US,., HALTON hITN MA**R ~enCuts Wafor Use ~!~~ 83-Year-OcI lakes First Plane rInp Organizations Conduct ServicesNànetig;- Flad ofg~ Peopl Taylor Reunion, Accident i Residents- Sele Game in Augus hava aiati# rit ir4 i sa AtUna e hîhition NaeionalaEx galo tovanresgvn n : b Ib ti Caain artonal n»ku- By Mrm. Ed Rnbnrtnnn Milton District Hortacattujat lt aut Fraday ant i t oprovtn I MenMuta Taiupn Echretaen oa arnotaiwtisDais ad irnnlainndosIanrwihutniIt ae iSSie- fotinginfeinltl-Mci The Taylor batty reasion was ShoW faIday wa i a Franak .npil«y. s U otlTmo aht dn a rwt4wt i dN lHe n n ieldo the horane ai Hugli Mark Chiaholsa, Mra. Dlel Dasns, Keaaeth Ketocea of Milton, i eid iito o raitonfr Th edts enjye the Massa plarn th cia dragtsennann. Mr . Harlee sag Tw ti o rea.Buc copepay wilh 40 relatives attending de- Misa Margaret Galbraith *and iayvader vaain char-geo of irldttooactoafr Tr riiasnce aepa i the soias, Mr.Ha n sa t Taon f oran rceMKr Yoa cainceraity say thatt slit. dan, aainy ineaiher. The Miss Jady Saaaadera. navica ai St. Staphan's Anglcanhaing arangedhrh,srvicesa tory maach anti appreciated the two sery enjoyahte sls l at v o one o eicaeawnapaqa alciat gost was Grorgç Pil Mrs. Chishosm on a china chaoca oa Soaday Asl in Ille ChtpaLi fur ail the Sasîtays gosaa-aaity of the aaenc and ladies Times Lihe Phono', asti "The City strictios thia year.'Becaaae af th ie ba on ii to tcff C n. eomaveig lnal oaci hoos. Tiose or- %iho adei sach a pieasast atterý Four Square". the amptte raisnSa veailgatea ttato li itéCN andti e h u geoasethdvrenm ta servic forbeing the secodthe absenc of Re.J. E.Max- oaiations vie gti- Gtteui ot t(aie nov, possible. Mr-. Wnrighta oaa tise speaker, tavnataaeitd ta hnw tIsle t ais If you e 4cac g ot see oorca orilad Gloria ltanice Ihgt exhihor in flic, s-star st-oI. Oasri-Mît andve garcin ths ofte hv ctantqat Aialt td oas osh old~ division. Jady Stcad#ras, . tha A miacellataeos shovt1ir ots Chrtistit an ,v, Mut<, Conamit- p oa~. ad haea dtvr a t ois ver &S Of taren la alnr hÇagrv tI ai 1 padsa i Virghia Lee Burnts oi Port ssconitihi.t tn thte chiltrenos aivn honar af Misa Mittirot (oa tisO Is SuntiayWabtevesan, Augstca sarl i sat . ha raa ira0 oacc kstar oasri f :D B Cvetiit. cloa. fiausai, tiayahior tcf NIr. an ce Ohadv oîrssAgsllt20h, Ms- Dolby waa ajain athe Ch tr9 af tsi4h. Ho isaaed water an ths tltOaaaii, thf PfflPs A VtlkvvcgorttihbyMr. Sec. and Mrs. J. E. maxwellt Mrs. Arthor Johnsoni loranas-t f n mayaIienon Auu ttclcotvc leader at tisé Charch hi ora n as is aaortion 0f have ocver haca oeworaid. î, W Ulin. Jackt Kittg at rolltt aver ait ils and fasity are moaviaa ta te the Horahy dtstrict. The, shotvcr 61h, file Butsiness MenlSerice ta tise ChpaI. He itrs- SceiPiove andasn versao 2ao Chap- ta o ttîIt y hc ovchy tise ecry Ibi sek, oia ta e-av h0lc ci the haste ai Mti. anti ore ta chatg iv a the servica. doocti Rtv. NI. Ckisitgats alaise 1er 12 Of saias- Pots kcttanco Tharvclay evetcttg. tise Si. Sanpbess Atlia chus-ch. Mai. Cliffas-t Hsunier Thusay Goiielcis Browna ad the vtsgsHguy aptCiics sMi-e j Ç Mr. eryJeso asa a- )w Mxwilfmiy " hoinccnnýw t lacies preteat. tonM-s vccc hoags aos tisa speakier. Mv.aci Mrs. Ms-. Wrig aia l inht Is- Ms-t~~~~~~~~~ cc csc .tops Ts aoullaiy ti aSpea Geotrge McAttiscov tietivesadti he Jtohv Chsepis, woax oi tieasr oat riii atn sig 0 estitches ta close tht, col ta lier tiogoat. ber 23, this bride aand groom wiîî Chrst as the s-a aIo vhth H o us i, ha tme chs-, r viieci t.hep christ saine it issoadt yua vctgva clcvv Mm.Ka ad htdytgdra h ot a ll tai ehis- barnei n Vaovero. h at hperi asat a-th evc.MaCvp befosa Cisatain ihi . Christ e- ___ Psalil lessiassa steel Pui- or H ov ae adc upaa verIs on Chapler 53 ec pîcysal the argua for lise aIng- tesr lpaiai af as tisg Prince aoAf Fiait Flgis Walter Boit of SudharY visit- Saverat dallas oth of landh- os spa , an t vhas- Il of PaSti . Chepe mif be COl rroaatsuat o- fe Chatrlces Brttohs ccni hia acice edowith Mr. and Mr. Jhnra- er ceci c tinciow eore vialea oh' Goispc-te, hasgelast thaim tcdr C raj e n ala sai at Hna irtiso. thavsaan nur , te fvtts Hamil' uc fllct ta Brandcina ley os Sanday. Hia daughter Pal- ivesa tht, pvaisevty ai C. Dace, hor ta dscibe whtis i a rgo sp vugrci Crjosâls lo Mr. osi Mr i, sau , aus-si a mau re ct- tha hc o 1h httis as o i8h iseen stayisg eitis the Bradltey building a haste oa the lorsa SU MMigoe Pa il osea hivlhcios. Mr. Brtooks, tvha iv tn btiiy, vetaranti oith bisa 10 ai Williamt Robincsan. whprc.cad a-a oa. IS- rsssSvoa' sbon Christ coaas splin, asti sa, bis Oitd car wao makcag hts liseir hnome in Saudbury. Birthdlay wiahres ta Anse Braci- Satratita Amny Mr. Chriateatars tinliverei as thé isap t tise satios fi in tbe fivt Ilighi. Jachia Rotcertson retavet lcy ait Augut 31 antid ivc Thaasrvcet as Saatioy alter iatcrcvtiag andt cansatiatî sermoan Sectauc camlatg af Christ Protatct vi chibtors ai ltae homea es-ast Mitona District Haspi- S igden on Sopiosahar lu sAu.i Augutt 131h, as castiactet i oth the thene "Askisg., seiich oy th Oavil Cop fteSo-lebsdonVre1 efChter î? ~ IPI C IS OMAGH mede fteOahccte Gidas, Mr. Chriatensea painteti aut Dit Fic IN j %,onahad ta itrduce Lieat. lI ia Ibis verse Jasas oas li ant Mrt. C. H. Wailliams. the of- puaking to Hia diaciples aid in lith icvrsincargofetheaCorpto thc tolie oay He speaka ta us ~R S E ~ 15 d t~ . t Hornby South Chefs 4-.H Girls Th rYbogh l avtatincos mibat if me aake F R 0 S T 1 Represent County at Toronto hyn vomortir. ead Caese tcr atauoh friands ai ab -_____lumain_.3._MILTO _lit___ hotitis haoasof atsg cose stuci has. Canccttvv attai tcectga andvttta mliv Tvvd reidet Iîc ca m fvao, Aheaano 2ohnITN_____________________________ By Mrs. C. Pataninoas Hornha Soulth Dabateea chefs aapper andcitckletsfr the grand. udvatron t21,« O hig dav tar 4-H Hacaesahiag ta voprasesa Holtos couaty ac chapenaaea seere in charge 01 c bres lo lît-t th r tims..1îteCapcte].Choes arsce girls ui Ontaiot for ont liti dote ibis res nt. Thr eshihit e-at "v- avouas ai girls. Thavsday stv- cvIv etoa aa- du tt coet.Th ese MILeTON tere OpnOal oa aMiagsio 173 cirls veo 16 cacatiet andiaus seova oth one eroit" acdin t ag es lent in jacigisg aci Musical Numbers - tcoiios tsa rgiA ITNF~ !J ) ~ y ML ptitre distrilts vaset tht, favearth the omas tatoor mos Mita Betty ltes- ai ottendeti tht, exhibtian. Sit lacieos huoi gs ta thse E.m L i~ is~ Iccilcrci I Mvcoct cicivaaLasveae. hve girias, Iapp ItticoysArm sote h attict stsas-rA3B5ru 1111tt îvc.da asi i T- aner-awn Gaa eat sesî sriis bvocchvo Hovicct ateto atOrete .t M- acctltîctctleîcapceeait Dvis thebteeoeoeagaaeaîesacbvorîiHisrît I ATIAYE S Tssn-In-Bf cati h CNE.Wotaosca A asti ve lbe tavaivîtîs cîtîe' oai ast B R I G O IIIO ,talccivd HclaaBaavlhe eatnaacihaoatgret cavty.Ais- muc hrsivcen hoaictscî scttolttcehet I~ ,'.p reiserd t arart ddso Lwrns.Tar e o l oerti Its app ha Ario. stag t vuicrai moter. rL flo va thc me ais te Tî- a Ittri ew Giralys icwrt tivn ornese mee avarrt-aake ci Mta Sta al . ceî s-tab mie quaartettv WaalTissns-mmIp Sis.l q.atSp.m.i.oabePm 2 talc i ws It akiaecc Iho Dstpt silt e ord n ia pG Lorg e aogvt, bte so îanieletm. Wc rcc W c ho rin cîand sctiît op pras aon Dus-a he tteiri rAug BULNGO GoWAER 1111e)ntrrtpvîc Eenaa Peteno - hsia4.oa ci1 t inatct reoa i îlth ti a s l of th .t l. hosi ag ao y A gnirb lst e s,,, ba sd cllcdcer ai pbros- f Ihit e au icch cu v mmav Hal nB r clthe cocingandyrep t reet a ro eadhv la e s A ecta weonnegctci aas Canal Cf.. l thc mat cIL boy s Btan Lesrts- te ahirl lta Hnerltn Fiais fro, Don* Baln oWidrO- 8.30in p.CSN AN IITIF - ST.E J-O2N0ES. 14I C uiltîlte cccaeit o n al! irh eaisc ice ci bat r i iar H tos at ltee ibcis ceaetth ta in h i a scî s tett Vto O it nl igale hcii aim s gorBme on ctera ccc. s 2h6.h 0ho ChIl h Item ~ ~ ~ ~ . ai.3 pl.mca.1 t isa rtp r na ai Thy Sts-photoe vsvda. csin fuuP A N NOasma y e Br i at r 0 icl . o ut stiac. e Is ex- tces a-aIst hva ha vveb Sa tI club acd f i bis 131h. a ilams vith ce vest ra - ui at hisa nd ec o mna eslte-e-un rersett v ain tcvc stsvh c calds cieacivcasal t t o e tU DA M OIT D 3NE' 1 fà .I gav a gu iut ako ier Bety Tisene vi onesbt mat thet ottrrtî as. i ut o-avloanm edey, P.S et "THE -IO 8.F ZORRO j Itesn Holiday. Inm ibiats Laues- ai ha g Hav h e 13 s ofiI ole st est Showe Honors onheirfrit._Tis______ofhe______eope, w oî - lhast Cocptudri laed ut thtCrs-ecctvcl tsýR Pairs oftia Ontua girls aokn o- ttcRE vos cice Ss neJaklll iiterîs~r th~e oseoi oniM.Jhî pavto orec.dav acic anc eeci oots Te MOaN. EPT -2PM Fr uIdai ce i n a ndr- c oac Ac v ei M Ne. Aia B ro a pe C logkcautotent O Mv. iss er Tle SP. stet h i haîv c Ms-bt. T rease t L0p o e D d p the Ms-t.e Bat Seapta aIle ath etSfbl GreTi vi- r4I4Jr letchne a I'ttePlingJ ceeS al]vîlcv prtl arvîî tan oavr il M r c irtDoscp a s s tu t i hhtt- u the Aîtola fo5O, Sna a ter o i uutI cv.AaestCaNEti tcktsCo a tas y îsketbheasoadeoet s Mv.b tn i gasitnino reisgrLns vipcvv ih tfler awcmena seatin e toUi mon Tu« Wcvhcad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ et cccnde asî aithl MeSaianoisinei ~H~îo uniythd miiseao Ms-s Eoot TSmpar an SPRIALZIN N4 h jrPat mn q ont 'aheteva ccl Falconhviceaoacictii L1ptrd. - umot" Tbas-IS"bhathtsvhoot ad Mv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v val. Mis T.s aest oacie soeee Lly Coason BSIca Niha IteOI cii 0 Io ae and. RobavInMcMotlacîbaadcBinCoageoictoandsaetarMv.ioacibol et Mvut 4.f nt toon 6xth il Ha Club ar Watta tpcn] Into Mrtia Chestas-l McDeseeIt aials R.R. 3. 3HL RE ' Stne -eyFatr eadaC rCrons MatiyVstr îarly, Vi it oisar M-teeo and tisei 22ec i m otto sacdce proide an 1Ot- Sovli c crs org tt Mv. oaci anctting oa y ee i- Rsaentg Vtuttnrsrai A Fr tvvsan ugbrs gvvege M . H e an d o 3 hr.AturB - Cvdong crton Mr. tia Me hall Ltttîl Lakd MvDai Mv M-. el R impai Mitoa s oact impo onthasaily. TUS ET.6- aimSîîtcvcaboire ofsiTl. Gvspcioetiyseehrsl of Ms-etdMt.TaHnîon a _______ tasO O ENB on sie ivipda lfe s tuel D.o ee s-os-te M lls ava Co -505 oaciRY GRArNTas a h rrîn~rtat ATA A LNatiBDE AMETPA s s- DA vsne oack i l otts t isivcis an ved h e te aa ae hotitcy . cI t itis-ici. Si p on 's v sii accrîle. ___________ Ms-rciedi pnin n r. .MK Mrciai. vties Mvs.r asa Msommer-c Moecataon isîcat DOec Mrt.s Land-Sets acith Mv.e oacih MILTONria FUELad 4ML S. ATOT Wuî,ec Potitie o ni. Dands SiEEDe ROBEaN scou TNIEI' NONEpe LoEnlI M Mis. EARIAol 6Ewan andETIF sons. Lisea and Tisird Lin Hamilton___________ Policticviis at-voetit oacia Mr. No. Co lcin M o Snday. Sept . 4 _________________________________ _N acav1 Watson K-uIt oacia aian ILake M AYI SciitdDy iic cvo t Mon Bs-or22d.wddn H LD E S V Fiîîhc,,kc- Garg 0ikd a M s. vivio M. Jh hatc ci TUESDA SET 5éen î.Vvvt socvoa asater L- CECNT hctvv cci OIcc a ave lai g o to Mr. cead Mr. T r G ilW AYfn s o 1 bas- V girlts-o uelh ilton on 'uus PROTECTIONr.Clrnc ila o eog t mrce tic ie adM. Wh an s. e M gieE. s.Mre i.B y tle ie l la ea a e. h se TewswdyswrhMs oee ns. Il ando t-euTy Mrwa L9 presee clr Smr ad Msn. l W itt- ll tr as-o Mraas.sEC Tom Heec csisyo pycsc Caren ac D ,and Buce i Cetrc ar vnînssntetnmaîscnMri atent on Ca oihn rplatw is fa Nisnan Misus dar nd Miscca B eater Frth etCeseThrvice l Reodumnd as ar peurDursIbis.,or of61 EscMi aie ne. tItan itile V-Bd Aionni flic LAYÇ 4A PLNedBDGET SYEd PLANiHomo t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - anAsasaisritssatta a isrit vis-OR FGRTHER INFRMAIO anti EanLEN LTO F Ru Rn FiiORD T. CUMLL Coiial Init CLAKSO To V sO mA. M MicxTONi OpNTin TEi 1.4357 TEt 04208C C 1ETI 4273 thenus rouai an-entaiNM iaiati. stana aitdi utah nuiss .5 SN