due, tu the nu- t, luter, tuand Juior 20 yeac rillern ed jut ontensd- fuand. e stade j of tise an bees mli bu ieh zb -I STOICK CAR RACINO SIAMO begau thîs wesis snd local driver Meru Culliog musii out agulu et the È.N.E. Snack with his new No. 69, a sleek lndianumpolis-lppe racer fihat Souk $0,000 worth ut eqcipment Ilt 1,800 boucs cf eceuiug aud weakend wack nu put il together. Shomu with driver Merv are the designer Don Colliug sud mechanlu George Clemeuls. Last peur's car ls belng driveu ihis saiuson bp Norm Coulter who ha worked witb SAis trie for severul peurs. mol TVAWUAUPcAYIUanSdbest ciemau amuds onens preserted oa footbal pupyer Scot Campbel lunes anud Don Cre Is Ap theMilou Ostrc HigA 0h00 php ial eduatou inuo taisCarson.Theuteurds wee pnessnsed dcig a Athlet Coonite edace e MMHA, Bunf..d cen py Tisn Milton Mhuar Hockey A-___________ Dm1 ~.dti £ufe TiwII liaitSttonHo e lumd ~ ~ l l rInflle Leglous Hall on May 17. Cemiss el 15e awaied sudS er ie S a io s o e couccc .1ucîc BY BILL MYKES for rite final get-togetlsar of hac, SweII T ol ship Permuts iey planers fer tIhe seoua. evc tainbidn hlýsa ies h ylwi The fisbseg oOtest bcu t in four bulc murA mc îacded Tmp nc uusb u cp. ttc Thti bny u sore brues Bans rIlcvies about Imo dolcu. Il pcrmtts-uastvela oneueral resid.ticetssta cî,tt y nuîctnltt comislally, topped until tbe fic- Tise local sages sa Ib she sa.ld 200 near.. ectial nerocits apped Bsquesisg mî,îld At. cunlc cc-cr.c al ucîgles viln made. Tmu mec bu runing docun Acere mithin a (Ccntinued frunu Pare Quel Tomscsbipns April building figures cîomnsaction in case or .tn ut. fl for flient place witA smo meek He ascucd tAct a fine acre lu $104,500, building atispectt.rt.idcttt. pourd, l7Hî ioch trut caugbt a rra, bcdl beco loascd lu tbe club William Hal reporterd lu coust- Apprcuci mon gicc to III ntdl in tise Causpbellrille ureek and Tu combat nurîbeon-r furent at $1 a year bp tbe P. L. Rubert. cil Mondas' ecosclua $124 rcuucuticg the.ccutil H juusbeowthedau aiLhed ile.fieswomr ombngleflomin sn MmatctrrbuC. AbaentThesoinecoppl aCcaef-osMaocfacturîusOCoAdîochoct-o d29su4pwrýin- Tisese fisil werecre, but I bap- iucreauisgly pupular. TAc Deport- tu tise glebs pesceit cocos acre pcrmtitiug Miltosne Che .tccltlct o 21 c- pened lcowndomaitLolmSlentoLns a ofcscodFaspakth prol mculd bonE Clemttu recruit vulscteeru1ppcl Egictrs Pcucturan1 Monde,, taking pictaces of ocu tanks ncstalled ou cigbl 011cr lisArd Av bridges tu prouide a ctnrccc p vcrtuumvtc- of the prize winoers, n en-osand 35 smaller Boar-er fil pitsicareu. Hecpratccd themcrk uls Binclair of Walkor's Lior equipped fine patroS places. ci J. Custigon, park ubairmun, on mclked Ip carryiug a beauclifcl Tise planes utilI sAur-hp bo iu ceoutictiof tAc lusc and -r C p n oe mano lla as 17W' andutrust tain off frum Souit Ste. Marie tisauked tAe P. L. Robertson Cto nge e.fpoe N te boue mnighed migbty cls at olwtereeodic fine for uhi ction. On Sucduy Mac ci 2h t Racg- mocth asur asu tus-n cli tbooe pouads. Ho bcd js land- ucrtb. Fivo brîltuptors mutl ulsu Club directors Glpc* Robescrs o me o ono rd by Aul sgsked ccrvt.d Attcus un AprtI 19 tAhe ed ilacoule ofuded ardsb flyug outmiîtotequdro.Ar HanipsoEcc wosk n ca takopar , th bold Crd100t R angrsid Rccrnvisiltd The an dloms tAe rad bulow tbe Lum- .Techniques lu bombig havut Charles Anderson mcrc lutrudut- Tea, bcd for Mary He os Coul- hiteBsutCmarv e cille dam un. 1usd I tricged Impruod ccd tboy non, hauetîl. socn.tttS-ui pu.W mbcu I hoard il) murons. The cutotutit buttons lu roleuse tbe musical Pegsu MuoApttiottldb ncî bîtuAgs of sampe i ciller duo fromn Lumuvillo bcd 180gaullonstanks. They wetrtt Musical cctcrtcicimout and acH.mr itfprompayntscd oîules lpltî s ictour tsuasedmwormu for tboirfineoul rlauodbIlbcod. sincanguccmt rotctdtd bpBilcDllla adSit tprl C olcîcu string. Williunms. Asunolusand encurs tAc plant cocducted a vry inter- I ws at pepaed a ty ad rA umul udf cucu uut in Met- Mc. Williamc sang Oklahoma stu, our ccc bdicgout samplos O.tctduu April 22, Mtl c. trit Oelp a miel drgmuisoflprn aeretotlude rolilcu Toronto reccctly ccd TAc Sound of Munit. Theo Little acd trylco t0 ucscctroi c esr- and utMi,. Gol antodurtRagers drgotu lset core trt mctbefirstuofbler kisdlotoc ve bGrt ,lct ctci lico c 1 cussafford ilrtbpe ilheurithue bcd turc dct tAe aca. Il joics lAc LoveuandIfl1Lod Ytt. Ale th utr evr ae aes'Tann ofrnea Kit- noalta uofchke tsapsistbemaais.gumingtlislof mtduanimais re- Nead lubIe Ouests icctdrgurestarntand tcld tcordciAl TActw cccadcr deus Aftbosheag l as WmguosI poino in tise cIpy fr-cm fiimotu Rotary District Ocrer-cor H. mboc mc misbed. If iAls iss immedc ty Ahpped cf Prsonu vets wAsr arin ifmas morttes 1 "me. The tint iccludes trr Rodgers wrctctroduccd byRoth îbestmwaytoOend an cloyable w tuA y spu Ali duvaiI migsafridifasrdf Iluer I beverracccousced foxmink, ry ice-presdeut AIFracs. eucig,Iduc'tisttututhatis. tre.ThecRanger rmccefi PHONET bmboludlottb cdsdmusbruî anddkuuk. Occrucnd _________________: TKaitchemneriVOSO Au r f hatprvc du Ae b bctoe and a sfotypin. cuen mal hseb beeu obsorved ThaksRc-somus clcstenr t ceucc roukptcth de Mettlngr-a. -7 t~ u faite os 10 Toronto. cOOe Tbep sap smelts or-rat Ibeir At leas nemuskr as seeu.,Arl1.c- edcrrgt peais dlowc ut tAc Broute fier. inMilton oneuuei CI nd itbad Apii 10 meccg Weldo ouc rglur Ididu get oct rroat fisbicg, locoled bebicd rtheChampion cf- mepeicg. tAc gir-l pluns Ari but 1 triod saime smril fisbing fice. 10e touti odd tat lu II titulA p snt milsothcOr t.sscý domoscaer Grimsby. lu about of racucllnx acnd beurs. aith i.t eeting.buOgrdlh - t~~r-O5tg ar ta frucdbc chdMOOd Ot th arc tu rcsume oct moncll lua tagu/ Schelde AÀ .uacd Thi h- ena neet Ncllcc Countu Bacebacî Ascu- Wcdct-,dcu In J - Actun uti dico ba s camplotcd flAo ntcrc Ookc-iltt; Brutîn ut o gotuc o. mcdiutc subedulo Sur tAc ccmiu Thcccd.ty, JuIn A - Quak-ilîr ut "BALLOONS" CAN BE seaicad il bho ose rettuou Dcsdc-; Campbellvitt t UL0FMT I lor pubcation ibis vieils. Broute Auben ut Milton. Mcc FUnLO Accn IaRmult Tburcdap. Mau 18 -Coteoî Sucdau. Juin 9-Att Star game. ocle a bacricle1 auuobile utla Dusdas. Wodcccday, Jculy 12-BrunIr a!daeutsls setupancun- oSrdai Man 2 - Miltron t Milton; Dudus ut Qakuilo-cprtt Droutda May uule btslp un1 20 Ale utu u la ciu Brutde; Georgecown ut Actun; Cumpbutlittc aI Gcur-geown. r u uselîtcV R rO Moday, May 22 - B runie ut Ocdun. OuuleSuunuaopt tOuodun. Jaty 15 - Milton ut cimply Al -F R f R O vil.Atn ereona ral; JMMKLR cuse the Wodoccdcy. May 24-Miltun at Bu-vît;e il Capelvle hyer \,a Geurgetucos. iScun-. JuIn lb - Dtuni ut or, Kiugsîeigh Court, mcc ctiurnclrc upclit. Sudp le-onJo ue-ctfused i i aE Tlrady, May 25 - Miltonuut Milton; Gtorgtowu- att Cam octur-ded hilusr cu u cie Soturday. May 27-Ooauvlt aI Wdctnduy. Juin 1v - Brtunî, Badge ovd Golît Curd aatAc sncul Cumpbuuluille; Geor-geto aI at OcAuvltît Al a.c uGco-gc- ceeony r- the Scout Hall. focr î.s-t mo- Bcrt; DndccoatActuu- tume. jîm dipaythe ccdon his ntp. Scsday, May 28-Campbulilt Thur-dun. ictly 20 - Milton atî shirt antd Aoîds hic ceon badge. TAis nhaltl ult Milton. Dondus. -. c, pcos mAcs tAc bayer guts 'shîp Wodneuduy, May 31 - Camp- Sutut dcv Jcly 22 - Dudun utai AIc picg' urced. cf curseut. botîcitl it uteocrgetotwn; Aclcn Brute; Oakillo ut Actun. SAV o IF quotuticu un lise omulat ced ~~Sendcy. Jaîn 23 - Brunît utr1cIl cOSi. Jchn "Suce a Lifo Hukboun tient re oRscout-. Tisecsdoy, Juo l-Oaknrtte ut Cumpbcilltc Haeii utow Mil caAcutclrui sciuo A c uo r Hi wic ir Ducdas, ton. t avlea isaIee ilas mot ccnatccurcincuc thetsttoccesNumy Htis uoetn Salerday. Jonce J-Dusdac ut Wcdcnduu. Juin 2A-OcAkillc ýhe citAs posstiblt resto. tAcýs puvu-u ccdw isc are Campbettvitte; Bril ut. Acîcu. ai Georgeownct. 1CemiI ar-t tocresmAiratiun. bt e monAvms.' dhm, Atuday, Jolie 4 - Ockiue itrt Tisau Jciy 27 - A ccto a ci g luis b mus lae b it on his Milton; Campbeliuille ut Brante. Branle; CampAultlitl ut Dcv- Ai-t ob cclqier wacmabe uH Ac acmc Wcdnesdap. Jolie 7-Boun ut dus. Ai- uAl i'ap-csms A d smiacs'a Gorgetrome; Acun ai Oukuitto. Sucurdun JuIr- 29 - B rouît ut Au Accuii bcvdr tcr foe"ar-s-cru v ia 325.0 for-s hmet can v A2 tui O Tbcrsday. Jone GeOorgectown Acun. Gcvrgcrcnu ut Ousll mIlîî oct cuue otfo bvr-cticcmc c2c.0bpr ut onth At' A Suct gu ut Duodus. Scedy Juin' JOa, a o rahigsienmeSna, -Gergetown\,ie îuhrccccct. htoffehrd. ttlttuiloc Scohiîliloi Saturdup. Joie10- MiltonO ulaiMitîcu. _ _________up toca tcal nac.g -..sa h hitfr CumpAcituitin; Oaisuilie aI Au- Wcdncsdu Aîcgîsi 2 - Camp- îkntt-cti uu t-ci lui; Drtds u Brccu Alîcilît ut Milton; Geotcownc gelt bath fortnerce utbut ichit Oucdup. Jot Il -Gorgetown ut Actun. Ats -uiofn tcmptclt tturHI ut Mittun. Oaur-dup. AugucI 5-Ducîlo- uttiaI Wednenduy, Juo 14 - Camp- Actun; Miltivu ut Gcorgtownit. Mstuaicu ru tr 212H ArtlIule ac Ocailît: Acun ai Oundan'. August 6-Ocîtîdu- ilut uelefnd lcS50 ,H Geor-getown. Campbcttuillt e. ~ per much Ate cuan uavicg' tout- J DThurudur. Jousc 15 - Accus ai Musclay. Augunt 7 - Aclon ai g~ OILSIUFF cfo [ttc t it on bigA panu-t ___ Dudun; Qukisuitt ai Brunît. Ccmpbeîtuittc. .th - tn p-meut cn its c-tic Saurduy. bouie 17 - Campbellt- Tccsdav. Augu-t 8-Oakuilît ut FME tract. In the jar-gon ocfin - ville atActon; Dardas aiGeorg- Brcnle. ancecbusines,.tis'iutulcl a toms. Wtdcrcduv Attgusr 9-Miltu "isaltuu puymocl. SuodayuJo t8- Brantle i aîOakiItc.Vcytu.isatcocc Campbellnille. lisr ortibscar n o Wcdnesday. Jlne 2I-Oavi île biac isch car s tAcu mur-li. Tht F ISHING SCOTT BeisS, tor os B ot tmcl- First Practi.r0 Acyrr han c tcite cf pcyicg clf SPEED RANG.E - 1-201 Mi u fs Thursay, une 2-Brnte i flc bautivn. r-ficcnciog il, ut.- WEIGHT - 39 LOS. pcaie Tistdup e2-But u a-. offert happcns Icîtint tht Dna.Ornaoh Sunoay finacuctt.ompuontrepassesnrthc ENGINE-2 mcl Allote crvie; StraJle24 - George- - ct. i Tic . tome ai Oakiscite. Omuagi rural softbatorn hsaveur Ouoday. Jouie 25 - Aclun ut bero upccdccg t faut tu-c mccks ' ~ . TAlc al] udts cp lu cirain CARBURVTION - Attcrt Or-olo. udas ut Milton; licicgcupspnsors 11cr tir out- pfil juntice isumoucu Malv Tnpte tJî.tp. At t Georgeown ut C.mAtcIc i vlclicc a-- cîc PHONE TR 8-6538 anuti-crcpcutt-ttlcilr han antdc L-.î cSttt AI1 t Wedsesdu,buole28-MiItccu holi hctd Ibis hundur- altruun, PetroluoProducts A. i clcu Aco- ci, Ii, lun- \ iI ltîîîîî.iîI~~- IAtos; Campisetinillo aI Oa- mutior prouidicng. Omugis mîi c cmpucrnt, Tbuesdap, June 29--Broute lut ageis Heln Trafalgar, ltee li OIl N FU EILS BAILING-Stpuite pîîmp I Dundas. «iHarris, Noruby and Pelermu.poe alu t12 Saîerday, JuIp I - Campbell- gllAn per 409MA Mundap, bstp 3 - Milton, ut a mali sweeothear, os EnglicAl p540 RaISIN (CorurtacOt 196ll MONT-LY WITH Caleisas Goretw a.malt, a ajul chef, an tttive Base UIa, et ird UIne 40 &nI st. Milion, Oatsi $1 JUST 10% ON 49M cl, ie ntOOc wl True 1 A mon wlîo went broke in business sîd: -1 blame it ohl advertîsing. His friend replied: "What do you mean? You neyer did y advertising." 1I know," tho mon answered. But my competitors dd." In Milton and Distrc it' The Canadian Champion R 8-2341 191 MAIN BT. fraialsn tâltefsciv MILTON ER Y BUDGET ... EVERY NEED ut MOTORS CO. LTD. >ICK A SCOT tîsports cor geiou-opfo lc hîg Newn faci uictg. YEAR GO SCOTT. IT'S THE ART 0F H4APPY BOATING. SCOTT SERVICE tics three ma p souvcin maccavip cuite satisfction. toc M ~PhA ccd intensive training tc pcid vu col depect AFALG~ AOTOR~ Co. LTD IN ST. yo - SPORT SCOTT sruscd SPEED RANGE--35 m..b asreeve EIGHT-109 puodu. e ihe kird ENGINE-2 cî* v c alteruat- icg tiitwi c CROURETONFie t gohun o iscr-e o MOol nsL wnjus MILTON .IUS hih BOcM GROUP INSURANCE SALESMEN (FOR HALTON COUNTY) If yccutveaprutc rcord in Goup Slesand rant the chace lu mccc chccd Csicc in thc mcnagement ecd, we an Hultun Cu-upercîlu Mcdical Sccultes is c umoîl ccmpccv witb c big [uture. Wr wccl sclectcct tubu are mîlliug lu wurA bccd Io grow mclh u. Senidablc ummary ta BOX 677 CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. ccd bc crcparcd lu -bsatcclt Vourusaltu rcord aS tAc firsn The Caniadien Champion, TSudcsd",. May 4th.,1961l Acton Athiete Kinsmen Light-Up Campaign This W..l< First in Field Milîcu ismn bltd h onfi ligbt-up campoign tbis 0f 65 Runners hueu 'rn-lgi ubs ur ale BruceAndrewus,cvulhfullruck Thdec cccrinsaumutund e, c lr, -uculca luel of6p uguc dollars lut- the club lu pour itio Saucuucday itldnu, tu cuutt lurtI mincirspuouts acd roîctrlrd Scudcalcuu lu sh cc tu hildrencu pruocîs This pear hei cc e y u g Ac o ýte l u cp c tt a sell 500 bags ut Tad5 sccons n A leu ( ouî t lits bullu, ai S2. Mcsdaycuuning abut cthe 2k. mile rce in Il minutes 210 bags wccv uld but Tuesdaysu cnd0crucc.~dbtt 1tbicib ld back hclub caru ssr al ,pMctt 55 scontdst inuid Ile sale cuutiuc Wednes- lS'c Luck > Stwartfll 141uh' 1u,. C.at-bc kc are t l eo cumplet- 1 tnuul cc i ut mlun. 1 il,- butic %,,tukcud rhc ccc, ,,,ph" ,utîl lc ultîccl Kitucuttu Art Meics is ln __________ Keith Daman, Jli', WiugrtcO. Of1 more tlt.u 4,0010 sccies ut tcl Benuvett ucd Icuu foutait. p 400-uddîfl anucu t agrcabil c ) ruact r.etuttttuig cld- pcrluurc. mcupcarc dcuied flic privilge. S