Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 1961, p. 7

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- ~ - INUCT0N SALE Pesd end ParaiBasu The andersigaed bave recciv- ed Instructionss fOm, ADDISON WOOI3LEY To soîl hy public auction at bis arou, I rafle south ai IowC af Milton, on IsIt fine, To-p. of Tra- fligor, on S*TURDAY, OCTOBREt 14 ComouonciCg aI 1 u'clocb, the Iollosning: lrootoe; a nouhocr of buggy and imagon o-boots; a large assort ment of chofins, bora, fortes etc GATTLE-Gtenalda Maple Meg gin, hem '54, hred Juty 3, 161 Glenaldu Muple Hotty, hemi 'S4 brad Jonc 20, '61; Glesoldý Mapte Shirley, hem '55, bred Juiy T, '61; Glenaîda Muple Sý phile, hemn '56, hd Juty 23, 1 Oleoalda Mople Miniroîs, heI; l58, Cal hced; Glenaldu Mapl Lucy Ann o. hem58, bred Aug. 8, '61; Glenaldo Maple TouIs, ban '58, bred Mar 27, '61; Glenaida Maple Oheples, -hem 358, not brd; Genaldo Mupte Viae!, hor '58, flot hred; Otenolda Mapl Hen, horn '59, coif ai side Gienolda Mople Helen A., hor '59, hrcd Aprit 22. '61; Gîcnolda Mopte Mary Ann. bora '59, open; Glenuida -Mopte Hester. hecn '60, Cpm;: Glenoida Maprie Er-ne, heo '60, open; Glonoidu Mapl Satly. boran '6D, open; Gtesolda Mapto Partie, hora '58, bred Jan. 30, '61; 3 grade Holstein coms, not hcod; 3 Holstein heifer culv es, woill ho regislerad hy sale limre; 3 Hereford heifers, bh les; 5 grade Holstein and Hore ford co-s, 3 yoor cied, mithing KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfoction Goaanleed seDry Cleaning * Shirî Landering Soieay serviceoifreqaired * Alterotions and Repairs " Eî,co and Drapes expeclly * fro Pichaup-Od Delivecy *AIl o-ork dose on premises CAIL TR 8-9941 - DRAPERIES CLISTOM MADE DRAPES * Oetivoood ta yosc hoome, rrody to haog, in 2o-eeks. * Csyorlly mado and finished. ri Wide cîrov of poIlerns fraie wbicl Io choose. STORE 228 Main Milton TE 8-6021 c-Il ELECTRICAL SRRVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC a INDIOSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL *DOMESTIC *ELECTRIC HEATINO Complefe EIectric House 66 Charlos SI. Milton TE 8-9513 c Il-tl EXCAVATINO -Excavating & Grading Top Soit B Sand - .orâveI - Stone Fi C. CATION TE 8-9313 c-tf RUGS 55, il CARPETS Ouotity Brodlooie a Roui Sioos 0 Wall la Watt ,,alicates Free" CAMPBELLUS DEPA1STMENT STORE TE 9-6021 228 Main Sit. R. . - c-49-O Dol bretI; S MRistjaeafoi Ret- Ford aeira, b Jüis TIlaîte isas boeca Wl8151 for MoiasO yean, la vveII kIown in Helao colui Y¶l eoiI n a brurel- ;!OWEIît iPPIMVNTS ETC. -or traclor,49 le tactoir 52i;o W30 tracter an ruahi Ihoeo traclars skitr Iexellent mechaolcal condition; Case 6 Fr. combhine witb Wisronsin moler; New Hollood hailer with Wiscon- snmater; Kelly Ryste mantare spriader wilh P.T.O., 110 bus.; Ford 2-farrow tractor plow; Ford double isa; Deerhoes 2- dise Iraclor ploo-; land packer; Cocksburt double dîsc; Pergu- son gradJog bladte; Ferguson 7 f i. panier' mawer; Ford houck iae RoVor past bale paller digger; MH. aide robe; sel af ohala haccows; set af beavj harroo-s; sprisg ioalb oulîlvaoar, P.O. clavier seeder, P.T.O.; timplement tirailler: 2 cubber tir- ed wagons wilil fIat bay rack. 2-wbeeî Iraclor traiter wilil fie laiby rock; '49 Cbev. track, pick-up, wilb higil rock; I2 fi. groio auger; circuler s0w mibh P.T.O.; 24 fi. hale elevalor; Clip- per faanig oui1, 3-druos stel land cofler; remenl mixer; Liii- cale elecicic wonder, 180 amps anid equipenee; elecîrir feocer wiih ieîulaiars and 80 porls; 600 fI. !4i plastie waler pipe; puip jackl; 150 fI. 14" plastic viuier pipe; ocrew jack; 50 FI. I" plootie wolec pipe; shallow welI pamp; large assortiment ai fountoinu, feeders, waier caps and steel poullry nesia; neno walbieg plow; o quaolily of as- ect hocher; 150 cedter pos;s a tamber of limbors, 16' by ý" hy 12% blacbsmith forge, vsO, oo foula; oocil; hydraulic jack; A C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Costoie Hoiesa Repaira AllocuîioCs Modern Caphoarda Plans and free estinCates. Years of eperlence. TR 8-4424 -If F. J. BENNETT & SON General Contractors SPECIALIZING IN * New-Homes " Garages a Additions " Recreolias Rooies * Remadolling * Cahinets IR. 8-6003 3 g igside Dr.. Miton ionlade lîloaft on stol taaibr Êrewar fac J8Ay, erIN AN 87W - .08bales of qui alugA, 1940; 3,30 610 of rabsed boy, T(M hua. a 144 nels. Rutdney; IU bus, ni 191 Cas, DAIRY EOUIPMENT - 2-lia Choce Bny millier 5911k mrdîur and pîpîng and purap; extra Hiemun parti Woods partable 8-con cuoler; nlectic potfletâ- er; 3 h.p. Woud's poais plder; eleacic cip par; electrir comi; elertrlr dnbomoer; polio; strain- ers, nhow bottera; blasiers. PUINTUR- D8unan Phyfe drap 1eof sable; stadio couch; ionay Iovestil dîniiig rant salle; 2 wallsal hedrango salles oullb spcingts and sprlsg mat tresoes, dressera oaod dregang tables; altigle spoal hed Wi b aprIngs 4ad u$clit Iiaifress 2 sice 118os 9o antd sprIng maliressos; mltogony bedom sulle; oule bedmoorn suite; udd dressera; odd mach aeds;6 laltice baci dinheg aom chairs; 3 roohise choira; nu, aftiai pine tubIes; pi ne pigeon bule secrelary; store scelles; bathl traIes; Mioououiec, large slite 2 Aoointe ras, 6xrt6and6l 9 a no. aîual ccks and jetg; loracries; bird cages; couri cages; budgie breedlng cage severat caouleras and photo en uarger; electrir ma mne paower luien oomc; finir lampa; laite tamps; san ternir; Morris choir; Iaandcy bampar; pine cilesl; fancy saisit hou ood slv;fnerous etier umal .os Iud effeali. TERMS: Cash settemeel ith alerk day ai sale. Nocreserve os the focou sa sotd QIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Cleoning li Repaics * Installation 24 Hour Service Att oongooconteedoand insured. TR 8-6797 c-22-3 ORNAMENTAL IRON Milton Ornamental Iron ALUMINUM and MRON RAILINOS BILE KELLY TE 8-9827 PRINTING TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING 90e deoign and priel distinctive hosiness stationey office asd business fores. Direct miail aud- erlising, bulletins - sn fat, al- mosi ony prinîing yau moy bave. Allow us ta conte n your mark. The Canadian Champion DIELS PEINTING & PDBLISH- INO CG. LTD. 191 Mois SI., Milton. NAIRDREIN PAINTING VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Specaiing in Peîrmanent Waves. Hoir Sîylîng Hoic Tinting 140 MAIN STREET TE 8-2461 c-52-tf HAIE STYLISTS FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE * Oooified hair olylisîs *Individual stylisg *Cocktail shompoos *Hoir condilionieg * Cold wosing We're oicooled hy Coranada frow Crest Hardware Spocial sîodenl rateo IR 8-9533 Open Tocs. and Thora. EveCiCgs. 171 Main Street Miltos c-35-tf MILTON PAINTER & DECORATOR Froc Esimates TE 8-4851 M. SCLISIZZI E. E. 3 Miltn Heigts PLASTERING BOB WATKINS P LAST E RING *Laîbiog * Slocco * Repoirs Coul TE 8-581 for f ree estimaea. 189 Bronle SI., Milton. a-tf RING CLEANINO Ultrasonic Cleaning F R E E High lrqoncy Sound o-oves drive o spocial oteaoiog solution dirp it tho ingoosi rocessos ta scu coait diri, dust and dried ait. Youoringcleneod Incel LLOYD DAVIS JEWELEERS 184 Main Si. Milton c-21-4 Expert and Sotisfactory SPORTING SUPPLIES CLEANING OFFICES AND STORES Watts and AIl Types of Flonra Foc free esîlouales cll Milton Janitor Service TE 8-6388 c-8-l * SPORTS SUPPLIES " TEOPHIES " BICYCLE REPAIES *i BICYCLES Look To Milton Sports & Cycle S201 Main Si, Milton AIIÇ?u2-o S"IS (s1a - Med t11 ýesfo-li.bc là 6691111 16p TR 8-9233, Miliagu; 308, Aeina Gorge Cucrie. clerk, b-lU VOUE ART'ICLES ACCÊPTEO NOW - For AIJCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBR 141b 1.00 po.. Hàmilton-Millgrove AuCtions No. 6 Highouoy, Mîlîgrave MIU 9-1831 c-22 SWAP SHOP WB UUY, SELL. TRADE ANYTHING - ANY QUANTITY Oau. ofiie and bCuseheîd boCciture. antiques, ecotoraycles, ticcycles, bicycles, radies, lad- dora, compresuora, ecosor curs, Iracks, truilera. leuctara, TV's and 1801 atler itemus. Hamilton Miligrove Auctions open 9o.u to9 p.n.dcaly No. I Higbo-ay Miltgmove Muddoci 9.1051 cOif Towne Sewing Centre IFormerly Dysonl ' Agoni Foc SINGER SEWING MACHINES Vauum Cleaisers. Ploar Pilishers Nom machines fraie $59.50 itsed portables froin $29.50 R= t ahtmks 35 Mais Si. N. Georeown TE 7-4331 MILTON SPORTS & CYCLE TR 8-6751 TV endl RADIO SERVICE KEITH DURNAN TV AND RADIO Repaies la ail silobes Cf tolevision and radio 217 Mais Street TR 8-4445 c-Il FLEETWOOD Stereat - TV No domo poyraonl coquired. Easy terras oronged. JAMES STEWART TV REPAIE 348 Eisgsleigh Court TE 8-2432 c-21I-4 TRENCHING BACKHOE WORK Treoching and Weeping BedC Sond - Gravel - Stone FIN CUERIE - TE 8-621 t CLARENCE CATION TE 8-9313 Cilf TRAVEL SERVICE Conodian Pacific Sîeomship -Iller sîeamship lines and airtines represoolrd. T. W. CASSON Roo. C.P.R. Court Si. TE 8-2527 TE 8-4471 c-20-11 UPHOLST-ERNO Milton Upholstering RE-UPHOLSTEEING RE-BUILDING Slip envers - chrome caoirs. Custome baili ckesecfield suiles. Prices are cenoaole. Colt us for a free esimaeeta 338 MAIN STREET TE 8-9094 c-If WSLL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN E. E. 2, Milton, Ont. Phone Sorlinglon NRlsoo 4-6025 DIRECTORY ADVERTISING IS AVAILABLE IN THIS SECTION AT fCON- OMICAL RATES. PHONO F00 COMPUETÉ INFORMATION 1TR 8-IJ41 J. A. WILLUGHBY & eiNS LTD. RZALTORS 60 peso anlinous servies. colt local eappreleoltie J. A. ELLIITT Phonue Ti 8413 For Formna, Homes, Lots, Smail Acreages Commercial aod lodusîriol Cati Wm. 1. Woods MILTON Phono TR 8-60Y Wm. J. McLEOD Real Esiale Broker ACTON Phone 20: A. E. LePAGE REAITRS« UMTTW 48 Years'Continuons Servce Milton RE-SIDENTIAL LOT 60 x 132 $3,600 flt price for ibis choic, lt on Sidney St., locatod i reolgeoaraes. Easy tories Copy ai aarvoy supplied. Cal Tom Bradley, TEluogle 8-9541 Milton. Hornby BUNGALOW 2 Acresand Stream Six - roomed no-o hongows ultra modern lhrougbol. fin- ished cecreolian roui, double arage, locatrd on 2 ocres o choice gardeo sit with sirearm cooveoiently crossing rear end of proper. On pavement close ta 401 Higbo-oy and 7th on., Trfalgar towneship inter- change. Toronto 30 minutes. This type of properly as bard 10 cOmO hy. Muko yooo ap. puiaiment ioday. Campbellviile AREA $13,500, solidi boick bungolowo soilh closed le porch, ait heol- Cng. ficeploce, double garage eesîted le heaoiifu pilles aod spoace, cedor bedges and ftogg- ers, surroooded by receotly yainid obite froor. loooied o 90 x 284 fi. lot. Setdom do o-o haveuapropertyoiîh sa moy fine featores as ibis one. Pieuse Cuti Tom Bradley TR 8-9543 EM 8-4121 Otario Real Estote Bords. c-22 BRIAN BEST EALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 310 Main Street Milton TE 8.292 Town Properties RBNTAL-Em-ood Cres., Vag- ant loI' Nosoo-her, 3-hodrogo bungaloo-, $i00 montbiy. RENTAL-BeI St., t'. storey, 3 bedrooes, vcant It Nose-m ber, 190 motiy. Colt Ales Cooko. BARGAIN-l0,995. We a re ai- mos tgiviof iidooOy Madura splîl-lecel home. Cosi $12.3800 le 1956. 5%C N.H.A. 188 moCîilv inclodiCg axeo. Colt Boiao Best. BROADWAY-Smrt 2-bedroom hongalow- cit h attoohod gg,. oire. Fuit frigo $10,900. OgCer o-ult lois bock ltinri~gage at 6i1ý Colt Jie Sgrds. LOLIDOUN HOMES -2-blCi- tows. $12,450. Oaly $09 Cîggth- ]y including taxes, ul e oraed, loCdsogped. Fo, Csbgd modet homo opeo dicv. Country Properties BURLINGTON-Sione bouse, in 25 ocres, heoutifot vieleo cal- e 2!. miles ]rom Milton,. $35,000. Colt Bob Lokiof. IIORNBY-Begutifut 3-hedooi bungowo o-gt, hrecossy and garage, firoptoco, storms aod ogen, ,are lui, scoo bus servico. Fut yriç.e $15,000. Col Art Peaocuk. Ne Oc olo-os provid ou 0 oiih - Firo. Autoobhil,. Casoty etc. Col]t odav for a quOIOtioC wositî obligatiîon. fIOADE FAIR-Wo.arc ytgsodi to ggsggogth., Miss Gai] Eal ni Gie St,. Milto, ,onur o h ,eooin-,, 1hli1tilon A.Jool agllie 390,500. MAL MTE (C*Wlnudi The Canadien Champion, Tioursday, October 12, 1961 7 UPPER CANADA ULVES, AGAIN Mortgage MvoflCy .PIONEER VILLAGES arc be rd ar. AVAILABLE Doon, near Preslon (Higho-iy 8); iC,,,e oiloe Oral i Woodbridge iHighwa.s 7) .22 ril. Eatmoos Ortler Offie Stale amouni requh-ed andl ooriho-osl of Toronto; and Fano- diopl1od giolianccs in thei- ho- shaweooear London iHiobo-oo 21. OUI. chl, So,,,ino School ex- seaurity ta ho Sivon. Upper Canada Village iib'aov ccOtiO homer Siouaci pians PO0. BOX 186, MILTON bv 5.000 persons ,on opuning ,jgv' Hoonbv c-22-2 Eac -golevnlooIso,yi-c AIl, ge ip ,on,,ii, -id- of________Cnaa_____o iran puin oi gallons ci __ ,oi, log co'gio-, log bi, J,,., mail. i 1 .i h, Coiigar Safi humne, .1 Illp.o;o 1,o1. ;,P ,yd.A Jl. au, ad an ex Brian . M ulal wehîs w.iib buc.ot so cg, a, hibcil ,ie% g-o o s, o rgan le ch and-.oupo-k;ma -~l REAL ESTATE BROKER & atc-nî sioy .J ,,g oh,,dg oclveh Bb rBg. ci GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Tiîgre ,aiii alo hc histor,hsh,l ým, hoai h 1,î,, g Itooiog dis h.uSs Shops. and a gCileral ohooîîogl znd shingle, TR 8-2436 store and ailler imortant 1o iil,o Ih, og Ell,cti, booth For proportios in Milton, Oak- groyaîrd aor ].olieostooyoo ,s iaa drau foi aig,,,, cle perco TR 8-2436 or Bilt Higgios TR and movod.i 8-9691. Mocing buildings. on I,,dav' liome n,,l,îo, gea. Cosudg hosy highssavs ' tids ,hoggo inl., goiio-. Wanted to Rent hadll 1 boc oIvidpglri clzicl Il ilIirilh l,011 lge and cl,ibo-.o Wehaveocients axoos ta ent entvinnshomess.igps agggg1gg1content', ad Icior and make the properties in the Milton orna. 11i ad grit mil taoupor Can-îlag ,o A yair ,il-i For prompt, cooriroog serice, adoa Village. Most of bhuse grog gi, golO bail lyyo, h,o-ndrao ca]orMilton office. salvaged frogt ho ,goo-, fIgded, anacego -ar bltIl inocreoîiog the hua'dpni (210, IOo! ar L g llIgool ah'or-o ,clu.qore nilot Lake St. Lz,,r,og, ,h,, hrI oIý -, hl1po th, 1-s, Brian T. M ullally and contrlln e waeofIl elegei %i 1, mk, the REAL ESTATE BROKER contrai the ilow thogh the gi- Felo,-a spnii 298 Main StE. gorile ocoordam, canis.o î1, o l oogoi loIîhagdvl- Mitn lckg of the Soggoy projects..lareo, go, moi, thailSg ý bil.ît Miin Contents of hoildiogs in lppr liona,,g mleilattre ne TR 8-2436 Canada Villgere gg thenlic ll ho 10 lit 1153 mlill [bal l, c-22 pionoer foogishiogs, o,îoipmio Illeoi i l il1ic,o ;,,- ______________________________ io-yiooooos aod intrilggog ,,IL iog in 193(). Investment Property - .suite aparto-eCi buildiog, ail] * soit coOOiiCd. 2 hodroom, hoibruoo. modern bitcben aCd oo maninoch apartmei. OC large lt 140 hv 700. Moîh. Ivicarne $230. Redogod fur quick sgle t,, $15,000 o-itb $2,000 ciown AttaChed Garage $1,200 FULL DOWN PAYMENT No Socond Morigago $10.200 FULL PRICE 3-hodrogie brick boogaoo o-itb oîttachd garage, 4-pice bath, full bosomoot, oit fuoocgo gond size lot. o-COr despor- gîo. Musi soit. N.FI.A. 5% o- gg. Acton Home $900 FULL DOWN PAYMENT $7,900 FULL PRICE 2-hrdroom homoe o-ith boge o-- dern bitchen, hoibrogie, Sun porch, hosOo-oto-ith fornace gond size toi. This humo oar- ries toc 165 moCihil-. Farms, Etc. 10 acres. msîy hosh. $3,500 oul prico ,citb ternis. 100 acres, madornizrd oionc bouse, lafr barn, gogd land, for c,,iviin. Askimg ol,ý $22.000 fal itc vit cool-ils,1. CALE MILTON YSvonne Christie TR 8-2095 Mel Stark TR 8-9343 IN ACTON SYDNEY K. LAMB REALTOR INSURANCE Acton Ph,,ge 524 8 Mill S,, cei East c-22 Legal MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 10 THE LAST DAY FOR PAYINIJ TOWNSHIP OF ESOUESING 1961 TAXES Witlout î F glg. K. C. LINDSAY, "Tos C,Ilo,.r. THE NEW TWO-ELEMENT ELECTRIC WATER HEATER FOR KING-SIZE USERS 0F HOT WATER! This io the oew fast-recovery water hrofer thut guorooteco co-nstant aod dryrodablle htot moter service for bryond the c;îll of ordioory houoehold doity 1 If yoîxr family are heuty ogero of hot mater, thia is the muter hea ter for you! A 3000-watt top clernent ylus o S 000-o-att boEtora element in c 4D-gallon tanîk goorootros foot recovery to give voo ALL the hot mafr you'll ever need! And wikh hum 1-ydro 0f1fli rie, YOD juot cae't fixtd o more ecoisorical o-;y 10 rîîjîy hot woter satisfaction. INSURE 9e niffe, FEE Eietinot For Service & Satisfaction TODAY PHN I824 CALE Ire Cils saCestPHNTR824 TR 8-6292 w&a ITO YR -ETI A. T. MOORE MION YDOLETC ART PEACOCK ITE "-447)t5 ANMLO JIM SERDS ITR 8-6M84 INSURANCE 28MIMLO BOB LAICINO ITR 8-2710) CAMPMMLVILLE Rîenaelsîey Duos Sa Mussi .. -Cels Se Little ALEX CODKE ITE 8-9074) MoPiso Ulee 4-2271- CLEANIRS DîNERAI CONTRACTORS Oit BURERS SEWING MACHINES FLOOR COVENO JANITOR SIERVICE

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