Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1961, p. 4

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4 The CanadinnChanmpin, htirday Juy Coin às Master Over Red iffilsea (haoee With 7-2 A badH.Ci otnelfs fieter "Sncttn MeC tasiroe h Milo Re Su ncit eeattcr a-tnt a a-cii pttcttt ix is itorinrtte detciee ti Tinracia ngit ai Mittanas agri- cecetîcti air tigint ni cultualatpark. iis ilt ta tacte Catnin intt top tii secndin to asier He a- ere snix ts raegta One (of thbinhit Ht iairt 1iticttc Milton naifietti ia- lan nog. gant op tch- matt anti ai nentcnn-cc Tata B tadtio nistrittati iti a ainIin the1tc bnasesad incteil 7-2a-in. ntheacîcntantiame Wavnc Hitao., n-ctmog tis i, il-t nacteut in a tngin f s nrti Miltto, ainîa-ct t-c, mii a -irite no eftsIi-, iitint long ntiinianid 1 ' 'gHattnca' gnetpticen ],ta. ix tiattn tzIiane.nti the irnti an c t o mci iritîniati He NOTES ... Saicri ro-tntti n suptIti rait ain ii tint Rct Snox tangie ni icttattt tactpt on a nnni.Anttn Tannetrinl Aci wf,.eopwtin mli partlintg tfat tncootier tac Pliain at coiurut tant. ITint tan hileti ta pau Ilct af Eccues l-in ttc nirng titc Luitfied irtitt H.nnn dirap- ol M cccî taitl peul tic ca,, tin natta anti riaint Me -ui rfct ficiîicr Jack Ctaritin tintl ca7me ttaranioth tinca op wth amisue. atcer Dlugda-e atieroti at 2.3 Itinl t as a- it hect C atic tf aîta Art Mttaniat hlnttttncrîi ait ttc tlat at itt 'unei tinta tap fint onti l î cad H o mii initia tinritmnning.Tisîi\taihtcmt tiShields ai a-t, ti t acris bita teotng an iiitt a- aici Bnrrnnîa ta-Han-ltai ti cce nou nfut a(. IA patir af ictr Gttn Dance andtiRnhann onu tax nekcnd a nîntainoct tac a tii-ci niiin tittîng tîntus a mati scran-in t, tI l ieiiiniatatiuatel is and tiirîtplceiiat the outitouaii. Pact LIt\,niandtCitapiii Mei, Rct Aontrnîn lti th îinriîtei pec at-t nthe I tiie bol a1 t ,ii Hiliain ni nt-c heit iffi record.i CampellfVille lrests Brute 6-2 Keep Village Win StrearkAlive Campehiiti ii i to t in- flmi (tîtgo Lai co^.miHaitin ichîn iic wn-itu anlend tcaci came han-t n mmm ir, a e-2 scone.! Fuloantesu- Wtîh Camnpbell- theilae ir's15tille'n ttadng hiter Eaci Calma., A pACXRO GRANOBTAND fotindtahi ie action Sandoy atteroan at tint annel inieneimte ail- trigi icit andtIt tint r îhta , n î,a aaiin Siait Htîiîit siar gaon-e in Ccn-pbettailte Part, font n-en-s of t-e Haltin atl-taes standi 0fin te tiagna in-tran naît t paît, Jackt Rabts ton naei anr frant mii ta a-whtle the acdti 5115oe lfinte tiecien seuls. Tino $4,000truinctune is nowta ins yean la a e i" i h fint aîînd Ke- Moaorte taitt ver, t-e vitlage pont, andti la c tiane addition iaitheaiabtîc fciiticn. Tino att-nions diabant tino Robetsi wet ait tint \\,tiatv t hîn atît apîi ,ît t-irA tînt ... Ttc (toit Tonnions 13-9 in fine ovîtan-pacteti gan-e. ng tit ruai off six t'iti. Hel tant tnît (tîri Cairtns tailct ta ,turtcci o t Int anti nipanecdt li i tte Catapttlivititineaup a--- tiis csaa excllent cottnt aai wa, an Jîte 23, 195f. itien nultcalttof a snleataiia--(anty Lamnenciîtl îcictatcn Dantias a-gesternt H ae lr aasotait6 in- a-iana a intntnii H oI-Stars Prove Best Hacntath Branute H rcm gaeo ia 2e oal gam tit auti tartics H oatou raa oft t1 tits. Hi ivaktnttiii1 Since itien antdtlittfastWtiinc cky atnd -tmc t uifloc. tt Cai>i han paci min if n-celvll olt te Iente itnie itt fa-c . i . î-icm Tilt \$W ith R ural Softballers tint tnp ni ttc ii-a intintiiiicar hotme inn connt, tn aaaa Haltn Rccal innfttaii it nitar tirai timtrc malanga. Mark Bîuck Otagi -........ f07 3 i4 tinctaînrent tirtc rani. îmcn-tcnîi, tmoitg nu eit pianeti hait ta mine tamnan N.H.L. ai Lanîî-mti cîamecn ita reptace Pattaima .... i..... 10 5 i1 Bcd Maîtan hat tua snofiti place akvittli squann i tratn ve ,tiiattni in an txiititn ctn-ctii anti aia-tat ltii rai in Han-te - t 4 7 I tai-tht Branle Braî es. Osborne 1c Ji 1 andt (teaict in an Sac- tt Hînnehi Park Satardi night, ithe0c mista, itiniti. Otamghas Nelson 119 t4 7 t irtpltd and iinttTomaadiiîaiIctti 1 aie htsimeiioutacitIlle ace hurlercJohn Wilmttn-nvma GtntniWîîîa - 3e t Bihap ait ingldai. RHE dýf 'htrnit 1 i 8coute. tranglit ta ta pan at ttc fitle An atitt ii the fan-i V,nCan-pbelltîtc 302 00tf6I i2ý AIlargccîmîînn hndn Ioiadinol t iamitastutccmrni WeeksBesults tah i i ,tpnttltim mmnt tOi2ticetciatngreata main an t tinthe tait fourc-,taocas Tariar Fritian. Juin 7 - Picrn-c t. t-Iî acmc singles-ith Ken Mocce Caîîîpt-cltmîtle - Raoberts andî1 mn tati stal mnttad ni' thete atatgat teit- tint tain. At Gitcn 0. Hîone t. Nelson t, At Wiagriiti Siani t-indimiin amit Wîngtîîmc Bîtînte - Hut-tan a ligia eatntd stickn. Caci Sullvaco a mcie intînoît pitnîinc. Lanemîte 9, (ttagn 7. Tucsae Jait Ltioig, all fiiting tico antiý Biîinap. adBrî-nitvrr cnd Cinamie Burns inI (tifenaiîcty. tic King cnd Pleur Jlu 11 - Hîmnine 3f. Patcrm- 5. c -, - -tuierstfor hetwinnîtoocan anv uieaBurlingtn stoutd outfor Ille tjh MIneLH nen ictichicî th cicla at aticcai titi cait-. Future Gosses Pee ,tutimcne M dg tsW i painc c ctckn. BUBAL STANDINGS FiAe - IGIcn aI On-cgt. Net- DnTaylor nîccîcti an ttc son ai Palermeac Homhe an Lac- .5ndfo tac taHalton al.tar< ti W L PienviIt Tt-îmaa, Omagn an Seven uames in H-lton Leagues iadgv psvnrusi h --II ...... 2931 acir IEE WEES jtc rie aînti tIi Cui-rie cifgt Tht Milton Pee Wîeîs patii ait, Miltonm t-ad onaî toiur titi te t-etaliîm nýi n tan miul mi tutu (tr 1Lan tîttit.e Jain Wt-itt Biit dan inn tiikiig î 125 tîin aien (inite andî Bruce Micitta., bt-c Eden Milta im- ilîpitalized on Dunamnrmr- Tint Miltn nuait ti.tiî ta BANTA-MS titi. ,îfille (ritit Bmiit ,itiia Tht Bantatan dammoct Eden ccii is, tikitng ,ii t -13 in Milii. t tieir Satiacd,încna- Bruai-.ndt Clemmî,nn clittîitî r7-4. four t, ipîlie- BiI-,h îlailiatng Miltonm,]]Ittîd iglitinit.nnilhn- tinta Aoatie ,,ad inte 1iodc, Pen, MiDatte-ninaitg cmt Ita antiClotaentn tiuti nagles. itntn lmîhin tua ttttr attdîmble gin flt [\il iifflesnn flimin tî anti a ninîgle andt singles fi tIntiti i.lertatho theîîc Lmour u ilt a% aieti Edent Miii, aît m ien tîth t-n Mlît\n Sîtînice. î-i, ,mttnîe Bmtctelinln, ition imit ntccuil i, amiitnd nimaît cout12. cf 7-4 aînd42 (,î.în.îmhî. Dcan Mtî (thein Jouie 30flaire, Milic On 2u 9 niitLit M tine, do-e .tCnnnnnmnî an-pt-till t.n- -r . ,lx. Efitl Chut iiii %as tîtn a! .. tnenînanmnil tut* ingten, Ea MERT THE RURAL ALL-STARS a-t- fast on aclian-Iniiti sltnait tan-o lu t-e fan-eti National t-a ntint [Ii' ,.ttt- tith tint- Piti,-,,n thl sinte ei, Si-t Haot-ny Lagie au-nions al Harnny Part an halnetiay ngt. Tine Halan iiI-stan aggnegatian bitant dotuble and iti, tttglen. (ie,Iiti,t i doubl an iige, inceiit ptaycer lian ecaci cf t-e sic can-s in t-c enuia legin. Tinnyne at-n- t-oie as tiney Deug Nîier], ci i dulhe tit al polo MD,.1, tI douîble anti a tie p ai t-t edgn ai t-c fieid peton lta gae. a DOutt.(ieiîttamtitaiditinîminect,nitntcdci Nani. a dobl Tenî ftinitna a tipie. Ctit-- ingltesti,, mît , (ti ttit. fa Nrta Cnaitcm niai tact agatenî tinta cain te n-irA tmp. Il c aatid tait position in the Bruit-a ingie amui tItet Lta, fenti Bec.îil anît (cane truit. t-n faiit farît. hmtn i i Beicaimne cittltîtiettatflic inianîn-r tmiia anti pacct tiftî. In single. ~ utt iduim ti,, un in te amatit puni th fictd mmf drivecs o tint ica mattfno Io catch cp nith ctr evsad11 Aaieitn unitectî,e 21 i, uugt eleoevilscn i l i es nscn toý i1nt t canie irewa ntmmgte 4he win, toetLeplhd ilin ' Inltet Heî.î,îîiî Iwiitias hdn avtîntiinicahenn uddneîaedie it a Patc on imî Endm wLi pth-i,mimînnc,e qcaîiîeuag ina ten -ua it unuet.m nicpni1 ant puh i -rnieunih white t-tidni tttt. He tntk ou ______________Ilae___li aor pinngIio run ac a d ioh i t 12 mît ttc 25 taiti tnt- HIhcI- FLLGWING o p lie t-em-itna tnt naîitid nil minl a-mî ii- api rmaiaing, nollctin. angtn a iedtciu butagaii TH fr 13 h.Noir-atumci wsd v iaid ci auteig Nani tu aitasant pant- 1 alwa houhte ae sd-[leVl wih adiappoinîcîu lok.~ M tri-inn ruine voalericcpectc- ClMit entttatitittinti.,mn Iiile f1im u te ng. ho ntttt"Oh!tttait.,alla iant ua ai-n tcnm nin~iairc Citonot RlA t-att the Iltinrr cacetunai.iiitc- ittcpmtattt M..utaine mina imna.us Enulmunu N N Troiuble lth 69 tteit ait" rine lita laiteil int la lt-c Ctcn -eiimetidoubletN.tIlin.t G;nîmî îmît ,itîiIin --tint TiiffaedtttocTa- ienacc n mmianafi Iottfinish t5tDfTS \,l")i 1 il n. . t1tt t, u j.nn,tnn tuiui Iiiitn.îtit, uNi .l42ht1, l, \t t.iing tliti n nittrapis aitimtioncm Il\n -igascu ab inhdiîitittcmibuttttittti a intc tmiiti Ille ttit (i bath field akIottîtnniiOtta hnin thehtt' downn Camphctlilnti9-t n)i eptea inemmîn minutlie IldHuma e,aatt.nia WitCItattuiptîa icîîî Ioî heabot't0atthmm. TeandaiXihoincthe mimna. Satartiar.Duf Mcmniia ig, t gn. inuminin tinc cadictnc cuinefl nitl rmnaima an uap ofthenpnts Grdnnmnleltwo i Brian M afcpitchet. citani Il ean ute ataelf te ,,c Mceent te b utictinct. ctIncgn Icati tan tlic AmatîcurDiino. int Haceion fidia-anti icf nnty fane titi niiin (nimit e tiicnc nîcnn drien-rs pîmmarn . mni t-e md quaificer, ie mnagct n Sctneticîeenng Naro itrau- f a aaa tni on the recceiuig endi. Miltn M aio tict a ient t-cen 0aceciecaa-ett dereci tirt.cd outacicmthand anfarcd Thehuoysmtmth cn-ni-ingilong enilectcti I0 tit on fn-a cacin tirito fuir n-mnrc at sici yeain fartai car mai mondecre mnta bcainctincti ta match tii houri thii a-ck tn have their fate Cuerte. Brian McDuffe, Brauce Pt-il Mnecaant Dnn Ftnn n-ic I netcd in te accantiu Matnie, 1aciof partee Mere an inea-an aca ta tnp cinape fac fine tif icp ~0stfeMcevn telcier nti fc- afitcattifine diicea. e tant ttc leati alter a cm caps' thmie bhird qualtifier andti main 14.i Tis ii ceenicday th cSey ~t Mc a-to a Camp- Eort Retifera aI Ereti-Retife-ro . aniel hiis position taW mi ecenit ofttc eaeoing. In fine himd H.rtis ae-t cte ttcE shec-0 *Oîclte at atiaine. gai-cgc mas miatih iTe auie cet fc anti ta itaifier Meciyn tousth mietnt ans cace ai e (E. Tc B Ont Jace 30 in o contn iil diver"i frt tims cra tut tel mine semi-fina, te finistet eigtt. on ttc tirai tcp anti hi i un tcp miti-season copuui litois hp a-cdthe n-lt- put an ao ho wnn for thtrnan Ttc facture n-as tat exclutn Ine finish ta mit finis caceai c 11 adI field an Brligeport Isisans 10,4. Dans Aaêttass teet jons wse buss ttia. anas tisltnssting ons Ncrnfl tak a recard eaking ipeetid. aadalI 5 date ty wntnoiag ititir ith airaigigatan. Tien tancie ti rant Bertar- snnandcneny Lee Caticncce big factors innithe f8-5 ancer ttc Ciartadate Lins. Ttc ta-a tiayeraeaonihtti ta ttc wn iny bt trding ant i tîing. Cou]- aon iartedth ie gan-e anti Berties- an rcticici int ta faite the tain. Paingicn ai thc cicsr tac Exhibition Contrat In an eatier exibiition gatae an Latacitit an Friday nignt a-tut tin Atticraian Bantata At-atars. tint Loitie bosn on cow t *7-1 ticetca. Ttc lunectuant fac Lanceitie aa * arrnîer [rnta ttc bt cf Lee Cacin. Ttc saine ont n-en a-ce at nl again. Cactn atartina anti Bcrtcaaao fianihna. bt ttc7n vill nabeIot-taiem tint fille. Tine rcut giance a-ii ta tit Fri ta i th ncLaa-ile tctartandtiit pi tint Latvie- cre againin ntht Tattîleci Batititns. KIN FISIt TRIP Tîccine Miltn Kinîn-en ipet nthcnneetcnial Poat Sciera an tincir ficat annaa eitita trip. Tincetndit] cp a-it sin tain anti six Ilich, netitî n-cdc a dandy nno rca n the Scodae. Trip argnier Fred Bennett tat a ii cf pe tact a-in tie tast tii atfeu cantatinn the fiance- mes coi for catage toeau and WIN JUDO TOUBNEY Loala joint actit tantact parn ai tint (tatittc Hatasita tata ail n Satartice. Tinerc a-c if cains reprcicoteti QAil-Stars Sh.ella'ck Gait 13»9 Tte Annuat HaillnCuf i Ha wore w n wiahîrdi toton-an thon siegliti, inB ta sacond for the secodtl 4- sta meaW.ana oligh e a n Nei Coper inledtihie scond whn Pute ennedyof nantlthefti aB gitca arnal fusilfem Bewn thein hIy (thlî e ndctid an an anti Sna tnge ta usO filha im ail &ff fans an abatf) lo d13niof13 hil anti nfi.fd al ani scat whant Jach hases. lIseFuotell thont anthadêd 9uSatt afat manon ace h hi tamis n-ait ed a L ýkIcg cf Catcthei. singiedi. o rnehon-e-o andi Ptstsh t an I-a t Cant hubetapiigsi ro Tte ailotrs finis gene the .ustcari 5_I laid LMearrn follc nint h scothar t3tt. 196f the~ paineefat (ait Terriers tva hut onin ae erer bt i inain Ihle talIon cf he fîrst. humer la Moa Ilt- for the scr occnf1-9. n-nn-y ailiincle ithiniwuaaui Plve Kun lasl ait-stars. In t eataîin %ln Amincans andi niiet li fin-e anearoct In the hotton- ir the third, the mem iousse so n er ic tp, ias nuititai rini o tac lt. it-storn had scntller hig five Twoaenriers folîcinet hy singles in the giaie as -tint ali-ta ip- n Finst Butter Hcmera rn uitting tn malle, t l0-i. lien hy Canlint anti Wicgrcoe pro- cd innoaigarivea iinttev Ttc mi iate al fine garie. neut a-as n second hy nirlue ducedtitres more rnstnholld .OSS ocrer notioqaisnct. Wayne- Edncrtis. the stari stoaf i an errer inhen Bah Bruce of Il uptfa 13-1. A humrer te Vern Use Thece Huralens ticoe a tata cu covaer ttc Aclan tiaahl hi- hume. (tarry Sticklatid cf ait mode il 13-8 n. Acian ci[i lGrc Fielti ut Canîptetteitit ei tettd feoce ta ginc (tait al Ficid's single mareti Bruce anti and Lu Homard's homer in the rintlait Pattcd saleti fa- tint att-atari andi atri-ticeti 1- cati. ametira ta anuter ereracnd cuasenu- omth gave a Binci scre of 13-9. drsirn a orancfeur fioigo attaicina Ta oîpen tehautino tefi tii-e dubles cff ttc hats cf Wayne Edaander I ui titay. Cain inca rata att fncc titi. He waatt- Len Caîîtict of (takaitte gai la H accaci and Wisgroee pruduceti rail bnth omrdandi sicgled ippari train ed inca and ti aircet oa nc. Bain I secand an a Iwo taie ttraa-iag nlitre More tailles, tur Gall. Bon Sanumet singles] tic n n a Burrouighsi ai Dunias nrneti crneb te t (ain ntort stop. Stu Ic the taip ut ttc forth Sanmt anti douffl Ven Stilani. the ocai thre attamiog ait rni Hannant cf Mitoncaiaged tiauhieti asdtiscuceti ut MaNeilis Lau Hoard and Firant McMor- hope ait four titi. He initent tece Cacticn haine anti iceni ta tiieti ngIO ta mate if 10@2 for the tan ail hctnared, Wrayn Uplser apots in tte anti atract aut one. Jact Ratecta an At flingraccos singtc. Camp- att-stars. The top cf the flfth deuilt anti loch MaNeIt slcgied. s tint ncrk ai Cataphetliite, on the final tetliitica first-tanemn-aa Enri a Gals I timing inhen îhey At Wlngrceo led the îtl-sa .arrett. Wit Iwoctnniogsatiancedoernnoft Catraa.[inoscreatcd attatae-ronm acnred fiee limes uff Bch Bar- ailacIl nlta diouble anti fn- ttc tnp of ntwoinrgrI. Hc sîrackt cIw riva er ttc rigini fieldi feoce ta ge ca-o. The fient btler incîtet bct singles. Stu Hancnln and Bot out, Barrent Jact McNii int faur andth ie ait-atari a 4-t cati. Bloc a-as oui stcaisg. Ttc secccd Bruce tot sînglet anti ticuhîci. te haitan coet hird icalags fac (tat. Jack Hendeesco. Caciptetteitteu Ihirti btler inaltet bti n-os fccet i 0fBori Cairas hctniered asti LUn tint cater -,i-a . .- , . an. . - ~ n~ - Canflat, Sien Hlentiersuti. Pele B. MeCris-Kennedy. Jact Lating a... G ... ng Fieldi ait aiccieti. avFantcctesm The ait-atar plicht- ith he sineiag placs iati ta te cadicaite ton ur hei latcit as toy tai nt tro the seoinahrters. Ile McLaren et Gteorge- Il ou a w inn tat la rush tii %vite ta ttc tog amian -. h inspitat acd Rager Jacots, ni . at n . 7f.da - (atiite taiti lata wap. Dnng cil fstP-HtIat cf Miltn taurticot anti an leue on.Marin Sehhonancd lin- Wilson Il.ni. . .a.tik cf Dandan atsa icereut Nip eiýiiDefecaileti Bat Brace, Lee riant ante.Cantiet and At Wiogrveeîtciai innb Laid out. Fctloiaaig tino gaine, an m imit rBabforaiagarden par.tai fieltt In Bain, .. Camptneteite. fnr th, Rtt paio an. Matc n t BAe. carancO secondr 3O MODILS ON 3OUR LOT NOW DON'T BUY TILL YOU'VE SEEN OUR BEST MODELS PROM 1950 TO 1960 Preioas na-non's non-e an reqaest forah oft n thene cons STOP TONIGHT AT THE BEST LIT LOT IN TOWN BÇER OSCAR, NORM, OR BUCK AT BELL BROS. LTD. MARTIN ST. MILTON TR 8-6380 -~ -. Il 'R14AmUO« ài4.c umpifires, field managers enti coachtes cf ffile aI.;oet sttd Hliton County inteemediate oit-stars cea- Aetort èal hDate Lindsay, Cartiptallvllta manager Lorn Aritewa Otiît Méntager Natis Coopier and M9ilton coach Art Malatlson. thodkirg the grouni rulsa with ufipires battre Stindoy'i ait-stari êxatena at Chmptetoilte. A large crowdt attendtt. Lowviffi Tigers Wini, 8 Straight Beat O magh,. Palermio This Week ILan-vile.Tit ": Tte-cota Lan-cîte's i-uni came in theo their n-innlca-1a-ayn $ltb a 9i3 itird n-ithChick Thompson hit- win fledneafo of* fant, weekt ilni a tamer -iîtfi ont on, fie ovrPatertcAde l the fact ita.u the faf rth, one in the se enth ihat Pateettin slc tase one af an a homtr by Ja!t Kits nt àn their incIter pitchtttr Don Hesloti. ln the eighth. Tht Lawvitte teamt Wi th a few , allis Illti*Iitnêly'piayiet aattt dcetty andi calit- ltiîtng ttney fta tlIvltt cd >the tala. Mach Backt piltheti, i l ,an Two for Btu tildt tht eigtth, whea ha a-an On FIda agh ia Omagh aIn a han-e i-an iny-R. Wacti a-th. Park. Lan-nitteonc thair eighth oane n. xtraigti with a 9-7 wit acer ta~nac~atuan-ne Omagh. Lamittle gat ane run i ttc fi est ta a humer hy Bta Kiag. threc ia the scond, ta-n in the iectn, one ta thc cigntin. andtoincaitheaiath on aaihcr hamen ha Su King. I Omagn gai inca ransi n tine tir-t, actin t thirti an a humer inv aris, Iina thncînenfin a haamer hy Eces andti nc in the oint t. III~ Mark Baick pitcheti ail the neay tapfo Laneiial, Omagn siaried nith mArchie larcin aod tie aa relicn'ed in the stath by Jahn Wlittat. Lanenilan' Friday aigint gainc tas incen canceticti againan Hart- inn anni wiii tcaed yci er. For a Petroleum ProducIl sic BAT Boy * âSoIMf« Campkeliiie's bt boy Snen- 0 Fuel 011 en Heidersan tattis a coaple 0 Diesel Fuel of ati-siors' tata final tanged aat tomors in inanday's cia 10 AotorOil afinte village Park. a Stove 011 a ae~n, ~-iaa- e Lubricants FIEE 1EAKIN Cl Branle Braces af the Hatian Cl fIctriardiain leagne tava iren coacn Barri Deakin. wlic cme tincrcithinnpriag alter tint icttingi cf Branmptan Cantans. A tarmcc en ra Branle coachn, Pait Gittian ait gaide the retien in fture ta1i g l Hareicsheuger Brus. Onnag cf the ca[rat naftaît Miltoan and Actea cati Long tnagac i aspnsonring a natat Distancc anti anin far faraet pnI any teat an I Zcaitt 9i1450 tNa Tat Stra vn Acanisi i9. Il igi n s n Charnge) Ire expecieti ta ennter [rom Ncnîý- RR. 3 Miton mnarkect, Octeitta and Miltoan' soltat cagac, .i eIl annante Georetown TER 7-3829 ai the loccarratcastnn. Onci tiff in priaca neitt te ginton aat.l

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