Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 1961, p. 4

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M - -' - 1 . ..- A,- 4 The CanadianChampaon Thorsdoy, Ocaobe 12, 1961 ONCE CN1 TH IEovetvhnhce naete tht, Wtt, l'i Soit, un IV, N.H.L. htockey aieton TV aad tiir Ilatti<tt' potstfotsi, tfatpak gameia'Iy îoartiigita wnd Mc,']ýt,iurhtt,ttcbtiahcsv'tal] osmmwi'adade aine htg ctI ilohn, hu cîifttlileIu ith iha trna hactdion i h<tgiwitig. Mitaitic'httt, ha alii%, thuaoataite cf <riticaf 'co siieit'ttIti'ai<tormd sotfi .0ti"'t gby hRotayclub iltttLî,at'L ptis'.hiy, ',iat.t i'inad by the Kinsmn club cy<tt'i<td as' the Milla Mima' Hiockey Asoiation. îamigihit.îgid fur lt'tve fi hnevgoudaaogb ,wii 'ersu oe actaor lads cti,'d fithe har'kos Icgusvhich nzi"ttil% ctaamure 'ad moepmhfaas fua Hotah iggt. in hi, setcnd veut- ut the hem tif the imgaz- lin I i t cht1,Vlit ha mii 1)', the m'in who t'st in t crt'as Ilaarebita", fcrt' mitiis jt casett of satting opteooa ionad kvititgti 'nitct th arc ct-m'y. Jtt',t irl <a t ine lie tpett eao Stttttd't' mimiig dcloi'n LitttIII,lt tttin 730httattght [it-tctghtcant .30 p.i mntg Sonîen<ctit,' t1 fs t'v tag tu thumcia'ttfha' this shiatidi't li ,s t tt ad ya",tbl bil t 'hitdn't, hit unttif the itta firti pttpaoi ltut, uot il %%ii bct at ',acth roffitg buIti, if v% ill huconn MMI, ilia hi h, ittintg te m as c i l so1 .Tir ttW"' knît,s? Alon.g ttth pw',idttnt Hta'h j' L,(i lgui. Sect,t'tt Oh, Mt.Lti'ig t', the'aonaw. Moii' Ahl ot. wttttfac htia<t'p<tttthoc il lic a ith< untuturt endlessîcttt tvi toinorîtiind seior, îtitfttt, tittthe e htpp<tat'tf.g AIT't Rc ' go t te tîtt bttt îî,tt't i ta r t he wittd tio tht gvv un citpi tiî', 'and t"i, til tmtn opttîio lut t ttttt.w tttt front T" ii Spîl , îttht ct *1 ,I Fitt , ,[ Lt,, rogte v, h<it 'tc tc',hn c. d. forîg. t< ytttt C it 'ttt It, tbtth,t,î ,tant,,tMossi S<tdî<Fso, ht<tcpCuaa'di Alleuî, tfILI,,'o,,)t,,t.t'aNuigt auyopeh<ticttanthe rgiitdio fh<t L',t,,t.t, At 'ît tt t,tet sp'tin the c oiid<. ha' a tt To t 't Sports t <'t t fit <t ttîtt't «tit" t't ti hxcui o thepc Mito frighfi S flltttlittigutt hie' îtt,<tt re tît toî<artrange the p ia 'C r adDteftSmtthtVo'ie titt"thhta .'itiag fti< te ttlo rn fh', ft'ttt', tl,tilt aot,' lo, ffile,,d banquet s ot atttce htGod caîic,'i a' h nul',' ht, k'le ais eev LATEIi ca tht UciulT '««ph litil 'tac Dwît'tfrntw pthe ii is and v% lul i, t lit HIlaattt "<hthacîtitt' Lit, h ,, ,t ci ht, Ot'it tntcthipia fit, ttc'hebanueti îwghti,, W t thtikv hn S.<tt., anwt cpi' td Dcauf't' titi,' AI11ll, oth, ,.ti,L p'îa pu'<tjiret, C4m. vll Win lt QnWi (hà ao Ina ba ganse mamUe ~ e y .o 1 fr tho minners antiptd laealarge aromd le Pari Hope fuu lm l a * '.n * mnei display as tCe alia ditoe mon tie tOnlarlo Inieimad- W i Po t H w' min - O55 allai mathAr ta oA seruce li'A' Major cbhmiostip. nspeiilewsfocd t popped ta tie uhor atop fo th ho irtmns u o Por ait 16. Jach Robarts, CanspboilHe'a mlir hs w run sad p aecond ost and baen Honsan, al Hop ntefrtinn ed u Wotiho, Haîrisn. ee anA pereaniai ohompiaasbip burleras hysbeunl et n hig pnchb hi r iuadada au roI er.I umi!ot bc h Halman alliatelforPrtHpe hooticd op miti Poil Hope" men atraodad. scond, ta e04 tisa ganse. oaiy aLI ai iho ganse for the 'and baimoca ibens aihmwed 13 Mitit Harrison la a ereal bort- Meatahile, Robat maa Pititt. Gîlmar ond Ray, Wotile- Craib Cempbetll oatiiad .'.The mrs off 10 buts. The', bit îbaeo ordccl. Robrsjgaveapaune itgoaomait-rfatraîneandanp h'i itîsingles foi Poil Hapeteamgain priyr ande dont haitc < Ads tret- cano tff ctgi boas. Hc ma<had îhcoc grutrs by hia tami maies Lcacarp triplait anA Sherpe, Sia.londHtions, bcbng scoop and ap- otixA. Imo, otd siruckt out nina, Moan- goa binaont- ftouble la the vaaaaa and Nail Watiaîey ail proiîoairlp 70 ltu 80 degract LeSd froirm-la mvhdca, Hart-ison oaod toimtcafaacra babs ashoi had siaglad once. tamperafore.-0tn ral off aise buts, Ha ma<hod hepi foot- hit', saoffrad. Afir ta ha 1c noshnal and fina- Cansphelivilir looti e 1-0fa aoeand traithiout set-rn. iwc att-ilte-ooic ta stari tisa ILed Campiselbl1e ai gamhe. Capivae iltiel td ha t fi rsi iaaing end Gairy Leoa Like a Spreo aigbth, thme ataro taito Poil Kait Moore and Part ('aires oppasitionaa a ti lai aio 10 runs. Pilds <amering homo mon acr Etitir tlredga apenad iha Hope aingles, bai Raherts sîructi cah dathied anA aingleti for *t Iom oft hal seco madie i - g m ih a cout bit ovcr ibird out tho nt boalr, ta end the Casphattivie. AI Ningruvo lamai Hope scod mde 1120.r boa and coma la itir on Ken îbceaî aingled mwica, bia King iripleA Win Cis a me i the Po i d apr nd Jbac fy in boomes double la ceaira. OoH Score One Rsm and Etmr DredgeanedLacare a mbiv ' irs.o.ee Pr tla witd ad Jacti ahie he mon',carcd an Pail Catrna doabi' Wtth one oat lath hia i of a Hamilton atagird. Capeba-1inite rtreanao Par ieuiafiedc ainb oh borth ana Cd t let cetre theni Lcm ort, icipe' icd dama IIIIIII C Thpocil uhir an gav On- Iintaimodiate 'A' Major fin iantg addrd a run la molie il 4-i. Iaitiaed tiha tha gansa Icootd bosmon, ieytilc ow apelil tersvnhO-as' piayad la ComphbeSviife an CamphYelvleasbigget nnag ho aimilar ta thc paccloas day" tha righi fialA lin anA Gilmer taioa Itirmediaia champin . aadt iroa. , msh ah bnh nao coalcat, acbich Campbet<vitl ia ali biih home, la mair il sahip la the lant nine yeatt Il Carry Pield moni lise rosie fivo rons incading a bhree-run mon bp 12 ruas. The ficai tata 2-I. A math pal the pafenfial iy- mon tho second lime ubey have meap had saaredbut uhca iaet-aaaonascondoandinineconthe ten ediaie 'A' maia r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Harrison sibai the daci anA con on bart. Tha petit baller i tae The tat limre, mat in 1959 iFete Ontario Steel Trophies, Speeches, Merriment Highlight Softball Banquet Tha 1961 soflhail acasan ended As Fi'ad'c i'igb had mon milita îî'hîch apperrd in ahia payai a Fri'id't aighl in achaibias ben Mitia MtCcna<t as aacieiaip- couplofi mectis ago maa maphe <trdas thet taca gala cîcet ireso'otc<ad iaaiotcorneri' flic o litHoe piamalaro bai ta ha la the, hiaioi'p ai the aportin MaOil- ferlin ao ic hot two goad, batH' hod daiiniiafp ow,'v intention ai tan 'octiag men<ta r takcAting carr maiig o achofa heuait affort The six freulas mhich loah part hai patta. A cote ai thatis m'as toicarda geliing o iloadciit yot't iaithegoawaaffaiawi'aeire- giaaaitaMr. SmaithoandiaGGard la toaa baverai paa',ihifiiotta se<tid cf the Lagian hall b', tht, Kionta ichî c<as ocst y<t<r'aasec- tht' tint, oie fa hrcatsaiinrti, hie pi'tca<and thou i ici f o r etoi't-Itcoaat'<thn a ntî d acommîîfecîi a bch' id the, iogt'0aiiiaacour'ari Tropby Tiso ait oy ca handia the apeaoioa. ,d hav tha Logios oaaiioy . Close< Oaa ev atîc h tuybao oddad ta NOTES' Amcas Ocoodal ,avihl cu 200 oîîcadad the affoa îchi',h tha icogc'aocuculumi thia p"r w.chad diiigaaip a ot he fichai ta<ttodad o ct'rkcy diaaic. clac 'and iii' ito piaa<tct hp Hor' Ielr. oe taloer for the 196f isyaa<tehmaoiig, and finicolcd Agacw ta tha Mast Voloabie am it h fap iuws oo aungbi cf aitut'tiamon taito Plot've. Doae Hardy who tcHaed fii hia finecafforta aadbmocwa dac<ing. toi tha Caodia Matai anit'f Loteîd ihai thic mos mhof haiped Th<t baai'd <cou cf the, Lai yaoi baut ascoghi inithea ckCpibaeioagoa iaicaaaiupout iightcof ,cors',ac',thcaa,îftriesiheaaoffthasantich mtaiihacil cotdhiaesg picathit- cloh, Ontarita Suee Pic- e'a' la <h i otaosdtaa Thaaaî c aataa met to',a"t aou ty 'thh int get',t'aihia , tih t,'a pi tha vaiood ',,'d',fornaat',otrniac..,.A -dp' ahaofa i toh ,h',c bagca,'e af hi', tcp fiald-tcaita cohacobcai itt H a nfacithofacachcub ita o ws c atcaotatcs ,ia lut' as acaloits ke s I aa tacaoahd ,toc h'tt'ttd h tho sktiull 'ad 'tali' i ii -oa, yc Smith an (it Hooustti sci'enaeeac hit his pittyci" criec Th, cuhcc' pciit otca'd ahich lota c heh top dcea mha vl tbh' ao,a ad îh't i t',ha main as prt'ct' toi' tha sacond .thprnaig...JmBl *lewv tao'aa adh'dT amincost " Acibaiac'a s , ia îoocoa ~ ~ ~ th bat-aît chia c gco I',ioh maad coacait f0 rttcis ia tha lagoc <hi', por, Enerybody Happy oaal fa aa oh'iaos chatca. Dallea c ,t. i paigiiaci The, vac'00 cluob ccpraacnioa Coac of tha Lcgioa cfub. cci cfw mhal sueli livas saoti ad tha goactof (tiff Hotit nsi ompii'ain-chicf oui ofd b goa pari ai 'tha leo- va 'Ucd mith tho fiane scm b,' choimos il 11oayd aad iheb rkithepthngai ex niaci',ftaii Y*oohfol aiofcautruinlad leaudat er . h - 011f ay aad Doanac Ecas, Lagiot clob th has fin&finty ieakpg filete 'lucidechak mcarc oi offan 'aector, commter]tfad 0 a0 mot in ta he foogil. Ha noîad thiho' ura Ïne Nee f ogain la thair occai hiiaciaaa -repjngjin mongsatimonecf hcisiinhampiracpoifach nigh maarnert . D nario Steal, Can plapecit hot ihat bit club mooid at ha garniec and at tiai< oloco otoan Lî.guca, Costodtaa Mafor ie bhott i aathoisroace ch'an mlhichi piayosad fas hutditad MAito Bricaverreiiitadh' -ver. H onatoload the .S.P. pot la, hodi aotd f0 O tci't Pipais Somma' Nadoliai ond Oct <tom and actad thot tho' playh cf scwathiiag tht, aloti 1555 Aiats (Jm1w 11 Octa cd oa oe spirit la<h thu ai] t-ac. Mr. H oustoa addcd, "the floue-t athic 'cmme . w au Fcad Johnsona"tcitmad theo a co itc ci ',othti h' la min'_. Ttcgoc ,wpresident cf thea e rag a,'otain a'ttao, hoi, lit, Tb' dlcaight cithaOS.P.ovnd 'toppig iaotheahaeo1aDtc sacc,.a I o tta' il C.M.C ditacaoda. Amthtchicceiitgf[rcm thet is iiofoîus tpexiad." autti tutak lotin aaalhor tcp jch. Ho accoaatad it'attaott t 7a n ' tr t<~,~t A BUYER'S MARKET TO THE VICTORS an the spails, oad fa Oataria Steel softtiati the, omaiti; "In oi ' ca buia tht, coru ha',o- h nonatohoa ct-N' mackt ike tt hi' onae." Wbite dote's cmart came andttgareaithohoanges in that toîto'" sut-pusof cocs oaverhapota ho', îco',hea er hieb taccl, I'Nowbero a tis more otidet tison ie tt' otot cor matrket, Cor tory opecii atit ns Belote Wacid Wat'11 tiIhiot, otair fi, c'tcamnccsa bd nevot asaovomautomobile. As biah as' 80 porccent ai car bmcs iue ii hoght thair coa se,,cnd bond. Tise rtann poot-scar tivintg otaodord mode ti paoibte Cor forer osoti car baoyera te mone Itot sboemcar clns. This preons ban bron greatty sperd- prIeedncompact. Thae maoufact'rra pîodoc- t' <a' . 'io ran c o f the, <ta filli.' t- aabaed it o',toittitd itterrt-as opeo n Tewn Beau peie Wees ', hotteroc 'tohibvoaplt.hed doc wltHitccthef -cfa ps<dhioc 1nt Loclsles eut lan Fccord the1 base, uciahoi', .tipt-ct <w', h hoas od tl ta h e crmr lodis lo e ou r d" t , vetros spot o a Eyaa ll buto o btiutis atia oe.asbt n b h a o dccbt cbnumaictco ' o ta[,toa secttands Feorbattttnl ationplus <tic t'eI ift-o th.twt-ttuathip. 'ttd foitua tanle in a sixtripaîtu Hct-nsanad ('tomant maiticd anA Afuîiuuith b, ltuno ltt th, <latet, oithcchi <ho Miltta Ot-oh cinglod la score Heorn, finol gasa ia Lambath, ascoinvale aoefferred tday moteooed it srct 4-3 i, bAit, thL,', hi,',' madeita hlmok good on, <hnvn ascn ntetrwpi, ihahnf rn MA-. car markiet are tho ailensent In dîcpî',î te secotnd game ta ma, occasionsu' b', mingin ti ho eplate. Huston icottic ton Ib meur m a fientgc doot it, blatory. Tbey repreesO tise Essexa tu ahtuu'v ,i't anod <hearilt boa iaod <he a hses bot the net toi taae coaig hall plot-ct- 'c bovit TOUE MARKET VALUE nf tho hfi'n îm t-Lt,i '<ut Lamhtu Lae ASt Tis >W ay bal-- t-o theî'sopportcf cie <b ,' anot cmarsi, In mari ncaes, o troc- 1 an i-Ll o r<bt, «0w, int F-nc Robett nd 'utdat<ho Milo tinefo vi, h ar'in utnbe tifcuinrn tou bu1t,\'uhbTh 11it' t, 'A,ta cin <t1 Tilt Pta -ao it iai, hou hogcpftccL-aMocahoroabaHacaatchi- and oant,'ries 'far-ia, Allit matis plot-ct- it-asa o mi<-balancad hoe aomrdad the 'Chiat' Jamci asd abo miaha' ta p pool' l c d si'a Muiîon hoit-'s mbt matirfestom tat t-car, o ro-boiidiag joib imoptt os tho misi cafaabhe pfac repeat buniness. TOURNEY HEIEE jît aond ba uicti an tati accu- mo',utocacai', and the taomn bas Cr la a Georgaetown feaon. Lt-n. Saeroi Mîltocn fown hmatars',ica', bol mccc oeff nlradad and _________ baahcignoispaio t-lau'itd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Sitac'iafcotoa'mtaooi cc n ,ttimediaia boncaftger 'Chicti' 1 enaaiboiordavoaaaig. adarel Inthathicd gama, CraigOrusb ON TWO Jewmao saccambrd tIna b cari catit0 icrîcocd la a big men' as on tha moand for bilton, Nets Pictirtt tanki a 380 yard tacti white running the teag doablea torarenn hare an Se'ataming ilce buts. Psonxscaroti drive in Nwo sirohes roiba theto loage orpenoer in Acton, wae ordat-. The Oalsca loornat- ana rus la the fini inntng aff tombor Imo baite ai Trafalgar the anit- cansistont minning borh TU1AFALOAR MOTORS olatsa 10 oum. anA ait h ith ti sa mwoitis ad a but, onar la z Gbo lf and Coonlty Club on Sun- or on Georgenomn Iniermediaies ManiloOt are atreadp spatica far, so t'< third off laca bus, and anoibor dap. Fred Mitîs mat Nais' poit- wbo mere bnnatied irons the O'B rOOp taOo prooissiubcnabigeavnt. anarnd tan in the sinus actin lier. Ttc hoto la opar<otl. »plaxdews ly Doooliu.% borner by er Ceins- <flop odded four I o b orett 0ar Pield tedteCpqli il ick .1ft a e oL ek Stan Hendorson, Lasro ens Ken;sMoresiKgdole o eootet: Thro mas o short mleai fibtrdi base ' n tb s sibt bai fi ueo quittkiy bruktena op ...Earl cairot%' huomer mas tits 1th of the seesan and is joi ano isohiod the club record. Ac- sbtaffy, he han 13 bai ose mas bit in the efh-sier gaine . . Part Hope oisadt 17 pfayern as thep aaed noseros pinct ittersflaie in the graine PmST ACE ON COUIRSE Wyldemoad Goilf ond CouousrY Club, scbicb opened 010e bofins furi play ibis neutsos, hud is firsi hole-in-one lest menti. An Oabvif le lady, 'Mis.'M. Armstrone, senkti he bail in oso abat on the seaomith hole. Resali? Her bobby hes caurd ho wonit play golf acit ib er again f THEIR GUYS ARR "TNE MOST". Trnphy haidors Dote Hordy, secood Irar e fot, and Doho Costes, seonard fsam right, pet on enoos loah Isom Miltov fItdtstriai Solitiofi Loogoo presi- deof Fred Johno anod soasofosy-lsootsnrr Miho MaConoiil os shot- hold tha "mot coitiobie" plat-oc and "mat sporismootitia" piot-or omesdt,. The siinerwore mos prstned Pridot- vtphl tit Haold Apaom and Dano Gron os plat-ors ni sho ieptie pothored of fho Lepin Houl fos theoaap anosa aidoptianquot and fadies ith GIT OFF TO A GOOD START BARGAIN IBRAND NEW TiRE LIST DISCOUNT p w_ý. or PlUCIE 1 PRICIS C MokeandYeur Ith «Ith T.d.l. TI.Lit Cit-ILLI 1940-34 15.51 1 La Ch., 1953. 20.99 -CCDg. 1933-55 (IL 1 5-SI D.dg. 195"1 20.99 4L Ford-Mot»r 1940,54 l' 14 F«d.M.N., 1935 (.«t)"' 1 21:37 13:4 1956-61 (-t) 24.36 16.4 Ply-wh 1956-61 1 20.99 1 plus 1 18.49 1 j7j.p. -f.,th., ïi_t... NO TRAOE NfEOEO TO GET THE SEST TIRE SUY IN TOWN bUt - we will boy Trade in Tires and PAY YOU CASH -UP ta $3 -for unused milesT BRAND NEW 95 SINOW TRAVEL Twin Ply NYLON as low 08 ]Ue 12 d. NO NO TIME LIMIT MILEAGE LIMIT INSURÀ&NCE ROAD i- h DEDUCTnW5%DUSCGNT: Frou Ail Prico; Show. 5% CASH DISCOUNT NOTESj ON AId PUECHASES 0' F 59c OR MORE* (Itobosooeldodl Sped Dsounte Notes as Moep et 'SW'5CHUYLIROSLTD. 459 MainSt.- Milton -TRU'k2a«P

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