Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 1961, p. 9

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Hospital W.A. Annual Tisecnimlgendtoicetingif rcodeced bylbcemany volehemt reslsecnd effotsof au mec- lise Wcmen's Asilar ut tis if the Milton acd District WoC's bort, Miloc and Dieh rint Mositl S ns Hospital Auiticl - Ci.cumslasucseiiitsitatcd a heu~~~~ ~~ ceWdme.M li iE Wc havec cimplntlcd oa ethe inon ci t e h personeil of lis Aesliryt-oof Ilesciospitl yicccieitice ns ilt Lisled belou ea tise reports .ef, pas bitueler -b e 10- ve- Auiiiey Bacrd atnd cc arc gnatc- lteconvenors ofct omnaittee, iomo niL'd m.ec.y p-hcbltms tr- fuli ttiv mermbo chanisu amWeil an lte pt-siide'ts, sene- sali foeea a tusisidy efmiigycspaiIhtem t tomys acd treaot-ret- t-eporh foc sh alv as o ette, ahnt bav efi1bYc. peu hetreo the pasî jet-. ban computai, t-cirai fineitateilg Oclibin 1960 euacted lice Gold- PRERIDENTS REPORT bbc yaansf 1960, sc have ecloaoi es Johileaci orhev Ontario "Aisarendrd thesnda 1te- avr c atiseculseii in tuciets- wseae-s NHispital Aacilianies mind myselî heiusy iseer aod lu er.Assucaionsu. avd iar Autiity, cerner ile deeid on0 the laburs Wxîxs Sisetita hiousa aliiiueuu ii ibis 501 vee-, cf ofciert mec, living and deuai, Ai ai Limas, basa mc etapin %e sc menacluo ci the memarable aedtienitaiîmouit-brmysei in lhclorecfotieiiihe pria oie-olde uiabiecBanqaufeld ai ut-diec to give in the camne murs- t'ancou aileu Hospital Aooiliarv. the Rusai Yut-t Huaie. Ton peti- Lires 1hevnrccied anaiiiît1îî61îrc-î1îu s aicty, out-dent, abusa ccilh nigiutailler racisini." iuiocat.atvie . for iche ospi- pnaviduus lrt- allier ocaneoi- Tis laa oqtatio by Allier, ýwldui ro~tfand aitisg efolf iesiiv.as iv a place oftisot- Einsteie ond the titoegbl epev hev boe viid eill sî iece- iuomaducieby buscw tise isea ted saapplicabelcthe srie ity and avchliegedlithe in- tahl anim as wnh pcde tba WHEN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER OR HOME FREEZER MAY 15 TO JUNE 30 ATAMYAPPLIANCEmon DEALER DISPLAYING THIS SIGN HERE'S HOW YOU CET YOUR FREE $20. FOOD CERTIFICA TE. Buy an electric home freezer now, May 15 to Jane 30, et any epplience store display- Ingthe"ISupermarketflvour Home" insignia. *This offcriiapIlyo a r cive rage 14ÀeiiîlSFO of cist4ype or uprihe leti!eze ordei znecmbntin eusrac - H ME FRF ZERF Ireers of l3cutbOtft cepciiyorleer. CHECK THESE FOUR WAYS A HOME FREEZER CAN CUT YOUR F000 BILLS. jYnu can boy in bill whon prices are lo« , 2 Youcen teke fui[ advantage of speciel food sales 3 Youcen budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 You get e free $20.00 food certificate if you buy. Co.sposaiag manuafactuera factuels th1e fsIoieWult Betty Brothers . Beiood bAppi cce Co. . Cecedia Graciai Eleotic . Corecedo I Dominon Appl c Co. e Frgdaie . Gasait Stee Wae s. Gbsca. Gilson. Kelinatele .Philo .RCA. -Roy United Coîeps Wesinghouse MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC 258 MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-2345 McKin IN CO-OPERATION Halton Co-Op Hardware WITH THE FOLLOwING Supplies Miltoe LOCAL D)EALERS Milton 260 Moles St. TR 8-9222 Broutec Si. TR 8-2391 Geo. Bundy S. A. Fay Bert Jones & Sons & Sons Milioe %flr (ield.) eB-cute Si. IR 8 9784 222 Ma.ry i. T5 8912 Mltion _________ - 46 Maini SI. TR 8.6533 Cret Hrdwre Keith Durnan Bailey Bras. TV a Redis Appliance Saies Miltee Miltes Milles 136 Mais Et. IR 8-011 Meus St. TR 8 44 178 Miain SI. TR 8-9741 IReport Shows Active Year of Service IOr afin et ail Limes it fo rin ftlan < 4m cumiont tu lihe patients and sel el lthe hispitl aned dre~lc ycar. maieeey parcises mcc eide Vol. 102.-No. 3.MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSOAY, JUNE ici, 1961 Second Section Aeneg the items listled am rait car[, obsîcîricel tretmeail*=i banemede celivily scellc; tu Mrc. This scas iciiccccd bythe aux- Wcmco's Aesîliary, la cccm cc oie e Plec end obilciaical forceps, otnfrPlw end bemrpers for lte book c DiS.. C. Smith aed liert mohir, Mcc. iliery tag day.i = Ncbcri~- arc mail grainaui. Thca pilîocaiîon arriccd, aecd sevc r ,wno lnsadPceig frtebatftqitvndb sMe Pockei books and mcaaiocsiciiicichaveiiady sccc ot nue ccctile articles. dc donaticon 10 moe upr . Y. Dick cchich addcd $420.26 arr, prociof incrceusigiy pipolir tent ies TiLc , halplesvcr mde New' Coemdtee chasc liu etc. tui Mm. W. 1. u ihi troey raci.1 cs1i il Lcireaders. bhîiîofthe~ioiiicrid Recltccprictwnite ipcîonîisYugfr h nFbur 96,[c uiir Wa wish la ilhle iiliOhvi, ,11 vau avi. Eeccîtldy apomci csiîte four aecdlpu cheir cat andccioi: acccpiad, iil regret, the tu- saokiidiy dioatl dcdi.civad' Due , ),hi cîoaîvai tif lthe i aslrmed tuîplîe Cc Mrc. C. Dl. Johnon for bsand- sigacico ci Mes. Ostlc Fur cir bcoks, pcckc bcokscand igce fiaccrc.cllvuhave îoui.yaîoadc bhîp aed chaed byea membea of idaicofrafeladc a~ h îicciîd cîclcacciici iclbgili thi Wcocl Hospital ....,,i..,. Party; Mns. G. Slcoio and lier caarma in le piic cf diîicilties MES. M. NELSON. Aiihi,îgiî Tuc-day is sac reg- Board. ch ups f hsci f girls deeionstratice pneccoid by acasiunolcrla -cg uicr seinodlymostiekelilc Boerd.Tîpurposoflisiltet hefir shillin o ei100icst illhe The tacinîcov oci f the chairaiac- cvsicWdrdyoF milice,, es tuîcocoit milis the -'-n laty a Robot Browasichip cf thecoammillec bv myccif PUBLICITY REPORT diy, inordur la kcrp ciioad wilh medpica Siaf org oard , ,ias forai arraegements for fC- liai nt dillîcil. ijndcr Mes. public reilicns arcan ce ùl tp-ha aiadicg. mauaff wiri ah ilia ouic't dco panly; Ceeediec Metc Co. Ocîicr, te aimmilîca hcd beur tant pari of acv crgnati.il. ailirioglvillepthe ultmcati " fur assistance ie gardea perif; ccclicrgaeicad. and iih ibis inmid, ih,ic iic olcilikatIo haek my com- of iingqatheyadeos ixxeBfrhin Mr. Franki MeNien Ian hic kiod- $2017 at Bridge milice bas ot-iven in hl pcsl iMilice cciv mcd icr thi, won- ry lsidi cuit andvmet T'n cei* ss in aadiicg the treecat-cit A bridge parlY vvaploannd and ycaato cqaiel the puhblic cd dei-liiel h ancd co-iîpceti. A books- la Mr. and Mmc. John hcid ai flic Marlin Si. hiah keep bifarelhiiiothe ccikcut tiii. avac dcai ci cciiilias tbucla- comte s coiw furoftln, Ostiar for iheir genccoésily je sciocil in Mcrcii, 1961, and rts Auxiliany. cuilllislicl ai i-ryssin andaeiia ftde ateja la hav moine avoulable Iheir beauiifii aliiad $207.79. In the counse of fins o MES. A. Wî)ODLEY. scedn for yoat taavai home and sccimmisg pou], acd McSWGaiyp-ollhabriic cisl.ilîilii- Ai I cemplcie my terait of te- laxaking ths sucaisccaci tîay aid m0 o imiciibmohybad mciisc MEMBERSIIIP REPORT Llly lheok lice membere t-f tW McÏWlIIIernc foc tiseir worb in Ihe reqacil finit the comittilc Ecans in Tha Chamyione. 21 vince flic baspitl aili oicam Board for Ibeir carapatent SUP typing acd meiig availabie thebu o ifa ehgt hue it ail iohe par- posters made anid distibilid noi g and cin c hcl tivu ccd a prt n coinperaielhti iOet.tea i M enlrports foral]mmbes; posa of ncisiec cconey linr tbe tbniagbcaiithellii. 10can huif yacn..ivcivinvhav ia May i aisc express eppt-ecioeî ic.w.A iîc Auiiacv. A group c' parsns noeîci aier ncdio cnd ci thai li. ic ,,i- îuSiîîgy. lath bgcttcral mcmbershMp, Leuipeaker; Mn. Peseton foc accacinava oacin hasie trust waiavoiicpabute1l Ms. MieKeie adbhertaff, ad -netinmnt ai teipen mue- prcîbcicd the yiciai noam tha acricymmbealit ivaa, 500ain- ojah csvc cb fi) ail ccbî bave given tiling tuc brns Vaugaband Mcs acvs acu mans cocclc by rbicis iscditothhostvieici a une 168 ui cli ro iîcc ir advcîandboutsof srvice, for Teford past psidee and pccsii hair contributions andonheit-aobr 50 ibch piocaîstintiisls, Witte 4 asocicleombns. ajibaci ibein huilp notiig could dent if thi Ontarioî W. H. A. beali, tbe piuliii c cc prcicciad beioa pnaparad aid 176 bulle ls bcve baciiaacamplisbold. Association; ta Mr. BrUce MîNah la ihe hcailia oc National sent t, iieus of lihe Auiii Ail îoeoocî cis acuecîaiiedi Tua[Auîiiocy mendbersap ac lite îîîeco aim foc oc Hospitl Dcv, Mcy 12, 1961. Tbis ccock bac brio acmplisb- 1hnt'r to 1 im uie 1urgeibibteeibisitudi and openmeeiog, andltoMs. Co Theiacciiiiiiil as aiud lcaIdbaagibeconsantsupot h ruivlyeac eilleriyulinone intccesii onincueanidaurtlents treiii ci Toronto, cbeck fan suppy sadichsiand cocitiailiof Mrs.G. egadaely Mes. îicvcuriîioclu riniiîîlyinglu. used lort-hIe eioc'plilarbmenl of 100.0. a convention of 400 peuplea i the L. Sales and la thuene go c'y pier' let a aragn fl ccîc oiieas. and 1 front iclepiioninf Ici scwif os ,litis ccontllbi serviie in tinis homeaof Mn. Jao Fratie ibisîcaalithais. buttonis andi icw crurs bava WumensHospitlAuiliary. -Jaiy. Tbe pasviycacccbio ba ccaet am' er iiîîi Io icl %ville the MES. T. HUTCHINSON. iiiene Cet-de The icv-i aiii mieulev comiiiiill lit cnd iîianaîiîîîg cîd 1I iiiishii i cloia cîdsse -Twceoythce candi have haro ecv aciî aiiiîleiaiii aaisrbiiioccii, us-h ,,ciaie ccd hi e seREARntE R tu ion members scio hava dipiidcbiî miooihanip plus the ic elcoy tiiocis ur a cb pieaciuc whei ve ci m or SECRETRY'S EPORT brio fil and ta fleusie cbi bave cciliiîancd icyci suprrt i* flici i slcild. ueqoiie uuîîlîtha cciimunity Oce agi i is my pieotire tu bero bcccavcd. maiioa toa cf gciii memiiibinshiy. Mis. 011cer MES. J. A.- CONWAY. îîiî gi*cluzîli cillais il, knoc liii îoy -coai report of the 5]effets. and 1 ioiid eh.id lin Ibis Miilton caidils peule criiihîia the scari il the aiiiliacy fon lice Doioaibhe yacliibad w auiliiaiadiîîiîdcnî haits ccicycî i iiibc pout yea. Dut-iig tbe prepaaiont opes moetings. Oe as in No- la cac une of via Ion yoaa SPECIALL OCCASIONS REPORT unilit. n isneibr n of ibiscicceseacolina soce vembcc ambicbiime Mr.W. A. plumanti ca-ipicalico jen i ccs 1 epecifeliy submiî ibis t- w k ofccondetote the amOutOfCLittlie sGuelph, eiaonaldir- sii.is. port furyouraprla. Leds Noiiii vi hci do ccctavaciiibe d t-i h ie iu o la W0. N. A. came t0 cpeak MRS. K. Y. DICK. hiave ibism lima vis yfcr flc IiliDie.ciand îpM -i iiir lii Jameis va,îc by tbe mambuai of lise iosinging withbbecMs. J. H.-bcpaaclciic aii i iciM-fSiioIac aasiiciy. vSiaccenigio 5 fiiiloaing iiiccsis: Stniet. Il iîîîîcîIli ou( 1 ha a prasideci, Reaco F 1 SIROP REPORT Maillais Dcv. Fateihac Dcv. iii iiîv i i cr We ail t-iiîambac scili a flrtent noîhar in Febcstany ccbeon. Taghrc MMiî iiiiTosiioHiîcco hiici li dî-iîaîî andîî 2cr lei dca a pic-c-ara, tha litai mml- Pres trom Bt-amplis cccii" Hospitl ibe jusl icoiplilail i7 nias, Valideliscu Dcv, Eai-uicn Si. Iolie vlle tcii . iiîîougi hbic iea Mes. Lacis Kica iiviied*us tu Lions. lîcelievi îbit il lias hicicc a ic ili he dîîing lacans for Maiberi s lacesi ve i .îai fil 110e midsl. liar, home rer Ccmpbellviilc, Th, scccct-y tas aiiteiiýlccssalv, prt of iverivi - Diviagain. 1isîîiiiiicviiîîsliiilliscil b- wbet-e we ejsyed a delicies cdgad ii reget lice t-esigaliii pilaf ilei The ut ccaon trakics le Mat-cii is vice. vu heuillet cosuan na cîoe vic aod icat potl oit' sapper. folluec by er Mes. Iaobei Tbompcce ci ils, t-ounds cu tha Ohsicala, scilb Si. Peiriakis bridge pariy. il %vii hcan casicion Ian ail thlimrting. At iis timicRrs. ibray ceevecor, Mmc. Fet-c Madiai and Saigicai Wadschih poved Ib a aic- mibersiIictted. Ovilcei rapoct iait fa inai pleut Hilia ai gifi ticsp ciciceer, and icit-y attention, sucsu diviacais fer the aatilia-y. List of Grouspe for the ardienpariy tubc hid Mr. racs osle-astctonna cuisiid iuciein he ibb f wciiiiifloicî tikiiivicm I lleîi0iipvîipiihiiîop-rae inîvupiaaihac ai lliesom'e, ee ofbheaysand meus. Ms. cah eaucica doig cisiioaamiili rIicfinbirccIisdieliihilP îiî ll u iiiclier-re-o anoppo- uioiiiiactd. Mcv. His lortlie gilE Mea acal Nelson, Mrs. Hue houtonsvell iliîiigboiil thi vie, and Miss luicoîc r ionyldtas.i u li i5a happy tu cit-t fihit Mai sh ccd Mmc. Halas Dutk bacc The cari is vclii sickitd %ville Wbiioîr uit- baip ai Clîriýsieles caîd avaiti liei talents. Coniion ihe'it- r cin oa postioc 10 ccapap cueiued ibese respective aie-' cigare ils, ceîdv, ciiiliicns Miss Whiloec's help lias vit-vu il st Ilga rouv ea alsiays lieut- hic loin of $3002.00 advanced te yçeoribips in s Most capahle souks, Isys cf masy iist bahy mach apprcialcd bacauce tbere isg assistace. The gtoaps ct-e hiera hy the auatiliary andii a& iod erc. facucici gis for the nueli ear- alliays soums ta e mucb moue pcbviuciiy aid public relaatioos, lilico bad leen abla e mpuxcaes Appt-scasie Ibeip rivai oll. h articles and personel le de cliIbis cccli imporntut l tinain82 extcensioni, eimbeiilip, consiideablc stock furthebgift 1siisidiike tiaitaMsis.iiiciacicios t mcention.casion of oliliar. vvs esund ic. pciil cu- ,hop. Set-vice and Mcc. Keea Ianr iheir May i1 I his flia say avscaec This is the soamela il of O sios.. luheeni. Ihiiccais. gi thore, Oai pcasicieci, Mrs. Heichie- beip in ciliegletrs, andaiso îhcciyotv oalc at-cy 'kiilcs' woifor Ibis yeux-aedi1sbiuai plulic coîuuusuitcîdcvsoacie viicsevmhid andiypedthe an- Mc. Tuiod ad Mc. Parialfoichi tiolvscwl uisppiidcuiii îhis repoirt aud. merrelhiis. luoiireports int-aadiesatfot-dis- leinthealminue o emet-lce'aîoaiy hîui itiullarls. FincailReport Th.anuaîu.i tueii~tviplc titionicand pisliso. ingslihii1scasnabhiulitu E,i svcai duoici li60. ail Baaceoniihandchalls rporti .11 1100 iNicuulaiciofinmiioii Raleti ompete 1 icaeaily appriciali tieccptint cicidaccpy ofMit-nl.ieiiciad heque fr $519enaihiiuoius du i flic anuel RttmCepled kineesv. luin',îlocal paîu.lier ih Ciuo-ý thi fauit il 19601 uvnîvu. Oiuc cooiliiciy min liascon cp. I975me aiaidsiccvlaesa Ino isiioiiicu1isccod ikeitcidd pion"c.iiiiauali Ilcle gecilv If Thatsgicav us.n97 Asithisuvillibicvicfast-rport îîîcî uîv, r acboîforcesc. a bnd ca t a t d tc a the canisas Mt-. R. Net-eus. and the Kil,' Hioîiiis . .......0csu.....evipcio6.26uoe Liocauuiid. Andl inib is cieeeciioc Regiooal meetings, lisLucinis 10 Cluh ci Muiltonîis kiuidiv con- Chitmas- - - lit-t .11 lilis hiluca essýitcd iii are mou 82t-aiiIab le miroitees the m-civi capot.v tram siber uiiî udormie lu cb iîisc 49.90li diic.g fili pav( yvi. in le Of flici Revers for their inicîess -ux îais liscai-yaccieut ical 1961 ...... ih ivehr i lebada inacouioiiiniitubeli i hism we ls aciiy yuiiasiia-y. 50iV tcecc uuiich 1liait, liiaiflcplieavreiti %voît. Gir ti meeting le tii bave hadt vo miv fina set-vices Tua 0il1 siiuîciitteiii ivi ,airvshald on Aprii 13 foutioeiof io sut, c îpiisdid liacs abut i0 volrte îîuîuîîua Vailnisas dily . 1150 se viRS B. B[l-ST, Auîuuuiur happy mcmatry, au th~e et Ion Sh. Patîmf' cci ci.. .it .....ieviusiuii pp 160 Aller Ileahiot iital Oleieswstefr t- ein hospilai patieasts ti n thi ut-y iiiuly 1.460 hurîs hiv SiPliivDy . 80 oi hTil loiliiîbii laie ic fit- be beaieeiia, sihucas suine aosilic- givec. Duiii ci Ill aine v itreo 38.10 ;ad, MINi. Ci. Liuiii..i cnd ahe \le Ms.CAneso Seer-ai ries esasicilihid fli ilef yiat-S. hcae-ciiiaid il profiti of $79400 Il, u îîîîîîîîîîî ulul iiiak ihi .isl tiuhîuli Min C.e Asei î oc r onîy vali priîiiii iiisciadi1iuni scue ha.i nouîsîIrecaîuî[ c ai îheciiiingo ,,lIInauuîîiittec. lcsiuiscial giiardet frupieietcsericeis. Inoitisliaicai ilvilu- Io iiiuiv ofii e %(ik,,ii eu erie i heuiuai Ticccaiat- ii be jîlstiriabir pcoud. cho heuI iuiuhdý1i ihiuis 1u 98. 50.00 '.MdmIi îiniidicooli.hefiaicsas? No 1uioii.iili1isiuihiiipiiiiull Lcinuîid .10M.iiîuîpiui, hi- reuiliiufi luit cleves lIii ugvininn, rie olwdrng;r lena 11- is ,,, -li .uîuîihci vct in the iii iii "tl le -uccuiii Mu.wilng ct-sic-,h cai aiiiucd la- 114h. The avi-i ,c ckly iii utc 511ei -iiaIu.. ,ilh, -huion Ofi >wl li id riii, iilit puyiucrihe dis pcriuecu ius 11111 alluhe $76.90. iuv c, i i u, hua. i ia i h.ulid hl'ai i ih o ilaiu, lt-c or chliag. And Muv i 11,1, siî5 a %olt (i i, pau- a .îîîîîîii and ciuc c "l.ieiiiing eein. o Rgn s coiiii-cOvui c13ciPaieii 1iui ulil ii sM,vl1. *12.00iiil'onglet 11 fil i iiîvi Ille 5,Na ihIbpiiu Pai% in ayRiand tpiard flic-isritu il servici" coiîuiiis Mis. N. Peread aas - .tin.c, ti vonullu whi, îlî i cî eMy o cii the vulat-e huicas io the Mes. A. liiipsci, siu asise ME.E AWRONSE1, TitIigIphIuILit Ille NlI' IIC lV iiv, s aiuidui by Mesdames M. Icît. mrust eiijcieilvith cih ii MRSu E. Guiuiiiîiciiiuii l iîitiiuuai F. MaNicas. C. Mar MES. G. G. IIAMILTON. culd piiichinsil tiîiucsu iiîcsI, 1 XTENSION REPORT v,,11, dinguî au joliî uvich ould ontli lire . ESecec, L. Kiasa, aid flici [i sing mitsîp s-v I iexpress via- fli Ic pest c.u vc lufia- st-as hai, " vI îc'N Ne ihiv ha .11 andîilhe Pait Regicl cur i-iankis, Ioha vvouru 1 itcsmc. thave beeniiiiii iuniii iulul lu-ie tihe Meiîiiua lue field in Hamilton id TREASURER'S REPORT îcîuîe tac tiili Gi Shîp cuill- c, u fla eiurvvs h an l I ici i lIii.isi.i Thaciuuunc, Si. .,aiiss Iiiacytit Mis- Aiuils1,. 196O muiliceuo lhaie loyal and dc-iiI the auiosiiiamiber cts kiii.ii il IleiiîhI illiniiu îhuîîus M. Hiuiihiiisos, C. Martin lu Apru i <i 1961. pealcieiassistaei. Pics vat uuusa ic upue asst-p li lu . ii .iiîi flici secreitry atenig. Reclpis -ir ii.iuc ie$1.75 and livsasuIluilîlu l i-lui" rhta Wcuuu -- Hospital aulii Bai. ai iiiiud T,'-olii ut x iii i Avsuu"icluiuui cuides arrivernM Apr. b, 1960 . 0.88 8 STATEMENT 0F C.If SIO .1ulcciiaciha ii icuîi .lImits sci v habdibn Toroncelaci the Roal Mmhîcsiîîîl lias 187.00 LXEN ITC O Tpin. duî ia avbvle i h-c i pucl i (h,, lookii ihic ,od lui- NuE Iloiui îles a lieiu Remmaig Sca 110.48 Yeir etding Mach 3sl1961 îicuhi 1 ai vlset, Ih. Sorti iuuîupviîis iln IN Iniiihaui luit lieso ad vs atibîdrd 6v Oct-dis Party . l 1uhAI Receipis Ile inifi vus nu ciîuid ilicii, hie Ila e\cîîîîîîc an lhr 19612 Mesd,uilc M. Iuhuuisuui baui Tag Day 420.96 Balu. a pil , 196i Sv 3SO 48.95 flici jcN isi pere ahvlipi- d asii f15lici %%h octc ilu v 1o1ir iii i bs auisp ic. Mu Nica. rucola. Tborîîpcîîc Ccii Pc-rty 238.00 Cuill hiropiiill 4005.27 îîcîîîhî ulaî nici ii uvc hc liai, idll Mus, P. K. NdîWtiil.uuv andu Hailtoniiui liert-he canicus Gihi Miv. Cuirluali .ar 0.0Pnhi vulLîcî,î liciizenihau coiisiih -uîhul ui lîu-ps ssin.Ciiiipihcniisi mpiroirs Gi Shup .. 3t80.00 Meiîu 7h.76 uî hic uî' aepuciui csîîî i iiuiiîiuî of lîsa haea haer mae hy voitur__ __ uu csiaub cih ciiuSuiiiaîliliN,.iei baudt-a Tîîuh $39373Totalî $4425980 iii hava osa foc lieriiuiaiia. Cii, --breeneD.ureet Mcv e' iipail lbis tirei liu Mus,. T. Mi,hî: i.uiî'.Mis C. SecesiCel exriy AoiiaryRlauuu. 476.22 Stock PDhsit-c'Il $397 serre extiiu iuv' î-uiabîbiuîi îîhsîui.Ms i i'lie gaini pair lias Ihuuu- Geardas Party . 354.79 Misa. Gfllu Ex,. 37:43 luuuu ivîshl scuiii. sî,ua li haeuuuîî iuuciui daiighlui aiiind vliRmsaaSi 10.00 Lciv i cliaciul 1. l'ih..cet iou smIsil Es ial pan' iic-îuîu li fo,%rt11n ,lire lui thc Largosad effornts cf Selisg Melaluel .- 37.06 Aixiii,, ai ;Dll uo& 0 i uuuih siîua c M-~ G. LaVp, Mus J. WbiaabILhan 98.40~i Bailaln heiilhet-iiici and iu. L. Jîui cthavt aid tiiviisv Mrt. aii Cihairs - 04 eutOi isiio,1voud iktao hinitMrvs. iculivu i-i Mus. lubie Qtinn. ail convenuesv Dosaions îc Houspital 1055.55 Muusil 3isi 1iai liithih o 9or - rnprto t ),el,,f,-Jv '1 erl ,ucd sot- fisc pobliiei aid Illc Adietss . . 327Csa cicu lSlîihissuilc i5piiiil Mv ula,s.liu Ms N ec isaiisshiiioelt-ibulidicic ierre Harris Siaiuusiy 3140 ,uîulfîîîai Y mhma i e. pt-c Boî . Cucîvîsîs. adeLus adPry- 30.21 Total S442v99t i a MS M. TUFFGED. Oui- ' l Ois l cl ieli nu o. Thas thune liai the ici-c i- Hospitl A.sioiiu - 25.00 'l Mh- V. Mi Ni,,-,,. MusI,.C. Sansui îcvviul iîîcîbnt-siipiLeua coienaî t-dSepv. Ces cu 80O12 Balae fnvaiîil ,ad MI. .Mabliaire. las Mus. B. Ravit, hali ai the herie Bal. os hasul Muich i ici61 S 692.79~ c.WING ANiD REPAIR REPORTI Noiîiii.iililoiittule, Mus B. :;f Dr. ced Mus. G. Synt-; lilc Apei i191 302. Si pinsv Ac,. i-Iie 8.54 Thîedc c aii i li MIs. RiL Marila Mi,. R. avuu Muvnclys. C.. Loas c lia Tle- i933 ACUA. OSEaNle Ai 05 lf lash i , eîîiplle 11 ill 'a-' M.i Ll,,iuuiuuls. M, B 111;ae,;,e .nend v rMARLII 31,isI ,[ i Il ffi.8 1~ îhîa d flui h acaliiciiv i t- i (iîcîvîii i.itaduin commit- îuîuîu.p suai cecni hc n-.k MtS. C. ANDERSON. MOS. b. MARSII. -îecui Tht-si cr m ainhhv fIls I, a.ppuuîuhcî hi, ele pie>siuiiii i-u 4, ci iîsC.cLucahs. ael oa - .-.. ,3.3ATI AAC l hIl fleri cas lupac l Sori auuuocnchabac vensi je r ),car rc]lr, bira ils t-.r s t-r, vu-linit. WAYS ANDS MANS REPORT LBAYRPR hilt uîs ucaip I 111li uMiC -ut On la Ill ii lîsu plcasacvuc Witb Mis. J. Ovtit as chair*- 1li ibi alhîcîucalî 'lîiîh iN lguINuvi,piiasscalliias.ý,n, VIai ,ciu an s M- Plat.hic i.f heuacucucau- ackniteciiliaa mes ofteI - n lcnl rlI ha' iii. cuil iu.aieucihluZToîîîcîsuu'lic f0:lii au-i, o, laibc -i i -o, W,,l Ii ilîae îiiisiiiti doncations cOmiîiiit-i o ii lic Wi,iii ins Ansv liiii.iu il il lic, i, ltui(*l - uiî,.sliaii ,iaciie a lu, hI. lîull i S, 1~i L iu iacciîcililot-usgtheveir. Ltiliens ii li Muion Disliiliui i h u Ille î.î s uuit,-iu E..ii I, I l cf appreniauuon av erne set taHospital, eîî t'esnue cithc îuccd 0i flica hovuîicil tici.fiiactn-lanl uîsi sasuaMshTI Mes. G. Bsicgbccokin masaui. att-t-ci fiscal vear wsva a t-cu-tE hae adeii baiNl s cand 18 squatt-r litil pagc, ;Mus. . MaTot ueo f lie aeîiceccsupplie il mage sale csîivi bu5 Mcc. H. la Oictonciuofhe t-ar* 1989 dirc luor mincatteteions d u u îîpMsT a-c'iiets hnauulotyisitaiecicetfo ielus eedbti ah lise i.O.O.P. li, a îaes, limilnd deraasi the Secaral ladietscieutm Mes fi. ie îurs.T luhn flo M. lice gifu s hot Mcc. F. S. Ma- Rouer;inu Mac 1960, the pruceds horit--iviig of hbookstra t-iihe Mil. spaci lut Wednedas ilatreons Mis. .Jinýn ir r.M oal foc 20 tee-pots acd 20Oate ric' wiciî sacr 1100.48. ton Publia Lihianiy, lot-sovn tha qoillio. 00e eppiciated tibs Nelson and hitoiac. Mnc. E. B. and sugeccl Miss Luis Witmec Ile Beplemben. the srtou ear- baspilci cari, m-as divcelisond. exira heip. Ose of the ladies Looks Clrmeels. fat- iively hisndeside Christmaso den pett and drali belli ah 1he te .hasay if ibis ya the ccii lice 90uil, aed aumpueini il et buso appioldaulme Mm. W. If. decoratloct;lthe Stmmune dheciicome ut Mr. and Mcc, Jois lias voppbied it iii eur lceelsbhome befor returrinttg Ito teMerry as correspoondencsct- gor Retardes ChUàt s er tliOtce ecic M681.62 nd bonifiea, purichaed by lice tesong romac'. en. assisting Mcc. G. G. IRnenlihos

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