ktmmemrance Sert, jAt 7t1u une CemetE e 4 DR. M. R. RSLJOSASîC 14 Martie St.. Miltoc OPTOsIETRieTs ARTHUR A. JOHNSON [M4 Main St, Miltont Lieryd Devio ,fcnrllrct'i Phroe Tta n-oac tam. TO a-t67c Tae.aings an by anaaan LRGAL KRN!-ETH Y. DîCK Barrliaae, oliier, Noacr Pulit [M6 Main Rirent Teiebace TO 8-4491 T. A. HUTCHINOON, O.C. Bocricten, Boicitor. Ste. 131 Thoas Straet Telepteas TO t-tO51 GEORfGE f. !LLtOTT, O.C. Barrisen Soalicitaor Ntace Pubhiei Telaphace Tta e-mm0 SHARP! and NICHOLO WIccc. S a. îti SHR Ed P. DAVID THOMPSON Oarriserancd Solicitoer 180Maineteeta TO 84005 Reableere TO if-ifN de fol le a A Servcmofftemmraoca ic toa)toagttitand mored i pianaed CIcr S=dp lace 4, Lc ito precetasiteaun tea mecl-si 3 pinc. elthUe radamd emaecey a! [ha ceaeett Lina. A heanti os the eeecb Lie, Eiqeeeieg, miedoca mac piaced tare eicealnd btem Stoecîliown maman' o! George Thompcoe, and Aetgroaa. This inma[ary [c a W. I. Notes Repains porcion o! te latti - agiraa le As tae ears pacaed, [he cor iI33 _tuobe ecopiad as a grava [ccp cama letteodiarapairA ah v oidi,andîourthecita[iaeof a imiOagni[ha proiait oflii ctool hautce ar Mathodiat Mea[- alarotice mcc aedertatoa hp ieg Hoaco-ha M. Oea. Tltamp- Achgoae Wamoocs locticu soe te Wm. Thompaae. Wm. With [ha hotp ai tho men, o Roed, Wm. Raid, Wm. Morrin, caittingia gaie of chair tic Ctnictopter Couta, Gleorge Mur- lahor, aed oqcipmeeI, it haa raye, Joto Harrison-as ceactera camne o mare ftiag roccieg pi foncver or tair aocioscocc." forthocohbravecstout hearcc, m A -Metodiel Ctorah - îaiied pioneerd je [bic district. Mi. Pieaeacc Weclepae Metodji A caire, hoit of [ho [ewst ot -mac toili tare ie 1841. Haca- arailahla, preseraaa for postar enr in 180, itmamood tacthe ocordof theoamcccs onne soctct aide o! No. 15cideroad tu thacrwh mia iored and worse teoaci and coraad tli 1880, padtje in hi pince. Eaeryaae i catea it mac cleîed. 4aear, tha aited [o calmo and batoir ch C<tacî e! Oegiced f(Stowart- man'r. Arlene Frenchi, Russeil Dales Married in Mount Hope Churc -Meaent Hope Unteid Choinh Theechuchmwas decîa doW mac te cattiag for [ha Mot' 27 backots o! munms, cnapdragc marriage o! Arioco Carolie and colla huais. Tha gest pe French, daeghter tZ. Mc. and %venuamackedmwitih ipaf che Mea. Oscar Suaie French e! tep aed cahite rithoc, Mount Hope; to Rucsell Armaot - Thee Broters Gaies o! Miltee, con of Mc. anai Bacc mon mec Thomac Da Mcc. William Thomas Daiec o! hrothier a! [ha groom, and cash Milton. came Lyla Datec and [Kc Rea. Doglas G. Craig per- French, brettera of the gra focmed the ieernoep. The or- aad bride rocpeciaey. gocicl mac Laoreotie Heccock A rcîptioc cac hehd je andtecstoistwaalames;Obei- aiireaan. at [ha Mounat Hi driît, mho saeg O Pramice Mo. United Ctucmh hall. Tha brit Giaein marriag hby irlamibir mcccacd mcarae. g p chler, che bride caa iacein l n neeylochiffonavec- tai[cta, p icqoiciti gacan of impoctad acccoiesamic a corage nd-chipped chaetilly laci mcth piet roaas. Raceiaiag for basqoe todiceancd ccailopad sa- graam mas tic maihar caear hriea naît[iee. Tho anomicotai ic-tle iai ci[h au rost-itca ctirt mac actiaaod tp a cotiqMoc acciccaricsanod c corsaga oncratir. caith sinihopad hrmiaa plat roce. i wich chapal train, apeaing Inca Lcaaiag on ihcic hanct'mc atntmcascadaof tiaridlace ad touraofWashington, Virginia; seqoins. Har French, had-coiied cachar paints in flc U.S.A., il sovit hald a croan of bride mica a pick-mick flai oange hcacaems ced diadam caocui ai pompkia-caac ah pearis. Sha carrid wahitc- rassilth a craeo rnedl ..cdiaII haaihopand canre cases. Thycilictarn t iaha a stcing a! iuttccod piarla, a Camphccliiti. gifi o! the groom. Tha bridi mac iacmarlp Four Aifoedas tha staio lîcaiti Bras. h. Hic attenants more Mcc. Paol clore la Hameilaon. Tho goen S Belamer, cousinofa the tride, mto aiih tha Inearnational-Harve: caîldes le Maaat Hope, ac mat- salis and sarvica la Miltie, ron of hoanir; Misa Oman Pranha OatI-c-Teme Gorolo - a! Sioner Crack, hridacmaid: Gocats aI tha middiea % àMiss Biat cicr Dates, a aicca ai icaca Moaac Hope, Milton, h »F fic groom caho ivar in Milton, at' Cmatk, London, Pari Do eas juniar hc'cdcamaid and Lyon Bramptan and Hamiltoa. Fread, acroief thc groom, cata A cicomar caca giaaa ht' lav i Bramopto, as fcaaar staff o! lemili Bo.coea giri. home ai Mca!. PlcIo aa Ail main peoo ncanoa oaci tan. Shamara aara alcai giar cnffata aad carricd shasia muis. Mca. Thomas Datas of Mil Thcrir cohourod Pearidirapa caarc and heu Mca. Paul Boanir ai a gi af tha hride. home af Mca. Doaad Ktid PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DENTAL AkCCOUNTING Dif. G. A. K[NG - Atk G. BLACK Dantal Surgon B. Com, tUA., C.A. Offiac inaRal Bccilaisa, McItia Chartined Ameaaritac Hrer 0-i 103 Moa 01mait X-Ba Servacce Tri. TO 8-ma76 Bas 460 Miton, Oc ______________TRaaala 8-0042 DR. H. F. GACLOWAl Dental Saraean IfVE &r! HOSKIN 155 Moa St. anstarec fllaa Clicticici Aciacactanie Haies a tin6fp- Ph-ea cL t-coco SM O X-itay Sccaîrr il mois hi. N. 212 K<ing hi Tai. Offira TO a-9201 Beampton Ti, oci. [to THIS SUNDAYaS hChurch Calendar KNOX PRRSBYTBRIAH CHURCH Mcatrc trav. J. [K. L. Mcocn, Mis. ta. Wright, A.T.C.M. Oraniot acta Choir Manier iCoccaha acu thas ccd .. .1i ai ile. rn a." Nacichic 1a. 29. SONDAI, JUINS gth, 1941 aici-las' Dat' 10am ama.-Senior Chao Scheat. ci1104 aca-Mrnan Warchcp 1-ce - Iaaiiafaaaahlc. i5cc- ehnccc.-aa. I[ aat'aaa mura. a drira, pic ea coact Mca S. Wt. Dcsliii. T0 8-a55c. 11it0a am-Jniorc.uhShol ci1î oaa0 cm -Aaelc Chuccl iaii cita, Meitii0. Sie 5. a-e.- - Get-to- __________________ _ bor ea at -Mcc. tac Marchait. 8URVEYORS ici MCg S ROWMAN, BLACK AND BOSTON AND OMAGH SHOEMAK! R PRESUYTEMIAN CHURCHUS Dataca Landi O.,ciarî Mcinir tapa. ta. A. Nraca, Be.A. and Enein-rr -moiin Dflireu Braecîh Ottiar SciNDAI, JUINS 4[ie, 1il caoccaaot. 163 MainSt. maoaca,..-miah u o[-cp Oic Gucelph. Oit. Miltoan. Dccc c-li -.-Onct aaa c TA t-4O3t TO8-o9M -01 .z-Botn SudySco ca.30 a.ca.-ccatica Woai erica ____________________ GUIE ea cm. Bailan: Waeieir On-e TRAVLLRS 05DBfier Me Ahix M Dcat.as Otoadard lima Acteirnn t? cate la Cancaa Goigtac sto - 6.57 aa.; 2Ot cmri. fiait; .fl p.m. f ee. FANION 0F Gacca amit - 8.i5 a. c-liai: St. Geerge's ChorCh, LemnIlle -6.55 ram fiai ailît' St. Jehn's Cherche Nassagamepa TO 0-44Ti (Tte Anglican <tenît ef Concuat <BUROPRACTORS tri.v R. P. E. Sctcts ____________________ ... <apnrti Oncario Tirrteae Na. Uotr 4-2577 MacDOSGALL CHIROPtACTIt? CLtNi< SUNDAI. JUINS 41h. 191 X-cnp - Lahoaaiay asucacasca:t iib PhcccalOarepe - Tract-a a.45 a m....ric Puacce and Mamicaatis Ortcaca Oaadcy aihani. 35 Dican 0k. Sach, Oaîie LîcaplOcu Itear 5-2291 [115 a m.-Hala Caecccuon ad taevrae chacreoccapiedi arce.n Oaadap c-ul PUBLIC kItifAif HOURS HI1OHWAY GOSPEL CHUBCH ______________ A Alocal aait.l if Miar 1.M ici 5 ,ci Aaaa:MOLIEe Os CANADA Tauaiay tac0-5spandc7-9cpac Patta. ico. M Ccuici nyrdacceet - .09.0 -ni - 1 ci Thcecaiet - 1i30 a ci -5 ccc-d79 , itltD\Y tiI-IEl.h lic 1 Ricanav _ - .3a-s p.. o.d s79 pi 10aa) aoi -iocctay Se1cialcici ahi. Wrsip FVNERAL 700 pm .-Rcaaieg Ocvi-ar. PUaRA SERTORO9 Wcaiaday, O ait. - Bibte Otaay McKERSI! Frcdnp, P ait. - Yong Pceioas RSNERAL NOM! evcs Aacemiegecurch ciao teomalie aincri, Cearteas Service eooa Ihome. PHtONE TO 014W1 NIGET or DAY AUl Weirome CHURCH 0F CHRIST, OMAGH No. 5 Oidmnail a.nd Oc Lina Trafligar SciNDAI, JUNE Oth, lO61 tact0 e.m.-Bcinl Seoal. Clssat Car ail oges. cit00ao.m.-Maaclag Warchir. Titaratlay, 8.It pma-Ocie Slida. Ina Ara Aiscape Weicaae MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Onarioc Si. N., TO 8-2022 Chiotiain gathmain ltheramof tir Laid Jeca Christ. (Moth. caca0) hOccOS DAY, JUNE 41hi, 196i ti.3a o c.-tacetlng ai Bn.ci. cale5 -a ta-Binhi Cioa. 3.00 eca.-Suain Satccil. 1.00 c a.-OaearPl Secvae,,. acateea, 8 a.m. - Piacr aad Bible l0aaiag. Pciac ILeP.m. - Gaseai Secei <cliii Commoait Hall. Twa aaaaa. T-a Decliniasaheci.. Yea aae Hcactclr Sfnecae la ticcc No mieana tan seretc c ctr aaorcaac. a iea -.til bh aimi -Mae he ci r cd Li ahai chi. Ticac ht herve caa arida mc.e -Mat'u il puarae lac whlia tîrs ST. PAUL'S UHITED CHURCN Min oad James Sireits Maalatr: ana. J. Lamae Ocaha. B.A., B.D., C.D. OUNDAY, JUINS Ot. 196i n.45 a m,-aaaaiy Orhaai fnc i hoysaaad cie aine yer cda a and aMâe. cc-t0a om.-Nacsccp Ochauc inl 11.00 e.m.-Marmae W.ncctcp. C.macand". tic Haae Peut'. 11.00 a.m-m. Ona nti girls feae aY-is ni aita ta cltt vill at- canmtie ice The noaeaanda rrmcacc.tio Sndcc Sihaici ai Oc. Pll Raaaao Accalaira mvit muet an Tocedar, Soir i. 6,30 pm-.at thehumeaf M-c A. a . aalec. tR. R. i. Milice. for aceý loch ocelma. truiccrrie GRACU CHURCH ANGLICAN Maitan, Onaric Onctaca Rea. D. A. Poweall Triaip I SItlDAI, JUINS 41h. 1041 a.m0 nm.-Hdly Cmnstmatin.- t).4 a.m.--Ooaday ScAnal acd Bitte Close, [[.00 anaa-Me1y Commcioc. TIt0 pac.-Eceonwn Prafea. ice Sun. i.rcultural Notes 7ý-È I he maou MdDbw naHorclleei ifooiefl ry a i nLAWNS ment. They are permanent aied ry C irn Tie makceg or recavato of ohoaiti Thno- decoratcae faîtage Rer. Joto Hill and Rer. Ian dlyào elce.Dgig Pnis olme f [ha Ahgraeand o lig etlzngaig ouaiy o 0yasao Georgetomo United Chorahes, te- [eering, ceeding aod rolliog, il. are making a dramatic came- apeitiaely arill coodoît tha sera- theicaseaafoaaalaamand rpat tack te, [ha top oft!h lIce te. Pao- fun cd dedicate [he cairn. ieg, tapdrasciog and hrigheeiog oies hasa an iotarectiag hiatary. TherW. .elcnaaa any saoiaa op, ie the caae cf aitd unas, Tha aid-ahiaeed med "pinryt orhiataries a! aay hiad or cor, ahîtaldhbcianciladed acnitons Ofiacrgaadtaathercs gardenhas muton tb addcd ta tha cadi alihca, cu hat tha grasc mas haura kaacnin Amtniiaacnia' TacadattirHiîa[aratBook. get a gaad atart haface drY 18N and adigieally catme front Inecasriccnn meaihar, eaciher canccc. Rotling eat aeip Earapi. [c as ctli grasce in apite tha saraice suit ha hald ta Ash- Wiii heip [ha atadad places btof ai is anplicasae adar hbcaa graae Uitied Charch. ili etaka masiio fula ditficlt i tlwr [[caiary, and ian ha Far qaick recolla je the cait. piantcd in shrahhary arcthe mild 'ngaof aamaii lam, aed inImpair- gariae. Ic rien thciaae je Ilca toi acaro spots je nid corf, coda Bright Gardai The may ha ued. lira cquares or Eccalthaagh youamr a aacy mmi r 1 siripa chat ara c[ea of aneado hoat pcccae aaith Littleaflme for BIBLE ~asaianhaie o[.Stir thae ereoil gart[niaig, iiyaedacida tahey hafac layieg, aod paand [ha sodc and piacl a fia' paaniac cith daoia firmit'. Saddiag tarmatimes cari. thit' wiii hrightan o u Todoy i l , ~is pracisd alafor theaadgacofigaadanfur yeasc ame caalkc andhaordera:aamlaid sod InaMayaor Janr, risit camae T$t a in Maiihaaca Gospel mas cnm terd rhgiocIp. piaay gardcenc and nurrsarias, ahaut hai[ding a houce on [ha SIOADI A3EAS stadying rariatiai cahila la hlaom, rck andeaotn and icam i[ Uodr largetrimecaadlnethar tn dctarminathace yocciike est. hnaaan chat tha imaert ia ican hîaaily-shadad plaines chare hec- Thun placa yor ordar arit far for grcntad. Wha moeid aaao ter grase ahi ot groca, aiter fali piantine. Bey maota aith [hinh af hui[ding a houe On arîhard graaci ar ooe for stade thraata fiaa aeae fram a cu- Sand? Tha anser je Dotchman. mighi ha come, and parhops suc- liahia saurce [a inaara eaad In amas rclaimod fram tha ciid.A fattiaaid try Ilip-tf-iha- quaty aad prapot iahcliig. .Ia, the top cail cansiala ai' sil. vallit', aialeta, parimiehia. myrtia Yoac an eja picrneiaa ctha Thsaia salelol cnaagh la sup- vie, ar Jaaaasc ipurga for [has foush as mach as in [ha gardaa. portthe ourdatios o a fouse -sPIS.Thia mac apiandid cal flamirs itca mast[hadciaac.thraaehithc Siar macaiegthe aaan accsatn Cutthimi i hacraoing milh a t atif ihot firmiyt' ol n [hi as aigaracas gramth hagiee. Samie aharp kaifi uta hebd r eadryieg layer af . . . iand! t hliere ia rakieg aff the lame jaatn aslo Wha hadag ara The idca ai huilding an tack is îtippingc, aed peting Ihami On ahaavinealar ho e ia[teg st famcign la tha peapla je Halland. tiair campait pila; alther fOi- and seacrai [caars ta produie Rock camea ercarccaaegh ta hau dencri adaicclIcaaing ailclippiOgs faad [orca t'ocraer' fiawscia sarface ta praaialc o faaaiiaanI cacy and as thaycsay,aenrich _ _ _ _ ora buildincg, le anit a fcm tha sait. Same aso the graca cIlp- paits if thi cauntry. pinga lac arood chrahc and ON1E OR THE OTHER May Moi Appreelala canas. Titi lictal hbt' approahid his Ai [hi iracfltiaca ai [hi îcqaet masainf af a lame ticicci, caha mai clanding ha [ha Biht lan Daich ose'[hi *tIag acaitys ccaay yaeag miids, hot cdgi ai à ciiff, admirinp [hi aaichaecdMaai o hfli hrist-hacdi iedintîmaa[ihrpratied, cciipipehuad cmm am fasn rqaesaian i, lkaaîhicpicialla nihieiam. iicathrad yo ihit' mat' et [alit' atepriciala ia PROMit, OUEEN OFa TH ichnfr la, camaem a ni ocsa giac la alihir lancia, chia paicahtc LATE SPRSMG me [hi piania hactat. passaichir pcaheicm i a i- Pcoaavfinieis aimaîihre. Saan mileii riainidaachaacl. Tacin pachsan dganrd s.amachail flici sacpac dmitiirr if Hani hi adcairing chia ahnmy flamar, Kongc, or the lice dciitiara at alliat calca t hi Ocrenaof tha Atricic, ar [ic lkk citaiicis a.a Lala Spaini.' hamacimas mc .LwLLLLZ tice cin ahaaacin aona case, fliai cariclica ai chia harda, eaait'- stiasLidc hi caiialis cn gracia pecnialin aar gardiens. ils origial ltin. This as acta Prom a vidi acicclian cao cao c,eilliiiatio oficc flicitccccsa ctoaaisinanieaptns haing iiae diflicailica. [ragral, siagle ar doh[le Saggnoîed Raadiegs hourams cn araiine ahadec o! haaday. i Petr I: 3-21: Mac- pick, mhite ar rad, cahich mili da, Nchcmiah 8: [-21; Taradan, ilamîr iniasucesiae.- Nihimiah 9: [-15; Wcdcraday, Niltacit' da ihasa piants Nchcmiah 9: 1h-38: Tharadia., piaildi hrighi saica ai calor Nihcmîah t0: 28-39: Fciday, ki. daman chicir ilacairiae piriadc [i'iase 1 :8 Satard-ar, Pc- hat thit' cimuin hcaatifali n cleiiccs S: 1-17. cuit' stage af [hlcir dcailap-I LADI ES Viucas makte peer ment msgh eclinethe imteeyo use sels matea. Soie Weeor ac helan t'aar scacp acd claiecocs. Sic ater mokes aul poe cieccie> jobs ecier, Soit mocen ta kindet ta t'aie honda. Got pose heebansitoe ask os ail aheelt the mailly leet-ces GASYN mater selterter . . . Act hlm lei caîl TODAY WH-ITE & CORDINGLEY 12 Tees8 Ste, GEORGETOWN TR 6-6247 Tif 7-45S0 LU r LU * r ...mi . - iuy îour New tlar now... uuring xcon motors SAVINGSON Sprig_______ WEEK SPECTACULÂR OL ON NEW 1961 ENVOYS - CHEVIES - OLDSMOBILES ~ Step Up to an OIds at ONU ONLY . . 1961 CHEV BEL-AIR - 4 Jr. Sedan Modal 1569 Semai bico metliancd cerIna cahite, mth matchuag Iwo tane blc unnteo. Look ai ait these attec- tv xrs- Condition Aie Hctaer, Pomeeglide Actemotta Teoncacicc sian, mhite mcli citas, haîk mp lighec, 2 apetri mipeen and acheec, Pecae and tic- enia. NoasaSf eccpoitig car koy- e can pasc OR this deal. -A Real Dollar ONE ONU - 1961 OLDSMOBILE -4 Jr. Sedan A Goldena Opp1iiu..... Mîh I85 cjiics yii but' cdi caca- loi andl i i cli upito caîuuuî prie nc huclueda thast cilla Liccc.eiîc Ai.u ir licher and deicactat, mite WdleiIiCb, fluiliugiiîg Ciliai,iClo. Bla.leal nietc-iah, icideciai anud Ciiice Rîîlt eur5321 0. s2770. Ac Lont ac 10O. Domo fegcine Reice $3,40dai5. ONE ONLY Speicg Saîicgc Spnicaictae ALL UNITS ADVRRTISED CARRY 1961 ENVOY - GINERAL MOTORS 12,000 MILE - 12 4 Jr.StioWa n s2 9 . MONTH WARRANTY AS PROTECTION Stat in Waoncl s2 9 .A OEXTRA COST S.,- w:o ai,îd] Chariat Red. AstLomasl10% Dmn icap o -lacîlHeadytaor fi oci . -c.itier and Licce. Reg. Reica $2,310.40 ONE ONLY . . .Speîceg Saciaga hpcctdc la: - s 1 5 1961 CHEV BISCAYNE - 4 Jr. Sedan ONE ONUY .. . Mdl1.9Aehaie Gecn metaîflic ch maiiiiig c a. 1961 CHEV - ½/ Ton Pick-up caca grea lataraor. Stendard fqccpmonit, inccudicg lic- irgalat Relia $2,9i8.O0ial, licence, iii yiiitîc. fîgîker Peica, $2,-ta?2.00. EU I Speiag Saaiagc Spaitacitar s25 s Sptiag aîîîîgshpitec2050. Ai Lom as 10% Sema As Lwaa 10" Dama TCrI T T &AINTflD ALL UISLCNE 1OeFI O0 W 1 IC T NVIT/I RJ EVCD-R PINANCIAL B ENVOY CORVAIR S CHEVItOLET S OLDSMORILR DRIVE IN TO DRAL. RROUIRRMRENTS SALES and SERVICE DRIVE OUTINH ONU RMISRSONTH TU 7.4081 ancI TR 7-2251 OIOURCAL PEIE. Guelph and Recwcy GEORGETOWN Opesn Fi hîil 9 Il9 N PEIA Ci eser, ommu Sîcicaiscas sat' plaatc coffer. ai- Church Children See hnio , ndct itc ingisi ton rcins, ' ram 'Oithucah an fesier digne, mnaey of CalifrniaSlid !l[h Raman ..ard cafuci naa Ihi aiclarl and maeaeae Calforia lid ie!g camp, ciaci many vii ai cammac ta antimais. Thic coonde Ecemmfa. C. Mesolee ieicaitc Ramanccampcsite. 1pltcihtc. Tomaeiapantcaiidn- The Mat' meating a! [ha C.0<C. Tcaîh haa cati Ic change, ta h.îcîtcîd sap and papîchalic of St. DaaidsChachmwashied hîandsa[îe ini"i ce hccuiicttcaîcacschaiccausi chrm onSaterdat' mncning. Tha pcacr- La...___tucure_________________ about__ living. deet, Anea Mitchell, apacad the meetingmwithacshort pem. Mrs. NALTON CHAPTR NO. 280 Main affaind prayrr. The iirip- tare leccan, pisaimn atghi, masi LI r t i redbyEaieSmt.Mca. Mal Ifl UCasU B AR-B-QUE chai [aid tha chiidrae the sir of a tind and fraccaca giai... SAT. JUNE 1tU m[aci. The afliti m-ar drdicaicd hy Ane Mitchetl. 5.30 PRM. TOi8 P.M Thi hirchdai iicg mias aaa AGRICULTURAL NALL tac Lia McLarea aid Pacis Van- Milion aichia. Misa, Ch.acîr ahacacci ADULTS $1,50 CHILOREN 75e ramae hreiai stidia cahrc whiti halir [rip la Calilarnia. Thr Medernsaed Square Dancing Aten - 50e mamharc ejaycd the piciarri very moch.* Tha rall cati mas c an- __________________________ ierradby 20 mmharsrading a vrecantcining the mard, ithacks". Giacna Mure gaie thi E ccercreport. Thi iceanciat ci- potwsi yMs etehr.i W E T E D M RE pari maad ain hs Mia chiar ai Miss Chester ad Miss T. Mit- WHfRE OUALITY S HICHE! THAN 1HE RRICf chall. Tha meeUiaa.aoae -aiaid miih WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO prayar hy Misa Chescte. The îcady paricad mas ci h eo Mias Chectar and Mca. T. Mil 00SS HOLMIS, PROROiETO! chaf]. The meetne mas ctaad ______________b__'n________________8-6501 faitacard mith [hac Lards Praycc i n anicac. Afcaaio cci cara ncn rn iaaad hlic liace mhich faiiamcd. -Z Bring Your Home Up To Date Electricallyl -6 tl [ctai Ira, ihan yacc tick ta re-ca:uc aî hanme ta prapcery and saatcy carryt fli od of a1pticic you nwhaveo epc ta instail. Gat frac cheik-up. WE'LL TELL YOU EXACTLY WI4AT IS NEEDED AND WNAT UT WILL CO051 NO OBLIGATION. _McPHAIL ELECTRIC I. ç/ 66 Charles St. Tif 8-9513 VM MILTON I