Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 1961, p. 7

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Jlcumty sW IULTO4 STOKER COAL DQMESTIC-FUEi. OIL LIGHO 1-NDISttilAI FUELt OIL Sealed tenders, properly mark- ed, oddr-e..d 1. Ms-. Garfield Bs-inn. Cmitnly Clos-k. Milton,. Ont., null he s-eccived up 10 I2 cloclnck nai, W1IINESDAY, SEPT. 61h, 1901 for the sopplpiîa cf supproiiol maiely 210 Tons cf Snnihcm Do- meulac lreaied stoke- Coal 10 the Court HSavcopprnvinciely Sf000 Gain. of Dimneelic Fuel 01] 10 the Regislry Office ond 5.000 Gals. Dimonlic Foel Oil and 10,000 GaIs. of Light lrdaîiriai Fuel 011No. 3or No.4 10 the Centeniil Mimas. Forihee infarmatlion may he ohloined Prom thie Cooîly Engi- The lomeis- or'yi tender noi necesvcrily accepled.1 BOY F. SMITH, -P. Eegi., 1>16 Cniiy Eîgioer. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Houanbold Furnîge, Real Rsata Etc. Thenundesigoedhbas recels-id insts-uctions Prom' the Execuoins of the Riblte of the MAE, H. F. MeLEAR To self hy public aoclioî ai his FUEL DEALERS FOR *PETROLEUM PRODUCTS *GASOLINE la FUEL OIL Le DIESEL FUEL a MOTOR OIL e STOVE OIL al LUBRICANTS CALL CENTRAL FUELS HERENSBERI3ER BROS. MlWiuitl long distance. and. cvi for Zcîiih 9 1450-o aoi chiarga. R. R. 3. Miltn Georsgetonlaiuilil TE 7-3824. c-12-tf DRAERE . GENERAL CONTRtACTOS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES * Oelives-ed tuoyons- home. s-ecdy la haog, in 2 meekv. * Expes-up mcde aid fiviohed. * Wilde arroiy of palierons fs-tta which 10 clioe. CAS<PBELL'S DEPAIRTMENT STORE 228 Main Milton TE 8-021 c-if EXCAVATINO Excavating & Grading Top Soif Sand - Os-avel - Stone Fi C. CATION TE 9-9313 s--if ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL LI DOMESTIC li ELECTEIC HEATIRO Complofe Eîoctric Houso 66 Chas-les Si. Milton TR 8-9513 - c-il-i PLOOR COWRINOS RUGS AN-D CARPETS Osaiiy Bs-oadiuom .* Boom Siaes. * Wall 10 Wall DEPABEMENT STORE TR 8R6021 Zn - 79 Min. St. E.: c-49-tf A. J. McCARTHY BUILDING CONTEACFOE Foo-ed Conces-ce Raveenil Cîuîîreic Flooev (macinel CONCRETE SWIMMING POOLS Plansv Soyîîicd TR 8-6167 e Outf A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORO Cuvtom Homcs Repais Aliralians Modes-i Caphocrs-d Plane aid fixe estimactev. Tass of evpes-iece. Alo dealers Pue, "lusco" cuionio ciiian wuiidosv the fi neviaio flie mare. IR 8-4424 HAIE STYLISTS FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE * Onlîfîed hairs- eylisli *Iîdiî-iducl viyliig *Cocktail elvamponi *fHais- coîdilioîiîg * Coldwae'ing Wa'ro cir-cooled ho Cos-ooodn fr-onCresviHardware Special siodeol raies TR 8-9533 Open Tues. aid Thors. Evenings. 171 Main Steet Milton c 35-If JEWELLERY, GIPTS GIFTING? Aitractiia Jemellcrv aid Thîîaghilol Giliv for *ANNIVERSARIFS *WEDDINGS Le SHOWEBS il BIRTHDAYS e ART OCCASION îhîîîî. fîîîn a ld ceto LLOYD DAVIS JEWELLERS 184 Ma Si. Miltonî i 12-51 JANITOR SERVICE Expert and Satisfactory CLEANING OFFICES ANS STORES 00.41v aid Ail Typas of Fios For froa eslinates car! Milton Janitor Service TE 8-6388 c-R-if J. BENNETT ORNAMENTAL IO & buv9 General Contractors SPECIALIZING IN e*New Homes " Gar-ages * Adiditions al eeaîuoî Ruicin * Beniudeiig a Cahiniiai TR. 8-6003 369 Higlividie Du. Miton i 4-if AL(M 1N UM and IRON RA ILINGE Milton Ornamental Iron BILL KELLY TE 8-9827 PRINTING TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING We devign aid prilu distinîctive businevisainry office aind business foone. Dis-eau mail ad- es-iisiîg hulletin.v - in faci. al- nov avy priig ynoumcvhav. Allom us lia qouo on yonr mos-k. The Canadian Champion DILLS PRINTINO & PUBLISH- 1340 CO., LTD. 191 Mcii Si.. Milton. SEWINO MACHINES Towne Sewing Centre lFormerly Dysool Agent For SINGER SEWING MACHINES Vauuma Cieaies, Fions- Poliseai Rewmnachines Prom $59.50 Uv-ad portahles fs-ont 129.0 Repais tu ail malles. Raîlal machines. 35 Mcii Si. N. Georgetovwn TR 7-4331 MILTON SPORTS & CYCLE TE "-751 s--if-con TV andl EADIO SERVICE KEITH DURNAN TV AND RADIO Repaisvu aol[lmckcvoflelevision and radio 217 Mcii Sus-cal TE 8-4445 c-Il TRENCHING BACKHOE WORK Ts-eoehiîg aid Weepiog Bcd, Sand - G-vel- Stne FIN CURRIE - TE 8-6211 CLARENCE CATION TR 8-9313 s-Il UIPHOLSTERING Milfon Uphoîstering BE-UPHOLSIERING BE-BUILDING Slip ens-es - chrorne chais. Customn huiti choys-Plaild solt-v. Fs-lau as-e recen che. Ccli us lui a fine eiimcie ai 358 MAIN STREET TE 899094 c-il WELL DRILLING PAINTING MILTON PAINTER & DECORATOR Fr-c Evlunaicv TE 8-4851 Nii. SF1 151771 i-VOGUE BEAUTY SALON ADVEBTISE TOUR BUSINESS ipecializing in Pnrmnanent Waveo. SERVICE IN THIS HARDY Hai- Slyling flair Tiîliîg DISECTORY. RATES AS LOW .14ILMAIM STRLE _ TE 8-2461 c-52-lf AS $1.00 WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Miltoni Oni. p'hono Bcli ig(î NElvîon 4-6025 DIRECTORY ADVERTISING IS AVAILABLE IN THIS SECTION AT ECON- OMICAI. RATES. PHONE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION TR 8-2341 progressive progressive indus trg WALLACE GRAY -107 Court St. TR 8-2421 SUN LIFI ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA. (C@"ÎW4 À alleONi SALIS (ContmnsseaI loie MàW~ane,. 36 Klng Si., Mil- 120 fi. deplh. more or les. On fneder, chaff bloiver, shs-eder §WAP SHOP WOLIF bp. onld loi bs es-eted a modem 134 sand oel concaves (on rJrubber,. WBDB*AY, SPTEMER 13siorey 6-roomed frame hoose Allia Clsalmers 1211 fi. doubile MLOOEfl Ai 1.3R oîclock, the failovving: wiih large deloched frame gar- dise; A.C. 4-forrowed ieocîol MILLGROV Cu LIVING RIXIM-Modern chles- age. pion; bydrallc, mail for ahove 2 WR RUT, SELL, TRADE lerfield wilh choir tuvatchel; 2 Inspection of this ps-opes-iy ps-e implintos; A.C. 8 fi. coltivpalor; large moinul caranl occasional vioans tu sale, coul ER 8-FI3 or A.Ç. 7 I1. monos-; A.C.Cary1* ANYTHIINGN W chis o'ih ladles' maiciiing scc- TR 8-9248. Terni un reo eslalei Calot 15s-aa grain feioîhoor drill is-iory aod henck ln ocediepoll 10% of oeill g price, cash on day wilk hydalic romi loleevolioi. ANY OUANTITY MIOI1A39'R CUB PACKC orelwciooi coilce table wilh of sale. Baance in culh ln Î Iai 4blaale dise pion; Haao AttninCI, a ek moril top; woivoi cie tahle; daye. Possession on ciu>îiog of weednsproyer; chain harrows, 12 Guov. illice aid haouvchocd-iiiiiu Cem!La scik ooiilntdropIcofioable; 2mwaieoivsale. fi.; land rolier; Oivernoiore oillurir, atiq-ues iiîoteiev,îîiiiis inde ivul iii.iui*alCul) glo; Pront bookccces; Wiicon Terni on s-halieis: Cash siul spreodeor; Oloco waoon miîh fiai ti«ievcuv, bjeucl". radio, '. 10i scii i loa ri y arc ased mog, 9 hy 12, miih pad. ment wiih des-k on day of nIe. rock; Beotty ]filer carrier ced dors, caviprev-i.,, iî,îîîM-î. Il Fi,- thl C.s- 00 KITCHEN- 0.E. refrigeraier. J. A. ELLIOTT, Aoctiianer, irock; grain aoger oun 2 ichecie; iiok ii.010(v, (' TV"'. hn L 10 cii. fi.; ceauric ioier; 0cr- TR 8-9233, Million. 2 h.p. eieciric moter; 3 'ih.iii ((l1oi iîlici i-In. (111e vue ni ai the Souri ncycleciric range vviih doohle The Cci. Permnanent Trous Co., ciecirie malins; 34 Pc. aluiiuom lfi l 6.30 pli.. Scpicmhber O, icin: Easv eleciric Spiralaier Woodîich. Ont., extension iodder; polalo dosie Auctio Sal khcd nie hiiiccv ausher; Hoover eliciric îweep- Execoice if the P.îloe. h-i16 for 3-pio Illi iraciar' Jahn on Saef~iiv-ikli.rk aid vPcLn, er aod ciiachmeiiv; garde- Deere1-moy dise for 3-paintihich Ev-cii riday 7 pim. ii(ihii-kale plaieho andiîa ccols; a fric carpener faod' kir- tacior; haro venîllalor fav; ceic 1hc looiping bai, ce a cha utoeoils aid moîy iuihe, AUCTION SALE Wood's eleclric grain grioder; mu 9-1051 miviii ' iml[ 1tice hivkrv arils Laile cickie grinde-; cprighi c-4t Po.ia Izl fv-l.iii.(v- DININO BOOM- Waioot dlin. SA1URDAy, SEPT. tgb 1,1 drill press; eieciric hond drill; crh h coli. eIîii.ll ciifciin. changc mg nurr sute ncluingDunani cloilhes, evtravckvs jaciiei Phgrcobsueiblchinacbie Ati12.45 o'ock ihr: o lectrichbond scm;gardien roor îvlcîvînîi iic i hye ai lkechnachiel -tis- llor her; Boh-c-lovci mailler:Cip- TSMEiht OUTui n a l 39 x 6', carved buffet 699', wiik 1. DOUGL.AS JEFFERSON ps-r heut lacer; oiher crticles IonIEOU e 6hecvy naichiog chairs (ihiî On Malton Road, 1051 southr f Enoneroono m0enion. Tcachr. "This ivs thlic (1h Il Wucld al.s o c ise to hring ouite iîinexcellent condition); No. 7 Highwcy. S miles tIl of TRUCK-1951 i-ion Ford pick- lime tii ick I have had io, (0cr rihhr hiot andî av con walvoloiler and li en chcesi Bramptn. ci Woodhill, the fol- op trock. pav(vlî foc. Whiai- (LIa yo t ua il case- il s-ali. Malle vue- wiih Poli sei of Rogers' slajîleis lowiivo: DA1RY EQUIPMEI4T-Oe Lab-Y avloir viîOîvc(iO" vviii hiave v-m- ram n vc-c steei cole and fiee liners; 22 REG. & ACCRED. HOL- val 27-coi holk mal couler; Pliil '9ev, cii I gldihii lin Ihvcou hîiîîIoecanp. large uval Xvali nirror; Aamii- STEIN COWS &i HEIFERS - HMouoon 2-cui iilking machine. iv F-i (day.' ina- eem ltes-sug 9 xl1; a qocîlily if Herd îlnnd 3rd highesin oPFei HAY AND OATS. D lam Wo vei china aid iilvcrvcare. Conoy O.H.IA. in 1960, average HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES - 14 SQUELCHED falherviîiaould hki fi vpevd Ille REOROOM -Wcliulhedroom, test3.55%i-fat. 8 cowsltesedvee co. .lOveral deep Proîce; 21" .111. sveethi.- i, id thi ueekecd i-h isi. Il (hi-v are suite iicludiog Poil vice had. 2-vearnîds. Ai onimais sired hy icleislion; Moffat elecis-ic clv i lciijlii 1vicliil' l-ai ae hncî spriofs, spriîg mciircv, drsscing A.I. uit haullo iîclodîong 8 hy rafrigerolor; voavhiiig machine: haclcîî alc Ioe ivains asi "Wiîi - ilaC I l, l - hve h, lîiiev tahle, haoch ced chiffoolar, Rnelcîd Refleciion Sovereigi. 2 Beatty iroier; niher hcovchold havei- ac h i-v.l ni 1(i- ideiolvrv ndres-e aid vighi chile; roula- hy Roid Hoven Rag Apple Maple, as-lipîvo. Tlcllol iii c pid freeilvei-iaiou lanî oed; cedcr hîcîkel chelt; a iom- 1 -hy Loîelm Tendl Highcenfl. TERMS: CASH ih a lond i ie imu od- aet ber if hlcikeiv aid îkouviv. Ai hs-d animais hved hy A.I. n- Definitly o reirve asci rri] Pcrn Li ili.ilii-i iiil e.mpi-iuuhch'ialia .001vn REAL ESTATE - Alsn ci 3.30 il halls, ivclodiîg S comv hs-ed is sold. Nclhiîg in ho remns-ed îîvvIý "Ou ori,-in zlria, hsv ,rPc d'cock ond ai the vaine place. 10 Rneiaîd Refieclion Soveneigi. unil seled for Roi rcvpoîvikle - (iiuil hi- makl1 irg ills 13 badge tes-e miii be ofiered for sal, IMPLE-MENTS-DI7 Allis ChaI- for aîy accidenIo. ___________________________ hujecllca s-erCe hid and coi- mers Is-octor (les tiront 2 yeosv ALBERT McBRIDE, Aociiaieer ditons of vola. mhich miii ha nid); David Brown 950 is-oclor h-16 BU 6-4642. m4de known aI lime of offering, ion ivi vpriîgl milk monosc ______ te home. komi ai lot R, hlock fonder; W-O Allie Chaume-s trac- 3n thi vooh vide ni' King Si., lor; Mvýey Harris No. 92 me'f Pcpes--makiog machincesa in amin of Milton, cîîîvicliîg of c ps-opeled comhine; Din lhs- dees mali l'acinie icin thecihm- SUN LIFE cill ds-aiîed loi, 66 fi. fsomage, iag machine, 24'i cyllîder, 14 Pi. sals-as. aVgcrds jad Wye dli aria makea WiVi an ,iav souiller Ibhrn fihet oth iler amail ithaï ente. I fi Nei (îoidjand and viiooied in Make sure voo iili bic iherc he a vine latitude as Consdei ff'iîhayparmfclhiw Cub.v aiîî, nohern lerriiiiii, Fiiland scp- l'I l beiih loîîkig for prtsvv v po ii ofi morn e ihan No MiIk Delivery ON MONDAY, SEPT. 4 PARK FARM AND MILTON DAIRIES DEPEND ON E. A. "AL" HENRY 440 Main St. Milton TR 8-2381 for ALL* your power farming needs *A compiete lune of top quality ~ s Imperial Esso Fuels and lubricants LARE $"ANo CHOICE - WALVIS PEACHES 5l SWEET MIXED, SWEET MUSTARD GREEN CHOW CHOW, ED CHOW CHOW BICK'S PICKLES 4 DAVIDS ELB MIX BISCUITS KRAFT MACARONI andl CHEESE DINNER 7 CLARKS PANCY TOMATO JUICE 8 4 PKG. 0f 24 $1 71, ki '1- si c __________________________ aMASONS - CANNED Frai 16 oz. Bole ef Gatasa Vegetable Oil wilh tlie piomohase of one 32 an. RaIule 1 z BOTIIoSI Drinks 13 Ti fi VEGEABL OIL FOR 83c GRAVES BRAND CHOICE UNSWEETENSD DRACH'S BRAND Appl 6 Z CORNED BEEF LOAF 12Oc ,Z 39c A peJuice 6 ; si SURGET -READI' CIT - MAOI.C5 us NEW PILLSURY GRAND NATIONAL SPAGHETTI 4 for$1.00 CAKE MIX 3 R $ Sîatesin Fanop Reda-- - -- - COHOE SALMON 1/2-ins 89c Ïo &TOM NIlON 71 The Cacaâdian Ckaanpioi. Thursllp Augus t 31sf, 1961 CLEANERS KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfaction Goas-cîieed " s-y Cleaning * Skis-i Lcoideriîg San dy sevice if eqi-ed * Aliesaionîcand Repais * Rogs aid Drapas esperily et Fs-n Pick-up aid Delives-y * Ali mis-k done on premnives CAIL TR 8-9941 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Noimai their Best- Oaiok No. I RED HAVECN orJUBILEE - FREESTONE PEACHES BL,, 79c Coliirni No. I Fveci Eaihg BARTLETT PEARS 6' 6 35c MARYLAND Ifis-fRTUg SWEIT ETNG Watermelon 59C Fur Refreskling Cooi Driniks SUNKIST LEMONS doz. 49c BER m

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