Me. Canadiem Champion, TIuaaAuquit iOth, 1961 962 thev prpaato ut onx Wei es<1iov tri 2àkt#llêtr Igf ruIIdIgaITlaIIOf l ists and the nonlinaie aad N r1 1%, , ai1in aco Thelo n, le t.e col a1Of Tatai amti BttaIu#daié *WUtU 9elevated tu caan a, us, govem tialthe population of theurbaineit bas for the n iderahh roiiolfa ~mII CMa9S Loti la cfe8h6e dt by the catici caf atoa CI seccn.inn bc nrcreaaed s.,îd o 1wnc aii v ae3 iTi ýpri eol tardiipl.11 fr ta h tasc lwah Wih oeil Mentcailesaiy re if te nec eeceihihir* a 1. .1rqccihrpc thls WftkdeaftgwAh the Oak- remitedtaai - .11u11 dme ~ U*beldm 9i Im o aayone of fourwadsanad pay i n .In. prove tua bthe praed as faerra i he rdr. t ci he ccalio. copitioancd Induastiela & CatnMercial afhtuagriptahtfra,.tUklh.Mla t1l~htahm a U l ax arate in whch para hrios how suppot-Cndio hd3dcriiri ieruocahai lionaia hearti by th1e thuean ehahaarOSlh hecuao atny tran ervces ana il hrope for, i vcld aIwvsncccuid dis Lvreaicrr, garhagLhuaud wiibicdd in la ha a Cati hoarlne 20. wu, <hakan peRl fil th ontai. nstcJyqh1<~a eedc ci ara ornée winn bc ili icarrae omne a rtlaucaan rannadr tur n tthe yT m fai=e opt nTha thetsa cetainyehe adcuded. But afair labaechrehy the large and woîldlaeannrareaaî The Bordcaiilnow deai jth A ~A'.I.1oos Wiiehaareafomaaa<flhianhejlétaipeatif ~~iiC ~ , aapine ot dircied hy this, rural arca could ho aioachdiar'unfdîarî'hqiacooeefih aI calicatiav hyueToaof înte And Tnmfalar whlch Sat i mt Utard and alle the widest puth rani thi ae anif that ehoulcd fhiiv.TOdr'iieeThaoucaa'a MILTONI Phonie TR 84657 Oak an aowsi f teriti aa jalm commais"da liei'. co1' d hé g hé ily cvhch tis m aniaer has roi .aaurIorid ahi hvphcaaeauaîdnl hew cndtins nsri Tlakaior adeTowshc iaI isdito InY ipic an ho terfrai afuo agec ununon heur icundiiijeprime raa arepecinely for oai-ai c~o1dclnnéhea ta Mynaaattih ar d crien lor caay acacehu, ecai i eaiao Ociiiiî cdlvh' aecvacaveceîu i , --iTaaagti cvi, )e ii riaitu of uhe rive municipal. Iilpaliiie, tie vanatroi and main. a isseri .aîireiy est odf u . one rccrai réidenu, cou une' [ieo aaigaiiaion socchici i o ncil ofailhor miuniicicipa i w iýcouroe eiami L eo m e-tf ui iconaeo n iiapaliiy ageaiet of water piacti n * d filt. mmorofinsin th@ enre fa-rlneranc iauhof th Upper' igod raiuiI, ivaa havee uic a reior ta DecceatIe' il.ieflooah'ca'hn a M VmJ. MCLEOD wihîitaiuvufaa )w,lia ci dstnhafetp d'en*6*84 fhlanof nacéafitlleMidi uad annfircad cldirehaj iani .ruuicpo:iv 6i Tiebuddic 'liocheinorsi ha fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aovd. ahat aln upy n Mdl ae aefrada ACTON Phone203lire& haverreachedagreementuonthe Townshipaof _in à pfl Tf afLge m~g~~cus cudmriatrualrhci- arger ac,z inde oaingeiaris . eenipai torsehîaarea i thcave ,as th io.e theea i TfActioniros ta thé vdfil wdnsn wesnrho ra ito n ualr *-ma gcaaon iunipaiv re ups ilýuaiIîaalldroniccohof c-13 pracîicaliy evary question ti lu satare a knawan àM lc C<l.aather poriona ofa ýrr)daei aoro mlaa ouefru l lnigadpstof raatersadrratrcar apîam vcîraeciorîîaandîcaiiaaccecegauoiP 'ic Y lit lh necsary forrih iarT lla<BV tI and the Towaf Oniie have taon. uacifie cilicioa thei icapir hicofccorhv or chmei ai aaecirivd ai uasuion star e ppicaion ribAtiS.ii-oeg cac riatiine.hi anderakren aiiîr ahieurîia.coi.iiia airai' ~ L~ MULLÀ The ladava<deachiaofpfais ase Aliterait 6lgétnn... Wheihrr Ibis is a ncdepur-cui avmo cr ol gaarai reeacrac ho aeeaigcceci ituaIoaidivotheqstosi Thincasaae eiauaa Ami hnmmedaey moda9ir4 Aié avriiftth iceîeeagvrmnieew er-hae asaij'c,, orriivoeiofhan Bgarali.u l, heiih auo mîsh hoi vtudtr loupN T. MuiAcL ramin -ace fitrsigIde nfh M q ie of ife ett tur. in dca ahivietinOt hnig ins eBor uý REAL ESTAtE BROKPR ai n n£1Y rec$ueiuOsual. Whe. laaaeated aad, reptaulh iti- do". . Ati oc.h leil origheg Bariaguae 'hiih Turh ortei ici itnr was fiMria iinuaiieia or aic ahiIcet aci iha' r l $eti m a pautera for aih- liens af thé tio ra rnacapliiim. a grtitttil aInth ta 8 i s la siniiar iipoecd, or viheiher anal or li o e hi tai n .spécia chartor" wich, oi icir ahiia'iac'r eurooec et GENER L iNSIURAtCE AGENT er racie a inhe futuore, trne aicne and talon the éeactait culiaire, lc.pcratine batisi and ie lca l t he hravy iadourial oeonnaueentî hadîî h o th ue Elicouarse, iv the soir rivpaavaiaalv aioev iin h apia ciii tell. On Match 19111, 1957 set out apon a coaie ihioh tati Cdninistrative bodies hor engra- lehboaieepruoth u" h Wiaca'civiat f T'cicu fhLv e l i . tu tiiv e ad a h h ieae arre n gos TR 8-2436 inaaaoOihrfhatîa tcdadoîccadéo Légî.ii oiiicc 'a nisltre. eohrd 32 thi ici-ca vaýmpiinLvz aihf pchicaunpceaca tt he Taira o! Gokiailte insiutid tenrais uon which a joint appli-adl'oaieihhaired oid aha.y iad is ahnd u diia- uirîeaad voac i g pi a.proaceediagi for aoncaon tce cation moeid ba miade for ainsl.i toaly Ins at hot e o i he w orui orn c iO prad e lo ac u c an srvidc s u iail ho il ceaf n ho ca-o oni- i rcnî i-aicui aai c-3 $ ,00 Dow4n the tonin o! paria eftIhe To- ganiln. oe heî. sinip a case of lira iaate inipossihle l'or tho Bcord oa detor- iod b' exi'd-i s' a-t arasbsata egh Thîe ciIv îchich uginai Io honr eujroaa bungaleow Ta lgr aso eofth la mncrdy tie wnund ta t anit mine. le theinb i , c r av i rici hio ra i-c-ivipîir uot oil iii a milti oieparhu diaiag enoni, er townsip areas la fira penn- cemnin peebtenia and lalerenta - ha aiiomia e r îaîc scicahai foi- 'chie dcci- taa' i ~oiac haila h hcphiiiai ramei ce -c s tan lonedaiaht a-priclag 68,142 airei. tial they mcme la fact oaa coni' mousv 'cli o f therésid ente and ta, ahi apioa cf ahie hoav1 ý,1 h Bad[a lt. truc $12,500. Colt i lamer portion eftIhe township or slidlng temard ernaiganatioa. 10oru t t vtuady ailtahie0 ion ac oaci foi crban serice ivh Condiionc noneri 3' oaa iractur cle an imprtanc of ibis nod t i4aia, TR 8-2436 on TR 8- II Ir ISA E and mhite lu bac groan la Aou- fadeei, mere il Ot f or the plicatian, ahlon il son cla tathi tiiia iiiacc h aih poses cial ahi Board mace icir -"l(nnaeilapor eI far- 9f4j" i'5 C.TII N SAL lut nrcn ycara, ias heur- lauge rorai alitel d o t Bad tn de vahi i caîaî idu iva i ncu a rccammiodain tuici c Le-bchmit'ciii c-c achicie' aY hi furA- AIGS îu dalles have nat h. n chlngad thre tpper Middlnead o ri l h aBard hat thae oai'ciiviandie priviacovu cli - rthe Aail ene-ivia ch-vc cceia cîocc îccac e c lbet RDYAG S lh for a gréat niany ycari. In réet ethcr 'candi, mare lu oaty ihc vamo nirnfc trial o caca so n s oa he ta c-i i hi lion Lcau mayaer d ofîc toic . a h oî ia cuci a ocTal IS- B iir osyears saine considérable mIda- iargety achanice a rt oi f oth w hich inciodnv vai h Act e-r r i n am i aco . c Iii acaai ai ah ' ecin Io t-' ic-d forh icie ie\ a ici Teio withuldn L t 7.10 pni. traidercin<mnt a s o ccarreal ionship imaih of it crairern my na euria lag Ilac on Illeaouri mivc-on Thueonadms a caiîi e- Counr lot, an paver! eamd, 2 le the général ires thatis a k- mhiîh suih te he oniteal wlh 'utanot ta% inn ia paîcva u nivac hua oea ar n ic ere*nati'a'nciio ti h ie~ Le i iai l iici ir-a-a ci muet n oram i, ide ft. hy 150 culle and inathcen Trafalgar. the Town of Gohelila, an order peiaiîanety t on foeusayt n - afia ant h a -i reaci , ri ccal ahi ta came, Oah- fi, Prca s12M. Hamilton Miiigrove Most notahle single item mats the fer amaiganeatian moatd h. saifcinoci.hie ciil re-cit in c-ii-c-m cem u i Coditiaon oavihrcd :3 pi-- ic TuiiigzIi accd O.ahviiie cuit Buildig lati. ut by 200, narth Auctions locationn flc ya 1951 in Ta made lonitas aofceourse. t mas c inn membrd ciIc stee poses huai ahi Boardi rccc-îc au hý,b-lI, c cachruiceii ibc thihrp5ric25l e Ford Moor Comipany of Theecaqa eton hceehom- cuse hat inn camposto fTis apitions-irmadeiiieliîce-tainpacanivri maddchroîaîcciaoeci. No.6 Hghmay M lgere falgor ofheassnihlyplant ofener mhinmust guepause.A the ceci to'ceclc hfledt ulr Bor ne flc aiîr- ed aihivufiie.TheBardais f The i icuocar-d hcitheiBard B an T M u I Iy MUrda h 9-ifli Canada. Aiieiponying hi ni large rural ares îempriîing cep fen in mos repecsfottiliyo shfnif v icila- h i'oh opinioa rihai lisc nI c ou i c in urprini g thic ii'ccaliof ccii îla .M llly -3 dusra odrnopmen 'cos asoh-mwadaof 50l00aaces s o bn uthprei 'osiecp a asdbrie loandthe iiuîi'n ih iisvmier, and iav'hbvpaiiuc,cui hal I, cch ail- lave, 298 Main SI. E., _________________________________iurbi___________Iob_______in____________"filer,_,il]_b__nocille ki t- Milton Ec vaw on aie ca le.' ahi t i an d chlai uncosi ahe! orcr i i ci i for TI a-2f3a t - - hcic aî cw viaiac cic. ahi Boa-d ahi ighil DT D . orno ii fur TR- 8-46Orcpl tucl a afiiici t0 make vahciqui oîde[cîc hil TD c îîcîc i i scludb rooe oti, Bloard Bard uccîad havecuco poacir tcu'cAc0cihi m. ed. a "A A "A term ivd cniti hib du o vahiieio- ici- ccii 'cigii 1 intteii trio________furcama- ,janviptuiure -isch a poii- C traiuramniirsciiiedan 1 tu 6, isola, as ihev i-i. i t Sînci hi c cicci u hi h c I .cc or via ni produlsf.8. iîtm firs LegaI CLIANERS FUE DEALERS HAIS STYLISTS PSINTING tacjo icia ard, iooiIoii aid ie ccoicu p rcpcI ivcIi cci cciii m iIh of 1960, compai-id NOTICE IS HEREUY GtVEN K TSFRTOP QUALITY fiiit ii ecîuî iccsirai h lo hcagi-anc tiouaiaav.ui 'cen C2Oi2.fff 1959 ahi uII-ihiaa i, that the Corporation off the DYCENR PTRLMPRDTS COMMERCIAL PRINTING dc in the odero-îi iic li.a ati fin- Coaaîy of Flatoeu wiii appiy te LT le GASOLINE L8JUN5.. Wc devign and pini distinctia-i Conciioe ccîihc'o'ci-( 7 rcicv parai ,ho h oa rd, hî i-d n OzIskIe fi- the Législative Asiecihly Off the le FUEL OIL hbuvinessv iauianory, ofice accu "Thai clii i c oi Tc.,aiagii- aut Ti-afalgarc h'cliuscvi an for- Provnr off Ontario au lis ana -Sataction Ouaronired lit DISL FE uaiflcd hair alylisîs buvinecss fanas. Direct -alirad ai iuc-i Ucoa Sohboul hic_ chai u cc ipra i vib SessIonefer an Ail 10 uthoriz e MOTOR GiL* Indiridool sîyiing eicuice.bholtins - in farci. ai- tieni No. 5 ccicih e hi Tocu ci 11.11t hi n',ihivhiit II Ic-cA mc ad SAVErth oroato enipcce th0oprto Dry Cteoning si STOVE QIL *i Ceuktit ahanipoos muscicla orinrht aou moy hoa-i. Mciltonic h i achod îhcaiiaovi muaicipaî'uv have ighi 1 le te, of the Cooaiy a! Haiton ta re- te LUERîCANTS *lo Has cedîoua- - Oicîaî croule on yourccai-h. TheiBoariciiiaovinfoi- viiC uriii c t d hi' cicica i for a cele froni persane or for* the* arcnioig1 rndit of peransa dniited on 10 *S8i1' Lauadcrinq C AL L *Cold movina h aainCapo e itefcrn bttemt en ftocr vrlue h.amîîdt onn o lt enedycvc t ere The Ctheia Cisampuion ofi aiaihactta his hcaii- o teo acai vec rei'i li ditdt oesfrt am e sriei eurdDILES PRîNTING & PUBLISH- .i oiaidvaiuio cici i c harai' i n Aged and nlheïr homesi for the Werreair-coled by Cenaado îNG CO. LTD. unicochocciIo aiechooh-iauc-uh e'ar as pracuîdici hv- creo caeflal an Inim Attertions ond Repaire CE T AfU L ronc Creal Hardwmare 191 Main Su.. Milot. tict of oîlîocia îi uc-cv i- onac 35 ai The Sapaeate Snbaotas tan poet CNRLFES Spécial stadealrates __________ I.iricc. Since i ha livie- cici mitai c tri-ciaioieing and 10 hold andu admnilaee the e Roga anud Drapes epnrtîy HERENSBERGER BROS. ' Bard h., ce hîcdivii chai thcloi pervansvonilet u ic vppar sante ai afl'cctuailp and uo the 'clenad E IGM C IE pat" iirse iearec oaaesholinhe ellw O fultecîeaî te vaiio aocii peiv Milton colt long distance and oa TR 8-9S-33 SWN AHNS privaîrvî aea-aidvpruu-ot eh ncceI soi mghtihtaevs o. a OFre Pick-upoand Deirrry for Zenntt9-t40-nu oi]ihrg. Open Tues. andThur. Ening. 'Ila fivic cihi t-ii ul ihi fui a avi to fo sueioh porpoîesasa may inn 171Mai treet Miltcan SI1N GE R 8 1oaiaiichc-uiaac-Gfadiac Nria- ofape the hpihC oroatonGoagiccc t l E7-of'i3-f cicci. h p-aiicc ci iand7 Ke Oi-i.iaaiiiAiinCotyfHatoae aimcrdoncronprnives GerRowncirtc -R 7-EWING MAHIE iciciia oiiai aiis 71vingoai-dce ah il au'v'he, hy or on bhaf ofiuch enons. TRc-t2-tf aemnîii iliciccci ciiaiach 'ti ca SCHOOL 8-91Reetols hr ahi 'cnh car vianîh. pocaîccu cneor-e i ac c hi'-cofedaccdav, Novih DATED atr Milton, Ibis 3rd day t../LL T -9 1JWELRolr Newc machies fravi $69.50. Re-vîccîl. 22?a6, j ei.cai ahe of Scalp, 1961. - E UR , GFS cooctiiaed mcadîic frvi $19.50 Condcitiîovs ocivihiric 8 Io 291 oliuir ha Joie W. Shicc ih SHARPE & NICHOLS ,UA Wey~~e Wropoir ailmaîvvcacing haaie iclii îuiîh tha diiouiîîonî 1ahe Township ofTraflar, 4D 146 Main St., Milton, Ont., DRAPERiES GIFTINGRITR hns tpisn oalbad ndti i awc hara :*I E T Solicitora for the Applicont. G ITN ? Ovn a nnc Siaaignr foi-a a i e aic iuc io if cii lcal hocc. iv hc thi vicctiec andif u ll bc c-8-6 CUSTOM MADE Atîraitine Semeller and $1.25 pir cacîn. [lie i n îofc .acvcvvviinuotc claie tiai a il chci or _______________A. J. McCARTHY Thughltcd Gifla for SINGER SEWiNG CENTRE viac 19ot io xIIia.c'oe cin Ille uicr , h. Mai-v Sc-hrou]c By Buymng *ANNîVERSARIES 172 Kirr St.. N., Gahaclie D R A PES BUILDING CONTRACTOR OWEDDîNGS Vtiîac 5-1172 si Before Sept. 1 * Dlivrnioyarhmrrcoy Purdonroî Bnenmni ISHOWERS c-1 Dliere t yur om, ead Purd Cncet Baemn a BîRTHDAYS I ITNCL taabang in 2mrrhî. Coocreun Fleuars(machine a ANY OCCASION WINc hITO Pi o e *i Ecpirtly niade anal finiahed. tracollaeh vedoio ievne)a TE 8-9541 2ain Macin Su. hn te Poica Sls STORE c-S-tf 184 Main St. Milton aaBUY NO FOhRî la choacA. C CAiNGO POOLSSEVCE T ADRAI 2- "Bd fu Suppyt,,f Strw - XCAPlane SONr LLOY DAVIS-1H A RI Lat22ilofDsri iib Main Mxpern and_______ Saifc-r 217 iai Stee R -44 î roOR SEEDIN 120 ocfc AiD... C CANNe N Reportes_____ CLA GCl Sidenvprtes seaic bd a inrkd Fil Plans_______ andir lae aitm s Andhc cfIC SUc-ici i3. i o. CATIO aodr ofepéinc. WatandAiuyesooFo ahy 111e-enDuirucu Eadinnnr. GENRA COTRCTR aÀ diaîsacor Ptrs Nid- heiloa 'storct" m taiii IRe rie-1 Exper C.'ia delr o 17c"aum 8 Main St.,i TEil-4o4 aull Bot eI 29,suply Scetrane -oo anCVAdN wnSON Rh Iies Cn Eo fre esiane Aol Rr n Rn IIn So 8 anS. MLON TR848 R866 S EPrifcaia iniF toInHAS and R EVIEte akt Sand - Graver - Stone 900 Ontario, ow Hamilton District. c-13 IR 8-4424 Milton Janitor Service FIN CUERIE - TE f-621 nit McPHAIL ELECTRIC cîtf TE 8-6388 cfCLARENCE CATION TE 8-931 ait N Ceto sia INDUSTRIAL F.8 J.t BE N i -PNOLSTIRN nui Notice to ardtos L COMMERCIAL POSEN idly ADOHR .J E N 1 OSHAMENTAL ION sai-ae -aonn ------een ri t§aLAonSvaimiwce 'Aenaft aa- di-DOMESTIC SON M-If1QUAWRISN iS'tOitMtCr _______eauMl of MARY JOSEPHENE ROSS. HEATINO tOflacor R-UpILDIsNG mcoaaeaila rcaraiai. JNSNmi pae OsR ! ltie et the Tasse et Milton, taSi cvr crm chars DIN ý.Aec lfAsteorim teentorHailten Wtdam, Milto Cuaao Slip t cvî hýiai s-uites Zl Sf0NÉ tudimtpaud - Com-Iefe Eîectric House SPECIALIZING IN Ceamhu ci iOvuo f~,~ dccaaaaNew Home rce ai- rao alia. Cai us focý s"s ~W icc.."a." fol. -G n'arages Ornamental Iron afc uimcicir \~ e Att peesans hann 3lii fOGree5f MAtN STREET TE 899094 Ih n" env omt the Eviate ofMARY JOSE- 66Cnrlc u Mua Additions BILL KELLY TE 8-9827ci elob PHINE ROSS. tli of t6e Towcn TE 8-9513 0 Encre'tion Roums ut Milton, in the Coonly of Hal- i-Il-il 0 Reniodelling tuas. Wide'c. decnasrd. 'chu dieO O Cabinetv PAINTING WEIL DRILLING Do' eaHadcpDie 107 on or abuts the 141h day of Ap- _______________________DntB adcpDîe me rit. 1961, are reuacaid ta entni FLOOR COVIRINGS TR -60 ILO /EL DILIGti pile ccp teo dds egaîcce yoai Makn eure' eht Hore Pcwne ceder the hoea cou parliîotarc ual their ctaimn la thea ai-ai3MLTNW L RLLN fyu cri prtigsfl ndsot Maak fueyu Ri o eih in indersigned an or inofao thi i 369 itighic Dr.. Miltone PITR&DCRTRopcceaacaigaoyia aounyca ont0 28[h dan of Aacgacvl 1961, afc-Ï, RU S_,1 AN E cliiATO 0iii hiaev Keep cp thn parce ai hovi long hotsi n ccc v n T in. W 'll cois. vuhich caieiathv-idlouiaui ucl1 AND Fr'iiEciimates J. B RUPPAN ujý ice oiiif tr ortP e cici thehoidid iiheHoscicýýi)io i îlie ýhnnl hi disi.-i ci amantt the paric .r<' TE 8-4851 w ev eyu u rv aoy aeuIw otyu îeîtiîtd and thi Eclu- CA-51RPETS M._________RR._,_______Ont ont cor 'ciii not inn ]fable fer aor M.SLIIZ R , i cii- ii Oonan1 îc hledcovl iefll itaies et mhiîh 11e has nul chen Ooaiip' Braadtoorn RAURSSN . R. 3 Milton Hîigiv Phone Baurluionu NEivaun 4-6025j rnceinnd notice. * Roo Sizen 0 Watt t0 Watt _______ Daleal the 241h day of Jurp, 'Estimates Fret" VOGUE ______________- JOE961 OGE.LMN BEAUTY SALON ADVERTISE YOURt BUSINESS m 11RP GaeOildRGesKLMN CAMPBELLS Speciliiag Ia Pétroleatet Wanen. SERVICE IN THIS HANDY L0 Mton, Ontrieond DEPA0&TMENT STORE Haie Stlig n f Enecotor laaî -Witt and icsto- TE 8-fit Hair Tunt DIRECTORY. RATES AS LOto ic)13 met of Mary Josépine 221 Maie St. E. 140 MAIN STREET KlS Rai, deceàvcd, c-Il1-S 3-f TE 8-t461 a-Si-tf A 1*