Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 1961, p. 9

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* Wo cocos botp but bute o meacure ef prîda e Inbh fief tbat [bic paper biac baont aeoctded Cacnada-mide recognitiot by foliote mekip camsaper pobtichore. Wb atecooety hep.e [bat yet te a rader, adoariar or cerrccpondett miii sbare on that feeliitg cf pîlde hcae mieoiog botor cf aey bled cs totoaetc mot or oe memat acbietomeet. Juif os a rutet bac truiocre, e bexer ipareieg parteera, a koceholi club a bout, ce a tewsippr icoauembitetiet offert. [t tabac e teterealtd stf, loyal correspend- acta, adeerticars, roaderu and tetîtibutrer le tare eut ep realty mortbuthile temepeper. Whee me accbptod trephice fer tbe peper te Hatifae tact meab il mec imprecclue and East Coast, -Waobly toespoper adilere lihe citber groupa tacd a conventiot touce o yeer nt juil te, chart Associaticn policiet aed prolectt, but te «agebt reporte, idota, and sare a botter utdorctaedttg et dlftcultiees atroce Ibis vary breed tand. tact meek thia paper mac rcpreceoîed tn Nalifax mberra mombera eft[ho Catedito Waeblp. ttfoapapet Associatitn el ti roi aeconetion. Thora more the itome cf busitne [bol bad te, ho deaIt mitb bat more tmportant utere [be informel disocssions. Westerneediî- mat tereyet bucp discocciog tbe drougbt conditions, eatore editora tulbed about tbe proet et' the fiabieg itduatry and doulit- ieg cool production. Noter beieg gaitod aoy greet tiret baed kecmtcdgeocf [be mccl me more inteor- eatod inte ot-tho-ipet reperts ef dreught. One puhilîbor ootcrd tha dteught condition masot at kad en cemre areas as othera. Wbara tl mac bad yeu uould stand on cuit cf tatcomn pomdet filens toaup te your uthtes. tt eiito in Something ItàEhbto ieagalo and aflor ut atoual jatnt te the Werld'c lrgetoucet cf ira bled it geor eutctmp et approul uthother if macta tl et tet. Amoýitmaci mto conne cegatita ututueete me coatd'moka tika mbp there mec at Am.- arlcae ftag ftpieg at oe cidof et[ho bund choit. Or me cuud cemment ent[ho toi boaoty cf the gardots froc fer [ho loobiog andi moodor mhy the emeeper mceu oa i thc Foodi Buitding thîcu t[ho orapperu front hoe coffea augar ut the flieur. Bot tbora mare bigger aed mure impeort- oct thiega tbat for ou[meighed eoy pelly criticismi. Atteedooce mai o fomily avant for ut and tl mac a pleacuro e t iod etut mid- map ridea that more deeiged tur youog obildree. Tbap got more fut frout [bout Ito mc uti to get frim [ho unteat bel eteo atp rider. tl mai mith somne taeriiy [but mu [tub on the graodetatd show mith youguioe bot FTreedet cs tho righl lu be mruug, nut [ho rigb[t te do mroeg", Primo Minlotor Jthn Diefeebeker tltt moobty toepuper odîtotu [o tifae oct teck. Tbe primo miolcter toutti uu intreutot audiene tehet bo teibeti et lroedtm. Ht aise imprecied 0s milb tho goaerneoo'c attitude te talutaint[ho uoity of [ho meuse nationc le [ho faceof et[ho gromng Btîlit The primo mieidler'e commeut te lîto- dem etruoh a reepeteito cotot miîh meebly puhlicborc ted ce-icidet i mth tho erbeti- uiod tuooiliog et a plaque by tho goaero- tact of Noue Scells. The ploque mec te beter Joeph Hcme, uthe le t tumou titi te 1835 defeodoti bimsefin le etcttiot for crimitel 1h01 etnd ecteblicheti toîcuor trou- dem cf the presc. 0e Jeouery t, 1835, Homo publîthutia ltIer attucieg tho megictraes ot Halîfut imbo admicicteredti ho uity prior t ies lu- cerporatio)iofoneotot[,mitmeuugemt[und uerroptieon. The megistrres delteti ta proecute hlm for libel. Pteo or threo lut- enourogitg but il mac nt mithtut lhuugh[ of ail utho mobo a popet possible. tf le betpful tee me hope te tho mueit- iyality te brio0 hotet udtî les riante. Whiio une more hooorod utdor seoerei heudinge, tho tille "boit ait &round ocutepoyer" le the marr[ cotiefylto. A oood froet poge ora gotd editoriot page dclel mohe e complote temepeper mhluh cs utht me roolly utrito [or. Our theotte te ail [bote uthu haut tubet [ho lime etd trouble taexopress Itir tut. gratulutionc. Tboy ure uyyreuiuted and seruves to etreegîhonth [hoablleoge t otinîue te preduto for tho e uodian doltlc a gttd ocutapaper. With e toorributiot etof tce- operetito aod belyfultees iediuutod t [tho puc the rotre chouid nt be tte betty a tee. West Coast This pilurr libe doscuriptieton e t bolither uudtrtttdttg tf uthut furmore le [ho drought areec fuood. Thot [bote mac tbe discouesîion mith [ho publichor fromi Sprieghill, Hotu Stetie. The tome ctli conjures up tho otote of e miolto dieecîeî [but rode [ho heodliioe uf [ho nation fer duyc. Hout eue thinge le Sprioghill? Wih [ho miones utoebg dlomo [bore es utomylty- met but me are impreed mitb theoepîlut- dbti attitude. Prier to [ho mite dieuettr [hie mutes temepuper plaot bud boe tumyleîty leueliodi by tire ted hoe hud [ho detoîmieutiot lu robuiid and [ho opîttitut te fate [ho ftuuro on Spritgbiil. A pubieber tront Nemtoudiuod mue totecbty tooueroed ubout the fereut tire siuoni h preotn e sueideoted by ics purucol ot toe reporte. The bredlh et Cutade hue its regioual probtome but uthilo me hourd "glipte" me touer heerd tf e publiseor ylatning le ah- andon his province or h le profession. for Everyone me mort ploeeoatly reliouud. lu tuti mu more umaed at the sutce tubh mhith Jua Arthur buti put togothor ashow init uppeuied te aii ugo touele. Whu[ tidseor or yootgctor coOlt [britiot mh-h--b proolalreut and tolor of [ho R.C.M.P. muscl ride? Tht gretdcltd chute ctt tertuiuiy tot ho uutuood of igeorito Cuudiet tuaent, Otympît duare, Toroto ytlicement, t huit bout pagouttt of Cutadito hisltry îouoluitg Army, Nuuy and Air Forte tcadots au mu't ts rot high cohool utudeote, mueit hy Dr. Leslle Oeil and ot tourse [ho .C.M.!., stamy tho prodution te Cutudito. Thoro are tomw butîldioge eud tom fou- turcs [oc. Oteof otho mtet impreeoiaa thiogu, [but me moto aet ltoue tht grodu utter [ho grttdctttd chute mîthaul ut? truutratrîg hthtfi tic-oye. This nu uuroly ut inovtoni [colt. Thotu i fiul hitqs oumttyypeuyle. tf yîobabiy ututtys miii bu. yuru oa thuo Home ehumed [ho totiteofu [riai tuli hlm [ho rae o u d nt botsuaruou- tully doloutird. Ho boramuwd boubs and uyout [me mverbt yreauiug himseit. Whou [ho cuee oyuaud, Homo uyuo six and e quarier boute lu ut tegcous anti mectootul dotottse. "Wîll yuu ypemit tho utorot ir rofe liberty, bruught by yuur ta- ihere [tam [ho tootrebie tableaof ti tial, ta ho queoohed aed irutidet tut ou li simyle tallere [hep bute raitoil? . . . t con- jureotu lu judgu mu by the tîriltr ut ftgliuh lut, aod [o luato anuu"harbtuh protes saegup tt yurtnilouen Phe tordiot mas "Nul Guilty" and tho tîoedom oft[ho pîttuwa mettubthot in0 cmall ruetminNovaeth. Photo hete boe ebusese et il, but lt'o ctli ono the mighty bulmorbo ogaiout tha tutal turulitariouic t[het ts Cummuite Tht id moobiy papoe [batel oui l inas sisnate hae lillu powur or tilutuce inre lation [o mort flant 500 thul teveîto eu Ieofu Cuteda lu tho comumniiru outide [ho tîbait ot mighty moiropolti comptlexesu Thé Canadian C hampion ~aiotr Pathabat i rite Audt aIoaie tif Ntli fit, ailtair.ý $300 ti Caada. ".i0Iit tht U.SA. [alitai i, ta Seroond Ciuoo Mail, Post Ottito Buutait aîtt, Ottata. G. A. Diti,, tditet-ie-Chitt Jamtes A. fiel, Maeugieg Ediiot Pabtithi le the Hourd ef Hitue Pablibeti by the VIlla Peletlag and Publfsbîig Ce. Ltd BUSINESS AND O O PalI At OFFICE PELEPHO NE TE f-234 t e HALIFAX [S an ileesttinf tiiy dutittiu .1l flic, sien mate. iagu about lus duatrlI tondition 1rtaaîîtd bulaît takitu off tut ieat. Ai a coatiolt, bue .tai g bîaîu getiuguad lookau int iniiur îîl a bîîui. t du- l- nîînîn,'t JIî) raciiy it cîodition ndiclc ilat,îi ruullyuseclhe cili.tttittin 10 iuiury, theouity iilduud iaiultatiilg. aYObttb NEVER reully oury b,îfoi hmr. ibaugh. te Huli. fat, 'tlard[ttim Mac Ohtetor, aa , a tîrmr Multot hoy Whu vv auaîd fliu onavetture la 1-.1 l ut lrhr t tout soty I îîld'i aupit fis kiati invitau- iîî tutse [lie Bonavurer hou e TIN THERE tout Reg. Mzcci iîîtvh kîîtm Mariait îî[t dtgilro Mr. andt Mr.Adlam Syrottot Milton, toti M ilan fort. A. Marubre %ill ua ha iic ltrics iith Mr. toi Mît. W. t. Bitte. au'ro e- %c- .îaly utioftaoth uti JOTTIN a ONt O! THEtIhiege uhuut taî prisiltheb luth ut coututoiali' r tutito biait hiat urot le. Tht Cit- ut udol, troîtd mhith [ho cty,% touelu ttoud. t opentu[ tht puhlic the and nu admission is ohargod. toIr Tho 17 atreou uttatly attractive Ir Publîc Gurdotu on tht hourI ut the tilt art thgre [o bue oo[uyud. aed ai ta tharge. Tht alduýt lo Proit.Lîut rhott.h le Canada lu [ai [hart ta ho scntouto tui a at- t b *iUotw"qtttettottuoutioe riot O! Piruchet, a réat uoodêti ' park- but landftrain hithtcrsaebaood, r lu teul the public. Thora, th1 ui tii utmoaott o! Fot Ogittio [la, e pruovidi0 tubai tauli hutu hotu lua flîarttot ineuttg exip[otiog. tlle a THE PLbNNERS uft ho tu lit Catutilut Wtnbl Nu'p Pot ersConventio laili tahavuec untittot uputiai utthurr lut[ho lat ,îuottatt rualit, il tuldolt huto lîtto hattur t hua butia. 1 iner-î stnod thoy tautulîimut butu dil uuil itlog. Asuamatturual ca ît, t utudedt u'y tht Hall-'m B EIL SMIE M,fini Ilail ia becbatau îîii,l, iiu,i, plac. tiotu [litait Ici ut i I irbttu Il tb i itit 1-t ia \v nuit. ia utn Iat .inaii- titis ii litain -ni,lci Roni. n - ii ti a h llait iii ii t l in il , St it ai % ioa d atlat ii a Duthatu duyu ut innocuence anh ulituav utuîulhud. Dout ilbal ta m abaut li buew uof Aieauîita, tho burdullut ut fic Luli Bauik in Patît or fli t iaiit iiî,î ei t NaîtOr tuila V.î'î haoud id l aitlia inirtiliiit'i cara tii abl, iia , Tuai it. Cua.bh-,a oil ta trg h, utl huit, larul.iiiy Wuc tI. miii bftti' raidît tI i ai ta i- ii li ta touIc ildlalaien Bol vli l"", ina vlor (ui n Ill an , ' ap'. Via u t a- tt u ihiritit ju':ntui Ou, utn' uit ut a I athilut , il otrtog", drarore Su t htite o m Int hdut tcationee a-ock ofey Haut tiio t buta., t vsstoi ituppilu LF PlitiIitupliai 's -îaatttns the loyrs Ii ou [lie ms .ns Ilie aid lady lt.iii ief]tttt ofîiî.îa akutuir- ,Ii Ii, trut aund gui fiu pu...tu1,; lie btiniut uraiitl out,îil o% itou, bol fils Iuti batati ta lia trot tg sut. t titt t'ii oarif a ne placeu, lot opattild tIfboatd a 50 cent baote, aill o cal. Sut rigbli i utr t hudget. Iu hati a Gay Nîntlît titaur. 1tatdtroduabicrrand euruud il irilout playitg a boky-lth plana atnd a gui bubliug tut îay plate. lital bîifer, 'Iiit tuig ai lita toitý t u iîa hauirug [ier matagmt. Foti ni bta uttil showti. tn tutoig i. Ille Tir bato.Arautt l itNI It)nîd-tOu; haer 7Or WlintIiut in-r ut t bîi ata ibucy ako up ut flo utinaaiitu l'ia toutrw. a big, taouirl .d auaart tut, Jabun t. Sutuiat. t îîîîpati hlm a quai iur. Oleeîuîil but diiauifiaî t a li u bookar, rian i'u hua b tii.. iii 'i ta.inkna Mi.l faurdT oU tinr- u ltdu uba, t au aaîgbi ot, in bat utitt, dorit-utattaro trama ut mici lumiliar ta ibourupsout' or tuhe bues tut hait biu eau. choece on mueta homo. tubher en tty te goi il haute, ot you goehote. u tult. Thtewtegffumlty ticstand mertl pcleaetploc out tho tuoe, t mottet regt aouoat the toucar he Silverware 1 45Titesuiotatuut[a * rirpaî't hui tlu bu placuti [lier itiatti bcus ofu utheb quturt tui; prablumu. i 0V THE WAY, il u Illeu ulur, tht titi çouuî atturc at, tua. Tutu. uth botera t plute tauiog ylu tue ho et t puthitut, thetigb, [t ou te ituopurinotatint huedlieg cmasuoîulotusmautr. Tht crat truc l tabc a Nota hotu ror u aulu infîîrmautieon. Ator t, îbueru'u ohiag ta gotiîg au odîblt'utttiutc. I uuggoted utu Nata Sciaat bai I u!' soti lbuy ait a lai af ilr bou ut quirbla poîtidautmauutovro îriu teauuui huy wr e AND BT TIlt mAT.noon 1baui Alauet i[b a Frtetch- andl uvetotla bait motio.ileone lî,îî 'all lai Tut City," ut- ctahiug Ioi te ad,. t gui ficî filît ultiii îulîuîî t îînîîiuuredi u 75 -uit, tu guli la.-"t'u a do1it bndaihal, saîirlie y-tutu lady * Wil, e-toii katît, ttiiiiit- Tourit do'i -tt ai baît bokul a blulu. tii. nuanîteiatl 'Thcite faut Tuuutiit-uiiiiiibra ugb ibenh' tcd ttttb, t paid- t np..ii O lua it t piet ui- tit Ltoninie ac yyni.in. t ititi peuptletr ini t,uia Auir,î %aure l ib li au'n affit, gb L-l la. a a11Nutlg. Wîy ibry -uidtibrgat1 vuld'tttnay ta ut ttîut t, it. Out if hîaae'i itil t lot fic nuaio [bait tuas suubatitu (lie r talît tii ni, tia sint, lupo and lau btv Platibau tutio- vitTbeaCity lino bui boîttut la tut; noig ai toritit ab. ai tut tanit- "Fli lti ut i 1îoalbrd patI. liii c.iiititla, toa, a place o-itbpeupleaa.ingriiit. Tbie bav tuait, uîifiar ai tablrs tig0bt buaidib thioualk, talîtua- itout au tîttîgi nitv te-at rig- tutu aund bad ta nor alu ai al Joi a tut diatu iltt, tilt-ttupha vh kilysla tu tot.lri 1cti t i ao. ti,. flal ic th aoug ilnni l ., I r' it ouiri tuw an uut ut upacu. t mau* bu able ta tell ait, ta reltî elbo rmuinetr t! [hue droatitut oight. Bot [t miii hart ta ho tn ntuituu'uisu. Wath tut il-il. ultopir. bot oftlung sote of utu umuit-teme ohupes tituotot eute the pit [botel Tht City afte [oute. Lelter to a SmaiI Daughter Ey Rabot Clie la Imartieal Ont Rottet, Whut a duy thic ia huee ouer ytut [t beau ut tix coct whoo yuu %vase me [o tuy fihit hl mut tht day. Nouer hute I uec rota Nu ol-bntehod et te met ho hulta te hic moocitg ut broute- faut. [t the sirop te Mate Eteèt yoor etoitumeet htpt tpiltiogrie loto litieone-leggod hopu. ue[it tiîtaity tto houilli[ yaur Oirot hihe -a to mbootor, tiotoogite roti, the bled ytuue higent ututitg for met hue t year. Atdtlatuer ic the u'thoutyurd mhoro yuu matie yaar bote chutey ride, t uttu ut produa o et. Bot etet [hue yoo're ou[otp, mlith totuh buedagtu ut yu kuouo, l'in t [itteo trightetud Pattly justtbeozutttytottreoot lot aip. Part[y hutatur nou tu art aven mootreonruhtte [ ho tuald ruteoctytt. limait Peopte Our otighhurheed hau the utual TVos aed ]att utude ouro - but nuttiioualkt.t[h lasepud tuea aadrcautiontulgec-mwhich maouor iutignore. Luttyar inoCanadaa te [hue 1,600 ohiidroo utoru kîltati aedtinlotre in 1 ytliog al,- uitottu. Nul maey. tumparudti u tute carccdent [ail. Bot t dont lth of thout au ryuiog "ustatiot' au."* Tbry mort ai uteail peuple [îlt ut, you ateotituotut. tBut eriy uigb[t - t beaut, t katu.thoeocutrtyutxpertsuay t"u sulotit outo a bicycleutl yuoarenie or teo.OBtr ry calietortee'yald in ttt hlock biasun0e. au yat'vu rominedt mu ccyday tut t yoar. ettur fihat îtatutold -hareon aton atud ii tirahulti tt ta maho idiog il au sulo au pousble for vain Wbiub lu îoby t aie uttio -hslelr Vu miii eut roaiiy undurututt i, b, lhe 1 tmr ry taliig uter yuur houti, tho mur crut-tope du, lu cther pa- retnts n uttttte[riu. t tuath me lied inon of etho tamutuootiot fihit hate bicycle eule[y chuhs. Poliat foutues, purent tuttbot ougrrteonslortety tcatftttully tue [tir Parti- ularlo, t tubA uto hoati [nEd- moteon iete tho Pedat Ptch- erscloubs mtrat hl foc t ride a tehe eufoty. Thty pet ehmmecadc gf .rodeï une to cix citttra gth oita a fioe-[ocuec course Ctoo your. Tht futhorc e it it te etit protioti hy the cubsh. As a Ptdut Pochaer, yu'd go1 toto utti expart hiho intpection frot certain local dealeru, t cutoty beatemart eoh fiie yue aet- pieteti a toteait, andi a "uhittoti rider" et[fîcttoru yor utat[et raprat grudution. Oc gruduation duo teati deoaate yetr hiho andi paradeoog thetminetretmith a pollue oooert, fieiohitg off mith hot dingu atît soit drieko. Wo hare o tauoh rluh hoto iailhuugb thorots irt îeouuby ieparentu aou idn 'li ait criut. Se t thal gui ail [ho neeteaty infrutiton tîaînt[ho turtest uuitoytocagttoand ttath ytumy toe To Use It praciiit yoor halane, ted tha uuatcy r lit ilî, flicbaatyard, tli yuo'rte ttudt ta tala. Tee airrutit bom uaut trattir [igbtt utd stop tt; atm utoa toust ecr bîîu l ta soiti. aou'i[ luar ov ot luiugual yaur toto tout tlir lot tit flit tout utiia torrirati. hoiiirt tautla îot of a tutu. dtivea orttu tri mie utute pathoti tutu;uatdottutIo arry ut ettra patuoengur. Thotoar bue oîiugiotid rit's; aittre tabserte bIt aciaoits tut Tat'Il tare, nue'. aituavte l rîite uflia rigt id uîoa tir rnîad, alitutu tittlt filo, ulitutt a sl dtanlet bohli uîiaaîabîlr. Tat ut ltoer hiirb oideutot aro ut trucks, or du aboiutodn le th tbrt. Wbai a lt ai 'd't', rautIl taul Bol hicyctle aditg, lîbo otttttbieg aNia tmore tout. ICotacrtai -i Pagt Tîrtrolt, AROUND THE DISTRICT WITH ROV DOWN - STREETSVILLE-Tht Rot-ioý ekynesae p ut asd au ofset preus.tnd t att uuobk tho is su oldoffi a cbiner y' Oftfi% t[ho otutut yroesorpitn iisa ead heeaierr sixottuu'ooliuuoiug fi ytnniOntro GEORGETOWN - Tttptayurt trio olaggrr fitulh the to huIt ttttb bags ul of ut tut tha munutcipal u'atresr tui suri b able yo ause ait[ho ottrune to bc uuuihrd hy hoattitut ttu[tort, Couetit uyyîutrdla 1200 ouytodituro [ur planlt buteu te ho treted ut otth ,ide ut the lue-t bail tept. BIiRLINGTON - Auttut has hurt doulured tporthirtturaith it Outlinutt, and tuo't toucr thaps iro Oiten ttttt lu-t, luuy uynnnîlnhtuis h utrhktalbrlthe nn erultrfl iîruitlidet .nnltbibutcý pI rnltiltlEtttttoiloItnnareottttininttttuttt ACTON -Thuttir ra prtpertttvil]thctrorduoffuad bhit ytat'r Artue luit lait triti ho field uedvt toctt. tht luit beurd bat drtidod. Thte rattanet ho tord ulere a portiontoelle tettupe hu., derided. Tht urtea ctont ho ued hootoce e! tho ptateed cee- ttuction eft[ho Cemmuci[y Contte. OAKVILLE-TRAIIALGARt - Dr. E. G. Plot-a, o! University ef escteen Octto, Ialdee. biasctheotn ae ion Ttululgor'c Soveceb Lie ust[ohe et totien fer tho munitipot administration cf tie merged Ouhuitte and Trafalgar. Oukvtîle Maor Williuam Acdetsc hou taltittuad ehe ubite.___ _________ A Basic Freedom THE TURNING POINT by i. DL liTAit He huth boe dumciag anuthet e day, Thieh - teili [bora let [e siip oees uouuy? If me tea[ty thouilhi toto thes etoouod fineu, topoutbeg themr [tulvech m nic unotiigut thik Ir muuh me oed eud ho uruemp[iuhod je tut oold. Thestar mmds mbioh are capableo tf gitictg usduiy instpiration, jneetito, and the miEJ te do. Tht truo beatty of wott utitt dopeedsoupent[ho way ive mt tl.. tuhthr euatmiourelesuach mtig tu attack ittaea ueemy thaï ustuthou qu.hoed befotoo ight crmes,to hethotmoeopen ou yste tho suttis ucd the duy't utorh with the telore me e'ou[d givo to uppt-outhieg friteti, %vthu miii ktop ut dotightfu et paoy a[ duy,and %vill wti makc usaue ai u trteieg [brut the day moi tutti mtrth [['c worht le tubes sa otaoy [loy drops ut utater to cnak'o te mgiu accrut, and ie o ulmilar tuay [t tabou at gtrtat duai ol patieneoand fottitudo muach o! tho timol [o $00 tty progottu, ut aty impt'euuieeuhto rtmooet of worh dote daily; but if ive du jout a [,uiio tottt day, and aefaithfoituo thrat utit morat af lahour, tuta truoatdtd hy tho a.tompiutmot o[utmtheg important and ttortttohilootot'u patitd of timoe. To go ahoud and bogie some totthy todetrakbtg, aod catrty hf tbtugh ttoud[au[ty day ratoer day, hs doligh[[u[ and uouut'uatiu[yieg. Fuilirt ook ...ute thaogh tl [t jt a litlote'n intiatiotiaept oy oetofuin potseso ofoauspoedid and ctoeutty. elatulue happicotu. Thoto otho du ot[hitg art wourth nt[hiep. Wo trantoti ho baya maire aur tmot t.toous bol w ctie contrihuto mut.h lu [ho lit[lo rtt[in w0uhich or[ie Muof us ou ttd henutit hy ur auumpiuhumt Jour. if 000 did net [culot ut abuttuto pertectiot. Cortaili, wr thtaid suivo fur impruomeet, botuta uhto[d e'r alloto pttlottiaeitob betome a fatiuh ur.,ueuuite uth us, fut il os [[tut that prttootiotiomn dofcttut [I'It putpoot . .. druttieg ail [ho juy tram, tut oork, aedoutetr[om thefialutrttmplichmet[astul T[ttytrftoistut ive d, te ou tenst au a utool buend ailt[ho [tmie, aed lu [outrur dritte hy ttisompusiocoperfectio,utithe xettttoftmr.bmac imptortaet thiogu ie hiu flit. Tue muey aie gtttoruted hy "uthat oilher peaple wult tuy ut thieh." Wbut peuple? Ifth[by ueiy koott. obhet peupleoare net eurtyuusinestutinuthoiruoigt and rtegtas [hry eoutd [[ho to hotteto. Thoy haut tit ott [[tut and itertest [autonethoutuolutu wi[h. William Hazlitt totoe vrait: "Tht idea or uthat [[te puhlic unit thieh puttotte [ho pubhic 0Itu utr tttiehiog attai, aed ati au t opuilo te o uotiut et ptitatr ltudgutoct, ou lhat, ie uhort, [ho puhlit car os aI the motty of tho l[rut impudent putteneo uthe ohouosto oul bit [tttth eoiey ausertioeu, ut ltis srieor secrttothiupotut" If uto mvud uety sop [o teoidur,,w wtotuld quit[oty dotuido [bat the totosunt loe art fat mo imptortant to flitanu thiege, und huing in t god humu, and hatitg a patient and uete dispositeton [t fat moto imptttiranhu huoieg, tur toamitia. a "mtgmuleotrr" ut "sourtttleduut" potrofetoi toot' home.tS htuaoy peoplet forgot tu a thitd te a ruiey duy, iu tturth t duaro fintir sthirts iroed mith tho puleutuhicu ttton [o dotuit ut tht prtalootiocol [utendoete. foo't t[[tut youtoot[ tt ho rued hy t hittu e roe ut dtty. fluet -9 eab ahutooloetooed matyttthttcu. Nunoftusotikecofusion bot pottauuieeiainu lexteritro tue upeit the Ityt tue theo[d gleut Im tu uttuteth.kand tut ut initecotf.tytdosavtutitagiotedn trtmped-op tckt. Bu cu tu [o h hotot uttth toetef and [e? G SI tout ubie eut et yut uttemplichott, aed yeu tout lied yeurc[lf lorigfradt h rilsofec a swl sadn on D I L L S cout and etthuthi[o todeourot. 'Soeohieg uttempted. uotethico dot, Ht tariru htu utgh['u tapoel" t aîiurttauettruîlli lerl tut.. e ilt. (itiittaeahoot tu gtel ~ , Bk ut tlict ailli i. lu ci ty and EoIJI NiewB

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