Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 1961, p. 10

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10 The Canadias Chia-plats, Thursday, Jaly 271h, 1961 Celebrating Caniada's Centenary iCa-mtinucd fras Pare NiueI iaa-shlp. Osarrit reiosed ta tara gior tho occasion for iighsing la haste. asi-maniles ha-bre cloa-s avar agala t «id haties oi was fin iritadshlp, saedt ai dis- and paiitics and reglont ad oeania a-ara oa- in a sali] that setions. hraagSt <hiema op as ilaoro, Wr Sait laherired tht inuits Dat heriare prompts an ta oI tht lair oi torriothrrs a-t are continut bailding taa-ard a nt prssud to touat cîct ibis acce- ion in a-hlch aut taltnts arc sion. grneraust ytaard i a The hv ceonturirs <Soi CI- gisehio otiditirs forgtcta, ati sic-I apsoti 5<15500 Catietrs, fitat itîsîss qsdr<ic isttrid, al] .yeu<sCanatdaand theo^on- gteciostots Soaattd. odortiont< ot tht pra-icista ra- a-ila su aer hut apan <ho aekvd 55 <tte het-tahiP Of Pi - htdraok of tout urs aooing itt ecoutryt <or -hc cutricudcs large iua-bots ic la rench ad Eaftlih 51- ai tîther cait graaps. TSis cos- bagcs co i tpour rohtersal. a-apoiitea poulaatian toqulats Bostdes the «ifticutiO ai tci <Set vie treat tSe Caatary in ati andt tonetinets, toto a-oct such a aeps et<o ta-phasie oc istito clats, Sct<îgcrra< arigh- caommua Canadianica-- bots, raturc< aiotsri and<the Ouetaloot and imopatient vaoe uatot<.tics o cif Licnodcr at- rs acoeslainaliy -le. la da-antis totoer 3,00 a-ices 'w' cfrteonntioaa sya-hats ai oss os oco tetord SlJ'iy for <St cancant wo coi uta ait St tMitle aot aodtios in15 "round an the a-art maaure spn- hootc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ bl otf hot oi on nhl a euple a-arkiag «<go- Thisohcksctd gioncr nhooid thciahthtatna-< Civetits a it ahout <chat <t aroc Conetesa pliongoo <o cettbs cîr. I< <c os Ait ai <ha gond <Set is Canada s-e phiiosophv .i loceitya toan todep tannai hr, crsditecd ta pas- ohstttOc0 ad gencoit iba st sagrofitheBitish North Ameor- kccss tnd thik of eo "Canada" ce Act ai 1867, Sot a-ha tan an- That, toate outtccd hoc adtflcult Pa-ss tho impact ai thet ocant enthiîsss Io erooso inoaland open tolot fattowrd. Canada siiso'pul,cnaote and voticf Confoderotiaa,hbut a varY c ha tî wtst - e t colobrelo unia-pa-scivo roalit. Tht pro- s the ouragetofsmea-and <c-cincot had noasstoociaoavitb <5,5 ho ,tle<d hure, tho skiil one anotbo, and tcooy province andlitsncitc uhich kopi <ta-m opred onde ospa-c<O gos- huie Iocilti <chet 550 nobrit OtimOt a-uS ils ca-n potitical 'oco souset «hicS ebtatl structure. Toay, topecottd hy <cen to vuad stock icgethr a-ires ai mounstatn, forst. taets andtletisiiccshoh --rom ted dteritcsocevrrtgion ts ,a-tslo .tt. niontt <oal macin itsspecieaand aoccttaty C,ýnferzlton" ontribution tc tho Confodotea Prellrne Ose Htstatp Lon ttcn prcoice ans cit locya-e- ihhat hvaaght ibis about' S.t hs is tttcn c igh<igh<s nchiah Chiot amoaf <ho palititai a-ns i i a <<h c a-orciizr and a-as loou cs est osutila entiot tis swambitions Io fuÏi bot ta a-a-t <ho chenged conditions a ls hstcvsol epsodet andl Of British po<icv ta uni<0 <ho ptoîs ttfor thefturev are ca-ptc 000 ttevod provincesotaintt pot- cine <n ho Ccntevor. sibletaggtotsion frta-<he couth. An excllntchancei afteod I .onorictiy, Confodotattan <cao t000îî0<îlaiontu dsigned ta spcood dopendraco 1c,ststtîan clittoisa 0os-ocaoocindstris iatrad of t i of< oot culur <chicS ts cr ofl toc'w, and <Sus losson on- nachtogo-tudhStatitg noa- posavo tîthrcffrct ofocaor- histrici soielis ca en a-bMi poilic thon hoiog porsood ch ners f îhsosands oiS ba bth Greot Bct<cin and tht <epie <n prtt <diof lt<tersn dier- United States. Thtcagh sootoal le tndrcotrds, oct-tv new~spop- concsion, il stas Sopod <0 pr- e tobarcives oflo<ael gttctrn.Oseve cltal an lctal ltcoits mrsan atoei <iofs like and retatiltSa'th ith poii<ic< a.ls tonsils cnd ta-pia-onîs cta-gt ad nolidovity. octi St lava-er gonceaticat. Of course, eccacin oi tha Writttsg <tcat hitories asbht British NortS hsssoioo Att os- ho madet a projoot foc <ho taSltching Cootodeton did nos sotois. a-bot heskctchsean. ci «sti assure sotion of rith- Scitiits Johiioootasccoe gc, tc plilticel ao cocca-i difficai- <ho tathott cbttdren cae- uo let. I< diti h aoevr. protide e itb n-c 3,000 <oale histories ftiea-ok 'itin a-bicS a-o are «SoSh have boto a-icrahisord osii surnvig <o bcbng about tho esat titoi ic tiha Stbetohrsroo Satana- ai ioyottirs and intr.- archives. cts adu and sopplies, subitS This is aon fitiea-, tan, tan at.effrotirt fodlerai tystra-In tS< nk aots loal bistovic sits. q05555. ILtîstot cottgtsIocbaiitiea tta< Throgh th efortso i ti g a-umea-nt andtiti as<n att-Sot- on plcers, msisioarioc and tced- rcooti.< oalPlaqpeqo san ors, bis lusd, Siggor lnam o bis site - . .' A scoreof rab <bain al] Europr, aa oprooti ap. lois<ill n airetthebplace of the Totiay, sot art parttofiahang- hirthptae ofc one ci <hoea-crld's tng nsottd pottern afinovtion sot-ti omireont es<cnca-c s, as d obsolescentce. a-oc ficoit ltlittgt~ <~c~, t <las bîasi a-id nrsu stirs scbtch i ! 8< boildings andi tronches hc ndqui oaau Il «so ie alooact <cisttintog- sourcers, rrratuc fsonirs, dissi- rato, dent a-uoccbttrt anti tirton ofa A tostol cof in<tccst in bistorl- grandeur. anes palitual and in- cal sites ts sotsdenced Svt<he Oua- to<etat hiniga hure shifiad bot aot peupteo aS tit <Sofont fca-<Sit nid a-rvls. sa-ich hav- toto ptcsertta ar Ose Tasta Tttday tctccctt. In theUntedh<iatos The tasktfaung Canada itni histovicti sites etc raing ahsed dvOrla sel oi vaues anti a Of stonto a-oas in <ho Pcc'ceaecle ofhb assitod <o trcisg <<totote itotcst iiiaion, as traagb tht e iutos Dut igerîtage Besuils ail <ho matttai things Tho pccpov plcce <c stat e t<b at, <s- sttt c s in tho past. Thovo -t s no so-oti, on ibis ocei 'ion, touc %,.Ink otr Sotos in et- of toct-s, Sooaco ait bCcaedes -%,îs voi oton << ch fe, RALPH & H ofth tbcttîss ýho <cars tietv. Il is ad<thal St <ho graat hocotit ci inhos i<cnco is to sac- cc<hor <ilS pvootioot quaiss c i i l s.a net o r vi n < tut h o t g". T i I <suchaoc ontuo ci rgh< thi.gs entutho do- sil* ta ttt f ie fil c al]il i CanaI,, teas titortu o <act <ib, hlfer.N A anc a-ust St an iotvissc part ou N A ttoss,"cal Tht dcccl- iiI r I 1bav theossioa.îsin oo- WILL PAYDf 1. Rate paostures. Rat i ily ou ta abeipys divide tePlanta. Tbia a-lB bel MR. MRMRO.,out your vatuahie pau IT ~2. Mow paalaresas, o TO Il ~etransh,a tbe -11011 9OR- Prauing abanta can lNédOLtt-E 3: Plant orhbuid bade Tia%~ ~~ ePl , ovapr rama an npp dura body tampetate 4. Pipeu<stttaparra springsor aorel are lai aboma- that pirsty oi fitat, purea-atoe mii gion ltt more milk, 5Spray a-tua wrahiy - Dairy Spray Conceta veater. This miii giva y, PHONE TR 8-6538 frna-tisand permit Pasture. Par the Finest Cities er-ice g, Sappienetymrpaat Paetoeui Prodace MILTON FUEL SUPPrLI.ES Canadians Who want biggî Iléuil mmet Thied unae un u a filat a-lt be erected ta mark the lion oduaiy if It lsho s Centesary we rmd some spirit- loge las algnililasce, 51e hanvs nt U aai thingo, lîkc ardedication ta iaoherited citloenship as m- the princiles of the demoacratic tilg te hsave end ta holdati . <top oflfe. yl espoastsg dama- out effot. Everp g bas alofi ba racy, we ave adopter! a ]lfe- ta ear ils awn ctieashM and long assigomant ln hussa reda- a-le need tri ramniod vssie ILIm ~ e ( i im à ê u Easnae tionships. petlodlcailp ahoot its vamsd__Calita Elit Anyonr cascopy tut a con. lis obilhietions. d&*r stitorion and translata thte <te- Thog era lieonshpo r lâ 79,q # fstaens soocratic ïdral fillta tht machin. eterclus, a-r cas conflrm mur 79 Stsdl vleti d crya i-nrntt thsttat an a close fratarnltY ol Eleanor Taylor daughtor or Tw-ive Mt re usra10ia i rp n aes 8 lga fri, nsight hv , tatesa-ent and people a-ho knoa- What thty Mi aile Mae CoHseayioiou Aothadesfosa nt orose asd g ive laI 6 9, ICîtv 6 eytptti andetrne.ng hy <tant iad n r nd n lngon, a-as high connestnt in Hg sonaor ln the campetiton Tire rets softhe competiton ftahy 53, John 49.Mpd crycets, devise a prie- tinding woys ta do tl. We Cao the annmaai Land Jadgîng Coal-sahMry itn -aao oro oisn etleVld 6 etilt shtow oavncivrs as cn eiion, brid an Juiy 13. Miss astardtd a -tn wek schoiarship Jniors: Larry Gardhoast 75 tîbise 43, JuSi C atta 39, AI- ct-totnt <chich a-dl a-att tntiy -octicoit pettiotit, Irving tO Taylor Oas aa-ardtd o tronhy hy loa ofsî Coarse ai tht Ontaio total isolis, Harold Thampsiott cd Mariai 37, mante ~le soit flhc necdt and eharactitvo aitis <hc standard of oor socit<p. tht Crodit Valley, Sinisa-n and Agricaitarai Courute. 72, Narra Wetlts 71, Kenrth Wil- 36, Muâto LePr te V&Me <h t-aito r e dispvre " t edota Tht Land iadgiag Campetiiion son 70, BiR Airtainder h8, Don Cantin aad -Yvon fltublt îlt Bat Caada dors nat staad <frei. <habst <hi aioaits hrid under tht direction af J. Poaiherrtoa I, Arthar Laa-son a-lth 34, Mat-un' Gonader 32. <n -hoa-aid.Toho po- 0 ctte.tt<p.inditotuni An ht n-cesiOaai hi a- A. Francis, agrlcolarai repre- aad Jcitrcp Norst and Ralph Van Saniot: Ba1? MeirtY 79, Watold tioicCandin ort0 a-e0Jncrtis Fod hiid ahnc tO m rc a ie ytorn Passes ln rattttt enlaive, aud J. D>ouglas Bats- Datas ticd a-ih 65, Janice John- Pattersna 650 Gsar* Btî9 Sota-rhaa rrrpcontt ha lottans Fr ctitasiisis ar taS ara deh1 a-ilh Su or0 sida, assistant agricailtrai rapte- Son 62, Don trtittgia end Bill Robetso serre 37.a9,lMt cour -n. If a a-an a-lnhrs hît ihan tht righi io vote: il is tht croati ef Iomi tas frsntaice, ai tht Extennion Verna Thaopsan lied a-lth 61, rap 49, Claade G42,eaterfl m37. country to prasprr, hut sovar ai art of liing tagothar. achîrtra-ant and its clopil ai Brnoh, Ontario Daparta-ant ai the ttprnno of othrrconnrirt - L5 Do Sasaettm mos rosemary fat mamorieu, wt Agriculture, in ca-paration a-iSh lie is at tht taa-a <a-r an iotri- At inheriturs aI a groot tradi- must ramind Oatrlves îlot 1961 tha Sailit Daparia-cat. O.A.C., iigrst potvisd nd a citienof on, l«it us do toarhing notahle a-i fatei place in the cavai- uimier t sposarhip ai the . ea.edeeaea <ho scortd. JO markv the Centenovr' ai Coa- coda. Wr a-si maire l a-arthy Credit Valley, iara andSoretliRteP açé" Qaridrs o gogrphphrfodevation. Tht inrojoot is thriii- ofthe caa-paap il haaps. T-ieMeCah ssorviln Amt Ie U ga chongrd. Our nrighlors ae ta-in. Wr are offtrt caiod "tolot- Thon, rrcaiig Ttaaysoats Aatharitiat.à%dk ht i lres. longrrtherptapitin tht -rnt "do' .hy oar visitors; for ihis s, a-e thal ter tha futar Cîaaatîy Sait Types. 0 rod oAea *Isle ftlisIk prape occasion, iri's toaiiytnjoy our-kaascng rhat .a .sc a an Nompa in cotinnt orp-icat th se ie oi cr so asî d raid scul, acodsg wrl an t caa-ptitaa Each cas- vI r V3dy, leffa"bIeme omwI la Mayionso thtr onhe nusir ai -eoe etn lsiidfu ltps [ho oavih. Ecvy dayttsesthn festvaihutinscostructioands amlaaaatstir sn aida a p tends oi transactions pasn fotfiia-oai. tavtaht But aster ratd tc Sfor t g rasi afih deyithneIkmàt gkb throagh thit Stohs tnoration- Ditappointa-ontis eeobt siré cue sit joui a] Division, tridrace ai hasiness <r-na "cour grapon"-at a-awbelhasiud i n hiag daoh y Ceadiaas inaAot unehas hadtaspvar adanttages g uaottbrsbeafàt <vola , Aivica, Asie, Euoe and and Sos arglrctod <boa- or frit-hdurfé teAsoavicot. trd themaso o0v r a-atrd <ho t~~~haem dclon Evrry Canadian blasdwle.al Wr accopi car vonponsihiitieoul Sa,"his is Canadas F ro-o ebuetdvàh è an o soa-h of tha Bvitish Cea- saity a-ansteth ci Nations ad or hoadredih hivthdoc coirhratian, lesauuîefiE th ntdNations. la Pokistan, and 1 oam gong il, hr os enais-t a pavtv aiof Caadiat holprd itistictiti ost.fuipr fi. Ï 1: È N W Nf s#..te u,# M ctlo a-ta-hobrs ai <ho Cttomcn- S lx brt- u las ne s. " d îcootth tuconasumrac a dam, a M a pcower station and an irigtinN w Trafalarn5 Fim i auai», fitreil lowayielg cystoo; a-o sentacntingent ___________________________P scith the United Nations erco Prie R~eprod.uctli Zkh ~ striviaf <o koop protc < ho rfla onhpsnnets uW l eb We o nl, n he ccaionofindontv - Caado Plat Ropro-1 Souo cctr, asthuces ic dacttaat Li-ted aficily apent t fooecdis ets sa th tnca othors, Sot cc do holioco <bat ta thi ow cotpttcc <s acoi on the courseof ou< cc istory oc hae th, South Sotsico Rad cf ohc EViNINGS BV APPOINTa-tNT - die-s ovd <ca-, grao ta-ihs Oucoa Etizabeth Highoscc, ad-~ <thicS cor ho<p tt maeaind. 0<00<t <o <he Goaovei Ettoilot Out Patate plent. i MILTON TR 8.9972 OR TR 8-9678 Eay yer, evue 200 Onleofilla fer. à beCnfeda <tioS but a Coopats- ofciisi, htaded hc% are hudi ln allai hotovo Ctdente itio b S ha-t pto-id-<tt Hugli Otitie c, ie efebif te be comiqu, wenI ypeu uin, dicno deinsumetip gu<Si ovts ad pevscsatic candaccti aemm with shici tuc facet toc ourdît- te anat i <Sft plant andt 18 Cancidin Fana Sfly Wftk lacs. J. B. Stohoortetat fi Sis promitses. Tht ptaht. fotit toioip 184 M IN ,M L O JuIy 93 f. 29 preidoctioat ddvosstutotho Coco- litd titti todcro Sigh opooti cHistovso<ihcciots 2 <a«t otokng oand odfinish- C I dia Hitoical ocifY20 ea to1cn equtyctott octt Ileiit ur ln0vt Llayd Davis Jsa-ellaey Shap C -p rtr n m c ago: -Cooodiec<ca- .-.. is made h vuoslsovdl oA tcOIf u lootsi c nturittesof ,.wte orocte.s nved n r- u c c s a-t < o tofsiu g e w l a roula Cro ftt<tysc oto andioa -sttprc- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tfu cnoiicaatio oa ttos-- 1iood iatic aetd plat ic- itttiots ond optoa si ud0 osch 00050ýl itvas as bot- co tt'et<cia- «'hicS histots Sf est tc-sadoblesedc ho it s , ho epta' - hss soct c hoe tcottoded -500cmmode dry tîoks, doacan', vsi<c toto stohhovo, inducai' heret sttootas eaedaa leoi t-ttc an«ort ti usth- ro si r et m st-i sta ehir bistie akrud sb Thea etrorv odsignothes bred i olor hobga-ctd. a- hc<dtcg Sos Scos crfaii plan Ody Sic a uionSî of oaa< it d tpeouplettcooe Sasge Th ite stali. la IN U Greceirc ita oes radv. idft<ot cvtso adteocsvcgl hor vopevo ote taa-sthosoth ohtoooectheIsufes go Thntenr t t he -et R Gtto o? vt- W i, a-noto hstveDA iv talsa- W, <Sir A. icaM OORE etshivtag i ne oc rlht vitcl foc tho Soaoft ui Nesw INSURANCE 1 tedaiats. WSc sot mako <967 ----- Ciioeshtp Yo,<v lot it Cono- CAMPSELLVILLE - dinPhose UILaas 4.2271- - Ciieotshtp soeds taiodioe_______________ IUNT Ltd. TURE NT THAT IVIDENOS tn thoagb yaa tirs dom rantuin satriensa, bat it aao !de ai pantare, containa a h-gb pertentage ai atar filds tatest" and baik. Yaar oran'atst al the p avoid hiliig- pautata they soed ta obtais the nutti- tire, rata thep raqaita for top mots produc- la asthayloegis tion. Wh nat give meatcadi, or driva tender milk- in rit mp Stars a-ith the Checherlosed orean. Sign, i'd fiire ta tall yaa hoa- pou ras ia patare to suppatet yoat paaturoa-ith aiitto artaaity ta as- Patina Higb-Efiiiency Mitking on htot dap. Ration. This a neagonda-ay tamaire t,iinosatarai yormiikprofitegroa-. ear, Testa have conveniently- for fast, efficient lied service call belp your ows a-utb Patina- .termixerdaitb Rai ph & Hunt Ltd. better ~ 5 us f .R 1, Oabaiîte Yourpas-TR 8-6449 le profits tomorrow feed PU RINA CHOWS today 1 ru-rn ~ ~ ~ p M- M U EU *4 ADULTS +2 CHILDRIEN +LOTS AND LOTS 0F LUQGAOt .ln go ntany practical waya, the Victor Estata swings up high-stays up eafaly by ititeif) ... for Wagon is yoor perfect answer for fatnily motoring 1 economy.. . for easy handling and amooth ride .. . For passenger contfort PLUS plnnty of luggage it'a the mott practical wagon of thsm ail! Try out anti cargo space... for easy loading (the tailgate a Vauxhail Victor Estate Wagon todfay 1 Itra Vauxhai for value .-.. rlght down the Ilne! ~TATTV LIATT hê Ëritish Car bul enct VAUX ALLbackad by Generai Molort MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED 388 Main St. Milton, Ont. OFF mannuannu

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