ePerlptlon For InSokft' Mugi"- d*om Is vwiww -& DIM ICentInuie CAMS OP INAK <Oanti mI SmIIM ) C Sml (CIssaaq «""0.aaaa~,!..aa. CLASSIFIE D McGIBBON- At his horne, Bus-' My mot sincere thaeks te ail FOR SALE - Ptek yeur owe FOR SAL"igs~~ ait à ioe t&jB I J. A. WILLOIJGMSy lin teono Sonder, Aufoot 6, tiosn wtso sent flonwrs-, ftàiat bit, pthn. 1148. Teilse. d nih asl k hitaf ohmg ciK. est O t Pt McNaugttn Mlc. Carda, lestera etc., duailag May re- Une. CienrtIn. CIeSt t1ilI *turn w13bwsiIiI % o A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ý D v lbeeeoed hoelsaed ot cent stay ins Hamilton Geseret Usesday. est49 Issa. rq lsIt fSRAJN H igaast brother ofead thse Nera Frances Hoptal. SALEe00goss Ca RATES Mrs. C. Cerdiocîl (Margarei) te seeo as Yad stessestA L s oyl deecarsiage. metly e andl 135 .11111 1 1 , oi oalttntetst ofBampton, je his 53rd yea. The tamity of the ]ase Erusest Milton, 1igtMey 23 SemIs.- 1 laisge ul qipelsrdtt e No charge for aneuncement Fucerai tservice tra held tram BaIl] rtshtu texpresetacere trse.Cadtlla assiasaeasta nain Ism J.A EL.1 et Birtito, Marrieges, Deathî lthe MacNah and Soce Ltd. faner- thanks and appreciation te ttseir _____________car Conition, ("tY eseaitpeal tii 4-14, n a and Engacgemenrst-. Articesti- I chapel, Brante St.. Milton, on relatives. friende and netgltbore FOR SALE _ '59 Forti 4-s"r wlth att Catiliac fcatares. Phsone fineessoe 'M 111-11e111 sale. reet rîtc - 3e a serd. Weeday. Augeet 9, al p.et. fer the kmnd expressions ef sye- seae, met, wsitretal sies, misonS Aclen 65t. c-13-6719 it Miaictees îh 5ic. Billed 7 c. Intermeet creetin Evergree ce- peîhy aed floraltIriSantes extend- cevers,. coedition. TR 8-253 yoU CAN NOW BIJY- W i . NAWT14O*Ne LoOG Ba ai.t ibis offite 25c adl- -yet, Miltcn. ed deriegîheir eceet heeee after.Fm c-3--06 MIoeamfma dliticota. -oin SALL-St -eep 7r5e M m en . c-315 wAtD.ae Rtastsut-.u PRIVATE PSALE minimum tirst tive fie ach BALA Jsp ratMmr-FRI$ahsIg akeoi U NTUEoN -CM AV d&bnc»K ailditicol fine Ille. Card oi iai Hosepital, Burlingtee, on The femity et the lte Ras FOR p er tltper cnteof as FURNITUR lu-aat db b wtMec thanse 75c tac the tirst tie Thursda, Augusli 3,t961,.Ern- Lcie wish ta ttsank enelies, amsrce e2"e eiat t1EFCOY cspe' lsbn 1.-aqaten MILTIN Ilot, ech ildtieol iceIli. ert Ball, husheed et the tate trierds aed eigihesre t her iton Sparts ted Cycle. 20»RI. 04I I ~ Aaeyatg u lhts le Memraciam 7Kc, Fies tic Fer Neilie Sec Lemler, drar ta- hiednes. cympasby and floral aeS. its. cl-1 DIRECT eV twaidtb a ienly redered Mecd.îy telleîcicg en Lyner et Miltocn tnd Cordona reavemeet atse the Rer. i. C FOR SALE - Eetttish Matne MANUFACTURER TO dUl.do a1ead;nt lirls sre cesarbertttieons..w Iiee arn hi ecn e caneplele with vouUI WMdEAL et Sarnia, grcedthrr et Allit Hill. c-13-92ï baby careilge, YUW OEAE kâ LATEST INSERTION TIME and Le-Ans and Sesan ted caeeipy, excetteet conditio, $M M W awdsapaaf filleent Lindo. We wisb te express our siecere or oter; crub ted high chair,. ~ TEWRO lT~5 lla ai a 5 12.00 FIS. WEDNESDAY Fueco service secs held on appreciatiee ta tee maey trieeds TR 1-2068. c-13-932 TH WRLS S aas r. à*5I h~ sàut REAL ESTATE &s CLASSIFIED Saedye h cKersie tarer- and relatives who were se kied Mcin..,e rata lb--rr b -oiC c-1 DIPA PM US al c home. Itermeet in Evergreen le us durieg aur rerent heeare- FOR &ALE--Car, truck and tmc t ee nw Matetacturer-t-You ptmad -t 4Wý5, A cemery, iltn. mnt;aie te thaeh tht-e tor the loir lies, nees andt sed. ait sites, $ 2.93 eeslbies s S .99 7263h eeelry ilce rcy cardsaned hetatitat fieraI laeeprices. 14ilsee Tie n d 4.9# hsnsocs $22.95 BUCK< H.AMILTON LESLIE-Seddeciy, aI Prai Mera- trih'ùe. Specici Ihanha te Dr. tor Servie, 191 Mill Et, TE Ra2t11 lattmps ...... $795 WAStTEb-âis pOlt5t A10 T OIWO POET 8231 oriel Hospital, Bt-ampton, Ont., Huitz aed sîtf et Mditon District beside Miltone LaaedrnmaL. c-tt 511659 eottees s e .00 andal c let Çhtbt, teasisýerk. Rocche. Sueday. ialy 23, 1961, Roecid Hospital aed thse Rt-s. John c. Ç115 stffl ....... 3 90 (4ialek ps-mes. We cati. Wfeef. B' 0e Leslte. hceoed heshced et Hill for hia cçpecolieg trords. FOR SALE - Saselsaîl eqcup- S69.04) rochers . 39.95 Zeee, 776 Catiege EL, Teroistir0 BL ýBO REDUCED Mariel Stetrart, fether et use- hirs. Emcersen Fard and faliy. itcent, gloses,; balla, b uts snstks 5 M.@ tteyis . 65M0 phlasee ceiteai il;s~ 50724. e- . tEsaiFOR QUOCK SALE mie end Eeeeie, and son et T. c-13.10S5 scebookis a0 Militen ISons CHSTRFEL Mae1 emnfr ancd Marion Lteule. aed ht-e- ted Cycle, 201 Maie i., Mlin CHSEFLDSUITES 4-e kes tre4 em eed u- Engagements the eto Mariiye iMrs. Harvey My snr hnst i ile -4111t icsa ,qitas owaltie Edrtetrle. trere se bled te se trhile I trac $249.00 Neso $1W000 alN $8l.50 f ai peles 1hK ________________ Fuercl service scas heid Tut-c- le Joseph Brant Memoriet Hes- FOR SALE-Yoe wii lire bey- DAENGR $$,SM:55 mf fullf~f priais wi Mriilal. rsR .s 3,d i a Lee anil Kaiser fuerat pitl Beriingîec. Speciel ihaeho mng your building essleriats et DAVEPOR L t k n les Mc.Wiltas F.CtoeR. ~home, Si crtesvilie. blt-erai let the Ledites' Aaeiliar et th- Craseterds, Campballte. offlc BED - CHESTÊRFIELD EPW4S hnpt C.craphellc ille, h c telele ceseetery. Sîrecle- Ceeadiae Legiae and the nursieg servira, bigh qeat - PhoeeCamp- 2 plate sutte ers. t. Teins, second Ilae Cassp BEoIRENTING tgieet o hie daoghler, Carol cill,, Olt. etaft eftche Halles Marier for bt-IMile ULster 4M222. v-t Eeg. $169.95, Te Clar 110-Wl beliville. -l0- Atees - te Mr. Bruce McDitecte their lerely cards and tiamers; Mlo son e Mr. acd Mie. Roertc Me. WESTLAKE-Pacsed ocr er i rtise ait my meey frit-sas for PERSONAL BRONZETONE 5 pc. SUITES XÊLP WAXIOlarnae EL BR S 90 Gitecis, E. E. 1, Milîton. Tîte mar. home in Morrietec or Scier. iheir carde, gfits and visite la me. OL, EUNýDOWN? Oste Tee- Reg. $149.00 seseh al beaset sta BE R S citge te tike pitce ut Heuv R-c cliv. Sogeet 5, 1961, Mirtoto TMy pet-cocai theeho te Dr. Mc- ic Tehits heip "pep-tp" chou- Slighî tectary damage 175,00 Vatgue nei.st FULL I3OWN PAYMENT tri Chutrit. Milten, un Septume- Charlette Hocker, hcloei trite Cîsîcheon. Dr. Martin et Boýrlieg sasds et men, vceten peet 40. e-12434 IR "-380 3 hetirsees brtck bungalow, lier 2, 1961. il the laie John Westiahe. lac tel th- staff ced nurses et Osty 69c. At ait dt-ugists. ~sesant cenlrebs deer ceothcr of Leî,rerd. Te- Oîîrlicgîoe Hospital. Att srtre c-13-eose .eFABIANS HRLP WAIOtRO-Part-ie mn- e-l ses ai semeas, laitefar- _______________ -ri;Wctr.Sreîecl Ac cnmuch eppracialed. gisena mirs Wna dSemst- et nS_____________ (Mir,. J. Lîgtfeeti. Lily IMt-s.I c-l3y062 Jeae Hasselteldl. FOR SALE-The boat yee've MANUFACTURER'S tiot. fflee bon te, aI. hll Born Dite Garibali), bhI if Saer elsys traeted. Bey nase and Chamlse., miltas, Ont. C-3-1A1mMdE cie; Millces (Mrs. L. Hcrtrcel ___________ eet th- tas. Se-I i Milton aehueSowom MAIIERA - M. aed Mt-e. Flic ef Milice aeil Merlea West- - sparts andi Cycle. Eesy badges aeos hwois V No m tJS co Marier. .1 238 Kîegeleîgh Ct. lîke, al homre. Corning Events termer traitable 201 Maie St. 15 Commercial S5., MilleoAVO ct-e pleaseil tuecceucerthe Servicestes held Teesder cf- Milton. c-9-738-tf TE 8.0.32 Wom tasl ,omtis OOSN US ct hîrth ofitheir see at Milien teceetet. letertrcrt Ct est ce- Open Daiiy se 9 ps. is a ssnesaas causait fer tAv Mm(f COw"tm* BUILDERS SACRIFICIE DistriclHospileitneAtget 8 l, trtcî.csliech. Hernv Ceseseeity Fat-h FOR SALE -54"cotiental -tend- on.We bae ettraellis-fapm I.A&T0 At6% Se1 at-i Chicher Barbecue et Hec- bel. hec sprieg a.sd matat-ess, 392 Kerr St. Netl, Ochrîlle for cap"tl waan 5. 0Ifie~ 1, m MAU$S III 310 Pull Doan Payssenl 96.GILBERT-On Thut-îily. age-cl hr Pet-h. Soîerlcy, Aagast 12. 120; 4 toldieg crs. 30" s 72", $4 VI M7g31 Ziegler, P.0. bos633 oakdmisfl New m seroase bis-cks buanlow, ilMs o , 1961, Mies Lily Gihcbtert of78 Meale serceil trom 3.30 tel8p.m.cah' bewt oispng t-Il 1"7 DODM Ouaton kuerj. pbar. liing msos, disetng roms, kit-. THOMPSON-Mr. eci Mre. nto Ave. Torcnto ai Actisc$1.5,eiisps-e75c We sel]dealersend mest hn4,iebaprt Hpo.ihmn .e -Wlliesle Aosi, trotof iAeî 1.0 hMr 7c-11-395: 5 ropelde coach, 32. No mot- discount houses. sy of pesver eqiaireasI îa ele-4pît ah alî fie- f replt) ar. heirpye ccc Hen c teler eptl ce tcl--0 recsesiciertd eereps miitb coe- r-i3 5ecS SMelalt cricq aePaane, lu ise 1 banresto s, Beai wur. 5 ceiI te ep tecece Charleseril Ecesi (of Toraoan-~ Fo ,saa aseeint s, Orei wteh b ith of al sonte unAgse , ,àge an James-g oeil B c ingo Mona tiges tel every hie t-Ibe. TE 6-9346. c-13-1070 iasi5 pehmsO à- " lot, aade Peele alsasslnsas Hoss îsa teeOeinees wav f Ktchner Mr. Vncep.s. 11,000 jackpot en 58 nem- SFOR SALE -Serge glese ra e crI M rs, Consolatios 150; booster staiese seel pipeline meiliers, For Rent Ofs-l Sothe6s f.5bsa. hom ;ýg. »<uoui~s é RIDEAYM. edMe.iee Liedsay Fisht-et -f Lrcseod jackpot 1750 fer top fine re18vcuuse pemsee, bdarhe litîer oveaveragecar__rthe______ RIGWYM.adMs on Kansae. nusmberc. cosoltion $50; e'here asti Douce tiraignei pote barilc. tieET uer n heet--. avelen estrg 1a tnt sitee Aer Rdeaar lae taa-%aSales sad Service, Horare 'eom- FOWET 2ree niel.Ecteleeiye 0e cas' tell the sebote stery Rumerpicservite eo Fhcerconthe treuil geme; 20 gantce - -er Milto nucthe hicth eftiheir sec, Serr cliner- . Amssion St. Spoesoredhby liio, Bampton Gleedaeit tathcrn. se 8-907 aftr6fm isan o gc lral le sei. 39 y stest drive --i eac ceighi 9fils., t oz.. et Mileen Saura te in -s ci ro anditceMro. K oeece eie 1-1275. b-6691-it r-Il-894 esedt-0a raplsFcaan 4se Col- tel vesb eenl seh o Bastding lt fer sale on mate I 1961. Bretic etr ReculA Cath- Cuc.c-13-927 APAISfN E FR ENT-Electeic hotcvoler CITIÉS 151910CR REPISINO 95 pOR a5tot-e et-t-it hgs.$.0 toI ptie si eri ptle A3ee in Cbr 210AL Ib NGLcoeS, btsers wits ten service. Phsoee (CANADA) LIMITE» 1936e FORD s 4-or wi39 ptlyet-t ___________________________ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " -9e1 0 b. n ae,$.5 Milles Hydr, R 8.2345. r-lt Branle, Ontario ect ie fr39soîî RE M- n ors Saler sqae setf.5eatinf, 39.95 sqeaen _ __________ At Braele VA 7-1161, toa 210. anal se tinse psymeei le M>- OEIL hILTOiN r c reen (nc Cln MfRr. ARh2i In Memori r ale 10%6 att fer cash. FOR RENT-3 t-ans and bath c-13 preti cedt, Ytvanne Ch-ristie TR 8-2095 ai Grmere lelte ai Rl.e R. i TENPRO DISTRIBUTORS LTD. seith priotte eelreece. Apply 66 (A anuCeesphle bicc pfeesei te S-nIvn eayo FOR SALE-ESeal cors TE 8. Action Ontario Ting WEs r-13100 Mel Stark T» 8-9343l ececeh 9843. el3-3 Phone CR1S-l ietie setmer etct. c-1310S bI O ilcigbte-, [euth, %reight 8 lb., ileer grandctitilhec. Frcncis H. D co 13934 PhaseN 5b9le-lte at Milteon Distrct Hespital eti Crese, ehe peereil ccitt Aeg- FO SALE .___ , ci. - FOR RENT-t tereichei rooscecsuc13 USNbteee SoFit 1,1961. oct 9, 1958. rifltti e ri Ci, ex NEW SEPTIC TANK wilbeet board, gentleman pt-e- atesag 1354.86. ofD4E s.L N His selieg irai oeil pleaceletreedtio.I .70.SD V K L M ANDRSN-r rI ce KG eec-13-933 terre. TE 3-9652. c-1-1079 PACONI t9«3 PLYMOUTH sasit eeerdirire AiERSOe Mr afnil MrsebrK. FOR fUMceN transmissio, 1295. REALTOR, INSURANCE AND A eso f16MaobokAre a pieceore t e cail. SAL - pir brîr FOR RENT-1-bedroese bunga- D dSoc R.o aîMOR4TGAGE BROKER D.iepreil laeI esceerri. He bol c kiedir trr fer each locndto.TEwt6E tm Kiegeleigb Ct., dlean. TE il. a.a Stack 6 MlslIesEat t goo condtion TR "86. 248. -13-181 LC. Ne. go c 6, si &Ps 8Ml Stre EastskU bc birth ef theire,în, Keiih Sel lied brorol hy cli. c-13-108 2546.IC MAX-36 Maî 11pritaie a lni iî~!~a-cKEEa Ardue Allec.iîeîghl 7 Its., Il oes., at Sonntelcyscebeprl temeet hum. asSi a itdý rdrc Miltion Distlcri Hoepitet or tome la%es kc os not wee. FOR SALE - Grade 9 aol lé Operosed by FOR RENT-i tereishei norri, rases xsiti hutes, flefrtaj 263 Maie St., Milles Phone 524 rI13 Aîugoel 7, 1t-I. To cleep hbs band en a het terix boohs. TE 8-9368. c-13-92t cohiag prit-urges. TE 6-6769. files netileg te n6e e s.n=s. At MILNO SUOC TATION tacet. W1LLIAM VARCOE c-13-1000 tions, anid hormis lcilesai Asàl «> LE UNe, FIWO Mc .ee.I Mcr iritiose Necor pet-t ~ FORSAL- bya bicycles. iseela remsaved fl-se of eas-m TE-92 TE892 Edleeto R .i, Hombe eam Attyrcyceesered by Karen 18" tel 2h" sheets. 37iRoert R. R. 2 Rarbireot FOR RENT -Cleas, raseot- hoar service. 7 days anluiatFor b-13 A pîel e elt uice the hirih oeil Fccil. c13-1051 SI. Harve-y Peliigree. c-13-106t Pheee fIS 6-0398 ale rmain tor gentlemaen, marase- prompt service, phase ZEsitb 9- BRIA ~E S T u,l bir on, -ieghl 8 ih..FRSLEBb ca5ae h-il-sf able. TEL 0-667. c-13-1077 790. iNa charge les $seu.) e-st R I oee., il DOkielle-Trî.tlelgec Heu- HILSON-te leîieg meseory et FRSL-b crigi pitel on Soteci 9,. 1961. A bcu-c ,tieecrt il d eth.,-, De6l ecellent coedition, likt nîew TE FOR RENT - Helsled apt- D asc Sevc FO SLERELT R AN ENRLl file re Scancdrca, Debhîe ciel Hilreo. e-be peecel co-ey Ait- 8-9645. c-13-1054 FARM FRESH set evaitchn le Sephrer Dedtc SrieINUAC Decoî. Oct .13, 1956. FOR SALE-1954 Naeh Meure- FRUIT anti VEGETABLES Central rencienil aes, quiet Lir. îttC-8 CAR 31f Mats St-ens Milton [1cr -sateacteb l p Pttpliten, relie, beeter gool cee- Seet Corn Newr Fetasees rotie se8-6292 cesia SMITH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Recc c tilueSlbccu oo i l c order. kIL 4l-2561. c-lO106 Yltose Harest Appies FOcETilroesefrs herses anti cesa. 2991VLSN îelemae HILRORF line peîel ait reeren Lire, beau lihe5: ceert matOR OcT-4o ee n l csLIANT Ttatin wragotne teen. Del. et-e pleeseci lut ,ue Thetreendi deep, il eriti crier FOR SALE-Deetieg bieder. 6 ARM iee edaîsnt ly E -666et- Liehre filarm w, li a 00 th. RLE mf-cytieder 82e FIN Twn50 taiperie2 i.- h, iclh eitleî bica. t.. etee Cockitati e HLSO KFR ecs dlsol.T 56o-a ai.199CEBLT6clne t-PN T-4170fl rc,2 dulei, Seaedra Luons. îueeghî Oct the e-ho haie lesu haewsc preader. TE t-9167. c-13-929 KEIMI COULSON. IR 85 tr S p.se. c-11-1073 24 Hur Service sien wagon, 31.495. bedrease hungaalose stih msod- Hu t flsi l3117 . te. Mil tonîe De.- howi-îic trot. SID POLLARSMTOV8Ouoai,2 r k t- iigro,3 e nuc Heeypt.l ce Aetoeel 5 A thouî ecucetrrs tee reolil FOR SALE- Smelt puistçtec, 5 Gue-lp iit 'Ase men. net-lb et FOR RENT--bedroese apar- TE "4 1959 MSO.VOaîsai.2 r iceuiarae 3 e 9ct. gire. trerek alti, part Cbibahaa. TE Nu. 10 Elulemati meent, selt-coelaisein ewi me- c-tf dear. $1,395. sdece balhraem bot eweter Be If orisv Gril b. etc ber tiee 8-9626. c-13-1078 Open 4 p.ns. - 9 p.m. dem building, parig. 180 198DDE6clne,4do hatin sem aage bey. Cati n MrL.cc eef R. R. 2, (.ecpell- vîy. FO AETyscero -12- Walnut Ranch tc , -irr Alec Coche. vilear lese u oioitceWul b urgraes ws t- lMiltoe Sports ald Cycle, 201 FOR RENT-Upper upnrîmesî, W 1957 DODOS 6-cylietier, -orbi thlleer-ho ple.ei l -.eeeer h5atol beoc rccrv. e Maie St., Milton. c-7-691-tf Mais Et.. 2 large, esiy decara- $79hedoo. tubOO aRSt-eet ga- a lt'tphoti retu ll eigettî Lu euel rceehbereil by boa- FOR SALE-Foerc for uit tioc-a.. ELMWOO CEESMode 195 MuG - utmtc -be ii 9 isý. 12 cuea Milton Dis- hand Isacan celtamîiy. casions. Heery- Gorser Kiîbriete. CASH5.t.~ltI PRICE metipsesieSpee 10 >00 ge le re, ire e urit leeepelel oe Aeegcu t> c-13-999 Phonce TE "-213, Miltn. cstf SALES and SERVICE bt-r i. Fhoe TE 8-9414. c-1-1060 HIOHEST CASHi FcES anhr-5l»G 6yidr -or dom, tathament, 0 l96ti rctuhec feee Gt,eeî Bill Fer olive er iee so nlhr-15 OO -yee,4ae, dm eme Jeuru ,eee Cere ieeel 'le', Tee' FERRY b I loring se-ror e FOR SALE-i3etrrc.sert COsepete Ise af pisSe aed FOR RENT - Aperîseet, e3 LiEIC6.NIcRALF 1,4 t-s csdcoîi.[aceFraietcdCselsltri]], UL4. seertser-. nese and al aed, nase gond rooms plus bitchen and 1950 0000E haiftsa, full CENRL LoATIO -bu10.9o0 ", - sht peecril ar-or sudeiley 2651. c-13-998 ta-ted en Cesephettrille. beth, Matie St., apper duplex. heer service, 7 dea-e per wenb, -t tatI pice gareanhge, losea JAlJChDN-Mu. ueed Mr,. Rîuir-l Setoce 12, 1955. 5601 moeshly, poasession Augoct Cati cellers beetieg. eult 1955. Culi Jlien Jarcson1(cr Petl[ct-cie,) Ir et licite kcer wec I moke Ibel FOR SALE-Metorcyrle Arser MURRAY McMILLAN 14. Phone TE 8-9414. c-1-1061 Ses 47 Tilern Cr.. We.,es - eee trtr 45. Harier Darilsen, seutrege Caisct-r Centre --- WATRIOWN mu 9-66.9 MISCELLANEOUS Sea pieceiee lu oticre Ille hrti Tleur- o t-cele dit- ieouli bcing. 5,000, pruco $195. TE 8-4747. FOR RENT-Eleen lSt office c--ufAise 2-eee hox TRAILER LOUDOIIN HOMES--Rbimoet oftel re cen. Oils Allen, eteit~ For ecarl tu-es cutilen, the c-13-1064 GRANT ALLAN epace, hesl Misasn besiess sec- C. -- t.. 3.treset Saael om ew isetily 6 lics.. 4., les. aec Tî-reei shetrk -ecre, FO AErItatrers Camlybrttille tion, plan fltxible te suit tee- Hîghest ash rces ralu 50 Cernceel Soe her et-se. e Welece tlesîiucl ce iuls 31. Te peut- cilh one t toi-rd e) Icet-. la 8 e 14 fl.. uea 2 seacces, c-12_2 anst. F0O. Bas 476, Miltose, Ont. By GEORGE GIBSON, Lienee 14 fI. ptsseeut BOAT, 25 h-p. home cbaegee th Ib seekred.) 16.Fiiel cîceclehild lot- Al: Soetiuues iifs hecci eo acilcuý sparte______17_.__R_8-2729 C-ll-'080 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Soets Aimiter mer anet lt-ail- Opten dily 12 te 9 P.e. lIN 1961 spor uchret Fe175.r TEmp l-and9 air________$M.______ tee ail liei FM-er. an cmspWh eloi hnshaet c c-13-1057 RECONDITIONED FOR RENtT-Large thoalasts Deati cames, herses, 31 per t09 ib. Net-2"line eCHI WS Jcksocn et teuguee. Beut on His tresile, Gel bac plais FOR SALE-1960 G.M.C. Iasep SE IG M HN S apartmentmodems bitchen. 200 Otti bealllly herses, Sc par t lb.ie 0 iee HO AS Country Properties ecil truck, P.CB. Clase F. reccee- OIG M C IE QeenS. Milton, 163 pt-r 5mail anias cvedt free of 1139. _________________OrecIn est poer t e c. chic. TR 8-68i7 etter 7 p.se. CERNE mentit Debville VI 5-100 be- cllarge. BUILeDING LOTS - 2 heaatitat Gdgase se stt-egsh te tighî c-13-108l SPECIAL CERNE tseee 9 p.m. - Il p.m. c-13-1074 24 heer service cal' reliras WCDNBY GARAGE t reel lais sn Eequrcieg, N. mile- D ied Gell Fteriric Poirtables, etrt-ait Brampto L -397 offt Baaetiee Rosit, 2 area And_______ _ Seloct-cgr se ber the htotr FOR SALE-Dulsse retrigero- $19.50. -POR RENT-i spiteuxarsries, Gut-lph TA 4.2m1 STR 8-470 3,000,3I acres $4,300. Bath lots a HOWRDAI eien ereicicBut ehct iean le toce hI;ý to, 2-beor 24 cu. ti., excellent t-udb iIse pt-iraIt wserees anal case- Fergues plant 912 Hornlsp. Ontario.a have heenertei. Cuti Beh et HOWARD-AtN~ suce unrina tl crc et R Singer Portale,roubb, foatsbie kilchte,. Midals-aget es. 231-W0-12 c1 aig o 'ao nMnaAgs 7 om i vrko' coditioe, reeoeabte pt-ice. TE revereaer sew ilb uttnss coopie preferreti; hamee-. miii Lireece Na, 19-C-Il6t0Lbe. e 1961. Olive Eiaa Mutec. lie Suiecr toregt- rcmemetrrloe-tu oIu. aei7 8-9413, c-13-931 like e. Oety 579.50. rcodu estwec N Mesar eeytes em rm -l ofth]ieber e . o%,rc.b il vl Oliv t-ca -cmly 531de nwye s ethen9 . . . . .. SHELBURNE DISTRICT - 107 on lu is eOîccdtmt. FOR SALE - Heaey etusy rire- Etertrir chbicot matins, front piece. Appiy atter 5.3 P.1. 59 r fac...a,.ri et hetae Lori . etitrl.riSlOS t-c ranges 24". 30", 40', pricel $19.50. Mill Si. Miltone, TE 8-9%. p tqe y5 baser barshen, imstlenenl pat- Funerat 'vau fese ieled re lu ccc.r $29 it. Geodiet's Hat- Siner r-oold behhin Portahle, c-115-107 MiclaeUS setcn garage prce] 15.000 ilu elrrleu - i . Cards of Thanks iFOR OliLF-Reiclc tee. Wrsl Phonee Orlons Acepe RN KITCHENER Uphoistey ext- A ELeA E ill lems Cal A- Pecerh. eli iegbusc 9 eu. lu.. ecellent IN MILTON CALL FOR pers A E.upblseig rt-flisse en OERILL - At Hameileon Geeccel I erish In lterie the clatI oft cod t-vry reasenable price. satand-~C ~ TOA TRE e-- eari f ail teo sui AL IMMI For Service & Satisfacion uer HepstUL 4-2224. 13-930 Miton Sports &a ylsHMSSRE uc o fe srtt ml m qoca Hoptle o Teday. Auge-eu MilIce Distict Hospital andi Dr. - TE 3-751 promept service, calt Ssaas 0.01. clouT'Cntnos evceCL helvet tusheti f~ tecen odis' acuierj t he [ire De- lastecrsb. ortedl t s-er; rbiîet's Towne Sewing Centre 3eron, 2-siarse- Inln seig.T9261r E363-4tf 1Yes'ClieeSrvc Farter, dear tuther ofKaren partmee, Cataiies Lt-gus chesl Tf utrawers, large aize. garage, sear public Md* higb Saeitass Dipnfra. We lest flss Cai TR 8-292 196 anti Drhhie. soc o John ced Bîoech N.136, leetepeedel Or- Phoe TR&M6 e-t5-107S lFortmerly Dyseel ocheel, evaitable Auite M. licenneti te remese year donS et- the lte Mrs. Orrit. der et Fonetalrs, tor their leeely cipe ex ossadohr Tr rde R ÎCR (R047 Ressing art the MKirerst- fan- tlowers, else u lhee ne tafr the FOR SALE-Gond aelersîae as- Agent for crllit Wases hersese md ate To br«d2e jM sPi E (TE 084) s eret bome,. 114 Maie St. Fainerai corde anI ricits tramt meey Id refrigetira. saine ]aIe me- S&NGER SEWINGF MACHIPISS Phone mal bispesel Act. mre irasseye. c KIG ( 3-701 servie an Fsitiar aI 2 pîsi. le- ft-seees setih mas vry maech dets. Sacrifice le clear frose $59. 35 MitSi. N.M ha Collet sals W t pire- Mesehers of th Tari anald OSLKN T -7 teress Esergreee cemeler-, eppreciateti, GeodWt's Hardwaren, TE 7-2551. OeergeS00ie 1L 7.31. TR $496 ~ M636<ad tin Lsd. Litante Ontario MI1 Eabateori ALEC COMIE ils. 8-0045 Mtiltas, c.13-926 trene Patlereae, b-7-6704 c-il C-il se1I« *me e-14 1>13