Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1961, p. 8

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-uf-h. OFFICERS OF THE ROTARY CLUB of Miltn diavessed anus District Gonernior fîmer Sîneper planed pciecs an actvit s 6te 1961- 1962 Rotary yeor, dcsiog the District Gevenans annai ost t th cub n Tsay eeniog. S iowncnrferifgenclub activiiea are ice-pres- idn obMcCa Disrc Gouerner Sleepe, preaident AIFaci, serery Lackie McKer- siean teaurr ayMupy Rotary District Govern Officiai Visit to Milton Dr.Esne LSI-cpe Distrc.eeigat.vcwhc..av the favc in Cývr. e f R.I.NDsrc 709 fih.clle sth, said. tri ti4i.d fle illýn R20 vcieLlv itil Mcin _rac v 'a Fan" hic Élieeciclu mee cv vopcacst Thoavyaa'kcyipaced gcalaon otAe n ieadiecship allar rcl .c- j picasis ane isedicideal Selariatis ch. ngcasamaie ceports. aned iheir importance on lise id ccc italvlvtitla oracvitioielv. "Eaien me In une adlviavs tuc Milton Soar-1 Ralarv, il fun," ha encouerage e lins, Distict Gvveinii SIecapa i es. inc cesiccv i i cicv ee Dc. Slaccet. a raliced Keemesa., teliiicvs.al vaceg ihece icte N.Y, veitii, olritu 269 dlistr ici fcv il cc ice cI cl-- i R v Saic . Hova iet gii. Ia il,,[iclai, 1,.000 lcisa ili, Koccsiivc NYRoitai, y clubh, iii 123 of!vice aiiletltisin 1924anti was pcestidonL ,vccilti"Evals (Aisl) iit-clci flicei clbin 192is 8.îDr. Slaepes day antI iigl ac Soacc C o l iis iila Rotciacs in 12 ceetnirici Club a35,000 mile glohe ccalîng p ia195. Hehas scctdfltarly yearseun toe veisal iseard et S eoMmnty. In Élise cleb assemisly fellesiat e regeler Rvtary meting, pcec- eaA A. Francis presided le aoîcod reperts tresa tht caons mmiileand dirtcters rsic. g plans fer toe 1961-62 year. outh Unhurt ar Does FIip AScar drceohy aMiloyeeii ceiced 11Sf damage Svcsday esiss en IL celled oer on A i EDGINGS-Crochet instructiona nd for shanta and paillow-cOses hoe. To rncoie the easy ci nelope o t hn Needîncraft. Do Sf1 rwo Caif Clubs veet at Farm By Mars. Geore Pelleterie, The 4-H Holseinl and Jorsey- eeroscy Caîf clot meetiag; mas eid ce Modiry ai thc peileto- sl. Fellecing tha jedgint antil îeliog, ebecelate saîlk and oughîsels ocre sececd le thic sasabers and leaders. Mr. and Mcs. Dace PellCtellecl Lud lasaly el Gelphs speol Mot- ay es'eisg sailh lise PcllelAties M. amidMr,.FruitMeurae ad cas et Wl Ceca tpet ScndaI CAMPBELLVILI isc Filis Lina. Esqvesitg, noreli iso ciîis Mt. ced Mrs. Jamec tf 10 Sidcead. Maisali. .P.P.' ceperled lise car %vet I ii Her Reunions, V isits Form cxIu oînr.l. sîrcd a palte and aI eru, lhess ellcd eser once attd Mr. andi Mrcv. r Mrdd Holiday N~ews B3udget addu l hcs rvr iie ,r ceigwt MyM angdnaa Mis. ent iMor stoccPerseeof42 Gergehlt Mr. und ÉMs. Flot] hfcvghl and L y Mesere MvT t a ciload apassacigecsserto un petiteSud.ccmis Mr. andiMrs. cao Stdi lei,1 hbo Mrt adMi, R-bis MPha .Ve 6 sal icli fi, a biscciîlal cccv fi lc arc vpevding viA tceis catrad>rpe.Mr. ansd Mc,. ci cheir cotagec5 ai Wasaga Boe[s, aaio il ch o od James lealc vot Dan Miliv. Mc. Mi. andl Mes. Lanard AndrewsVt c tocil S h o od avd Mr,- Gcvc.Icglci HavWic- andtilasaiI. aie spcediof ireFo ana Mc. andv Mr'. i.tamu Kicsei ivecits ai Oclasca. lsn E ec aIMciievac avsaslc Miv. Nelson Meccirve oai , C lo ig E ericF r ae t lis dariton ict. cnvene o cii, sasn flia veaeed cilis Me. Tise clevilvI wcsjles of the Ace- Mathaytîhavbed Éiolce wha hec Miss MarcclisDacbi is spevviof sîs Mcc. Lluvd Csavcivcd. licen United ansd Preehylecan ieitcihel alebe a woek wisîliersa 9aipcraidi Miss, Rahbecia Ceake et Si. Ccalv cilliccs saismes satation SibIe cd Reo Hae1Éçd FAoue Milîs fot Mc. ansd Mis. Gacrie Tsa aicicias il isalidayciig with Miss chocIl sas ltield Friday evniAg ci d in rit soit drinks, and King Reanton Elieabhi Kennedy. ini Knox ehesc, is. salie large sagi Ciarcir fer tise vian- Mr. andiMsCe~ciKing alci MoidMvischnGcsiile andiiAt[e ceitparensvel hand tue.tlliIovtofaids Mciiin Mis icvt tokies cccv .1111v ci Ficictia ire scasiceg c sceeib66.lildren vsingand recite. Wtndolp Meeting cavis,cvccc[ho il r icat Kig,,viîllcMr. and Mrs AI . R. J. L. Grahama. w cblirl MotlavacaciigÉlie eacaiic cicvii fieldi tiai prPik, G.l! Pterson. theadevalcvliaiperlvd, praisedî Ids ' hl idepsaaecisganid iici col.Mr. andv Mc-,Wlcc King, Ife] ici ivvsommercottageial ccand girl wisvad [cdithesaoce-ricd ai Aiea Friciay savcsicvg Mr. iMrvLiv Cvcilîg.candibercpar en!,.Mr. and Ms. Donald ISiv prvdran or aci eei. Hel ceissicvo ycvgraais Ier misin ,ianc vti Mr.icandhAI. C;cI,,,i 1 Nok, ierhJliaini vin Icceveniterschvvieiall o-rcen. cvin Ccril ci Cliviric. A Kinvg,.canciG-.iec tk-es.civivie Th ise rtecvSlietopirisivh full liincicl sicaseeicil filic ,di Iciin li diisciic, Mv iv c H.a ccivtiigiia ,...tcviiecied bhcMis. Robert M ac- w ivu lc opatio vil bc hai Mi-licnd Mi, Gaîviccei Ccciii, hIcs. DatitSicieslsee Tevviv kantdiplaved iseirthasae fiv ing naenc..tlac Mc. ccv MIs. Oicivic ,t.vici 1 ______ Diliv' pcisav r u vcaep avcc t t hieîslcced and Londonc. cersas salle foc lise pea rc creliaecit. ct.pacc.ti lice Mr. alli Mics Georige MtcPli.cil 1 OWVILLE %îasd ai Milton Distrit btospitl, wr xclet .aMci.G,eg acc rdcvc and Michael Clesens saa lIbi lîîci.îcgci isav"Iîcîn Hunts' New Soin od Lltinr. ieae nca lvaan JACK HALL Mi,. F,iikVtiliic ii *,MmrWk ccic, col Il, iik Born an Hrs alirax Mcv. F. Sîccil li's iiicîacnsaviic Cencete. Ctidr. SAag ant ilA l'ait onc o-sciieîcc ciecciv l caccy48ilchildhiisdii iiitC -licol t'o cicaiiiieicliv Myi.tilhCI OailAauinocel ao sdiavndenisvs BLOCKS ic i iil,, boni, co ici cc lI 1 Ih aificl t,, o chrLs Cicilitns.' Tiean Mcv lvii ~ ~ ~ ~ M 1.v iv Paddyiicleii ii i Wiison' senioîr Sclop as J COOKE (Cesseete Blocks) Mivgic.Xis. ic.cv.k Oinln cu 12 (,crc, M.11% plcin cintiaathecisaileurcnevin j LTD. viS, ii ,avvei ici hi iý jack pii licî Nîca Sciclil. Ih'ircerveý on theilierre, 'TIa Whiî.hiav I - ht. iWliccl lie i vviiilvi fur Mc. andcJ la. -NE 4-7763 lî,anî, cccviaiIAci , hi l MI,.LanccLPÉo ocîcilicales wece ycesevcditu vvivh cu irc e --v )Icc ci cîîî Miss LccsCcvlvvc bav s cnZ ag 1gvrecpncisicisisad aiievad ~ EVENINGS ad ii,.cIih ldcir -l..catientei Mlvon Diiirici I.p. prtclienlasce. andt chair MILTON Tg 8-6365 M, dcci Mliv Siii.k a Iri of lise caîssînil Ave Robert ______________ lîvîccii Si. ,ccicvvci ,i ,nlcv Saieîîîi ciiici cîcis Aov i-c li l ' lv c Cc c ivc ll l i i II li Littlcle ig c lic Tilers 1%illk.vi 1 cliv, Cccvivdicîn andtÉlicTYan. Sttcylig at Lake k- boaht Éulirc Tige- c, Iii, li ......v ici bhicici-cccvccc c C vceciic To LIVE or to DIE? cccii hIc licv \vaslcni, lk[i cli, i.ccl The,, cli c oi r c i lic -,cki cv ii ,, i, . v, . cc i Sur, cccc isccîgcc ci Milles trea, vlI l' Mcv i-, v 01 i ile c jackpoti hic isccc vicie o cciM.accici 1c- ni-s iOcîiial.cv dus.li isîvh file til00 ced III, THAT'S ALWAYS A TIMELY QUESTION WITH .1 ive c W.Iva,. -Wcck contl iues onv rie r VACATION TRIPS COMING UP s,. 1111i" c i cciin, vi Mi cii Dcycrisicis -.ilcv.icîcv M cci.J.g1 ic,iiiie c STATISTICS SHOW ... plicil iviccccccci, h.îiîv Accients invAneg ijuries occuaraltherate of ceci11 vSJII 59 ciL l i ci hccîiiccttl icîcîc l is Mcpliiii one~1 aeeey30mintes. Durisgbe sait oftravail andt Mi,. Ocik, Icaincici lion ccc.cc ilise pariera ofiie~ia ps.idsom4 p.m. te 8p.m.tlb ue the sien andi M-c icleSiIii a L arc! lcno M.:.Mur - Mc rteaof oneterpl8emits. Oesofthetop 10 sporat, cicDukel ccicc Ilvilir ncause seo teaffit accidents is FAUI.TT EOUIPMENT, an Mr, 13k1% Pe.cvcci' i ANOTHER WING Baelgtsernmtrrsos-l us m'roicsIl Ile is lou.icvAnci h - piny o ivîcci cmire piccicci c ii liv liii- vpacc ici vo bori icne. Leit s bîees courr. Hata As ane care lar CONDITION? cccl Mcrcî cccviitý Mce b ri o il i l cc c MI iiiff r c hc i l tSmpsonatvof scnerane e L A N Mr.A. T.aMnAira Cate lise (> iilIýN TRAFALGAR MOTORS teWomea's Mîstioary Societyn CM£ONI(oSIImIt CominyLimf nf Ontelo laset menk [rom Tos omayLi e day MIt Fridoiy ai Boli n U -23 jMles 7t82 MAr. anti Mes. JaclAt11letIo R42 6 409 Mails IIIIII.11 IR826 asti fwnmAy ti Stoynor wer Sua. 9 M le dlay gondts wAh MAr. and tars 1S.6ik James Robeortson and fam1 Ll~ for tihe detoretiot calgiaga are feoatared ia tlis eflet. Desiga- , tirelie edgings con alan be appiied ta ather limnas far thse rochet instructins, aisaply tend s stsmped, self-sddiressed en- portsasat of thia papes, îeqoestIag EDGINGS, Lenfiet Ha. 8968. havce recea tly mosod tu Harporçs e ConrRE. 2, Hamilton. Bunef C.omments Dcnna Harri entAthe saeoh- If yoa mont An knasa at's end with Lioda Pelletîcrin. Linder hehind toe hlafnts, aak any clthraied fior 16(h hitrthdoy on hnasowlft. SheAl tll yo Ins hier Salulcday. husaad, esptclolly at the hreak- Reaand VerraiVasicklt are fast tahle. siîh their allataVele Koorod Adenauer, at 8,Alhe Mr. and Mrs. Hooper aad HalAit Wostere scorîda loa hit aI! Pelto Island.a letcifo Mr and Mis. B. Datcs and gocersmoat of Omajor nation. girls arcspeodiog hissatcihoto a Principaltfish sptcit ntive tu cettafe scilh the Dc Mois tamily Saskatchewcan waters include onGeergien Bey. piko, picherrl, sahllefiah, faite alat asn Irnti, archec geayling and ciacor. Mr and Mcs. Tanalry Bornies Amonah Ah iotrodacod spccies ,vBruce allcaded toe Benaett nasa Iricing are hrooh, heoso riuinSondac held aI Lamhs- and rainhosa troal. Étale Park et Aldccshet. Econiomista teAl usont eio cevral fasailies Imom ii dis- western cisiliontiona hrast domin- rctaîiended the Garden Party atod hiatory is that ;ahie on' eiHrnhy et Saiordey night. emyish asedounhrtod andahea Seel iremihis distric wit -one oftAhemot oconemi cal is Alttoe vcdding Salardat of and stablo sources otnrgy Mre Marshall andi Arnold Hem. nosa lta man. Jorai SI. ravîts United Churclt, M.andA Mcv. William MeFad- Mrs. Frcd Alesander and fasaily. tnspecl tend as eceoino miih The Alexanders t-outed Sotor- M.aniv Mcc. Geeoe Marshalidayanighîwiîh Mr. andMs. Ted Idgirls. Shirley ofi Stecîsilto. N.B, Vtnttoos Mr. and Mmr. G. Pelllerio Mr. andl Mcs. Ear Corhnls and fomiiycisied Sandaysailh adCarol et Saint John, N.B., Mr. and Mes. rct Harris ad istd Tusday scith Mr. and fomily. Prsad Sp the hIlton and taielet ntutsei DAILIES tenher. They range An caor tralt Bath Hemerocallas and Hosto paIent croaanta tugaits gold, Thm area n he communs nnm of are lancinus peach, aprltat and dahyaldhasq int recent yeas.t salmon pintas; briSlant oraltgara thte namne of t ne plantain lily la and red deep marcortus ami4 more genorally uaed for fte pareiles,. hresans marbrogataln, flatta An metahors of toe l1lY nome of atera Sufftd, Liters hi- famnily. they have etain liiter, colors or pattoreiei. iea, atthoaugfAise cifforeoces Faroautmeightthnt. o iW $u Fren toe gardecras aviestpolnt, Hvctslna although brardy and en. a m -dariog, ali flot take othe roagh clasifiation isnola Ipol -reatsaen ofllant given hemnerocol- anA as the fort tisat both am Is. Their preferonice la for rish, depondoble, ton&,living hardymiIal eldrnt aAad porenial, inaloble or, 0W hade Deapile these dlfferenees, plying colitr and enrafit An tho hemneracallis and hantas 'arn gardoen. encollent compariains An homie Hemeonallis le toe more adapt- grouods landscaplng. The basAna' ab'e of toe emo. Il han altainod crlosters of lly-Ske flameos le saide popolatiloy at a plant tat wehito aod aLbadas of lavender duel; ell inalmost aoy stu-andbilair, providdwhatlà,ack- ation wit-h a miniaum of carre. IL ing An toe hemeocalâln cainle will grow ia san or shado, aI- range. Moreorer, mnaray, hrantas Ahoagh la donse libadre, bloom suply contrant not any mAth wAlt ho sparse, and it light or flomors huA salAh follnge as sanîl. bosy oia prosided they ar ndtd A ap e9aAt vy scpplied mAth plant Ide in mnn el n h fond. Good drainagt is esacattal. flmrsae hasonmtos t has thev An Sonne places the highway de- hlreaurssli Sed ata ià laaved parement han mode lternA use and earlnnlynsplahadaorhand of hoaterotallia tu enier. aleep mAth wahite or cmreos. hanha ia aIl types of sotif. Tht heavy mro syatomas andi oluas of folAage chech orealot, and aI toe saime aime the hread mseeps Fo of colorful bleuim add ta the enjoyantt of the nommeer motor * Respanda ta Culture Products Yot la apileofn tht homeocas * aeln lis' taleance, l t0tltons An gond e Fe i cutr.Sarelp toe nom varielios, 0 Fe 1 sahoat hlusrais rivaI thetAruc go D"...Fue lily on site and lortlitoss, moMurir01 he a b sacw caa givo thom. Day- 0 M W I Misare aristonroas, anilahîle a St@ve 011 for toetannA olahorolo formol grdiea, yel lhey hase a hccmey 0 Lubricantu qualily, sshich maltes ahemrit eqoally deairahît on a hachyard Cl flowtr border' in front etl shruhs, alo deivos, an ahapos, in m dictus, along srteans and la open C e t l groe. In tact, homrnecallis fls c fl insehorcer aspotor amas of Econ ashen the plalas are 001 in blooma, the gracelolly arehion Hein bgarre aie. leliage lillsasvoidi and sl a foil Milton and Aclon colA Long fer oarlier and laler hlactms. Disace and ask far Plantafesscamps ahythe frot Zcaîh 9-1450 (Na Tati Sac, et a hcetd driftA alog the Charge) eolraoc. drive fur a co!orfaI scelcomne. Tho rock gardent sail R.1. 3 Mlles, henetit hy toe additionof nI o the doaInt SAAbl dsearf sarietine. OseSowfl IR 74»29 Thoy oloom fromt May te Sep- Onpturio Gjewy Fresh Proluce - O N TA R IO G R O W N N O FI R t G R E E N STU A R T flO U S E MARGARINE pet 4 for 89e L ettu ce 2 IAS 2 5 c GEISHA FANCY bOf M WID E S TUNA FISH ti 2 for 57c Cuuminbers 3 ' 29c BGNE L Tomatoes CHOICE ROYAL QUARTER SLICES PIN EAPPLE 391'1 4 ýý 89c APPLESAUCE liert 6 for $1.00 TOMATOES JCE TM doit2 for 25c inu~ 4 for $1.00 GOLDEN GLORY - PINEAPPLE JUI1CE li-ne PLYMOUTHI 1111 RED GRAPEFRUIT MASAItJ ASSORTL> ln 29c tis 3 for 25c R EGATIA STA DA D DESSERT IlUA inAR @'* la-or $1.00<!~j'~ Velues Effective lu Miltesn tII at. iaIy 22 OsIMaON NIO 5 for $1.00 Il SOFT DRINKS 'I ONTARIO FIELD GROWN NO.1 DOMINO - 30-OZ. BOTTLE

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