Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 1961, p. 2

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qTihe Canadian Champion, Thuraday, Augant lOtie, 1961 Omagh, Boston W.A. Ladieês Meet Mrs. J. C. Marshall is Hostess By Mmn. Cecsl Patteesa Sincere sympathy is e.trded Mm. J. C. Marsnhall waài hoass tu Mrs. Peter McGihn uf Ber- ni on Tuendar- atfsrnn, Angst ingion inelher nad bereavement eighh tntheiladsenof Oma0Bire asin of bel* e MI Presbyien-i.n W.A. and iheir verpendde>iy on Senday tant. M gnmat-., tihe nimbs ni the niner Mrs. MeGfibbn tras th> fornerb nhnmh, Bestn W.A. Hild King andithe caoplehait a Mms T Ornerv preeided and net- anis bien tearrird thrce mnhe.x cen &ho indirSu. Afe the open- on es Tuai ing hymne aend frae" the meetling Miss Jeanne Palten-ene helidar- 1 Wa r>-»nlc 'er tu Mr.rCiffnd ed lanleneek with Miss Mildre i Bîcn>re. wns tras chairtady and Edmnnnn as Arther, Ont. On a [ie viitcnn gave> a ment inteest- Mnday Jnanae rilh bier friand irg prngr eme. wens a gemi n the North Welling- Taik an Lesaan ton 4-H1 hus trip. Ahout 200 yong ' Mn-r. Otan-k rr.ni 1h> neripture paple mnlened tu Sraffnrdeand k-c,> and gare a short talk n rinlîrd the White Meat Packing the' k--cen. Ms. SaisI. I.ring Cn., aine tise Strafford Ft>nival gave the pr>ver. Me-m G. Jeffernon groundn. At Gnderich they e a gac a n-cadinn of inleresi and shen threugis the Sit» Salit lo .1 on .rilh mcrh food fer Co. he W. Sheffer Penfatory V thnnnghl Mn-n. M. Michie and Mrs. and innn-ed lise Pioncer Munee. G. MeGihisce rendered a daiah- This eras a vry interrnîieg place fui duelr- inîthei- eneai planing le vini., an iisey have on dispiny m>nnern. Little Mise Snan Cnn-ria an-m impiemeele [n-m eariyfo in hier Scttish contume detigbted limas te thse mondem day. They ai] %ilh ber rn'erd dance and nershawni18diterent methnds cihad fling. Mrs. D. Iring need yeare >0>1t> mahe fleur, L red en huonten mnoloeige. nid fashioned Indien' cleihieg. hi- Mcn-ra Andersonn rnradn-d e cycles, i-perritere. ferniiere. Ai piasn eian» nelactiin, Mrs. Gnderinh, the grnnp nned 1he>c r-chie sang a sein and aise han-heen. After fice sapper mont cd' ina ieg sngnf ppiariSOeafrs. hg-n>erenrned a -rnngccofyeeien-rrears. home haringisadnare-yaeinyahie f Serre Lanch trip. t A bren and fn-er hrnght a Attnnd Wnniding a 'enrv peaai efierneo a ia Mr.and Mrs.Jack Tn-isrler and cl.Mn-c. C. Paiienrn epresed Miss Han-iba Beucern mtenred i apnmcn-iaineinthe Bostonladies tn Deriilast vreeheed andi f r i fine en-egrmenea. A tennis eiiendrd the eredding of n frieed d %vssrec annd ail eenvad a en Saturday. noi hnnlf heer ran-r tha ira Mien Sharn Dceaghav of a coi.Fnnn->tnc elleeded ibis Ocarhnreegh lis rinitiig rith bier vient. cousin, Bevrey Brandech>rg. S ci. Jaeice Diree of Nen-al Mise Ailee Fellerrineof fins- M 'cn>iilig criih bier ane and iegn e heiidaing srlh bier a untMr. and Mn. ColinMarsh- auntasnd uner Me. and Mm.c all Han-ry Campbsell. i Mr. an Mn-. Jnr Elisere Giee Speai in hnldni-of Barrie were Saa- LasI Onishath. Wm. Milligan ni di. r isilar'. Nrilh hier panrnis. tbr Gidaonne Brnel nnd Mr.h Mrcad Mn>. J. C. Mer-ýhall. Raimer ef Laisashere Rcad. ere --BueC MAAEp.B.hm hh ut nd pW n il UseIlusraion i te ulpt i mah resy- PRJiT MNAERS.B.(Sp) Mrappnintad bySel kp a edu engineering an cn- Th sair metingrof the lenlitea pepis Th ai enag oenr sîrerin ni the rempary's reerniipannes>ced rnfinary in Trafalgar Township (On tie . in c shleMicvinnn Bard ran field >Chistiane' isad n fiee meenage., s tra liatin o reinrs peerase unit n ariai mepa of te rite. Proess araa (c-hite patch) le II cn the SninrSchcci enoens on slrensieg Ihal Chrielin han-r ai enieamae ithrcndcofShii's 750aresite and will e bdered ai macy pints by id Wrdcrrdar* aines-en euh tO mare tamplalin lisan anyner iandsraped belles sseips te prerida a pinaning ciew le the gerneral publir. The rafinerp miii chlrnand1 bre leders as- risa. Giring a isrief nelline of the predrra a wida rane of prederis irindicg gaseibsas, jai fuels, haing nuls and diesel fuais w ig, hislnry ni the Gidene. the seak- na sapply Sha l's Octari mearkets wast cf tha Ottawa Vally yy rFcInFodrad theavriptntire erdlne isared 5yra saeen~ !ce. nt Creshin Clan-k: gare ega in lise USA. hr shee inneis talc1 the Icr cf "Darid and Thay reairrd hnnm>h cmfcn-i GIaren- Msise Marinelrp a-iathmnie bler nyin nc ta h et Av ilutatioer. Marion aine ens en fn-m hoe and ihev Ilan-Ird an A n u e P o i c a r n cl ofihe stinn-y hcnr andcn-ganizaein 1.d.>cai>Biblesî to ^1 ed mbreline. dntie and moelse iscirhn. henpitls andj n i i Ja csinenr ihal childe srhenls. in Jet ser. I te ah> uniees nf Jets-. 1961,$ 1 3 5 0 t Fi sh K l o h LuncrherasserrdhyKrn th ie Ibrea mitliinlis repy isad A 11350 rvnia tn Beginn 1960i Ove-l oto h a nd d Marssati afler erhirh the cii- bren giran. Tiesa peakers air»,go a boonks. n - e g tra arisnrcisnorisspia irKe Dam an Sevi he kConservati n yen> er il c 3200 n Parade la Lbh.de effmaabeinnEfan ned ratdes nenthwesni ofMiltcc c»>> vin-eînne cf the dam, le Kaine e.îh tise ndditina granl an- Mar frr bsdser niaainade ae ebus- annennced tedgiy- ho hantry L.lCenenain Alan 'the Tl*"n noneced ieday. he iteriif tr tic Kegbt' eetSnnay tprentelar 1 Hait. M.P.P. (Haeton). Mr. Hait vhip cf Nasengcwea. ens isegen iralaigaýr Tonship euti pay pan-cdr en Satrndan te heled ten tise bible cail utpri as infnn-med cf thr geca t hy ln fihe fait cf 1960. The goee- jeni er hialt cf the Anihnn-iiy'n in inrinar, a hus is schrdated i the rigoler iseurris ennhip le Hnn. W.M. Nkte. Min ien fmn hav paid $22,500, on- hnll cesr>n cd Ochritn 25.8%, iheý tt ec r--nn-ehrohnn9 a.m. Omaghrchnerh. Cemmerc eecta'ndtDeopen. nlicerltrnkdcne i96bl.aanetubenhedsy sqrn- c c.sycrcnmnrnnrsr'sner.eecce-csc -mnerr-ne-e.g>y> 'c e'. -n-,mc-ne 1> >>c--> ig an.d Nancganneyc Townsehipn & peivener-r cemps. Thn-eage and Mille>. anar-sngemrnt nth, thr Inter- nnienci Rrdl Crons. the Legian Visuit u Legion Assists Students With $75,00 nsnn of00 eehbok and 34.000 - ROSI GAMIE ethen- bookr te shese-camps. teIn~ ~ 0 Ovr 60,000 ivr- addition, 1,900 enivrn-ilycoursrs htneming rs Scholarships, Burfsaries Part of Program voere sne I dlic prinels et bonhennarm ifll nleda nxr $75,000ffflce the Mure Tr-ainn to rup hc as e flc d nnccr-s. Il achirrrd isnen dian gn-cen n-serrIheseare deieg OrraiTh Cccadnan Lrge Wht e ob' jectivers. Thcnnandv cf rehahi felie Cacadian clite. lie ltal aouni f Legon tht a scond orld ýa-r ould heifoferd rovimranngreicliaiiheerairelo tV. KlAUS. NUS SURERIE b t n nsip amn» cfsaie Lgtnn r->i scesuiftr >rhcarbnc ndbe-nrns rrtcati fer igisr rderalîn mer> e tofiace clef nieaia a- nnr-vfnLnîr Ceala, Ont. achca a brnchspro'o1ý ra ra, bse la oncot epo -b'iehe t.s pee Lgo Carltisle iv tloicald .4 mitas nerlis e.eh-c nrn chv prr» ining. Weapens and facices mbc-inft e-ne '> eerr einnHmtcrs.fa6ey a imnnannlc and Domnion Coin- enere fan- monre rempie th»> drc>cence ure. nehicin rennltnnllytes hok ofHamilton,_____ofNe._6___ bad.tey had heen cn 1918. S> lise rcc>t ahouni mh.eillion. Fremte poiint cf cierr et bb-rb Login oficiis dmi tha th Legon' fist cnsieraton as cluctorcoe nf the mevl vtis- c> ert [cav ad itr nicscil>Lgesfe>ceieainec Desiead Tastiseaba ico frrtinrcnof 1he lnn-oecm cee >nea>cbgbr.r tue tperidrpr-nnne iihcaneop- Or. J. W. Gihvcn decired tescn han tise nifcn-m eteehnkn bed ierîti g-cingcndvsaiepn-oniiy fur imprcring lheirhbooks ccd ccrrnepndecccnheppn-c,.ctcfr..rry provnc. cýalsed shorshsr b abon edcation. cor-ce-c wcch crred wcnrkl1The- cores- met the entres»e nrtcdnr-etn-vip erba-- Lnnking h>ynnd the hotiitine, nanlfing freen etenen>n-y vebeci qualifnic t il nirereitias. saisn>nnbccnneprnig tbre. tisrLegineineosa a nerdi c tut venion-mat-ir-tntanic> Dr.nA. Ircn>cty tday - amnssa Based On Mmed assiel tadiridas euth pcc1-vcan-E. Chanci>n nnngaizd nncicernn>r qnuartrof aces.tny lten-lhere M nnvt nf nhe ansardv anr hn-- rebabititalin. Thiterav in 1938, jeel-» rcnursc-. Tbn.rn>ter> field in v, nit no nnifen-mnty cf unirersi- srebacr-d prnnan-itr on nerd. a yeae hettre a setnmeae ftn-ed.enn- , aierr t c rtn vny'nce-qntfcîc Thv aiaaitabte teu cidnen cf Thr Leaien thrn net upaecen volti a- in rcentresn c Or-cnnd, exscmnadinrsone ces mitlrr nden- the taie Dr. Syd. Nen->herc in-eacd. Rone Fioenr >th>'sn>ve. ney Smith and went ta wok. c-e, Parn-, Onrset, Gb- andý NEW GARAGE oeNe, retatir frnn can-rdc Login Rady C>prnbrngen. A lieu, co-meni block gnarage is to ait c»i bhe tanler r-»»' When erar did cnmr. the Le- Tbe Canadian Lega Ude br-inf adnier te the Mille> Grain- f». gin,,cas n-aady. At thr gcrrn- meonai Scn->nnec fotnntc nhr-ie on M'in Ss. tii eek. TeLcgnn'rc>nnnin i- mnt'nrrquenclil pnrnreted aactn. Whrcnr-Caada»nent- __ __r,__ _ __ _ __ _ rsinedct-n iInn>n.ncngrcenlbhd, vigrcnnrdnncaianat pro- et,. r--r>pccdocnrr letr-bcek- ofna>cIanncc nninr- deeped gramn fer lb> leroupe. At the our>- cen-e a tamiia- cnght. hoe 200, cn 1>98 Miser bei>' Nenie break cf ces-. Lt. Cet. Wiilfrid, -W 000 ven en and> vnrnne e>n isemhdiainn Inn, nnied tn-cm Mac- Ocrer ancnbee ncled Canadinn' n-ct ictn ener 11.000 r-ta..WETEN>ORE'HO ihadaccnnnncent htisa> reedctrn eas cheirman cf the l]tnadcvor-e 8,000 lookad% n- spansed ky ný ae "peace ti n nen".nh Legione cemm.lsle. Ha env airei nage oi b>' nlninenrnnr rc>rr.e.t Cansadin Lrcnn cra> ic c» _.ideam cf lise Canadian A>- Tise CL.ES. mecnnnri ,n, fil CEDAR VALLEY RIDERS tiiei Il isnnprd fns- pear- bnn scriaisn fcr Adlt Edenalie>. cciy cccs I ne-e»-Ca>adiannn1 - - - ________ er s> SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 1 P.M. n DIAMONO R. RANCH e Cen Ne. 6 Higis as acd Ne. 9 Sida Rd. Southi et Franiten REFRRSMENTS - ADMISSION PIREE - SRATINC -aiE DPCALYOif Satnrdoy mai the raEnet addition tn the cleub harne ai Trafalgar Golf and Couintry Ciub. The ne building adds e tisath Idangae tacititias and fil, jined te thn original clnk isees buiding. MILTON MILTON Fat - Bat Aug. 11 - 12 "SNOW WHITE 'S THE 3 STOOGESîî Snarring CAROeL IIEISS & The 3 Soge> Addad Feateretta & Caine Cartoa 2 SHOWS et 7 & 9 ts.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 2 P.M. Mon - Tans. Aeg. 14 -13 "iTHE SINS of RACHEL CADE" (Adlult> PETER FINCH - ANGlE DICKINSON Andaid Caler Ceahaon 2 SHOWS et 7 Ar 9 P.M. DENMARTIN - SHIRLEY MacLAINÊ "ALL la a. NIGHTS WORK"~ (MdUlt> ie Biutre Gain- %MSw Peniar à-taler deinan - - -- ý1 . ý _ - - 1 ý11- 1 - __ m -1 -1 ý Mffl Textured wsschhesapy- srand. atucca ne brhck, nianso igiat and aboatitdi ha teta dhrncttoaaiy for bat nefeeL. LIVE SETTER - ELECTRI- CALLY' LET us checks ymnr wiring se that yne ciii enjv tisa fait service of ynuree - mr-ai appiann-r- Fn-ee eieing Ptcinng tise life cf ater gOgines euth mmperlel Esno Labricanhe e Meenelabe e Eneniabe MDX e Mlneenlebe e Mablil e Enan IlP Gtene-and ather higis qamilty lutbrlcent far 0i l'equisements. E. An "AL" HENRY 440 MAIN ST. W. MILTON TE 8-2381 ALWATS LOGOK TO IMPERIAL FORS TEE EEST (ESS) PAPER COLLECTION SATURDAY AUGUST 12, 1961 Please place your papers ai thsa street by 9 arn. for collection. COLLECTION SECOND SATURDAY EACH MONIN Fma analftanne ne aidMeonal informatin phaine IR 8-9269 OR TR 8-9272 ~JL!. - - - . c Mac e I. s... SIf r..Ir», innCana-da tae, Caatdaoo imp, Visiting t-rn s anal Seri ms~ces a Aile* and EiOt Parlier 'ara asofta commina.r village piensed abaut lise artirai of tisairà id Mes. fIeSe grandrisild. Biy Allra brn atty et tatyJlnst.,in Torontothesosn of DR@ il IN1W ari Pat and Roert Jecen et atW, Westee. et *» îeedip Mien Ane Miseetiban of Camp battrille andi Me. and Mti. Gean- F sT1 tee Ba Wallace, G6t'y and Lyna etÎLI Imnilien 2 Guelpis hare just rataed tn-em E il fente spaadieg tisair raaton eti Me. FRE and Mn-a. Jaes Wallae amit Cam as m g h msen famiip et Meadow Sud tsarine> al M #* Ïaeren East Laeaing Mlcisign. Me. hUSToi easir James Waltce, camriy or Cata lleie is tisa maae âlPen Delly Noea ta MI*agbf antalon M2aan 560 PatinaIn. es Olan Sevean meeed. lis STINOORAPHIR WANTUD Piarida id Mrs. firta. REQUIE RY NATIONAL FINANCE INStt tn and TION TO WORK IN MILTON. G000 STAET. ae mest ING SALARY, EMPLOYER RENEFITS. NO Maislon PREVIOIJS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. dl Laise. on and dey arcrité, giclng feil pîrinlars te terEU An- BoxW CANADIAN CNAMPION Austen ments. iichahlE

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