6 The Candien Cliarmpton, ThursdaY, Augoit 3rd, 1961 HGt~~dT pR tr <w. Bowling Tropby Retums HGýd 6p oar fftlng11 biais on 11tife Gslowold l>pwar Thonlplon £d. On Tenth Anniversary bal rivekt h i wq ni MehoLng a. lut of Ine MZoarcdGela d Io n t on The Civ vdtao Champion Loo tact yîsr as ovestitofortiet comeltion wner about filton -top. B ttog Tuptty for mtsdhsbif dYinellwln V ao itllAnd Itotarians nd "teobera of th1e doblesvrelu nud tut Mitont fur ersos bot btstory vittiited ittoif Milton Bowling Clob on Tueuday. te" l a niv isar of the op t M itng N ig t men om bers of lhe Try Edoren . G or nteed b rbai annul ecnt Aiothr lcalrin rok furt Mion Bowling Club ndertake treallnent for urtitritic pains. Tho, rith cvoî.tsv blé hc l pei the vtiounyilaskp e, o t th aitnRtr lbéenat ae fetv.Mn liat asiud y hs .lieEdn pe byD. ildn wth rs. va orthse nigbtofbowlling. sopply 13; money barck guarani- as victUp andiîed EtcTel- F. Mciîcn asvice.skipoand ~tE- Sto rioksocf triples vieere art tee. Write for partîcutars. feir th citroh if Maudv mhi t -otiic as t vc asized by Frank MeNuves aflter Pichellos Drug Store nigbt toiht- fivit finie >Ince 1952 Secontd, bhird aod firth pvti satisfyssg suplur in tbeclub ~~o5 n~ aLd antd Mvi. F. McNive bricgttt tl Kitc-hener, acd Burlijoton. The Ci Tied for top spot were HOoward Milton, Ontario The- firt-i ltoieitt-t fir theHarrvis antd W. Anttersonc Mr. tropit ht-gto in 1951 icheni s Pttcig tid the Kitcbener grop prescivtt Lutlihîhelw Itrs and Mr. and Mrs. Vi-kerîîand byG. Diiis. Il acs tit-vt wion Mrs. Lincgfvion rlisfîcon hibv QîCkilit riik helteftt i was The- ct-vioc in exelen reticiîtu Mitnîictht-tilii cditionand mancoittmlit ut - rv. iri ptu tht- Milton Cluh oitI ltor billon tov haiv ivvoooid ic-a ci- Oakvillit- f ielt-d fihi trophy~-va tio ttct C L EA R A N C E To Arena Board U nderwriters Outine. Ideas k1MB thWA os o Penny Carvviin Rotary Park deiighted squirt, gioss the straws and teshtwr etutrog Rrîcin t- widtcci tv-c a- ihe .îvh= = . fcit ood andc boy ne vnclin i n cav aiiey ricg tocis, fis pond, candie pvcgvem. The crmival made $36.21. * Mtio Avtcivt-t-iittiand t=yiamh ie kpt in c od OMIS ETROIt VisnITR MiiiîcCtut-ii CMmittYcdmilicontiner îîcsdI~G Mr. nd Mvi. Charlie Steele nd f vrivdttic fli Pecivr li the oi s t-os famil cf Detroit spent the week. Resdrain St ge Hornb forî t5he maincon Mîvîly if a mincrnature, hettc s ti thifi u icd enffl *fmffd wiîh Mv. and Mi. Etmev 5 t 0 vit.immt-ddiiiciitiggeîtid nci hi takic front the voi fus *IMHug Reunio Sovtcs ocd fotlrc Rcby that: ihît prititsthe hir oiv t-îm . Cato Mvnod Mes.l obs Ltghtlv. a Tiv teit pie oc the si The oiivm circuit diccn a Peoprled1,, ofi ll acesski-îvtmimd ibe psitid hiprfrl thei spik M ission Banda, Young Peo le ee -F a A mt-cit ctmadeifov ler tctvvi valvivmvhite Mon mesu * it-igpaiiii. hcimatdeiincessiblevitititi th- B Me,. CeclPaterson Caeoesfrteeenn eewek hylsie h a * Evicgihesviltheit-ti-izeod pit-vîci. ThecvataMi.Hogh famil Mran Mrs akJri n okctel b n plcis cf D R0a 1 N 30 ai Ho-n-y Park for the de- wagon draw3 bt a tbyptvktiv Omagh red lb ptîîsid etthse I4ORNBY scendnt ofhlieThomaaiidv incag o rn Peaok oko htlt Mis Hoothit- Chaotte fAnerson) Mt-High. Evvyincivipot havicg a flood Et-ci of Nivo vs dîtvg stcciy FR T II DESE- * LN RE Eight t-hitdirvc mîvi hic tc time. in Bromptoc Hospital ofier an FR STEE 0 DESS- LN RI Frying Pan of Grease thivlcople if vhithfoutr Mvi. Oc the imi sivi Socdays. dur- t-mivgincy oppicttmy vs Sun- L D. Doglas, Mvi. George Oitît. ceg the ohbsent-îvf thi micivior, îiîy mcrntcg. Wr bire she mvî F EE -- nen ~Fvid Tovk wcvi prcsici. Mvn. rsebv bi hin tvhe puipit. t-r ivvoftic o vivitvv mtth ai Cerner Mainend Brase Sts. S CASS LEW urns3, Dam ages Kitche Mis Mvaii vhudy.gosîi ifiigfc i. By Mrs. Fdssrd Roberton Mv. and Mvi. Sîcvy Hell and Jantve Gatlbroith cf Pîtîri mcv Congratulionsv Il Mv. and Omvtgh bier gvovdpovcvti Mv. ocd MILTON. LEPWA r Tht. hom iof Mr. avd Mi. Wil son Pveter ipeci Svcdoy ai Wa-nu ill tu i attend and thvii ac Mvv. Sicivîvi McTuddcc onc the Mvi. Wiihcrt Fcrd. MLO v Sii vit-wa tivdi dîmîgot- aga Beat-h. dit-cod, ar-rivat cf thtivvchoiseson. Ins Brillish Ileu Open Diy Noue for Mîdnigbl bvsneadLr an und Esîraot Now Honey Ncariy sift pîvvîcs githit-id Graia Dowsn Mv. and Mvi. Stactey Bioty hrtîtcv-iu tifiic- for ahcory dicciviad tipptr St-rrî fiel-ds if grin havi titi cf Lcidvv Oiit o e en-O SIRS J ACS avit aihv of-ihivrddivlmaht-un ht-i îiho.ctigte reit-ii tes m and cctut-cioyada talleth- ht-t-v knckid dîmv by tliti e- joingc ao m n m acstatton filei fastvivifrt-viit-i.ccl.hi ccvtiirv.tc ih ibvi r. The fomiyofitheie Caic- t-ici hîcîf rifaii. in thi Bt-ti-h lii. Tht-tv son to Mrtnd M.TandMrsd irne vmpco chemi t-Mt-Hgh assistdby Stanley Mr.andbiri.Rohet Marshall Hartve ioetho hetsa patient Congruationsv vMvii vcc v iit îp MîHogh if QObvitti it in îvjcyîd o short hctidvty in the in hîspitat for stirgMv on hi htp Mt- VernontAb-che-riofti-r iit- ofKingston ivvt-t home. for theharvevf thevarancgimetsifur Lndnand Si. Thomas district caud front an cid injor Hi 0vvvv~ SLIMS * T SHIRTS ding anivtrvirVion Agîî 5îand wee-ed. Tht-y mît-e prîvcctcd theîdîy this miik. i dving moul. t Mr. acd Mvi. Wiliavm Baiet imtha esadv cthaitvimthe Sporsaveals Mr.oand Mv. FîîihivistFord Harold Jarvis had thenmiîfft- ;reaton f omy Uitd Rce, tu o wa ad base-ît-vvmt-cied by thoir t-rensun tîv inijcre his hocd mhti Mrc bigo fs Wila CralytehomevvStvof cftitparens ot ndbl hvtgctcmadeiforflitodenfer- Mr. and Mv.R. R. Ford ed al hcig unhisttmHmtb fue1pl LUESS HT Mî tvd e M he Wt-imyudtcYLchimfîpovvtM c talonnent. The yîmvaeit uevios wott- bîliday to Moitrici tait 1cccbii tctcavkfovotLOUES-iibT m1it. kvilt-dtolco n A tihe sdgeibeicUnecin ti~-~5htodeiM.v T- TIse average modems honto t-iMivrvhts ro- M Bilt Boitcy Hioby Elds ihatlsapine e Mv. end Mv%. Orviti. r Oevios tcigctcîl riuietari of-v Edgar cady Prescrit mas Mes. DeonaldilIssaplacs ed fi mt-.thccb i ft-. men Fvid Tuck. atrance. acmituu -.t-ntt--ac The pat-thi r eou Paki nH E M E GET THE FACTS PROM US! vtheaottdayIn u it Mr CALL FOR A Hvuec mc Rat- Creeping Fungus Rots Core antd Mvi. Stac Faller,-Rocwo iv.Sipywrn ar il 0f Canaba's Lord El Tre Pit-bering ai hevis ith BbM F R i-it-vvc-tcrtrcly A ît-t-pfvg fivt-t-viha roh that EIml rucheemDsss Hand irct-ht-gottcl Pt-t--c etvtc- The Fiera, Sheppe ct-vt- i Ca-itcdLIv fîrîly cim t-t-c fatel it-oovai. kifica t-cvi of Stecere Syapalby BRAESIDE FA ivsttingiit- ht- tonstcpi ihoisdiiofiitly cisct-t-t-v Sivt-rîîycpclhy iv xene tîcît-hîci %aii st-t-iiii ofta- Octavie ut-h yt-cv, haticig siitu1 Mrv. Emmirvs Fotd onte(LIADTEY'S) 1 2 m artîin stre e t ari.. crt--tiviv-ivd t-e-tIsa otilifiiiipaii iehr hvhcsd ot Th- dc-v ct-it.tttii ulvmivieyffireivt-iar roi, tore-the sov Ecri tif Set-t an c,.Ut- Ddt-h Elri Diitas-viit cst-iig th xictlin et the dooghlcr Juan ibivi. Caioc mutno lol alttit-si-chrbl a itcvtt-- tîfif sbîde Lrti. Calgary. Mv. Fevrd hard ni ht-t-t-cfil fva diictt-r-tin o rtîh Thrîvt-t-t-vvo iv thai. mith ti- Milton District Hospitali o e A ca33 vt--îî ao ct-.fhe diice ct-etvtud biiivtidgt- and prve- vr-c meci. Hoe iv al ris e ci L. HUGHES - TR 8-2665 ham onit c ln hia vrg y hviihcrv Wiihcrl Clarecv n btalct ti t-lit-ia 1,N fo0t-tat-cgt- wl, bc mcvi lt . î- Elmacle tcCrv maueD thEfi Dîvoîve .ut Miii Esilti. Thei al Mr. cftvîttIl.ît fOf ct-t-ct-. mht t-cfrl-d eiic-ib-- Ford hcd bt-cv c diligeniv rer1 NLi, e ldestruciv vt invhis borîhcand in Trafalgar__________lu tt-t vîîutît-î % v ît nc udt-it-t-itt t____ own-ship- and cm uiy wr.l tiit ----ttfttt tttl--iHt- miii hi gvcaiiy mivît- y fl ini fitic LivId st-.--ti i t - i f m,,,cn*, tIS t--i ttl-ît -ittu i CO RN ER Mt-rElizavih Ccvtii ifecycr (vî-c-tv il-.Fîtitt-t-lltPv-t-t-ttt-t Ttt-t--vii-viiiiv flii. cii ccd Ct-til C. Puft-esn r ol giieltc ,,,, apcmpilt- S-fît-tevu rihl -hc rt-rie ycat-vod botoJly ec t vî A. ttui-t-s t-o-ttf hthtfhvr t Missios Bond bient 2W.Wf titio fît- i toc-t- ced Tht- fighi of dcy bcd pasvîc umy icf Msinbnda mg t-tfi- lh-viitîif- vivdififcvucec sfildo ilavt-iiiI Ill-t ft-ci-viti Tht- iiî ot th-l ynd bt-vt-cv.thiidviv ctidivg. Mis U MMCR th, - t-t-t-t-tt-t-t-t-t tht- t-oit-t-- Hcd IcIi titi dcf 10 dit-. M tb i tvdrmv t---tt l- ivt-t ttt-ft-iSutl The metisg ope d ivîd a il, niffi i_, ,ý.,hn Titi t-titet-t et tht- sueet. bymo; the it-iptiri iii. adli T- t------î- lttti fvt-e Ni lont-t- hvigbti ifevi. Cyvîhîc Lutc and piaer b t-l-ti. ut--t tfitt- tt- t it--ttit--- c-c-- Tht- tcioit-v of thef rcinoî Pt-t- sv Mt-K e. Tht- vît al )t-tttlttt -ttl--- ft.tit lt-t--lt t-lt-ft--t T it i d t nu c ii îtd u kcve ivlev eMit-t-os Mci ere i bviatiC t-t-t-t-t-t-t-et-ltt- t-lt-t-t-t-t- fi-t-t-i lti lit-t-hrionli Mare hallv[DId Cati Illevît- Lieut--tt t- d't--- -t-- A ,it t-fi- fvvr c1 ri ui t- m t li tcvtelgt-cph Calitcio t----u---tttt--- lt-t t- it---tt, .t - co îtî t- ei. i tt iîi fo t.ff Jv't-t--tt-ntI -tI t-lt-t i-v.-î-.î t itt fiiiv i h--i-f t0~~ît -clt R. . A dams Stres 1Ltd. îî-îîvîî l , Ittv Lv t- ltil tili vthtunch was svt- it- d t- t- uit-uv f,,,i it--rt-t-- , c IltB' ian Titi vIii lt-eii .t fittil t-cýt hitdtiv mcde vit-vit- s fo 284 Mai St. MILTON TR 8-4484 Pemibrotke. Thr litt-t t-t-i c iiiitv Wci tiki a mugit- ipii Ill bht-. cassciii -b--vth t-t- ht-cii At-. Mcrie. Tt fcii- cfli -u Mi Ascîlicu C t-ltii fcî ht-cc Dv R-i vt-t-i -ft- h civviu Hud fait-i tu rtlli vi ltltlt itb Mr. and Mmi. Staff tscncIrLd".clt'm e- Acd in the' nigbl. o wet mies- Coei______________________________ litîlh>Tit--andt-Soiht-ti- efl bg oiiiite iicvd- The YoungPeupesiiiet uilfut Alfons. Shows BRel boanss Ontario t-t-t-t-, t-ht-t-t- e40An llfru w.. litein OcîcgbPvcihylciav rcti bvtd pet-t-cettiii thetinsv sai i u htsc andmc mcrd. cmusi cyabl c byridc os Pt- i epeaTit- at -i He smcc aod c dace in Boyne ci. SUN LIFE Tht- ] ovI tvyv icv t heA-i S 04 t-t-e ci ht-cflit -po h A .i MILTON'S FRUIT MARKET POT spray t-t kifilb thOf iii Lu LIU.est 176 MILL ST. MILTON4 TB 8-2460 tct-t-tn ci-lit-i t-ct- hvbiri'ng M lo t r Sales I pogesiv dicso rc n hyaufl- 388 MAIN S. MILTON TB 8.2325 cepn 6 <11 basket dvod"t~ POTAT ES - - - - 35c __________ YOUR KEY in a~t GREEN and YELLOW A N N Sibse i~S oc La £N lqWTO THIE REST DEAL IH THE ARIA MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD.- QOOOWILL WU CARS PONTIAC, 5tJICK, CADILLAC, VAIJXHALL CO-MC ANDS BEOMO TRUCâqSý âà progressive C N - - - - 1 2 pomis 6 quart basket WALLACE GR. Y - 107 Court St TOMMEOS - -Is 75c 21~IL5c 45c4 q TR 8.2421 3 b. 25c' BSNLIf ASII*NC ~CUCUM89RS - 6for2Sc ORANGES --99C 'I