Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1961, p. 9

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rr- -dtUh--- -~-~- '-te-- M d e ganir e of Mz an witit a largý the chair fi epenet- tt er. Mns.V ai leader. Ennice Na amd Mm, .. rde rom ,av. oed Mr iy miticit so buasinessns sied lte mec ere enjovit ensi and itet1 tActon oct- Soeday ail vice fer i, mdwii tht- litent servct> er, Rer. Hot cted fo th je lte polit e August Witen be mac in Ottawa revevtiy> lîrrei's Prime Minuster Ban-Gorion raid hte mas sur- prisedîoalerrn rtarsineete end of Word War Il Canada bas spent $4,6b29,t-50,000 on loreigneait-Mr. Ben-Grioemwent oI st-y rtalte a re rtal rte test nI rte morid mai eqncllp ignorent nI rte oteer Of om foreign aid îpending> le point nI lte tact tr is liiteiy rtal oery fem Canadian& itane ocit inomledge of titis noblet> titnghit i ro nt a record me eeed ite modeet abtoot. Canada providet- more titan $2 billion for immedrare poilmar relief and reconstruv- tion inEt-tope. Moretrevenriymweihave speer itariy $1.8 billion in NATO melonl nid> rot- rnotiter $48li million on speviai assistance ivitemer. In rte part devade mie bave con- trîbotot titrongi rte Colombo Plan $3f2 million for itytro-eievtriv and thtetmal pomer proîcts> ovt- grant of foodrtofis and revit- nival assîstaeve t0 Inin-a> Pakistan, Ceyion> Malcyr> forma> Camitot-i cnt- Vietnam. te the vrrteet year vie wili rpend SA2 milioor foreuonraid. Overa ieeiar per- lot- mit arr voritribetitg $10 million te rte A NewYorktpi toit- a big gctiterinç yoetit is rot gettirç thitrr rit-ors. iThe saie groep cri of rte Ontario t-lt-rit qoile empitativ Art- st-bonis un e r saoit> smog art- liait et-t- art- itis ns ritîle Mittibor tititoi t dresnino tAit Canot-ut Pityrival ct-ovation o fr eebrnging a ton movit soit titinit vol enot'gi bard t-ar be lefit to spevi te Dr. Fiomer's oIt Dr. Naît> rte Nem modern oorts' Iof eluhl gritat omes in Lr1 he< Mitit soee itcnilency mc mnite te c itnomledgc ltert Miltn ita bcd one pear of failli r ee dayr- Our itesiteecp <r in moedering mterter lte gond record coni bi centinord or mite- rit*V me fionld itold ont breart cmcitieg rte amfol raers rtal notiter Miltonian bas iteen lte vicrim of a fatal occident. Ir is possible of coorse rtal rte constant itcmmering itome of rte need for sefely in acl ils aspects rs bnv>ng somne elfecîs titrongit rte degged moiti of rte Milton Salery Coont- cil. iThereearêtîo mcnpcreesmitere i irntc- eîrarp te deoelop sal haits lter rte lIs of peseibililies rs endînsi. Cyclints> pardait- tires> imsimmeri> bocrers> indoîtriel moriters> itoosemvives . . . rte trt is endlenss rThere rs of corne ne place mitere ne cn lace cre> Cou M cnp soccesfol boninesses bave been bult oit rte soondi principle of providing e relieble prodoct or morrtmitile service et a fair prvce. Il caniroi be denied, itomever, tat miten nocit e predoct or service is mark- eted in aecoortenos morner r more pleasani and remerding coperienve for cil nul resuît> People, both yooeg and nid> in ail maliti of ltfe> ternI favoornbiy oa voortieos troll- meot cead il cents no more titan a urnte lime antd effort plus toogitfol conriderelien of otiere. l-lemmany ofousremembrerahbus- iesa in o parents' or grrndparenlr' rime teilo irvarictly mnlited t rte deer and opened il as bis cortemers ltIr? H-e bord rte lime te be coorreoni. Ment Indien> art- programt Weet lnotut-vPir- ees are in Canada stot-ying publiv ad-minis- ntatin, information services art- firiterie> Canot-ian eoperts are in lte irlards nnsirting n agricoltute, itoosing cnt- vovahional train- ing. Over n rtree-yerr petiot- me are tv sperd $10>5 million en Afti-o> mainip on tectnicalI it l et-ovation. Titere miii be e $1 millier appropriatioe titis yecr for rte Commonmealthi. sciglcmsitip pie art- rte nemiter nI persons rtodyirg aI u nvr untes ont-et rte progrm in eopeviet to r-ite tb 225. Art- many more items vooi- ite at-tet- Io rte lit. Ofvcoorse muofouoforign ai-pnt- iog is t-me rigitt in Caraat-o mîith Canot-inn- mode garoes ratiter titan t-ollets goitg ont of rte country. Nevertitelens il ns ail movet- titat rte toopayers mort pot t-p. Proitaiip rtone voval fem Canat-iris mito coori oor foreigo rit- or pirifoiiy irot-eqoate bave no icetatin itnomiet-ge of rosI bon tet-ti me bave dorle> ont- an it-enîinti bot enritit isicvonception of lent itom moit me t-ari nI fovît. Soif Heads and Muscles pst-ai et-ovrhoo iteteran n malt in thit oot-r c as itealfby as a irte otiter dap rtal ont meught-lifriog session. snofittitelaidol 'inr Itaefinaecayitruc lrereatîon is avieet- by t-oiog sometiting vrrarieiy iteard Dr. George Piow> bat ns miy out empitanîs or pueey tprv- tatr sports <s mrongu me are enfertaired Board of Pt-ovation> dit- by o fontbtall match, itut ont itecithits rot aliey 'Me vannot opercle improvet-." -Syntlator ofirrvviety ...w r bit, gnilty of sofit rtirit- nct-d in oor nvitoolr»" Colonialism on men, mh ere at- Sitict 19d5 no hems ltait dl natiots bave t Assoriation for Heaitit> mon teir iuîtepevt-autv from Wrsternv t- nt- feoreatuon or MoMar- onial t-ontrai. Titis ovitrmteiminglypcyvt- roasovirty tat int-oing fui proesn of nationaliberativrn bvvv argcaboutitardeeissandt Frted SOI million perople livng in t-oi titiritittg ritotioftneii of 9.9 million sqoare miles. aliels. We lecrvcerainiy lnvcotntt sirve 1920 rte Soviet Unioo dtecand-in iieomnmry> tas eotendet-itr cntrol over7ootrim YorkvillatqeioOed andB8regiosptsofIote courbes)n. Thet mress, stresiet- titere ara tires of titis expansion, in miiv CAina iet onrcapptrvittot eiten ieen inotore ci andeaOunit-torpitnvtî is 7.6 million sqocre milen art- the poyetal orfit> eoert-inos must be lion invoive- is aboot Bt-O mut-ion. t-> ont- pointet- ont ltaI ACtA Newt :.anadian Champion ;L1R MILTON 263 Miltoe R g service rToronte of order- resocited oflew ced pop- tmedium cardigans, 0W AND DAYI ntemail Keiaiee>s oxite col- ment pot- price lIl kitt t-n ONT. BUSINESS ANSD E DITORfi A. OPPI Cf T.Et-EPH ONE TIR 8 -234 t- "'Big SpIasî"' oes ni rte coins ni saey and Il nopeot te pamrai noe. Wilt rte sommer dopces bere encamnent rte farmer slitosp miit meacbines lrying robent lte meerter . r ime for snfe prootinen if them citer mes one. Te mororist ni non ions te spa'ed elong ro bis nommer itolidape aed gel ro rte cotage - . . c rime for slie driig iftèreelveritmcroe. Te rwmr- mer is ennions le smlm ont e urnte forter t sîrercit bis smimmieg record . . . c rime for gafe smimmirg if ltera ete mas oe Nom is reallp rte rime for refit prootirer and prectice of irfery. Somrme> fr11> mirler> rprieg, mc lot ir cent beep cmnp from rte eeed for safeîp. Witilc mo're migbry gîrd Multebon itnhd ce accident frrce pear me cent ielp itaving rtat feefleg btltitlOtrg pontr brerrth. Cao mnoter feralirp frees ycar bers rcoorded? Il's really op tei cl of os. rtesy Corley ir an important and valeable enset. It vennol be moeopoliaed by nny one greoup bot il moold appear et rimes titat il coold ite nscd le berrer edoantage in mary of ont parsenai cnd bosiness relîrionibipe. Lite ripples creared miten e pellbtle itrome trc, a pool> en ac of voorteîy miii eorerd fer heyend rte originel geirore. The sommer seasor' rs nom item ond- manci visilers are travelling <o oor -oountry. Wenîdtis ert e an excellentrlimetrotake aeceniciooe efforrtebe mecoreooi>rnot ny on leur iigitecepe bolrut i otes ont- places nf business? Il rober so urnte ltime and effort cnd rte rerolîs can bit fartrent- ing. Itran maite for amore pIerrant woriA in mitici ta liore. *StE WItttIt' t-v îoav At- r ebeiet' Att--ev"vvvnn Apyci- ,fle il vra i >>il taitt v rît Il m-itît.ti it'l l taite-ttttt tt'>tt -vl t- > y>atit-at TAt-n in- al t -I' vît- lt-e t' l' it- ilt I l-t tiite lilti, l'lt', t>tttlilt i ithi il hdi. t-t--t' ett eort', tt' At-Il ttIt'ls te" a - c Itit-II vuc ttiet- il', al Ath i l lttt e t-i t- oit- st bit'n t-ait-tait'bailett', ura. ' eti-t"l il-u tît-t- let t-u ti" b iii>-uI t'-riîi' t> ti- t-il"" - c oil l'I,- ,*,, lii'> <tIt Itt tuer Ill, tiih,"' tý iii ii, rît M it kI nit>r atn t' 'u >t--ltiiitrW ',t Sie atet" t>>t-M tf tiic Ii %% %cI, ' ( tilt ut, lit' ti i , litîtia il Mît , tonlt it , " àtt> tit ii tt lit-i ilt -iii;i I) e i :L ilt t> t lilt- % il t'i>>n ti il t ll g i ii t' t' i l- ii » ,Il, Do i t' tll~ t Ill 'ilt at t-allitt IRitk art- Tab ont- Rip anot Kirk ont- Dîrt t-tre poingt tv tilt tbht boutsofn Gable t-et Cooper. Ptratr t-vol try t teli mr iait tise earen ynnng mn in t-iem e il'-i OU e i-t k et-te Ait riin a t' i 'ilrii gtt- uil- -Il V Sue, tiiv'n *a.'a41 Pa One Year? i I t <'i> >t-i I lle> t utit luttt i t- ha(t cuil -l> it] titi-- but'tti >ttiit li -- er <A-t te 94eat ad St&WC e0 Bt- BILtt SMIt-iY lu, a i t" iii ittii'- .i, i i -> n it" -'t' <i -tiit-i i i- t' tJo fi l it <thî it ti t i itît -t> Iti tritn u lt., t',- tIe i .t-Ii - t t-tl- utn, lt-i 1it -n' t iiiii l' ns1L i uit i l -u't' t'-ii i utt" u l ititi - i 'l i f i l it il -utli hu I iii> til - iou .I1ýct titdget> fi-t -t' ut -t itit 'tile* it at- u lie tbeord itv t l-it- t i l u t ti il \i \' - i iit>rt ioble tut fe t>'> \il S o iheuR e-'re tit illit- lit, "ii t- Li -iiitt 'll.' il, t - "" i t> t'i tl t i , il i 'ti I ol iit> ciii t i - i c tie fi[. luit f i td i't l t i t, $7,000 Grant Act t Preserve Escarpmont Ill t -it ttgt et--t nt-t' et t-et t' t.b t--t -1'- ta "t ut.vl, l n t-il t- ttt t tI tit Il ttIli -11 '-et- t,--- t-l - -l ý77 0 g a i ii t-t il i OI i' i lb> -1-av t-u-t ;,-t--etlt- -e e tttt b i -- trfi e v îa e tl - t'a ,: l t- ti t' -ite-' -tt- t>> ht-lt thit y bi ai t ittlît p - . lt t-titi luit' tnult lit' , ma]th otal tito athri tee pInt> tiil v tAta uit nAe it- pructet the nntoitn sprmngs of lte nhicao et the cs 50 YEARS AGO Taken freint lite files ni lthe Ciaa t-tan Citatepioîn Jly 13, 19i1 A. Matît' 1 < i- lu le l"it-" In, lc it--î, t- il >>- Itrl Mt-lil t-iaho "t et-e ' , A'-'t' lit- 'tilt> l, ->>1' lit-il iii lt l -"nl ieI le bat-k et- nAd Nittiete) t-at. Mr. Maie>, li ti et-, ha l t -t vieia il p lc l i i t h t. z-t'-'>,e ev lit- ivteeoi and letbtit ,'e mtr r>het ,,,, (fuiiteatisiedr aîd rît-y»>teit. lie Ntvtlai, 2ert et-i- ti, NSein chui ut, t>l 'h tti. . Il' li ilI ui cl t'i t-th i -u tallie- Mtt i ti i- i-ti - Il -id d i iet i f h t- tii Il e- 1p. i I l, ,1Il, -'il NteýI' 'îl Iîttet fi't al vît" w " 'r I> . r- t-t'f l'"' "lt-î - t it t' Ille~>tt tee> ihît- t lit't 20 YEARS AGO laton critn rte fcc of lthe Cana- dliti tChatpin 301 17, 1941. ir, n Ih t tIel iit ftilet 'tar- tu t-t-t--i ttl. nui., 9 h, tb7 lul> tl v,,tghed fiel thi Iu it- t' , large Mrt titi Mt Lhv- ttet-nt' Wti M;i'> Sueur--i Mili"'t> II -le t. t oflli l It> hltt Att"> ti-eivuvî.eît-eit--as i-tii i Acttiti , -c uls Tc Ic f i tît flicb, il Mvv r. litt I lt-t' t i iNl, 25 - tit l i. tt at i file I l, i teittt t ii- l l't] i-- lltt.tt <t- th it ' ut.-t Ilt i l t-'t 'lit' 't' Ni[t>i> l lttl lt i t ic > OtIS i il t- 'I ri ;ce hat- -t-"î Il v -'t ti ttte it--t - t la t t .I itit i - upi AROUND THE DISTRICT - WIiTH ROY EIOWAA .... tu. t t-it tttil, c i > fer > Il i t i fIil lt-ii' i.'it i l- Ii l, ' t tii u> 't c-tir St-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c. t'l d l'." liut-u"ttie ta'i-i- -l'Ys M-i IONtî l'ce.î.u.p ntt- ut->,l1,1 t-it'ltA.> aîtvî'-îîîmr lt- l i, Sti t i Itt -'tut i" i "iti -il tt a 'i uitui t- e arr Il' ,> S i Ic t ýii Siît i. tutu h"ui,>> t tt î-î- t cî.< ~îe ii tî'î> te Ittîiiruît-îiu.î iii>it-.t ...i..ucilt uîîlober. - i. le , i t ... Diit' -t il '- u'n' t- 'il tit l îttt- i - " l-eI . ' tltv tPtttN -li-- tavî î il tîutt u bu, atu- p- t-Ic ITVIi Ahe>v'Ain r.vbît' uvnt'ht of'>aliv et t ilut- it a nov e-t- olit fan t-rrivt Lttle Et-gar Found iy eutu' Malt>o beyc> the t-vrr mac qoit-itt "odoptrt-' iy thte animal- THE TURNING POINT Ay J. M. STlARi TAis> t e -", ftvî' WitlIirî Stttr'îîee> Mat'tît-IA. Ht-te vî. it hu te tu ht l tt S iîtrafr ba- p-t'it t ttt il tanrada ytit? îît.sAtfr.îytat,,-as lit, ttrkt'>>ccondt-tîtîitt ic BibleAt iertttt nih- IIItt n, tA l isliAtaîtcr>tttih- l aata r q>tv ltittitîl... lttttmutrettit itîît- .tîî>i t at'îivî>î' e t 't>attîit t ag fi- t>ttfif li' ic tttt Ri- ,î i l it 't iI id tt . 1.0g il,' hau ~ ~ ~ ~ it Iltîîtt lit 911 1,9i', lianul. fr In tt"h l ti ti k.l, t aîik t" ai t i t b u ttttt titi-t"ru c i tt- tti-' end lu rc t't>îet , ai ut-t- atnt t-Att-t -ptt' pu -h u't 11141 tut-11 a e 111 111 I. 111(lele L 1 a a t iiv (I in i h vifiirg [e %zs1- iile 56 .[le . (i i tr ff r THEan GOOD OLDcinil DAYS :riir%.% aNAdr Not a Bad Record *9ùJtJOTTINGS e 1101)1tAS A RbiE andrrtrio dtuvttîi ii'îî>>> rritt>-> AIIýhii f il Nh'l-ti i >ii Cir tun lu.[, 'î"î lirrtta-iit- tî'tr' c - %zu i l tt-'>tv >î-t-tt rît-plaie lul e t-O0t-t tîttît't see illite Malle, bat rt-at il> titis - ' pl-MA/INc lik, - 11 o hi i lil il fretin ta tIi FOURi't- v,;,i nlit - tl>tl-'- cI I'li Joli, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Citiiîtt t'l t-.11 'ie e lNu bun(lfr o Pt-Aih-th-t etrr Thot'>dav t-t Mair Si.. Miblier Ont, St-tiep of the Audet-i Buretau vi Civ> 'lilr v1t'- c.WNAý ont- tbhe Ortrt.tJru vou i<A A A>Iti>rng rtlt' on tvqoec. Ache rupiçnnt patatirl te, at-nan-it 553.00 te Canot-a> $4.019 en the U.A.A. Aothorîvrt- an Secont- Cîni Mail, Pont Office ftepaittmeeî. Oltama. 1G> A> Difti> Ediior-in-Citief James A. Ditis> Manglng Eiller Peitlihet- sn Use Heait of Baltee Pebllised by tise Dilas Peleticgi and Psblifihlg Ce> Lt-i.

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