OCAMOROUS SINNIR SftEATN wita deep, dramatic collar focuses ail attention abooe the waistlirse - wise flattery for sisorter, fuller figures. Thre Talon Magie Zip eoactly matches the turquoise pure silk of thre dotas and is etIsy to apply for smo-o-rh-est fit. Ptinted Pattern 9467 cornes in Hall Sizes 12' i, 1411, t16'A, l8ii, 20½,, 22!,. Seed Fifty Cetts 150c1 ti coits (stamps catnot be occepted) for each pttern Sand te etia Martin careof Thre Canaden Champion Paeret Dt Milon, la ROSSi M, Wldao, laitmsg RY JOSE tire Tocsn ýy et Hal Who ditS ut of Ais, lu seî,d me to tht teie Ilo 6C, afior e pas-îLe e Estu fu Sait, CELMAN, uts Tesla. Josephsî c-lb t ýSLES AtLE -Trucks, GAWEYI sus.eictd ON c 20 Bits. f Guelphi JLY 29 y 8 woiliý il nous,ý s due ho. EMEO 5 armait C ýoutititi., stur, ift tord Il, Fe rgu s s fur tsi., 's, traui-,' ts,t tsood, ie sasi,, tep juill tuois jck fes-, 7 t'ý ans-, Mont i Logfilî munr, Tal- tig or,,e i tout-. t tons ,9 plot, s. fsuit 1l, Bita ou, ri, 1, Bot, le, Doeu- 2CSon,ta RLOCSR COVISINOS RUGS AND .41: îCu,~E5 Guuisy Broadien t Roo Bles a Wall to Wall "Enlienaies Fs-es," CAMPBELL'S DEPARTMENT SrTORE TR "-021 2 Masic Si. C. t-49-t1 ORNERAL CONTRACTORS A J. McCARTHY BUILDING CONTRACTOR FuuretsCutercis.Basmeeis Cuoreis Fiauts (machinet tr.weîled) CONCRETE SWIMMING FOOLS Fiscs Suppiidi Tf 8-167 c-5it A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Customo Homes Repaire Oltersioîs Moden Cuptorts Floanîs tîtfre tostiies. Years ofcsprioi.* Also deralors for "Jsnu" ulurolur oussauts o'inotss, the ft, nu Ille market. TR 8-4424 o-st F. J. BENNETT & SON General Contractors SPECIALIZING IN " NewHums t Gorages tAtstios *Ret'eatttiositm * Rsuotsoisg * Cahinets TR. 8-6003 VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spetiaiig ln Permaneot traces. Huit Sf ylisg Hais- 'Titsag 140 MAIN STRtEET TR &-mi. o-52-t ire ailts Tuon tii of Haltot. Teon i tp of De. rtCie 2Stir tie Fuis CO ditl itite. Chia C1t1b Toront, c-11 itors --1 Qt~~b.c's ChMomkn Hermits Live Quiet Life in Monastery 3e~wa je peot taa maissoi ite died with bey. Nooe of Crase totiotties monshavue hewe fseam the eeeth chopel. The Btutdicio uder letecae o'lutes. Scholars Tire ltsp s ola ua watt thtefrti. mise cary mach moeey. Su tire behiad tire ftty. Tire damp, dedicuted tu the setitaio uit th'5e air'. puotr, msio tom a eulentCsy. Ba- 40I puitred 1 igs asd the br- cold asseouphere is esseso to -ittug - tht offiia] setrvicesot iture truin al] user the uurld to iow hrer Lur ay t s ~m~' hers' Chtristmas tords ood tire afitf trottes. H ore, on tire Liman Catirolto thurie. cies Si. Retis sumoîeutes tu ire gray sai vAt aiua O sdnapaadabdecBtir~0 cheet el support tire oiriey. sirelces, stood ruets and ruows of Aliter tire teen tintal, tht lu'cture, sometis tu s tuc. towasof MRgautllasltp. Thé regaaCag lisimpirtaileamuln _ T hirssms ardsmossty de- maturing thece. fume nulmniesrtsos or ahat huol Tire munsery, luucstod lu ssjely-oodel h!H ita d in mnany raslOa memeaso* agsd ry aire montso tirtselves. tenais ties-t up Iuo a ear. Otir- tttrtatiot. lss aumnmer tirty 5dm 1912, stands un apronsrv silene. Rmn alliecsaaaasteresale -are fastirecumninowatosstrs euuld come u[ lu six ta tihe aire In scintar shty read. juie out suajteiiticl osto the tmasi ual t itare usalre mutsy omtis. chut ands juse. Theu al tine, a laktIlsusors and gablstosretu Ca tire ahisey ai St. Bosais diu aitCCfCsil Canada. Suble Flavor Ceuarsdo-ii in etlad iieneseulestsaga s their1 luudsea o r ttprhsps 20 mileos. Lct, Brtsaer asen,a staedy h- Tire fiacu oeh ias soceral Tise two types ut l'Ermnite lI coosether rso ss lir e i murllshretiireto iur l', Thetuld huildtuuu aestiliuinuse cpnotacled mn In hie Chies, in Ocglad and one ia Bract- cheet - o Roquefort uud aorna epritead al TeBndcie r ot hl e heceindb stired a grisait vat ai tdiag irde Ont. Ca France retently. Solos - arr serve lu ruana pl, ic. out tht tuttin malh- eri.tusactot ehl oeohodsgosh mitir with o wuuden paddà. As Cairhtiets and Luiheraus turmad dieltu cure and iup-riuhiug ho otn-ce.s out - athe bru, pîîict and sorolv Icai tht ut- attt no,, tod taloeit, ans tschi- tht moment, theai Ila utl, fa anique enaastic houet ai es od ots pcal si ct e psc the mu s il sell.tottttouattsotoîhîtsistse.tto.t.. o t he csti chatte puddle agatteut merde TaCOt. Cul'oi l ne ptilytu Ermnite, l]ir], la munhitir ihfitsliir" ettihlpirthot, eeemd auire ire nit OoCe lu eRbeaa5 sirops and euptrmarheis ucruse huos-d irdtusu tire ese scht tirem wutd. And thteoi etd seul tin koqutturK irna a omt sutt the art sold lu suteomocheis se Tht Cautadian Champion, Thssrsday, Jsuly 27th, 1961 thtmpt ndatoun udoa tian prime toees u asy au muse suite p7iso urifeo Beyond tire aIlsty si ale e iremltoar roghepieessiy fl ruu uhnyI ,smitar aktofvrigsz. Unitedl Nt-aions eues poadaean objectivem et muesnit Iit, St. cheese made en Cunada. Tht 'the ohutti irtl souded. Tirs tire tuod Cha tn tire Congo. Sentit du Lac's tirete ltaitirty Sentes le enlidr and mure mueis immrdiaiely Ilti our Tire mas satia Ia Mlra. Mua' te out eC t ainongructus (ileu Oreumny troun tire Roqueturi. Tht luncir. siltut suce tur tht scufle trtal, go mnicas suth sirewait mas te alto mode eithCie Treppins moshes of St. Setiit art muottrsof tsirs bouts ou tie etue W Re hutty disutustag fila ravta ictît mooasttty et Osto nar Mu11C'o utsheir tade. Itoters. Tire eai. lire uitmoas tels, ellection. Sourh of tils bor- mat). Motastarletaure trad!tlanat' AsCIenatcred, Brother ReOt ýerî meoao ls as etts in almosi iiaF A des-, about Ct miles awap, tire ly ueli-uptOPlOttu. Semae roeis suddeniy eau iris ttogtre thetoug titt sittnct. Tirs oahbot euiered FRUf & GR S STOREK most pseilitiaad petidaaatiei- p ra hrad cattCa. Osiers rat tire tordin iug i h (oad pe nbstbl iha-Ï- ecttoninAmet'cn hitoty wu l nd Ca tarmiets. Sume sel] tireïr galnsness htee vatse- avde s he to ated cthei a ED WE RE -Ie r T te lis dying houas. Oet easid sire own patstiogs or tlminoted gab tttts s ae rs- ce. Tie oupest caiead tri E NDy WE RE tsagaa TBT monas pertty feeling theo torde for thetr. Tht letupped ugau and aty69 munsea'tti e l d pote s manutcrips. A maticutiy bilens- atcosttyprr50din 5.Tteoetru.oatsI- - - - - --r and irrotheet melasehd a ad meuh mut gine concerts inttoftiewe.Bote ttt hiuh-ptched tons. Tire eai peacetl oasts ut iedustty and tire eutside vworCd. Tire lnet wae offcte ahy potoser us, w.u oo-oa ruga-litttt ero, piet ot iÎESME GROWN O T. BKT. urhP. hridge monkil dertet Bm tut tusootireamouetery ut, t an cotattote, eggs and ceetohes. Tht e W P T TI Silence Brokren fenm their point sirop and frot likn1 10 cheesemulsiuî, sîoytsl moks uttericordo detuil andi c'eu 4 Fiually o second hbnsthar wii strmnons deioaered in tire vtctutty. wtth tl and sou s in lucharge ot posed tirtir ou outiery. Tht ed IeCeh "Tred pocra itol tiete Kennedy Su utgln St. Saotkand day ta ieouetOt- They ruse, and ater gruot, tilos BAAS TOMATO JUICE 'TitseattodmKecd am leuwrhoddct sot doscu ou antenpty ot sitetly outîIo hpui. àa8 ost i ma ttttdi ons, Cl iregttns e 4.30 2.m. miti druen oite eny hosi, Fushor Haute ef Frayas Tiras eca att. No comment -prayets ands Metat. y 6.00 11.m1, Jacques Bod, apriessts he fetcesrothctand six hoursa 2 Ibo.for 25C fr$0 site mochs ut St. Senota du pretas thee are studies, art and ou le tire nuis. Fuiher Btold u rusots fiiito-sl Lac do nt taire a nuen ut silence, totctlivt dattes in the monos philosoprn sesoher usa athena ,e ntn il o rc 17 but ihey are irund hy tise sInus tamy. Tire henthes lthor ecti ls atso a sort ut ts,.u îlot utfiier le fis. malaes 6 <îste BOX tetry rote of their foudet, thirbns in tht pttotisi siop ntder sohuos chttsenuhiog is J f ~ * ff t__ Salut Btatditne, su speair ouiy and us Cie fourmi where they casried oui. MUENE LIES Cda Brand - F R E E _ oh en tectseoty. Tis fragment gtow alph and caelahîts and Ht enoîioted t0 sire vuis. Mh 9 ue. Kraft ut conversaîtion was apspareil toIsa pets. The munira eho are oas heing heated su 90 defrets. GINGER ALE GRAPE JELLY esectial - irus then, tmmtdtate- ptiests use otdaised miuisters. Astie hoothers siirred. tf torgt ilt parctas o t cy,ttht prohtern ufthlie cerneus Tht irotra are mec etho iroenta su ogeat insu a ssooih yiti- 11iI Qt. 2 JARS KRAFT rateofu l'Ermite cireeso ugoto hotome motirs 10 sere God Iow ft. Tu ibis poins. sits Fa- PEANUT BUTTER heoume oall-emhrating. Zottechottat sili. tirer Bolduo, tire psotdore oas tics Deoit Fur u moment, te srened the t " ofatch le siredy ta St. Bts' eei huoou. and alent as oltiOEY RZN2 B A e stese ttansplosted trous tire oits SOOl-celutut lita-y iges os muuhtud. Cireest terigioutotiOEL RZE LS A Misdle Ates. Motst os met- tata tirasesaond artices, fos ohe ou n arly Chuidoau herds-K R E O N 5 taity ossociate tire mouosttry ttatumpttoa hp otrt htolog- mut let murk gu sur anti madeK REoC R 5 ithciintu tien and, indetd, touts and pitiophors. Thir somne hy acoident. Ruroa togian Ssrlis he miocastit ]ie ls uidgr tien paintings - often enoderuistit - cuires irad il inlu rrtos.SnrgtCu Cirrietiauity. Tht Egptsiats tout- are oettutly teltgioos. Tire ilo- Otympio oresiiors aie il tsositg tople stucs noteatto t5tot MARGARINE DOG FOOD tisedatforint ut il, Sasint Aug- mitats futiooht.-acentures trinin. Genghis Khanoctioopst[o tind htumttr inotcemers,hbst tit ins ustinue tuuded tht tirse Christ- old traditioa sn Beteditice mode oheese ftenu enasos osili. Itle Enulio ut tasior gtotro 1cl.pcg 2ft$0 ian usouasior- lu tht tous-li mousterts-tlstforthose used Inuuttohesminuthe ihios ad ost Ati.aosuia - 1 lb pg 1 fr$10 oetury A.D. But mauy stli sus- iu tire tituC'gtttl rites ai the air- is tiret ourdies hcouîturai atîion lots tuti ar tpiiph cau ho i SLICED oriryoadtig-eiuos. Thoo îht..thsin ut soiosit.Austtssht whey is sohon uit. yLasîlo, thet ot fTht Dic,îs' Cluba Magazino SIDE BACON - - - - 45c IL ~~~ o~~~heese le ripened by h f ,oiusai a fooduatit of Gtut______________ ut hoosorso. auts tho t070 dect- tohoot. tac uscohiot ihceso FRESH BLICEO uts tht flasors. This is the secret otoio tait, ut trust csarhîcc BO lnA an utcr ksintds ut oheoso andt lsiom t ,tious Enishc and Amroto -OO N 29 IL s the rasooooch casseenahtr j.,v- n t.OOOt'tis. lussl gurds hie losusaulo. MAPLE LEAF Beak CeaS FROM A TOMf5TONE IN NAIS STYLISTS SEIRIL#TION Brother Rtue osisd a large msre SUTTON FARISH W IE N ERS - - - - 39c IL APPLIANCIS esh o brteak ut tht ootousc CHIJRCHYARD tard inte rano. As ire ds'oggd Helre lits roc tous %vite. TENDaER Pg,55p FASHIO Bihs tu esir tire curd hs-uht im Wthut tts us- blanket, FAS iON us~u~ REFRIGERATION and millions of il particîts. Ht1 Bu ftsîta asuadorooal, C HUC KENS - - - 35c IL LOtJNeGE AMPUAt4Ç1C MAJRS, hIupped o floaîiog thoruromete-ý God he chaci il._____________ Gouitietsirut esplee Ali Maires F ret etemoses Ipso tire taik, etootutsl t star- AOBLAYUN ta hs Qualfie hai stlis stoosty, then grinued oiih satis- ltrAtsthiro YOUNGausilhon * Cdicidut sipliof AIl Wori Guarantaed fuction. He furotd a tap as tht fe orua hir Enlzci Dalinanse TU 0404 *Cocirtail sisampous 280 Kiigsleeg Coutir suaire houcan. Tht ohey towed Bnaiuots on,TU"4 *Hait tutdiîiostug iutoooth- cs- o l pis el Lits As ohoita Yount, *Coid wociufLsrnhg5tsiotlh Wlîo o. the 21,t ut Mon. 1771. SUEWINC MAC14INEi drtod. siuttod lutu aiuminum lins Btgu sI, toits heoue. We're air-coid byCorotodo ___________ iietcaeis. ad ur d sih Aut iei tot tc ]ltocpitph Jobh, trot, Coest Har-dware tht uid ot hootos-lo. This comos Speiat studetrates SINGER iheto-eutororna v i Il fi ,otttttltito Opu TR 8-9533 Ne IN G oile MC INES chiune wsth long spagticit liti Nco% tu s ca retC L AN E Runaishbytheoweeior mouîh. seelros. And - am 1ii. OpnTes. und Thors. Evnttge. Ne ahne 3rn 69.50. Rt- As ihat polos, a forstroarrive(] 171 Maiu Sreet Milton., couditiuned mudels troue $19.50 with o oats tsf sili and Brothior JOHN SUN t-i1 We repoir ail] moires seosaf feue sioppots out it o oisr Hta'e lits Joisa Bue, machines. shed to toit il. Uttosol, Ht es illed hy o gun, 0 1" 2 p e ie or asnetir. a St fonsudI ueouumsii. Maî Wnunc S A LEtBu u Ossîts oWI ut25 Itaeres 111 os t ia n iatr e hico tcal alat, atSe, S A LEt na ___________________ SINGER SEWCNG CENTRE incas tasmer-,suppc ihesu. Eath But Wond mosii st trymo 172 Kerr St., N., Guinille irutth musci s, oosiott hcotîos sitir Gun buot Sots mooid. A AingW tc? VIctor 5-1172 uame t ade;the poroosiagtt A HUSBAND'S EPITAP- h- ouctdpconotu .- IN MILTON CAL. tormUersetraie 'tieid lu mrouir, Thoreou, pre r tollo Yo a eedo sfrpr-TR 8-9541 216 Mules oS. tir s- l' Es-uiteo choosc, orS me oisiuuonwtoir ropoirs lu ail moires. FRED MCLLS tht utouis have otiiis-d Io hoît 500 or Calodoulu R0 5-2W4 tuiet maure tirs soospios. ta far tht THE WIFEtS EPITAPH2 5 Il . 0 / Reusunuhertea espeosmeots ha,' hoto unsct Tu otlio sou.P touicnet teestfut. Hutdut1kochiha, cs u Caserna In Earih setoti LLOYD DAVIS TV ad RADIO SERVICE Whii, frither o-cor tosird tut JEWELLERS miti, Brother Stuc-tout tu-to i Antd hi. s Ill ttt gotd hot 154 oloSi. Mlt KEITH DURNAN try's puent, pstnpuritg t,,r a Groon OtoSIlie, baho pi*cpocod, tirees dtticery su Musit-al.' Fo- tor ti50,tlt TV AND RADIO tas Bolductiooi ost t,, the sminîl ht-t lion Marc Cocolîn. RtpairstoolbmilotClevittut irensestoage ouvn ohirh hl tut' JANITORSERIVICE and radio 217 Maiu Street TE 8-4445 0 DRESSES * LINGERIE Excpert and SatisfeaCtory c-iMEAT OCEANIN STORS -______ W EST E NDMARKET OFIE N TRSWHERC GUALITY IS IGDiER THAN THE Ff ICI S COATS S SLEEPWEAR Wralts anod Ai Types ut Flours BACKHOE WORK W EV H ATED O Treuoriug and Wetpisg Bs-ds W EV H ATED O KRS0 JM IA For trits estimaies outI Saud -Grave] - Stone ROSS HOLMES, FEOPCIETOR KRSS JM IA FIN CURECE - TR 8-6211 DIAL TR 8-6501 Milton Janitor Service CLARENCE CATION Tf 8-913 _______________________ SLIMS 0 T SHIRTS Tf 8-6388 c81 fct RE-PHOLSTRING RE-BUILDING S SWEATERS S PURSES Milton Slip toners - chrome tiroirs. CusIum hutît chtststittd suites. Ornamental Iron .i t.etimoate'at CalMstEfo BIL L KFI tY Tf 8-9827 35f MAIN STREET Tf 1.9091 PAININGEIL___N PRICES The Flru Sheppe PAINTER & DECORATOR WELL DRtILUNG 1 2 m ar tîin sitrI et Fs-on Esîlmates J. &, RUlTAN à. S. Aduin tes t .milIton, ortario Tf 84851 t r sa u M. SCLiSIZZC R. Rit 2, Milton, Ont $04 Maln St. MILTON TR 8-4484 R. R.l 3 Mlon Heigas o.aA".s K Ni GHTC 5 DRY CLEANERS LTD, Satisftone Guarate " Dry Cicntiag " Shirt Laonedring Some day sorvce tf sequjrad " Alleratiuus aund Repaira * Roge ants Drapes espertty cinanets " Fret Pi-up ands Delinery * AiC monk dune ou promises CALI TR 8-9941 CUSTOM MADE DRAPES " Dtlvits'ayourhome, ray tu hunint S oteis * Etpetly made aund tisisiots. " Wide urroy of patterns frum sohicti 50 oost. CAMPBELLS DEPAREMENT STORE 228 Mua Milton Tf 8-6021 c-tf EXCAVATING Excavating & Grading Top Bull Seund - Gs-ave] - Stonr Fils C. CATION TE 8-9313 t-lt ILECTRCAL SERVICE MÉPHAIL ELECTRIC o CNOUSTRCAL o COMMERCIAL o DOMÊSTC * ELECTRIC HEATING Complote EI&ctric Haute 66 Chartes Si. Milton TE ffl513 o Ili ADVERTCSE TOUR BSIBNESS SERVICE IN THIS ttIANDY f 1RECTO&Y. RATES AS LOW -AS 10.0