C»M LVI&L8 IIftMEDIÂTRI ns 5Jn1503 cnntlsflsî the Haiton Coanty abampiosb mib udas, asd ai. the santé lime entes-ieg the lis-st of Ihes- OSBA., plapla.. Piayas-s in fr-ont ste Bilt Cals-ns, Jôbs Niahois&,'Ai ltttngi-oe Lloyd Eas-tp, malagas- Leis Andene Lai-es-se Haeitiidni Elmer, biedge, Jim Penuseito and [a-i Cirns. Seat s-om, Jack Las-le8, Hoîs-y Ham- lion. Gans-y Field, Sia King, Ksen Moore, Stan Hendes-son, Geos-ge Chaste-, liane Hamitaon anA Jacs- Roberts. Bai boys ae Siephes Hendes-son anA Jobs Wbe-iian. S.ttang Stage, for, Fofr CAMI»BRVILZB Approve Grant 109týh PftMlSesl gig Uven Share in Missions Haiton ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Ag-cioa Soeysrng a hainl.dy Explained to W.M.S. Onl Flood Land 1961 version of the Milton Pait wiii bc sheep, no-lac.-goal, paul- Ms R. C, Menis 'sas hastess SalyL al . .t-H Fair la shaping up t0 be a great lty and nottie compeiiîos. I the~ Woes iinayTu.-oa.un M . dý Ébatia Mi i one. Il avili be the 1095h anuiai promsises tii be the biggesi show day aftornoii. Th&. presidiet. W.m M.d oilpini.te h [air tlobe held in Milton nfait of liisesiodt fur mites aroond. ers. Parker- opesed theomeeting omreadivl)mnh grttunds, and the dates are Sept- In the -otternoos the home yno-rdi se ricl eTh ie Ginotnnnarod hmitte aO nmher2and 3D. classes ssiiicampte isnoo Physca no, 'e wa ugeiîs oTusoMi io PrIesidiesi Wiifred Crotter and the arandstand. where Visce yscauos sS Ct nseratin Aubhîriis' his otm ttees and direntons Moantford wiii emcee the t-- The Sripiara eso takon The graot noiti ennblc [lie Ai hivs'eacceedet.tin atreadyttsing gram. Official opesing wiii'he [ttiohteraJahaW thariti- ta acqtir- 44ace op a sparbting programn for the one by Haiton M.P. Stasley Hait celuadhy Mrs. J. K. Mahon. Mis. tadpb m i anh tmo day ns-ont. IlttîartsTbhrn- a 2 p.n. infront ofthe grad- A. Mot- i-tatth lhp-us-iiam tlo lain Landi haio ni day nigbt and Friday mornisg, stand, and thes tbree barors hi- Giad Tîdings. ofCata lamîts-arlh Gnn ah Septombor 28 and 29, when eshib- races miii ho hietd, mitb a total t ipait -re nuit irwd iandt rvntfieostuto tosrs tlockbînîhe halltsîsetp pure of 70. Frmimpemnsih-eriyM Cif-d nttiotlsiatii-tm entrios and commercial dispiays. miii ho dts'piayed by varius Ici hoe inasarer, Miii. Gi-nous. b0 Piin o liii asin lan nhi Fridoy atternoon the 4-H Cluobs cal dealeis, a midmay wiii he si-t T-hi Chier Seoroiîry, Mrs. Men 0- hiildii anhs iA - s'tthe oosty meet intmrnt iof pon the groands'and ahahy aies ' eorted haio0 sntnin vina ijioiamnniumpain the grands'and forthiiatnnai showoitt benondooîed in he.leti or itridsand riant sei ,idca tîjî i-toingil iamn t- oaif and sine shos'. commercialibuildisg. rai ihaok ioit nains.. Miss Me- Th rtoilitvi l iti t Sassa-day Show Roser-e the dite nons',aod ment Phi-di-a yai-ted foar talls ad A .L Satarday mnrning the s'arioos yoor fitnds at the MitÉon Fair, ho thoe Wotnitmean Weit r i-* o i oirti cil isn amon cilletishowsss sarti n the show'Sepînmhor 29 and 3. -miitiie. îiiirae o ndi, roaî%liog tÂtions -- ~ ,, .,,Prepae Baie imprai-ominîs an- tuderiakiog F~.OOT ii--i--iMrs. J. K.Mîhon ashoilitai ieosaiiooiiii progriamme. Soptîehoer 25. Titi Secroiii5-Pe ceuint a oa usis ins-als-d. Four Halton C.ounty Exhibitors ___"_Il rad i ]itero tram Mos. Diobsîns _______ in sshtnh ahi epressid appiacnia- Heatîli Épvim acewe W in C.N E. olsein Pries lion loir fic g-itis ai cltiing liii- mîke maotitas iat c The Holstein Shom ai the Cas- for mhinh tho C.N.E. la designat- ahi had rouais-id. T-ha o i-ait ochls adian Ndational Exhi!hition, To- ed as the Champioship Showm tas asvred hy gioaologs iro roio, on Aagost 24 and 25 mas Lan t lýWatert5d bsid bt'hm Giîd Tiding.Hyts 745, Sa oneioftheargnst on recard as Peet sn thonoount- hei-d clas four filleoaShoiherd leud usva 333 hnad moi-n parîded hi-tari aftir t ho latter had wnan fai- 22aag Jadge A. M. Bai-r ai Kîmps-illo. i.on ctii-e y-aî-s. This nia- tht- Mi-,. Wallaon King aet-i lupi ibisn trîm hi- aiîîi- hoo Ttîos moi-i ahao hy ti0 ns- ping mas again ist-omîlyi o ailtlie ol ogte" hihitirs. itrgeiy [rom the- I ilse n iti -t-h Watorloo as tap, Pee-i otth Wpc anioni tof li coqunils of Wst-CntraIGntario, secotndand York third. The tinmnla aOf-a top hrds ere s wel bal n "sttapod tuop-aide eutaî ý W~oOV ammoi-av -~ hît ihey hat out Yark, thaagiî anA meniuai s'aiceos. Fur sone ReW u Stitcàu ,ho Grand and Res'oi-s Grn hath ihi-atgh theieclBad t5WChampionR cosadteG aio Missiîînsa h-dm înd the omesMs-s T S h o rW. cas5 SIà5W1,ff Champion hall. Bran. HîIaon t s'e a iniac sofi as-mr A Geoargetomn moman raqoirnd Welintonti Welland, Wetois'rih. n iinia' mua a faui-atit he tatclosa gash in Gi-iy. Linon and Hitidimand ChrisianoMiîn Calle ind ~ b ctl thahback ofihi-socbfoao-ing a faioedtInîhatîardîr. paesh itat,a i two-car accidentotai-Hornhyoun Four HatitnCaot is-ilhtas obmAîier plni- a.Mr uc hn an Alad i-horscday. piinid in the minniga in vari- rKsing.md lcTpcvr ne- LnhKtta iike Mirs. Kathieno King ni George- faits classes. Tas-nu Bras., Paieor- Thetio ngvas land hisiang. ilasattr-ativeaspossible ani ws injamed ishos har. car ma hodl thii-d place in theosnori-ng Graniaîis Spirt Lita Diine and ne oiiiinhbyHarold Short s'ii-nghaoit asso-whiteRaph and pras-hv Ms.LCîlod ol Hamiltn sidesmlpîd an the t. Fard tif Miltoan had thi-A l ilon go-mi agsa Bane Lino onst toi-t of Hornby. the ciass foi- oos bhrin earsAlr r iva surf 19ld Mis.iKingwas malingialtiîirn adounderifornat in milk. T. fatliiaunt saint. Dîaige ta the oci-a toail- ftaic hi-ia oitad houi-s in mi:h. toit Sititi0. and tho Camphntililto tai-m itf -P. J. .Saosiriio ili Kîlbi, - Gi-aigr and L. H. Leaver ori-has puai-seoi u Oîîsl Split $25%0 n ompeaîiîian. n rrifier~ in1. ns. lult i-ho-o oami-n spiit the $250 _____________________________ jackpott prizo ai the moobti- Kitia- mon-Ligio bingo at tho ai-i-a L. L ALADDIN Mandai- night. Mrs. L. Adamson 1WUm 444M5 . . . of Camphiiis'iiie, Mi-s. L. Cou-t LUNCH KT of Gait, atnd Mms. Chester Elittîn._______________________KT of Gait eacb ronoised 383.50 toi- nith vacanm hotfles theto przeof henigt.Ansd Hawo-rsine Ladgo la the pi-ifont sort inn A nm-owd of 398 attend-a. The fo th brafs,.98rorrcpio.Yu i-sicatiso bas donided ta nonîtin- we-dding pintai-as takon it t'ir liaii-t Gi-avi, $-- 3.79 and $3.9 ue he ing fur a lest woRaom oi- on oar piotareaqu an- iîîn wiii ha -moi-i stebs. ...îiln Hasi-aa situ h ias'i - at i oEns-iptiaisuitei-h Risaiihia Sp the way wbe ripou e AGREEABLE Pies. Telaphoe TR 8-9943 Srabi Drine Safly Thn nom mnistoi-a car hroke IMlo o ------- dams i ast aftr the maroing AtM"ta--a]n sr service, ,a on Mandai- hiican H A W H RN ta I the local gai-ane titi ncA T O N Palr MILTO ti hapo yo'il go a littae nasi L O D G E on tho pitii- ho aIi the mn-H R W R nitani,. 'Ailier ait, l'nm jua pair MR. a MRS. CARROLL. pi-ciitii." __2____Ai__S____E-1________8-____53 ti kniin-. came the i-nai-n t,ývi heard saa." FOLLOWS- ORDERS Potine nantais, Sa yo [ti hi mN U T ILDV L P E TB N escape, hahi- Didnt i-oit ohoy my 5 E N U T IL DVL P E T * N oridîrs ta gitard ait eisis? Roabin; Yns. sir, vve gaarcld dune i-ei-y exit. Ho musi havi- slip- pi-d tiioghauneoftthoentranc. las the Pîgnis Busildintg, 36 James Street Saouth L. W. EMMS HIIASHLTON, ONTARIO T.etspbttn- JAknnn 8-0471 ELECTRIC àernisg tbe ra.ntis if Welland, Lincon, Haldltansl, aed arîsîngBs-SuI4 W.sstwss-h and BaiSse * Inquidies about ter-m Oinsnacing fa e ne or pandiig Pham., Mlofa TR 8.9731 busisesses a),> bc addrs-eaed ta the- manage. - ...,..i.. i n ,;. i , - ni~ I MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS OPEN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 AT 9.00 A.M. R. C. HUINTER Gi- Tînsday, Si-pi-o-hi- 5, the Milton District High Scoans wili hegiri ihel, sem lei. Weiare aooking frrîd ta n ad-icyear of muiaat sas-onîs and c- operitiin. o-e wouad lis-e ta latn ibis oppnnauniiy ao menome is ni-m members ta the af of the Milton Disticts- Hîgh Sobools. Mrs. Jean rilgiiock lt laie bueas'h ins Scienc-e anA Maibemiss Miss Mai-i Vei-ui Physicti fduas-inn d Gnograpby; Mr. Lawrtence Serb-. tsglish Mi-. Robert bîggei. lndastial Arts; Mr. Edwin Liit English ai-A Basiness Pi-ans-no; Mr. George Zinbni, Geograph-. Refi-inig tn the staff wll hi- Mit. MacArthur teaching Histniy; Mr. Oma- Van- sis-hin Vis-o FPrins-ipal in charge of s-e Martin Si. Scheol; Mr. Wiliam Tom eai-bing Soiens-e i-id Agiculture; Mrs. Brubara Mitheason, Home fnnnomi-s; Mi-. Lions-i Magnan, Frn-sh anA Esgish; Mi. and Mis. Lais Carlson Ilormerli- Miss Rita Bas-), Mr. Carlsan eas-bing Physinal fduainai ai-A Geogiaph- ai-A Mis. Carlson meai- i-g Fin-h, Typing inA Physînît Edînîtion, Mi. Alenander Ms-s-it, figiisb and Guidance-; Mi. John Sallivain, Mithe-ais Mi. Fbiilip Aiio-n, Hislîîy ond Evg- lish; Mr. Edo-aid T. Prisn, Scnciise anA Mis. Miîgaret Gray. leas'hirg Frens'b and Commercîiial. Me ait hope ibai Milton Distric-t Higb Si-hools miii coninue ba bai- jbe gobd wili ol the s-omaniîy anA ho pianos of ii-oomplishmen loi pupits and teaohers and abjectis ai yîide in flici aiea. R. C. Silte Prin-ipal Miltes District Higb Sclssals COURSES AVAILABLE GRADE 9 -The Giade 9 stuAi-it muni lis-e fngish, the loiioming options: Fri-nch, Ltin Physics lAgîloat- Hisinîy. Geogiophi-. Heaiib and Physîs-il [uAtio-in, forai Ss-ience Fari il, Geoo-eoy, Gi-ogiiphy, Commeri- Mîibno-ais Scien-e, GuiaiA-sse. oi (Typing.l in addiion thi- siun mast hosai-iny Ioor ni ii-o aith îlîloning aplionîl sahje-is: Shop or Agrio-allai- GRADE 12 -A siadenti n Gi-de 12 o-ast lake Ibiee (boys), Hame fiai-omi-s (gils), Fin-s-, Musi- or onopîisoî- sahiess fglish, Hisioli-. Heoilb and Busnes PactcePFs-is-ai [dis-aian plas ai leai fai- sabjetls lîom the R asîess ias-ls-e.foilomiig optians: Fi-ns-b, Latin, Cbemisiiy (Agis'ai GRADE 10 -bsh siadeni mini lte Ei-giish, Hisoli-, loai Sies-e Pari 2), Aigehia. Commercial (Book- Geograpby. Heîls- anA Physinîl iduas-aian. Soiens-n. keepingi. Gi-ap-y. lIn adition,. s-e siadeni o-ss ohoose i-iy ibîne ni foai loi the foiioming opiionai sahiecis: Maibemîlins. GRADE 13 - n 1961-62 ai Milton District Higb Sconot, Fi-ins-h, Shnp i-id Home Es-n-mine. Latis- or Typii-g. ibe foiioa.ig sas-jeols or nombînalionis of sabjeols aviliss bnIl-einn Grade 13- Engiisb Composition and GRADE 11l A siadenti n Grade il o-ss lis-e ihîee Liieîîiîi-o. Geao-eiiy ni Latis, Aigebia o- Geograpby, s-o-paisoîy sabjenis ti-giisb. Hisinîy inA Heîiih and i-îigono-eiîy ni Hisioiy Fis-i-s-, Cbeo-isîip, Physis Fbytîiia [duAiiion, pins itl east fai sasles lino- or Bioingy lsniîey ind Zoiogy.i BUS ROUTES BUS ROUTE 3 BUS ROUTE 1 Ope-afed hp Mss-tis Psole Opes-ated bp Geos-ge Inglis Ti-s s i i-i-o- utae tis yeaî n i-i-A olt lse the fling ms-te. Ti-ts rs-le wiii hi- the sîme as lîsi i-ea i-s far ns North lino- Miltn on Na. 25 Higbmay (8 sm.) Cîo-pholiioiii Il miii o-id îheîeîand mis-on la Milton. fulan lf on No. 5 Sîdeond ta Cîo-pbeioiiie 18.15 a.m.) lai-n South in Cio-p-iuilie ne o-ue anA ihen Est BUS ROUTE 2 no Kess [niA. (8.25 î.o-) I hen Norts- n hai miAd tn Cîo-phoulaîiie SideiniAd fi-si tn Miltn Helîbîs Opes-atsd hp Mosst Posle riAd an Cao-pbeliiîe Ra-A ihen soals- ibîoagb Mil- This roain avilI be the sîme as insi i-iai s-ut o-lt tiniAneig-1s1535 oi- eand ihOi ar.tnWSt-e nocuAi- Milton Heighis or~ Peru-. tii-os Ainion.Hs ismliiAies IMil u Ail Sludenls Will Assemble ait the Williams Ave. High Scbool on Tuesday Seplember 5 for a Brief Atsembly. Grade 9 Sîudanîs WilI îhen bd Tranulberted to the Martin St. School. M. i