-It's Cooler to Stay Home. -und Sh>p, ----------Coming Events *S SAM <ce't IM4 Deadstock C LA S F I D onoa Fak, cNivn Rad. FOR SALE-Rapbserries by box FOR SALE-Larg prnts CN Ân E T SI G lIibride, av oen fu sim- c-10-3-747 the Canaliait Champion, 3x7 size mpg FOR SALE-Siicics capi gx naur ai kld,7ilxo .Cashtaci p- Dead Stock Removal troiln. 25c per perso, Si car. FO AESgso i iaie ta-dar. Enqaore nom ai thea i.N.8 C6,S P6 RATES c-11-907 truck Ieliering, shaow corda, cut- Champion office. 191 Main Si. Lic. N. per Cude for dI F 6 'ut ettors. Rny Guay Signa Mil- c-il Pas and0hparsonred for dead- Nu chargo fu anoinent Hsrnby Csemmssaity Park tt.TR8-2150. c-320-îîcwndlasaorfrrp ofBOheMrigs et sBoard Chicken Barbecue at Han- -______ _______________ PI es accintlhtg ta, niai and candi- and ~ b EParkmtls Arîce - turday. Aagust 12. FOR SALE-Reutyled 1951 MaI- Flisa. aId hormes 6a lb . sal at- salnd Enaet. Arclsf Mecl- sctscd trami 5.30 tu 8p.m. ris Mino coneribe, 900 tmiles, For Rent fmain remuved free of charge. 24 salencint ec. 51kBa %.I Asîsts 31.50, childrnn 75c. as sein iadified rostar. $150. TR _____________hour service. 7 days a week. For Sasna tuma, 50, ls 29 d C-11-3-905 8-9678 ailler 6 pin. and sserd- FO ETEonadhn-.prompt service, phone ZEnllh 9- BoNo ii, ffc 2l a-ends. c 11-887 TOR 8-2016. on anc-ll- 7508 Nochre81yo. C ditianal. Comisg oscaît - 75c Bingot Mssday night and et-i. _________- 7950 8-216 chrg 1y8.1ct minimuma Oir licc finsto, eoch Manday ai Miltas a-a. 8.15 FOR SALE - Bosebaîl eqnip- FO RETEelchmor D ad oc Srv e odditional fin 10c. Corci ai p.in. $1.000 jockpot in 56 soin- ment glosestri halls hntsr insaka eric thenka 75c fat the fit-i rice htiers consoaotion $50; bouster scare booksaio Milton Spartshaeritthrs e.cePon Lc.llC1 lines. eoch addiîioac fin flc. jackpot $700 fur tep linen in su ad Cycle 201 Mois St., Milton. Milton Hydra, TE 8-2345- c-tf Will pay highest csh prices an- in Meoiamt 75c, plos file Per noinhers, consaolion $50: ahare c-7-688-tf FO ET- r8 sding ta aise and condition; fie furcerses' Acaaunta are the weesth graine; 20 gamesai FOotT-Mde -osc hotmes and coma. roaderd Masday falistsing in- $25. Admission IL Spsnsared hy FOR SALE-Yao will lihe hsy- dlipo xith 3-piece bath. TE 8- Lise homesn that can mnlk, Oc a 1h. seto.Miltan Kismen and Legian. 50g yaur hailding mateciala ai 6043. V. Mule. 0-11-906 ai form. c-11-449 Crasclards, Compbellcille. Ouick 2Nur Set-vice LATEST INSERTION TIME service, high qsalily. Phone Camp- FOR RENT - Sef-aanlained S24 HOLR 12.00 P.M. WEDNESDAY helsille ULater 4-2232. c-If opartintnl 4 roema. TE 8«803 SDPOLR REAL ESTATE & CLASSIFIRD ForSl FOR SALE-Cor, truck ond trac- C-l83 T -S c-If DISPLAY - 3 FPM. TUESDAY oru stlires, nom and nsed. ol nioes, FOR RENT - 2 rasinas and lare poican. Miltas Tire ond Rodia- halhoa. TE 8-9067 aIcor 6 p. PHONE TR 8-2341 FOR SALE-Roaphorrien. TE 8- lar Sorv-ice, 191 Mill SI.. TE 8-2711. c-11-894 Walnut Ranch Ltd. 9306 inecîtîmes. c-11-913 hanide Milton Losodramat. c-tf _________________FOR RENT-3 or 4 mt-i ap- ALLAN CAREY 6tbý FOR SALE - Eohhits. Apply FOR SALE - Used cheaterfirld artino, availehle Aogs 1. TE 136 OsIaris SI. c.1l-900 sites; ndd nd chrome chaton; 8-963. c-I 1-952 RCSPI _________________________________famitore far ysnr home or sm - NIONEST CASH FIE At Enaem ns FOR SALE - Schy ceorioge, mer Cottage. 358 Main SI.. TE 8- FOR RENT - Cîcon, camîsol- For olive or dead cama and hor- Enae et rco, $8. TE 8-4862. c-l1I-896 9094. c-5-469-tf ahle rasin fat gentleman, resot- cea. Lic. 124C 61, Lia. 78 RF 61, 24- FOR SALE-.-M.. .I-ton truck oa. TE8_67 -l-1 ha service. 7 days pet meek. Mî. aîsd Mot. Ltre W. FitO af FOR SALE - Fedigrood mite- reith dual reheela. 712 fi. Plat- FOR RENT-Office spoco, oai] Cal] calîci Oahsille anîîaasc the cngage- hait foîx tcrrier puppiet. TE 8- fane, cîîmploo milh asck rocks cascenienscra air casdiliîtning. mont oI Oe daghîco, Jonc 6249. c-11-878 4 noarly nons tires; olta 0.E. Hisîsa Building, 17 Mill St.. Ac- WATEROOWN mu 96691i RIma. la Lîorne Willaohby SasI- 24x4" ttloctric lsto. R. Harres, las phase 221-W. b-5-6636 C-8-tItf loy, tan af Mr. and Mrt. George FOR SALE-2 grada Halstein Coinphollvillo, UL 4-2479. c-11-911 - K. Sosîlcs oîf SIrctsviltc. TOc Ocilcos. due July 20. TE 8-9640. FRRET-3run Pr-HgetCs rcsP wedding wîlI Iahc place Augîltî c-11-450 FOR SALE-Face hmdru ORiEN x 3-reino apr- HgetCs CsPi nMsshaaed pappica nat oegisîeed En- $Wn . 0 hcahydroansdmî waB EREpBO.Lcn 19, 1961. aI 3.30 pin. frrhi rde h te1r sopplied. Adaîts. TE 8-9733 GOG ISO.Lcne United Charch, Traflgar. FOR SALE--I car garage. Con cellent fo abto erhut DEAD STOCK REMOVAL bc_________a__ hsctTed Stvers, R. I 1t ng. Eeaonahly prcod for fat Ded cuveshatses,$1 pr 100 b. Miltan (No. 25 South). c-Il-88S noIe. Cadmareas Faon Market, FOR RENT - 3 maint apar- Old hoolthy haomes, 5c per I 1h. ornFORSAE-Shlah alce sgBrunie, VA 7-2006. c-1-2-746 ment. Coslrolly lscaîod. Frivae Sinoli animais remod fres of oBoica FO A5 lackis poaid. TE dO9 FOR SALE-1958 Metear 40nranc. Heat ad hydos ioclnd- charge. Ci olc NOWAEO - Mo.pies 5s Mot.s ol. c-I "18e dcrV-i sg lare iltteo cd. TE 8-2656. c494-800 24 lasar sorvce acle- HOWARD -iMrIronsminaisBillreer FOR82ENT-Fo-8ished hoche Brampton OL 1-3907 Howcard of R. R. 2, Camphel- ut ctas ils. pod-er FOaRîo OsoFuih iete ulph TA 4-2878 ve rc plcased luanoasce FOR SALE-Rasperrits. Dod's steering rodio, rehite mels pa- nt $35 per- inoh Fergus: plont 932 the hirth af thicir daaghîsc. 6 Restaurant Cainphellvillo. ded doash. Wanderful condition, hiohe he slis ao sl -a.21-01 Ihs.. Il ozs.. aI Milton District c-11-951 VI 5-5033. c-1-2-748 hoîhoasn.bd stoar mo aly ncd Licc s. 21--12 Hatpilal. asheo Oait 21LieceN. 191. A Hspa Cn atî 21d 196h1. FO SAEd'Mfa eg, FR SALE-The boat yaacve apply. Phone 878-2712. Faosotssion, sn gaad conditian. reanahie. my sno.Pysr s asl1.cl- BAESSY - Mr. aîd Mts. Des-id TE 8-6854. c-Il-OS lient the ton. Sce il aI MiltonCr Sl Bavor 1 1 Anse SIcd. are S____________ postl and Cycle. Eosy hudget FOR RENT-Aparert , aout Car for Sl p1îa.etolaoaate OlîlO FOR SALE - Junior hed reilh terineis vile. 201 Main St.. mtils fram Milton, I hedrasîir,_______________ of Ihoi- ts. Peter David, heesv gaugepleastic matess.TE itn c-9-738-lf use af reashe- and dryer. SeIlf toolhl ha. 9 lot aIMilltîl8-600. 11877 FOR ALESare Togenaircoaised and privll oslranc. F Ol-ihl fls.pil as lto 2 0Ô.c1-7.O ÀESreTnaoi TE 8-2543 alîtr h pal. Fr Yoîir Next Car . .- DsrcHoptlo u 2.pipeline ilher, vacuum pampa., c-1-2-845 TRY 1961. FOR SALE - Smoli refrtgoro. hchet milkera, ash tanks, CLW .an i rsuilohle far cottage; 18" Jl- cleanern, teoitizera and Dsoe ______________ BUCK HAMILTON CLWM mlMs Wctley J- ýare TE 8-9067 -195 deaigned fane buildings. CoîllA Clw(e osn f42Hoace Temnlinson Sarge dealer, __________ BL RS Kingîleiah Courrtct-c pleaed FOR SALE - Il pion. 8 meeka Bramptoe, GLosdele 1-1275. c-Il BLL BR S toaosace ehe hirlh of Iheir aid. Ray Coorie. TE 8-6137.WA ED- angctlmîTE080 e sesn. DanilI Wetloy, 7 1htb 4 c-1l1-954 ASPHALT SHINGLES hctt-dra. TE 8-587. tAC99_____________ aon., aI Milton District Haspi- ______11-899,_____________ au n Jaly 20. 1961. FOR OALE-Usod Hoover ap- S in 1, 210 has. any calar, $8.95- - _______________________ t-î vacuuin clenr, $15. Ce-I Square; solf-teclisg $9.95 sqare WANTED - Uacd ragelle, ia D d Hat-dwrea Milton. -1-892 109î off far cash. ' gaod condlition TE 8-577. r o Die TENPRO DISTRISETORS LTD. - ..11.g7 Ar Yo ____________ FOR SALE-Used Beatty ash- Actla OntariosnPutyPo LOOKING isg machine. $l5. Crest Hord- Phase 519 c-Il f ANTED-HalclîaPsyFr COWAN-AI lais toe, R.1 R. ý2 re, Milton. c-11-891 JolIs dealers sn lic and drcssed Miltn,1 u Frasct Wilîi Caas FOy ARDe res nl psalt-y and lresh t-ggn. Custoin For a Car that's aven 1961 Fracis illim Coan, OR SLE-Dtp SeeECIALi 1iilII5. Phase Milton TE 8-4401.. heoasd hua.hof Lila Mc- in gand maîhing order. Wm. _____- - ete ha i Loan, dieur loiher otf Elsis. i Saaaficld. TR 8-355. b- 11-6888 WANTED-Fsro hred and grade hoîme; hotther aI lm tîf FPier- 2 WEEKS ONLY Haltein calas; el-ta hoiloos close Try tOi-, 1959 PONTIAC ttion muansd Arthur, deceecîi. FOR SALE - Massy Net-ris ildhockicctd pringr. W.. wagfon, pote perforat-nce Fusecol-servie wa-,fhelîd on tractiar. inagaad îOillilIg aldcl 2cut, Hm rezrP lt;îd Puiciia.iîiiupoe i ile VA hectaus il atst coPetalooî o Taetdcs ai -he Mcerii laote- TE 8-9812. ci1-.957 2CUf.HoeFezr1-2676. c-"-52-tf 5,700 miîle trip as sew re hket ai hîome. Milton. Inet-meol in --swts ices and sets mataI. Ail Si. Lahe's Anglican tcmelety. FOR SALE - i Hoatein cres. $249.95 WANTEO-Live psaIit-y faore il harni veas gas osd ail. aed Falrot-î. dac It Aagatt. Fhone Sarling- mdl dach loailiers leaiher lilht. nl mach of thai. $50 a manth las NE 4-2714. c-Ii-879 Rmir-ol aio&T igheslprces. Wo eaul. Wte i. wilO vîtr 1955 modal in goud Ricardon' Raio TVZeaoi-.776 Cailece St., Taratoa or condîiin. Cards of Thanks FOR SALE-Tot clearinsg out TE 8-949 ilhase calliel LEnnas 5-724, osa ___________________ a c Miltas Sports tsd Cycls. 201 c-10-2 -sins- N0dsaî 5-2030. .-384î 1957 DODGE Cusiome Royal 4. Mais SI.. Milton. c-7-691-ll clîtar sellas reih aatamelic I reaîîld ie ta, etiacets in,______ _ transmitsion,. patc heshes masy Ohohs lare-t fciettds and FOR SALE-Fîrc facor atcl andIÂ u' sJ e ]itCerilto, a tiet papala- ocihhst lc ii O celv cains. Henrys Gac-ter, Kiliide. rtNDIAi'S trni vato i-lase cambinat!i«as. $195 flo. - fit cand eicd- test la Phoae TE 8-6213, Milton, e-If _________________ daîc nd $41 monslhIy. me dorng ma stIc iii Namillon- MA UATUE' Geaccol Naspîlal. Sinsecis. FOR SALE-Raspherciets. Fceah M NFCU RSAV N19.56 FORD 4-diist sedlan, cure- c-11-1002 Marguierite Souh. picked dclv. 50e delîser. Cemp- AVO fliy diies autaomohile. Osly ________________ elitille, EL 4-2371. Elsie M. FURNITURE 75 vas o pimadi service poi- $33Sa masth reilO na dams Frank. c-10-2850cutuapve rd. InMemoriam_ - WAREHOUSE SALES e-t Ohal AVON BE/sUTY ts a sain- 'Pymeîît pct- rdl Inial Mem r. FOR t A LE-Papp ors Malt$10 MANUACTURER-TO-YOU basiesto 10ecome ce AVON RE- 50E NEUIS 1953 ansd '54 MODEL NILSON- s loitaig meretty ofiir teisil vll 37. 4-99t- . Lahccdii Ecît-icarntu PRERENTATIVE. Wnile Misa TRADE-INS eac. -W.CapcsieL899. NihsOslyFsilc Ziegler-, F0G. Box 635, OchciIle. mv (leur OsOcid Jck sh -ll-8f Sestaloiy e-l1 passed areat Soie 23, 1958. Ne had o ontîts Oit lîsi icceeli. FOR SALE-Socr cheriesc, 50c. BEDROOM SUITES. ETC. Ne scîd gîeid-hse lit snite. 6 qi bcsket. Scieg o sr orei Mcafctu-ed in Miltan hy A btosW an MAX McKEE TOc Ocatel aesi C.tirt te tîpescî, contatiner. Tasy Casarna Miltona AB N FUNTR Famtrift- iilah oat as 3 AIMin SN., SitAon Jets.s Nîs Oct sac. scîd "Came. Neighls. c-I 1-885 FBA UNTR otanfrpoial acra IMLLSSNC TTO AI sN cemerhecred Os Oit MANUFACTURERS Spencer-SpirIloa TE 8-9725 TE 8-9982 îosiîîg aile Phe. e Il 9590 FOR SALE - Motmoresnty 15 Comme-cia i.. Micao Corsefiere c-Il1 COXElttliitgttittt citecries, 1125: pick yitar att-s atEI 1igruroy oiitt $1 Kettcll aas,ýnTR86156ti( hr,- p.W. A. Ji iiiikvl TE .134 .CAK Citte, kîlîcl it ac-lita li 21, c-19 -I 11-94 O PECN TO 9p.m. M-S. G.~CAK elEtt 1943. FOR SALE-i pîure hît-d 881, 392 Kerr Si. N. Gahoîlle Hamitilon, Gsi. Caito.î icce*tiiieiý ielPisettseit Octtere;îif. I reeh aid. c-11 cli1 Otcctet ii lllitas PainO Goîtîl Jefferson, TE 8I7. We Wo l-cilio -dl mi, cI 1912A. E. LePAGE hittrst inGolf i attîci ifain. FOR SALE-21 pîgs. 2 mseîhs Lost and Found UIALTORS LIMITID Fiet-t-claieiehccd Oy the fls- tîlîl Appit George Rabertsas. R. ROBT. CHARLES48YasCtsauSric ilv, c-Il 1909 R. 1, Scies. phone 740-W-S. LS erbakHlti 8Ya'Cnimu evc Furnitur Special etaslr o ai o, ast reh. lt-tm M. Vas den Fît-ose Coul dieur liierc Ke-eh. wO FOR SALE -Plat-k ît-oasis. Funtr pcas Heavel liflh fiins, Nasscc-îtlevo.T Passerd t,,iv AOEitti i. 1956. picei as at-dec. Phoe scdoot ai EL 4-2493. Ç-li-889 Tom Bradley In tsat% tv tc-i tait sinhingt- meolimes. TE 8-9843. Jaseph Pi- 1 2-pies Kraehlsrehcsefieîi TE 8-9543 EM 8-8121 Wsscaichcd cita fade ast-ct cheil. t-Il -953 set. oogoior 1279. Nies S149.50. Mesaherso h oot n Oar fcleui stîcce aireythokes, I_ 2-piCce dasooport set, oegua Miscellaneous Ontaria o1cl Ih e oar ads Yaa faîîcittstî hard toas FOR SALE -Large habhcrib ciEIaoBad But tohcnwsîic-t iseeping, a-ilO mallets. hblode finish, $199. Nem 3149.50. c-l0 Stn pracc tîtls fit- Ita., paît. i od condition, $18. TE 8-9416. SAMOS CitttSing. msatitsg ap 50e ettîîd titli oirî Oack e-I 1-1001 pare] for cil thc famiiy. Woddilap Ta ste- lt id THS tK NY et.îttt8233.-1IA- For Homes, Farms Etet- tereetîthcîd Osv [0e fais- FOR SALE - Lrghscsi heet. 17 TH4WE NY tcii.TR823. ei -9 s iîîid c-11708 vvc sac $.2 ciaoh feeosa Delosorrochert. Regalar-$59.50. ,SPECIAILS lti. wîeok. Coutse in A rae , nid, $175 cach; lso feede, wa- go d secAthem aI Miltas SpolrtSlo lA reg Lots MORRISON-Iii Ioetag mort ceo s f- broodor. Camp- NOW $39.50. and Cycle, 201 Maiu Si.. Milton. of s dorsts and hrathcr. O 1c1csIili ELus Asgos Rtt,, "Giti, N'u Oa U 42514. t-Il 806 2 7-piece ehe.tcoficld sels. refega- c-7-698-If lodusit-iti & Commcial 20.' -,5 iii lu lOîliiet : NE OC r $299. Nies $189. KITCIiENER Eph,îl.lcIî., et- yii5 2r. 195, il, ljý 14th -ur. NE SEPpIî iAN t ytitiehlicîitg, ic-iaitiicaA 09e dit iroi t.ccd t .peiiil dît an .11 icpaircît f a il tpes oii fallu- Ttîo iite t5u ta tas reil, UM I'j L. LI tut-. For lt-ec estireate aed Wm. 1. Woods For the dots me do soi thîi ai PUMOuî, Rb ...harles prosspt sorti-o. t-ail Sam's Cieib- pas mo., TE 8-2691 ot- TE 8-265.edO-If MILTON Fhone TE 8-6057 Are tory herd to find. VICEUR o Il ail ihis mold more aurs t SERVFUNCUR Seilay isapsai. 50e have bee Wedgie . yead oe crippled cama, hortesansd ntbçr Wm. J. McLEOD Cinine ntg facesfghsie" dnt-. LIM ARO Ceriler Building fane 1 onm l nehe Deod Ani Real Esiele Bt-aber ToCeie facen thog thae" dor, ILAMVRO mal Diapoal At. Pineo rmov9I. Lovlny rneembered hy Dad R. R. 2 Rsckmosd 181 Main Streel Milton Fhone Collet Toronto, EMpireî- ACTON Fhone 203 and 13M niniteesi sud brothers. Fhone UL 6-4398 TE 8-2081 3636. Gordlon Young Ltd. Llaenéne l cI-1SO h-4-tf c-lt 93-1. c-38-il BklAN T. MULLMJJY SUitb!NG LOT AND.tÔ r BEAL ESTATE eoug>yk, ent44p25 gelort dto MiltnI~~HT~EO GENIRAL INSURANC1 AGaiNT un11, AS4IE n9804u det.I, TR 8-3436 Cn1118303 '~I2 eji Three B.droOM J. Ael Wl.LLOUGHBY a ~ ~ h gthhac Bungalow &SONS MT. naflin0 fnLlae ni tht Townt if RXIIIIL11=8 Milton, Inthe Coslty o aI Noe. Beuiul landiscapeil M04teho dled ai thn sidd Towen lit Blfusly -it paiche 0 =41500 MOO ilton an the Slnd'day af De. loi Iîl delacbd cln tat mrwtl ceniber. 1988.i art requalmd ct cfo dree fhautr Pf ile P mol cf naine mlith lthe out rin sud9 maiith il 02110 J04 A ELIOTT derslgntd on or hefome tbe 29î6 otom sîoce nita $408 hwnday of Augual, 196I. to uin.w BOO i~O0 l y PoOO 4 ASte Ihat date -tht Fublie TR -2436or BIB $BMl6i tI Trustee sSIfI pmceed Ire disti-ý TR 92436or E 0443,buhae te enfat, hovlng regad We hve hmes u ntau pck-,Offly t0 tht dlaimns of mblch lie et an a es nltîok doita thenslhallhoelmd nalm. eala e cf r Int n i i illa DATES ai Torontoin lig i OokviIlt ouyr enqotole WhtI day of Jxly, 1961i. hot casultsnlymcrft5e Whyit FMÇ 0H I§ IE UBLIC TRUSTER, - nation. If you are In te mu hiat the SOlO Cot on of t. - 145 Oseen St. Wes, Taons, ke furiaonsd or fosrmInul 641000 Cnotriv or $ntion .0 nl tu Administration c-11 mUM-oý aI Ac't autori Notice to Creditors an e pomr -e lb. Marotian AND TE p y tho ln6 ipoNlton -te Mn BrianT. M ilà1y ,*, et. Ime opnesM ne for the IN TISE IATTrR 0F du Estl Briant T. asIat atogi or tc 09~ filE IORENIINRÇSS0 29 Main SL. a.. b, a1td« 'tê Hn.g. for th laI. aI M. T.of n . Il, lr Milton AU4 . 4Ollagr booni for the th Coucty of Halle., Wîdnn. TE 8-2436 sCM ai tbo Opd, iBO fnd liaiSon, deh.aàL so ud 10 bol.- adlSdninbter the aIna persni hareng cloîmsafs friioI n' at n sd 10 the t Blae E ta MARY JOSE hd"ýe« ~ ~ 1 exet-:%c uhpr HN OS taIt If the To,,s îr :.,doauu do, anoilton,inlhe aunty ofNHal- DRIARI BESI for asnmy bIatn, soidowdcasn. hode RFALTOR AD GENBR c ffl n I ase hoprton un on about the 14th day of Ais REALT R AN EN0A 7 .I t of alo, n i,1961iem retpmsled ta seti 3 N10 NC Mai StonrenenitCheinn underslgncf on or beftr imle 30Mt ttî Milton I2AYED 90 Mitlo, Ibis 380 day 28tb day tif Augual, 1961 alliet TR"9 f bOiy, 19e0. sbicb dote the t! sidate miii T 822SHARPE < NICHOLS, betdisrlhaed ainong the Parti,, COMMERCIAL ST. - -Latgn 4. 14 M M t. ilton, Ont, entfilecf tbemets. sud tht Rareti hodmuom haute inith panolled ,Sollicfeon for the Applisl. Ior AII nulr 0e fiahle far atît living mon, large trend laL a-56 claina of mhich he has not -ehea Foll point $9,305 telfb 31,40_ ________ reseiecfntice. deo. Open tu oc-offera.~ ac ht2S ayo u RENTAO.-Healap Rd., modem 3. IvaTMn MATUIh.d OFSot, atd h 2t OSEF GERG KELA, hedrasin hungalowe, aeoilatj i 3 u95*e Sm$5 621utt Act, Râ.O 11 oeiI ad li Septenhe-, 3108 par mnIt 00.01 m,.uater a piellos JOSEP laERGEK.s RENTAL-Ring SL,, 2 Mitn Ontario, bungalow miith carpori aval- 41009I 184 TËi MASTER OF Ihm Esecunor Iot 5011 andî Treto able ISSo Augual, liS W'r pptg tlo 09 PM of Lotsi7 ment tif Ma-y Jatephiie mnth. M , 4Ceson.e 7, On due Enta. deceaaad. c-11i MAIN ST. - 24 fontW ofaat'~"Pn Nmmasnnsa, and flmfntl.godt lonap PU of Lots , , and 10, Cn- Omner anatoas t0 sef oétoiOuTen~MnR AUC O SALESe LOUDOUN HOMES - -Only _________________SALE mue meeka tu tient tht Sales TASCE NOTICE tat tht Six Tas., Thete hsinçs ar eRn teep-Mllr Crack Conservation LERN fast and tht selection la get- Autholtly pamsut tu Sestion 24 CERN lis0 Iimiled. Viait oaa- ly of Tht Conservation Atbolilea AUCTION SALE fsreinhed huore Sois meek. Act ahoa'eientiootd. dtposlted nf Llannîak» Traceors, Truck, Open dally 12 la 9 pin. Full In tht Regitr, Office fur the Huy, Peed, mpotOnnU, HOusm- daown papieni fmn $s79. Regtry Divition of tht Csanty -hold Goud, Rîn, ofl.Nglto aun the 101h day of le Thte COUNTR IF.y 1961, 84 Milao.otin Fias TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEyi COU T Namber 45, a-plan acf dtncrP The aodereigted have rt-icd tise in acaurdaisnce milh the Pro. instrutions lt-osa PROPER0IE vnou Sectiaon 24 of tht aId IVAN RICHARODSON Atnepespriatieg sud e ta mi-slf Oy Auctian ai Oit ia,t-î For the heal nelectiso availahlenthe, i uhrt o h s chec Ourphoo liting orcaif the aaid AulholIty the bonda loe2,sod .4 tlr ituldu 0Sd chmk su hl Iaig 5 OI om on the ald Fias atd dos- Londe fis S ai muet fGulli sOnr Count-y repmxmInative, clhtd In tht nait! deacription, cille n ls anirh af Camphell Mo. Bah Lahing or Mo. At nomely; vi',IS RG,3UT2 Feaock. ALL ANIS SINGULAR Ihat ce- ClîmiRetDAY aiG. 7 UL 29îcc tain parmil or tract ni land hao- the flllming: For Service & Satisfaction ing a midth sf 300' nome or lest COWS AND FIGO - NaIceii sud lying Westetiy of tht Pt-a- careSyearraid fmtshllytr8îtill CAL, ciPitoax face of the escat-pment helfer cali fot, York sored aud mtending Nurlheoly treagh May 9, Yut-k tarei reit Il yaîîii-- TR 8-6292- Los7ad8 ocsin7 a-Pisa ie oksw u J1M SERDS f TE "M)04 Concession I. Eaquesisg, fon TRAC3RS osîd IMFLEMEi u BOB LAKINO ITE &-2710) th Rn Ailomance hetmeee -MaCeneick Desrisg Fermeul C ART FEACOCK ITE 97471 eon th6 and 7 of Naaaga- Troclor in exelns cnii ALEXCOOK (TRliff) wca tutheRoed Allumasse ha- Sp aingionlh drag cultisolor, hM. ALXOKE IR - 1 twten Concesion 1sud2f Crmick Doring 2 rot-esreli, c-Il tait! ansi hlgb.u draulie plare. Fordl Fergestît _____________ Th ei tnd hfur ue tracer01947inodel inoflod ctid t- he peservaisu of the lise, Fleoury Pi ssei tractr dit. clrina lin tht essorpmnnt, lu It. hay fonder 2 rehesi Irait t , Milton Protec!tIhe sunds hiom te ta- reilh atock rocks, Har-ores Wocîi- rrent ns amulli-ParPnae eecti grain urindot-. lihe n, SACRIFICE asnservation amoa for mater aso- Chnce Boy iiking machine, i 1-hedroin -brick bungaowt, alre.totluasdidIleand unitreîlh Puinp.Ired dt tsrinandtcmeuas floo egeerly fur ai ad y con- It. mantreorde uut-ohhi- lai, large living mont dinlag etration ParPoaen whish tht Eloctoi- laed cuoker, Fomp jeuk ronin. kitchen, 4-pi&te tilt rai AuthoeitY nay detea etperd!- Grain sOgOt- wiO motor Faoweriu halO. inisOcf recrmethan rom et.nm Maanoy Net-rit bieder, 7 1!g hasutot mlhuitCumaa That tht omner or aysde.tnsînehol el ear ASKING $13,100. - pespolatoîl as ahove inenlloned ia col, 200 gai. gaa tank, Macs,,t requireal ta Pile a satemieut of Net-ris aide deîiscry rakle Scut. $1,900 Down Payment ony claho for compensaioan in Ruhhor iired steel reaerraîî. Make ou offor. renpect Of the expmopriation aI Oreedo nies, Elsetrie pawree-t s ucb land in the office of the einery, Eleciri- Fetea. Fetit Milto Auhrty 2 Mais Simee, tret-har sisgle wree Loggiiîît Milto Miltn, Onarionutlter Ihari choies chitin log tightescr. Ti 6,500full riceMedr ont morill aller the mailing af tasoulfuit, Cedor psst Fig cotte 6.Ofipi-.-Coin home, axnotieshy the Auharity tu such cool or msod eaokisg cette, as oeniocea, baisement. osanar or thetlhicf Publication ASKINO $3.000. DOWN. af Ibis notice, rehicheser is tht ]ca sice, Trsck eheina, Ail fetii Make ou affer. later dole uis. DATROI at Miton, Ontaria, Sois chsr bAND Ey, A-o 10 tons t Aco ba o efyl 1961. hibaehy.Aot5out AtnR<5ÏRRT0tMlRsHALL, o in are 300Ful ow Pymnt Chisina, H OUSEHOLO GOODS ETC 300 Mrtag FID ow n Pym Shtltenff48I Crack Conserva - OR. 21 inch TV sel, Cîîsgtt. Ose orîgge Giytion Authorlty, nin oug 12' n 12', Lifes sîcrea ilt ni-lovel home, S monts. 4-pions U25 Main -Sitt Fi. lare boy, Sineil tablca, 9 picee bh mil vaniiy, flninlied one Milton, Ontario. aii realeot diating o sue mnhyi C amdirg itrst NOTE. umwne- suder te 2 Pieae hesîorfied suile, Ccopîg Pinia at ncdin axes. t saldr Adi Oncudes a mortgagee, leuin rg 15's 15', 2 Tohuar Obil- pricipl ud in. fenec, tenant, oacaupant, peoxon sIead.xsprîeus admoîîotesse __ entitWn lu a Iilmlttd estate Or Gtet-oal 22 t-eu fidcep loce-. ouit Fars ec. inteotat, sud n goardian, taons. lest Yeor, At-me 4 homer pnaptutî Farm etc for, admiiamor or trustee il i gatale. Dreatona, Acine 4 hbu 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~mn boe.S,50 ih$ d',W-lnd do sury istemolt thora- Cr eleeloi- coahing t-oage. Brook oars, $2250, mit $3,08Wina in aveâtcf. c-9- CîcucO, Extension tlee Oootii t o t-a.340e ii pouro . ofmen dishes, Coahing alesîls La îîtt. Werdrao, Butter bowt-i Puce CAL MITOoard. Chaira, Longe pise ctut> CALL IOLTN tOi an barod, Maaîy olhan ariesu Peo OC Oe oauinsm riesiag tuOs. vonne Christie TR 8-2095 sorti CA111TE4-Pitc Mel Stakt. daac se-des. 19.92 ititdel. G.M.L MlSak R8-9343 Tracter truck. 1995 mîitl ut., mator, usith air esid scce-u SYDNEY K LAMBhbales, 2 Girls bicycles. SYDNEY K. LAM - Tnons, canhli nti Clark an Bas INUR14EàLTORTA NO eserve an farn soad. INSURO-OC & MOTAGEnnr muoving te, Guelph. Fieue BROIEI& note tint 8 Mil Steet astDON MOFFAT, WM. A. GIBSON 8 II tonet00 AUCTIONRERS PhotnSAr Diamond sud Flioe 3 ~Calvin MosIntyrt, CItrOn, fr44 a-. mm