e- - - l'A~fficyi- H<wticultursl Note jrp& y th * Miltoge Md Vieie5 SOrUessiirai Seii.i, / affl F. om ena ar Palcsol f rody antad Posaly bei-haa leafei thu- ois uinmg an one tu e rougit pour catlogses cf resm qart glsei jar-. Secure tir jars gaîdis.ee fuscinaird wtu tbrhe Inte grood toril, anit lca- 's tailfuiocaca-s and sorirlios, cish oe ai liser cumfully. ant wishrd yos couid hure oce Cutiig may ho mcdo ooy lime of oais klnd. You reould lise ibis t rain Jaoe atotil 1mai situ if Yau aneida ioee, butonoramin-; osperimeni dormig lise bat stm- log fle pricot, yoi bOots Yeu mer mullahs, tress tise jors io could only bave a limlted nom- treuil wite papor bags. and, ber. fvrt &orne tif the- nomos ai-O whic lise i-aiolis ouadoqoato intelgiia, as "Cooadiana,. Rus- -001t yaar caîliogi ta an toc- pet' Fanluo', - 'Cofidence', cotioal ligisi spray. If yaur lithoe BlesGolil', - 'Nocturno, - plautî s si-cessfui, iy nets 'Witie Duton' and datent 0i louves wili appearin about four oubers, tceekt, ocdthlie original ]caret Bat, on cooveniont ant ioo- tout isiosso ond di-op off, rnuire mop of acquirog roe. Ilev lUnt Spelssg aby lise use of catiogc. Cisoose Nihrtectig o hi lise itemt of a rceotiy sisatlered Nihrts otosnrsi (afler lise pelais bas troppodi jars asuld be disiorboit unit! rese wibich brooks toitoa lise faiiasriog spriog toisn a] sesaf laeurr, ( three sotsà on toisn you are rendy otrm lccbtidelandenipthetstem from plant lsere, tig filoe ap cure- die arei ponijui boosalis folty, roi-ring a foie tizet clodl sinu saetc lntjstbo h of soit uroood lise ootisiurhed Bterner Tep Beilees mots, Nesi.' col off lise îwa bçîtor Oce yo haro peced tisroogh sels of reares, toithout disturhiog a deavisoodoi jar ai yaar finit fise lwo codes aod removo tise soccoscfui aitempt yeu wiii ogirec to top sti, isy oippiog tisestor fiut prapagatiag rases isy soi t- dircly briotc there, un Oc angle. tcood cottiogs ts a fascioatiog Afin- you fisld o saili spot cn isobby. lise <ariec. coton tise toit theo Tho appoorconce cf tise garien put iî 'firmiy itti tise palmi af tout bo mach impravod if fait- poor battit Usiag an ice pick or ing fiotor ]-teads ai-c isep piakoit. cuber instrmment, otoie as maoy Zionias, marigatîts, petuciat, pis botes le theo gi-ood as yo bai-c lax andt otisci nuoaas and Foi-on relliegc, and sltp racis colliof -on pue palggocpiq 3ic01 tieta mbt a bioe, op ta, but net coter- isept aod Moeurmt iecomae steatIco Ieg,-lhe aw iota of remuiciîtg if lise i-port flatve-trrmain. O.G. McDoweII Joins Inspectorate Covering Two Towns, Township Orrille G. McDcaceil, B.A,, lu, EduualIcI tramn thea Uiversity spoctur of Public Scisacit, ts as- of Torotot. sacitedwih R. F.Barnhald in Mi-. and Mca. MeDataili and tise 1lospectarato, fialco Ma. i lhiser ta yooa daagis Icis plao campi-isiog tise toavia ai Geai-c stii-l,' ta take op iuc-ie an towon toit Qoaicie aod tisa town- Mil o. ships ai Esqoesiog aoit Mac sagatteva. Mi-. ýMaDocoit ls a colive ai CAMFBELLVILLIè Deotietit, Ontario, uand receli-ed .M bi' eiemeotuiy toit tecaodarv W M S. Ladies Picnic ichoal eitacatioc in lise sacît Hom of Loodon unit ciciciîy. At President's H m gips el Intondes By Mms. B. C. Moeirzes Aftor atiecdiag Locdon Mai-mai Mrs. Roy Panrki-, pratideol ai Rciaatheiaoilfc-aomho tlie W.M. S. îîl Si. Did's cf yeart intmra scsool andithcaCa-haiad e m serveit for oleaco years as- pri-ti- Tharvday tac a picaic lar lise ai- gai aod sopervitiot principal ai gaicalioa. asoiorhan cru tn Laondan Toai-- Tise bisoîlfîil thady fraounds- ship. Duriot these years, Mi-. mc- wtu a r,îrieli ai [loti--i- marie Dcsiciiava a racicotoaise a pcrt seîliaf ici- tie fablecs Dowll asa pacicele c isicisi haîrc avai lari aili fît- tho siciteots of lise Lodo ialaci lahci Te.îahîs CaiegeAller lte mcci Mrs. Ci-ciilard Peli Graduelle Studios ladit aho sîo0ag ai saame [ami- - Mi-. MaDomeit aiitait hi- liai- hi-mot. This' ias fallaiaeîî Bachetr of Arts degror fram the wiusan tom eretn otss University of Western Ontaria, avialit eaiayad. Aliscaug lisera ant i t fot portoino staies 'ti- ratai maci- ladiesipresit ai] wtsiad tc-rduio dagi-ce on joyedthe la,. l-. ocn togth.i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DENTAL ACCOUNTIMIS DR. G. A. KING Office lu Rîrtl Builingf Miton X-Btp Bomior Tel. Ttt 8-fIn2 DB, H. F. GALLOWAY Doutai Surgeon tac Main S. io sire et 01000 X-ai- Oer-rire Tel. Officr TR R-920t DB. M. R. BULUUtASIC 14 Mariîl et., Milt ARTHUR A. JOHNSON tRI Main St, Milito (Lloyrd Duels crerIlery Phoîne TE 8-9e72 Ro. TS g-c6ta Tai-Moi si-t Fiiti mrota Evaeoit.teby apoitet LIEOAL KENNSTH Y. DICK Beeriuini-, Solîleteaton-tr Pi-tlir TrIocisone TE 8-4491 i. A. HUTCHINSON. O.C, Bsrrisinr. Solirliar, Etc. 1i1 tis Street Totephcca TE 8-851 GEORGE f. ELIIOTI, O.C. Baenliote. Salicitor- Ni-tory Pubica Gfi- 2071i-¶ui--Streeot Telcpiscie TO 8-9202 SHARPE toit NICHOLO W. R. SHARPE A. J. NICtîGLO Barceieon, ciiiti ont t 110 maic hi., 30,111 týiaph,îne Ta o -o33S F. DAVID THOMPSON Baerisne end Solicitior 10li Maic Streut TE 84301 Baujîtenos TE e-dU5 MscKESI j FUNERAL HOME BOleore. Creev o ese PHIONE TE e-ir ROT oroDAT EARL G. BLACK< B. Comm., mtIA., C.A. Charrod Amoci-tont Rie 460 Milton, Ont. LONG, FENTON & SWING Ciitii--a AccaLtaiti C. T. Sionatillac, C.A., Pîchtiar 135 Maîin Si., Miltoîn 878-2712 Rai- 954 LEVER & HOSKIN Phonees: Gi, 1-4824 f11 4-fiel 51lMainaSi. M 212KinagSt.W. Ri-apicaToconto ROWMAN. BLACK AND SHOEMAKE R Onaioi Laad Screrii-s acd itigioci Ofice: 30 Dcîuglas Si., Guelphs TA 2-4031 Ccii Zeoilli 61240. TRAVELLER' GUIDE CANAIAN PACIPIC NAILWAY Standard Tinte Goi-c ft - 0.57 î.m.; 2t40 rp- fila; 9.27 i-. lie.. Gîte toast - t8i5O ato. focý; 0.57 rie. fluag autlar CHIsBOPBACTORe MacDOUGALL CHIROPOACTIC CLINIC Xiii-y . Lcscî,îuîry phyi, ei-i ii - 'Jt ai-lt 1.5 Gava hi. Ni-i-ti. Gakidur Vîico. c-al9i (Rteverse i-ai-tes aci-ein PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURI Moctai tiatet doriuîg Jlh, Aog. T uestai . t.3 - 57 - 9p.m. Wednestiaî 9.30 ore. - t p. Tiuscnity- 1.3-5, 7-c9p.m. Friday -........1.30-5, 7-9 pr.. Saturitoy-......... .3 - 12; 1- 5 festalicon tomaie trto, coupirdRuirc nteo'OS oe mith higis maistore i-atent, pro- fiuein iOtrli ia idit Saom docero bai-e esperienoot i-s-b fieldts thii-in W and slul, nAp stactiat iteductiaos on pie. pfieds toie cerai unittieroA Roit retards gmutti of the i-ouotdsof th. prviebh=eeot avhea eeoiisi-cutigoff tise beinfected tu aoy esieel. i-upply aoi ooncessary la de- i-cipltheseuiodmay-eaco Tise sereriiy of mest damage tai-o, affect- lise grade. isaresird, Tise rusi ateditliti Os Grade No. 3 we0tis s0sjeitecot uuly a prbem in ibis taatiscaaotaof tsroeaents e a0ietandaothe rssorfor is res- isiiet coder the hase piie. osce isis yoar is itifficult ce es- MoisureContnt igh tablish. Wei sceutier ccnditions HMiteer neiot ha,1 faori lis iti-oopeet undit n-e Rtamide .vaio ti-isiai hua d ta latt daicverecmntloalobeaviireinsoîinpcat f1r ptni alto pi-ci-cot a pi-chle isy piani keeping reaistr cotent sigis. Initial Infectien Aithoags iarvecig in Estes Initial infectioo result fi-ont Caotyisaisoooi sigs tsfa,iseipores bciitgcai-riedia tise t*omne avisat douive-ci- isos toîleit air fi-cm lise Roulis, or cn soine up Io20 pi-i-iccnt mi-ti. aoses,ftrimsporosîwinteig in Wtc tri-tiof mare> thon 14 stoisist. toheal ts a hoci 10 tho pcr cent maii-ii-ci-is uje-t ta footosahicisorigicales frontite tait acd aisai cents peisatshlor isrsrry Pianutoi ith ie cycles duicocnt iop Io 14.5 per cccint n isagioR taiueilt ei-te oai. lîta cccii- per issis fi-cm 14.6 Frodaces inoEssez and Kat lI 5 petrcent. Moi-tueove- 15 are oosioas ta i-tari tturvesting, peri-contic discooiod ai fi-e and istrrieg fui-tiser avot tom- ai-ots peribshei plus aoconts tisor, ha-est tout ha le tutti par hachai foi- cachi hou pei- swinfgisiogte ettfetodtyi. .uwl~ a v r ~ v r nc1 THIS SUNDAY'SC4 Church Calendar U KNOX FRESBYTIRIAN CHIICN Miisteeo Roc. J. R. L. MitGoret. Mo. O. Witght, A.T.C.M. Oeaist ted Chisr Mcmi j Coetn ss ith cuso an-e wsIl tado tat ."d ' Nnobre il. 29. SUMDAY, A7UGIJT isti, 1961 11.00 a.m.-Mcrcicf W ar i-tip. Titi memisi cf St. Faut's Unit- eda Cluchavuli jcoi ci-u toc lis diel ai îi-asisip. 'O toagiu flita Lard wtih me anid 'lt i-teait Hua naine tti-hi-c." BOSTON AND OMADU PRESBYTRIAN CHURCHES Mainier: Roc. R. A. Nevto, B.A. SUMDAY, AIIGUST 6iis, 1961i 10.00 .m.-Omags: Wor-sip Rer- 11.30 e.m.-Rostocl Warasip Ici- fisc Giat-cai viill icodai-t tisa st-t-ti-tsIodai. PARWi Ot0F St. Gaeeps ChineSa, Larevilo E,. Joises Choo-ei, oiagaweY$ (The AusgUloss Cissreief Cssads Recitea tt- R. P. Z. Ieutres CuatkbeUleOctîria Telei-isae Na. tr 4-2577 SUCNDAY. AUGIJOT édih, 1961 Trinil- X N,sawyaavî 9.45 a.m.-Moricaia Pi-at-ci acd Serti-c, hi-idi Si-huai, Loaii-ihlle 11.15 a.m.-Mormiog Pi-ean-icd Rai-mon, Ruoduy Saisi-a. Ofiiantls: Laîreudai-t. Johno Ai- strong, Ed Wilson. HIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCN A lc-a1issembeiof TIHE PENTECO TAL AS5SIBILIE5 OF CANADA Poilera Re- M. Ohstcn-tn SUMDAY. AUGUST 11h. 1961 10.00 .m.-Sondai Raisoot chai- es titi ait. 11.00 c.m.-Mai-oiog Wcrasip. 711 0 p.m.-Eriîî Ici-iici- Wcdcaiîidur. 8 p.m.-RibIsi Riti anod Prayer. Filiai, O p.m..-Yaccf Feapie's sv ic e s. A gruwief chai-eh yau con maise Ymcir home. Ail tocIcame EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Coimmerial Sir--t. Miltoîn Minisicr: Patai Chavice Cales Talcphcae Ma. TRiangle 8-4473 Chisci Direatai-, Mr. Rosi Brock RUNDAY, AUGUST Ibis, 1901 9.0 ..-Rundoy Scisont for ail oResý. 11.00 o.m.-Mcmnicg Wcnîsip. 7.00 p.m.-E-eiing Woisbip. Woitcesitay, R gre.-Bibto Stuti oct Fi-cyr Meeting. 306 Ontario Si. N., TR e8-M2 Ohisli-aoc îgd lu, Ose morte of tha Lort Jen OIeai .h i (M tutti820 LORORS DAY. AUGUST bt, ti6t 10.30 a.re.-Seaking oR Seatit 12.15 pre.-Bible Clets att fan- day Rebout, 7.001 pcc.-ýGepli terrice. Woestay, 8 pre. - rayer oand Bible Reoding. Fritoy, g p.re,-Gosget Sriice, Keiso Corereeity Hait; Tata Ronits, Tam Drsbioies Chai-i. Yo are fioactiy Waise t1 Tisose Beri-iles lai-as sait, I toc came thsd tisry migi -bai-e tufe, unit tisai tisai migisi bave il imore ohui- daondy. I amn the Goot tshepsard: tise Goat soepiseri gO-dbh bas lite foc tise cscop. Johno 10f, l. ioder use bei-tee cf guilt aval Manyacpersan is rieig Whoain the joy ci tise Lard reigii tsace, Lite oi-erli-ticg i-eceliig. LiRe, flue, rnat tIel lotus atone Osthue gleer. LiRe, lio, tbout.at Ilfel Glery tc Jeton forci-or, ST. FAULS UNITED CHUECH Msctiltonma ni Mitictor: Rer J. Lama Grattiit, B.A., R.D., C.D. Doiig Augc.it unit tise tii-ai Rcotay in oitetber, tise icii gregotion of Rt. Pauais Doilaîl Cher-h wUf scori-ip toits tisa pi-apte ai Knox Prmsbyriaa Ciscain Knocx Curais. Rat - K. Mi-Goavo an carge. Visitoei Wiooi-iy Wcmet GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Milton, Ootaelo Reetor Roi-. D. A. Poweall SUMDAY, AUGURT lis, 191 101h Ruoioy ater Triaili- (Transfigoratioo) 8.00 a.m.-ficty Ccommonion. tR.00 o.m.-fiaty Communtion. CNURCH OF CHRIST, OMAGH Ma. 5 itoroat and 4th Lite SiNDAY. AiGi-OT lais. l1im 10.30 ai..Bihie Iciscol. CI.aa-îý ici- cil oget. 11.00 a.m.-Mornieg Worship. Tisurstoy, 8.30 pre.-Bise Ricdy. Yeu Are Almeys Welcore BANAl WGIWD FAITH Ret y-sur faces toi-iart untiti ont let lise ratiance of lio ligisi vsiceupon you. Tisie toitt tisa eflgence of tise arorit's greot ltreint-y, erregoe the whisce LowviI. PArk Scene $utiuld#Y 0f uaitoed Chrch S.5. Pic Kîisi-ide Ucitedt ciscl Son- Miss Mcae Jcmips-aocf Ta, day ichoot bruldits ic î ai cronalcapt aavakcwiMr. ani Lawi-i-lt park os Rotordai- ai-loi- Mra. Ertic MiAi-lisci ccd Ma. anal tuca avitishO 60îîendicg. Mca. fHotacei MiArtisci ui Stoey Raceis eie tota oby- Crek i-i--c i'latî flie M,- ciilirecoonder fire - Dabisii Anisan. Ccd-ccn, Qi-ta Coul-cc; girls- 5 Mi-. and Mci-. Ait-ai-v Lcoec iti andi6, LicdaRSmith, Gai] eaiser- Moutta Albert i-pi-ai lawu daa iofico; bosay c, is, Riaby oîllîisk- iil Mr. ci-d Mca. Bill Lepard. er, Rooni iai-botte; gi-ri- 7 and Mr. cond Mci- Lai-ce P-ai, ci 8. Anne Wtona, Fèggy Coali-ca; Wciplati iit Mr. and Mît. îîy and, Daoy Smth, Daid Jamea i-i-ih-t--. Hariscitie; filu 9 aod if, Loi- SMc. ccd Mrs. obesrt Seilt Jr Fisher, Mary lune Cadi-ca; hait i-pi-at tisa we-ak-e-nd ai haual 9 aad 10i, Laurence Jones, Moote Beachi. Anders-on, Brion 'Smiths; girl- Il Mr. and Mca. William Aliiva ai-d 12, Boonie Coul-cc, Vieriy adLinaanii-d hom avSîtrti- Andi-son;bys1oad12, Craig aflertpaatioaiec-kti Ali- Dci,-; bocys 13 ta us, Dcooî qarry Beachs. fiaîieriogîaa, Gai-tac Daîlat. Mai-. Acdy Waiisccalt i-pi-tai Sc tai-o, Dancy fieaiioring- fcav dcvi- la Bcffal. ici-. Monte Andorsoc; lady tsi- Visîl Granigarenlu bick, Aono Anerison, RSirley Raady cnd Chai-i Fi-i-l ci Mil- Oci-irs; spot rcc, Tisolma Jogli -loi Haigis i-paoa tisa ai-aib--d aihi-i- isarrovrace, Brendacc avu-ilis usai- gacodparaali- Mr. acd i-ce, Ici-n Coitioc; girls i-ai-b Mîs. Cliii Fi-i-l. raca, Betty Cauli-aa; menssitue Mr. and Mca. C. A. tolea of kick, Jackbtogtis,filmi-featsor Atoo spctaciea dastaslavaak ianîcon aî tise home cf Mr'. aitd Mci-. 'W, A, Hm. Coeet Hi-oa Gai-lai- ai tise i-aie litra The Jctymeetingof theW. A. tise Gît-ti- [cmiii- atiovat a i-i-ci-ison Tsiayo-eoiog in malt- trip Iotaacria the Boeday scîaal rom avtisclalhht. Lai-cne saaî. ciat priontMrt. Austinfitock Mr. caid Mtc. Gati-e fiail .- n charge. Mrs. fimer andifamiy mvcaa lIo Carlistlec-- Hogaliseriagtacaconduatod tise de- i-entiY. i-otioool. Theo mintels cf tise lui-i meet- inug and rail cati si-t-c reud isy Polc an Mrs, Eria McaRtisi. Mci-. fi. R. Polo k n McDonatd gare a rcadiog. Two Ca pb l cnitet- avere icodai-ted hi- Mn-. Cbitf Fi-ci ad toa by Mas, Mi- Mauifaturors oR Arthur, Mrs. Robert Cai-ordclo MUn. fi-ici-k aod Mci-, Kelly HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS Sarp. MfMOBIAL ENGBAVING Saodwichsancd Icu avare secm 62 Water SI., North, GALT odsy Mi-i. Frctttand Mi-fHath- ephn6273 eriegtco. Tisa ocat aaemiîîee are Tlpeet17t Mci. Mail Howaard. Hompîlal PatiIent Morman Smvithis ta putient ai tise Mllbat District foitaacil bit fniecdi- toih hure a tpeedî ceccery. Tise Young Adait gi-ccp hi-id tisoir pi-ola w lava i-aacgc al Acoo park. First Ie Feattre Stocs car [ca ejay-d coliser eveoiag ai Bridgepart ti-ado-a- oc Stcrday ai-iail uiacu Pied nr tise [irai hi-ct and cama on fi-si in tise [tai-ue. Mr. ucd Mr. W. R. Ai-decsca tond boys cf St. Cciscrioi-, Kea- nets Bouci-t cf Calgar-y, Mr. and Ors, Jamces fi-ans and gi-ut ai Georgetowna; Mr. and Mca. Acita Frank cf Campiselli-ilia; Dr. and Mi-s. Fudisanof c Guelphs and Mi- aod Mci- 'Cha-lai- Waii- ai Campseili-ille i-pi-ci Sîtadat v-us Mr, ari Mci-. Wotictoa Rcitacd, Miss Sandra Contas ofi Milton fieigitsspeoî.îaave ii- i-tl Mr. and lOrs. Williamt Watsca. Miss-LyneeLuaitcc tMot Alisri speot a i-i-aistil Mr-. unit Mci-. Bill Lapai-i. VIsIte Relaives Feggy Aoc Smithspi-ca cati-a on Tai-ccta viitiig reatii i-a Cuit for ci-limates (oNTRM£TOR msrn O IUL 4-22631 Tise-Ceugdîtn Champion, Tbuottdap, Augs 3ed. 1944 1 AwardCa, trophe 4$ Wirnws During Jun iqr Farmer, Competition Thse resaitu cf thse nat es' vew tiell il rb talci Mah ff42; datr csittk dairy caille stock JasdIgis Cau e1 e M huIsâ à" Iltg , LaMr earidouse 278; ai the Onctaro Agiccultural Col- Interreedlates - Bob Merry otoino, Thomas Blakelock toc gie Guelph, are give belptt. $4; Carolyo Gerdsaie $250 hy. Bob Mcccv, 144. ThlÙs wtt a joli progaue scilb Denois Sinclair igbs n t Awarded ai foed Day, April 6, Halio, Feel, Weotwdrth aed bure 82.50; ChI abe Ortin *2; -f46h igh score je griui, gr-ain Wellington couuilies. Tisore were Tom McDonald SIJO; engie tisipis, Bob Merr; soîil toi-do 312 pairicipaets - 68 fronm Hal- Peavîress 11; Ibeirar Fai-i $1; la.oul tods' lrcphy, Bob i-cc Counta. Marioo Huotor i; Clarence Moi-iy; hay. foi-cgr uod tesi-d Juniors - Norre Wells $4; Jef- Feropîra $8; Doo Swackbamer foi-uge trophy, Dointar Ford; fi-oy Nurse $3.50; Lac-y Gart- S1; Dloris* Pickct, Keilh Bila, lied, higis etisant, sord judgins, blouse V3; Harold Thompeoci $i. Royal Raok irophy. Drletar Fard. 82.50; Mai-ilyo Rborwgod S2; Ad- Sooiors - BSudr Hopbsi-o $4; The Palorono Junior Fui-moi-t tieono Nai-so $14;Raira Cia- Allrn Browneeidge 4SOR; Fres challoogoeii-agby t0 lise cach ai ooy il; Bill Sai IL $1; Bd Vae Alexundeor 3liehgsurscs-onsyRs flitrielen, Bill Aiexander, Artbur fiEuh sSres Moi-iy. Icoos oomisois taere: Lawsoo, lied, $l racb; Jobn Me. Higis scor in ýb@d catiill, hW Rgody Hgpare wiib a score 0 Goo SI; Bill Jacksoe. Doaoent cafile lrog4bg DosMerry, toale 606; Cbarles Maurtin 637; Bi Jackson 6t8. Cltampioojsidge, lise Mai-val m ae. Jnitor Fui-mers' lropsy (2 com- C.NME. chiolit, John McGeo, 620; W h»t Harves hhseoro, livosocSk jtidgiog, Rost anddbamd wesbei ccc, centcf moisiire in ecess of BabsMei-iy, 6W; Hamiltontfpc- dtons ar bamprring wh:tsai r ceai. 101cr i-rip, Bob Moi-iy; King- ho vesoig iirraios i e way Kiwgnis Speciul (one week 11élerrged Prevaiee shorcicoure,i-uoor-upîaIrip eary aea of ouer OiU". l iiit eleedl iisatbath igaf winer.DelmarFr. Crib 1ole Same Day Mes. W. H. Thoreson cf 337 Kie- striais Ci. advei-clt a baby cii in Tisursitayi- Cisampioe. Ou Tisursiay ocociag tse reaeired her fini cll, toit salit tise aii White lise -a-lmer toac ai hec hoame plaiiaf ap aise cib, thîce mare geuplie cuiled as ai-etc l i ai tisa Cisampioai-d. Mci-. Thomsonî calct tise Champaion ti tait hast qolabli ste salithlis artic.le aond i-pi-att her picatate ai lise cpaady i- i-alts seo ollai-ct. Cenaiat Chsampian si-co adi- ai-c ttkec ai TR 8-2341. 1113 Cals Tise Maisitraici- Motiiy Rarm- mary [ai- lai-a, caierredt ta Mil- ton Caccacil Moday, ssoaveti ai-ast fliet on Milton ai $77, itti lise cavai- tsai-o $31.30. Toal ficai- fur tise i-aa 17 du- iag thec math era $7,065.11 avilis moolaipaliliai- adIlla0in $2072.30, tisa mafitralai- feat $16s46.50 and lise total camiser oI caces 1113. Counit peuclti are uhsie avis i-cv. .H.Wt rcti- ' MI Taking advantage of favourable conditions often meana a big difference in profits. Modern farmn machinery provides an efficient and economnical work force that is always ready for immediate action. You can depend on Massey-Ferguson machines and implements to keep your labour costs Iow, increase efficiency and promot,, more profit on every farmiflg operation. 1111 11111 ONui ROOF wth the LOW COST I ME INSURER LOANS OF~4 PROCLAMATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CUSTOM WHICH HAS PREVAILED FOR MANY YEARS MONDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1961 WILL BE OBSERVED AS Civic -Holiday and 1hereby procam kat*ady as aCivi Holiday for Milon and respectfal request hat ai uzens observe il s suc h FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY THIS CIVIC HOLIDAVI S. G. CHILDI, Mayor. ZM - ciLOslo Fcr ANNUAL VACATION AUG. 5 TO AUG. 26 KEITH DURNAN T.V. & RADIO 217 MAIN ST. MILTONi.