Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1961, p. 13

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(mm~asp~ thee &; W :éý- b ewep~.ae dttet for ixti? - R~Uro mu, #Ït W.MoS.e Tppki Milton, Milton West -Paurune membero mpm pre- -Mtss MA. Homeore n charge Whicfi Namefo 7ýe nfn:the hogme et MIns M. A. of. $bc Stdyý -Boni Md ose er Sdllor, M i Cnt or 4 spCc*er ei t> lsomtdng Sd h*ttOMMla Te ha or nulti tas . CheC lu Ilsse lh asilr4aRA"Ml8- MsratduW toe ai fer the thaquestin?? t:%uPI n S ulltals. slullée., shue rC rieelt hk the local pose. offite sttlî -Mes. K. 0. Poster, prestdeut, articte sehteh boul lsdeoed thet admonishres new reuldes, as' a condeuated the metbng nd op> parrtapr the curh mas sot mafier of geuteual'IurCctt Cor eaed seltb ou opp rpeato doingt nil It coald ta fitler Chu noalecels to glas Chuoie adcms tought for Chueoi -RsT faith, We musC- Examine tue trs. toirl n d geetkO* toer reed the itOth Pualm aud .mention chartIen ChoC are ceas. Waitg bu the WoI Of #ôpi po Poster couetsded tbe tinely le- iog to moaade sddw met ai , rel-manup, isMisse Wci .- Sud antionat seith a short metiutalos las buse Cluelsolas *ist ' u aile or 1oCISt total rts the and the repctitlono tIhe Lord's lovoleed in them. We seh,,tul d MItt#o eu tstder lu boeind iIrayer. =dn the ls Chauetra roomsrdkstet dia int lu c rSosaege, Ma moeh Uas. P. W. HoChottle mrei a itesoa eau yug peuple are of the mail mut gains te sur thoughtful and resureot .ln exposaid t0 Crue Chrlsintty throi nelglutorlog toms of Maltos* lu Memoriam" for Mes. J. S. Ste- they go ahread and siess Cheir errer. vesas, thu deepty renpected taith andt mitueus the missiton Bas loal atomneyo stan adore honorery preuidunt. of Chu Choreh. The Sutties are ddrt wee g~ ith Dt5pow of OTestig isdd mortuy of deep study lu ZIum malPctpntere Mes. Whtelock preseuted thed :rd ta co! thu greatanecds of ts fer- ths Io te if %e mnail milnutcs and correspondenc. Pol- the nations and ta examine the gotà eti aur y Cmr bulton or lamine o heief disetussion, Miss relatlnsblp the cburcb bas to elsembere, It miehu detoy orceuen 'M. A. Home mos oshed ts sente commuity, country and the tomplicate tomte lugai transac- a lettur eopesig disoppioval warld. . ton mMeSh Wàs depe dent n of the resoimptios oC telitlug Tise meeting clotse mlth the dates. Mure reittuctionu on the oscear seuopoet lu sou court- Miupab Bcncedlcîion and the haut- "sitcbmeaytbu'". ltes. eus uerved a deticlos lunch. les easy, but fmi] il reolly Menuiseramaet remlicitd se shoutd hc anc or t'oiber. Aay- the joli W.A. asti WM.. m t- h'* «abse.. rose hp asy ashur lug to l:e bel inh Walerdvm se rî o ie ame mould umei as sweeti Septumber 25. M ru. Ctumeuts Three misor ires calted Milton. .P muutioued a meeting sn connut. firmeur ot oert tise past serti tianmit thu Ui u Wm n The irs mas Wednday ee. SUE KNEW 7HAT ta bu huld in the orar Cture. nng ttf tant semkien ho ilidres Boss ta secesry: Who wsea Csts. Junoluge osked Cor to tr asere htamnet for setllug lire ta Chat ou the tetephose? tbree iodles ta be appuintud tua opie of bay beside Llgny Sahoot Scretory: 1 douna. Someofte asulut tbe notmieoliug cOmmit. au the Campisefllie Sldceoad. juot said 'Long ditante fremt tee. ~TbeaPFrldayoftereonuptomhurs New York'. Se Csaid 'Yu, it The onsoot Lbosisoffertsg se- worhisg mtth a htowtorch in o cetotety is' and hong op. vieis ta hbe betd att Octaber 22 atiîity monm at Milton District wihMs aPen s gt~ Hospital otcidesttatty set off o speaker. Ladies seere Oppoted hat detector whlth toreed in an THE N!DLE to meltome the members at the ootomotic alaras . .. bot no fire thorcb doar. 'Met. Harbattte pre- Mosday aftereooa the bnigade RECORD BAR sented the treasareels repart seau catted la a reat aparîmeot sebitb nbomed that bote oC tht in the Rosat Boilding sehere a 6 Ct.ASStCAL 0 JAZZ altocation bodt heun met ai the wouhing. machioe mulot becoma 0 PIOPULA là WURUN end of thetithmtth peiad oveneatedoandusmoiufitted the IDROCK IN mu. .Pregrano Peunteci opartmeut. Mes. G. A. King, Christi. e Rae, F mbr ~ Settfa iaMsesr convenue, reod a .>ALN ~ ~ ~ j* Mes. Meneus, titeeatre coaaeu. day tt pmn. Ploano cyeaperato Furniture ce, toIt f ai South Afrlcan s b rnbtttng yor neuaS Itenm III Moo SI. M8 Il2001 dent Wt sewhoas ite hod tas- earty. eeeedandttf bis high ldeals0O and _______ edocation. Mrs. C. G. Witson, hale tonener, repttrted Chat su- vert car tons inttodiug a otew layette wbith hard hes tated, and oud ctothing and to qilts, bod bren toe ta Tor1 t0 and sbu eaod a tetter sf thaku freamb themnvne. Mes. Wilsn mared that memrbrs belag donations ai couned guodu for Cedarvitte ncbool ta thc neat meeting. INSURE o fm T ODA Y ira the $afoui sey. EXENIO PHONess5 A. T. M OORE osotra ta"i . ok ath. INSURANCE mattoo.,1on u CAMPRRLLVILIR Phsose ULoRm 442271 salli et tht rogatar Met8 oC lie ie qlborrby Cuu Pack .- v*"We. ladMs.g HoWord Mrutle #04r. d ll se. and Mes. Thuecua Cooks ou Sunday. Dauuy Thompsot af MoutrenI bau retuned home and lu nase Georgetown Fermer Wins Competition The judgc for uhe South Ceu- tral Outario Zone, Howeart Heu- ry of the Fietd Ceropu Branch., lit aanuatea tirer Fred Nitas., Gogtowan R,. 2, lu thse Wbto neof thezone posture manage- meut competition. This competttou is open ta couuty sebtueru Iu Peut, Multau, Beubt, Uncats, Weltand aad WeI- ltron enurites. là Ontio, M7 fat-m upecotor eumpeted lu posturemue meut compatirion. Itt detr= 5 tng the coanîy minuce, att phus- es of fiasn management lu teta- ttOn ta posture peuduction are Conolderet. There are flac zne lnurst the proetuce aud M. Nouc ilt he compctiug mtth t ses fiee estuners for the ont- orlo Pouture Moanagement chant- pioouhip. Pinotse Nomt Week The judgiug lu Chu Oatario finatu selt taire ptace Octobuer 2, 3 aud 4. The jadgcs Cor the champinubp céompetition seiti hgt Dr. W. E. Tosoetlt bead of the Field Huhattdry Depart- meut, Ontario Agrittultuae Cot- liet Geo-se oa, ogew-dsc represeutative, Bruce couty; Chartie Mure, daiey former, Emnbra; aod -Doogtat Porks, head of Fild Hnohuud-y Kemptyilne agricutorat sahoot. In gaisine o standing in the provincal finats, Me. Nurse hou shows the resolttof ceverot yearu competItion in thebt ton Pas- tUr' Competitian, spanuored by the Hotton Sait and Crop tas- prasemeut Assotciatiott. store.&Mb pm m Mr. and Mesa. F. A. Andersn and Mr. and Meu. Leonarl Dr!- scoll of ItUttsaille eturuad, hoame on Wedneuday aCter a mtar trip ta te Ottawa Valley, Cartuu Ptace, ifemptsille and sarroaullang district. ROY Hurt Keeta Hosedenson uoaf Mr. antd Mms. Gat-iet Howden, eat ts ieg whtite plaving In th senti bax ott W eeday aftet-uaaa. Ha wat taut th. haupital and ai- thaagh na stitches serte needed his ieg miii be baaataged for tWa weuhu. Tte St. Stepueus Guiid ladies lhat a gaod day ut theit haath at -Georgetown fuit on Satat-day. Birtttday greetiagu ta William Bailey au September 28. tHoward Bradley eeceived seard receutty af the death af his btra- ther Narmau ot a haupital la Ed- matona, Alberta. There are 52 ahilde attottdiag Haeahy Pubtie lichaal. Ttte teatb. ers are MissuJeauett Paeoand Met. 'M. I Milter. WJJ. Moas Plans ,Mru. Ltayd May prttaided for the SiptW"sa mae aete du Caodw s Cuempl«noes Thacsdy, septo. SOtI, 1961 Hartby Uniited Churcb geuctail W.A. oa Wedaeuday eentittg seith, 13 members attettdlag. Meu. Joha 1 .M C Wattuce, the Cheistiant Citien-' WDe sbtp aouaoee gave a tattl o - IL I A ,O D the tome tohievi. Plous for litaLL GA 0 chat-ch sopper in Octobe,- atd 0 OP TOM E TRIS T the bazoar ln Not'embee sere di-, tcotted. Mes. Gireuto, Met. a Learmot and Mes. Leotie sert-rd luuah. 1 MARCHAND'S CREDIT JEWELLERS Met. Atrthutr Ateltattrett-aed[ tome recet v ltre o Hamilton]MO haspitat. AI it h car cto tittatil M DAYS gond beolit. Mr. attd Met. Wellington Wtt.' FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE TR 8-6541 tart of Georgetownm uhoseed pic. toe ai their receut trip ta thej ____________________________ British Calo the Horahy Loit.i ed cetrcb att Suday evetý. lt: ta posîsored hy the W^b To The Citizens and Voters LILIES IN BLOOM Whobav to he tb eattottvareu.ev apselt? Mec. A. Tufford attd Mite Of Nassagawey, Township H. Tremaytte, bath ot tows, re- tort theit Eatter huttes am binamt. ittg thit weekl.TH N YO -Police oîiicers gave a safetV H N Y O talti ta cbildrttt of the Sutteblut ScbooonFriday. The Vote tue Commite wssh ttituttillkho,,t..,i MIILTON FIRIMENS THANKSGIVING BINGO- FINE HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 7th 8.15 P.M. SHARP TURKEYS - CHICKENS DOOR PRIZE Corne andi Win Tour Thanksoletnu Dtnnsc Sa faititfuily darisg lte rpntI liqear aste. We with la titan- te Milta Cosadias Champion and lthe tActasi Free Press for Ihee fair and impartial coveroge af lie issue ittolved. Wr asa w is tel state oas oppretiolias for lthe ca aperatias oftithe NssoateyayTownship Concilîsin inomegîthe vatete ai thte faces, and ltheir Ihorougt investligationaiflthe polestial roce lrack. Agate lthe Valu TYes' Cammilee sisites la cattgratlaîe Mr. Joitn Mcita.il and tite "No" Cowsîttt lac lthe gntiemaeiy way inswic ttey cîdtditeir crrpaigs andrthesports- seanlike feelnig lthat oitted as Satueday. yThe Vote TYee Ccmmittee serioatty httietes tite the ctiizent af Nassagaa'eya cen nt regret tite ouccme af the Satuarday tata. -la Wtt sisit, aguin. la titasi ail tite cubient whit mode lthe Sardlay vote a retard larsoal ai 8 1.3 percent ai the naters listed, and for tite sactesefal 74.4 percent average as ail live qaetios. Yours very truly, LLOYD CHISNOLMI Citairmas Naesagaweya Vole "Yea" Comm itîne "I Charlie and Frank Johnson INVITE YOU TO THE Premiere Showing OP THE NEW 1962 PLYMOUTH on Friday and Safurday AT THEIit MAIN ST. SHOWnOM Itroduction ni the 1962 model miii maek the 2litb nese model sbomisg by Jaitass of Citrysler Prodoctc. Joiasons lisse hees la the garage business ln Miltton for 47 years. -J look at Plymouth now .. alive wtiLh newideas Att-pc! Tlutsl' Plymooth. Plymouîth with Chu Forward Flair Drsign, Che gt-acrfol stoacce, Chu viburant C ne. Widu seake wish aese idros. Aleet, vivocieae. Style-setter lo- yrors Ce corne! Nese! Ptrab! Ct-Cep! Aise! Brasas tg se Ch daeh andi uigou-, impatient ta pt-ec itarif Opainst ail ct-me-o Desigued ta set Chu poce, crcole th- stantdard, lead the ieldi. Mlise! Tltî'e Plymousth. Your kind of Plymeuth .. vvaitiag for yoa nose aI yaot- afarhy Plymouthi dealer s. PLMUHFUYFU-OO AO 962 PLYMOUTH JOHNSON BROTHERS GARAGE 295 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. mi .~ru

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