S Tthe Canacien Champiotn, Thaesday, Julp 27t9s. 1961 QlIne Y&Wn VVondélr Honeymnooning in Muskokas Jdt vdhv ~ ~~aw In St. Stephen's, HorrV p ýy Judith Florence Hvedehooe, daughter of Mr. and Mesr. K. Walter Heedehave cf O.R. 4, Georgetown, mas married to Corey Ronald Freeman, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Lero Freeman. O.R. 2, Beamp- ton, at St. Stephen's Church, Hornby. on JuIp 15. Roc. J. E. Maxwecll officiutod0 atthcdule ing ccoOlaut bc- lac, bt-J 'ith malchisg sitk. turo au allai deceracod coih 1Sh our lilic and bcigo accus- ea~ Maouoo Liliru am ik c isad ari corsag o mav rhurm. 'OTo curet o-an deroratedr0l I CUT CAKE: Mr. in rail utandards of asarted nvar- Deoaed 'cth a candoflabrum aodcfr.Oaoal ~ ' lties of bine Delphinliums and or muve caudîcu, brick's and * an Ms.RoiadMadonna LiRes. White bonus brideuuruid'n bouquets can ce Freernan cor vvm-e lied os tho pews. poan, lte bride's taitie as s'thoei th e ir wndding QOganlul Mrs. P. A. Byo ai oestre of attraction oR lte cp- cake followinrg RR. 2, Nora. plrryed "The per arlaocd iostheociurc hll . te eredding ri oico tal Oeaaltod Ô'or Eden" by St. Stephrru's Gild.a and "0 Portioct Lune". A toeeoiered inedding cake St. S toep h an t Glvn lu noarriage by ber fa- bckod by lte scaher cf tho churrch, Horniby. lter, the bride chose an isarY itride cocu tire coulrepieun. a 6 The cake was slipper satin fuma uth sit ud'lbe oo I oi baked by t he nppiiquod clecon lace, rmcoco candies uorounded wili cooteruof t he - Tietigitiitudicecos urballne we esadsadaus bride. trirn lie oecklino lu itloco lte Hassepaasthe leeptNarthe Phocelui oîist iny satino bartons and ,,d4incg lirte n ocerrlc , t Photo hy lurapu. -ta-- 491 gabm'rrd nirp codin pthe ode oothe'bri- Gordon Camppbell tell tu c citpel train coiiraured olt ur ilt ed panel frot. Her belo-5itoaldacit Ihe ... pl lt rfr b 'ungt maory tlle coil cocu brreycouo op lu lte Mastuba u lagh u an ivury salin croaadhLkofByditc. wil cppliqaedad con laco la Titc bride trccelied in a po- 3 matuh .ite gao. der bloe stealth and siotoo jueket 93 Shortlacceglos anrd stoest nrcde ofitroeaded siibcoilb blue CI45 m'satcht lite garco complelod lte cnd coitle accessorios. H or cor- osalaea rrercbo otiitcos tgbigaldsage coas of coite gardeulias. MEItUM bycarrarl oecklcce and cr- -« W..mla irae. rigs gif f hebi'e Qo wl lito in reampl terp. g:s. 0cr, gIfiot ite ridgroacr. Out ai lOcon gaects coero frornt The beide earried a casaade Now Lishnord, Chaîtcam, Wauac EASY - begînners' dalil aouquel of ivory aod med '0105 shnitr, Wiblowdcle, Islirtolu, Eco- Pin pattern 1cr [aboie - presto!t Mad ofitoor Mary Koilar of iche, Mirico Toruéo, Bramp- cet tot ntion apeo.One yard R. R. t, tcgleood aod bridon- ton, Aeîoo, Nerval, Motunt Pur' 35-loch faýbolu is ail yau noed- mcrid Olorretien Hughes rtf Ik- est, Oulacicua, Temac Colla cod seoop ay gay romoanîs. linon, cuanu ailthe bride, Gieorgeltw. Printed Pcttern f134: Mincses' vuoco roaltill otreel icoflit Prior la lthe îceddiog. alte Mediumr Slue. Take oe yardý River Pollution Forces dresses of tilar. nlk trrcna oer bride nuas enlerlciued aI a min- 35-ineh. Ecrbroidory ransfer in- yeau de sole oit msitiog itrnu co.Ilaoeoassiroer ai Terra Coi- cluded. Jiffy-cal in one piece. W iao Par tois Clos ci lsae krt.t omn Hall on lune 22. Send FORTY CENTS (40f)ei orgacca aod peau do soie. Thuir car and M'on. Carmen Proomao. cepred) for lthic pattern. Ploaso Wllow arck pucgounodst Nralas cloed Srday canrade itoaques orbinud K[[ctsen Slcoer priol plaioly SIZE, NAME,.AD- afîennon for the fir11 tme do ing the nammer seas00 in 20 years. wite ccd lilc chaula mui. DRESS, STYLE NIJMDRR. Tite bel meno coco Doauglas Tite girls rc lthe office staff tri Sentr yoar ordee la MARIAN "Irnay neveropen irlo hepblic agin," said ownerW.H. CoyeicndofArloc and lite acitHhîoericail Sîcrilicer Cormpany, MARTIN, cre o f The Casadiao i.outh. "1 have lougit c losiog katlin agaînsl river pollution fut er cocu Reaicald Pcrmmt Mi Brampton, oinre itor c kilceî Citamplion, Pattern DepI., 0 fuor yaru. Avast volcumeof uclroated, rannsewage is flowing R. R. 2.rampton. Titcy coocsoiocer ocy 4 aiire hormeul FrotSi. W., Toiroto. paur my propnîry consîanîîy." citarcoai grey nairo mth c boat- Mon. Hcrrp Wilcox, Bramptonr. 1if FASHOON PONDS-citec besl, onnen: ofri coite catrcaliot Thte narme ouelrla, cite cocu 000' cemeul mont beaulital Prioled "ioery gooclomeol officiai 1 have spuken to has giceni me The maltier tri lte bride' Oc' ncoed corir un Heirluaîo bc- Palloons ftr Sammer, 1960. Soc the run arocori or pasunri lte hock. ceivad guesi u tiide te'cburch siccîol c odding cifi [nom lte, Item cil in 000 braird-noco Ctrlor irearica an ensembleof lilac siih empoee'uofhec0 tm sa i Catalog. Senti35cooo! "Ilhad Io tînccay 40carlaadsof people Sunday, sol1de- ogoaa coith flaral cauîuc sachichicoenlorccroa ccici Ihis c tho end," leeo rurli wite acd lilc accen- pionce. - 1-Carn drivent hy Aclun aod surien. Site coreacorsageoe aI MAlaer.lte rehearsii, 7. a'întirniereidcn. coere incclnad Mr. Loclh thon paicîrd ai sign edicg "Closlîd hecuse prnk ronehads ccd caalon Mon tulan Crryelcd of Acîoo o i a $225 coco erd crash on lte of Georgetown cocuage" and plaued il aI te enorarce te Willow The hoidearaucon moter osln-cc ii,îed lire bridai parî, Oc-e Lice by Martio SI. Salar- Park. nined in a itealtdrescoftriitea ret crofutheitb'ide aod bride- dayouvening. BEACH SANDALS. Add these colorful beach sanlals tor your summer accessonies end you wlf walk comfortably. These are easy to maire, usirlg crochet cottort and a maetalll. thriead, whîch lu used for the straps. The suggeated color combination is red wlth wohite, yellow and green,. but you can choose any arition you luke. -To obtain the easy crochet toaterun- trions, simply tend a sramped, self-addressed envelope ru the Neediecrat Daparttnent of this paper, requesting Beach Sandals Leaflet. Reunion, Picnic At Area Homes Sp Mm es.Rth C. Catan Recnly tho Tayltrr Resolon cocu heid ai lthe homo of Mo. and Mon. oron Maimnîrcat. Tteol hcd a picolu calside and gamesi mono ctrnduuled fr lthe cbildreo. One mombor uft[ho famniiy chow- odi moocs of tbe Offlth anninor- uary of ltae Siono Sohuoi ait Gail. Titoc cocro abut OS peuple re- scnt frro Gail, Toronto, and Oshama. Sunday allrtronaiml picu. cocr field ai tho homeof0 Aor. and Mon. Gordon Dalton. A picolo coau field to lte iront cown and tho childron coent ucimming and plcycd ga moc. There mero about 20 prenes [rom Guelpht, Erlo, aod 'Waterî- doon. FOR THE BET IuYs IN HARDWARE .. IT'S MILTON MOTOR SALES & SERV 388 Main St. YOUR LOCAL PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCK, BEDFORD VAN, VAUXHALL, TEMPEST DEALER M 1L TO0N ICI TR 8-23 WE BRAG 0F OUR 113 YEARS 0F. SERVICE AND THAT'S WHY WE KNOW WE CAN PROVIDE TOP NOTCH SERVICE TO MILTON AND DISTRICT AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK OWNERS. W. have the most modern equipped shop with the f inest trained technicians. PLEDGED TO QUALITY - PROUD TO SERVE STOP IN TODAY WE PICK UP AND DELIVER VOUR CAR DEL PdEWELL [Je Car Recodit0000n 1 pocr espeetence 55, JIM MORTON Par t Manager 7 yccru coperieoce TlI CER' Tutrop anditlecrica Specialiul h yelnc'rpcr'ience RLAT RATE PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY tir KEITH GRVAIS Sonc Stationad To Truck Attendant 3ai exsnprience GUPINER ALLERELLI Breand Tr mSp eais 9fyca ocporoence Aulomallo Trnsmission Speciatist Il Tours expet'lqnce GMC TRUCK BEDFORD VAN VAUXHALL TEMPIST PQt4TIAC BSUICK GMC TRUJCK 1~' . lZ PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCK BEDFORD VAN VAUX14ALI. TEMuPgçT PONTIAC DON COLES ED HATTON JALK SOUTH CHARLES MECHAM Maintenance tpecialisl [5 yoarucuxporieoco BEDFORD MILTON HARDWARE 227 Maý., ',t List Milý TON IR h ý ý -j