Il-I Tihs Canadtee Chaempion, Thursdey, Map 1 tih, 1961 LISNY.DufflIN iT4I?àh&jAt fqlnWto stalett A f itié.Is týféuoie branc tv -, 17 Nectarinesqrýatrf e p v,.~4. PL04 * ~W1~~WW~M W teue ta tuteeti a pelue iteg Halton mccoarse te Toc-qto. HatnY uhfor Christ-i- nrQect R Pevid . Huine cf. M11 Fe ~~Àne Irin was h nencd in ga hasiq e a~ Is utpJtr aol-noto'ointinanhasesnthae IFRjm4' TheHaltnCnanîn Yaah fur'Linda and Jîn Dawsn, and an 1he final meetingal the 4-H r cnc- -cail lbnve Olor oietf <cfnM o Christ bolet h-io.lungsmeting aordian suleotian loy Aiciren Hanoomakiag club "the Nec-ta- -.ýa h ovctoatb t ho hnonn of Mo. and Mon. L. Faoneil. A monk weding nasun 'oa hniso on non hn, en Bp Mtee Merli T opacd c-ry aineoal solas and ass sted loy wo talenet laies, auen great etc-odes are hetsg haela Friche. be] il Slard, Saacdateight Abot eninydhOi'roin. 1The-hoidc-utfoî. . o i onin >uill [c-gt-s OnTutdannig [hi du' s attactv uhtc-sR.M. Osonwh sang two mude in toe setftc w-d, pet oc-o pres. The gutii as planndl loy Cathy Counoli prenciti Mon. French ohec-kdnstagn ofhe ud mc c tt coal sacber ver~iybiaobouams ad pillaed tiahee àeluos aà texilu cilob Palohot. anti Ann with 13ie-Ottet snon tna, d nign.'. the goil rcoradlIfledith fuon dresec au n bue uuadtgagsu ou lothe .odirfaa.tii oaiutpathe v"M &. epM, boo m wuru ut Ding-pioiodi annwaciaathe foants, Mailpt Mac-itn a' haalt 'eady ior aihirno ont cni teute en in i om en madiss upua pc-agnats Aidute nuis plod thtisea iletaho h"ywuc-es&Pera hordan bst mari. Mt s. Saliv Pu(ti n as [ din. fi atex-cin the o nth. Frui [e.tnand telu so if . l i-eccsbu -c usaum ftlr. Mi se Wol bs wonts. Cist w. teSoini'nomre iot. anidMi,. asntheogoinioi.. M. C-î french imode iill.iot frii! io Clabsho wot doh butaiiet ued. F o tha hyans lir, Olffoéa sca"cwoecan Fisuhap.piffs ctsne failli Huaacd tf.iiin. f-ct.îlîi.i Toid- no'i] .î- the tiu ' gouf. Mon Eii, do ookn. lOts. oint' se-ii. ai ib tac- por Io H81o Massa toi oeig n r Hec Cumrs OFit. £pa la c.cil = w. spu ld a ntic Hic. and thc-ugh bulier iia i ,i tic e. ai os.dDav aasrigu a loe rs.Do lnc lird 1 ailssNrtdceiàpSun li anuai llstec1 ficShwbill t te gan fnh-No 1coff tgelui Hobis SoWfoç a r' M. aio I.i,.JnoWoifnaitellsian son i eL as the anh.'o aaod Wst'.ipo' ni] 1it7 flinnhed nhourthle resiti Go1 aie eCet Up idaueng" Ai«e wk iwAta hi M O pu iai hlac- o tas. Jak Aicenthepltota licinistici Coingrtatioins are oetedt Thisocsthtloel ecan irevn vpar w9 prâatdi x sw X' bw wb VisttInBurtcgtue .Fii Rooi ec,inioiu oon'fii.i gilin. nu ail the. bo n îd gic-fn wo hichhit n nd cug pcfs hin evWeý ua e -«»yAsialr dBlo Mr. anîd Min. Williasm nFd for- ahiih nhe onpc-onnd hiotmur .icn ,sonfuiail'aliuMusic serinefh hc cc g u c-alleraaud dUs'tOistitlitslThes.e uS .-CIuof5SPOIUI.OandPdSO iooo.lhido uidiih Mr. andooloianh.s.The evenioinn osd-ithonestival auaanhnce Mfeucl --,eia~ oceusaiM U nePiaeueh4iss ko olerttesar Mr.GoioniMcCaiiini ofluR-a oif,'iosnhocid Iioc Mon.IOtshowlnnuoheu-nodiahhefîoniihunganp a finatuc o em a c-t u aele b a o.u>~ teisttonaaassuaoe.s Colslir intufii. Ladies of Zimetetcman hoft. haonte in-t efaltroaflng ii dîuungorn w aaandtiduit ili w'c- heu peu rd iasO mat.. aud Macf 1ia enrtlosa W sssamm lah uml Mrin.r.Jms ascl ié 50. ons.ot »W$ FU -e5dW4» 1 relis.anoVocc-l oir cauthe etodsowanalyfrm year ta cc-nte. ia whtmqqw4 .*wb on1tilooiteondcithe Re'ihai 1 Co ciihes ta Mr. and Mon. ocan the tic-st c-uracret c, IIlo Ibod. MW&clc eZrut Rri iaeco ii Milh tanda Rataîdeawan.o M Mio'ol,)uMereodith ina patioit 143 Co a.... Poon. Meofilan (iolda King) a o u ic-on iv n non aatitor, cccdu- nioteo -c atee lnu tae nu,,]. n ho Oakc-oifoo-Tc-atam ,,h tior' u oo-in Saiacdav. lirm. aea etu a nnict teCsensM tc iascr Reot ic.H.c'n-uhooiaaîoadecc.ail acitom ahno hc- o nu the Rat-, weoin eitsa tus. rti ti0i iHn<ia n A rr Ib Mule- l ngc-aialaiann au Mo. and Ansa on th ut-lle tuaoccasions huocl aneroice ait tbu, Maric- ut ïarcuaoa bailai w lii Gin anod ahc- SmitIrish i' p oc-rpaort ta Milton '"'In uic-Inandiao Mi. and] Mon. J. nit uny uf the c-eidvnts. but din in the cunth, the Chrintian irucist' tad W. Cheifocsaas L na irec-aingoniih M. cravontelsiaageume of sta fMîB Mis.WiliamMerdit, utlCaunilihinnneno ei 143,,,og Alln M.ies M0.ffdO af hovil caminaaiaiapliabluosa dolit o'idih uti uompai 'oecc-d and inont- hio-t o c- c-au. memetheo atd iheir amulies., wen la the Marier ou RSsntia atter- redieetqa f et " ,boit- c-nt. Mo. and Mon. An- Icamp u Mo. ond Mon. Clilnord Brown ilolighiod heynat meancre loy nuan. Aprit 30. George McAf[os lriai $eau cucuafeeot me cac ,flSmithb and nc-oc- h,n niiOOr See g a cident 'crprei or i rcbig eai dann theseellut pc-gauc-aepesee. tc-r'ne' the leader asti hu nat tisat wu are lamu# in e. agO M 1I b U L m 'Auîl i tuinsi di',(ict* irc pakn il innand, fi, atteweed wn t ot l ho Reiphslo mas he o dcr Shamer Cecemacp aiats moade udor tho Ciinal d'ai h af Cliilatd'n laihoo. George dioetonof utihe show and plapui dm c-do hoLîan mmtt. Rninpohn n, enlosded ail tht ac-oampenimc-utn foheclu____________________________ Ach Sa.a d voer the iiaaadic-0 . muosn taical ueth on a the piano. Id____ *aura --nna h onlAt 5cnvcin ule hCodec intnG.0 d 44 oton- tKes Harrion as a the masin MILTON I~ A ~, lo.iionioohriic MisBh fs H sud -Loist uday loal chochchdrcto. The c-at musicalta- Cm .oinplioiii, hepoga uste ris coei dîîc-îg ohe. market]Ragatoahundac-nnhenoncriiteetcuo gntlemenenTO A IS m c c iolianoo noloo arnî n Ron mettttle 136. %il ooo-ric-,%oire ho.ld ta hlsn the[o u tanlhenanc-c-uioithow. Thtrchap ém i " LWK.IIIDi e o nie. Camipbllia ian de vaanhr$3.oil at he. naif. Wthite Costue ALL ITALIAN SOM0 Jahn Guru. doonnod in e striko-__________________________ ing white ostuime, nat îloe vs- FrO-lot. Map 12.13 10 LB. FOR 49c 10 LB. FOR 29C OMAGH _____________________A________LB ____pio.o ochentra achdeh getly ta CRY FOR HAPPY - OW. PI]SM GREEN NIEW hoan rt pof aIthe pc-gc-am. nuicl JACX LEMONO aid DONcAI.D OICOPIPOR CA AG- -------6 t The c-acinn manition n the et-a' pieua enf ctoon seicce6 gram 'nec-o a dolighi lac- loth __________________________ hoc c-c- and tho car, The ladtien MATINUI SAT. AT 3 F.M. SMALL GGS TUUP 14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Co p ee 4 H C u r jc nthe chorus lokedc-ecy at- e.TOMa51 RM FRESH MARGARINE P.nMerr Ladie Plan F n Fairi ed oo i nst WHERE THE HOT WIND BLOWS (Adult) 4 DOZ. FOR $1.00 2 L.B.FO4c ByM miFtrsc and Mo. and Mon. H. Camopboll, Mo nD. M Ciii non. piioidoai; figh bloc jonkct"oin. rs wiOnainon'II n VS OTND PIO RN 6O I TyMs deil,.ahont if Ta-siiRoîaîi Mis ADeoh, Mon J. Baanliold. and hugeod tics. Theoendcmen plusaartoon ing o-h f ohnhHi niMnLio.annphliand!Mr J. Neclandn. thtc- Ch h n Pi.. i. Go.o.t fitMts. F JJhnsn, Mon. E.Brac-n "npianin cosntmen lac-occh hy Wed. te Sait. Mayp1720 M T PS~ - - 0 lugFri Ia fid on Siao Opecs Hume fac- Methurs and M .C alon.odmnicag onno.tCIMARRONS Celor E.RADTpgdeet d ch ei h th hou ah nck Mon DDoalad Hoini k, Ritith: Ohseni ouir Misn M. 5o.iOc- Mon. Il îîaîîd ho impossible ta c-c-th GLENN FORD, MARIA SCNELL andi ANNE BAXTER GNE L--------i lllna te o t ioilderLin, onpuied heonnt.nThu-i T Gonesand MrsnR.Fiord. menton allthoationandhpr--.oaclr aiin IN E L 1 Mon Lecil PýiýOil Ihitloi,î ou,îaiîu.onaontsh.Ln tnodnhhn tuucian1leLni a evc vtefn-aamionimer hoco-epoensent-f ileutrurua OZ.____________________ gioi,oo thio r.llo.n l fAcnttttOhtaPc. W. Moc-O il,,nandil] etnoLansa iailt IHUNTS 0O.BT'E lhoonooodti rtoh nThc-ooin 0~,,îoiovcI.oothe olis-ap. "ant oiO ikn 1 a ha- nni,. stakoil c-meeing ,uoînsfclt hoM.t sig~TU 2 for 33c tnpo.iooiitino'on %snbe1n."lo mianuioio Ponooooinic-nîn A nnohooni ladioen lian tOhm a, lopc-, ît, ie i einain t' >tn, a iii ho too ho i str .ict. enîouo a, bos uri to 7~~ LEAN SLICED COLD MEATS n gonithenloor-inttiocoing and .and S,.hioil Ant,,soiaa un tupo-! CnliinLoiind .on Wiiood..t. Thoe'7 M C I C HER LO AF ,lIýdiiol.tumad ioniithphiocial oi,,g idnlfoonitiina .oc-ioogilhy the SD AO nut oth, hi." 111 'ao,' ,ooo- Honnhc W.t. oceannnt «P50 AO UCHEt LOAF C 1 -ie deOaoottini hchc d iuinune m.t-orl laisig filocal tl,.c-npcir nxioOî ta* ,~ f 45< LB. 4 PKG. FOR $1.00 c-a pe nparc-l". Iisnpa-.onota- makoh i n. iJL P -FRESH LEAN SPARE LB. lc- no look ai and dolooîaan hiagonaooonn. Bruceo MoChonn hoahie a c- -Y" tuidrinknnonluter-ni'ctd iih Last yearit bu- canhoooin isoltnnhumbhi a . ang RIBLETS . .,..,. 9 hh-ag i o mn.Repsn tory and onooy oaom haid linc-.hanoal it P. W. Mery oon niat.'AS>iNNWVDSONDOIURMPLE LEAF -s~ and Ma-m Cîtlo Quesonnairce colon dcutoot coaittinf ci c-" nl. Ho is nnporiog o cani tu FIRM LASTINO WAVSE AND CUe.S WEES. ~ ,...,. 9 ramfie ouilot ioo'anoA plitod thoe haltiug, plants aad nis h nb,ý hit clolhî. IN R _------- ...............39 lalsuuloin on men o bouaaiding anod iann. garnes, child c-n's andý AT A MODÉRATE FRICS _________________________ n rakfast planniing. Aoc-ange- dail ainihon. hookn, puzale.,, FRESH d.îo. oOic afrnionco oapc-onThooenc,.gonhnais HAdL CHIKA IITV......... b. o 10 nnîet ad c- Lawrnen waponion. jhornoloc ait fo-Al JACK HALL A ONCIKNWIG b. o 10 chsn nog gt ho Ihc- mnutel in the auditnc-iam, ptoîl,.ide Couree Cloter, Siogeand Bile B EAUTY SALO L k nî 1onn tii."ain opa -o tc h e llnp hm îc- ioone rit"o.-n and a Thono nnOh hoff. i0~0 BLOCK 140 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 11-2461 Doelru TO 86043 lnFo hc- irs allen thengo hnoa osmlb andnnatdnoo cal ohi' iiok and toi] bto askod ta contc-hae t neor J1. COOKE (Coccree Blocks) t ct-n Oh,'] c-,io.'cr spoon and, moteonot ahiot LYD. c-.ifT o l eao derso lunoooo- A soial i i n .nnilbv al,_ .. lnethdio unt and d,.ciodooh and ii alfine wnay oa tu-76 .e ac- 177 pau an to isftia.on ork- quaatd idt hOthnos inothe ,hoai in ih los ine ru ofot pc-aanltnaufe-a. EVENINGS o T]di . c-mrl haonshtown Ladiies n endiag thoe altoc-son ITN T 46 ornd toi Itro loot ohi noo unit_____ _____ _____ _ L . Suncday Trip Kao nd Mis, Eli. Chapmn h. i 14 andLori L-Fo,on, %a .Id on Mav 9. Omag.h hur.b, h.. onnn ohId ciil b, h.zptind. W]s To Wn,, hdn th DONTY UT THIS HAPPEN To YOU ,, u .fatallerhm op.n S lni Cllnagh P.-b h rin CLEA N UPU cuh nil] hnid th,i .nquU p ni Slie S..inni on on Holptaemaire yourhoeafile safe M 12 il 7.30 pi... R,, . K. _ MGnnn (Il Miin Phosbturin Us. ihis inspectbon form M. ul Li. [h.nngý Every "No" answer is asigal for ACTION and Orri Hnt lit Wnit. n Foret 1. Is yeur fire dept. nuocher near yeur phone? 2, Ar. le lus le in ighliog circuit, 15 amp. size? 3. Areuetension ccrls awayfront ugs? P ffl 4. Are flammable liquds stored in APA safety as? ,.,! f 5. is yeur tireplace protected by a scren? li, 6. Do peu have peur heasting system checked and cleaned Crete petuc fettg' c. 7. Dvepeu knew pou shocld cet ue flammable liquids fer ligo tu ceparute open-pla eece iahso le livineg u-eat by nuc-yteg liglo 8. De peu keep matches aed tighters eut cf the. mach of itestee and lght rutecleg, childres? dturcs. tn. I fn 9. Do peu keep cembustibles awap trom steve., fumisces i and setters' [IAS Y010 R 110310. ENO<H î10. Nus ait rubbiso bee clereti tru, peur attie, cellar and iiiiS i ' i , garage? 111 .Il in.iniIp, 11. Do pecke.uthe dangers of smoking inbed? nentc-in.inhcI ni,. 12. Dopecu have tire drill at hoe, sei chat eu wii kcem whae tel de tatcas. of ffee? TNSE WILL IE A DEMONSTRATION OF FtRE EQUIPMINT ON SATUEDAY MAY 131H AT MtLLSIDE PLAZA, SININD MILTON MILLINO CO. ELECRMILTON FIRE DEPT. TR 8- 6922 MILTON MOTOR SALES UMITED 388 MAINt ST. TR 8.2345 1 .