CaalccsOasapoas, Ttajsdeay, J4ily 2M#, 196l CMes. L. EssassA Iisgsllg CiMca. G. Lucy, Sidney Si., and Mes. T. Henry, Bell IL, vsited las 1t wmeckmwtbbes. 1.H aer alGrand BenS. .> c4c r40C94 Doald Huottes ai R.R. 2an BY MRS. LIL HOUSTON Tresar Hoston ot Moin Si., ave . . . . . . . . . oday ci Humber Oies Unit- ciCisorcis Camp ai Belles, items 'ce bai sccal aes essesn aee ; mc erned. Lal Mca Heuto aa TR-9284. Ras Gctloreofi Sana Manies, acre erait et Millta s isitisg mils ttc parants, Mr. ced Met. D. T. Mr. ced Mat. Johne Metcotj We are acres te repart tisit itataseor, Maie St., frtee Wootdwretd Ara., lait br placre Mrm Cliii Hayras cet ceaisard Il< ai'ic. Friders trîs'eîisilihtbir degsta thesJoephiBatManriel Hsp-i ane lsoetna,cMr. andbirt.Frcd ital, Perlierrat tee flic pest 3 Mits Fmate Little itttpediag Peny ai White Hotte, Yuken. %ecekr. e mentis ai lOis, riititg lattis baer isntier. Bîrîbîlîr tree'tintc te Perti Ana n r.B.M aoc Paermbao ,liraedbaerccnd aM'.od Bhiietr birhda Juy cisldea, larmcerlr td Vancue Codai Lieteant leiti Marier birtisor loi 19.ver Iland, speet tisa tseaisad et Applebp Cottage lait Maadop Mrq.Jerr Diso o SinFr c iti Mise ýMrrtlc Field and bier et ibis ee tee Natonaol Codai Meclacr 005e t Ss Feec-breisa Reret iegSt. Camp et Batff, Albseto. tare (lace Heles Icsaele Bradon) Tser MoyofingSc tîtemetl poe Milice, cttaaded tise hea h 'py tmily mosen fannt f hr millr Nrs gne rote Isteir ace beome ot Stere Rosiscrrp, ses et Mr. ced Brandontbeisrof& .rc Agace- Mantreel, Quecc. er. Marier Rcberpy et Main BrtEdeaecBrandoe , Wadcccdep St. W., bas îeiaad tisa Reol Jeir 1 ie Miltten Etc'rgraca Cern Beoser Secoai et Milues aoadîas Perp and lait Sotorder riaisy. Met. Dicte ts elieg et Haigis risiied lae h weedfi, HrM,CIC. Cornallie, Novo a.. tise Maien Inn wt troeta s inetc ro.ecetr.arsj"as' c tc '~ Mc. ad Mes. J. E. Tasner, E. 1, Miltoe, aaeureed Wadaesdnr Music Hour Sets Toes iappmng atr iselidoriat torom ekisnt W.I. Sees Stephen Foster's Life « 'l'li ranseanrs et tise pregrem Caricer ottarded tise F.W.IC tait wreaied o, mens et bis aoriet i-tetirctcgolrreetine Mrsbibi asaa disinct diec-cottstioa. ofticesar!accîa Wl pleaacd tee, teporeteleitmstttotcrcci Musical Canadies leuýc ortibt tues. fireesithcdistrteatait ecetn Aaeamtetcceeîa puai, ofcielibc eotcsme, nbicisisaiieceldai Gere- Matir trt s ip Mer Mottai acisc %ieuc'ittc mecisce.gatscr- taira The Jlirmeetingetllibc andlMr. Welcer.Mrt. A. Ges rît ai tit trime et Mcc M. fieldeaithce hmeofMts.T.CeadMr. T. C.msere gises Add îcn. Ams.eReolal]%il]ibc aterercthie prizeaefersamieeîcmeatr Mît lit Mottat, tise pratideat, iartciliag "Wisreendbetal1ete.Lchsacrematefthemet- epaned tise meeting atitis aa isv inedgcbc. tacms Mes. DeBteore, Met. 1. sT. GOgGB'eS CHURCH, Lareîlla, mas tise attsg fer tbe-Jelp pae-t.Eoll c.tlccs ererd br chd a lee'sL5S RichardeonadMrt. Corgil. i mrricale istseJoaaaeRenearlaRo a ris. Thecibride c.ceitg c lctîaie tausical Mrc.M.Aad'sLif Mr. J.ERobertsocasortese is thedatesofMr. adiîs. J.S ri'nitlc fromensat.Ptc'lc'tce.asre aied MsM.andrcenanod Mr. M. conea , rae.toiertaaiithes adthegroomciseasof Mr. and Mra J. W. Hacrrsaofl.5. aci eiîeîcd a mutaiti lit'res Milton, cactanare o tee isairc stetei ad cesmiticce. 3, Campistllale in music.eeiu, cecdeciie teflk dacar etce iretaLacsp Leoanecd Gced Nîgisi iNa e ise bodnte$ c Ladies. Tisan tiser wreta tkea liseg lunal aa chri ta tise Aegott meeting a.trefc'ciclet adeMieten 12ce bock te tishes e Cipie fl« lf l ivwe <hru u ie. ineidt Hceaisp Paris, misas ciAcea,îc Miic Fat eeer ac e record et Mr. T. le411i cois gieI mil pet ce Fait, iblis pie la le isa îîed Menesr aid tise rient of bis fle fo*teb1hcltea ei h araibigit F i nsie" .. Tepic Need Fats Tee leiif etca.It evs mald is mase farite range and TTchesrirtsWe Me ceecsaber ieprcgraccws charbegeto Srda eekrclfi thd bacc'm cee tilî arecg %vrlbai.iaOcea' tera Mer W.e Hatea !o eite bsiesspt Aorece.e kthe atec[t'eire agrclue rneonsetr pled. tii bccg cco tea cee tha tracgiag et tisa bajes fiseld baer beais i Milten tac tisais' renel la Agricoar"%a ne- e h vie oaon u 5155itv pialaecir. Pricce acre te ltae mcmesreîtraaccd. The ta- Jlirmeeting.Thecpratidett Mit. ed bs aiit n lerlcrlvrprayn tee grccsi. thei Axlc mac pre' b(aed ta- n ce tall'tîtrac-tine eemmettarp tld et tiseJ MeC.îriî,tac esdbc~mr b Z tr peler. tble côt- pacdbMe.rggcaseis tisa siak î.îp. katilc and aaltea'15ri5ig of "Oh Ceeactis" end citer bier inent. Mît. B. Jncs tctpnecc %ann ett ce-tishce s r. t tea plîrser tfce reatemesl 1er! aflie eprrad ta diticreRi Eerap- prerîdeai of Meetaic Uion ferer Paient Flan. Tbis wa e att eplcdid pagier et conerartion klcbecceeuipmaai. aeauceutcliettbiis ettesagiain c ï,oa aceseatc ni aer ter lento is cusin, 1,uia i r, rglso Plas it Mesice tise diltareat lanreerer aad risr- teeasiMrs.%vC. Sae,'tictreMiles. c' t naîa ai 1aer te hot bnd saab Ibeegisi bcd Aeaesta iscctrearcse ta re tismeie traI ledaofteimr- - icaese ranea attie laIt tair ditptc'cs. ricge te Dr. Mcexiais a snhtea, 1 Mit. C. MeîIv and Mie. C. Mis. A. (teck, Mît. J. Rabarnt. 'Janaie o iet iba ite oberv 5 n Fatri attisteet tibstescc midis lOre W. Fraser. Mre. Molles. Tisa Hisr" Capisea Farter spake of isis anti e plce.îîîi recia lime prendraIt esîesded ae invitation peîisig tise piciue-aue leesîls THIS SUNDAY S pent. __ It tisi nt of e tise ice memes tsent le sg, "Oid Stock lac»" Mn',. Sicaen ise ]ies' ta Gei Tises tise eristin et Old Pauls et CLOSE SHAVE pis. bis tisa isetee meeting. Jise Home, Campterea Races ad "L 'NiT ttc ltte ber secs beicg acteber picacIo teu eca esa isiert ceca reeed. cr-r 1 nIIIt h . fn Vsce is ner beby becîbar, t Mis. Rineisart bad cceeaoged rycel avervone ta tasse back te ChuSU tUBnda anUI~E Ucd lie mer atpcciollp iasrtged î.isecboardesembertMet. Mc sld Kcstecisr Ms. A. Frak e bsbiaetrlcctc CaIns ,le i eolb.b pceIso slec Me Old Kceierkr Littae bar: Wlisr did pec soc eatei iatetig.TisrscllHome,"cbec'ed pictueseand tt im rmM petite ie bca et interet ince Meeje o ecigth tisao on rebicis is E NOX PRSBYTBSIAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL Moitien Fres iseasea, dccc. Mine Re . Je K.L.MGre, boa Ontario Si. S., TE 8-2022 Peensier: Watt, tiseyrse 7Far' ege e' R WBA. 1Obn ios gnardi te n eme et tisa cloe isaircete t in sose, ce gh s Te C Mt trainar cJcasa Christ. (Meths. tacet) dent tiser? DSENTAL DRS G.A. KING Dental ceagae Ottire la eoeal Buiding, Mrltoe X-. Secar e Tel. TE 8-9762 DR. H. P. DALLOWAP Dental 5aagen 155 Mers et. anstareel flac Ptnars59 tote m. E-aoc Secerre Tai. Ottire T5 8-s20i DR. M. R. SCLJUBACIC 14 Mortnta.. Milice OPTO55ET555$T5 ARTHbR A. JOHNSON 100 Mars Ct., Miltbon (l,,td fieaCreta firmne Tii 8-q972 Se, Te 8-967e TLic-dca ard FaderY mernre Seameiý r b e centoiani KENPIFPO P. PICK B.'ttre Ciatn., Clercy Pebie Teirtibana, TH i-Mal1 T. A. HbTCI-INCON, Q-C. lear rh--sle Ste Tnteabasa TO 8-6551i GEORGE i. PLLIT, O.C. Batrrs rolrcrtor. Satane Pubie Tcir'-pbnse TE c-mes2 OHARPE and NICHOLO aV. C. OHAEPS Banîstees. Ctrsaned tac, Mais St. Mitre F. DAVID THOMPSON Stîrrî,taerr cndîraýitea t89 Maie Sarest Sesideace TE c-cas PUNERAL NOME Sileses, Caseisa Barvtte noceili TB c84« UMIET as DAY ACCOUSTSSG EA5L G. BLACK B. Ccmmi., RILA, C. Cisaaleced Acrcant Bo 6 M ilte n Ont.e TEicegle 8-654a LONG, FENTON & SWIîNG CliaittarcdAcaeenats E. T. Cisetîrec, C.A., 131 Mais Si., Milles 878-2712 kEVER & HOiKIN Chbonleted Areceantal Phosasa GL 1-4810 SM 4.91t1 .51 Maac St. N.t2t2 Kacg St. W. Brampton n T ..t SOWMAN, BLACK AND SHOEMAiCER Ontaiol Land Serseptîc ecd Eagtner Outrcer 30 Docglas Si., Celphs TA 2-403t Cadl Zeeltis 61240. TSRAVBLLBRS' GUICE CASADIAS PACIPIC EAILreAP Gatsg Suai -i ire-t... 2.40 are fins; 9.27 g.m. Socg. e.5 se relce datte. TE 0-441 CBISDPRACTDS MacDOUGALL CHISOPRACTIC CLINIC Etea - Laorelry ilDans St Srdi. Ockitrî (Reversecres arcpted PUBLIC LISRARY HOUES Mnsdcy ctoed dorieg Jl, Aog. Taesac-y ......13 5, J 9gm Wcdacsdcp- 9.0 o.' I 1.t Thsde - 1.3 -, 7-9 p.rn. Piay .........13-5, 7.9 g.m. Satoedcp ............. 930'12t5--S "Coma thson errs os antd me relt ta abr- gend."' Namis 10. 2t9 MONTH 0F IPLY. 1961 titi0 em.-Meraieg Wcreslip. Knsas ceagrecoties miiicaite reish Ci. Pael's cgr'gcttcc te Ct. Pactex Uabed Cisercis tee tscrsip. "O rae, tel ueewraîsipcend betedets..' BOSTrON ANC O;MAGH PSBSBYTIAN CHIJRCHBS Macisea Ses. B. A. Nasse, B.A. CUNDAP. IPLP lIed, 1961 titi0 e.î.-Oesagr Wereship Car- tilt0 e.m.-Eartcct Wcrrsip tee- stL Gaegea CcenS.h Lontaille St. Jcosn's Cisctis Hcsacccntcp (Thse Anglican Chioreis ai Caada) Smv. Eý P. S. teetorci Comapialtrît. Ontrio Telepice tic. UT.s1cr o-2577 CCNDAP. RiPL lîrd, 196b1 TEINITY VIII Si. Jons Ciserci. Nettegact a' 9.45 cicg Praîver and Carmas. Ceadar SCeisan. Ct. Gerrers Ciscci> Lacet iler i1.15cire-Ma)ratat Pîrer and Cermon, Ceadar SCeiaît. Officians: Linreadet-, Jabn Are nIant., Sd Wilson. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Ai1-.1 iaaeeblsstf TtHE PEtOTECOaTAL At5E5BL5E5 OCF CACABA Pacr, Ses. M. Cisritas CUPtDAY. IULY lird, 1961 1t.t0 ar..Ceedcp Seisai ecs- et for al]. 11.0 e.m.-Mornint Wnrrbip. 7.00 pes.-Ssaaîar Crvetî. Wcdneder, I g.m.-Bible Stedî cnd Prerarr. Fidat'. i p.m.-Paesg Peapters srvcei ces. A0irciag cbercisrec cea eake prier baise. Ail] Wclccme CHURCH 0F CHRIST, OMAGH Na, rrirrnartandi4tltLar T rrlgat SLIDAY. ILLY ZSîd. t9b1 10t3t cm.-Bible CrScio. Clasers' te Il agio. tilt0 a.r.-Mereieo Wsrasip. Tiusac, 8.30 p.r.-Sibta Etedp. Pao Are Atreopa Welcamc BANAl WOIL 5A5?H This la lise eangelose foce ai God, eleveal sn tbe gal, clamail ings. I (tROC DS AY. IJLP trd. 1961i 10t3t ce.-Sceekiat ci Breaîd. 12.15 p.m.-Sista Cire,s ced ban- 7.00'.pcercenîc. Wadsrdcr. i and Subie Reeding. Fnidop, 8 pes.-Gaspat Sesica Kelao Camesesity Hcll; Tt Rcad.,, Taca Dereicies Cisut. Yeao are He.îrirlr Welama te Tisr SCeîî't'e He' it iaîc ai be h is e Cite tais, cieila'.tiangbic,- Andisclirtai is liciuei nat tisa Cun tscil at tee fle; ist the tendi et Crin ctideri an bien Jlie 1:36. Ail me icnrierii an Hies acre tlaid, Ail est iadctc'Ancre by n (b a e part: Atia%,iaiean Hies flicLard balhs.tad.. Mat cielatirai tiae. ST, PAUL'S UNITED CHURCN Marn cîd Jamas Cureeta Ministas R-c J Lasse Gratin., S.A., B.D., CýD OIJNDAY. IbLY lOrd, 19l TAt ract îrrt tise Cendaîs et lt, tise reegregasean ai Knett Frerbtiairîca Ciîîrcb c rit caorrbip c is Si. Feel's tOi0 ces.-Marcing Woa',sip. Actan reisici, 'Sisasîil tri- Na)ti.". Vrîtiors Weresta Welcomed CRAC! CHLIRCN ANGLICAN Mtilton. Ostusa Sanies Rea D. A. FaeIt CUNDAY, lbLY lied, 1961 lis CUNDAP AFTEE TItIITP 10.0t ces -Mersiat Privrer. Ms. H. Brae, LER. ta chîarge. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCN (ncrcîr'ici Sire r., Miltîn CLisea crr Mi. Ente Binai, SUNDAP, JULP lIed, t9it 9.40 c.m.-Saedcp Saiscl tua l] aires.- îlO00 ont.-Gideens 7.iS gm.-Poster E. Criera sn tbe future. Boisci Seced Weil- ced Pnyter Meeting. Wedeesdcp, 8 Stodp L. Wc EMMS ELECTRIC casa Ssvitlag Pissas Mils.. TB 8-9731 ItIGHT AROUNt t4C Shirley Thougis eeeybadp laks aboat I cen il Poundi Salmatn, lise methr. nabdy, as Mark drained aad iiaked Twain polntcd out, bas avec becs I rnediam caanMbae, pealed able te change il. and iisety cbeppcd Evert as Isle bettest sanarnr I top tinaly ctseppcd clcery dapa yeu can cal tise menuiser' lii caps sooc creeam mac at is oes gamae wilk smat 1 tblespmin tern Juica mena planning. A ceai sctad dis- 2 teapsions bersercdictt set', criap garnisis and an iced 2 lcblcspioees mieced antan ratrcîbieg iseerege miii do tise 1 taepseecsitt tricks. id leapees papper Gelaline salade cas ba made Sertes geictin ta tise mocer. reben tl ta cool ta tise moraieg Sie ater hot mater setil gelatis and left ecdy te geseiisso tee ist dissalard. Ina olorge mising eveisg macl. barel, prix tegetiser the gelatin. SUER SALMO soimos, cecember, aed ceieey. 2 ttiblenpseans plaie getatis Combine touetant, tern Ose-Ibird csp cald ecalar joica, beeserediash, estes, sait Roy Harris Weds Joan Rummery Scene Set in Country Church tea ceverny pertormed isy (et dinecr bcld tenlise Willare' Rat. K. Richaerdsons, set tai deorre basin t Beeliaglea. Receirtng tee tios et baskets et majestic tise bride mac ber metber %veau delphiniums ced peesalc Si. teg e drrss et paie bloc gelbceed Georga's Anglican Cisercs a Lent- geergelle oser totalo mils machi- cille os Jly t, 1961, aii Ilcm., ieg bat, ced whitea gardante aed Zoos Siseillo Floresce Remmary toc tisa groom mes bis melbar be etise bride of Ray Arther recriag ai dress et sca ceepe Harris. Sis thie doogister efth ayadwitbercd ebtle sares Mr. and Mca. Josephs W. Harets and a witie gardenia. Tisa bas' et R.R. 3, Cempbriiit. qet mem mas decorslnd' relis Tisa bride's gares mes basd- daitias saie mite taille os slim petecasi Lectieg on bier bacneaon titret mils tiepecap secres and cnst, lise bride marc e anirery empire bedice et Guipure acec. aed bloc calice dees ced machb Tisa cecie as mideiy acooped tsg jacket, a wheis lace picture adadgaidtaiatlrcac caats t. b and ecceasctsadcagardes- ced th isa laiseiliiefl titi tale iset. Tbcr miii rasida os tiscir seaepig toliseessetflise toit larro er Fracilca. teegris siie and trois. A dcialp lace ccp field baer eliser teegît' sattoand sbaccrriad aoccade bouqeulet ofpore rehita gerdeeter a admwhitesceet pae. Plasseeglel Cceeled Guis Tisa mcîd et boser, Mita Relis Terser. coesin efthlie bride tramn Grimsby, ore e aattlp drcpad coae titis ergenaoer aleta dacess. Miss lae La Remmea', tise brida", sister and Mira Chiseri- brida, dresced cuise ta bloc titis >If &m ai erganoaer latfta. Tis attîlend- III E ants more tioered beaddreccar OU m of white dcisiescand crridaeea- tors et daisies. Ploer giri Miss Lpaca Horrie, ataca aftis groom, on go ta cwhîte ergcedp', cerried o ebormtag bossaIet ofdotetes. Tisa crgaaielst letteis Eteaor Passll, asd tisa seletet ecer Rote BNso o Break. Selecteos sang marc Tisa NK 1F M 10 e Lord's Prayrr Jase lep et Mens Desiig and OhbPerecl Loer. Gardes Harris, braisler et tisae groom ves, lise baci mes, and usese mre Hogis Hart te, tisaJ gream't isaclier ccd Doald Hec- ni rit, bic sapiae. Tisa bride a Fà gises ta meerioge bp baer tntier. Wz StfBet Classer kigisîr guet sttaeded c bel" "Mom says electrie fry pans are like kids... you don't know what you're rnissing 'tii you have one"'5 Iles o trunan of cli the reide oeray of portable elacirir rooking eppliances eruilobîr todcy... including aulomolie soucepone, portable oveca, eirsere5 decep fat fryrîs and elln 'Fis miracles cf tmcodern caakitg pro- vide e nevrr-ending source of inspiration te, yoor mecl planning. Everydcy dishes tuera out "chef- stylett and delicieus. ... eepecialîy perfection ira rlectric applioncen desigrard for the job. Yoo get ancre oct of 1fr- rIea ou gel tIhe mari oui of. rlrsttinitv. s ii PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ,and isepper assd sSs se tkm sage- table amixture. Agia Jlgatiy bai wall. Seoi loin a lii m1rast and dbiS asasil ses. GahI sac lellase haves and gamns aisis cosamber suices. Aed tee a ceaI drink leY Ibis Mii Cap. 4 tsaelgs ai mies 2 colis mater 2 caps sagr 2 es temain Jadce lA ISg. tait a 11111e geen aalarlng I qart ginger aie Rerneve tise tilts cnd heavas ftra dt mini and aS t0 lise sugar and mater. Bell lisea tegrediaiatac foI5 minutes. Strate the ayrcp cnd caSU the teoa jaice, nais and fcsl galar- is, cistil maiLl Iaclndlasclp betara servng add cbllBed gloger aie. Moas ires quarts. De pst bave trouble 1els geatiea sas t ofmaté? Tep ibis biaL. Beosb lise mald lgbitp mils salaid cil kere psstisg lise satad l e t. Wbes lise salSd is fiem,' mut tO lp 001 caaity mils osip c gentle sake. Cocasmis, Spiti se sliced and sooked ia bct jule, may ke cacd ta garaiss sciada. LaI tise co- cornier sand in bt jaice toc 30 minutes; cbill. Tisa cramontr "presi taras pisis bus tise seeda ramais green. Sicit bollored est lensatees mils cheddar cboese, crlsp bacon pieces and saie ai tisa lamnais poip. Tep miib bacon and ceee ced 'pop inie briller. Il moas c daticisas Sommer loinaie tracnt.