Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1961, p. 7

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M D. aervta e tatIve tGE iServit-e - E'ECt LOW alan>, bialîl ing malt-r- nL 250' laI, nIoe and h ave suah- enî. Owaar t-igaga. AB bone n>lth anta, n>all 74 nL 240' chuaisa and will taine iraI mari- uir> aPPat constedlra- Ï1,CRE LOT r [his beau- lt-at-an, ail haauln, t.a- chaît-a gai fooîd raad, fat- chlld- Oaal tyrnants $9h y must ht- t-t-d. Rent n la Miltaon. ey M 804121 tailla aîîd le Boardsn c-8 ILLALLY OKER & CE AGENI' , feonandtl- I harne- aa a l. Most ht- . $1,900.00 o 1,000.0() tnt- nithaci ying chat-c i Home5 )WN îytd, nalil Nîith daohbl- lnia muni- ay mora t- 2,00.00 nith Bll Hîpoan, 961. comPrtt-htt- icninlly il, >ilh doulet apd lt.clin- than tad sTant-n 1170. st,,auit ha' oran>s thaîl .Ots ni idi[ni usa cati. I coqinre. uIIaIIy ntan-tc . E., muAin Isvâ¶I iCosittflsaéd> frîzWbms, Farms, SmWU Acreages, Lots Industîriel & Conmercal Cati Wm 1.Woods AILTON Phane TE 8057 W. J. McLEOD RaI Rtata Brakar t-CTON Phane 203 BRIAN BEST SEALTOR AHI> GENERAL INSIJEANCE 310 Mata Street Miltoan TE 0-292 Fown Properties Save Your Money Bay yoar em home nan> and hat the sales tan. t-ar t-a hait vaala innaw hamnneae the Laadoa Hornen an Robin- nind, Crencent. Bungaloms, $12,950. full prit-e mut- 5879. faui dama paplneni. Split lt-cla- $13,30. Pull ptrie mith 11108. full dama paymna. Vinit on Paily Parenhad Madei Haine, Open dalît- 12 [a 9 p.rn. Fat'- nitureby Robert Charle. Drapt- an, etc. Caniphalin Departnint Stare. Applincan, Balat- Bran. ,A" blerieta ahil ha leniati andi CE ctci annually Dy a apectaI -e naPficiat tiarePar, om- N O TIC E and ahanaw ail alher raien, la THEi BOARD 0F TUSTEES 0F [he anm mnnner and Pf-rnt tina TH1E ROMAN CATHOI.IC SPPAR- [[ha paran and Pt-aParty hb AIE CMMSFOR ta rn opan ar oat tif nahit-i o&l ATE ~ ~ ~ ~ e SCOIS O MP a0para[e Echanl rtesa are Town of Milton [aaiad. rniaad and cai[acted Par Ontaio tha naid pt-t-ld of lwenly pearn. TAKE NOrICIE MRAT th. ah- Ia catch of tht- sald Imantn yaarn, avnt îio»dt Barad af TU-s- tha carrent-y of tha natti dea4 tees an then SOrni de orIL tarcn. the saldi Board thatl 11,61, pataud By-Eana Natiner 4 pommuant ta [he provainst af la anttnize the harros>l of Sactaon 62 oP tha Saparate maaaey hy thIss atand maie laiShoqA, eusteMni Debeturs ofthe#MdBoardi af cipal Caancln of [he Manicîta- Deinntare cE lna aEti filla> wheia pt-npetty ratrahie Traiteet Eu tha PrhntpaE amitiat Par tha parpanat of tha said al $39,0111» Ochan Board are stlate, that 1. The parpane Par nnhicha [ha tha nald Municipal Canctîn maaay ca ta ha hatran>ad [n Par lhraaph Ihair callactara and atn- ttan>lracliag and aataipping a ar manicipal aPPîcern, canna ta, în>a-clannrm addition ta tha b alanied inaeachnauch yearaupaa Ptaly Eoaaty Scinnal, la [ha [ha fasahle panparty tiainte la TowncofPMilton. oaysane, atitthesnsofPMorley 2. Theaamaaatte bc harroand Patala ortaxes mpated thre III 139,000.00 an lina necrty aP an la respect oP Separala tha sald! Dahantaran, which ahali St-hanta. ha a charge mpon thpq acholtai 6. The atdc tamn oP 139,000 ta hanna praparly and pt-amnlie> harrawed and Itlaiest therln and anyaotherraliand pt-nnaland theaid debentareallaitlie panprtynvented la tha naid and thescar are hm atimâe Baard af Truanteeanad open tha charge apan the acinnat-inant nieparatanschnnl raten. praprty andipremltset and un 3.- Tha Dehantaran ara ta ha [ha meal aad ,pertanat ,paaparny datad [ha tnt day oP Jaly, 1961, raaled la tha tat IL aardi at-e tu ha la [ha dancamlnaliaa Trustees, af the Roman Calina- of nat tant [han $100.00 eath, lic Saparate St-hanta Pdr the and areatahaat-inarant aithe Ton ofPMilton, and pn ail rata of 6Vi/o pet- aaaam payahla tha Saparata Schanl rata> oP the anaaalty an tha lI day oP Jaly fiaid Board ta ha hareatar [mn- in aach yaar and at-a ta ha t-a- pnaad antilt[ha nald dahanttret payahle ia rarying intairentanad aaehand eary o fihien, of principal an tha tnt day af tagaîhar nalin ait Intenaât therean Jnly ia the yaarn 1962 ta 1981, ahaîl have haen Patly palti andi hath inclasive, tha acgragala satinPiad. amnant of principal and atte-t- 7 hani dheara ny et-n payahle la each yaar aP [ha a7.ai The îanpid lagetue Par t-nrrancy aI [ha Dahanteunt -> ht-- n las puiin ina appraiimaaaipn tnal.t aatharized ing pprximtel tm4ual byanyStauteretating ta Mani- E. W. CLARK, cipal dahantara n laoPrca aI [ha Sacralary-Treanrat-. lirO oP [ha nasua that-aaP. READ A FtRST, SECOND anti BY-LA NUM ER ~ THIRD TIME and inatîn panaad BY-LA NUMBR 4 [hic 23rd day aP Jane, A.D. 1961. 6"A <ouo'md LERAL i.edled) The Citatr Uhénpiôm. mnursa. IN TUÉ MATTE OSVb TéC af [ii notice, n>hichever la the auvtit AUtaEIt A, lutaer date. 0. EW,'hpa 61% MWi Bile DATHO et Miltn, Ontario, ibis umUEte ré 1= 10th day oi July, 161. AND EN THE MIA ER OF Ehe ROBERT MARSHALL, exaromadattlai ai oéa r LOI?1 Chait-man, mati Caattt , ln lié SixItan-Mile Crene Cantal-a TmwmIEpaiPdanwusniti [ion Aathorily, parti of Lots 0, 9. nd 0. Con- 225 Main, Street, aStEan t, En E.ntthe p 09 Esa' Milton, Ontaria. qusing. NOTE: "annr' andar [he -a>, TARE NOTICE that the Six- said At indadanle a mtitagnat, a teen-M[[e Creain Canseation[afl ate ant, -ccuapant, peraan t Aa[harl[y parsnt ta Section 24 rîtmild ta a lIitiîd anlta t-a of Tha Canacinatn Anîhnrit[ian îah.'>t and a gaardian. xeu Abt anoernn[and. depanlîrd lot.admini'ia[al' rutci ia [ha Raglalr Offica Par thae a>Ia[a'tn i-ai[aa egintry Dinition of the Caanty ,>,Cte- c-9-3 of Hailaon an the 101h day aoft-, t - Ja[y, 1961, an Mincaliananan Plan_______________ Namhaer 45, a plan and dent-riI-na.,-. [ion ia accardanca nalti the pra- AUCTION SALES ' nisinsn nf Sectian 24 of [ha said ___________________ 4e_ la the sa[d Aathnrlty Par [ha ana of tha said Aa[hnrity [ha ands shawn an tha naid Plant and den- crihad la [ha naid dancriptian. namr[ly; AU. AND> S1P4ULAR that Ca- tain parnal nr- tract of laad bnti- lns a wldth of 3t0- more ar tait anti Iying Wanterly af thne pr- alpitana faca of the etcarpmaaet and exandlng NnrlilerIy tinanngn Lots 1 aad E, Cancensin 7, Xas- nagawapa, and Lats , 9 and 10, Concassion 1, Eîqaeaiag, frant the Raad Altarnance haînren Concssin 6and 7nofNasnaga- naaya tn the Roaid Altnwaacr ha- Irnean Cancansiann 1 and 2 of The said lads sail ha aird Par tha prenlervallan of the snage l ina an ecarrmeat. tn prateal [ha lands halan tha an- carpmant, an a malti-pnapana consernatian mia Par water star- aga. recreatian and wild lite andi ganaraliy Par ail and aay cain- narnatian parpanea nnhlah tha naid Aathar[ty rnay deamt aapndi- That the ownar ofany landaex- propriatad an ahana antiana isl t-aaalrad la ila a ntatamenl oP Hesîop Road A Bp-tam of tina Boardi af Tram- A. N. KEILTY, Chudrrnan. any claim Par campancadion la Inirnacalait- 3 ht-draan> clan ht-t-k feeu nf tina Eoan Calletta tie- R0. W. CLARK, Saitretary. respect of tha anpropriatian af hungalaow. M ant- anran. h60ô pianiste Scincaa far thea Town ' ucn land laina heoPice of lina N.H.A. marîgaga, [ail clown oI Miltaon, ta rache hy wcy ai SCHPOULE "A" said Autharily, 225 Main Street, paymnn $2728.00. jetan the jacet aI $39,111 far thne TO EI-LAW NUMBER 4 Milton, Ontario, nal flatter [han parpanet hinacatea mentlin- MILTON R.CS BOARD ana mnanh aPter tha mnailing af atd. a noti-e ha tha Aatharity ta sach Broadway Avenue teWHEREAS [ha Board af Tran- $39,000 ar rt he third pabicatian eat- af [ha Roan Ct-tht-lit- Sa- $10,900, 2 hadrnam bangalow> parair Scainnai Par [he Tow-n aI ht >a,, Dahantaren _______________ naili aarnhinatiaa liviag and Milton raqaira ta har-an tht- iNon-cailahiai diaing man, lare kIit-hen. aarn of $39,000 t- raina fonds lt-r Dat-ad Jaii [ni, [961 Uîifity raam, 4-place hirean>, tha parpana aI huilding and- Dat- Jla lai, 19h2-[981 altacht-d garage. F/A 011 hal- aquipping a îna-raan> at-haai ail Yaar .Pria. InI. Toal ing. 66'xl30 laI. Onnr witi dilian, and 1cr saîh parpanan t- 19h2 $- W 11 $ 2,535 13,535 lth hach irat marigaga ai issue dahanlarna haariap intart> h3-' 10 2.7 347 hat CilJin St-a. aIdanraa alnata chdar 904 000 .o 2,405 3.405 CLEANERS "A> harala annn>ad, n>hlîh ts -[965 ..... 1100 2,340 3:340 ________________ arn Stet the aronatn oP dahi linndad [c [966 ...... 1,000 2,275 3,275 Marin tre hab crnctld hy [hi> ht-ian> 1967 ...... I,000 2,210 3,210 K N I G HT' S Lt-c 1 0 tnt-a> bricth hbnuae ith AND WHREAS lî.is enpdi- 1968 - tOP 2.145 3145 2> tdtl-iMlth>,ae la gaad et-n ta I t ha1e principal af tha 19h9 .. 2,000 -2,08 Ï,180 DRY CLEANERS LTD. condition. Ideal an an innan.[ saaId dent' tnpayahia la anna [970 . 2,000 1,950 3990 ment ar prnPesiniaa husianns lnstalmaatc daring the pariad 1971 ...... 2,0001,I.20 3,820 SaifconG rntd prapertp, 2-car garage. Hat oP Imeat- t-tars n t he renpectiv-e 1972 .. 2,000 1.690 3,690 SalPtaa nraad ncatt-r hnating nynîarn. Large arn>antaaa se afrth in Sahadaha 1973 ...... 2.000 1,5h0 3.560 lot. Paît t-rh> $16,000.00. Cut "At- hareta annenad, n>hit-h St-ha- 1974 ..2,000 [,430 3.430 a Dtp Ciaaniag Bt-ian Bnci, dala is harahy dat-iared la ha tad 1975 . 2.000 1,300 3,300 Poant part af ibis hy-lam; 1976 ....... 3,000 1,170 4,170 a Shirt Laaadarinp - AND WHEREAS il n>ili ha ne- 197 3,0 97 ,7 Sarna day st-vica il raqairat- Rentais t-naaary la raina dat-mO the te-a 1978 .. 3,000 780 3.780 hhdaahaan>hapat- attit-a 5-t-an ai tha nait pt-rit-c 1979 ..... 3,000 5i5 3,585 l ieain n ea Large a6 [masn om ihstu-o wnia yearn [ha renpnt-tinve 1980 . 3,000 390 3,390 AleainctdRp-t> tosgrounds c-lose [a t-antre of soirs nai larth in the Pt-attht-t-t- 1981 .. 3,000 195 3,195 tanandnt-haaia. Reni5$0..00 t-irnaito St-hedain"A" ht-rata, la - - - aRaga tad Drapes anparia' pier mnatht. Ricfarent-anreqt-in pt-y thear -tattp s onfa princti- 39,000 32,30571305 c-aaad cd. Cai Alan Caaht-. pt-t tad li t-nil an ihay hat-anaec-- dan; ______________ Freea Pickn-np and Dniinr AND POHEREAS the aronaan t-a-nEf tkV a ha n>hala nata-la prapatt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN e Ail mat-h donc on prarnisan CO NT Y ratrt-hla Par Inn Larpses of tha [ht the -Corpotration nI rhn naid Saparain Saha1t Baard, at-- Caaniy aI Haut-n at-hi t-plyt- A L R89 4 PROPERTIES iarding ta [ha tant realnad asanns [ha Lapisalica Aaaen>iy ai th AL R -94 m nt>ll, cs S793,008.00; Paroiat-> aI Onatriaa lisannt AND WHEREAS tha an>aant St-sina lt-r an Actt t- at-tharint- illdn [o o ha aaiatinp deataa dnht tad emnpan>a t'he Corporation DRAPERES oft-lt- Bt-trd il Truma>c af the af the Coanty ai Ht-lOn aor- Tht- nant anar Mrleyn rtan hoa- Romnan Catulit -St-pat-at-t- -la-t- t-t- persans or lt-r tht- CUSTOM MADE heaalifl îraad lai, t-lose tu St-ht-ai> lt-r the Tawn oI Milton art-dît t-i pt-ratans t-dn>ît-d or Io Highina 25, 3 m>ies Iran> Mil-lit- $147,020., aad at-part oft-[ha ha adniitt-- Io Homes lt-r t ha D A E Ion. $1750.00 rtah. Cut Bt-ian princplo n[ttheraaP iAgd adlht--homes forat-h- DR PE Bet-n. ua armttar curer t-a tPha affet, III and inliran, * Daliinard ta yaar harna, rt-adi NOW TFIEREFOREheBard pt-prty,athrmaliand pt-t-nna- la har np ~2manhc. oftTrunstestofthe RomanCathot andiaohaid and ad>inintrrthe Ho y lic Saparnie St-ht-t- Pt-r thn a-ni an et-Prttait- tad ta tha ti Rat-t-tlt made and iniahrd. 8rmont housnun t - at-rn lai nth Tt-wîn aP Milt-an ENACTS AS fllaci etnint ta nhit-h aarh prta * Wida array aP patterns frcn> ciai barn. Modern hathrilt-nî FOLLOWS, sns n>iph thnn>neica> du, and- >hiudt ta t-haana. pressnrnsystcn. cs tu -t. Tht-t for tha parpana aPare- Par nat-h parpanna an n>ay ha store tad nt-haai t-al prît-t nali thera shahl ha harramt-d apraad open hy thn Corporation CAMPB3ELL>S DEPARTMENT $11,900. Cati At-t Pt-art-tk. [ha nea of $39,000.00 and dhn- aP [ha Cnt- of Piaiaon. tad STORE turs f heBordofTrstesbyoronbeal o schpesos.228 Main Milton t-I te Soaitn Cathalîr Sc1,aîalr DATEO ai Miltan, Ohis 3rîi dan TE 8-6021 Nassagaweya St-handn Par the Town of Milton oi Jaît-, [961. t 73 creFam, 0 are indwafnhall[b i.nnaed [hart-Par nunt SHARPE & NICIIOLS, ( 73 t-ta at-i, 0 -crnl til-t- ai t nles Ia>haa 1100.00 cath. [46 Main St., Milton, Ont, appa t-at->, large htans t--a.n havng coupons at[achad tht-itlt- Salit-it-rn lt-r t-a At-plut-tn. EXCAVATENO 60xli0, impiamn>nt at-ad 20nx40, far [ha pt-t-iant aI inlrat un- c-i-6 8raani baasn n>ail dcotit-tt. nuaty.- Oniail haanr Par hircd t-mit. >> 2 The dahantaras nt-ail ht- mile00 ttane r. Cti 1thL-- >înl iirn - -d Excavating &Grading Patafnî- u50 . ll rt-ut-. 196, saa ht-ar in t-s hi' Notice ta Creditors Tnp Salif t-,0 on uLBi a. t ot i S-hadair "A' AND OTIIERS Stad -Grant-i - St-ne iap. ht-rtl and sht-ii ha payablein l _ F111 twntai in>taimnirn[ ai print-ipal ATO FrService & Stisfaction lin tht [ai t-an1 aIJi ant- - elnaSraa ar E ln For ~~~ha t-arn 1962 lio 1981 inclt-sint-. Caccly aI HIttae Ia lthe En-Ts.9I3 t ,AL a d tht- renpectine an>aanmnaf tale of FANNY LEE HEWITT CAL print-ipal payable la eaah of nuah WILKINSON, tieneaieti. at-arsa shai ha as net PartS in - LOaR COVEINGS T R 8-6292 ehadaia "A" hart-ata AIl prcan t-tamp t-tain» aI- BOB LAKINO [TP 8-2710) 3. The dinnataren an ta hait- ainsi [ha Entait t-I Ftanny Lt-a RUGS ALEX COOKE [Ta 8-9074) print-ipal and linrenI>shall ha Hn>citl Wilkinson, lait- aI thaeN JIM SEDS ( 8-68 t-anxrnnnrdi in Ct-adla t-a-atr- Tomn cf Miltn, la t-a Et-nta N 21M SRDS [E &h640 ,,. t-nd stail be payable t-t thn t-f Haitan, Widatc. dcat--tatd, CA P S ART PEACOCK ITE 864471 offite aI the Banki oP Naca St- W>h t-adana thtt- -aS' tit-, Miltan, and ai t-a principal t-a it- t-t- aP ouitr the, e- _____________________ offlit-e t-P t-a aid Bankin lacth t-art-ha aallicd tht t-t-t musnt Ont-lily Braadiaani t-t t-a Clien t-P Toronto, Ontario av t-t-tt it-ad niai n-t ai ta Rt-an Size 0 Wat-l iii Stat t-sead Mot-a--I Oaahat- ai hait- tht-t> t-lt-na>, pt-tpt-rit -rtriîiau. "Eat-ia t-rt-a' IeNrytt- .at. e' ptionin ,a ha,ath-inie-rametd et-i la 4. Tht- Ch,,i, >n t-nul Trattr atltittt itt tit L> or-tt>ttttt CMBL> t-t ant-t-sl-t-- sa-,idleuith-titraa.I, -t 1961, aer t-t-t- uit tht-. OEPARTMENT SC-ORE and [ha det-r sa nhall t-t aait- Ext-atai, iili practur-l TE 8-002l saaid wi18 [ha Carparata St-t- dicirihnta t-n Entait-, hanin [t- 228 Main St. E. oft-P iad Botard. The interet-> gat-dait-la L the-clainof mhiclh c-49-t coupans atlached ta [ha dehen- chat- t-an ninnl ht-ct had natice. [arcs nincil ba nigneti hy tha Trennîrer, and hais signature Dated cI Miltan, ini 201h day tht-rt-an mit hae mit-îea, cîanp aI Jana. 1961. ADVESTISE YOUS BUSINESS ed, Iiîhagraphed at- eagraaad. JEAN AUG3ER & DOUGLAS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY 5. Dnriag the tmenlp pet-rn, ALEXANDER, Eneaatnra, the carncy af the daheataran, Bt-t KENNETH Y. DICK, -DIRECTOSY. RATES AS LOP ha respective nortin net Parih laý Bt-c 188, Milton Went, Oatario, [ha Paarlh cnlit af Scinedale ihair nalilîtlr hercha. c-11-S AS 1,00 AUCTION SALE ---t- Of Fourniture, Etc. Tht -andarsignad has rnaainad intrut-tians Prnm ME. and MR,. E, SIMPSON la nalt hy pubnlit- auctian ai tht-i harna. [[4 Wakef-ield Roud, Mil- lta., (oppasite I4allaa Manari, an Watisaay Eventag JaEy 19, 1%1 ai 7 at-mmk, tha Pallawnîp THE PERSE PHASE af [ha Milton Fîe ns n>al ao n n>ay ta ann>plihn. This $300.000 tartin Ornail nina chernfield nrlth 2,nnlnden a Lablan>s asnore and 10 sn>lelir ntoren avth a toal nf 20,000 tquaeaa la. John ltnaa t-het-ait-rt-d t-hait-n ta m>atch, i fakatan> Daelnpn>antn n>ha hapet ta have [ha shopping centre 'tpetl -hatly, git-an insrc dat-h ral aphalnlt-ry tad t-an>0 mahht-r t-anhnn, t-aPPt- tahle, tan> ta Gnao Gaetani cncatntnq [ha 500 cat t-panity patrking lot. ltat-y raand l-ap table,-21" t-lt- -sincnaole madal, in n>alnat ataata>tv a' '> fiish9 manthsnild;17ialte-t nian, ct-hinet n>oda]; 9 eul. ft. t-t- Pet Expressions riparat-r ih crispar lt-t-naez îng în>partmaal, McLarn t-lt- t-ie slnave 24., Bt-atty t-lati , ,vluicnretbeWlonrg, now Did These.Sayings Sta rt? 9'nx3'andla6i' x2!i'and 9 Il inlaat-inalingl 'o racet- he it-ns. hrastnt- lhaîn as,nn>a i>-r plactt-îiafrontîaflhedelert, hc 7-:'A-tainntr mg,9 x41,V (liso taal, lat-ga ranlt-i ttricaliaanI oft-t-rydt-y t-at-t-an dat-na> Dinie-land lt--t n>alei -t-aall a kail. Theiar, -oc-k, tht-r al niir 2"11 15",, _____ _ conit -at-ai,,n>al-Grt-t--t-tt pt-aha deti-at fr,> hait-» ictlol ail planter, mrnaie di- Ret-rn. %%itli at-tk lit-t htand>> ihia a nettelsaite inclading drap lt-at had tad hbutter plaît->, lapa> Oiher -t-arna od epla ve aî,-tra dtt idn' , ai tii , it-a ht ht-k tahble and I nat-hing c-hai-a hait-, lt-t- pt t-a -h Rat-Ian prt-ins tat-d itt-ient--hot -voul, aille, it-n>pasthe boin, uphaintered arn> t-ht-lt, smaaaî s' t-. bilht--rdt iilien ith tahaitî,lthe .1dIWestt ,t* ,,Fnî--tiarit- aatril e,[of tr.navvrt-it-t-nala taaTt-tit--kta' ash euemntint-it-,e o thnîtOr c r- at'ra ltt-.tL I t-t1,assttr- tcrtitrat-h 15" hand laac'. Nan-a Itllt- pîapritlarn ,tPtasth -th,koitrt,î-t-, . tt ii the aoi»ngtaina. n>tit-tralratnnanlpit-t -t- hae>t-i>iihtir home>and-at-reit-->-y- e\m l o flit-c aai>tt itpt-aaaîî->at ILtan>ilis iter sttlarge-p'avn tcltrninah-datraatu Enlt-. it-t-t-ntd phraseseahtt--n pt 1"i pI*'-ntaa t-, lt-tdhaci t-,,nlainatiia l-hain-rtsel, i omer- J. A. ELLIOTT. At-t-it-ta . 0-a eci> lt-itcîag. In ol-t-in pt - -m re,ta- %Il. t- ,'t pic ht, lette pie»>, 8 dinnt-r pil'ils, 131 h9 TE 8-92331 kcr gara-, t-e hr-ck vi-an ,î a Fenra Ynnr SaIt ______________Amna Ilt- "ILI Romns-, suîit ii, tnt--»>ivd t-antail tad lîtt att- siitldit->. Tisat-pl-ins lutta.ro tht- Latina att-a for a- il alt- an>u - tanl it-1N the- ltras to cu, -tra taut-nsaît' ht-n GENERAL CONTRACTORS HAiR ETYLESIS REFRIGERATION tl, prt-nti mnaiap. APPLEANCES 'Kentat-ha pt-aitionst mur lacrih placet-n -la rat-e. Lt-pt-d A. J McART Y FA HIO BEUTYha, ilt that lhi exapresion star(- A. J McC RTHY FASHON BAUTY REFRIGERATION and t-t î,,,h Kaait-hv [rt-tnt-rn anha BUILDING CONTRACTOR LOUNGE APPLIANCE REPAIRS rt-pt hnani tIlit- t-pe in h t- Pitand Cancrait aan>rnl *Oalitîni ht-ierntnli.sia Ail Mket-,Ft,e ELin>tatic, orh hen it trt-lita'tha napa Coctt Flac»s (m>achine * tîdîîdaid nînîînp Ail lfiGaat-tt"-d tiit-h t-t,h.rit-tht-ir-iplih *i.tle) Il Cot-thtil shan>paa 280 Kingsleigh Court Wniutt htiîg tait-t larmoe r,> hi>'. it as aaalla liiatd CONCRETE SW1MMING POOLS *Hait- t-andîtît-aîa1 'tt-lt an î,naîgil tiaaPî- liarebc Plana Sappitd * Ct-Id aaia I llt-a o -h,, av, Tht-i is a-ht- TR8-16 W'r arcole b Croa I EWENG MACHINES t- tt-can a- tatrsottit twir,at r hptti.îl metîtent rtt-t SI1N GE R "Ptt,î,,ah, tlîrrthe A, C. CANNON TR 8-9533 SEWING MACHINES' Irt-n dawe Opn ue. ndThr veins R raiaaihaahe-karntthn>tmale pt-at--ttpaîaat-raanptit OpsTta *n-ThiaE'-lp. Newr n>thines lt-t S6930. Rt- tifl otian- pt-ah icht-a-ta & SON 171 Ma-in Strret Milton t-t-tiîiiaad n>t-îtî Iran> $19.50 ir aet gi tock-. GENERAL CONTRACTORS mach5î M'* t-tt-j il n>ktat-I,- G cne Ba Canton>Honesa Rt-pams Oicnatt-iSinrtc ia,-itti-a, ttkactk Lin opit-ion arhbak- MATCH REPAI* 11.25 ptr-tl lot-a oti t- anagreemn>t-cotntes Allaratiana Modîer-n Caphaardn SINGER hEWING CFINTR12 It i î ,,îir terta inattt-atg Fît-an~~~~~ ~~~~ talltt aîntta[72 Kt-tr St., N., Oîk,ilt- tt t-tt ho,,rtrl Yer teprec. An Ailing M/atch? Vigt, 17 "Lt-t' t-it t Ilo>tini lt-t' Yt-t-tacais o ->ptc-t-nrt- YocnIet nusfrP IN MILTON CALL t-> -,t-or , pt'i.httg t- hat dor. ad inosth fnct ilTR 8-9541 2lt -Malt, St. -V - a da Inaalla -ilmitarke. ttt o t-a,îacaLtîpa,,at-aiitnakas FRED MIELS Tht-i tiati n>altaîi ihc-at t-n iii> nt-rktt. t C,doiat-a RO 5-2540 -ilet-, tltalt-î Welîh R,îht t-r TR 8-4424 zaaaihtjpî-ta*t r>,ect RTthit Tam orgndi t--to LLOYD DAVIS TV andi RADIO SERVICE i-a tt, t tn JEWELLERS ana .tg, F. J. BENNETT [64 ma-ia St. Milton~~ KETH DU NA h-tk tht the t i Ctrapts & SON TV AND RADIO Kîiîl' titi A iate n>ghi flta> tii, t trra kaf t itîît- hia General Contractors JArd EVC tp-ra[-alttk' - lt-ltta t-t-i a,»Ila,.vao in cadi- 217 Min,î St-t-t TR 8 444a Atready Befare f SPECIALIZING IN Expert and Satisfactory '-i t kilo"'t t-t-t vod " Garage> CLEANING ilttti tari ývfo * Addtioîîn, TRENCHING t-tai i, 1, t it - t he s et-tît--iî,a Rttîtn> OFFICElS AND hTORES -cl n s Ra>îîit-lris Watt> tîtî Ail Tt-p-s ii Fiîîîii BACKHOE WORK aittl t-tttlti TR. 8-6003 Ft-r [rtt atlntt t-il[ n,îtid -. Gii t Stonet tilti lnti t-tii- 1. ti-t-t 3h9 Ht-hat-> r., Mltan['ltJ CIIOIE E 8>11 -laittail ,t-t tîtta cith, tht- i 36>ihid rMltnFN11RE - T 8-62c11' paItpt ,aitl t, fl t-t ththe- ctMitnJanitor Service Ci ARENLI- LAI ION TE 893 1.3 aý,ntip.i"Ii oea h bte HAIRORESSENG TE 8386 t- il Hgh tad dri"' la anaihar r6i1t laitt-ii np nat-i Ah.-t-, il VOGUE _____________ UPHOiSTERNG 1 Tl sail,,ia mn>-ît a hip na lt-r ORNAMENAL IRîtita il1, ht-t-th ttt ha idt- BEAUTY SALON vRAMn'L Ra îîar,itî,li. Spat-îaliaîng ta Pt-rm>anet-î Wta'aa Milton Upholstering Att Quit Hait- St-ilco ALUSINIMad IRON RAILINGS RE-FIIOLSIFERING-. "t-p> tt-at-," mnt-itaaap Hait- Tintîcg Rt- Bi [LOI,( tttl nhta tant ta, tl dt-,, ai ,-~. 140 MAIN STREET Milton Slip til- crîtîîctair.;r .Wht- flia t-ita-t- riginaie-d, o TE 8-24t61 >-52-Il Cîtatîta hitt t-ht-at-tlî-lî suilt-- tt-lt>taî t- t ha hîtîtaîît-la' pipa _______________________________ble t-î-- t-ta î,,hal C.is tta (a, -tiihitit-. aicîh sattttlitd quiet ORNIGrnamnental Iran al t lt-atat,> -11 - I LiL h ELL -FI 8987 t-8M I T EF R 89Q -111 , 1- t- li calm in,,,, TOP OUALITY ___________ ___________ ~ -ttttt.a COMMERCIAL PRINTINO ____latuer PAINTING WEIL DRILINO tîttp-iîaîîpndt tc W design ind-prii>iiistntiveStt7lt-i upoe uhv hanuiness niati nt-rt -t-fira and tîrî'pit-t la Chit-ago wht-n [ha husiness Iirian. Dit-att mal Id MILTON c-ti%,t- hiei ht-il park faced went. arIising, hallati-s - nla lt-t t- PAINTER & DECORATOR iWELL DRILLING - t an tîýha piîahrdi it-thaaded SMost any prininp yo ai y av'. livaspit-hinpn>ithhfilssaillitpa>. AIIam an ta qacta an yaar mat-h. Frae Entirnatti J. B. POTTANPANSENU NE yTha Canadian Champion TE 0-4851 PA 1>he ENDAN CEii Man WDILLS PRINTINO & PUBLISH- .SLSZIR R 2, Miltan, Ont. ng n>akn mon mine; mlstia INO CO, LTD. E. R. 3 Miltîtn Ht-igtn 191 Main SI., Miltn. cil t-hant -Bcrlinglan HEInati 4-6025 maIt- lIt- endurable.

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