'A New ttOId Lamp Lighter" -Milton Rebekal, Lodge Confers Degrees at Dundas Ceremony On Wednstday of unIt meb 1. Culber-atson, N. G. and Sis. Eveeseg Star Rebebab Lodge No. M. Teasdol, Acting Staff Captain, 79, Milton, joureeyed to Dundo, wilb <la-t,. Thoy sai<ably replied, by bus. and expressod pleasure and ban- Tboy wcre mclcom- hy Fa-im- oa- in conFerriog tIm degree foc -rose Lodge, Dundas and aFiea- Daodas. <a-oeaa todgo, <he Milton dcga-cc <o the baoquet mmo, a lovely team conferred the degree con buffet lunch mus served <o Eve- <mo candidatet, anoan embe- oitg Star. frent <bel,- sabardinaie laditc in a vcry impresstce mnoer. Appa-osimalely 45 uesis wr pa-eno a-rom Milton Lodge, and Alto,- the degaree, <ha Noble a flambe. fremt visiling lodges Grand of Dundas, presen<ed SI,. alleodcd. Gatights -Repeat By sLoy DOm.. A moder, versian of. te log laili wn lnth accomp.asylng pb<log r apbli. Tb,,gh the girl la modern, the lump. date bach 10 grand- moîhea-, day. The sceue lu uitheb front «<«ranc. lu the heud ,fflce huildin.1 aI Cantadian Matr Co. Lld., Miltoa, mbece pretty seeltaey bOrt. Freda HoI tend potes as a lamplighler ,cilh an antique ga. lighl thal could be close <o <00 yoat-, «Id. Ils a simple cas of bi.laa-y repeating ltolf t Sort, Wrm Gb,, Tbe l1<<1 t le 5 one <f0<0 raing the etlanc.may <0 Canadia Molte,. an<d on dark nigbts <bey cat a soft, marm gtow ove- <he fa-ont of <he -building and lasvns. S'm nol wanling to ceul any aspers- ions about Thomas A. Edi- son, inventr of 10,1 ,eotder- fal electa-lcity <bats s <peh of or evoa-yday <ife, bal <ho Sat tillumination of ltote gas lump, <ire, one0 a bomey, masso feeling <bat pou just cuot Feel wl<h an electriep bulb.. Unique because ofî-heir ugo, <he lampt are or-iginalt street Roigbthat mere ued on tho domotown avenues of Philadolphie aa-ound the tare of cheo cent,ýy. Wbeo <bey weetabe, dow,, in the earty 1900s to ho roplac.d by eledt- rie bulb,, soine wore'salvaged and Ibose <tw, eveotually fouod Iboir way <o Milton List Scouter For 61-62 Term Fot<oming a meeting of <ho Grtaap Commi<leo, <ho naqtes of tho nem leader, and atsistants for Milîco', threo scout <a-cps fo- 1962 sore aanoanc.d <tt mc.k. A Trop: George Penseo, scouat- mate,; W. Lynde aod C. Milis, assistant scoc<maters. B Ta-a-p Dace Mar-tin, scout- master; Ko, Teusde<, Homard Ca,,pbolt, Fred Clark, assistants. CTa-cps lies Auger, tcoutmast- e,Albert< Penrese and Dereb Kersley, assistants. MILTON FAIR FR1. & SAT. SEPT. 29th & 3Oth OUTST.ANDING AdImissions CAMPELIS EXHIBITS Fr- Nlght .......... 25c B ARBY 0Llvooto.k 0 Farm Products Soedoy SHOW * 4-M Club To Grounds ..... 50. O Womon's Woek To Grandstand 50c Sot. 3 p.m. on Commorcil O Sohool Worl, Automobleos M.. 50 xEhibt Building OFFICIAL OPENING 2 P.M. - STANLEY L. HALL, M.P.P. MASTER of CREEMONIRS - VINCE MOUNTFORD DANCE in Agr<culuea Hall, Fair Grounds SAT. NIGHT 9 P.M. ADMISSION ......................._ $1.00 HOT MEALS and LUNCHES GROUNDS MILTrON IGIRLS' PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCEI & uth Nouir Stylis ts MILTON PLAZA INVITE YOU TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH Joy Roeu Our New Modern Beauty Salon Designed for Customer Comfort AT OUR OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, Fràm 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ESHMENTS ALI WELCOME FREE DRAW TR 8.2501 RXPERIENCED HAIS DRESSE REUIRS PHONE IR E-2501 ta gruce tho enta-anc. oft<he Milton fln, tbat snufact- orscho moe.,r chat gaugsl Our- use of natuel gas. It tank; tome rectalming work to brlng tbe <amp, wlcks and standards up to Ibeir préeont beauly bal <ho effort mas seorlb Il. Company président John GOller Wbo,$ pa-ety Weiîl moto,-. He eve, bas a ga, <amp (modern maufactu-ed, of course) on <ho frot la,,, of bis Campbell Ave homo. Ho esîlmales l,, opeauiog ost aI aa-ound 1130 per mon- lb, and il bores c.otinuuly. Slnc. discumling the lamps wl<h Mr. 0,11e-, <'vo dune santé research on <as lumpe and the facîs will amaze you. Thecity ofToronto. for instanc., fia-sI ued gut sîreet lamps ln 184< and <boy were replaced wi<b eleclricity in <910. Gos vies f<et asod for lehbin in oland back in 'Pull 'Mail became <ho world's fia-st public s1,501 illuminat- ed mi<h <as. Baltimore, in 1816, wasth<e fia-st Ansoalcas slit to 'boast of gas-ligbled So mach a part of com- munity Mfe did gat llghtins bocome, <bal Robert 'Los. Stevensonocompoodl a puent ahout Leenie, "Thot Lump- ligbta- and ld ahout bow ... ovely night aI <eutime 'History sod bofore pou laite your scat , wltb, <anter and mic ludde- he comms poollog up tho Street." Taday. <a, temps are mak- Ina a 'big comcbach. Haald- reait of restaurants, holels, motel, country clubs, subdiv- ision, <utfia-ms and shopping cea-te,-, nom ligbt thair p-a- Pea-lie, with gan lumps. Aod bcmoawoe- ho a-sgbout Y.- S.A. bavc pua-cbased and in- silied an elimu<od 300,11 <as ligbt, 1h brigbla- dricm ways, patio,, Porches and yards. Score, of different StIsare ot, holog market ed.by 30US. and afem Can- adiao firm -many nemcon- cePts and several replicas of the enrly otreel ligb<inf Ansd acres, <ho ]and, they <os', bacb the cloch as <hoa- tend, of tuFcaged or ewsly- ccostrutcted fat lamp- hindle a cheery remioder of <hoto «g.-cd otd day." Grows GMonts Ma-s. A. Gale,, R.R. 1, Campbel- ville, joined <ho modere <rend tomard, bigger and 5.1e,-e <bings by groscio< a couple of giot cas, c,,- ha plantst <ii seasa,. Mes. Gales repoa-îd <but one of ber Plans f0m tu a hoigbt of <0 fret. vcbile une olgb< faut plant grets louve, <ha-e Fret ide. Tbcse pilants asally grom Fie or six feet bigb. Ernest Atw<snde. Tops Tractor dlut, Ernest A<exa.dor wu hoaae iet «<e ekly nsoo f ilto Rotary la t meb wbes il mas ans- nounced bc headed the <Rotary- sponscred 4-H Tractor Mai,- «tance Club. The 10 menobor, capeting the 4-H praject weo Sursis ut the club and Assistant Agrirel tural Rtpresentâtlve D.og Bors- side am<ounc.d lte res.1<,. 0f a Possible 1,000 Palis Ea-t Ale- ander claimad 915 point. folw ed by Bill Robertson 910, Bah lioarrv 897, John S1i1n 840, Bill Alexander- 30, Harold Tbsempson, DeInt., Ford, Jh, Watson, John Helabua-. and Bill McCartney. The 4-1< Club led by A. F. GaI- lascay, had held five meeting, a <racor rades and ,,ritten an <xmnt ont ccmplel< the club project. Il, isne af Il club, in Hall,, including over 150 memvbea-,, the assistant Ag. Rep. bold Rolarians. Thankst, t he Rotary Club wea-e expresscd hy Bab Me-ay. JACK HALL Conocete, Ciodo., 81" od SIlo BLOCKS -cao. J. COOlIE lCoo.rot Bled. LTD. NE 4-7763 EVENINGE MILTON TE 806365 Tltt la Oldumobile for 19621 Foslsoned with fiair... pc<merod for drivu<g ehilaraition! Long . leek .. a ulcesotîvo styling .t ils beautifsal bosti You relax i. lsaxuaay-lounge inte-iors foosioned in thse toneo and textures of modern living. You expea-lenco thse ,uhoritative power cf Gîdamobile performance ... the aolifin,,, 'fuel" of 4-S Hydra-Matic--mapeamocth, whisper quaiet. 0o When an old friend dies... gelac nom ontoug Iacaa Bank< cf Nova Scoio. Lacis Thats te lcm-cent, basinstos-like mey ta boa-row ta bill the equipment you need. Nem <radaor, nem nsadtlnory or altacbnnenfs-all are gcod reasons for a Scoliaibonk Farm lmProvemen< Loan. Seo the manager of yoa- neighbcsarhood brandi cf lTe Bank cf Nova Scella. HMoîl b. happy te dlscuss ai Sco<icabank Fansm lmProvoment Locin mb<h you. THE BRNC OF NOVR-SCOTiRi And ycu tingle wlth tise knomledge thaI; Ibis l. Gldsesobile 5iits finoot fores brmnging You tise ultiesala ple.aueof mntoring. Fres tise fia-st exeiting moment tisat you petik i1in the driveway, you're aure tIsaI tser,'. '.onetbing enta-a" about owtsing an Oldamobile for '62 ... perfection ntyled in tse magnificence lIsat cnly Ols cceald attempt-only Oldu mouid sa-hise!e A Gossoa Motos Vlule Ille dlatinetivnn of the Super 88'o ... beautifsaly visible in the The practicality of tht Dynumie 88'st...- youesta enjoy in the stylish powrftsl baedtnp Holiday Omit,, momy Coleheîty Sedan, rabish Colneity Sedan (illustrutod in backgreund), tperty Holiday Coupe, Holiday Coupe (illustrated in foregeound), ansd cnpocious Fiesta FasbiO<-rieb Holiday Sedan, amsty Convertible aud the 2 or 2-teat &l&tion Wagon Feue Super ES mode<a-and eacb omeis specasl Fiesta Station Wagon. Ille lostaey of the Ninety-Elgb<e..-. the veey finmt Oldomoim. Yose <irat <lance 5.11. yon they're to p o! the line. Perfection thatsa mngnifi- centiy oap a-ont in the u<ooh Holidoy Sport. Sedan liliusteatad)te elegont Tomo Sedan, spnrt-roofed Holiday Sports Coupe, glamna-ous OmiuSa and ftc.-loving Convertible Coupe. Plus theosrblinir tpS<,a tarfire-an Olumobiln origina-avilable in Convertiblo andHoliday Coupe. Convertil b ift nted tabfbCpthro-oe <o ive iacb a Oldamobslol BELL BROS. LIMUTED Phone IR 8-6380 Milton, ôï. COMING ,THE AILk NEW SEPTEMBEII 26th .U ~-IId 1962 OLOSMOBILE 7waprwà 0~OeEHN EXT aA' baut awnlng7. on OLDBIàv HORSE RACING Royal Crome Ropostlo. Shows Meoilyn Lookie REFR 'I