%rt, Til 1 Assued Frstplac inLeague Thoh CeMaiseilte lest lteir Brut t ivtu a saurees lec gain& ail singled for Campheliviîle. gamrcnfltheyeurthen they bacnI iftthe battrait oft he sit Fuooes--Camphelrile tili cd ta Duite ast Thausday lu Rote lte Birut balisa ma aafa lu ut toi ieiaoge un Sundap te Mousulaî Tuts bp a 1-0 un an erruran sudaaiflaed Sa sec- Aag. 61h then lhay moalt Ousilua tSara oîîd bat tam Ibre ut uni ailte lu Camphatllitle ai '2.30 p. It as hauribrakai for tbe plate by Chester s bt attempled The defeudisg Hallon Champ- Campliteinille vttres Jackt Ru-ta arore on Lubes single milh Ions coma righl hart the ucal bert ta 10 ota as hae bald the Dan- lte btrai going nu second an day and play Aclon in Campbll duas tqaad ta filme hits. sul single. the play. ville os Mouduy Aug. 7ub ai 2301 and srunt otua eighl irîile matit' des. AS Plaie pani. (Ciri Holiday). ing Ibree iu the tarin iuuisg an- Wilson titan ningied tbreagh Caaiphellrille hau rinrhed fini couriter seciaod and LaSuilteiein- place inthe eagueand willre- lnhce Ncwcoecr rng un. It mas a cloise play ut prescrit tha agua in the OSBA. MaMillun, the minier is a net- lb, plaie foi the onity ian uftihe latartuediata "A" Major play- conmrr tho plithed for Humilton gainte. dams. eaillin tuhe sansusn. Hi shal Martin, Laite sud Wilson uit the leugue leader uti on fine bits singleai fui Dunudas. Elmeî aI ri  whrite riing ut uennsd Dredge, Ker Muore, At Wiugroee M iliton reeWv ees waatklug tire. Lavrie Hand Iton sud fia King Count 13-4 Win Milton Faa-Wars tittaicad Art an racanls for 1he secaond f imie tu the lana of 13 -4, gara- eitg 13 huas. Actoit'tonly foui bits came in the fiîtt iseinga off ataîtina pitchar Travr Houa- tn, bal thy tra haela hites for ltae halanca ut the guat by retiefers Brusit Lee. i s Bruah tua the big gun ut the The Csnadti Champin, Thursdsp., Auguat 3rd, 1961 3 Huseronui tlom h amue u Win Two Last W eek Clamaent belted a tripla andi a Juveniles Take Second Pl Doua, Heures, Leean sud hero The Miltun Juvenites tounai ap nhite Sirunie came ihiaugit aith Waaaon uiel a uan t thp T e u-o btu ig ins lst ea ver c ed hty atteretaiaihcasefr theJnirPe-efstn Bannis sud Campbetiiilie. daritoats iving Miltun the 9-4 dbahJnoîFe-aatat -Tha Junes tamnit BrosSa on %vin'. nul" spaiting Muson's chances lo Tuaaduay night 9-4 as ai-uail In Susday'r conteat tlth Camp- a bit on a groundar la taIt firtd. of tomae heurt hilling by Forbas haitrilta, Brian MrDatfa tant the Mftlon'; pitabairs manugrd 12 and Cari. Forbas rotlartad a raule, slriking oat 13 and uttot- th-ot.tiaA staron tripleansd a single u tae nig igttnty na rau. uhttike-, ahite u togrc Mit anddCuîiagotuadaobleuandu a openWitBs ton haurr single. Whiteaultui got umo singles. Milton opaed ltae toriaf amit - Don Cuaria statd n ltae ais railr in the toaîtb. Tbay tufoi- ___________ mound botle ha s tuter ratiarad loteai up tilt tara more sibn th by Briuo MrDaffe lu tha foaîth. fifti and uiaîh and a fiuai rouet- FOLLOWING ai ia the last lima,. THE Bstet ta Pnuth Cumpitittilta tpuiiad McDut- Bot Icama iri scriatas for fa's abroteai lu lte finoui inniag SIU A the firsî tbi-eainnings bai Mit- as a alked mrier mas adruo I muaiam ltroag ith îa bigrced uround thebasesandtfinity stasccantlsssNm cilc. furti tlu giait a four ren fend. cuma on on a pa bail. s.rr , ai. -dusa eciet Bronletam ata bu ith tbhaea in This aras the finai gunsa in1 fi satne lnning tu camau aritin lte surias and il tati Milton in Turattayraaenog, Jtaiy 23, ocas a n lyiog tl op. Milton aguin sacond spot. Tbep tilt noir play ltae opaoiaa af aaothrr acta via- itiaka ibrougli ltae Brante dafan- esitibitioni gamin aistilt1h, finula son af raciaf ai Finerrar Bpead- se lu ltae lifth tuscore fine Irons, sauns Augatt 15. tay. Mail of flia tafotat CNE _______________ divrs 'ait soir ai Finacraluond t ara troin sainr tat finarx alter acltîng lhicauradupirdiao l.wviIf-Oéuqhà ers p ii tract. a »W hTh 'h9. Býe".aaiog Tram' a Oaugh 'va. Leugu Leaderandse Lovîvlta Tigait utaituai the i 2 Besants fr~ ing manp adjoasuansi. pluîotfs uast Wadnesduy anlh uni On Fiiduy nighl, tniilia tout - Firth lu "A".Hui 115 tii oaci Nelson. Muet Bucit a closea gama 11-9 wth Nelson. Merryo CoIting ptacad fillth la pîlchcd fioe bail] loi Lowtirrie Mait Bsck staîteai for Lotirille thu.A" Ilaut and third in ltae wth t.i11ht rîriteoula, ultoing wtb Juct King îelierisg la the aiti-iout. oaty ire reot. simati. Nison tutad for Netts Niait Coollar drovtrau liard Nelson gat liruns on lthe irith Tulur ratietiitg in he iar a t oo aotthtr chrckr bhird and tire in the nintit. cighib. rd tog in tha 'ýB" haunt uod art. Lotoitta's ras t era acored tira 'Lairrili, acaid lro i-uit in ltheam li the cifnl in the irst ona humer byBtu firt taoin lbe taranlh os a Intefaiuia, Noîmosca King wtb Damnia Biaclur on, oe triple hy John Fcaa. tititin the auortid t0a b andtunga ltl in the bird, lirais the toaîîh. alght oa ubimer hýy Jack King. bittai titan Miua;yn'î as Ihbal-a onentherfifîba ith a ndanilmoebn h ni t ru leforacevral lapa riu the lhrrc in ltae tartrth os a tuipla auotbaa houe by Jak tn oinishraiih Marcyn and Nrat bhyJimFPowealttîh lthe batas Nelsnaotun teuascuiidiith fiuihin tixlh aod searnih ra- toad, and osa in the eiahlh. fira in tha fifth, foui in thi ait- patliy. Blu Ring aatr i for tira lb, and to lu thu sarantit Nupi' I Top Oîaieî ncoring firme. ruina Chutk Thom- au and Marsaull bth hangcd oui Baî eoracnig, intud on t'ai bhrrfr tiifour tcring round trppars for Nelon, trpromignood thec oaa., Jiîn Foutait irta thur The tatI ai lica tirfes noir, Mat cyn raploîad foui-lb ti for tittrtcaiion. Nation pitah-, vlaoda tut a gamae apiace. A lion in titi "A" qualifier and itad at-a~~~~~ ti. o alrt aai bird gai tua plyd an , gi a ifan put-bcd ta footl tut ers ereDon aylr wo strt yed n Wd- ha "A" aami'linat tbaa a titait rd aod Lloyd Vvienirbo r nmday nîabîandîbtîrian biktharai'antlandî,ceinia lieed n fic ixt an Nion os.ibl deidig gme i tîmtokî'theaîmaudara sdlitan tito cama on in tht. aîghuh ptayed ai Fuhutitu an Friday. i urroef. nrofth n a i h"B" hein, Nuîîît dr a rs cirait iace lu finisht ,ct. 00S I2 jajîot1. Ha clint uIduairu m.unc Inni us f it he higitr pourt- carsin G ees ouiS l Ue "B" tati irhaa l rc lia T~8 salrn £~MS~<~~W.*U cfy al ay? and drc laun taeenu b%an rniîod flic ta r Otahcm tri aeidincle t.r; cîoenruoa so.ro btî inrolard in a ml fi hraruoth Haio tht. score. mirhap uchicti hiakea aLcrn Rural Bavebati îimi'ftoats ta hOudans Sangles art n an wa nahîr lu fionith taite a t2 iening guma 1-9 un Tha futars tare dadoctiai the race. Tuaoduy. The taiir noir stads uutithe hbatot of the taîflth ut 2-1 for Gles Williaums. inning. Omagh toudid the bases O On therraonia ciii tu Mit Titi amorilu opanmd in tha third and. Cluancar McCunn tioatitd 1000s Vit.toria Fat-k Saatav flia liiton tthhath ta bifig athriho e the inig n. Lenet..it Mititaur Batnd taih a ruti.nr home. Glen Williams John Wilmat tai] att e Ibmta lie priîîuiog an0 open aurco %vent atcad in ltae filih inninf on the duit pila [or Otagh, anti cerf aI8 p.. by ciallacling tîco toit rua îlta lie botk the in. Holty satid t Otagfi'sti liralt flia aith inoing for Gieo Williams,î but hae irai ilitai broite tbtatgh tha Otagh ratierad by TommyFravoy inlî flitae at-o intu the gaineî ocas lia ail'rsar lia scor atnost ut titi, ifhh. hifh'rtacit a l va.on . . . The aidioatptwitt ixraisandua The big gus orit Oagtir.-ta net comt it bcih on uFiday1 tcret lt 9-2. Naîtn Flatingios o-ha oi ha . . . alabi teamais c havtroui Grahut Glllis fol tha Omagh houe uaid Nom Fiîtingtoa. ratiaîad la ltae Omagh spots teamtbakintoithegam,vîaî- Junior Beaaomaîo Gaaîgî day ta b ha trd on uoguol 19; iIa fratiritiar off iY cottaciua a Bulinglian nore ia rIt bai for they ncînida Nwairakai. Oak- foar buggar. The ratty beaun aid Glen Williamns. ville, Ira [rm Milton. Giîtt didolt stop atiat Omugh huai NOTES - Il tiat rîpoulcai thut Williams, Lotnitîr and Omnagh. Poor Publicity Interest in SCUBA Here? Derrying lte had publicity im- a'c aiadl foar ahittoricat auth- aria, crttainly ai Por t Ctrdii. pprouse f rtri kis girbtg w'tty. Ha's appatd on Tabtli. Intmtil in talhitng ta Fiort- duittg. Tain Former. Trontti, CFRB tnd CBC dispattring diving eHtt titI hi., addtresa, 85 Clatta stopped ini ai the Champioin tif- inforiiatioti. fice Ttteaday ta offifi' srva'iices What arc hia plans for Miltai? vicw Haightr Apartairot 28, Tar- in instt'tting in SCUBA (self if hait is interail bats pitpaitd onto 15. coîeained udemattr bitathing lu offt' fiai instrtioni ini SCUBA apparatool) ta get tticnucleusof aclub foi-. 1t Ma- Fiaan-ia t.n ta eirt. Iltauld qirearmîitnimum iaîoiiiiiscf Io lui-iOîoilaa t 20horita tina ndîî ool Po ttîau aleatrrivingsriity as i'ingfuiture anr' oni icoait bac L1LL!L.. a sport.'lItt'iwniog ix amostim-n qualified for fiudives. ptoil hif eupeni uys ui- Contmah i IbVeil iîte stnder. eqimet iy For l H iii uciluter ys $25lv ]Expertece acould cotai initial equipmeul sud Wbai hua beau Mr. Farineras iteuid preresa ta $325. experience in diring? Weil be cri Wa but the prnbtemt of - ries press clipplngs uf a divng atrimming facilties? Thuy'd baie oaperation 'uear lrianond Is- tl o unitni fihl but Former tan land, Michigan titane cunnns sure anme facilties could be dumpad by lte Britith lu 182 farud, if nul lu lte intuedlslsé by Nil ini Sua H toi fi WffmaonAg Goatronl Milt n Dr b Ge rgeo ao Arg 9 Gakijir eu Mîtin Rd Bn kpi hitaHat lanata Giraa' dtîriy. Tuaai aaao taod îtto'î"ai ton ottty tayttfhops uiretct.ppyBatagi ha tia argti tan" atth l piy, i ti Bil1 Taon attilrÀA ai AL rl Fart, fouît tac tanll bTing o tiean crî if a rand k ora..ut, anag MetsON BruLe 28h. und TNrt Rade Bau rad earge ftr atianac îucitbui asoar. ai thý Ra Bia i.tBckrir akKng(aae) oel toto prhaint iitt in J.Bcil sud Bcd Neson hfolr pal ait ay-f h, ic k of boal S iGrd a rt ris n Jon Mec.g. t rih and ai Ba w. a fui e îîîhri arefodt Hyai Fradn h 'î arbt but. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e Tha Bate usir an iraisl o'ay utrtitbtu iarr.Hyi _____________________________ Nima but ha r Wiinh Hiahus tihtn hîtime rhum" *iipr *a « dfbain lbt ioia coual oifa poudt tuf.w t 12 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gne onn 10g 5h inta Thogeot ehIa ai obyDtgrtthoî N NE ETA Mbi2 intil tioani aru Geoogeaow picnd og 9titîtaal e t'on Re igt mima u ti talt c le Gervai'caat ivey Tcda i , Ilen ton itns "u tni Grîrty paofha rpe halvn si pic' oatra ar a hut hosngles liitaouh la uc ti Man.1 "Nppi r b ad o t lo- î îîan f ak egi, a w e Ul Ant laiGiogetw Cottn Bail" i n ta GretoStn p l a id man ci i d1' i yhl w hihht M lo r laes n prîtua li tia aod da a att ia n u onrc lad d au pre a i'n yl le hudr n idew COSIG -Od VCTO bota gaine aib AgriOflt.Oly P a rr anid av ian, h an acun lad on po eodbs . n O .JL 4h o t'aacbadi thie bae, aid Bouarth sgal op.îi inîi The ed ox lubb Gorg, ] ard c aice nit ian titîh. ut kn aot as v Gaîn iaihraetiaJaBekeutt dRedmanit a a ld.. datMOIN YONT ch rih and a r Btl k. i h o 20 ait [ioad foi t haBdn h S ou d i ad"hs asbtýi Hoina bu ihcd f tha tig linotng fartaa aw trpe anT obet l metî.naih r n i b oiie tf ofiitflic Jn ait fa - ta linnan ordai Mtitonairae lirai filtt]an u csth p nng o f Bair21 r eraga i lh G a fiea H Hnnan irtirrio bati ii N u U au titir 'bc o t i ba r a ty alla s b a . . MGaa iitri hi lroiait tic ~ilo cuOO Tak ers Blukedu te i aC HAl on exr ae ncdp CueitnsNipr a istn ýiaelong Ctdrie ana doblen AT R A ,A G T 5 16 rAm liz ita FonthBal] ioin ttala 'o Shannnild a aardIII7 VO peta io r n T caitt ere Fiitia sîy a lc s un acooi xcue W l e o t hli r c t bitig lu it ,,,, LTD.h Onir thema or' ie Js ut ott m ar oactat toh'ititgl Nae En 4-7763r slepn Hinwa flic Wath and 7 Ln P.triintphetinf O O icing GîL ON E UT-. Crivr LAaf rai Tru ouat Bock G m'ena l VigteiNrssxing aoi n itan d t lib G ara t K at. Ba i ]e[ildON th I R e 43 Cohig Ja1 Mdca aîî laid cy aite lie for Bteaiedabtitaadiaak ha lie "' alltr tyirb'%ith Niagara tilla i nt' it th la ie brai andi 1i,, Iiotittg Naîrotai-kai. The irat ciaitrît a hanittîivî toih fr liti ai]t iosii Accidents, Injuries In Area Take Drop Fiutuilcn peopler' er t ira io asa roiut af $12,195 in titafa surot i in 2f rapa-al ta ar rdatt, reportad la [lia OFF.. ini lite tentit aI Juti. An .tdtitiiaa 16 accidetsa tapaîtaî ta ltae hitîi polira broagit fic total tiaiagra rorltaiord ha cati drtitg ilia îîî", not h Ia $13.855. Detîtta flictaIîct 1tt.t itaae'î Na, ait iîîrîr.rr' il i lieta [il la acrcidnns river flicta r aat i nittaî h f ai urc lt lît Jura. 22 peauple taI";, îaa in acidenirtit nd iaa, cir pclosertu $4,50mue PHONE TR 8-6538 Fer te Plumat daiti Survice Peteneaum Prodscts MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES vam MOBUIsNS Buse Use et Third Liso SUMMER SUITS 20% t. 25% OFF Rcgfular $55.00 NOW $41.88 Oibers ut $29.95 5c1OFF Casualsurrmrer 2 % Windbîakuîs verme ila MW7g lira car colistion occuind Saluiduy uftea a cai dricen a Bramoptonmantc awvd anîd il oui of contrat aller citss- abr'idge oo titi Terra Calta dl oorib ai highwav 7. [airs Waltr Siac ut' 59 ton St. Birampiitoutwa pro- ditg Nîotbait he Trra Colla d and huid art criot. a Ige icn his car ie rcoi o iclI dîtîci In Ki-roît t Nelson airat?2 tlatîîrCaat.rt tn ahelw i. wh c %va di îîît lb. amaca tuthe Sterecar aaitd to 450 hirl damage the secontd cr tai aattmatcd $20. irwai oniy jr 193t that lia notre a "The Star iOfttd Btraiir i national bteir a the Urîred Sulite.- ERLIN, COMMUNISM AND CARS hb h aki, P ai Sbire I941 , ane nuOO >euu look~ao au li ligresforru î ui Emasa lu bunl ulin, the Coremmeulsiai miouh tuar blezgu. Dipunu îenuee5,eorime ,01e stmGllate oneiia. o ç u atio ha v Cotn ta taee i hade , thetuocge Marien, ihe ot cati dy ihal bate Nu, cartoît. meo ctacore . lnAtd sluna, sabirb 1imai0aller ai Wlub1ar ln anytaur. au c ciaie multreais mun aaî aauhyuursiusalrite n. .i-er'n l i ieu overn uails nea are meibud aotreo saliru aluvarsoffrs aL haîr at aa, Ntottr ttîaofh park. Lit va, uL SiX.An ilanc Cortio coot't cin- ah 4199 tua. Tha US.prcc crta tcn atotole.ri Ih neai Natraets ad seri titat, wirh o trrtfe ha lunriion anltay lamu ma ewthugiaynabu ut ar Mis t.yu l kitslien f. 20e/o OFF * TEE SHIRTS * SHORTS *SWIM TRUNKS * STRAW MATS *SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 0 SUMMER SLACKS Fasio Crft TaloedTo Measure Sala Starîs July 31 - Subslantial Raductions -I BUS KNIGHT'S W 202 Main St. Miltoni