I. -i ~Ya - t-~ t-- '~Z~au~ 74 t-.Ceesen cMmsnin Theemby Auqiuel 1Otit 1961 BY MRS, Lii HOU1STON Items far tia scal neans enfua o arc welmed. CaiMrt Houstoan at TR 8-9284. Birîhday gretit-g ta Kimanie Mms. Lot-te Eiiwuaa-a, Kîogseogh i Baiioy, 12 HigiaBi..oaaiiiibc Cout aed ht-t- daughier Mt-s.' at-at oy-tat- aid une Aaaaai 1ab. Doe Habirb and iftmily at- Mr-. and Mot-. Norcan Brome ao-iait a aag ec and iamiiy ai Dat-p Rit--t, Oct.. wek t-mat-lt- t-i Milto haut- bt-t-t Mit-t Eut- Ft-aar ai Sa. Pt-ttr- uiýitiingietiberpa-rents,Mr-. and burgFieria i itinigmwith bat- Mot-. Gaoadat- Mat-Nab ai King Sa. aitl-t Mre. Betha Mitchbal, Mint Ht-t-ad Bt-at-at ia-mt-ry of Mit- Stret. ton, uit-it-d t-tatet- [rom Mant- The Ht-toc Blait- Aoeiiiary heli t-t-- mt- bit- tit-t-t-t-d ht-ttht-t- a faremeit pat-ty t-i the homeofa in-aandilamily, Mr. andn. inra. J. Hamilton, Pice Bart-tt Chat-. Bt-ta-t ai Miltan. Mitile in ait Wedneeday aiert-o-t ta aay Miltoan Mr. Bîaat-t t-aedoaid tht- fatrtueii ta Mt-a. Rd. Udait. Mrt. t-%ie t-t- t-. mt-tkt- ta tit--t and Mre. Udati an-d famity lt-at-o t-t-a-a Cht-t- tht- middle of ahis maeth 10 maba Ataglt-at-Chat--b. heir bt-me en Artprit-t. Mr'. lat-t Mit-hell ai Sit-eoi- Mra. Stae Bat-k, Chat-ira Street ai t-tny ith iamter bau hteft Moeday for ima wet-bt bu-i la-itott-ith bar e Seiet. fo _lMr dat- ai Meakoka. ittalMaoat- -tt S.ia- Mr. andMrs. Er-ieMerktey and M-. iî r.Cas abr amiyMain teet, rttrt-t'd Ma a-ilMru Cht-.Lamet-hbtme Saiarday aitor ama met-bt aend Mr. and Mra. lao Esst-eu holiday ai Wat-dtatd Bt-at-h. motofa Ot-kaille tutt-t mweek-t-ndt Mrt.> and inre. Jao Marshall. Mu-. P. W. Haîitt-. Mrt. aed Mou. Jamaea W. Mat-thall Mr.an-d Mrt. Paul Smithhotaert Bamptonmat-t gaeti ai the t-i Miami. Plaît-ua at-t t-itig htomeofa Mr. an-d inru. Harold t--ilt bt' ite Mruat. andbit-. a-tia.R.R.iatunBot-day-.Aag. lao Pt-at-t-at, Pt-t-earlSroet. and bih onthoaaiont-atth-itit lhrrlinsi t at-t for tht-t-t meddieg at-t-tt-t-ta-y. Mr. at-d ceks.Mrt. Dat-dat- ilt-y and iamiiy Mr. iod inr. Ted Pigg and ofB--tranod and M-.ad M. iamîly' Geoatg tret-hiaet-t-.Ge. Wisanaand famly aiad tealit-t- hatadat-dng fat- a dariog ah e aftrcoat-. mat-k ai Paît Elgit-. Mra. Mary Tubanat at-d t-ocn Mr.T. Ht-trt-. Boit Bt-t-et. Dell. Jat-per trt-et hait-rttr-ad M.aiMru. Brat'e Et-uit- aowtmtioratttg mth bar- tat-tlu, Kittgtt-igb Coaurt and Mr. aist-ititltat- Mrt-. Matit- ia Pttai ,aid Mrt- Go. Fletcher and iamity haro. Btli Street hia rtaitmtdthame Mr. and Ma. Hatt-t-Ziit- -ile haatîîtayit-g il Kit-hi Dgt- mae and ht-ht Yt-aone King t'-ulitîîa Lake for ta-a Street,.uisiaaîtaith Mr. andMr. wpeks.Nelsan Homard, ai Campbhati lia Mrt- Alice Bt-at-ai ai Mîit-n ht-t furat-atttk. reundta Mat-treur miib ht-t Mit-a At-gela Joht-sac, Matit- onM.Hartolad Bt-at-at. Street. bast-tttr-t-i hame aiter Mittat buh Halmot- and Mit-t upoodica ima m-at-bt ai tht- Ontar- oat- Chilata t-ttrt-ad baorne atioa Aihietia Leadert-hip Ct-tp at met-b aitar t-pt-tdit- t-t- dat-t Lake Caaahit'biog. At-gala %vat- ai tht- Uted Chart'b Camp i t-tpt-et-etit-g Miltone High Sahoal. Rt-art-at. Bîrihday groatit-gu and het-t Mt-t. G. ArntodaofToototpet-c mit-ht-t-o Mt-t. Roiih Hoatoan the aaak-eodtai the hume ofhe- Maie Sa., mho aatobraiad han aittr Mru. J. Arnold, Barian hiribday lot Tat-odat. taret-a. Congratuaiont-s ta Mr. and Mr. at-d Mt-. Gaot-don Hadiot- Mru. J. D. Thamput- lt-at t-at-t' andifamily. Emmaod Crt-t..hateHat-caealoi St-t-it,io.iaeom- attatt-d ht-ma afttr holidayieg et-lt ai Miltoan. oc tht- t-ait or- tai Whît-fis- Lake, Part-y Bat-t- rit-ai tfa ba%ba- hat nat Aagst-i8 fart-o 1maemo-b. at Peel Hotpial, Caabuyîla. Mr. ut-tr Mru. Rau Baccer. Mit-at- Ariet and Virg.i Mai- George Street bat-o mea-e oheit aed Bat-har- Fit-ht-t bau-o ht-me t-fl-r baatidat-ag i Pot rtt-ed homet-ater t- atiii-i Fior a me.lr2mek i c h iaort-titas Photo y R. A. DaVismt- SIGNING THNE REGISTER in St. Pool's United Charoh is Marie' Jatte Mar-shall wha became the bt-ide of Arnolid Horeden je a double ring ceremoty Jury 15. The bride ie the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Marshall, RR i, Milton- THE TURNING POINT (Cootiated itoot Page St-t'n) nature. lThe petls ai fairom thte actaia nuloa sioooat ai, but i-ase, the aitada drift on, the the- "daim ai a s-piral, lTrban bit-ds ly sutah . .. but sheila abol...it-h ibis t-t- -uta t-attait . .. aaconstantremieder ~~taaioroou ~ ~ o îa-ahma oaîtht-aat-andmacdereof tht-ir hoe mtId tati batalita! Gud't taarid, and iedeod. of ail tumi. t-aiel- ar ot t-hele Do yo atili havt- a t-bore-lina sheis. hell ar usd 'i huebalida- ahaad' Plan te joie the quat'iiti-u hy tha aoaoolatatu btaaýb-tehr What old t- ai pot-ait. Gît-t- Clai t-iaait mtt-d at-e mata otf soaeatr fue? battavebe oudtia-iarthreat-Theatat-t-hath anddthe-akyand at-t at-g. anud tteighi ast atut-h at hmg-iaot-l iiomto 500 ha.; at-I th a bitt hut pat, 1t-e ma ioaaauaroll -o ta t-t-ae as t'hiirth batismtaml fots- atut-rvat at-dt-hea ala-a, iht aut-i- at-i t'-tat gat-ilat liait potndt-' at-I tae fIarng des-igns ai ahelia. Tht- might- ocat-tt, ta- t-tiat dias- Thora t- a t-aty aid pet---e- tuei lr ialat ittan - er hit'h ittuiaint-o us lt-t in tahe clil-a. t-balla aid a ý-ii thaa tat gatitr ot- ohing peraanen-uta-tdrlb -t r it-de 0 thenl ;nt - utbbhu ato t tioa oal eata an-d perfec-ttion of lit-I aouihiea ie ahit- age?' THIS SUNDAY-S Church Calendar Mr-. at-i Mrt-. It-an At-tetirac aita n Dtb--Ca and tamitu. Bt-at-te St., baye bt-eni M.nd mr. Cari Et-t-t an-d KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHUECHI MILTON GOSPEL HALL botidavicg ai Ottama and als faiu lere St-t-et bat-o a- Mit-isteet Oea a. K. L. MeDa -e, tO Otiot-0. N., Te O-ti uiua mitb Mr. antd Met-. Fred 1ioreed home afiar balidat-int- t-i M .tA. Ct-iitu gihered in thc tamne of t-ut-att t-t-i lamilu in Montreur. F ort Elgin forat-t-e-b. -.R Wright, AI.C.M. at-td acios Christ. (Math. 1t2t) Orat-tt at-I Ct-t-ut Mat-te «rm tho --'h us an we wi d LORD'S DAY. AUGUSI 131h, u19hi rlnrI5PflNJ SutDAY. AUGUST 131h, l9t- 10.30 a.m.-Br-akitg, et Bt-tad. PROFESSIONAL tufCO Y 1.0 a.m.-Manug at-t-tie i P i1.1 p.m.-Bibto Ct-t-t t-nd Sun- 'Attomobile Relit-ut". - ity Bahaat. AND TRAVELLERS' G UID E l nited t'îttlitiriilit- t) t tii 70 -ae Btute Cih stoa-t tutd omt Iulle WeIt-atla-, 8 1,m.-P-ty-t at-I liet hooda-i tettt tan.) Bible Readiang. DEN-tTAL ACCOUNTING 11.00 t-m-Jouti- Citait-l Sîtau riday, t p.m.-Dause- Seryvace, lot- a1 il de - 3ti lu ta - a t- etlt-a Cammu ity Hall; Tuun DR. G. A. KING tARI G. BLACK iîaalaaiu. Ra-l, Ima Dotit-lt-t Chant. Detal- Bat-gmtn B. Caom., R.IA., C.K Yuare-tt Ht-ai-tilt- Weome ta Offt-e in Rala Bulding, Milton Ch.rtercd Areututat BOSTON AND OMAGH lt-t-t- Servyit-es Haars 0-5 101 t-ain Street PRESBYTRIAI CI-URCHES Jesa t-aid, M- t-t-atp ht-at Mt- X-ao t-art-lce Tlt- TO t-Bt-m Bat 46t- Miltot-, Ont. Miuiutert Rt-t. O. A. t-et-ut .OA. luit-an 1uî i butut iliae anud - TOiacge86 SUNGAY. ÜUT1 ,16 t-tv flot e t-t-It git-t at-to DR. H. P. GALLOWAY 100tmGtpu utittt-ti tttrpnth thrtbi -t Detal turgcen1.0am-mgi o'i e-,eneemllr:idte hl e5 a t- sît- et t-t-t-e LONG, FENTON Sa SWING t-it-t. aoput'k lt-t-m r aau ai t a-I lttMtuCbariered Acaaaatatt 11.30iam. Ruruttunt Muratit-Sei-. la lc reaoit M 27,t. Htu-R.t-taiepm E. T. SinnamonC.A., t-t-- TX-.Offi-eT t-et-uIt-ene Rt-n W. H. Mora.Dsrc e- vSehr , 135 Mait- Bt., Milton taan ut ltae Ct-utdit-t Ribla 'Tia- Ha bhai lait-I myul DR. M. R. BULJUSASIC a7-21 Bu 5 ut-i-u- il]u t-nut--tti lita 'lt-t- Hea thtta lt-at-t-t- me hy Dectisi 1le -ttt-taoudu Hit- tbl. 14 Martiu tt- Milton Tut-at- Ht' t-ai malt- me tahala. Chaterd Acoutans S PAerge' hrch oril ST. PAULaS UNITED CHURCH OTOMET--ST-7iLVI aHO Si Gons Chas-t, LNmsaaei Maie at-I James Btoeeîs Ot-TOBPhones: GhcetL -eaat- SI. 4 o9131 Chi* ,Nsann Milt-n _______________P51-s DLai S t 22Kn St W. (The Aeglican Churcit t-t Canadn) Muiait-t Oct-, J Lut-te Graham, AiT-HURi A. JOHNSON Braietoni S. l Tout-ct-t eto-a B.A., B.D., C.. 184 Mata Si. Miltonu Otsa-aTc---- e-. o. P. E. Jettta Luit-t t-at-a JOrmlleryt îe-ttiI-Otit Dorng Aagot at-I tht- lit Pt-to t- t-t-t-t- Oc- 10 a-9e7t SURVETORO Tlt-lott-ao t-t. U ýt- 4.257 t-uuau in Supteter. tht- con- at-igsaP-dt-omt-tlg t-CNt-AY AUGUSI 1311.ltI Clatt-t lrea ti fSt auarip m nitedb t-iattu-i -Yaputumeti BOWMAN, BLACK AND Tu aitv XI liturch it- ai ri Rt-an Pabte LEGAL SHOEPIAKER I-I'ao)plau-t tr C Knîn h t rRtauCt-tt-. at-K ______________ Ontario Lt-t- Sar-tyo-r.s amHil umtuit t-tati Main ox t-at-g . .K and Eegio.t9er . taîuîîî-.t-îîuî,îîmmtn t-Iutti VuGoinrchargmt-e. tO KitENT-H Y. DICK er enoSna eoo. Vatr amyWloe Bt-t-t-t-t. Sulîrutut-. Nutt-ry Pot-lit- Office: 30 Doutlas Si., Gauelph Lau-t ilt- MANE APi CUC 190 Mu- Ot-et-t TA 2-4031 1.9t--ouCmaittld! Ct-matB--eMtn ltln-teT -tti Cati ZouIth 61240. t-armuta. t-ut-auto St-hua. ComrilSetMtn ________nd__stpracer Mit-lit-rt Pautor Ciat-ton Colt-a T. A. HUTCHINSON, D.C. eohnN.TRag 847 B.it-t--t-t. Mît-it-r, Et-. TiAVRLLERS' GUIDE tRut. t-tuti Paît-al., Milton, Chitat Duret-t-t- Mrt. Rat-a Bt-at- tIi lt-hamas Street Ot Miltn CANADtAN PACtPIC RAILWaAY HIOHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH t-ut-DAY, AUGUSI 131h. l19bt Tntet--n TOs e-a Sta 57 lt-t-e 24 A loai sembta yof 9.40 t-m.-St-day Bahoat for t-il Doit-O LIOI QC pm t-ai -.2 pm. famIt TiHE PENTECOSTAL taras. GiORR i iLIGOt, D. e tigu 07 p. ton. AStEMBLISt OF CACABA 10 .MrigMtthe Onotiaie- SOlieiioe . tit-t Pt-hliec Catîtg West-O- .5nm. tua.g Fociocu Oev. M. Chsttren 1.0am-oigWrh lt-t-0 Mat-y Stret t -miedoi -7.00 p.m.-Eaoenina Mat-ubie. Ot-iroe R89o TR 8.4471 SUt-DAY. At-Dut lt-lb. 1961 Mdedat-, 8 p.m.-Bihie Oiudy lelephne îit10.00 t-m.-Sot-day St-bout at-- at-d t-rayer Metiea. CMt--i lioi ail. SHARPE at-I NICHOLS CIiOOetTORS îî t-o t- Mut-uit-g Mut-t-it-. CHURCH OF CHRIST, OMAGU W O. t-HARPE 711p- u--u-ta-i-- -,t -utiada- tt i- A andIHOt Mat-GGUGA[L ittu 8lu tutti Bilait t-lilu Taftalgar t-oit iii- t-ic, u- CHIROPRACT-IC CLIt-IC .,îîi P.u- 146 Mait- t.. Miltonue a x tat.iOt--itty Filui., I pua .Yiuuut ptSi- UNlD-tYý t-GUTi, tli, lt-la t-trac.e TO a-t1ffl Pht-yeaepy, -. ITtatict aîî-m 10.30 t-m.-Bible St-huai. Clat-ses _______________________ tnit-olatua A groiitg ttuarah yoo t-un mao lut- t-l aget. F. DAVID THOMPSON M5 Deen St. orth, onkitt yoar home. 11.00 t-m.-Meeting Mort-hie. BrstradSlctrVictor -tOI. Ait Meluome lt-ar-day, 8.30 p.m.-Bibie BiaIy. trr at-I it-tr ln.seagomet Yoo At-e Atmays Metoome RndnTO S-030 GlACE CHURCH ANGLICAN ResdeteTEE-0M PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Mt-tlon, Ontaria RAIRAI WJOI PAITHf rUMA ME MReetu Ont-. D. A. Powet- At pt-tset-t, Ucicersal Pence sa Et-oIUALDIRCcE8 Moodey ciosed durieg Jlt, Aog. a mati-t ai great importanee Tsiegay .......1.31 - 5. 7 - 9 p.. SUt-DAY, AUGUST i3ih, 1961 baiut ai ofotciece is et- MeKERSIE Mdae- 9.0 n.m. - i p.m. 111h Saeîay atfer Trieiiy ut-otint so [ht ihitrmalter map PUNERAL HOME Thursdnt- 1.0- 5, 7 - mbtoesi-re t sniome Es"",% CetIeen ome Pt-idey -........ .30B, 7-9 p.m 8.01 a.m.-Hoiy Communion. iinm and ils îlifice îireog. Pgffl< TU 11-4ni NiGT et- DAT Bosiedelr . 910 - i2; 1 « B 1R.00 t-m-Mot-tit Pt-at-e- . - EBta Wetttgna RIGNT AROUND HOME, lby Shirley dont- parties and picoics are a must, sandwtihes at-e the thing ta terue and lot- titate ipeciai picoteaccestsiant mit t-otld ha more beautitai, t-lt meite practicai and eut- ta sente, tiso a eishot sandwicit iontl its o deiighitfu cambinaticnof aiin- tort, tiith itar, tometa siice and tono-chene gib eftweet treofa tu-en of i =c VAN tandwicit bmnd. Theo flntft- criai chceoe trestiog nd thte daitIt pimenta hînri gat-nitit moite tise ficitited tat a meicome cetre- piece on mt- bridai teble. Heme are compiéta dit-mtitent fat- maiting the sandwich inf: t-te 2 poood uatticed sandwtich t taitietetant tait bttert 6 sticet cartel iatar te tf-t- cps tomateetaflln (e cipe betat-t B at- 8 lnarge fit-m tomate tiices, !/V" thicit Remaul top, sidea nd emi crets treet sandmich Ioaf. Suice teegthwite itto 4 et-en uticet. Opmead botter ut inoida et top anddbattant iices.andton bill sidet eftihe imo teoida augcet. Arrange hnm tiicee te thet- cnt-et- the bottarn etice. Top midi tec- ond etice, and tpmnad tio mitit tuan-abrete filittg. Add third hrnnd rnt-er, and arrtange tit-m tomate tiît ta coter the bmead. lT-p mth the tout-bread tige, pressing ait fitreit togeihe-. t-an teat te maxed paper et- trans- parent film, ana ratt-i5n-aite untit abiiiad. Then, tpmead cmeam che- t-te eoatieg at-et- top and tidet ot tho fuail. Spriebte tidea et toat îaiib abopped atmoedt. tiareiah top miih aprige of paruiey or Finall Pt-Mny Mece:"hsi h i t - r Phi Bee mav had p 500/ *BARECUES SUPPLIES AND *WADING PMOL NOW AT henai, cao frean piotmento or ct-n- haret- jette. J.iratae aria iat-tlng lrne. Witee t-ettp ta ser-e, cuae wath a tmaott, aitarp kotte, hao i2 serciaigi. Set-te ce a ictioce or motet-greta got-Otit. witit a tarit. Ytelt: i2 ut-t-titg. Truno-heen Sandwichs FSllog Combine:t bib cap gt-oied protested caitese o.t bord conted eug. choppaI tinnit- hi cop cnened toeai(or-tamooi. ttaked one tabiespoool ctepiced gr-een iteeper ne ittentoco cboppcd toton taie taieepen choppel otuited 3 taMlespeant maonnacise sait and ceinr5t soit te faste ilatest tIt caps FIafit- Ct-sun Chense Feotins Combine:t one &at-tt- patbage mite ct-cas citeeta tiî taitietpaaei temon jt-oce V. cap mutk Bt-at untit tigit and iiuttp. ted spt-aad bt-tam chiliig. lite Bp' praatmaieiy hi t-ap tonoird, chop- ped aimooda for garoisit for ides. Coi med iteari irom pi- macte ar chitied c-achetr- jeity tor- top garetsh. Heme ta a mectpe for oatte- sandwich iolai mhiah s detiCioua ad a le diffaet ta abat il to oat-tel and tert-ed bai witb a mutitetansauteo. insht-om Sasndwih Lent Preare the toat ai aandwich bread the saoe as bte.p-ead tite httar tiae mt a prîpared chrese spe-ad the et tice wiih ataillioroalimixtram nd the natiice mith an con satad mixture top mith tht- iaat si Opread t-art boiter an tht- en- at-en aBceatndl tarte wtit o iiot mashroom tsace magle utiti a aio coodecocd masltram soap mixedmiiith !, CP ilki TWRET, TWEET A ralier atout snitaaciecitrete mas talitg about bit-lt and tteir habits. "Not-. ait-e taid, "ai homt- 1 hotte n enort-, and it cela do tomnetiig thht t carat de. i woiede- if ont- t t-o tacet josi mit tbai ting toP" Licte Et-t a t-oed ita bnd. "t iteot, iecaher. Take a bath te a saucer. Hstth unit fos ch"dbrth ctses Ci *a Etted by the aoton Mn eeeitditti ardnpe- emotiona noeoscfa thi nd fus relation ra the gelt-t-ai hath of the fnmlit. The infor-mation ottered tethe ceomret Irais mith the maire penetirni aspects t-t the t-abject and provision Le mode. for tItd- nilant and greote pantioipatiao. A atout-m effoet it malt- be the- intrt-o- to peot-ide fondn' memnt ndd at-ieoittt tacmIelge In meeting the oeels ofthis potat- t-aller grop of idiloas Appiant mont bote-a rellonst cnt-I aignel bt- the tiily pitysi- t-tan hatare -bains oceeptel -for- regisitration. For fattier Inferma- tion presea-o ocal onoth Uoit office. ST. LAWRENCE FRUiT & GEOCUY STORE Fruits Homgron - Blanches NEW CAftROTS - - - 2 for 15c Fienai Green NEW CABIAGE - - -.oh 10C Golden ile BANANAS - - - 2 IL for 25c Fierida . waie5 & Juley GRAPEFRUIT - - - Io for 39C Qeenssene 20 On. Tin DESSERT PEARS - - - 19c lteg. 49e 1 Mb. Bas CHARCOAL --- Sale Price 39c Van Camnp l 0& Tins PORK &BEANS - - - 8 fer$1.00 EnSmoe Braned TUNA FISH - 8 Tins for $1.0 Frash SIiced BOLOGNA - - - 29c IL Lean Slied SIDE BACON - - - 145c lb., Meple Leal WIENERS - - - 39c lb. Tender Plo.np CHICKENS - - - 35c Ilb. Deivr RESTE ý m~I on In out of the boeut Wbot oweeie- invtton titan ktoat And yo nkep from kheà eeot-eimg hett mnto the eefrsolieg coineen of n ,,tzsgnly ose eonitoioned home, Ait ttreough sner' ottent dayo on eleebt-se nie tonditioner jetit yoo mark et cmfort- .tjenp ID etomfctt-wnke refreuied ..keope tise oit- in yosir home lisve--idn aU cf emoce anid odors. Yoo get more out of lifa then you geit bte miam out of taie<tt-anity. flve boftor ELICTRICALLY the safe, clean, modern way! We Gffer FREE Eloctt-ical Maintenance onl ALL Electric Hot Water Tanks PHIONE TR 8-2345 MILTON NiYDRO-ELECTIRIC 258 MAINe MILTON ELECT-EICITy DOIlS SO MUICH ..-. COSYS SO LITTLE 2 5 ýo