Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 1961, p. 3

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nie.. . -.5--tf , , ASHlTe Canadien Champion, T'hurday, Juiy 271t, 1961 Y 'Van D'eI &osSi M The iront ai the store asbe rsut baL L t'e' INShw aKKD5tfWC In Guelphi uReorm Churcrî Ofoogm t ndier the second fient. The front witte hrtyUfllbUttWtCs decbme- lengtlt, atyled aliong te pelOCtss tou hoksN w R d*1b gla-sod in and miiialry te tt Ra<ormed Cinurtit fines. Their iteaddresses seere Ri Dyrn.ottneletesstraotion prograst met display ra Gteelpih, for te weddioj of Zen- bands ai wehite Leavs and tuile. Aynne.tes Gege fethe arhimnt madoron the Milton Dr-We iihdteýuewl 5ý7:nie Van Drief and Ronald Ste- Flomor girl %;as Miss Micitelo AnoSe feeuafottt~~ o olltowing fic ner-WhaiihttIst j piten Wincft. Rot. H. W. Robar- Saildi, Eden Mifîs. niate ai thte Englnith Yoang Faumiers' Annota- cnrire Wo e huipe tfav hav sintgle larg tanc in-~. itadr itiae ordccet-gro. Si oe a dress sfyled ation, siet oa fewdaysat vvek theastor rtmpletedhby arIy full. stta tti ntracst w brade ofimîdfr h et-gixm.Sewth Mr. and Mon. Boit Marshtall. Thteru b-ash heurtnoler- stparatt setions oi the store. moof. tout short fuil shirt, trim'med Thtebride isa daghter ofM. itt ace and a PPanolarI Mrand Mrs.Howard Gottand Iv cttrod and strengthened, and _________ and Mre.KeeVan Dtiel, R.R. Hreaddiuss mas a band of spent last moatand wothMr. and ;sorkmtninili t[ortfaoplumerttthe 1, Arton. Tite groom is a non of white and yolftow rones. Mrs Don Stapieton ai Lonont oeils thon i JA K AL Mrs Siphe Wich ndthelat ThmasBoudEden Milis. Mar and Janet Marshall if Tht man fleur h..asoraiaal, JA K AL Mr. Stitýe io n ieta hmsBsd Barlington onstftd ttst sort it th I sighLîti tt allat more ceiling~ Conctoe. ld, gadSl MoWn.foph. hmntba.in-la othe groomO.tonio anoo.iM .nk~t.tî. hasttnot Sa andSil Ginon in marriage b her bola- tendeodas bestman. Ushcitno tMt JamoMnti and Kty M. andpasti tut a hatIt BC wS titeti. the bridewone a gontof onilo Von Der Lee. Guelph and 1 r.JmsMrhi' a.,.gelila helh, 3 O K Chantily laceantl netnoersiikornhTrnn Okiîntmind haîtntin thîs to.ttmnt. The ut fo r-cl tafiota. The bodito wannnougly MatCeaie Retelea r atlrarsonlo îa,, pttiou fte ihasfl uddFor a reteptin in tht Ctop0 ssii their gmadtsrnts, Mr. anti J. COOKE (Come aBloaksl fitted~~~~~ otftasil ano Mm. Jnmes Marshall. aiil fihnir - LTD. - t neckline aatfined mt iridescnt Hall, thle hride's muthler onceived prnsaeo oias e n aiyadM.adM sequins. The long sieevenWiceOhr gnssmearngoapae lefmiohitdotuc itntrriandnitndtaifKngMtn.'! E476 lily pointed. The bouffant fluor des stith wohite attassomies and Tht Zintmmatt pic-r Mhr.o andtt Mrs. ai nitci iofno. NE47 lenglt shirt ieatomed* fate planels corsageof aiwhite stoato rot- 6 holding tht Sondoy suhoou t- n a m itEiht frntan ac wthter o e.nia ai Lostoilît Part on hatorday, Hantilton sprnt Sonday a'ith EVENINGS iront andt bath t iers ni e tt* ' mte Joly 29. M. and Mrs. Boh Whtrlhand MILTON TR 8-6365 pleae d e an ae den e t grooms lla mother StresO Diane Histot.ho ni Codt and iamify. or iedrsailtaneemotad atatedenhprings Roodistvisitingathiswetrh îinmoed muti iridescent sequins soilh otathing bat and belleau- 5m r n r.AU at held atiered omlet veil tontoraes. He corsage maso0f i il n r.Ala air ofnilt illusion. Site tarried aswhteosweetbeart rose. sonand fmrl.FoFnaad tascade ouqooetf wshite iino- For a itoneymoon trtp to north- Mr.iî ani m Hant l non y antdt f...nt. P cnie eintso andtnud swethart ettOntari, fhehbridea o ay foo Hattito stM ant fe ~ 0A Ph t...f pint dreos noitb whiteoc Mt-s Fttwe wlt Mr. d mis A BRICK KILN titat for pairs barned cilher boite ai itae Mitoo Hetghle plant of Cootenîlla Attendants ln Vellao tesonnas and a gardeniatcorsage. Ms. and Miv. Bih Mtrtdt ati. Brik i beng art dwn.Theplat losd ltitYasr.Mamaon ni butor nons Mms. J. Tht novnlrnods otili otoida i Puiiy and Mr. and Mn.. Amrtio Snob ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h jebigfr on-Tt intnoaoty.VnDraeo. Goit. vision nist Gnaiph.d Smith and iotilv otttnded tht m __________________________lit brde.Brieeaid wsna Motis -itnn ustatno Ford Union pitojic ai Pot W2a *9\ o HORN&Y John Van Griot. Milton, nini rn- t Acton Roctmad, Pension. bannir on Saurday. -tDr las ni titebride. Kifaittner. Toronna. Elora, Mil- V ibio iis nt'nr noilh Mn. Tboy more aoswnd alite in Inn. Whiitby. Arits. Ponlinti and andMro Ator Hgrînadi yellaw m radod taffotu in malta Eden Mills n. r.AxHgrt n a Ilaptism, Teen Dlance, Guuid Meeting'.i aeM.ndrsJonP- Surprise Visit Barbecue in News fBuEsR Speaker t Servic Bp Mms Edward Robertsn nonddeng renoeltion more given itn o dugit e on Jury 22 a G etS e kra evc NCMLAC IHTECSO Four infants wnre itoptntd ity ty Cite treanoarer. Nem drapas meusairaodidanghteo ni Mr. and Fred Fte R cn Bie Ras. J. E. Maxweoll at St. Ste- and tartaan are to ho pnroitaned Mm., William Roinoan. Fin sFt ee tBieWIHHSPEALDFRMN ER pitons Anglioan abutait servion ior te nom reotory 4y~ the St. Mo. and Mos. Alvin Anderson Do iotdiotTnaCla iniosng la siart thaean M~1oN A UG T7h,1 1 Sunday mning Chat Staphon's W. A. and Su foephen s spent lte mootood vinitiog miith Lns tht guonteom forra Ctte ina fotogti t Sitar n v Ti ort Mon Cntrul.H. und Mms. Jact Cooteboît 0f Young peopto's tlturoh servitotcondotd a tannast, ith Mrs. son niMr. aed Mta. Richard Mo. and Mrs. John Bradley and Ibeir dannage ut Hnreby Huarb onii .Wadttninr Courte; Diane May, dangiter ni iomily ntonad 10 Noltamrn Mm. ad Mon. Camet Hmden Ha danord ay E.r Ihuitfo Dothe wn ne Youave Wished WIL iE OBSRVED AS Mn-. alnd Mmv. Cmoig Royto; -i Ontario and Manihonlin Island1 and finîiy aînd Hoa Hcaurs ntnssagentrgavaritogtn. Ms ai argobe Pniad chuof DaidsonuofM. and Mr.tfura wents vacation. nttedtu South River un ltmsgeA nth oud aardo taidtb r, M fotiMaoiOft orgizdaa f hteil - l Put Flippante and Brian Jantes. Bititday greedines te Lorno mrrtrnd. tire toyrsio nduIrd tn - paer. Mn. M. i M onf M0ust Nris. Ye I li ndn h s Caaofer.tad Cao Seneenlarigt Gomonn miol mi7, tli SeaonuCmpel ohotoburto ni thei tir pserge irn e int hpar.a toronM Mariond taiMm tht pati.h C iv ic H o lid ayaimoe sanniMr.aîtdMOs.BoOdWOtBht.~~~~ aptnoJuy2,C nn CnpolSpsedbian- Brion Cargill moud a striptota, Mrs. J.Hernyund Mt.W. Early Homhy Tamn Clubt belld thitond un Jaly 30 and ta Front Comntuty Pant ehle nvtniogasag Loto. 10hca t hi seinvaidtfr m the pi5anel.o dayoo ho>l d ay da-nue ui ltae Orange Hall on Ciislnolntun August 3. tant mrot. Ilsos boîdiforlie Ja aandar a1 hunite Sanralyhavaontned Mha oqe ha nicHlia Satarday oigitt. Chopeoes fur Aamivaonney aspnaragos picttrs. JHitsaarly adot aundc anran Mn.t aaie prsoea the roaaiog sorot Mr. and Mot. Congratuations 10 Mr. and __________ sagaNvl ul n ots.adMs .Mia o o itnadrsetul eus htalcfzn John Ftrnsfma and Mr. ond Mot. Mon. Einr Belley on theirsit Juniors organist Sandra Blyth tha priat-. R Jai To t.mddig anniveotry n Jury 30. gg as rgaisi ion bis servie. Mpe M DiCtarv f ssu Wi h heattndnc bingbi Ms. ewSapsn hd sr-A basi ai iriends and neigb- Grae than opraad tha inany asI ie e BUILDINV FO TOUR OWN SAKE, PLAit wit avergatheenate itrig pris Mm.i rm aiptonc Moad a R ' r hydjciàa hunt asvrnthtad sn tht schoot gits, noiih serai ai tht fon k MILT DVECEuLYTI cdt acrthe acsun i dais st ront IDKU Mr. andIus norriai Ehooetot hanoh ta iota peupleaossistiig lirr. She than ONORIVIRMIORSU HI rd te tan.1todonuni dayer ieand mgite o. er Mos A trer can calltion ocred Miss Orar Fergusnn a bride ai rt.prassed tinitro thants la tinheî HLDY Sasîanor RitriMiesan dogntr hamion12.10 unt. Sonday un Mate Jurîy, soith o ntisoritaous shtow- people ai tho conmaunili. IlI OLDY Keit nd LneEllaspnt anofHuntsvilleAlabanta USÀ..,Strrutttirontof Resfîvswnoer fmanyonriul andsoried Daînty onirnhmrnts sort U L4-2263 i iano days holiday an Kifocardine. stapprd for a short oisif. io toms uanplind thoir brb uits. aodh b amt Boy Draperies . Mr. and Mot. Douglas Lastired tbtgan aîogt o t m . Mahanc by tht tmomdte ahra n 56 ' . G. CHILDS. St. Sicpbmns Gidnmtathetland fantily and Mo. and Mand thirttadrtrolnh. t ____________M. ______luithe_____charge_ 9 Milto Mapor. homeofa Mo. and Mms. Williant Don Roinon and iuntity, sprat Goda Hasfndta BuaiafWtntsovtorinimotitbadasutOmo Statiaon, Labo Court St. annd Grorge Rabinoan Mmv. Bradley preniding fer îhe Sintono. ai 177 Mamtn i erct pnsitatding metng Congratulations na Mr. untiin lleaandsver oretittunt milice VIn.C M ILLIGAN, O .Dn E S M A L Y U Y U Tite repart ni lte banquet and,Mrs. Bill Smash on lte iirth ni a qoitb stop. Mms. Hattia Marg-OT M TR T ____________ ue 0m rot a aiok oR. R. 4, Miunt.ET IS tt.l.,,alia.nt<dld nt stop an tinte ond donoLErS A L O Y U Gaa iiostht ponarding ita ors togetbr. ai i..125,ntn Vistor sanaecnd as $20andr MRCHAND"S CREDIT JEWELLERS il run fia, car wsoa300 if. Ra Frm Pe a Findhp Alndoats inoostigaird -MONDAYS N T I G W o Frate fit atamas. large auts Nrrdtosn ta soy a oarnt fiitai gnao anti a farmr Milice rrsi- tbip-by-letttr reosuifed and Ihry Ps fieAtr FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE TR 8-6541 knit the newest fashions in sweaters the easy plnc n eualvcliaedA ht(iele ubn a Sample Mailing Rule yanîra anbimgolumlyoftiioatiid Effaectrivhehndoa Sehatebham1,lthe Post tnttahtapitot. Ministr of tate and rrsponsihl icea l cet ilsu This %tk formenr Miftania fur iretce noarto. alangsoîth uidesdHueodr ai J. H. "Hr Marshall, nao a Ohonus Primt Ministrr. Eamly 1,îburstait a hdr r oan revidenl at Hamiiltaa, îoill ratrior ihit spriog ha noas pinite s h iahgt-mi ips formi vsiC ron th Ghaa hgh ommisioer e Caadaandage than fat ptinlad ad, ertisia it) Canaîda. bis nsi and yninngrnt tima. Lanor ha bmoghf his nouae AttaaPsesnar W îfaughtrr. ild dagirfaOtta ig aaoit Randeli. ao ourointonern îlirough os Toronton 18 MoalCe Friendshtp hahitid four daaghrs and a son. itavipl mailings, mstriied hiadPr rdtrfatsoew r o t t arldaot1 o h ounchanges la panst afice ta- Ioft aling yo thooosoneninoo dom- ail MtantMr. ahallI sunihs Arrive at Hlamilton goflains. hast u hris ta-tecti in A ing faon ktiliîvg yoîe aed nocennsins .ont sourîtMi ig shli cr spondettnc Naso that bis "pan put" stsu in la tmîr ta tant the pressureti t a ESIV FARMby ail lunaig.otrsaadnisa ran, Mm. Marsha]l nvoai iavtl onttapalitan pt offices, causrd isany tat-aoaf ctoartties. Strate ing theaiamilo tasvisil Hamoilton, liv brais niailitits afi adisinal- a utrt avnmdNlne n ntsîy'ho ttttitti an ai- lv adîlmossad sanspirs. shith re- (HARTLEY'S) u ostitit-ittiomsa îîresîîy rettîoti.d in Ghana. hholntridutt tedîca el rmtecmisin ul ee., otn an hkda nith knoule5 yarris in fl rangeof ai a laitaied lails, a itienile magis- .r estit oaiaotlfstil h fn sa... Natoa ierrttiurthr Iheta front, Jair 28 ta Jury 31. Ustîfa tht nert gnulttts. or- .W.rA- noh saor antntp Wr oyo a tovîplaîr seicfiso, lsatiinartnmitna andsasthair- Mrt.Nyiandimsemd ta soin admassdlsainples weigfiog nt aîîîyamrny leaî airs "n ana wa are atant mata thsaih ont oelma L HUGHES - - - TR 8-2665 - of theonsosahionable asd po ntvsîuriosanîliismaltfama eshbfourît nianda lî neh poonovpatternsforoimis.oam- ing te hink thtvryso uhtime qatts t an inh iIIýd nd tkn eatrs ari C shahl muet pamsnaol." tht sotrb haccepytt aa ai nio thontasscs mts tcec Sw.,, Peols use Io hrHamilton friend. cets lor tht fi mvi two tintasU U OUO E *j, I ctlteldttfyaootoa gmoas and one tent[ormatlnddiion- CU MOUT CO0UPO TEOAAND Au vuek oaer many more fie People voile have aiw loncesartm fracltin ai an MAI su iTaO UaStiDaYi To.I4chboma nty meut friands." nan ouncet. wascoeieeerc, reie grantdrt-A ntw1 DOES YOU R CAR (nountîlfr Bah Reid nird Mil- soarît.' by JuT abi this iltosiri. U ~ E T E E I~iieîît bglt ot toit Cslnnts n Moîîiay that pli-YL *lL F UEi r braîg MaoMa Kntt sat sotnit poulsin t tn HA E TH - ? Ktt t.oflatg ay qnii col- rstricirotst.tofh0i No Pep - Cough lems etîsanlît. c ls H i ad one puri i is eigith-iGWY tO HF hamrini*a nsez ain i atusa-C . -- Jet.l IGSAtrttr Bd.. liant îiay id tîanmîf 5ti t aliont tittd tht pool sith Irtsit wtOOtt r *i FrICreil On tvroyday. Tht oatr hr addtd, UHnIEIngn Temperature PotIeiOt w bif g ittii înît in the ditttbýe -- itZ alngî tht %tnti Mît Mia, tit tsnoonttd HARM AC Better Dring it to Our Car Clinic if. bay httt vbaiinucd PHtrîr A "lt'Il. netbc t rittalfi 22ZMai t.E. Milo Yor caisvnt intefrmsomn anvilemt.if fint tintd n îîthts lintt Mîvin yoaneitaoting troubleenohilcncesno anre rdna ADRE sane fat ointi fuurt sot a, dotsehnîîg ahout entions. WILL BE OPEN comtplets ervoice job. __________Ou rar moned mechonnos. asnot lai ont mihads and Cititins rîîtsays tinfant moreî FOR YOUR CONVNINC machne, an pt pop intothealdhbus itan Ilt rit miinities til friit SATURDAY UNTI 9 P.M AND ____________________ b tek ai a tasi ni less lthan tv cett., pur ion mietHSSN A A Complete Checking-Over INSUR NCE .30 .M. O 9 .M.ondoa INU ANE . YiiR tIESCRIP IN \VILL ri EUNE-UP I5 IN ORDER NOW! u u ,PRESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIRLC- Drive in tndoy. Yeu'l bn pfoased wlb nan prompt, A R. R FORDHOME PHONE HUMBER TR 8.4475 TRFLA U 10CMAY 285 LAKESHORE RD. E. PORT CRIEDNT ONT- M LIN ONTý Tfl 11-Ml57 40 anS.MILTON TR 269 CR. 4-2751

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