NSAttON COUNTYY W#id Catrol tkiw M.E.hcAkTfIIB COIJHTY WBSD) INSPRCTOR CULTIVATION CONMlOU. ail ttce Coment weeds ef Onfaf- OX-BYE DMIPY fo c t eb henlg lts nie Oretnge I4awbweed le offe 0e-Bye Detey aed the Hawk- cal ccl Dccc te Palet Bneah bc. mcccli cehich Itedede Ornge ceuse cf lis brigttt ec'engn'red Hccckee and Kfng dcclt, are fînwenc benne le cfue otn cethe pcc'eneiafstchat hae spreed tu top cf a necrfp teeflesn stem chef icic coucntry tem BErtpe atcl tte gc'ccc frnm 12 ce 18 illces hfgb. Field Crnpn. Bc'ecch oftche Octler This weccclaf a ceaI prochfi imn c. Dcparfîmcct of Agricelture permaent pencence in Ncrffccc ,tarcs chat thcp are cspecietfp Onterio. tccehlescune le peefc'ee endi bay- KOng Decil is fnueabtcnm fields, e-ich calmet be ptcecd maînîn le Eastcn Octarie. tc fa and brcegt ulet'a short crop muchlitre Oraneie awhwcclbut rotatio n, mey be disfiegecnbecl hy fls ececîf, Oc-Bye Detsy, # relative cf the pelîce- fce-ere. chcvsenttteecm in a éiot lck XIII by Cultevation rccl stalles wtclçb ho grofet ATd t hese wsectn are easify vitaity wib mny torx gwin Idiedby culticetlen. Infesteci bey fi-cm cetient. The talent g-e-s ancl cesture fiels sheefd bc foumrnie ixerches te fime feet le plcee if possible, cacl paf acclcn heighf ced the finees, wtcich are ashont rotatien of crotpa. Chni- qut ltatvaeoet w calfwccctbillers shceid bccned ccctrsnd wth-ite edges. tanner be ptcwect. The curntn yeent gnne-fh may be hiffd hy Gardesofe.df oneeappictineof 8o. of 2,4 D In Tactt1 have herec benne- acid per acreIn fate Jafyreaiy ccice, e-bn bract eucb aditoneîc Septcmhen. Te hifl fthe mots, icri' cltes te putl them, cp by neer, neceraf tt'ccfmenfc of ibe ous MBI tnpwacpt le ther 16 oz.of 2, 4D pcrnccre mustfhc lavcerte swer arden. Ecert eppfcect. cccccl cap bu beeitifeli If yen It nhncfd be reemhcrcd chef bicpeu tc viteilth Os .A.C. ibis Ihese rates cf 2, 4 D e-ilf alse k:f1 ,cmeter We sctr# and sc the cfcnenc andt affaite, affheagh chc 11wccctftcter bed" situate eea gcrasseseilhbccehare-d.t ia ih Fc ield Huebaedey building. Il praccical te npray fhcce ccccdc. is nct e-enie fer beautifl- therefere, cnfy wen fbcy are caionc panpces; bat cacher fer prescrit in par rc ancarfy parc midcciacn as il cetaiens nely grassîncands. k&tffl 10 THE oncO Born Pire Colflections .eds of Controversy Jcfy 4, 196f ciac ciecyn farner awcp chlanr cc Dcccr Sfr: Ernt fhccght. Oncc cccy I odeseeno ef a Te cnciede quccly, cft me- finecclyie0tcanietccin ean tc cheyou finl t'm nctcagcinsf cqullyfin Onari ton tat cnuighbhocc hcncficc and col- hud inmincilthenseednf a prob lectionsnfoeplepin nfoi'ccc acie ccntcoeriy, wbtch t, gicen ace ancl ccnfifufc situations, bat the cppprtenity, wccfd sec open t cle fcci snmeiimcn acnccd fic ceand via e letten te the cclif- ehec tmn cnhcd fa coccciihcf tu or. Haemadenseene jceiar anclon ,C usecc aic1cfelificci abocrtive ectcmpfn ta pny e-y sua- ientified fer chhc m abc'cccîd icc Erem e-e, fer tng çaid chaf hi' sn, n ie c) usiidb hallnt as yetcbneugbccofanh i'cce, lccccicifch fcci1crbiscctfcnel, cemparicen ce coeei ccchcce jectforhisedioril. cituainc e-iahc bc more dire, bel Vcc-y shcntty, ie cach fcft the cchce nicrfucafc pfigtbf s nccct liî'iran irnaine tof theclcal hec caaghf by cherral'ctiyccand *'Froctfeerece andlmeetour the rralheartcnipy bcace ccparate maya. Wbtlc fiching frac tbe firesn et ncighhcnbecd chani' enc icc creee-, 1 pnclenecl "cchat cei'e nef ignitecl by the Rlames a pify. Thene s a e-an ee qip- cf hnicg affaia, aid cchcci' pcdc'ifhtbthetuscf ieanyc cx etcitaionccaccnftli'amccized by yncccicc bcieg leeiecl succi thefbiiiccingcfcclccs fnsainc. ccciicr chat be ccclcl ne dcnbc dicecn easély sartl lnteltigeeify. lA g re-Itcate thct i'c coln Hcii'ene, thc nituation bcinf cbet e-ena le tarctrralpeuple' cciii fini,1ute-nsfnwheacbhe en pen hacc the 'cme-cicy famiiy" sihiiify cf airing thin marier e-'iit fhc eeci1 chdo fgecuficc cclf.fihi' thc heman bcdy. The hi'urt And tc go directfy te the centre prom-pts, bct thi' hcad e-atcflin' ici thc nehiret "Why de Banal cet. Peoplc iecaniabfy cakre cp a Colf Yccn cefr lioiaiafter barefiren?' i Kly Nccc, t suppase chef courdcs ______ like an eequafified aftach ce a t le naf cutr ittutioc, Conservation Group t fef chat the motivation etSboifs1 o d ilbcse bhind nurih becfifn in u sdz s1 o d homec et' geneine cmpaccion, and The Haffen Coccervation Ceei- ihi', inacerfainfycce-e-cndabc. t e-itteecspensared b he Province ciîîiecl, hoee , chat ltke-ceny and Ceecfy Cencilfhas paidceh,- iciher e-en e-adei'ntifetien, if idreon 17 farccipondscdcingcthe i'ccds cee-ce adienfiel, fiee- time pant vccn, ic frands fcfcilicg i imee Sc,682.25. Te dcai' rhurc anc 131 Nlu deehf, the enigin cf chic fane-t ponds in Hlan cebciditcc cccfce-found ifcefinethc "eniy by chic pregece, and thec anc chic,", e-hec che peopte em ens 48 applicationc celle ce file. seueindicidealiy. tf the indu,- The cee-mifte i, ieaeued he ic.iifartnerehtandee otcheh,o grnnn trne the Ccecfy fi iliry" ceicin fihi' a ban "raz- ancl the Pe-cicce.. ccctz" or ac indivcdeai joh fike a car "neicice', bc, as n ce di- Officcnccchoen fer chis ceai' idualc coutil net e-ceagi' toue-cli include ieongi Cernie et cfhair. ce finsce-c, But fedap, duc e e- an, Frcd Ncear as cice-chaine-an, fîccanance, e-btch be carrins in the grniculturcf nepresecfalii, J. A, ciailer pe-portion te bis banci Francicancctr-'cesrr, fiale aed fane- epenetice, ancl iedCeci]fDehieca ditcn, icvc saiee- entra aeeee-efafec wiîcîh nescitief frima precpe-nnu lifîes, hie an et afcayn 'drive f thecwati bynch afcire. t ;i1kmi efa chene anc tbcngn te E AM I dive dam e bn.d, gufded by smoe and an e-e finefty tocetc chuc hapfenn fane- cfc.acl whice PHONE TR "-538 Fci' the Fineot Cîttea Servce Petrtttaan Peeducta MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES PESO ROSSINS Sas. Lino et Thîrd Lina Allan Smith Mahctn Nassagaw.eta Native Mahen cf R.5. 2, Cee-pbei iii', she dieci ac ttalton Cenineici Marier cie Mendcy, Jely 3, a hhl Wedce,dcV, Jcly t ai Ni Paulc', Uitecd Chec Bec' Lente Grahamcouecieid theccnl' vce,,ic iccicemel iccilotved ut~ f - ,~~, - AiS. Eaiid",Cncc", cae-uc.l Mn. Milion fias' besni o cci'orn cic' 4, f8S5 in N.lis- ',c'cuec ,ccc,iccîci, bu' ccc', c andîc faii'ed cin R hidencaci, Lait Tu Mataum Surv ca', intitude hic wAcl Aie-ac Tereie Feilcard. cbldren Mcc.c Keneih Rfct2csld (Marion) cf Gicll and William J. cf BER. 2, -secf plce.ce asdEwr Diccccciil. andercJamces lOth ANNIVERSASY SEUNION ef the Milton aed District Hccticaltera I Society e-en beld Sccdey K. cf ECe-pheilýilie, andl cinfene aftercncc at Locceille Park, acd ccc photo sheows e-tnp cf those errecdicg the hincccic ececi. Mcc. Jack teglin (Sarah, de- Cectents, seppen acd a biatcry cf the orgacicatien mure anjoesd hy close te 70 ganîrs. The u'f'.c'edi, Marfcnnf (decacedi, gcccp mas fene-el as a 'garden club" hîch cn 1 950 and e-a. ctficially cce-ed a hencicciccrai Mcc. Jaes' Hacwkins (Nanccy)ior scciety cn 1951. Guelph. cnd Mcisse', Macricn cnd Olice Mcbîcc cf Buffalo, N.Y. kW Ik 4V cVh00 'We arc ais five grnchiid- Former Miltonian Geo. Michie Hornby Reunion~nr MnPMhcucc, c I n I~1] Lniîeci Chucînh, Milice, ceci ccis N am.e, M cGiIl A-sst. Professor oousielo Clan ý'cý"'o-ýv'ýcÏrolthe hr If e-cc aguentel retl ht nçfcnned le Canada fa hegin Meme-hrn cf thc Bccacflu'ld clane Pcilhcicnr', fcr the fumrnai senu' a ei- rMile renideef, Gerge fecricg cf McGili ced Mccdttn- ee ai Hcrchy fan ihuiracluai Occif Alexcancder, Licc'd Ciî',hc ïT'tardtMem cfie 0 Cucad iccciip pienia e n afrday. Mccc Docclci Mcrinc Scie Ccirn-ciu, Otichec, ian been premfiei frein tibac 0 l ueS t ccl clow dccc ac Chu"stur hSecvice ceci Hcîccccil Icfpi'en te Assistant Pi'cte-tc' Mi'. Michie fncceiicd extcncefy hcccifcitlunch cincca. tuh ccbfdýGiIIfiliceccccy and Mcecc cn We',t ccnd Ncrth Erope fer Oîcieg fa the hreueycc'uihcr ald Cdiiege. Mr.Michieheashben rccarch materiai cnd tcaching ucondiicns lunchccc',u'ncccic i cd bcîtheicuuh coeiiuc C'ccc ce Ihe-Oe-cgeaphy staff of MeOifI netf, c eieed chiclen, and illent the L.OL. hall, thec c ccii plan. c "dbM', iî'ceWilsI ',c fore eou Bdeie, Md ahedenaid hiee ecnrcc cem-en fcce-to 195 i'dp1ne f pncccA turcof ductio, Mcdoaldhisuniersty umferstran 1 ci Hcncby Park, ccedcfd i' Gecîgici'. Celinge fer the' pacc lhru'i yearc. te t956 ean Fort Chime, Ungcva Kit cI'd Ruth Gci'A, ct 'iici Gcccic inaccilcd frcm mccc Baydc acciciefa'cicanfîin Miigarei Cainsc, uni Rcth Whitc luc'cc aned e-cciciccliîicc c Oc- BorncaîMilton andraind ineucarcb rfui ad cppe. p*ece aivectu Mic. Thom. taio micc Mr.andiM'c. Tcke? tha Sctch Bfck distict cf Es Hecandhicvifie and dccghfei'îc wui fml l ohstr qceieg Township, Mi'. Miebiu An ivieail 140 tcc ,Ciires, accFishere of Gergtccn ccccccicfl'iScuicci.l caacme-rci f BostoePenbp PoinecClaire,Qebec. 'ccc' fihe aidestcuain prnc,ccc,' York ti,nd,l fron flice icrian Chcrchfort7 ya,csang __er fOMr.can Mrs. ciihdccGray le the cheir and cacghc Banda',. iRcM.R4,ampn venucil'i __ __ _ __ __ ace cf Sec. Siddcii ci Kncce Newji OFIice Chuceh, Milici', He ic the ,cn ciBsns va odce li L .E Mi'e. H. C. Michieancd Shle ccI < ~ ccc cccccclb, LW E M Mr. Miehie cf BSR. 5, Milice.,t m.eaves for D.C.. pcc'idenciLloyd Ficher ucci buEheT Credîte Teachers Lcne Scctc pipec ccci drce-c cciv cli cf. ccfucc i'Tacic Hi' c'a', cdccud ai Waterloc cil fori Mari'n Vaccv e cci. Ticc' ac pcecicic [c. pcbic ',uhcci Miltcc High csel ce ini fliahi le a bcnd faunce in Strs vc-prucîdeel Rss T.anc', ancd Radioî Cîcilece ci Canada Erem Vacuvecr. B.C. Icv. ',ucruiary Frank NWilso',ci'ud licacanci' Leca Ocichy. If flas Contractinu 1932 c f944. Mr. Mîchie cditc A paradc ci' eciccdav, chich dcuciued ctc hclci che nexc cucifi, abrîeî ue cf hi', leauhu'neceiih hcipieg the band hae îchee part inc fer dc, bul bird Ncacuddy i Jeici, tcecccld hi',lifc MiccBE. Welh-dc payeanc e-anche ceecci Or- 1962.* crii (noMrs. Harvceyntcoflcge-c' paradce. If %cccs the Ati5c'clcuk mc'cfecicPan eMiîtenTSS-lo 9731 Bcîciicaicdc cube icahi cf Water- final chc'icgaci' the men lcchiV [c L.OL. halila cii pper'and PonfiloT hec ',cbc an cd heipcd hie- du-cidc cefil fhey reicce Accdcy Jciy 23. ccciiihic dulicicci' mccl ____________________ fi bec afcubu'c; aicc Mi',' E. E. CaleAgr eo rm Carson iccc Mrc. Fred Aedccea e Chiîc she d amar cf Torontoc aed PinervNs h rip niee- ocai le tago ____________________ cagaccyci chc fccgbf hie- Gec- as a e-,elî cf c bcken fieger gccphy ai Milice High ccd fav c rcie hl lyn al hie- the ucnicccify acd leve fan hi'gerciccl bchised pintie hall, chu clcudA of lhe e-cc' envirn-Acrciih iceli b'he eeel and uaediticn', cf e-n a', he c rafed as one cf the hep ~WA an tcen dme-ee-c il Cceada. Mn. Michie iaagbl nebe-il --mi A" icct cf tt' tire e-cdc Mincacabic. NWhitc Suver ccd H W M Camyhellilue hecee 1946 ccd thi' tnip ce Lerne Scotsan ccl be I95A. bhec %vent' ccn tc Acîcher ics ccii bucinecf eccc bande ic. k*-M cceatiic cliii c B.A.« Univun- mg prtin t he Vacuc" VerUM Occgdp.1Trm hi, h MA. o ai MuG ic fer Icc fluab,. ac epar î of a.L DT ciiy~~~ ~~~ ciTcccc "c e ' clebraighf fce, a part icvi ci MM Geograph, fils .A. ai c iena iccccci' ve-cs'tcieherl cciii A Uncicersityviih hcecc',i leo-u Vacciuer'c 75cb Accii'eccarc. gccpby, ccco yeucc ai Knox' Cculee Itdepecd on the driver-on the carethat atrck isgieS' ced ccc cucccice aliy e eclc assume the tiret tmo factors arc aerage ... the driAer ies r Marrie-I tu Scettenl fit reczeiv.ec es censible and regeler, Nom, tht mileage Hecvieetc cirncea, le 1957 Ioc fcach le chu Canporcalice Cae-p Suhcci Nycie-n ai bdichacgh, c.c Sclaed, ccd icas e-ccniid le Acgcci cf flint yecn. Then hc LMINUMl tD SIDUNG Say goodbye to CostIy house repairs Two Way Instilation cus winfer heat- ing and summrrer air conditioning costs. -FOR RIE ESTIMA?! PHONE COILECI LE 4-1450 R. H. IRELAND, PACTORY DISTEISUTOS il Th. Cacnadien Champion, Tbcnsday, JcIy l3tb, 1961 1 HALTON MANOIR Mrs. Ruth Tinline Attends Halton, Peel Blind Picnic Bp Ml.. Matl Thocepsnc. f Iici fîcicîc of cir Occ akcîifc'- Oc Wccc vf aic cici no. j'In, Milcii Camîîp 'ocied Ilce tecded the accccaf pici li lic, andi %1-CiNcii Ha-c fcgicfccc.ct Bind o ciccf anicdlc Hài l cîgîic A cclîcln irl to -nll.-he. li, 'cl N~,i 'n-ili cfs eu ccc Eiiicc' ici.i l ci' c"Ii -1" il, Fur Mci S.cf onccî0 and' ccci i hc c Pa i Ce ,c. TauhIhinMc bi,cldi t c-, c lu nea ýCfaliccri,,kcc i]- hi~ ,,cc i" s crudi hî, i. ElicEf cîccch m I!,,ii fi i ,, ic i l aifbhe edg, of LackceAic Onaii at . ciii t noic %,,varri wasan i icflu f i i ic c ,.iiccand ,,, C rist' Ducng the afici'îiiiic ccici.ii i icii . Cic . a. . of fîiclieu. tbe bic lhdcc e,ot fl faccti 4,000 LB. COW of the picic. Shi, cccî %vo a iiî In cc 1 ih, i--, ,i lKnccili pricu icor cemicg [lieclsces[ Io Fila h. Sciic. lfc,iihI hi ol cccccccg ffhc icorrct uî cccc'oi Soc, fli, Aiiii. \ci. 24327f, pagcs in c hcck. Tfre pîlu' cc ci, vei'aliiiv1c-ic,11, !li' icci atirctiv tin of an f tIcîîî ic'i L\,ii ilýiî l 4,ii fil. ciiIlfi- icicig thu' picnc groundsîccicc' er ii ici- In - ii iciaciuîii Aiiîc liicd percaicc. iuc,ccciciiNcv 7îcîiî7.049fils. or c cartn fc I frcit andîc îlcilclc iif Liod i 4,1i97 Il. oi ii SAc' cecdicc. Thc ic.ppc fac', o il i ,î' .iil if iici c1 i i i', St'iipc hicc ciccilci, andc Iicciîcuiî Aîc îî,iîi' îiî Siii La 171fb i vî,i îîiiriici Ill i cciii iiiiic d ' 1- iîîî Iec thec ci cf' lc incci ciI ilc h , i ,iii and . .cic ld iai anîid ,ii pr,,,I toni ofici c SUN LIFE a progressive i Company/ in a progressive industry WALLACE GRAY - 107 Court St. TR 8-2421 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADAL 9Y MILES tUCK LASTÉ? -ccd on the manner cn whiCh the trck Wca bcîll. Let's caconcably CAnsiderate of his trucCk-the maintenanCe me cc eApect dependso AS how thc truck is but, c" WHY DO SOMESOSPENSIONS LASTAND LAST? whichChvraet ffd cki file ..cck- Chcycflarns lcdi.pccdenf Front Suspnsion cccfh torion spcing B,,fo Checicc toie picer- ed hbi supensi iei. rd humpscccd tc aem mbc t'cnsccid drctiv tahchasccc'- ind tc th hcbc tlccc an.id làac But no,,cifh Indei- cS prigsChri'cicTruckssicdpcicthe cims. f L-~- Chccncicf Trck!i WHY IS THE ENGINE YOD CHOOSE SO IMPORTANT? Letfc tais engic. [cibi hi the heurt of truck performance. And if', hece final Chccccfcf V-Wcs ccd 6's havec provcn !bcir dcpccd- ablec corth. Ncfccidfy, Chevrofcc givcc ycu a chace cf power plans... bct fhcy 'dl hccvc nccccdicg in ccenccn. Nccccly, vr hccd cvafvcs, Mrcicc bccrngc acd ful pcecsccc fcbricatio, al spcciclly dcdigccd forlng aecgicc fil. And. asc bccns cdcl ycu ccjcy ii cccccdcd ccgicc file Chevroter has cccccicd ecoccccy tc power cn the pccforc ccf ifccvain collicn- safc ca cih c Chccccfcf Trucck ycc havc thc pcfhcc-pccccclicc yec cccd il NOW CONSIDER TRUCK FRAMES FOR A MOMENT ccd gcc cccncmy fcl-i e ChccccciccHcccî Dcliý Trcucksac hicci ih a of tramc s ' î,ilcccccdc forac'cccccy o ifckilotsch. fr ici' lpe "'.ic Thcncfccccarcflic ccycicd cfi mar Tceccules Ac fina bell hcpcfcd cpend 11 cf yccc dcicîcc licce cli fhic highaci. Chccîcccccîn- thic fice cf Chcccclcf Tcucks. Extra-bigccpcîy bc'ckcn.. prc~i- ccccdsnccoffthccflexible frae tialcccupport cc i c hc siencbcffcca ccnig taminicciccfriction and stccicgeffor .. giccccis hciscourcse. If îccîîcchccc d c iiah.Icc tcnqcc.fcîlcccd cfccchcc ccd scpcc'cccgb ftrcccmicsiocns hcghwy ccnds. Chccy cc c tcrcce [ha ill flai hilbu ii. Ifct Chcvrotcf Truckcsccîc cm h o mithc 'jtci-cfi' trîne for yccc chb. Acd bcccce cf chal. marcdbis n mnho fcilar ~ ". ,ddedctcyccc Chccccic Trck -- mciles and toicle ipoitabiile O ¶Ic~hbcling. Se bcw many milcc sbccfd yccr Cbncrclct Trcck ast? Frachly - wecCan't pic if dcwni tc a figure. Ccrtciniy, thcrc arc tbccsanids cf Cbccrclcf Trucks acrees Canada wifb tbccsacds cf prcfif miles ehind tbcm. Who bncws. perhaps yoc'l retire hefere yccc trck dccs. Bcf ccc fbicg wc ccc cay witb screfy: yccc Obecrolef Truck has bren bcilt fc gicc ycc tbe hesf pertcrmacec fbrccgbccf fbc lengest posible Iifcfimc. Acd ccîfh c Chccrclet Trcck, ccccy mile ycc drive wiif bc a prcfifabfc Ccce. Cbecsc yccr Wcrh-Prceed Cbevrclcf Truck cf yccr dcalcr's tcday. Cc c6 FiIRST IN SALES BECAUSE THEYRE BEST KNAWN FAR PERFORMANCE, SERVICE, ENGINEERING, ECSNAMV ANS ALL 'AVAND RELiABILITY CH EVROLETÀ--- TRUCKS. HAION CO-OP SUPPLIES Mihien5 Ontario 1 -I BELL BROS. LIMITED PHONE TR 8-6380 MILTON, ONT