Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 1961, p. 4

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Booh ibis dote. 23rd Seytem- ASPHALT SHINGLES Engagements sc., 1161. This iv the dav oca ses a gcod Chtchcn Barbecue 3 in1, 2110tRs.nycalr,89 ut Giace Ang~lican Charcb. Mil- square: scil-seoiing, $9.95 ssquare Mc. oaid Mis. tochios Martint. c- 12-9201i0%h off toc cash. E. R. 2, Miltas, asosce the TENPRO DISTRIBUTOES LTD engagement af he houcly îlaogb- Homhv Commonilc Farch Ados Ontario terCarole Ecoîlot ta Robcrt Board ChceBarbcue aîHon- Phase 519 c- Bruce Shopherd. son ai Mr. bs Pick. Soarîlci, Aagast 12. James Shephe n di colthe li Mcl roltam53O8p.. NEW SEPTIC TANK tors. Shcphcn-dch Milton. Thle Aihahis SIS.50 chîlies 75c. --0 U PN sucîdisg su IlI labo place os Aug- c'1-5 ust19îinGrc Anglian Chaucb, Bingo ondav nighloand eorv PU IN Miltto. Mondihai ci .oilion ,vrca, 8.15 The engagemetiivssnoscil pot* 11.000 jacckpot -i 57 SEmI- ai Mart Marae Wod cîh es, conisolation $50; ose E V C ireoh i,.to-oi ouidakit-jackpt[S725 lac top shneinr1 Ir -iMs n h aeCclnubrcnoain$0 hr Operateai by Alias Wood, Ozhi lic co Robiert h. h oat gae; les a sa James Nicisea. sîoof Mi. aso d îah oce:2tuteO WILLIAM VARCOE -tors. Rabe.rt Nielscaiof Ochîlhloý 1i A'n'îssi Il.pnoîrc-d by Theîîeddîsg %il[ oic placecon Milice Kýisiscancoo Legios. E. E. 2 Eochmaod Scarolci. Aiigiivt 26, 1961 al 43 c-12-918 Phono UL 6-4398 -t f.ot. us St. Jubaio Untîdî Churc.64 Oakîille. For SaleCO SH T Born FOR bibLE-4 sîcih cid fcs.. SALES cool SERVICE IR 8-4867. c1298 Complote tise af paris uni ADOPTION FOR SAEWhl rahîls TE machinters. ccii oaid asia, sas HENDRIE - Mr. asnd Mis. Pctoi 8-72 c-12_959 sîcricai un Camphehvuillo. MI. Hesolie c- Io iii ______ tho orrivci cf thci ichtyci FOR SALE-John Ocere A. E. MURRAY McMILLAN daoghier, Jasa. ir.cir ithi 3-icrrao photo. Calsor Ceotre Broate VA 7-4675. c-12-995 WHALEY - K-iib aid Morilvn O RSL-94Dderai GAN LN oiibcîrl) rehaPYt heaier. TO 0-9225. c-t? 993 Camphettviito son, Jobs Douglas. 9 ih,5~ seluo~~o -2 czè< us aï 06445r York - VA 14~..fit flaspitui on Jolv 22, 1961. - CLAESO -tor col or. Wt- FOR SALE-1956 Ford 2-d..r. FARM FRESH huam Cturbson oi R. R. 3, toî_ cycîa.Tex 54 -26 FRUIT und VEGETASLES to orepcave oiic annacance FO0 SALE -Sobvocacriage, Smeet Core New, Polatoes îhe hîrt h bothir son ai Soi- liki- ai-o, 990 TO 9.9645. c-12-975 Yalasv Harvesi Appies tiîl9 Hopia 1.i~ 7 FOR SALE -'49 Forai coupe HILLBROOK FARM 1961.il toE54 îcci,,r, Sh50. TO 8-6245. GILMOUE - Sont oed Mai-forci c-12-960 KEITH COULSON, TE 8-156 Gitosaur Ince Picketi o f 987 Fuse Si., Presto,îo are picsed FOROSALE-Tovs clearing ou Guelph Lie.tizm. norihaof tu aasocacce the birîb iii lhou ai Mîiton Sports ,und Cycle, 201 No. i0 Sideraa son, Sriza Selt. ttcigbi 7 lb., Main Si.. Miltonc. c-7-691-it Opes4p.m. - 9p.m. lvii îot.. ai Sooth Waterlo o R Soi, oaid Son., I pot. - 9 p. Momaral Hopuiai Goîl Gol,uIons. Hesry Gortor. Kithi-ide. c1 os Auguvi 1, 1961. Phase T0 8-6213, Milon. cil OB.CH RE t-LR SALE-Raspherrirs by bon Did or cr-aic. M. Howîard, TR 8-9833. UR IT R FOD-t ilonDlic 110- F00 SALE .-Inatuioal PEESENTS 1461, Esicivoit Franklinî Ford, tlivta M,ît. TO 864hal. c12-985 io oniii ut ic ha, M". FOR SALE - Gai-agc ]ii air GOLDEN SLEEP SALE ,înd Mr,. Jolis F. Fordl anoî d sIrdbacicc 7 hi. b la. t 7 lu. btîbacai ch Et- E. Foc. dar 4 la. TO 8-9513. -12-919 Golden Stoof Mitreso hît het oh Foil IE. if Seattle,. - Wavhinon iîî nd J:,aî lMrs. FOR SALE-7 h.p Clinoa oa- $39.88 Hcrh Callhiîc) I i Cailgary; or. in goad conadition, $60. Apple- brctbrof Siîhicit n Chai- hi Lîso, Compbclsîillc EL 4-2513. Golden Siorp Doloso Maitrovv esco Ford oii Mîitonanis Mis, c-12-976 Esteolle Ford oii Torto:$49.8 graniiiebr ol Liain Marie FOR SALE-Fishisg tackhe ai $98 Ford ,,îd Jobît Horbot i- 10 h per cent io 120 percen of ahi O MUST SE SATISFIED OR bac. Milton Sports aend Cîvcle, 201 WE'LL BUY IT SACK Fîttot,,î,îîio ui IMl in Moits Si.. Milton. c- 12-917 Bcthe] Ent- it,*,> hîîîîIî l FO0 SALE-2 pico hocots 8S Rx t hre tic b.iiiii - i iortit ini lie 10", 22 hi. log;. pitle boom., S"x R b hre chcihciiiici -8", i8el longc. Appif la Mot FURNITURE Bîcci. TO 8-6047. c-12962 ______________________ _______- Wbere ality is Economy" Cards f Thaks ~,FOR SALE-ihgoiud hall hane liMcSot Mt Wiliam Soîvhthai. TR 8-6355. c-12 Wo îîîî i, ovî oo c.p, sincerc b-12-983 ibn,îk ,ind ,ipyi0ii.iii.iit i tit FOR SAl F-9s12 French Oni man tiiid, idicine lo ena cui; kîîohcî cabine;ci. FA BIA4N'S wr,,kindIoIIiii diii ttIl liig. and .,her items.Cai TR ocoiIl aoo,-îoî 1- t" 8i94846. c- 12-981 th.,ok bo, liii thIa,- ad A UFCUE' ccii ho,îîîi lIl iIni.ables. FOR SALE-Siges cf ail binais. AUACUE Special hhcks iothe si,îhio trouck lotictiiig.showooorls.cui- Miliosn Oltrici llîîsîîitl oaid Or. cuit lottors Rcv Guay Siîs Mil- FURNITURE MoCaiîhiconî,.îIalîo stah of tin. TO 8-2150 c-8-3204 WAREHOUSE SALES OaillIc-Tiil0 .,cpiicl iad Gi-v. Nicbii.nian ta-htcArthur. FOR SALE-1958 Fotrd Foinlosse 00e especi a,îvi I t iihcck Rco cî,aîrîîblo. black oaid veoi, MANUACTURER-TI}YOU Jîthno , tor icli coiiicig civiiot raico V-8 OiiOmOiO Highesi Gooliiy Fori-sui- minis. tal thie MîKorsîo FLia- tr1ii-ci, top coitieon. TES8 Best Gooli oral Home o lii oit kioîî ,îl 2654. c-12-985 SEDEGOM SUITES, ETC. iffliieci managemest o f ci ho F00 SALE -Sosehuhl eqaip- servic,.smet, glîtuos. balla, batv, maths, 120 Shopping Ouys ta Christmaus Met. Frank Citasn oaid Ehin-,stor books ai Milton Sports Bol ossty i,42O966iand Cc h, 201 Main Si.. Milton. 24 Shoppineg Docss ta heot 16e Tait o-7-688-iI 5 pis, Ailveriisiog Sargains 7 pics Aaiicrtisisg Soi-gainIs In Memoriam FO)R SAl F Yîî t,îll tht bai- h0 toi Ad,tiivi Orii-, - iir bilinhhig ciirais l Chicmo -ho WIilî..îî - Inl.ngmr",o iighqaiy PhoneI OCip- Bîikcîi S uis deILD-ioteiandgo tvccii on eallill Lsei-4-2232. c-f Defiiiiy manufclcioro aYou Frank îld, who pcsscl tic. FOR SALE- coribs arei z Augossi 3, 1959. RsonIuoo: FAIAN FURNITURE AsLa o ll oie aend ie buggv, aseai 3 mostbs; TV ueriot; MANUFACTURERS syaroosaidays Pas'5 chesi ofii-amers. TE8-4476. by, c-12-963 15 Commercial SI., Miltas In oc heurts a memar us hepi. Of m welov an wil nver FOR SALE-Double beai, om bifers. pleir miit Simmosss Bec.yresi O PEN' rn'.. 9 p.m. - t fO4ly mssedtand ever rement- mtiress. $12; esîrimns be y Garai, Mary anai slt spriog, $3. 209 NEstp ul 392 err St. N., Oakvtis 80t5ESre. c-I2-%5 Miln. 0-247 12 HELP WANTED - Amnbilloos _FOR EENT -Aparimosi, seor oumas la trais ftîr profitable Victria Park. 590 mosstb.cPhase cameer as Spencor - Spireita car- ____8-9291. _ __91 sllnt Write SOrs. G. L. Clarke, FOR EENTf-Eleclrichbot mater 413 Herbimier Si., Humilias, braters mitb free service. Phone Osi. c-12-915 Miltas Hydro, TE 8-2345. o -tf HEPW N DEepsbi FOR SENT - bedroom, em lady ta gise good day cara ta bome, i or 2 persoas, kitobro, t-year-Id chila iun my osas home, ail enier homo priviteges. 1174 aller September 5. Daily front, ï Ontario St., TE 8-2567. c-12-979 a.m. ta 6 pot. Appiy Boa 699, _____________________ Canadian Champioe. c-I2-969 FOR SENT - 3 momn apari- ment..Cenlratty lacaleai. Frivate AVON cotruoce. Heol aod hydre inctod- AvsCuelsalropr cd. TE 8-2656. c- Av80 o lareic groog iopoe FOU EENT-2-beiroom boeuse, logh sarsicissg lamilirs in avoulable Aogast 15. 14 Jobs St yoursneighberboaid. Write Mis 1 Bill Raiarak, TE 8-2640 ftcr; Ziegler, F0O. Bon 635, Oubville. s 6.30 p.m. c-12-970 C-t2 9 FOR RENT-200 acre farm, 71 ecnieA ec ocres morbable. seedrai dawnMa ra tl A e c rilcepi 17 ocres, pteoty cf onter, REquire A c mih or withoat store ,mh reitCrrspndn Phone 686-W-3, Actoa. .m4 CeiCors nd t FOR SENT-Aporimeot, I bced- For 16e Miltons Area. rai, frontirueom'kiches botPartitimemwor on afee basi.6b cotd ai cer. al] coovenienies hiate age ansd qualifications ander ovailable AgusI 1. Miltoo lelephosse oumber. Adairosa ce- c Heighis. TE 8-9902 aller 6 p.m. plies la: c-12-964 ME. T. D. ALDEESON - Drawer 423, Terminal "A", FOR RENT TrnoOtai. c-12 3-brairoosa brick bungaows, 175- isthi, immediale posess- I Lost and Found LOST-Kii en, gey oaid whbite, IL icinily King anai Somes Sis. TE Sydney K. Lambu 97 c1-2 Sealtor, Insumsscc assa toorîgoge Scober Deadstock 8 Miii St. E. Actas Phase 524 b6 PACONI Dead Stock Removal Lic. Na. 80 C 61, 51 SP 61 W anted Poyv 11.00 per hondreai for douai iacoo bandhres, more for crip- WANTD-Chld' setof daw-Pies accarding ta siae anai candi- WAN.TE8-Cd5 ai2 a cr-197 lion aId barsn hi Ilb. simili us- ors. E 8-652. -7 imats ceoas-d free af charge. 24 WANTEO-Piano. Must ho ru- hocr service. 7 days o mark. For sosable. TE 8-2469. c-12-974 Prompt service, phono ZEnith 9. WANTD-Cutom ombiing7950. (Na charge la yoo.l o-tf aI icheci. Hcrald Hor-ren, TE 8- 946. ^t12-984 Deadstock Service Lic. 101-C-61 WANTE-Hallos Poultry Pro- Witt pov hi;slcs re ai- ai.sdeirisu-and drssei cacabg la si ai conditiion- yooitry andi fresh eggs. Custom baryes uaid coms. bitiog. Phone Mltas TE 84451.- Lice baryes that con math. 6c a Ilb. WANTED-Pure bredainud grade 24 HourmSrvc Holstein coms; aise beifers clave S2D oLR Levc aod buobsaurd springers. W. J. TED 8-6445 Proad. Palerme, pbone.Bronlo VA T -f C-tî 7-2676. c-6-52-tl ________________ WANTED - Livestoch. Lanai W lu R n t rcco Tammorlb assa Berkshire W antR nh -td gis. 5t 16v. oaid op, ouao roîlsier- cd Yack anid Landrace bu,icov - ALLAN CAREY or 100 tht. and op, regisiereai Holstinisolers. breai 3 ta 7 HIGHEST CASH FEICES FAID monlhv. prcîhaîrd sohieci lac test for expert. Contact Jack For alive or dead coms andhos-C Halmes, Adtos 308. b-6-692 es. Lic. 124C 61, Lic. 78 EP 61, 24- b ouc service, 7 doys per meeh. TENDERS CutI calteot Witl be recciveai for WATERDOWN MU 9-6691 o-8-ot H SCHOOL BUS ROUTE Highest Cash Prices Paid htcrig Sr1stemher t, 196i Bp GEORGE GIBSON, Licencer North fmmr Multas on No. 25 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Higbmcy, tar e tot on Na. 5 Sida- Dead catis- borses, si pur 100 thss. moail ta Campbellvitie, tom Olai hoithy borsea, Si per 1I lb.h South inCmpbetvilie onemile Smaiiuanimascremovedlfree of oaid thea East ta Relia Eoad. charge. Ihen North on ihai rouai ti24 hoorseriie Calilcolteci Cumpbeilcilie Sirrmaai East ta Bramptos GL 1-3907 Miltas Heigbis Eoad os Camp- Guelph TA 4-2878 beilvilir Rouai, Ibm Sauth Feraos: plant 932 ihrough Miltas Helîbis uaid Pem res. 231-W-12 ta Williams Avenue High Sohoot Licence No. 19-C-60 uaid finish ut Munisn Stret__________ schoolins Milton.M sclan u Relro trip miilhbc1te reverse iclae u P (ifiibs route. Mîtrnino trip 10 lt cotpflctr hv 89'4 5 c.m se d KcI THNRUhltt otlie tripoal sitto. 4 ytsý Oc- KTIENR îycvt. ex qîîîrcesv cf Decy.rlmco ftt c fh -c f i ishing Edocotioas b06 met. Btis may and refoiringofal typesof facoi- F bh tendered on a hreryear b- tare. For Irse rviimute andi sis. prompt service, cail Sam's Cloth- iowsest orany tendernot nec- isg, TR8-2691 r T8-2633.-4-tf essaeily acceptrd. Tenders musi Eaaitasy DispusuL. Wr have bren be in the hsands of Secrelatp by Ilcenseai ta rermove you.r dead or Aagsst Il. 1961. cripplei rasas, homs uaid ther MILTON DISTRICT HI101 fartSà asimais unifier the Dead Asti- SCIIOOL 30ARD, mal Disposal Ai. Prme removal. A. O. Miltuen, Sraretary Phone Cujirat Tarants, EMpirai- os 684, Milton, Ontario. 3636. ordon Young Ltd, Lirasa c-12 96-046, e-38tf power steerisg, radio. gleaming black finish. 1956 RAMBLER custom 4.dcor. A cryou mould be proud ta 1956 FORD Customlie 2-door. radioT bird egine, empaint, power ta bhum. 1956 PLYMOUTH, V-8, 2 - tarte, excellent coandition. 954 FORD 4-door, radio. A reat dopencdabe asnit. Buying a car is toto of the argest single investments a manl woli makre in bils lifetime, s0 why amble. Be sale. Try one of osar eirci Used Cars. The cars aboce bave bers ompitery rcconditiottrd and arry or 4,000 mite qoorasstee. As tbe modet yeor os e ors drosos to a close, yoo scll ind tfa oss ia fnet toc, su test drie ose of oor ewRomblers and comspare rido, omlort andecosoy. Allan Clements & Son RAMBLER SALES AND SERVICE Bilt Doberty, Sales Manager Bronle SI. S. Miltons Bas. Tel. TE 8-2728 files. TR 8-6173 c-12 Real Estate A. E. LePAGE RENTOU LUMIT 48 YersContiuoos Servc Fîcase Colt Tom Bradley T5 8-9543 EM 8-121 Mestbers af tbe Toronto assd Ontacio eal Estate Bourds c-10 BRIAN BEST REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 310 Mais Street Milton TR 86292 OUDOUN HOMES - Hace yoo senoor lally facsisbed bomne os Robinwoîîd Crescestj(FaIt- isîbraobl? Now is Ib e i boy yoorssescbome ansdsao 3% sales tas. Spltltessol bomes scitb carpsrts osd bungalomws. Puli dovcs oavmessts tromn $879. Homnes opess doily 12 ta 9 p.. .OUNTRY HOME-Locatei 2Ya miles fromt Milton, 8-room boose, 2-car garage, 100. sl 150' lot, pressure sl'stemt, bydro bot mater tassk. Taxes 170. Fuît prico 18,900. Colt Jim Seedo. IORNBY - 8-room bosse mitb modem batbrsom. sseptic tank pressuressystem, simili bora, tocoîrd os mais rsod close ta scoo and store. $11,800 mitb 12,000 doms. Cati Art Pmacock.1 IGUNT FOREST - Oar' best tarmn listing Ibis vear, 127-acre daicy farma,mtitacostract, 40 Hoîsteis, soine ragistereai, 39 pigs, tracter asd imptemeats, boy ansd sitring grain, batîfl modem bricb bouse. Illsets forces sale. Farm, stock asd implemesîs S25,000 mitb ternis. If yoo are istrestedi, coti Bob Labisse or Jito Seeds today. HOTO LISTINGS -Belore yoo boy. chckb or Pboto Listings lot the bestlycleclion. or Service & Sahisfaction OALL TR 8-16292 2156 OUEDS (TU 8486) B03 LA2ÇING (TU 114714) ALEX COOK£ (Tu "m)4 ART PRACCI (TA 84m8) 0.12 Wm. J. McLEOD Reat Estate Braker ACTON Phase 203 COUNTRY HOME $1,200 Full Down Payment 3-bedmoom brick bungalom, 3- isiece bath, full-bàsemest, for- soie. $10,9W0 flt price. QWNER DESPERLATE MUST SELL MAKE AN OFFER 3-bedroom brick boungalom. liv- issg ,-om, dinissg omin kitcben, 4-piece batb, recreatios mainm, ail furnoir, goud suze lot. Ask- iog ooly $1,900 doms. CLI, MILTONO Y~vonne Christie TR 8.2095 Moi Stark TR 8-9343 SYDNEY K. LAMB REALTOR 8 Mill Street Easst Aiman Phase 524 c-12 BRIAN T. MULLALLY REAL ESTATE BROKER & GENERAL INSIJEANCE AGENT TE 8-2436 $1,500 Down 3-bedrttsm clapbîtard bunsgalom Itoos mitb lisisbrd cecrea- tienmi ansd dooble garage. maoyosstros. Fuît pic $13,500. $2,500 Down Coontry 2 -bedmoot bunsgalom miî a separate diing î-oom, sois louasge, double brick gar- ago ossd beaotilolly tassdscaped lot. Price 112,500. Colt Bill Higgisss, TR 8-2436 or TE 8- 9691. Building Lots Country lot, os paved raod, 2 miles lmom toms, 100 fi. by 150 ti. Priur $1,200. Building lot, 100 by 200, sortb us Higbmay 25. Frics $2.500. Brian T. MuIIaIIy 298 Mais St. E., Milton TR 8-2436 ci12 Legal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat tbe Cororation of the Couty of Haltus mill appsly ta the Legistotie Asssembly of lthe Province of Ontarioa ut s tst Sessios lur as Acl t0 aotborize asd empomer tbe Corpsoration of tbe Cousty of Haltos ta ce- ceice from persas or for 1he credit of persassadmittd ort be adasitted t0 Homes for the Aged ansd otber bomes for tbe coco cf the aed, fil and ofirot. proper, btlh rcooand îtrsonol and to htld and oilmtiitertl saie efecto.îlly oaid t0 lth Ïltist eloss t0 mbicb such pol- sons migbt temselvesdo, ansd lor ssucb parposrs as mol 6e agrerd open by thte Csrporation aI the Coasty of Naton, ansd bysor onbaf f sc ersas. DATZD ai Milton, this 3rd day of JuIy, 1001. SIIAUPE & NIC8lOLS, 146 Mats St., Milton, Ont. Solicitors for the Applicoot. c-8- NIhin Reuts o.w in -lllý Cn Sl Coi *- » W ith C LA S SIF IE D WILD0-I.icg rnemîîryofDad, FOR SALE-4,éar, teruok aad tirac- MRU SALS-Useai bricks, mail- WA0TED- Goed homes for 4 SA8- CIot6bs Cearing agr ATTRACTIVE wh asdaa uutotc tiras, aass aad sasait, aS aliés, ables fer mails, patina, waihu ris, moath aid psappies. TU 84145. paisalalyWdttBIDN O a~5IftT5 5k5~ 1959. bmpies. Miltons Tira mm s-oau cae nt a n job, loada uf i>12-987 rentaIs. TU 8-2623. eC-I--9 10 BUILDING LO mus aort ofMlo Te toyptoItéIsao PsAD.VERIINIv5 The otlisg sream ofllife risCr= g i - ,0 rmn1!r se=- 10,. milss tanevclriS5Tt-7i ofOlMilton i9isssats.ebda-put__________of on, beside Milton Lauindramala. e-If limerd. Ola Cgaeit 4c WA84TED - A gasai home foc as D"e~. 25, gaad deitîrd weIth1e Miltos Safeiy Cbgilt aI- Bot stit 1the vacant chair Plant, Miltons NOigIta. M&cF4a- îovely mal ct vet7 fodof Cr for Sale on -21 ltrs lom lettaid as Inqacot ait SoutisItmIr- RATES IR calsîbhe love, the coice, the POR SALE-Thse beat yuve mars Wreckirg aa Lamnbar Coi cidre,. -M. Fre J8frey, 382 Cars 821 atr3.0pm ton Ontario last meek, talae tise e %Inil almays manird. bap naa aid c-12-958 Oak Si., TU 8-2465. c-12-978 o-11-2 slrowsntag of a ung bey asa No charge foc OfOttOsrs 01,111 wbc onzesa ibîrer beat the tas Sec i et Milton -rassît of Impraper nseof aoaar- ai Sinuhs, Mirriaoos. Oi-aths Almct-s remrmberod 6v d,îugb- Sports aid Cycle. Easy budget ____________ WANTSD-Live PoalteY, go0se For Vour Next Car . . . J, A. WILLOUGHBY hie apparaeus. andi Eogagemetcot Artiic-s f or tr Eîhel aod tîmity. -c 02-96 ternis availabir, 201 Mtain i., aad dock featbees, ealIser tubks. & OSLDM.MltymsaRYeasteo sae etet.- 3c a a-ccd. Milton. 047210 For R@l. Ilgieo prisses. Wa Cati. Write I. SON ie. ra mingo vias fea mie sýn of Mioimîiii tcash 51C. Biîltcl 75... WILD-ln ioî-ing memorc- of my Z......_______ lsr,78Cotg S t, osa, or aUC HAITNefnutFr i.Tew ilesr sot- Sos No. Io thîs office 25e od- drar hooboiîd and loiber. mho FORn SALE-c LEno 3W24 sisras PO0 URlOTRuam lactnutu lerees pfPrtEgi.Thusagr dioo.Comittg eveois -7c po-sodc omay Aogast 3, 1959. ibiescnsrpalaiamI e.T 2-11 misas cotbeo _ESo 72,e-A80pasroisolrsia, cdia15bymsmsis mksbeom firolto hor ins, cc.h The golden gaie sload open isg in th field; aise '30 Patpe --~ BEL BR S Cosali clreaseantativae and bea ta dive for hben. Th addilio Mîlfioe file. Card oi Tua years ago ioday, piELL lrBbR onOosiio. FRRNT-So.odmIA bey mas recovered about 13mis- ihakioko75c for the finl fît-c Wilb laremeilu leh unspokes Ark-trck, TU 8-6447 cndiion FO apRENra 3-4c ab ras 4sW n Te J-.0 . ELIU'./I utes allter 6ie had bren asier the fioes,. e a ditilooci file tOe. You qoickly ilippeai amay. Ar focT 8«.c1- prte 3R--- '.5 e-i-, mrudWwo ater oaid mas puld lita a boat ta Moorioto 75c, plus 10v per God hocm ibot yoa more meary, .FOR SALE - Sotie glass or - - asms, V. Maie, c-12-977 Phosa TU 8-9111 e44f and takes asbace. tine for v-erset. Accoots ie The bihl io steop t0 îlimb, stainteus steri pipelise milles, FOR RENT - 3 mora spart- NRLP WAPTED - ataicdesuer SEEC Fo & sFr s in lamey Mr. Miilo raic06e rciiîlered Mosdav lolloccino on Ho gotiy lobk vaur basd in His vacuum piams, hohet mîlkers met î.sîraîy loataI. TI S- mîîb nt least 2 pears' esperiesce. SEETautb ta maasb respiration wotS set..And obi-.perod, "Pouce be tiio." assa Doas eiidple brn.6M. c-12-972 Vogue fleaaty Salon, T&C-461. Fo 6 e Fa r hsocily ube i a tsa hea 12.18T INSETIN8DA Altocys rememboreai 6v mile Sales uaid Servsiee, Horace Tam c-12-99 USED CARS Smalla Aub Lots arad M LTTINETO TME Mary oaid lomilvy. c-12967l linsos, Brampton Ges= MR> KENT-arished 2-rom, -o able t0 jet it uaid immediatly 1.0P.WDEDY1-1275. 6,4842-I âpsrtmest. 321) Woodward Si TR HELP WANTED - Part lime dcr m lAcr'eages, Ltbegas ta saab as the victis.- Au RAL ESTATE & CLASSIFIED -49 c-tO-l oiesograpber for local office, aI- 1958 8,,8MBLER Saper 4 annroaesthetist saho boppesei ta 56 DISPAY 8 .M. UESAY omin Evnts FOR SALE-Large gloss nap ET- umoa tr ossosy. Bos 704, Milton. lom mileage, radio, back-up on the ocer admisistemai beart aISLA us 5 PM USAY Cmn Eet a FOR boT-Rar and rai f.o' c-12-921 iigbts, 2-tasse, sbommoa condi- Indattriol & Commercial shocks sakite tbey mera ataiting the Canadien Champon7 sier genleen TU 11-2016.c -îss lact 0tabuane PHONE TR 8-2341 torec concert 6v Lame Scola 75c, sII nise Il. Cash ta accasnp- 1 be9 p masîrd W A ppiD oes macul teisseMnasi.W os on1ebysgei e tie Miliiarv Boaid, Sosday, Aogust any entder. Esquire nasa ai te EN - 2 rtooss uaid Lasir usa Wod Clonr 181 aibeMMoy cotilue mt ne6 5. pt. Vciri Prk Mlin.Chmponolic, 91Mais St. baibmoom. TE S-MI6 aller 6 pots. Mais St., Milton. c-12-982 1936 Cffamy.,-us su orsoV er se- a t thse boositl soerean un e f c-11-894 MILTON Phone TR 8-6057 assa the heurt massageai. Ne ilever recovîr.d conscloSsisess uaid mas prosooscei deal afler the apuraîlos flleai. At 1he isquesi il mas learned that the bey bad bers dissing mith the snorhle tube in otght to ten fret aI mater. The jury tri- ommendaid ibat 16e sale aI the snorkte draices 56 bastrai. Mc. Miltay puinteai out ibat t6eson hie lobes mere salie esaugb il tbey mere aseai the praper may. He uoid that Ihey mce et lu b6 useai for divisg, anif wahite flatlsg on top of the mater. The Miltos Safeîy Cuoncil osera- ber aise puinteai oui ihut molb ta moatb respiration should 56 proctiord ut home uaid leurned thocoogbty belote aitempisg su use il on a itm Smashing Surprise For Peter Putman Peler Polmas, 83 Folios St. got a smasbing surptrise Sondof moreingmbhes hrdiscoiered the muar miodosa af hi scar complete- ly shattereai despite t6e bac the ca ua n the garage. Not only bhat, the car beai bren in the garage the peviaus day assd ailth1e garage rieurs huai bees opcn as meti as the cor misai- Mr. osi Mr.. Poîmas diin't heur the splinteiing 1561 brabe 1he glass !nia millions aI lioc pieces someime taie Saturdof nigbt or erni Sunduf moreisg. LEGAL isanausi Notice to Creditors ANS OTHEES IN6 THE MATTER OF the EssaIe of MARY JOSEPHINE ROSS, taie of lIse Ta"or a Milton, In the Cauoty af Natas, Wildan, draraseai, Att persans -bovisI riuims 01-I ainsi the Evitol aS MARY JOSE- PHINE ROSS, ]ite of 16e Tom-wn uU aI Milton, in the Coutv of Hal- ton, Widaw, deccoseai, mha dicai unor about the 141h day aI Ap- rit. 1961, are reqoosind la vend particuars oftheir cliistahe oodersifned anaor hefore the 2816 day af Augusi, 1961, olior sehiîb dole 16e salid Estole saltl 56 dissiribord amorti tho purties entitei thereto, uod the Esecu-- lac mutl not ho hiable fu n dlaims nf mhich ho has sot rhn ~ E recelîcol notice. Doicai 16e 2416 day of Juiy, 1961. JOSEPH GEORGE KELMAN. 114 Wahefield Roaid, Miltas. Ontario. Escotor last Witt asnd Testa- - ment oI Mary Jovophisse- Ross, dcceased. c-1i-3- AUCTION SALES COMMUN ITY AUCTION SALE 7.00 p.m. sharp FEIDAY, AUGUST 4 Hamnilon Miligrove AuCtions No. 6 Hîîhmuy Miligrari MU 9-1051 Sec. Black Cea. Mowhinoey, Aoiii0cer. Prap. c-12 AUCTION SALE 0f Faratore, Toto RE., Iaelad- lagrsevrai god aid places. Theo (î.lul if JOSEPH NILLIS Lai 15, 51h Lise West, Toronto Tmp., miilmay beimeen Sirecia 5 villeuadNorval, on o TSJESDAY EVENING, AIIG. 8 At 6.30 sharp. This is a drusn lot cdI Itarsitore ;or mith severI gaoaod dpieffl, weI1 carraifla. TERaS: CASN. FRANK PETCN, Auciosser, Terg ouie Cek -12

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