___________ 1~ n~sosuo~4oo-uo t~ ~s~nnuemnr~ ~sro~uuur~o~uoonr' .'t~nc:o. ~so~ *eer. n. ~o~u~- The Canadien Chamtbian. Thuroday, Auga THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO honornd Mr. and Mns. Simon Henry Hasrerstock, formerly of Camphelludin and presnntly liuing in the Hal ton CentennaI Manor by awarding them a doc- ument of congratulatinsr on their 651h Anninersary. The certificata was raesented on behaif ni the province by M.R.P. Stan Hall at a surprise party finld for the coupl o n Friday of last unek. &..- - -o ,.SuuOhuOttbA 5 ,o 1 4 H1ALTON MANOR Honor Baverstocks on 65th Anniversary Mark Specual Event at Manor Party A onqu uddsca ia n od rik t %r-dv il 0h'fi hlhs [uns u, lieo Mattot in Fi iduo uter- Esiend Greeaiags unrtho ux iu-othe Cudnsp no.Austiui 4, ,h,ýk or M a nd BI.to- leustng flic audioium onth On kil-Mo Sunp Mss. lktoi3.st [['xrlt: k(,ltscol t~ oh nd ut flic par-y, [nuts u n udut, JuIn 23501. A. Dut- ut Czi.nplrolliio but nou e- ic bcetleind hrle- b us the leaderand MiAud- dig i li, ino, u-. c emuwsth Ilo usfuisi. Il diri h Mus o nal-.u grectings [o the bride and hdbn so[dIu r -tdclOt.uin adivelbr puol tsuru uno Bridî, shupusur utWinsu[[ s[uy anotd hn - utrr- ptssed the ssncem wsth thut Mnule otsCuosut wic ucitM ,Icbit.Ieuu r 5ktbyu.uud ce many marc wudbc [ihc speuker, but sinon hoe ubttu[tWnici-aýobnuthe co- ing unsors[Oos. fou etdiimpossibl tubc lre- i i.Suodduo 1,o au n thn daum Sotorul membors ufth[e Buver- sent, bis cet oapuble brubnir, iugs zsind.t b, und. b[t dutrsus.k lumity soere w soome guos[s Mr. Blair Bridîn faouki bis place. eg, ifhboildz, Mt. Burtloo n [bit buppccsoun. Tbosn Mr. Bridîýr brougb mitb bill a sih ,[rhhu. ss os u und bis suhic. Mm.aniolrries . J ohn Burton and stoiuui uuibuo Mrst NormanoBucors[okuofMW Mr. Borionus tiosoco, Miss Mory, hfi ,Indct mtilsonCidouit in ! -suoun und bit sosht, Lenu Burrusus. Mr. Bridîn und Mr. [h uu.Mr.and Mrs.GrdonBttoytock Bur[on arestudn[sutBb-Joes Orl t'gniiolsw s lui Cumpbollsitll and uo graundi University, Gre-oro ,tln Soutb Wtrk-Hoo.donusu.Oo ouobters. Mrs. R. Donois ut Curolinu. Mr. Burtun sang riva tle[hltg in tio tts-uCmbllitlua d MrS. Artlu, NouOneorkoCure fur Bornuot Shsohudu " [[L MunI roflMilton. M Like esuuad'A Cbild of [bo.piela nc[otmsuou ciutal ot CoaSeics in' und Miss Burrusus und Mr. budboscumutolontv l[iu On Sundy JoluoBu Burtoilsang a duet 'ITo~ok tu t, uituiumfor bisspeialMiraule'. Each of [buse fione occsion.[uio[uti.sr.u solos was very maucb enjoyod us motoe Miss Lomoo's urgan occum- B.lhm h atywsacnoThe BIBLE Todav oics ru'l 'rci,,,h pire usthe uourm Neyer Fait Mr.oSoursio.outosud Mhoruum. Gulabhunurphbunht[t,innjn IMr.Dalyru.d Plt.Il ndt -hn, Wddng ar, id MlleCetr[uIdou, wsuclosr ulterd prutor. Me. Brol rcd sushnurdolouMirohndtsltth lOuoostdetuai tohou He va.,CbOp[e 7 ftheOFi[s[-Buuk[t[ ,, l k'rg nou tottnd Mur,,. onul atuver the suori ultor Etno and thon doîssoroti uu, sssohticdPitladMt ad eudtou - e t fno lich mis- cuenst[and comorting oCOla I- usuo '. ndsu[ rde u, ýinssi.ts o ttt lst bthm b eodn Vese 6 Ibisobuap- eutbout[ nt ut ho omplu *mvnentin tho fadono whoro ter. Ho tpuo uftheb munyt, hiogs inuten e.. Al,,[,oexpair ttousoolu Surk.He altu car- [sust our tuil us tuob as cdininif iln o tpl.t[ ie aho uor te hool. Cltsistst luove, Gud's comassiun, ar AsoseoGuiu ouoost and[teborduofGod. a[nd a OSO umlo Ho ho Ou Sundus-, JuI, 30,b, Bulphl Prescrits Sorait ga [a -ct osott uuma iont)l ho Murunsuuas [ho leader ,silh Mes., Atmottl,, h Itiettlotuo-n cucil0 ftru fis suookis [suto Marr[unuaitheorgu.~Mru -r-Th, m,,toniii-v ludv [ried[tostnd eodutuoney li[[le puom,',ou Potttogtl Ocut ['or Jotut'. Tho hsurn.. hlait Ilot , .LA. f,[ Il tîto ,ý ilu [[tu [[[ husu tu t W tu Cttt[u ro uth [[ sstusbut Guuh oW Gabor uit[ho Risor' [st ut [[itttott[.ititto kthi, puloot uaosert. [hun in moou of Mrs. Muethui sorshool -o l ho lttsttr ol. [[[[t tttts-.ittrt hou, muouh hol bud boturo aayafe dy - tot. Atitu utaod Ho otpetsed ;rout dolib ecmaRir c stttol", ssu a %ie i osnd[trut iumuOtO I i[suauureutplunrotfortl linsstr \, e ut u dollar reo.i'ctrssIo[lomohus. l tfstic il[.sýibttskCtt.t.. tt.itttortholtt[.tttlnuuannuot, MLiusrRo. K. L. Campbeoll sohts oitutttot tttitAl-o 5ioi WirIsn Gsluh ,vis utkod situl halormrlbeeO [ho*ttiiiteO li ott Mat.ttt,t %t. st os[[ [os [[[[. tnstet of ta Etmmanuel Buptst Cisurohin Aller, p-'otio o tts ilt c -ti ktso.houd lue a Bsbo. uor beouro mosiso t not tu Mo-. [,to-.ttttl. Souri Guluheoo.oisoed bis 000 field oftrndousour. Mr.Camp- Tho1tva ttis- 1 1, [itoit Mr.toidotpv ut tho Hsndi Biblo. Somo boll dolisorod aouhor exoellent M- looto tots.iltot titrto lutr.hoesuushod[tu ruo semooon[iti peetonuocsion toi~ ~ ~~~1 Iotttottoioot tttlis Hinoti Btble durinui' u uut. Mr. Canmpboll slas[os flbut; sl, oot.s[ hstotdit' Scisoul ervioc. fosr run-Lutiiuttas "Sct[Oti rMitt. AI t i l i , ee titi aIs I iot t st rtng in isis sls- Boteiosts u tt tfortorooro C rist- ot d ot ý Sott tro fil Bu[t.5 g Ibt se shss[op s fne er cld lIý u %d u ti ie %il isslL.fo tti rarme t HIOW O» M FPoUNDlN ara thasle deleaeas Prom, Milton Who ettindeel the rosorna tonveniion of the Hew Damocreio Partyt in Ottawa lest waak. AIl Milton rasfidanta thay lep- laild varinus groups. Promt the aHf Bruca Léa5 local 252 U.A.W., Morry Stephensue, mi[ton Aria Isla Demiocratic Club, Marty Ceputo, Oekvilleaend District Laborr Council, Ivn Atm- saoang, lêcal 4574 U1.S.W.A. (Mater Pliai>) and Jack Charlton, local 4970 U.S.W.A. (P.Ls - . a -- .--- * COMPARE AT 49ci - 12-oz. iNs SWIFT'S 'PREM 2 F79C COMPARE AT $4.391 - SUGAR GRANULATED .01bal$41l9 COMPARE AT 49c! - FANCY COHOE RED SALMON COMPARE AT 3 FOR 29c1 - JELLO POWDERS COMPARE AT 2 FOR 37cl - YOR~ BEANS ALLEN'S Pineappl è-Grapefruit 3S9C with pork 2"-z. tins DRINK COMPARE AT 39ci - ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES sx COMPARE AT $1.651 -~ BURNS CANNED HAMS BETTY'S APPLE and RASPBERRY JA APPLE and STRAWBERRY A McLARENaS ONTARIO NO. 1 I~fT T~ Es ONE MILLION PACKAGES 0F MEAT P O T A T O E 4t eIsewiih i Saper Cava effao ha peiag Oe yaaegu, iaruti one miln packages af ci hava hen "ad. Our packae g achine miii [bu mcak canaord pckJa 2.9c I0OOOO. The miliieah pckagc mili cenaia a 1ib . -Yaa may ha tha iucky perchiace. 2 F29c 2 55c 2R,69c 11/ lb. $11z39 24-oz. 35C 3 2 - z .4 9 C MAPLE LIAF SWEIT PICKID COTTAGE ROLIS 55 li 'I zn I ITNUAmr*Mi" WECM4AWPIOj