Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 1961, p. 11

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aour Chîid's Heatth by Noncy Cîsaver Ittve ympea e bee veryanth aiirsyg botelh clous about your chldo eecnnery? flc in e very languette such as A moîher and ther who have the Turkish, "Tu the welI man taises laets sitleg op ai night Pvr lyi is; h rench by the bellsie et a sick child, "Whe you are mcli, keep as Yeu keow rnhal oeeiety sickeess van' are;" theGrch "Guardlhchealth brit tues poret eort Modenu o adsl;adth Latin perents are Islerested ie cne cf "God avrlth and gond nenne arc schemes te prenate the souci tna gv'ett hlessings." heallh cf hoys and girls. Parent's lob Maey clt'y sckaol chdldren have Every parent waeîs le give his the brefits cf vielle front~ avhild as gcd a strlI je hetlthy scisotl nurse servisX tisaicetr livnta hecan. Meîhers tey le aed qudte s nomber of rural fcllcc' eseecetial health raies ln scheser recee atteton fst hviegieg te Iheir chlldree. hy t tid trossNrse vth fie job gettvgithrai innaolsted ogaist cedi liver nil aed feuil ie te sItes buetttets -a q*ih rekfast menu ky scrvieg boat ttealtký proevtsspnsored b aced masadkbykeitg cure- Service Chm teck et eye ruant. ruon ce vaaions thtt mailkî ls ]sations ted tecessary glasses pasteried adwtr is safe. prenîddv ftr nçedy youegsers. But there je soch o lhing as he- The fieldi of ttrevnec medivtee ing leu lossy ahout a chiai's lis a Mosl tmpnrtgt tee. tl heah! A child's mental keallh kuildo a feece al the otp of a teay he cttevîed hby spoilleg hie precipi.e lestead cf Pickitg op well'hcleg. Thcr i a "golden aed carieg for wrecks cf humait- Mien" or rightereiddle coerse i ityet athe font of the clff taardief a ckild's ietîthi Postter Gond Steaitis_____ Ina sceosty lu one prevince kerctre tkttsaed schot vhild. WRONG CLOTItES rat wecm give phyicel estmie- le vhuch: alions hy a physicien e -a plan "Morne, whal are att the pet> festerieg keolt fer the visita pic dcing now?" gcsertiee. "Sh'oh-they'rc pvayieg." Taifh decte wee hy far the "Wilhcct Iheir pyjamas cnt" mest communsdefect and eterg- cd or duteasev teestîs cm second. Lest geserat diserdeve ere skie ietection lstack as avre, scakies. impeligel, titf fret, a. T A enia andpcourpsture. S r A !nearnstcevcry ctass enam'n inci, seine schatlars mcre hardi- FRUIT 6L GR< e..ppvd byponr visite et pour keevieg. Tkclr parnets nvcrc an- FIRM WHITE -'LARGE cwr f these karrirrs t le 1cW R pregre aI et cheet. le serne case Ctr ILO E cmw marks ted toiture le pas exmntasie the pent ere DuCHESS or due ncttthchid's refuait cnetaeni te hie teck of HARVEST APPLES egeres tc ceave, bol hecacce his eycsightor hcerin ereurtv hetee noetrmal. Hernie ced hcncý Na. 1 Ostarto ojont delecin cereme t ighl PotATOiS insiechildrcn as viel os hert daaec freont heurnatic tcvcv cr 10 Ibg. for 25c sanctkcvnsource. The value of yerty physivet GOLtEN GLORY emintiesof grming cl me as dcmcnstratcd le thesa PINEAPPLE JUICE fiediege. Percalesjeneamas mher sirniter schernen are tnt ceeriti YORKt BRAND et, do weîta Icorsait thei lemite douter and dent and PORK & BEANS arrange fcvor eua armaat et nernî-eneoal chcckaps fer lhvir COTTFAGE BRAND ehildee, te ery tend methers and fil- Toilet Tissue thers wceld agre nvith tAc nId proer's mkich estlet phy.siral Heisa m'et-keing such as "Att Aaallh ted chcerftatese kegat ecv TOMATO SOUP cnher." They mnstd te preve et 6 tins for 69c Repeatevi Offar Lean Presh MCKIMPORK CHaPS 59c LB. HARDWARECanada Pakers SAUSAGE taisPre Park 39c LB. l"N s :ryRESTI OMM Mission Bond H'as Fihe$ t Large AtiencFari' at FuAvàl #yp *Al. Casi btsesios " fàats hl istg lthé fbbW-t Litlte Miss Paisy Pord ia niait- "h'ts. Oh'ddsê hn s é ed te lasrtwgom eceksmislernleal rtit cat mik o Bible ebrft, and tait, Mv, ted Mrs. Osogi Jeatte Pallersue telvi a slore Cetts ai Omet Soussd. C2ddieo beattkiani mate Of Ford si kelideyisg le Bramepton te chlJceltd kas skey mole mith his greedepareels, Mr. aed aisi thatkfui for At the close airs. W. crittiths, voetis ad tea mcme sercvM ' We are scrcy le report Ikal Abouît 12 mclkcrs and flsede Mes. kaesetl Brtmevdgr, now et 4nd meny childee ecre presees. Millt tat ai hnt irhume aed The 'mission band hale mas o hrîtka her klp. hMs browntldige diepite. airs, J. C. Marshall and w amaer enhen the accidenet hier assistants Jeanne Plittersan happened je the sighl, but mai aed Marien Marshalt have on- abiele t e reont eeighkers mken deavered te matie the mretings mornieg came. She mas laise Interestssg and wevlk mhite fer te Miltce Hospital aed teter te these attetdltg. Hemillesi Garerai hospîtal. weews istodimys Mc, ted Mes. Doueglas Gree Birlhdey geeclitgs tais me aisl and chilvires Valtrie, Dteny and J. C, Marshall und Roert Mar- Tlrnmy ted iro. Litlie Campbell shell. hase keen kîtlideyieg fer the pst lkl'e wemis lne U. A.. Omagh Preillylîrit ckua'ck They sisitcd miîh airs, George aid Saiday Scktat wcdU e cîtord Pergesen aed tentily ie Sec An- tanin, Texas. Mrs. Pergusetwa fermerte Vitria Ctntssbetl, ibl t oPeita The fifth endtast meting et the Ontegh Pvcskytcrias Chereh mission bond mas kcld ce Wcd. .nesdoy oest se min lthe Spa-' day schont, rmis, The jiresideel Agnes Pecoch, metced the meolhirnseahd chiMcem The meet- ing epecd mith a hyrn ettet mhich Cynthia Cl4rk read the scoplore tesncen ted Martiet Curtis gaeathe praer. Te min-.I sien hbod hysie men fettemevi hy the Bible steve tctd lay Mevi EVENIN<Ç GRANDSTAND SHOW 1961 TORONTO CANADIANA '61 fe.turing tlt-ShosimwiotefCsada." "THE GLORY OF CANADA" Su te "assatindstel suon a dussillng sp.ctacular fatera pielcts on displîOf - feth.qse-t .fSsopsds..d ha 0.55 Ostis Cssotshs . sacutue, sceneeethe acrstt sofi orts cAtfalan toussas POUICE t. 55k b6w .st si sud héisias. ssud Catads's tastue temos si.t Ride. 55.550e,. et pe. ressrts. hes m e,oiralft, GIGANTIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY ssss gat sports fe eryne. A1M UAMMOTH SHIE EIRCUS TitEAFTERNOONGRANDSTAD% p f E SHiOW, AUO, 21tla SEPT. 2. Ctawns,.HVOE eeialists, animais, top attran ait ver BEL AIR SEDAN thectold, in lt s loved i te'itg ciee. 14 FACE CARS, as. .0gb sigis a lb.th Bri'aaikl MEN 0' IRASS SEC EDISCOPE BAII-Y.Lceleent ARCADE CF LIGlIT.'sebcishtmt farssed hsad frent jd onc taîet e aeec keaci aid th0ýea e sn th. rnceld, The Eeetand toletie I k - Sthecomplt- state rînei- Pal ules' Ahd hi& ilAphncwA enseeeau ed t ewith meidets af the htîrn el«sa. tvr fe Tea Acildings haite tAis fiest esiit £M E eentis an usb nd r thenauspislftOtWario lica MILO% 110LAsscain IN HE< U P RARIgItIC NiTINiL EtalitfttN/111 P. FREIBIII PmOmt/HI t 111viLLI ses Re/aMOT OPEN tn itegtlg w mi test Sahkatk Auguot .87 far vatà- ~ 'ilW kPh The litc eterahd 9. Stetîtt e f ~ R. Celingaid W«s laid ntrpto sssee7c sy W omen Omeîh clmtreh ctietéry ne =e the setimai Iteté f MilItce dey et test mers, misai frleedn liit Wl,. Ias kctd aI the home and relatives froin maie parIs cf Mr,. M. Pcedkcad mith a tathtvd 10 pOa! ceir fial va. gond atcndencc of meaiheve aed secle. Allrr the committel ser-> ins viceal wr nnrivited ielethe Theshorthbusiess periedmwa hondaynvshont rautas mkcrn cenvcncv hy flie presidtnt, aire. rnvmhcrn cf the Wornen's An' B, Jocsn. seiain haudprrpaed atighl Ittcws deridedta end 5. ta luncht1havehenrequetedlttstlvsav Ftîcd. Any'ehaing vsxpress sencere lhaen te ail arlîdasý 1e Millt tait Enhihit former ncighhats ted ltlctdn fur fileutse hî Cng hlim le the Sept- huit kindcens. Thin mes rnet.Ai mîneetinl g. Ace donations ,tppîlu'tiks tic milc tît ant'r-o Jaît tr ,,îilftes th kv lopi' yl, hvnîarnt ndcvirîtthand lutlAeiliîarbzaîr mayhbulit t'es ai Mît. Hîrhlîtîl Iabetere Set- Hoiiday In Norîth cmhar 1.. Mr. ted airs. Creig Reece aed lear And Play AaAî'Diaa in cmpanymwith Mr. A feed mette - merk whitc Lloyd May spent tant mecS hcli- yen mark, play wnhite ecu play dving at Minden. ' . . .nn,.ym'tet Mauerice Beaîy mith ene oftifs lina Jersay cems mes shcmn ce Mr. Cecil K. Jervinmwho uder- Ceuntry Celender C.B.L.T. cn estt sorgumy te Milice Ditît'rivi Sendav. Ase shwveer svral Hepal ruvntl is inprvin. ltptvJromthecltri ofJaes niclv. W te shmtll souit b titîlce, Scventh Line. hie me Calâdias ~ltanpIdssv Thtredoy, AsOsesi 141h. 1961 - wstu prépéred b Airs P. Havi- ta !at a h M atifa s . léy and readkbyairs. G: iÀc.b. M, Haredîtir, coariesy calis, airs. Jaies aed airs. M.Cul Maer, thankel lise lisbtev te" sn lises ciohlocteelt ee psoitl *eho ad htljeii tOal cité trant cf nports, aftr mhivh ail iafleron sc renlythle. AS YOU WINTIRIZE iflFi FURL O Tl Fno CAL t OPÉUATOR PFM IENITM 9.1450 No Toi Charge lst ANNUAL REUNION ITARIO STEA-M AND ANTIIQUE ASSOCIATION, INC.R FAIR GROUNDS MILTON US HALF WAY BETWEEN HAMILTON AND TORONTO ON 4el AT HIGNWAY 25 INTIERCIIANGE FR1. and SATr.,, SEPT. lst .& 2md 1961 Seo 1hes. Canadien Salit REgîsés GEO. WH4ITE JOHN GOODISON SAWYER & MASSEY AMERICAN ABELL lCesh af the North) NOSEWORTHY WATERLOO MACDONALD ROBT. BELL J. M. ROSS Ail Esginss Tsld and tsspessed ANTIQUE CARS OAS TRACTORS ANTIQUE DISPLAYS AND DEALER SALES SELL & SWAP MODEL ENGINES YOUNG or 0WD, YOU ARE SURE TO ENJOYTHIS11 SHOW - FIRST OF ITS KIND N THE DISTRICT FEATURES EACH DAY 0F THE REUNION * ENGINES WORtKING ON PRONY BRAKE AND BAKER PAN CONTINUOUSLY * DAILY GRAIN THRESHING " TRIPS BY STEAM ROAD ENGINE * TWO PARADES IN FRONT 0F GRANDSTAND ItRIDAY AND SATIJIDAY 5 p.m. SPECIAL FEARt S Modern andi OId Time Dance S * Square Dancing Andi Olti time Fiddlers Contest ai Friday Show 0 Movies * SAW MILL OPIERATION BY ÉXPERIENCED SAWYER * TEETER TOTTER * ANTIQUE CARS JRES lit. Night S ANTIQUE SALES * ANTIQUE DEALERS WILL DISPLAY THEIR MERCHANDISE FOR SALE TO PUBLIC: FOR THE LADIES DOMESTIC ANTIQUE DISPLAYS - A NTIQUE & MODERN HANDICRAFTS EN ~ r' N ADULTS 75 cents CHILOREN UNDER i1a FREE FftEE GRANDStAND A D Ms/ I SS aIONrsa CHILDREN UNDER 15,25 cents ACCOMPANIEO IV»AUUL? CAR IbAkKING ON GIUNDS 25 oeilis THIS AOERIS5MENT SPONSORED DY THE TOWN OF MITON WITH 9EST WtUU5 FR At LUCCISPI nsumme il i MILTON VRENCE XIRY STORE 19- l9eu. BASKET - - - - 39c Basket Retuesed Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 Ixs. for 25c LGE. 48 Os. Tis 4 - for $1.00 15 Os. Tiss -8 for $1.00 -4rollsfor29c 10O Lyans TEA BAGS 69c PKG. Canada Packers WIENERS 39e LB. Sticeed Ride BACON 45c LB. IVOIS ih604 1 ý

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