llg Thero is also a smagull beiuty, parrlr for th*r laédies. S.eWtisa biner shiôp pfcturelýit a nurses, ittiain ia oWe thea te.whss ahe f.. eft tie staff~ members warking thètr. m, aller Qpining Room Serves, the Id~imiaty . For new homesa... added roorna ..hard-to-heat area. If you are planning a new home, yau tan hoat it aafoly and auto- matically with the controllecd, clean, instant heat that olectricity pravides. Eloctric homo heating la easy ta install, ecossamical ta maintain and providea comfort- able, aven tomperaturea that aoldom vary mare than a few dogres from ceiling ta floor. With eloctrir heating, each room it individually hoated andi bas ita own thermostat which con ho set, by yoa, ta suit your awn persona, comfort. Whother yaa wiah ta heat one romr yOur whlehbous, hofore yaa bud or remodel, con- suit your electrical coatrattr or yaur local Hydro about eloctric home hoating. 'a get mate out of life .. gel the most out of elertriritt'. We offer FREE Electricai Maintenance on ALL Electric Hot Water Tanks PHONE TR 8ý2345 MILTON HYDRtO-ELECTRIC 258 MAIN, MiTON IsUcWuPWSU90119 OMMC. Cffl SO1 UTML Why- three sizes of Compacti Modiumrl Bigi The choice le yours. Mercury le now a famiiy of three, eized ta Suit you. Now. your M.reury dernier offere you power, roorn. economy and prias, eixe d three waye. With Mercury, you choose a car that fite your needs preciseiy. Teke the Uime ta mixe up Mercury for youref - end se why Moeury hule the beet buys In every size for 1962. 1The new Mercury Cornet -thse compact Mercsiry. But for thse family who wants a compact cau that doean't look it or act it. Tise new Cornet la a Mercury, eeith finse car saling usaurpaused among compacte. New rear dock with dual tail- lights provide a flair unique in Cornet'. pr"cclana. And Cornet'. look of succose haan't gone to ita prices. Cornet stiil only loks expenaive. SPECIAL FEATURES: New 85 hp or 101 hp -6", engine. New 6,000 mile oil change cycle. New coolant l"at up to 30,000 miles. Six people ride in comfort. Vacation planned "big car" ts'tnk. 9 modela, iacludiag thse "pereonal" compact, now Comet S-22, with bucket aeats and apocial appointmonta for an added dasis of luxury. Size up Mèrcury ypurslfd - et your Meroury d1ealer tom-orrow gives you room-by- room comfort control! 'I