ists 140VI Twelve Pages--Seven Cents. 1 ý0 a111 - - - - R'écvd r 'Wt&t . day (Wedesday) awbn evedDne.g tClinic ln MR ton Another 12 doorl wr re. jected for alr or: other mdca mn, an sur more donors hadl to be turned _away frrom the door bcue they arriverd aiftler the COUle had closed foir the day. , Officlinl of malton Dwd Hospia Women's AUEIIII who sponsored the cHalk Cà behtaif of the HaàMta RBd Cross Blood Deport, soMi they were overwhehned witä Mhe excellent response to -hefr appeaL. A complete list of do, norn and clinic assistants éi bie pubfished next weeh. Official Lopening of Oakville Developments' new "Milton Plaza", will probably takre place sometime early in October, deve- laper John Tamai announced this week. A Loblaws groceteria, a child. ren's Wear shop, a smoke and gift shop, a beauty salon, and a barber shop are -officially «in," hie reportedi. The Suzanne Shop. pe childiren's wear and a. smokte and gift shop operated by Bill Wilson of Burlington woill pro, bably be open around September 8 or 9; the beauty salon owned by Mr. Death of Hornby and a barber shop owned by Santo Ruf- folo of Oakville will probably open [ate in September or early October. Refrigeration equipment, signsa and display counters have been moved into the large Loblaws dtrehas been announced7re company hoples to bie ready to open the doors early in October. the fuom of a barbecued chicken laie Io [lhe sale of liquor under dlinner at the new Halton Country a lounge licence, a dIg lounoge Club, Sixth Line Nassagaweya. licence, sale of beler and wmne Unnamed Grorup only under a dining roomi licen- Hans Bernhard, solicitor for anr ce, thec granting 01 bee and pub. unnamed group promoting th lic house beences Ior servmng constructio of terak, mod n nu y, pan mic thu g licne sf the crowd the track and grnd- eradpbichuelcne stand wou l be conestructed on where women are admitted, 400 acre, of land nort-wsto 60 Per Cent the Highwa 40-Guelph ie Eac question moust be car- interchange, ecom passing all 0i1 ried byl 60 per cent ofi thoe who lotas 8hand w9ninConcessioan3.hHed 1 vte. HllecaddIiedthciat tihertegis no investedl thecir property into thec benc ven il lhe vole is sc- venture, rathier thran selling to cesful, as this is up Io thec Liquor the firm . Control Board of Ontario. It The track would bie a hialf mile would not mean a hoitel on every long and il was hoped the racmng corner, as some residents feared, season would last from 42 to 60, it was .uggested because the days each year. Construction! L.C.B.O. would govern ail out-- would start early in 1962 and it, fers. would take six months toi build.ý Mr. Smilh said [lhe "Yes" Com- It is u nderstood the track wouldý mittee, would be opening an crf- have its owni fire and police pro-¡ lice in the township and wouldi tection departments. Water, Iests[ provide tranrsportalion on voting have shown there is sufficient day. fIn closing hie warned the water for the project. guests flhe campaigno should be Possibly Closed a 'clean campaign'. He urged .Thre promoters are consider- against "emud-slimgmig." mng makmng the grandstand ai , losed in buildmng, and il so .m it wouldi be the first of its kind Lay PliGns - mn Canada, andt the second such Nassagaweya Towniship's "Vote building un the continent. It Is No" commit itee is currently, expected yearly taxation on the formulating plans Io launch a buildings and property would campatign against flhe township run fromt $25,000 to $50,000. liquor ourlets voie called fur Cha rters to operate [lhe [rack Septembier 23. would have to bie purchased fromi To date Rev. Harold Marr of flhe Ontario Jockey Club,' and the Campbellville's P r es byte r ia n track would be supervised uinder Chiur-ch Landl Rev. Robert Hancock the Ontario Racmng Comrrussion's.of Ebeniezer United Church have rules. There would be pari-mutuel 1 hield discussions and several have betting. volunteered to serve on the comn- Several township residents mittee. A meeting will probrably would be mnvited to, becomne di- be held next week. rectors of the track, Mr. Bern. The group circulated a petition liard said, and sharles would be mnammg Jack McPhail of Camp- oflered Laothe public thrloughl d bellville the chair-man of the Not No Luor No Track lo it townshipd lerkDo If the proposedl September 23 McMilan. vote un liquoir was ]ost, oc only -par.tially carried, the trackshould still be constructed, hie said. HoW Prme oaa c k k- o. re rea is C. e- d e at LOADED DOWN WITH TEXTIBOOKS, Gweni Wilson of Robin.. wood Cres., is one of 1,730 Milton students returning to the school classrooms nexit Tuesday. Gwen is a pretty, 15- year.old Milton High student who will enter Grade 12 when the doors re-open after a long summer vacation next week. See page 9 of this week's issue for The Champion's annual back-to school budget of news about school allocations, en- rolments and teacher lists. THRE LITTILE "INDIAN" MAIDS were enraptured by a blissful beat of a genuine Indian love song being tapped out on a deerskin drumn by "brave" Trevor Roberts Thursday evening. It all came to pasis at Rotary Park where the children of the recreation committee's summer day camp programn held their closmng exercise for this year, along the theme of "Indian Night.' The pretty "squaws" trble. listenied .»o attentiely Ji bit. massée.were Irmo Seraient, Sharon.Wat- son aïnd Mary Nijholt. Many of the children dressed in Indian costume for the event. pgt fflà (ap i AO#Àod Broken Mower Blade' Expect Thousands For Antique Sow beustheaalbllyo i.u Kills Two Year Old a better success 'inancily n ÀA#tàety Members rge Action Police (his week urged greate co ti H eit orie oock eat ern.d = = -e plai safety precautions with relotary l ns op orG o Toth r n t, Hailo and ni Fortfi omnton Counceil Monday agreed to place The pirosedi parking project lawn mowvers%, following the . TEre, whichhaelior lince Foror the Hlaltoni New Demnocrati a parking discussion un the will cost $5,972 annually. This tragic death of a two year old Milton is in for a big weekend, be the hour-long parade along A smacll saw mill is expected "rit, wi ntrac lquton ofcene atsseealcnidt. agenda for the next meeting with would provide for the purchase Islington boy un a farmn near if only the weather is fine. th ansres srbe-ie n loa small shingle mill, l ir noi tac, huestemphasizbeen moved lo thec Blakeloc the solicitor in attendance, aifter of the lots which the town would Gogtw onSdaevig. pcalftusbthayofsteam engines, tractors and anti- and il that 1sn t enoughi Io sart- ed.o "B u itris alos ecessr ighSholadioimnO iy inqired what action o a oe ycouncillo The boy, Robert Andrew Single- tie Ase Onatario Steau an que ears corne huffing and puf fv any di e ilt ta h iec eotied" v eei opri it had taken. TheL Authority had that it seemed ~unfair for the onha benpym onhedynStuagrnesmetown into an 1800 scene. The ot old iron horses on hiand. OtieVt ag nuhlr0 xlm oule is lan ocuni w bsnsme ohvet a t lieaw wih fatery Roeru thing of interest for every mem- parade leaves the Bruce St. school Arrangements have beeni made Speakinig on behalf of thle local organizer- Marty Caput weeks erlier-fui] cost of purchase and have The grasestith a r o mower ber of the family. Officiais only at 1 p.m. and continues tocet rn natee otr n oeYs Cmite Bob' Upad f 800 dlete th owesi-etdi h on h blde struc a tne sand huie o that evrthin is in race track at the fair groundos, if your hrave't seen ar driver try- Smith reportd hee er 1,258, expecte, and Milton N.D.P.'s a Atg thatl tie tu mtte solicito had ot brokema rlin g htat flhe ldresat, opno veym arrivihg around 2 po.m. Thousands ing to balance a cumubersonefeegible voltrs mn the townhiP hoping oee0o6rpesn sugesed ouci cosier ley .Want togtte akn fronngi hlc the bad utri the reaesftheu bigi showtatc Of spectators are expecte ci- mut-ob1eessemegn n 0b lgbeavtrm lives from Millon alone. coinaualtil to aumehnt the g omg, Aurit ca irmne rn f h oe n stimg Mr etema lc-peaetk n h aae ton pulaln, you ave' seennIe a Bitu ish sugbje aclon overle ý 2, who September cotrbtinofte echns oClr tl cuci s easked Ibhe boy on the forehead. Although by providing two warm, sunny te n tiqe iparay o b aet thin , yert' tcit ena Ib ~ res tidsin thetwsi oni^ t1.he, Da eftembgce nto 1 providing off street parking fur early action. hie was rushed to Milton District days, The fai u grounds grandsad ion Danci Toool <a o the ote n aase rede Sepem e b4. PreirT. alcs neredm ws ue te emer ared o discussion Hospital. the boy was deuid on Hour-Long Parade athefar bgfr e o f the week."gs iny the fosip vtwor monh pr, "Tommv D-aso Saska4.Tch bya at th nex mem arva --ghgh o thee event should end. Among the ftemrs tu bec .On thie Fridayevng there viousr. Polling booths will be openu a ilh uetsekra TH PAD ROUT to b foloe Saura afwt shown are gun collectionsý, okl. wil be, a ,Iliq ouar anm ipi 9 a.m. to 8p.. D.S.T. Saturdy thek onykonHlo ana Ilynryglasses and china, silver-warie, c nodieti er L cones , e .me 3 n oewudsofri alRu io avl THEPAAD ROTEtobe olowd atuda ateroo b nerl tri Steam and Antique Association. The parade leaves the tolswn ahieml n n SaItulina eVenmg a danlle he ondceinr v oln ii alaIra tresil i 50 steaim enigines, tractors, farm implements and antqu cars o Bruce St. schoo a" id" p.m. andI83 coniue Ln OnaVMioe oe n hefanl ilcia h lar in.Twsi le Do Mc scl. Th Ca1Rovention is to b is shown on this map. They will end up in the cnrof the' Bronte, King and Hughi Sts., arriving at the fair grounds around unewel a,,;, sasgTtufrlteeet, xetfr h il n,ylaw, canin relas -ran mdelngtines Io th ball ian i fronte of the fairs grouds randsadtotk 2 p.m. A crowd of thousands is expected, so get there early wool combs, hay forks, Indian 1Salurday paradfe, lake lace a the, offici al result cof [lhe voie nun- receni, anaiona , connenoionh pat nth ermois tth irt nua euio f h O-and find a good spot to view the parade. skinning stones, candle m.olds. Milton Fair Go md, on Robert [il 1 p.m. the followmng Monday. Ottawa, withl Iolk singers anr fireplace frying pans, bab car.1 St.Thqusinontever-Ipesrudngutherga - -riages, cradlles, snuff boxes and Th qetosufievi -IlPp srrdngo lcpoan sinnring wheels - all datimg ~back beyond the turn of the century. T Grain Threshing "eit' L>_Officials were hoping to, get al 4- MAN RE T 4-grain threshing underway, but +- + +-+- +MA E + + +-+- - e - +4 ethe grain has all bee trio wet to cul this year. However three Baker fans wvill be thlere to test LAKÇ Iàjthe strength of Ilhe iron mon- A NAsters. They expeoct to burn uip t wo truckli>ads of wood plus four t truckloads of colal oiver the to day show. A Toronto antique car club has guaranteed 35 to 50 antique cars ""L ' ' will bie on haind, but if the wveath- * £ -+er is goodi there may be more. One man fromn United States, ha romised Lo bring along an old organ that runs on steam. E ,Iyes T itle Wi (ut Wunúngfs on Trof& Offences M ary Lou in Fnal Tonght Provincial and municipal police M ary Lii in Fnal Tonght departments throughout the prov- Mary Lou Taylor, a comnely L-s petition. An even larger crowd l ince have been asked to "lower 7- fromn central Burlington, hias her* is expected tomight hnse.tebo"o rfiifedr eye set on the coveted fille, "Miss meets hier stiffest test-the final« and quit serving warning notices Ontario Da ry Queen." For winning the semi-final con- for lawe infraction. Tonight (Thursdav) she, gets -est Mary Lou received a salt Local police forces repoorted herhnet mit,. a Lromn and pepper shaker plus a cheque. that prosecutions are dlown while all mndications Io dat. Itld La-t week she glot a ,hield, a the figures for ltfic cidns bea wakaaueov.O u*hse o airv products and al fatalitie, ijuie and properl Ipa - da evnin Min'lalenwon, 1-hnu, wheni he won une of damuage r lmighge anýd to Dma irth s ena inte Otarlio'e peiiaycnet. hge W aesrc re TALL CORN THE HIGHEST POINTS in the -hden cI,,on of the fal DaiQn catontestxhibithen Third Try to bie more severe, and we intend The Canadian Champion re. Horticultural Society flower show over thec weekend werel Cao adihtN sienlr Exhibiina This is MaryLustidtytcarthmo,"sdCl.cvearprthswekfa 14 points amassed by Wendy Kress, a seven-year-old student against four ot ercontestants at the Ontario iteLatyaChrsWiknoofNthHlcopfhbidonwihhd of the J. M. Denyes school. She displays hier first prize stickers The crnirat basbeen et for ý Te bi of $,817,00she Owasuia semi-finaPoviist sandwatheseton tgrown averagenave heeight ofo Te c oncia bnl for he bo id ontru7,ction thCom ao tervnce previous year shte made it into river 10 feet. It i on the north for her animais made from a vegetable and a conle, hier the daa Milton -n an of Hamilton. The departImnt rooters were at the Ex Tuesday Thursday's contest begins ait =into effect, here's a reminder, William van Grunsven, Appleby inhe a rt heday tokbourfrt and ranseon priz fon er nLy afam o of publc worksi had ethnalted night to cheer Halton's pretty 6 p.m. at the C.NJL Coliseum,: that there are only 96 shopping Line, two mile& west of Mil- naty ed okfu irt n eodpieo a filna teetmtdcntu the job at $4J07A00 Dairy Princess on in the comn- if you'd like to sere .th uàntkt. days left until Christmas. ton on the maounatai, five entries. -Antiqenhusieî ariasl.MILTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1961 sthog ,, P- n nmrtcm. Eitw Reveal $3,500,000 Race Track Plans Prepare for Township Liquor Vote By Roy Downs ed Mondary evening to about 125 Details of the $3,500,000 harness township ratepayers-arndm raemng track proposai for Camp- cross-section of 10 per cent of bllvill,,and the vote to be heldi the ekgibke vois. on hqeuo ri tets for N assagaw- The Naagaweva "Vole Yes ' eya Township, were fully explamn Commmtec calkd thic meeting mn