p P ROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY <NOX PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH CNUECN OF CHRIST, MH AND TRAVELLERSt GUIDE MîîiRlc WRK.LMcto Tr.Oiecalgar Mnu O Woîhi. A.TC.M rgo-aollOn titý hoir Muicer SUNPOAT JUNE Ilth. 1961 DETLACCOUNTINO "Con, Ihl "îth uond "'n wo "1 10.00 -Bi let Sohoot. Classes DR. G. A. KING EARL G. BLACK SUOOOAY, JUNE Ilh. 1OO 11.00 a.m.-Moettttg Woeddep. DentalSorco.o I i RCîn.IA.C.A 10000m.1SLni., Chcoeh Orhcoi, Thucsor, 8.30 oto-Bil Study. 00 ýIm-MrigW,shor You AeALoay Wlcalme OIioceoinRoyl Bildin. Milto ~ o Inncie.- The Sac -__________ Holl 9.5 ot Main St-t rm n o cc or. infanatod X-Oap Se00oIr, Toi TO 8-0762 0,0 40 Miol nt ari om ,cootion od Oea MILTON GOSPRL HALL TOiciOicOOAO f h rlido tof SOntarioSt. NTRt&022 linOcoiOnroro Oheistoaou, gathee no the nale, of DR. H. F. GALLOWAY 11.6001 acJuior Chuoh Schcia1 th Lard JesuChist. (Mat. 18t20) Dcnl..l hoooccon [LEVE0 & HOSt J.- 13. 2.00 r.. -on 155 Manns, on tirei fi-, C.. AO.oîr Aîîoolîoîoaor lic W M LORD'S DAY. JUNE 1110, 1961 lon, -L i412 uta rot 13 unlo o Mr, S:alani A-- 03 tOOt-Be.kigoftBnead. XOcpy'1"": Orne ,, oi Ný 1 KlOKoStlW iT. Bradley.Court SIý, et 12O15 Pm.-ieClasst nIo11L 1.1 8-9oc1 0.W p.tto-toutOo Sehcoil Toi orio TO 0000Toidon Jnnc 13, 600roCr- 7.060o .m-Ono-cl Seruone. SURVEVI) H,,st",. ro Chlîres Aldco-,W ndy 8ii Redt..-P n DR. M. R. OULJUBASIC RS sl.14Lrîahi FSot. fibe oeng.Gopleeir 0.-lotBGWMAN. BLACK AND BOSTON AND OMAOH It-nitu Conoetnict.To TOO O ac.oc SHOEMAKER PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Y-ou oie Hearill W0eieotoc to theor Lnard oîîo.î Mloor:c R,- O A. Novr, . A. Servoces ilOETIT J-o c.d 'o l 0,. roi enone t,, lio O.. nir Oforo, SCGAT. AUNE 000 0060] 1-au OhL rothieooîîs bauilo, t oi'0-00oc Math.0. 13. ARTHUR AJOHNSON ioDoic]>S 16 lOMin or 100 an OoaOh Wnih cim- -Himnhaic-noehnoft.oe,t1ooii Goi0nM ooti 'Le oi in 000 vica t muit.-i 1,1to6.Ï ILlhiS,'Lti .0-Io 40311 TROr '8 iro8 j a SalaalSooirSho, iaud TtuOo.crive y.ciltî Tlin, d it l'-n-no, TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Tirf. en. oild i ,______________ Eocnncc ho i-. 1111 n h- i,, nof tihý r ...l nf Fi ___________________ 050000 PACIFIC 0h00 ,WOT 010 n Il Sciai Acticon ST. PAUL'S UNITRD CHURCH LEOOSL Si nouud Ti.o If.. IL o acai ithunîoo Main and James Strench KENOJETH Y. DICK o 9 a 27 Il- 00.lo. PAOOSH 0F Monire, Ro- J Lnone Grahuon r;rrýt a- w. o t ci1 an m i- St. George's ChUcnh, Lamiets cBC Bnrroirr h. .1, ilo oilii iloui .- 01Sn. John's Chat-eh, Naaaawapa -- 1510 M..' n hicc Tii 84-t7i The Angttemt C5nt-ch of Canadai TocloTO O -491 Occloeo SIIUGAY, 000 It. 1961 CHRtloPRACTORS CLonopellciinîi. 0n1ario hnn on gi- too, aenlo T.AHOCiOOoo ,TIL;nîoî No. UCnt- 4-1577 baa ndg sot aMraey. Olor 0c i--. , E' MnDOALuCNDAV JILINE lih, 0910100 .-.st-Nursery Sellant ln Ei ho, i- i CHRPRCI Ct-INIC Thnl 0oroch bouge. Milton xî - Lhnio oouar.100 o.-Moetoog Woethir, TniephnnTOO.h. T L 000010o Gt i-ftoogPaelri ereroi ihomc ton Juoe, -Stern 3_ onàaoo . Indor. Soh.ol 11.00 aon.-OoO anal gorla. tour GEORGE E. ELLIOTTI.OC. ni-. cci orotol L0 Thedll Oooeooo ad 0-fi cOO i. - 207AR 0000 th ,,m thrnym.. nnn T____,_______TU__01 ______C__________ OOR 1,00WA GOSE ro-oUîl Lo, SHREad IHL THE I'FNTECIOSTAL GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN SHARPE. -oi NLH3SMino 0 Oi O pm. ASSEMBUIES OF CANADA Milton, Ontario W. S* SHARPE Tortion 130-5Pm. and 7-90p m Fasorr Il M. Oheottoosen Betoeo Ono. O. A. Powell A. J. NICHOL Wcdetdcn -111 u.01m - O P.1 B "rtIr SoOo and Thuroday . 0030-5001 otd 7-000 poil .aNE1h.06 SUNDAY .N 30060 , 100k61c Oiae F0000c Fridar i .30-5 po m.ond 7-90001 0tor am.-Sunay Sehool cles dSnap te eot 10Maon Si. MoIton Saflonday 070C - 12. t - 00 (SiocrigWrni.O. Orannco Telephnne TO 0-230039 _________ 7100 o a..FMroing Seorehp 0000 Annooeerr Onroteto __________________ - FI'EISL necco W Weottoo.y, 8 oný - Bîil Oroo10 9.45 a.m.-Oounaay Scoo a F. DAVID THOMPSON Frand rayn. -'otg cpen Bible Ctat Barritter and Solicitor MoKERSIR erriersm -Yon Pole' 100 Pro06nO ;ï0e,. Pren- t 1 anOee FNRCHM A grotoing chyarat moIte L.Th.. Gerce ChuonO, Wat1e-. TO 8-M60 Sineec. Coorteoao, On"c poo.reh homre. amen. Residese TO 84«c PHONE TO 8-4430 NIORT on DAY ADL Welcome 7.00 pao.-Enesttta Penyne. t2 The Canadten Champion, Thursdcy, Jolie ý8h 1961 Miss Ethel Chapman is Speaker At Hialton W.1. Annual Meeting ThecIlhanersiNo Hal ot MIS CI.Lo Tuinr Mil in ernaie Mis u tooWn l bsittý%a o id h on o ,n nMI,.Ciiel eou itri in the Pro-tni htrl, 'oICe Al eotdrscchadtiene , Mr Mr, W t'l. n1 aLII1I Act Mr, M I 1.-ciCaIr, thAllo(ho oeicior o-ou- p 7lro Mf Arcutr the 'Ir,îcL., î loi liii....0 g M Ci kP0 tclin olllgiOo- III deM M:.CLr eort-il h co hpodîni.cooîoriîg d CL -.cilon bit, cr goo.ialkdah h acn tn0ltiOfoioninold M, otsn eacobl,, ,bldIiteacs lfl Home Econotetst Speaka s S,,eon puli sv Il,(Jur Miss Fl*oICos LaîîoPnîaIoî honl ectolomil. gIo LI ooImLIN. (I donc -Orelooct ,el].i blo aIoo otoioo ,r thon Ili, 1,c gît Lon to lii oha, i* AppI Hortic ultural Notes calocotoo Il lICRYSASJTHEMUMS hlu ooev Remv ho] h ho inh ion J'né,Io Lo l celui- inIleg topudo Lcstm andho G. GAddlion -1the N,,,-1r ici, plntîoooinoi hop, i.ii *cqiitNteiiatc.dai gnth ItlcAssoito fi liRc,îîîs00 casvlo oiaaron opicî lior tca atil..The occnotii con fihahit ol te lcici cîdolil ciori hrcolcoicoîtî,e loococlorloltoo vekolol ,ioolalo con ho ,)n hom adltButtuHoaîootc theo,oe *,.,1)te gool iqulol fililizer is ad an ncf ostn oLNistunie in , cair (oc ini fal oegin fi open. MISS MARY FORMER, daoghte MîthF.. bo ar M nombr. lo rc Chîo-oanthcoooooo. 1h1-1 1 o,-,, areîo lun to f ror ocrvus. the taile Me. Ferrier cf R.R. 2, C Gocîfh F .lO. roailoîîoohi.loîon ol ,hpimchooocl oct,, Ch.,î,o lîoc \illictictocfe rock of Howacrd Whitehead, son cf h tale n1cinhto,.iinOOtoLIL-, A ctoop , IIILx,"LI il IL-e0110l ýoncOoi bachkground beide frt-Wletn nJoi tS.P and sauvr \îîch Il l to îaloo it]olo'n L andco,otc o- 1 oidings co*lorningle crotjiohade, oflhc- anod 142l11 -.Il 0,-loi toni oclt aod oioptai lrpoooc. Thoo to., ho ollîho. ailo lto lie.. îîc, munisîîîali inouoh filoiothro secasido Mr'.Gu% Boo,,li ol Fi.-nîho0,,,,, ioo fai th iot%henoitittor tocs%,ma ho trannyloIn- 30b. GraduOaLcOe wa roo-o.o Nicth tirhe oîl the tilio picolo, arroo iron Ile toit occsotllocîctooohiltintoull havngcImýl-e, si ý1I L' l helos l i, boon.Nursing Course dîolicto",*,IL"" Leaîntlon oi L coîol ohaî\tî 0 hhîtîîtr oîcd, if roto vrvae r Luch etChutoh iî,ocl oLuhl,ollon, cn tthavc varigforcolorand a Eeroteaotdtincaclass r,.V. Nlori0 coc joIhn tollingol.I'oi te %en coo* tiit on hctiîOiet, hf p0lde h ool oa ho tnnorroof ld..îcainOoonhcon t.hloo-a timn, oincoi10110nn Emnocgoocv Mea-oren DOganiza- then the ntiel ail 11111 nol iiioo i.îot %,[] - l LIOliO COLUMBINES tio ogr lounch.ctrotIchilihe .A. Ohîpîortionîit -Inotcot înaloo, toîtt Viit ait ino gardernand Thetladies lenom MiltIon cnd 1 hechutil. m1ioi i1eot o.i, humic.hî \%lit s1,0,1 ooi nesllc.oihich surnaoodif cr0,0 met in the The afeoion sesson Laperio huile nioil oi1lea ho ,d îciîioi..t1 fondoliLiaohîonoil graco: loi- E.MO. office oo Main St. cora iih the ing .1o O C.i'dt. li,c toaloiîlnIcnir ilplant.11 \vois galîloneio hato buco cn, period of 12 wcrchoMrs Walter, Two musnia oinorOiO ror e-Si the piiîîiîoncli.îi îihoptccl lilith oL% it i notlttglow- BellLi registered nurse, vvsthe joyed antO he pI itOioolts ,1 prepaicdiooii. ilte00010soi 011 ,,.and the eItct thoo0îoeacaous ictt trufr toerc catioîliîl 1 ihet,imi oi- otoii,%iîîîîîîitii hallifloti.o ,iîrt iit oiioi rcol Then t cessfunoil radilNil pboiognoiii101001.I010111iioIPIIIlOoî moooicolombhionsikve oa Si. John Atoholance a tot-co of apptLi.,1 l. 0 eLfio c - oouiîii cado.i plnt. tîî o l ti oi i hale,althogh certificate. lady. Mro. Goorge Agnooît cf Mît'ii hoi ,oe,l d il., n"t 111x1 coso oilm il,, -Ioi i0 fit wtn. Ail RecDtpy ton, han huoonia oo t,,c fon S.; îl,î oolî 011 Iliiî og plan,11g Iîîom aîndc Ancthccîcoursc 0-0 hield in yer.Ptnch out Top, I eqîîi.,ltking il thîc sooohoro Trafalgar towinship for Theouoestpeake-r, Miss Eîlîil Ohe iioo 1000 1 aie tîloooi toiiîotrrt 22 peuple oiho rcoicd insroc- Chapînco. T.îontîoî. loir in,],,,ecIIoo.inoi fleîtop MI__ lion in ltiotaootal licol aid. duoctlhbMi,. V N-11 o..ii lochesn, and1, ri-pc lllii Thiosococr ioloo sevenicccks. conîaoîîoc pl-'i oîliioll 1iociîiîiLiddelliI iht lcon ToîLiki.aiitciî nilltinta00101 Afinal E.O.O. projectforethe t hoseof 6i fi, 0000 -idî îcltha l ii Job, If-0 in oit assure paii i Malabari andî oltoor Pais, elno%vtil]b ho trcuo disploy the chbîol cricahog . ploolot 1,.,h, plLit ,ilîh oi c îtil o îihîti fo.n lie ld in Actoo loroard the home aitousphroîta toliîootcootliiiicî.iowa o iil ic o TlîIîîiindof cScoîiicoi coniedtoftohe ioih. It i lhet1 andilots ccitinh loiiitiiii iPlants \\ill1 ioiîiiîilîotîîîiîan 1010 pet* ceol ni hcoiianololttici nctoial m r-ctron the hel ellio t l oiOitL; \oman. fii oi olo. ma\ o-iicic pe ceof lt o pilition1 Miito reutie flOOp otlit ho i.k- Elet Officers "";,e0 0tkl0 li p1o1 i and rt, t of il iin iio. ont-parl. The not olIcciicI -îccit gîiio-îo and ,nIr undl il ltu' agoccli II ." 1 co l iii o \îil ill .0I 0100 00 oonncotnno %at I v c re it Mi1ilîîîi Fait'. q.î Ilit,, a iihi. qllc suc- Th' 000 îîllicer, aio honiîora,,C1111 îcoolîîtl cOliiO îoliîiilcing. THIS SUNDAYCS preoidoni. Mi-. O'ctnr0 Nîrioiî Thîîî plill o ýI i 1 .1, l'ni Io l 1 Miltono; p Moiii,.i Hoiiiola-ii, ai, i, IIII To i Ailu u* Wioc. îoîo, O ic 1001100 A nco 101 .hurch Calendar THE TURNING POINT 1science is quite welear Rlather qe4t his courae afil 9 ka that Contbmcd fromr Page Tme Wmal it hc the peecon tohose ma ot etelIenm.o cosinef Iys hlm continll flot ho dcoraed titlas, if ycu thon partially tu blame. I hat, who faits to support Oe roo tem to tu.itc it lial la ttte often hoard peoplo inotivoe that whttîseciht, toho cowersooe middle cf lte ceott .. rugnern- smeurle Woho bas hId the m rle h eugh f feital iniimidated, ber that God isahweîsy beattie loctiltude tu rtaod out l'ur justice ?r hotctg the centre or comment, yoo aod flint righlit il awars na olycue... such asa inttisgroîtp,hiswcarkhisnegl- trimphaondtirc wtltcOutilTake miror infraction oft he law, or horhootl, his chcrctt cr Iqir toton. a tessont fente flte kilos that ac firm opposon toil a crafly local A lroty cr001 gentleman, who ttylttg higtt theso srm ccd wtndy polilical issue ... a., bcing' odd," hat 'oc a vat amour,, or lit. days. A kutte atwayo t-tom aint Slightly ohoormai* or "meototto catlld on os one day latt tom-k. the soindl John b4oCrat trole the i-rcotiîpetento Il vo cîîd tour IRis. thcory ba% altoaso heco, tcfolootng inopieed fins hcad in accnt. or du nt reprotrexasmine oneot stand objectts-cly "To you setth tcillnci bandls wco Ille speaktrcoracoent oeil ln moite sure une os richt, acd Ibroto thc taech as hbis, voi no o. as oWcil have with this ostablishcd. "Forge Be yomo bt hold il high yrooooccdthc-e setece yoorollt ahad ..and let the chips t'ait If yebreak faihiwith ustoho Lacht of us, as lus-pavcr, IIoo a. thero they mayt" H-t ba, caotrod Idie . . . toc shaîl tot steepi' coutrty ...Domitnon, Provici - i Local. Ici tephoold or cnur ;Zydiscrcopenc norl ,i lise pîooing .î lîttir holotonthe dmol deiotceacy. Fient a litt e trichle . . . iarmîcîr. enoogh yoit sa0 .- ho bt tcadtog Io the torrent (loti ooltl ticoroytoho dam. Il coot hu tlic "crIiadetý --o e~ttnds For * Petroleumri Products * eOWlîn. * Fuel 011 * Diesel Fuel * Motor 011 * Stove 011 * Lubricants Call centrai Fuels Heenheegne Bt-m. Miltono anod A ciîn culb Long Oîtoîc ud ask o»r 7cîîii o9-1450 (No Toit Choarge)t R.R 3 Miton Gaegetown TR 7.3829 Bring Your Home Up To Date Electricallyl Id If cost less than you think ro re-coite your home to properly and safely carry the loadof applices yo riwhave or expect Io insfail. Get free check-up. WE'LL TELL YOU EXACTLY WIIAI IS NEEDRO AND WRAY tT WILL COST. NO OBLIGATION. SMcPHAIL ELECTRIC tta -y 66 Charles St. TR 8-9513 MILTON SPECIAL FREE SERVICE OFFER FOIR STUDENTS Loeklag IIIer Sa 5. h CAN YOU *Wax Carn? *Cut Lawns? *Do Housework? *Baby Sit? *Typse? *Handle odd jobs? TELL OUR READERS WI4AT YOU HAVE TO OFFER. ADVERTISE YOUR TALENTS IN A SPECIAL COLLJMN IN THE CHAMPION AT NO CHARGE HERE IS WHAT YeU DOo If pou are c stodent living wifhin the circulation cirat cf The Champion, conne IN PERSON (no phone catis, no laetiersf f0 The Champion office, 191 Main St., Milton to pince pour ad. hcach ad rncp cooisiof of Up f0 20 words includinet stodent's rae ancdnriyfn Jone8,i5,22nd 29 ut nochange of copp wiii bn peronirteil once fhe cd h ns starteti. Ctcotofied cils appearino en the specint ofudeofs' cotornno l ho pohinhoi F011 0F CHARGE for oncle anti feorcle todnnts seet-îeg eonptoprenf dctong fhe sommef monfhs. Offer gonid June 8fo 29 Orly The Canatdiani Chamnpion 101 YEAtS 0F SERVICE IN MIL-TON AND DISTRICT 191 MAIN ST. MILTONd, ONT. Best Baler - Best Baler Twine - BEST DEAL EVER I1t~ WERE READY to put a new MCCorMick a0001 46 ni t-ho haler 1000 neil ... anal me onani yoo 46baler (and McCormick Baler Twine) o kow how eony à n t-o boy one. Wse'e reoiy 10 46 mohe yoo a deol thots moil morth ioohing inlQ Bot on trial on your farmi ... and let you be the sinol ne no oleol, Int-' get fogether on that demonnîno- judge.Weve proveal t-bot this outfit out-halte t-hem t-ion o yoo tojîl have nil t-he footn firot haod. Ste us ail, hut we mont ycu tn prove it t-on. We kono thot 0F fIl DO n caîl estw. LET US GIVE YOU A MCCORMWICr NIO. 46 DCJWOP.,TrMIGNQ? DAtES FARM EQUIPMENT MILTON, ONT. ONTARIO ST. $ I. Phoc y S. Adpe-Whie -r of Mrs. Joseph Ferrier and ampbetlnilte, hecarne the bride re. anrd Mrs. Nelson Whitehead, Uits United Church, Milton. JACK HALL Canot-etc., Clader, Siag ccd SIlo B LOC KS - cal[t J. COOlIE (ConcraI. Blocks) NE 4-7763 EVEMINGS MILTON TU 8-6365 Lt op tn the mental mard. Hît con- my admîrcelon for Itia fortllude or*~o~cootooc