le aamplon, Thuredofy, SL28th, t961 A rn h W m nç For Knox Ev*ýing AM>C Knox Ctuch E tnclg tui th a e-la a Ilary hcl hi étm meal- d Î 4 ruthers scith the praaidett~ pcaple Who arn 14,11 ahym6e 14 GM. Robinson in charge. M-s yearslatter,'W r a Robinson greeted ail an the Rail sitadc ýcerk ie glscamed wcrktcomce andca endl'asein may Ianiaad hom dis anrpecica theeght anaPfap . eh. chah cit a llp priate HarveeilpaetAiliaind nMec Malenachose as he w- cnig Hymn 692 "Sint; la the can of tic Bfile Mnia" and in -à f Hacs eî"tter whieh the ttsed the seriplarauneiiLakce2 LarFds Peayici clan repeated In verss 3ta 38ta ringthe fin, la ucisîce. The roll cal] ceas an- aaeaofAnna belorte emeihcr.h sweeed by aHcrvest verS. Mes. Magre pesenrltd a veey Thcertr' eot cens line pielara af the dcvnled Ania. Thsea y rc Ge'y ge Ncll The meeting clnncd ' ail The cercspccdece o anadaa ,Inginigthe lcey harvest, l'yiln "as Ccce 'Ye Thankfal Panple disccssed and il.ccdcided ;hat Poe n h iphbndç ADISI94INIU NUW« styling îch ln bnlh the frnt and maend cf the 1962 Chearoes s fihe asilicry wucaId cgcic hacdlle Caalionh.iaa lccdc asharp departcra from the îicpicag hand fermeriy ased. The Bai Air feur-dccc nedan sher G.e P.alea chraîrcledahe trc: Dcring the social flma tIsai D.P.Ghdu cfsete th tetc.loedi charge cf Mes. G sera fi cce cf 14 caw standard sica pacienger cars cfferad by Chacraici cn 1962. D.rr' P.or GniMsl- H ILMBruice Nicholsonc speer Surduy camber Mins G. Hclciac, wh bca Thunaier chair of Kihridcl The devaticai part cf the ture. Càke Y q l.jitcd church attaced Cut list seetin theaknb M-K iceSunay veing inin oftheHyn, Dea Lrd aptstMinistry M y«V A ** àw m ;» VAaaiversaey geretiecs cel talard Fa ther uf Machicd." The de- 0f Y es. coffit aý dn r.Jsp er a nM.adMs oetMMle,ý%aln eebsdo the 9lsi GOlfr Bob Hilis The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~pur fis etnccKlrd hre.Ms atHwr o-M.id r.Rnl adadpamud foiiaced by a fine Bab tilla cf Milton, l'as etarcd volng eupe' unon as eli dcte te dVotona ad l i adtMr. ndMr. Duglas Frc cnetav oc "Hace tc Stand Toront aptl etminay whe an Wedcrsdcv ttght aI the bore ae r Hyin m l B e th Tcer Octubur t. Up Uadcr Strecs". Mec. Marshait hr cciii slady te heconcta aiis of Rv. nd rs.Wilinso aibatBins, as sang Mr. H R.TheruuuaccityelCcomccMr'. coîrntctl tvith pecver. andcaltr.Heis cvlcd ina for ya crie McDoald ailout f th stuvcad Mes. PSul Hill antI fl.v.ý iîittie i fig "Sceicur, diricilycre. Carlshe Thas meedn hpt Ce rcce lis. ti'cclthce anEt-eic tlessicg". Bnh attacded Milton High cdvhua ccl cchageSchclccîtil ayea afin heche sTSi-ut tacrd a lccslic Wiî Pima ccd r.LsleWlihr ae h oec ee cI Joln Hepbm cndutedthede-Thetes comitee s Ms.-The cratd at the Deccurcaa ut Mrc. t-. Magrcancd peoame Chamici Ca. Lld.. Miltonc. Ha scîtta an cd Art Rotbertcon lad MuccîDad and Mes. Kelly Shr.Da*t paracde on Sna vs smul i ht-cc tas flic tapie - "Tagethe- is the son cf Me. ccd Mec. H. an prayer. Fciloaicg the prayer. Each perscccrecud a verse cf the ia cempteic u aiutire ars-ctWc Miaicit-r ta Huctac Naad. His, Meadcehecck DrieMilton, What a Friecd Wr have cn Je- hs-cec Oh Saca ta the BacS balî bcraug the ttcauhue utulîlttIIItlltS portiont cavarat, "Micistrv ctts sucs scnf. i.. Highe thac t. Lancha cse lu e' ell eer. 1 lu Riguuc". Gac paigcanit A dicussioneccs heldaonsehy edhbythehstesccasised hc sac corne tu yacag pcupleî. Fat- Mec. Howrard. taceicf the discussions Mec. Wtt' Sm~ ciactica kisonaed incacicfusang. Ec A plastic decnlecatien ceas THIS SUNDAY'S cecceer ccsteeed the rail cal[ held an Thcrsdcv avenief ai Sal St scyiang Sawtu 5c caatd un' hoce cf Mes. Rohert NI lcMat, o eta eetcclcings. Thc ceci Ccdcr Spricîa Rccd wtt aie dav schc int ttua tceks. Pal Churc a e di Stîcstrace ccd titi Jackson aml Cocgratlatcions la Me. ccd Crante alacn feelatit icit in chargfthe devatiolLis Mrs. Harold Mataaontherhirth l .aiga eayaeilaa Rothertsoa ta charge af guces cf Sceie dccghlcr. Sepîrehber 17 lvn fn yv,ù gi Anc Odueicoancd Bcecdc Tsciss ut thc Milton District Htaspitli. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CI4URCI MILTON GOSPEL HALL, lneacellesanmd Ueblt calm'csg, arc inchargecoltlncuh. Mtt' A presenîctian ccd ceisci Mintîlrla e. J.. L. MG. 0 scOntaroaSt. N,TE c"ttm atclecU ffet sltesinftc' teplu eiti br shatnn ut ite lcneacîcshccer tuera Srld te Kil. B.A. Chrilias caîatecd in thc nacle ni turca, iersbl Mec Son Wraîs t.d Choir . litee LRdJctCea. Mt.1 t AS YOUR HOME ENOUGH ccc eetig. Ahanenirc ofe Mr.d u acl ndl MS FRidv Hta GCrecltso cndh ahntd Mac wil OUTLETS? Wr miia xr Mec. Wtikinson ui led in di- ris (nc Juant Ruceeuri. Ranctd dc th-c guad.' Nunuber 10 ta u LORD'S DAY, OCTOBER 1, 196t euttec and ftlce itn con. scussion uf uhceaclcricttcs af Joun tec arasanted ui th cý 10t.30ue..trrcin of red. enirnlîspots. Caliusfor hep, goud people. Meineg utoeud tsttS studioe oc nt, alýhrda etrie 8 91 12.15 pc..BiSie Ctuss ced Sec' dic n n siae nyu the Mizah. Gceut tucre piuycd tucepc ad cearv lutut gis. p.în.-Prc Cace caica Priitc dcv Suhual. lcestlelelgrial job. cedua avt unch tcassctvecd TSrvuxrstt'u.t hiti siaccere rtdut Survice, "Mîkue Suc' 70peGttttr 1 Sy thechutccc. tlîcnhstucîcr'iiau filr lueh dv". .0pm-seleri. W.M.S. tdy Bank tssutud caid muicu lir dacc SUNDAY. OCTOSER Ici. 1961 Wutcicclcv. f pc.-Pruycr ccd Thec W.M.S. fid tlicie Scpt ingiccc splld lv Sue Curreu too1 e-u-ir.httSSlîîî Bible Rcading. rclhercleetingath he iGrhetr. Promoutioa Cteîiilîv. FricsY,f8p.cl.-.esPrl Service, Me. ccd Mrs. JaSa Halliegssarih Piahie Trip Kulse Cccectcity Hall; TYwo îcithaight eemers peritnî Mer Mauee tsf Carlisle, 11.00 u..cl in Ma Wîcrstip Rcc scDsiinCal !L.C Thcecduycafterntten. The presi. Ken Steehecce cf Frecite aed "cceud of Sue Waett ta Mci- Yîîu q cru Hcurtiiy e WuCiale us Buku". uceceun ut These Services +b c5c Leccie Suppur. reslc~ i' . Uta.muclaniae -fac~oR -1ta!& .meistec4Tlmr . j 110 ..-Ncrurs'. rigltrattc, cil.ne a cf l PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Monay, OcStbe 2 .30 p.-.n l~i setiîthc duetts ( AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE rheccom. hu 6.23 an c.calmue shio ol lhel9 ______________ , Mit-lu Lea Grccli. Htujiuc'., Hui st cvi ivccy dition, DENALACCOUe4TING Mes. Gourgu tueilu. liii Jet- iccde cetheir. Ilitu cs Set oe t'Svsician, DR G . IN AR G LAKPARISH OF Cali cure a sin'cich catIt. DR.ta ug. o . CaninG AR .I .A . St George's Chaasb, Lomeille Dfi eintoal Buidg c.to Cecece..d NA..uan CA. t. Jeficis ChancIs, Nassagamapa GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCO Henres . 6 Mine trict f(The Anglica Charch af Canada) Miltan, Gnario XRySrie Tel. TB '51 Bac 4tt Milton 'Oct. Sceturl tarlrl: Rev. G. A. Puceu X.tsnerieeTnIanataea' ' cev. R PSE Jattarel _____________________________________ Cccepheilviiie Gntario GL.AY LONG, FENTON & SWING Telechoe Ne. 1J5,sr 4-2577 SUNGSY. OCTOBER Ici. 1961 D.H.GaLuLOncAY Chcreed Acuecclunis SUNDAY OCTOBES ici, 19vt 181h vueuy cat'r Tiiiv DR ta Sugo9.T inroCA,800 c.c.-Hîtly Comcemunionl, 155 Main St. an cîrcat Ceea E. T tneen C.A.. Tlt XVtI I-cetn9er6 .m "Hit-tuci TScuk'.giirtu" 9.95 ice.-Sunday Suhaîti acd Tel Ofce tc "201 135 Main SI., Milton Ili Si. Johnî'c Clîtir lî Bible Classes. xe88ur1 Bavieoxu 954 Nc-cs.c au 11 il00 ia.-Heiv Caommaunietn. LEVER & HOSKIN Sutrmoni. Jaîcqîues, L.., G. oPToStTmlsTc CvartererdAtauvlnte 7.30 yc-iiidPn.v' an.îi' 7.00 piî.-Eiuaieeg Pt-cicr. ___________________ Phones: GL t-4a24 SM 4.9131 Suce._____________ 51 Main St. N. 212 King SI W Etviu utiu CUCHoCHSTOMG ARTHUR A. JOHNSON crcescîc Tareete, SeRC S F SîCHRISd aed AcLtt (Lloy Mai 5t, llasy BOSTON AND OMAGH Traflgar Phone TR 8_9972 Se- MI 8-9678 cUREYvRios PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Tuesdct- a Frîdar cee-vinas MiiR. Su. t. A. 'daîla B.A. SUNGAY, OCTOBES ici, 1961 Evcvîagc Syaponeueac ROWMAN, BLACK ANS 10.30 ece.-Bihia Suhaul. Classes SHGEMAKER SU-NGSY, OCTOBES Ici, 1961 lue cil aes. __________________ Ontario Land Scrveyerc 11.00 a..ce-Oacgli Ml.,cvi Sur' 11.90 c.ce.-Mernthg Wercsip., LEGAL acd Ecgicaers tia ct,l Scuvitacat ofi the Thttrcdcv, 8.30 p.c.-tiSic Siîîdy. Office: 30 Douglas St., Guelph I Lards, Sutpuir. Ycc Aec Alcecys Wricuce KENNETH Y. GICK TA 2-4031 lit1.15 -aiiS Senac ____________ Burralaer. celîrîtar. Soary Puhblie ClZclS14t SuStitl. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH 196 Main SlttCi eih620 10 lais.î.-Btuclîa Suiidcî Ailcal aaeciaira of__ _o TrceSanoe Te t8-t4491_________ ScSeul. TUE PENTECOSTAL O TEAVLLES' GIDE 11.30 i ce-tucitia Warclîit Sur' ASSESÇBIEIE 0F CANADA ______________________________GUIDE_ Paster: Sec. M. Ghratlaesen T. A. HUTCHINSON, . C.. Sarietr, S.1iiîuta. Etc. CANADIAN PACIPtC SAILWAY EMAUI ATITCUC UNGAY, OCTGSES I, lo6i Miltce Gaine Eccl - .57 -; 2.4f Cncecial Street, Milton 10.00 c c.-Sendcy SuSutîl cs'- Téepoe aus8rat5 pce clag 9.27 pce. tia. Minitr' Faster Clevien Coters es fue ail. alpaeGaing atce - celia.m set ag Trtrphuae Na. TSicacie 8-47 11e0 c.ie.-Mornieg Worship. tSS e-c Cheg catir. r.RssBr 7.9 0 p.c.-Eveniea Surice. GEORGE E. ELLIOT., G.C. TS 71.51 hi iaît ' usBu Wuîiecîiv. f pin.-BSta Stcdy Bareiter. Slcitar. Satane Publice____________ SIINDAY, OCTOBER îcî. 1961 ced Peuvr. Otitea cl Mar utrea Feidcv. p.c.-Yoceg Prapicas Teienhuna e c.lc 8-9202TDR 9.40 c.c.-Sucsiy Suhaul fer cli sevc. _____________ - ages. A gruing chuch vutcc ae Dnctrof Chiropractie 11.00 ac.mMrnIca Wlship. your home. SHARPE ced NICHOLI WM. G. RIDDELI., D.C. 7.00 pce.-Euenina Wership. AlWiee W. S. SEASPE 3a1 Kingsieigh Court -l ecm A. J. NICIIGLS Bt- Appaietceent Muecia., 6.30 p.c.-Piuner Girls Bcceitlaae Solicitcrs esc PHNONS TR 8-6923 cgc f te 14 vcars. ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCIÎ Sal ar.S ia lto Maublie Tarudu 7.'39 p.ce. - Chrictian Mai. ccd Jaceec ctcecla 140 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S Mats SB.Mla aGGL u-irStigade Boys, 12 ta Minute:R- Becl.LaaGec. Taelteca Te 8-2239 CHIRGPRACTIC CLINIC if ycrcA. B.D.JLon CG hm _____________________ X-siera- Lhrtr Wrdeduy, a p.ce.-BiSie Sicdy- PSîilea '- Traction cc ryrMeig i'DY CTOBES Ici, 1961 P. DAVID THOMPSON Manieulationadtce etig UDY Sarielc.ancd Beitetter 35Guee SI. uvulh, Ocirvitr 9.45 c.c.-Scndct' SuSaul lue ail Vitr 1-2151 BANAI WO01W FAITH 1)utý cacd girlc, 9 vuurc ut cge lie Main trtra IeSe chareîceceledi uer )aterst S c Te-cd îttiaofCirtpraciu itvtofiGidtstwcbv S.tuepiuutt ttut110cus.-Nrcurv Suhatîl ta Resrdence TR 8-6695 A. P. KENT, D.C. naIal, titi îciîîîîîuiiii tititituu 237King, Clltt oli tel h li, Siiitc.llult iii, 0 i Suîîtitt hh'tp. __________________ Corneiiar Matit St.titPiitt. o i i .s i ' S. ls- itt t, Wo5v-d PUBL.IC LIBRARY HOIJRS By uppcitnac - 87f 2031 liattat aatii tc cignc ii tha ,idtirnum sîîaîîsîThet Cc-ý lion .Whcse ceaSetS the ut Halai Comtmcnion. idccay ....... 1.30 - 5 p.m. FENEEAL IaMECTOna siighlesl possihlc diffarece Ste 11.00 c.m-Beys ccd girls 4 at - lJf......t10-57 - 9p.cl. iceee their pet-sucs, thair ces-' cf cgr e f ceit asscehble ic Wd da 9.0a.m. - 1 p.m. sages their acs, SaIS indead The Sanctaand preed Wedaecdatr- f30 ~McKMtSE diseciievcd in Gcd; balS rtrpcd- luScta cada h e l'udy _......... 1.30 - , 7- 9 pâlm. I l TUBA HOM itrd tels signs acd helrayed the cucd Sy'ct. Paley...,,..... 130-, 'fpan POcl l _4«i MG1RT ce DAr "Cause" cf tels Massccacs. . 930.h'. tlcceConitionsccServi Bahai Scetptares. Visitces Wcecly*WqJtcmed e" beW ait *Dcm Chiâ sain tIen. Mg0gacs adrs fnllawcd mascotg$WMiIg4*i 'ai Kergana adI. Mackap, Uic Mac C. S, tcfie te 01 '.. nferlcg and affertcry prayl lad Bnelpt rbX i46Rgrtl l'y C. S. Lckie a. id ceveral btr Mr$s RliS lIaSRimq I.aa* hyamc. tIen. MeGoset aiddclttcfel e II~P aid. ta beldlic hIerat of the mgcSü. lRbe" clsildcnn tcMd ta esplin certea DcAk UWceyosf*icl' ~ 1W gIet, eeecpia lSd h cr04ey treacacr e luag.ma 9 for prnpea asage cf thse Bible Ina Sca cpethdefic Build your ban k balance.. Buik- -your peace of mind CANADgAN IMPRRIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE Chir 1260 bran.cha ta llefeym 'à. a il"" !ATCH FOR ENING IN MILTON WEDNESDAY )CTOBER 4th AT MILTON PLAZA RE 1~ ................