TOP QUALITY sen!VICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE-FROM COAST TO COASTV13C MiLTrON MOTOR. SALES LITED 388 Main St, Milton, Ont. sun IR egs omeeDrhree Day Halton Music Festival Adiudicator Praises Milton During Fniday Music Festival k cß -Milton J. M. Deyspbi s pnclass: Action Robert ,Volume 101 -No. 51. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 41h, 1961 Seconid Section, ntwsschool receivedhgpriefo Little school first with 85 Points;- - ns..adjudicator John Wood un Fri- Stewartliown second with 83i-- day evening when they won Brookvile 81; Acton M. Z. Benl- personl the ighest dmark duýrinJg th et 80; Milton J.M en 9, cenL gec thre .da Halon Mui festival, and Milton Bruace Sre 8 andas ' thert triple trio copped top Triple dtut, grades 56 om honors with 87 points. an ndr amblville fist Durin the fetival staged In wi th 82; Glen Williams, 81; Spey the A tonRbert Little scoo s ide and Stewarttowni lied with auditorium, turban contestants 80 points apiece. competed on Wednesday and Triple trio. grades 7-8, 7 rooms SFriday, with rural schools comn- and over: Milton J. M . Denyes peting Thursday. 37; Milton W. 1. Dick 85; Accon During the finals Fridlay ev- M. Z. Bennett 84 ; Brookville and ening, wimiers chosen on Wed- Acton Robert Little 83 pomnts nesday repeated their selections, ech;. Milo Brc Stre i as well as three compeition During the evening, the aud- classes. A Ipacked audtrium ience hecard the Campbellville heard the finailists and listened jumior choir, winners from Wed- attentively as adjudicator John nesday's competition, sing "Ladyv 14 Wood gave his comments un Mojon". The Acton M. Z. Bennett each competitor. Junior choir, winners in class Mr. Wood told the large aud. INwo Wedinesday, enitertained ience he had, never enjoyed a witlh their winning number, Music festival as much as the "Vesper Hymn". The Actan Ro- one hield tin Acton tis year. He biern Little schooil unchanged praised the officiais of the fes. voices choir repeated their wmin tival for their co-operation and ming number, "Lass of Richmond commended the music supervis.. Hill". nes, ,S. NO. 6 SCHOOL Nassagaweya won the trophy in the double trio competition Th day itran the nter and effrt In Glen AW liams r lacholy J. M. DENYES triple trio won thhgesmakoteUrnMsFsivFda vngine during the North Halton Rural Music Festival, st3ged in Acton Robert Little school auditorium. cnuioteajdatrx-heumrwihwntem AtnRbrlitesooaditorium, when adjudicator John Wo awarce Fte 8 ef pito. The winners are pictured above with their musit: supervisor Mrs. Donna Manes. Left to ih are pressed his hope thiat the spirit first place Wedine.sday and the Th ap inr r itrdaoe ihtertoh olwn hi song Front row etI Mary Anderson, Marilyn Hilson, Nancy Mahon, Mrs. Manles, Neil RobersnAicJokmad of co-operation at Halton fes. Acton Robert Little semior choir right -are Barbara Deforest, Mary Pickett, Nancy Cannon, Mollie Latharn and Laurie nuc air. John Austin. tivals would continue. repuzledc lheir wnning selection, Back row Jane McEachern, Sharon Elsworthy, Mariannre Fdy anid Joan Franas5. During the Friday evening fmn- " hphodsTn" als, the following were the win- Mrs. W. Sproston, Acton, act- niers: cd as ma ter of ceremionie, for• Boys' ensemble. changed voic-1 the Friday evening performance Singers From N ine Rural Sc ools Aerton Receives Top Honàors Participate in Music Festival Doring Wedaesday Festival .o hol l e iCompetition was keen through- gPrimary choir, kindergartenl o, cd at co' Roberit Little Pub- solo, hovs 8 and! under: Bru[ n it 1 Bannock oui the three-day Halton Music gade 3, 7 roms and olver: Mil- Ji, scoliTursdav il last week, Austen, S. F. 6, 85; DoadStep , ýI,.k Festival last Wednesday, Thurs- tont J. M. Denyes school first for the annlual North IIlahoni Ille, Milton Hegt,84; Tmnmvr\1 'ina, dlay and Frida 'y, hield in the Rio- wvith 85 points and Milton W.ý ua m i e \INIal. AI the cou-ý WIls Liny 3. Olher cle1si ', ja1. bert Little public school audit- Dick school eodwt 3 Oth, olsinlthdaS .N» ants were CaIlvin Sanderson .) Ilon, Acton. Adjudicators prais- er comptior wee Milto INawy am Pngrv sco lilueMuna. Robert M,1oradc B.3h0: rs h8 ed the efforts of the young sing- Bru.c tee choo.l and Acton sodulwhtems wms m11 ofHrh.FedeMDnl l2ak awna ui etv ers and commendied Music suip- M Bnntsholiewihhearusoohidutandl ieos n i ahl iacppene yM.MKn ervisors for thecir achievements. 80pini Brokvie and A2- dohetiocmeitos uar r 'o ine Il, Mn r se cn it During the Wednesdlay comn- .in Robert Little scholi tied Golsi ad memdlsSolo, girls Il ;mcndr Mir- ;. odl petitioins, Actom look top honors wNith 78. wer awre Ioloit a go Clzarkso. Milton l g ( 8; 91oo are bor troph pr.ies- with three firsts and thre sec- Junior choir, gradies, 4-5-6, 7 lict sinlger, while PiervNancy Mahon, S. S. 6, 85; JI, ene vinpe W ceil. onds, while Milton captumd two roms and over: Top hnrBankbn:S. S. 6,, _imchouse queline Kmngdon, Horhv ._ Bu umiha80marks. firsis and Iwo seconds. Camp- went to Brookville with 82 and Mion Heights col okOhr in the class meluded, Emi-ý bellville look one first, Stewart- points, white Milton J. M. Denyes hom trphes cup anielsd Damm ofI Bannockbur n, JudyI Solo cil ad vr ln town one first and Iwo seconds, schiool placed second with 81. fo iss¿dscnsin the Hardy oIl Lig, Angehec Somo- Hesi.Ma lcga.84; Do- while Br-ookville and Gien Wil- Other competitors and standings choir and dobeji_ lass, esalLmhue Dianne, HI-reHrol swre.8; Mar- liamts each received one firstiwere: Acton Robert L.ittle and Other schools compet'.ing wer e of Blue Mountlain aind lLarIly lilo S I.l. 82. Margot and une second. 1Milton Bruce Street schools withHrb.BleMutiLgynlSneoQarara. Ingl innus uw- Ajdctr fur the Wednesday 80 points each; Acton M. Z. Ben- and QJuatra Bras. Sohy ladueromdkoil Om a. B, RoseMary ~~~~competition was John Woo nett and Miliq W. 1. Dic k Lis Reut utn . S. 6. 87; Mitrray M, - Roelo onyand Mar- of Port Credit. He spoke highly schools with 79. Au it was IýIoyd Brjad_ Ca g, Pinecgrove, 86; Gàry PooltI ion pool I, mwhous w e of the singing in Halton Counity Boys' unchangedi voices, open %hwmui ueso , l Forest'lM tercne ns and lold the audience he enjoe class: Acton schools ld [lhe sHll, junior huigsh, oroto .( oo.hv cmj R 9501 MUSIC SUPERVISORS received a few pointers from adjudicator John Wood following the con- The follwing ar h estiva s in tho.feldi Roet ittl cho tonl i Slo, irls'" 1 n ne:Mr"-Ley 2 amOwn mumun= closion of the North Haiton Urbani Festival, Frid y evening inAton ePicture ait to right are of the competitions fi , n wt h 5 eont and th 82 McGee, Pinegm 8 6; Liiclhe Mi 1 1.- s2 . Nassa,-- Mrs May Kdne, sperisr fr Equeingsc r ool area, adjudicalor John Wood rooms and uinder: Campbellville Other ,marks included: Brook.-ytllrlv 85; Shellev iz,\ The1 Nin hSnulraPbic ea She , Music supervisor, Mrs. Donpa Manes, supervisor for Nassagaweya sc , lirst with 83 poin ts and Stew.- vill and Milton J. M. Deniyes Bue Mouinlam, 84. O ier con SfIlekinI Conest sponsored hv o I i plac woih and Milton music supervisor Mrs. A. Ledwith. aritown second with 81. Other schoeols, 81 points each: Camp- an1, wcere Elixahlh A der l Dislýlrict A"ad B o h 86II 1,iN ami, r Rn ick lle s.-standings includied Norval 79, bellville, Stewarittowvn and Mil- S. S. 6, NzissagawueNM',W, Canian, Legio an d a l senle th - aw rd; ,, L Ime ,s Speyide nd Gen Illiams 78 ton W. 1. Dick schools, 77 points L.ignly, Jalue'Oi me s B .3r Inc 125 at Delhi on aura 1 85 .k3 uic m eod use Gampionv WA NT ADS Phone TR8-2341 points each. each. Mlamel oucatMaureen lhomson estaime, S hout denrt. Cothre lenhemSl,, Mrs. V.'o( Arhr.Ohr h Grad 7 hoir, 7 Wellan and Mito mdh cots sniewI odaBa.Liny CONSTRUM ton obel Lilile school was mald 8, Grades, 9 a'd' 10 ai Solo b-, 1l' d m Nili Alwedd telee-seod , 82. Olheri co pl Grde 1 t 13 look pla-e dlu- Jz1 "S ý ,8, ohn Mc. OU 1 i st'urtionthrous •"- . orsinld: MiIIon W. 1. Dick inig lhe alenonnc n,8; eal ,h ch q-... Iool, 80 I oints, Mary RoI- Kll, wOI I -rsnrswr hnMDn b.d M --- iach Ih, I nis. a hae SeirQIigae 7K, 7 'Ienh ad %,i iller* of SOFT.RIDING SUSPENSION roon ul -ci 0'l". wswne a eh Sn h S a . . . ives ou eas, på. 84. poinls and Ilhe M. 7. Bne o ts antwnesfm e hv rcie - rive control on even the ~~~82. Miltoni .1. M. Dne co naiw ihp a M sJ -~~vg thget od .waawre 81 polinis; Br2o w"li l1I he, hek. in" n nes h h1QUIET ENORULES Pe.o chir Icle 5% "6 M r is a pupil Il l lu i.u h oil Oh MIPNES room alndr: G;len Wilia" o col in Mln nsen u ihne - You're our as huis got 83 p ins l, take firs lcenýI a - an~~.d flor eey in no w i Stw to n eond w ith Hlh ..m w .O, ïexfs2. CG pehil a with, CHANGED) MIND) Swi-em ' "s.°81 points, Ihen Norvail with 801 A 1'lo m1- inlong Kong. Du, 1 N1 h1 and naegwegrea sprid ilh 78. because he, 1-uk v -: l e N Tr ipfle1 ril,, Il ro m and un -r-uin up -ak. belo 0I, REAIQCOMFORT 1rit- u1 ""l na.dro e vdd amon- Ihloism e a i m in lon ba ;I hie pa' a exaieNol-l Sie e ad ampe d te inih tlour and saved - -1 1,1I 095 u-if-I l, l il 9hn-l L PLUS Ail S No.COS EXTRAS LE ,.,see..nicenne 0 Efertless Recirculating (A SOUND REASON FOR BUYINC VAUXHALL!R) .1IIIIIIIIIII. Ar o -,i ad eeo quietly youi skim along in Vaux- a • Ne*Stalling Electrit Wipeors . Steering Celumn hall! Vauxhalf's engine delivers cearshift 9 SMis Windows Rail Ail The Way DOWn its power smoothly and easily • eeosLgaeCompartment. . . . the entire uniderbody 1s given a special coating that SECOND PLACE in the triple trio competition Friday evening went to the W . LDick schooicl when for the performance. 2337 |