-r.... Vol. 102.-Ne. 13. r tisao anW mo. MILTON4, ONtTARIO, TH s.-f I -uft for t o i - e! KIM15 DAM CONSTRUCTION4 la continaing despite, anfacrbie Ira the mates flown. 200 lent wide'at the base thse dam miii aseathas- conditions. It mn sapas-ted sesrstip that thpo eh 8Z9 filet erng, 35 lent high and flood èS acses. Compietion i. aboat 40 pas- cent coetplatad. This photo Shos the s l exentnd this loTi les filiig Te the spsivg ai 1962. stroction of the cament sadtien that miii foec the gastacn ~aannaatOO~ Approve, Amfalgamation Must Vote on New Namqe The Oantario Monicipal Bard Board mast oncado fihat tho tise yoas-s." The psroiiots oiyhooaod eomc Oakviiie. ie a decision hanedd dame Ibis rorai residools and cane-s nos-lb [hie agreomeot miii ho inooes- Tialgar bul [he oSard saggest. sen. apps-nadlbhe amaloamnalian ai [bat roitad c asn teavas- ai aled cn [ho Boas-d'e os-dos-. od [bhal tho nature acd import. ai Dabvilie alnd Trafalgar- bul amtalgama[ion." Millt oppaood a olaso io [h o[ he ane afiisqetian make i miii regoisse a vota an abothor Gradsuel Dislion asigieai appica[ioe Ta ohioh [ho apps-ops-iaieo [a ho obmilled fo- tho moeioipaiity miii ho caloti Tho Board, ta il$ dooisiae. Basd mao ashod ta doiaro [bol a ohaioo hy [heotrala- et [ha Daheilie or Dabviiin-Traiiaga-. esîoti neoialionscoecriec [ho [ho boandarios ai [ho Iwo munie- olioa [o beha l otu l choaso a The deoision talcaws tho ap- dis.souion aiof te ion Sohoi ipaiites.hoMId m-mie s[ahle oeonii and loal boars-d for thi plications of DOhoilie and Trof- sootion hatmae Mlesn and pas-I for a suahstan[ial eg[h ai [imre. ooo' [oses- tus laomaipemalae ai [heofa Trafalgar hiadt bs-on morod "Tbc Basd i, ai theoapinioe Cosae isaasroed hy the Board OMBbosigheJol. oaadhg- nhda-io fihethh bs oeerigh[[aomaho soh inropas-îiegitheahaingmwrelto «Vr Jflfrl5J5<, ai at agreoment mhioh To desige- a decoara[iaon. [ho dooisioa said. ho paid oe hait h enob eppli- icriceofaitIis od [o acoamplii a graduai dis- Vaires ton se Oaci Thos-cvmas ce ciher es-de- rose as-n cns-> iclrssicg iodoad solutiincloves- a pos-[ad ai [ho cool Coacil bat agrood [a [ho os la coins. Wbnibos- it miii soi a pattern for oboer rases je [ho iotas-s, lieioce milci [hCorsionsrucionl Here not Setting Recjy dai«a coins. e lippe- Middie Roat, as- cn othes-el mords, ms-s- il aeiy [ho las-goly 3 1 0 n S ve i M n h o i ba in ietpr o h ownship Constcima[igaso Oas [ho Tho us-st oeven Mosoi sh aw iie ioorsoc overs- [mipsars Sou[h mfbtfn h[oh saahtst se 000 cnînho ai 1901 m-liýcl 'Boildioa i spoolas- Fs-lob MoNo, $i119,300 [os- tho samoe pos-id bas [o boc ui[od ihhthe owof tha go-oaa slaohooieg ail o[oo u issoiog pas-mo-s os- coon-domn ooooids-ahy i-fomt 1959o Oakvilie, an ordor tas- amalgama-e[a[ao[odi 5300 o$l379. bacn maaid ho coda aimost as costucio stilio Hascln$3310,age $,3790 ai Couse,"' [ho Boas-d noes hat N h[ot AoUio h oes-. Caton y hlln Thero s Perm i th -eln hwv a questien bore. bomovcs-, mhioh $1 9 0f nu oin [O[h hoaosoýg fed i mList 'givo pause. A largeo m-rai $1 9, 0 neSO it [bosohe haveanl heurt anp no-a area ~ ~ E Buildingwrd f au mncia ,,ovmc 50,000 aics la ho aiaevaiod [a Rn o 4o n-ooes oiihos- on [ha oos-îo arhacc[talae. gavom-od b h [h o st WW ques.n B idin g iigas-o-s. roanicil ai a [alc in mhh.h ihis Buidisg pas-mus i0r Jli sen and0 ou igb[ t iostaigliti a fls local conostm-ction, 1959 tiiii rua ma iii ha sssiy ono of Esqoesog Township îoaliîd [ag io the o -d haido the record milh a toal of mard, ad- ayio a as 25780 ioh 10900 a shl Caoos ogood îaio $2,093,200 in ps-ojooc tdos-[ahos four wrsan.pyn a a $2780wh$1900o fii oni get osu . daooag flsa ooao That igr in-a hît mi hioh pas-t aishooasioi ligurio-ooos-sg [ho devoiopmoolt 900[ [s-rn [ho Oakoiiio Dsisri oladod 62000w homos, a Uiguro cooyos-hoccsrvo-aicsnt oedodolTsiv LaosSo-sos-iC[ubhailomaohoSoiet oss-ag-avi Theo oooded-siooa. m-crrai. as-oas.miii oos-aioTo ho Spoy-sido .. Sooitos soiîi iboo isis-sioos-ooiis "0 C"c hang Pace icoiodod. Bo[ fior amplo not[ice Uqaiog Coavoi[. ai ils -ooiao on slic toionohip aod sooso ps-oîid Tî hoigpo .. .cnaiounm-ruas-asidcs. ooioîodobsidhoaysgio-io ioohnooiiuceo inhocoial oeiafuserfrao bo[ f h meetooin Tus-oso MOsecc o bstd [as a Msrvi er s [ascopcn Olos scem-oie figurs lippes- Mitdle Roud came ios-sas-d oamic e aro piltono ta N. o- oi r s[soo lpuio 196e ost ucio show40 mc- exeapiig oanjo oso-h[hoas c e o aond Nvlrsdrt oilic et oal 1940vl n aI the hern oojc.TheoutPrh ftebsefn n îhathigbwmoskosrihighsa(eo tke ios-saisodosiireii-sos Ummooo.o 9 we.sos ut hiobsoao 25. Tho [coonga- 7 hodt osll doi [hsidooaiho n sI,I 1ss 952 oiasiod tho opmaod is-oend lt- pie ooo anad had boon pas-- villogohiouhighoand soosdi mîi aisa[o of $1174.515. Space is S lig aofrapr.Testaini 0a$ ý , jeiimn~~~~~ o- o-apsh To-ioio ays Thoe Sooso and Road bioa dollas- mas-b and 1954ào Io*bc isussil iL th tonSapos-so[edoeoso[ss osîo oooite eddoamiibonand a gosis F or Trade Fair ohi P050000. Dopas-Imoe ai Highoao-s ooîsooos 1955 apsisioaohoed imoaiiim dii "IL appoos opsa wili ho a 25%, Wcn [o haoo [hoc situationîosiotd. lars ai9,08,000 and [hon [5 Tho ibsaissian Camsp 000u îippodi [a $607.690. 1957 oiimhod a ps-eminm, for [bs-s ooars Tssdo A [oitoer [ront tho At[orneyt Acoo aîhd basi [lis ouit sad - o.d iohy a $8005 anti 1958 ds-p- Pair ioa,' Manage os- ass Poas-on Gooo-ai's Dosoas-mooi disoolti il Illshor ps-opo[y hco iiod poed haok agai [a $679,375. m-pas-ted ibis mooh. shas 25 per- cent10fshoso soiooiod sio hot mos-o opcpiioi 2000 A dsamtio onpsii n 1959 gai Thonambo sonss-aoi ospacO iso jas-y doso shsoild ho womon. oarsiouattend asÉiaoohi[a[o [ho yoas-s constm-otion fiurs- imodioioy aisoer [o-si oo.is- s The maisos-vas s-oicss-d [o [ho-sa [os- tho mook-od. ho-b ap Io aos- thefou im o n- hamhve hoctontoosoioi ami so-spoosibl or hi, s [h-oIus50.ý' Tho Roud SupoonoToiiti(e sov-s To1iTa figure.Theoidioaas-iaok [tho balancof aic spao issao% Posiisaoooi ana oiîhih ot an ivs[s-aocd o ioso flio sitation aobopjidrop haok [o tha $386,000 aida opon. Laiîou-siiaiiiiiio tho ao,, ai [and mas apps-asod ai aoi. andtu e0 calciuma u i[o tuay o-sol on [9W0, compas-ahla [a fi- spaoe arcobeiogcald tisOo boa iv and sic aod cooeosos ted't ie n h al 90s to m s or cftho Chacshos ot soesooi o-sahoil0e Comceo, sponsos ofithe silo-MOU. ks "Tharo appearo la ha a gso-o in inierest amorti ihosoc ho, bacs-ni onhihitati thessb mlanager osiplaihti notijo (bai moe[hon 25 per cen[ ai [ho spaaa le ai-eoldp sigooti ap as- the mid-Sepembor evnoo A Charnbcs-enea[tis meeting or edt for ibis mach hac bs-ce triod c finaliho ps-ogs-am and c[her opes-[it[g de[aiis. 'Mrs. F. Mauro Wins LIn C.N.E. Competition IMm-. Pics-m-ce Maam-. 385 COas- Io SI. wi4o on a priao fo- be hriidrenýs hni[a h oi onet ses-s-ed je the C.N.S. compiiOO. Mss Monroe m-ss-y ma-s une id hondsodcis of piooos ontosoît cn the Mos-o [huin 400 olas-s o Sas-prs-id ao haro ai bs-s o se fs-oct The Champion. Ms-s. Macs-o ne-t sue aise ellieret a heitt amantes- batIL hbad boe mas-ked os 'deme beauo. it mon hcii [anT0 titl>s hope te do hote- dnitons par. lte gcicg o bs-tp taylng7 ob e voant. MILTON GIRLS» PIPI BAND set the pane 0cr the Milton Pire Brigade dering 'tha 45 minute _Georgs-etown miii have frai- parade in Onboiiin Mondap et the Pis-amen'. Avnoal convontion. The Girls' Pipa Bend os lic lighis abs-n the Main St. ove of scoarai pipa, bagle and dram aed bras. bands participa[lng in. the avant, The local pasving ia coneis bond oa sean hase pasoivg aiong Caibomne St. URSOAY, AUGUSI 1lOth, 1961 At.J.da IýCI- M i Tee Pages-Seven Cents. Council WiII Get Report Next Week On Extendinq Town'1s Boundaries Swimming Pool at Kelso Lud co -m Pac.l e etcatteinscus a umu the olsosso ioo[th n o u Reaady for n4exi Year fho committoo rco-as- ins hýui',n.tona eomne wook. :heo grn so - a to ho ioitiocd A dsvdd sosmmscgPolish [ho oocuiv T[o0 osootte. Theo s-oomedaTionof i [[,,by Augooi[1. c-at on capahle 0a o- Siody Bm- Repaisra commitoo oi bc lormoisod Socghl Fs-eleg mcdatio0 holmn 250 and 300 RohahiliTs[îoo ol toho- han or Io[[ooig ameeting osi o-p- Atfile ,,ti~ pT o omimmes miii ho s-ady fur use maoiam pas-poso oo the Alexano- senouov-s ol Talaigo- Town-shipo~,io Murooop.T Board bo tseoi tho Kalso Dam noot yoos- der poopooto oO[ ho)l iocs[ig[- o hadoiod hsor [ooighT [Thosdavsol ([as[ooiiagooh i4aiooopsavshy ho ic-[adiihs-os[ooL[[OOiThAoso[iahoI[adOOOs OId vll sobo, [ho booad,,o.o[t Cs-rekg oasroa t ix-n e Mososi[oa Toprsooitot ogsoi sAo ic -so[aos aicaybe lielào o .mIgooo[l o id al ,so ooI[o. Tise ~ile-iy Crcd1,00 h Coneto Meva[oo aTh[ Torno Rgoh il e [ooosenao v O.1 . asTi, Thegioioao p oii[u. s n L6,0 o ho htooe Cnevt o u blois tudohi n, oîd Reparla [si- thei oslekho ; oo tblo TLaoiss-o-gaia [hot tain [ho phsh[i o- oth [hoi Ds-og [s oq tmosig oln Thou loi p,oo,,o ho [h Thadpoows-oidh yaai[ o s-h. n b rbbecs f th [ooooaooosi[[oooomtretoo 1os osTh s [OO4,ýeaho os tind andti ho 56,000 copoadiiosa mii M .HsO[T a o[[s[[o C coil;or Poasoo o[od, dosaiT- ditol i 572 os, o a, o-o îdd [o caoerimp-ooameo[s aod ex0s[O.yooT-OTsr-oseas-<ofi[heAuo[h< ds- u haveohooo s-oio'od hle o 0,00 400,ac[e. AT nihi, oiqoo. Cooshcd [[oaa iappad hy a Wty ai $4,500. dis osT y sa ho b od s[aderspl.ppltos- m h ov' pl.lo i[100[0 miiice hohri s piooa aat [ho lod oo 0 s anod Taouiii[ios, o[il- In75 99 Traalgros.n baliom ai tho pool tuokoop [ho Spencer[bsooATo0i[ oma[oio soMo.[o op[sT995ii[-oo wae la ialLimas. Eaoh sosoasfaorableobala[ce0el aso,.h[POoon[[Oassi5k[Ta- setionof aitho poo[ soili ho sap- -MsT m[ i idus ris haveToo T s s,moot, Tiso [o[ssgs[[is l [[[ .1 os.i5[ pp[si55 oos5d plodoihs-ashmaas. oops-tod tlisoo-ooooai vsoatison o[o,[,and pl[o-an s o-ures-[o05ý, ,[[iga[sa[io <,f Ohosiloe, Wokoun [he pm-joo[ [s [o anau.inouthho[ss-o[ood[OtOxtnios. Tsraagar-, Mibioo soi pori of ptoood asdos- tha direcioosnomal. Ps-srio [oOh [li Ts4lga O[[s-TsOgsos and o[[oi 0-- LORN1 SCOTS PIPE BAND[OasonoobdlfothetMondaY paadel paradetsslodtg oldhlireogoces hocal loTe and rapresceta- in Gahoille darsng the Ontarso Ptrmn'ovenootion. The bond oa is s hn3 ooio s sgdsoOTra h mas one of a hall don [bat partis.pct-d on tht 45 mivoteo' parade mae port ai the thrco daonvontion. ORVILLI 0. MeDOWELA join- cd the Halton Coaotp lospos- toa-te staffias ei co. Ho mli ho snroicg cn Georgetown, Osholln, Eqocesig aond Nao- sagarnepa- mîth R. P. Bore- haiti. Ms. MoDomoli miii lion le Milton. MILTON NIEMIN more on pas more [han 30 ether vontnnr Pîsemenes Convcvtion and the p dsy sons-ti. Milton Brigade Takes Sullivan Trophy For Appearance in Convention Parade vil [ I s cîoîîo losisos [s1sSaii ls.îoîioî[IiooîîOO Plsldao. i..îo BTs -ç TiisoTod, hanT- iiTi[iTlt I , th , -1. Iln-i sl Mosoos, Forest, Tlshoo.îddissb.lie p-o, (soo Id [ho, goop Ii I ho Bli lol. hlios ssTs lassoslc fi-oo ,ithlsassi 201 cl.oaii 5 d i ,so [hou ai[io. huS-. ao A[s-sI id sTB cîsiio os ' o1,d hob[ol[l touhl mîui-i thepaado. 50501In [stho Pius long Mi[toi (solo, ['100 [land. 17 saiî d iiasso Muuiio Millo iss dlo l [ 1îuT - [s M- s-s Omsi" sî îo i Fogllos olsîsos l'lio ,,îslso i l deio iioooioso iisoMasOlackioah asoSil.shosiV onto.sii uesaoi Moll)II isli oioîsîl( 0,îao andiosoooah oo. alTnsonaidhy IlleOaksdhl (io,,,'% B 3ais MsOol,ssltsî a [sus pa-st aiosool [iu Isuoo[ paulîîsooi - siilioîîîi Si.si lîîî Colo., as Top oniicttio hl Jobn Ma un bi Iad lion) Replace CurS, Conduit Top ~ ~ I.il\ Ucîpilio tb isho alioat îooo ~At Main-Martin St. o:.lioilý-îs.ssl Ms s soho bus0, osi ii, in oIl e oMiloi. rigdeoisO2 -, - Monda"i,î- s.îsaîi aiîo[u -l Ei.- lîsssoslsill Tî.î ,> .....s"I ai, os- f org l [o, lîol subd', Rofarians Work aI Pas-k PanClGrass, Clean Up 4 Mi lloo 0î1.s aîs i yaso i , Ilbig aIO [loi o utasi. u k( oosîia PPskiiTi ltalloîiilS g TI,îî cs Ossosuos al [sio, -sooi'pai e n oiisiistîend o ',o Jackpot Golî In y.î b a lo sino[ si ths o sckis Logian-kicsmcn eiga an Macdao nigbs bai [he jacs-o ackots [a-o due lo go ony night oade Mooday en Oahaîilo teao alovg rnibh topreson tavns Irna The- $i.0fl Tackoto mac s-arm-mly Us-c brigadoese nhe preovive. The ocasion osas the acvoei missod. Is huid [o bc mon in 57 ssadnmwasaon Madap dorîvg the mîodaup dap of the [bs-ne namhs ood tha 5tb nambe- tm he [ho ensolaion. -I M mouanoumm