388 MAIN ST. MILTON TE 8.2355 9c.ee cf-..-, Paper on Halton's Early Days Highlight of W.A. Meeting bp Mms. WItUsin Wason Beobb Danlels oflAvcvlv i, Thc March meetigeof the W.A. .pedieg a eeaph veil Mr. ced wsheld in the Svedap schcet Mrs. Bric MeAuthar. tuant,wilh Mrs. Jue Hisceck in Mrcad Mr.Harvey Crcclcr charge. Mev. Joe Pickelt ceedacî- aed lcvmily of Port Dalhousie vis- ed the dcvelieeal. Minuteseofthe lied wilO Mr. antd Mrs. Eric Me- lase meetig and ml call cerc Arhr unMîîda. read Op Mre. McArlOar. . Blrllîdap greeliegs go le Malt Mre'Mail Howcrd gave the Howard, Gardant mall. Mi-, Zel- crd report. TVe necto ll 1 ma Cuverdale, Mrs.EdiiiiCari- voill bc aevvcecd by lakieg lev ai ancd Hcrvy Blagdee. luiclavel fu he church.Thee Mr.ed Mrs.BillSavlt rc ecill hc lhre [ables mnade. Mrv. Oîvildiîg acw honvtîece in0te vii- Gorler aed Mrv. Howeard sang a Juge. dîvel andMre ocrler banga slo. A lar ge cra allened lice Ir' ara DlAveon gave a pap- Ecelr ervice ie Killridc United eunte arly life in Haltan. Mu cherch en Saeday mornieg. eiih odaced aeaonlevlehieh The familv cf Mr. aed Mev. h o y Mre. HivveehMrt. RobertlSaalt gaveea dee palev Wasnand Mre. MeArîhar. An in onarcorheir melher anvd tlnc co eeiellng of bel dcdes 4010 îecddicg inivevare ,rw.OU taOt e larue ai thehuame utMr. andMr. Nor- -crcc.d d ,e' l Picklett an.tIfItat Smîelit MIN. Smith. Ane Watonv epeel a feve dcye, The mccligeetn illheh feld wilh Mr. and Mis.RBabhScaiandl aI te home cf Mre. Wier eeilh Wayne. Mrt hr adMv alon Aeeieereary greelingv go ao Mr. Mrn. Waler Ïegles epeel a tee, 401 wedn aniersryceihl dy ih Mre. Mitchell. evneu Meeting CAMPSILLVILI.E Tht. Yoang Peuple let Wedvîev- dayv ivv0hl le (lie Sueday echeai roi ihsvnpresenl.Fraces Easter Guests Roeton esi charge utl the metn.The cal]Iotverehip avlIn W eeks News Ov Rath Wileon. Hyme 590 a e.ang, Whee Hie Ccvneih. Ane bp Mm. Gerge Ilets cei ed t0e îleîclievîcl. A Mivs Kalhariee McPhediece Bible iory waceeecd hy Ruth -.peel Ece.er eeekend ii vier Wilson.aaei Mev. A. oarihiegice ci Tei Gie eeeplavevland eivv elta. cd. Hvme. Can a Little Clîild LiSe Tee, and Ace Parkervspee vlive Me, cvvsag aed Anvi LewisvEcvieeweekeeelin Detit andc clavv.d hai mec-vile wile c pvvcv Gloriac Pcrdv in BuIail.,u i.s Luncheease.ereedby Ruth Wilson Congratullain tcMcvMe. ced Phi] Snmvvvcî . The neeî Edecrd fihes, ce, Annce Ma iv so Cd unela ei[ Lacnc cil ihalrrecevil nv.vrriag fvel Tivv. Mvv. Pete Sam- c-i Si. Dacides Prcs eiic leui asi charge. Mis Snda Confus of Miltoe Hevglvlv epent Gocd Fv iday veilO M.adMrs. Robert MaMcicv M.ndMev. William Clark ci Hat lion vieiicd veilO Mec. Mar- A N O L inCartwruight ce Fricy. M.adMec. Wilhev i Fard splîatllhve Racla r weeekeed ai Dl- laavsles Mr. and Mec. Deeg- The nppeitmeeî of Milice 1 Gunranneed WarrantclDealer GERRY'S BAKERY TR 8-9713 OPFERS OVEN FRESH BAKRES PRODUCIS ON A REOULAR ROUTE SERVICE NORTH OF MAIN MON. --,WED. - FR1. SOUTH OF MAIN TUES. - THURS. - SAT. For Rcvte Scervive CALE TR 8-9713 GERRY'S IAKERY zu mai si miI Former Area Family'1s. Home Burned N ine Girls Receive Catechism Award Bp Mes. C. Pleran McFadden, Icacher, gave ta heu Onmagh triredv nu- c la girls, Mises Anna Peaveck, Mar- heurcun Wednesday thaïI the terne1 lune Ca, tic, Hertha Brucker. Aif- hoee1lMr. and Mr.Bill.PrenuseePacuk ad Mrgeite Pea cf Rockwced hal heure ceînpletelylvevok. de.slunvdd hv fire. The laîelly hiadt 4-11 Club Meets galle shoppieg tu Gueelph and The ixth reulieg cf the cvvel ae hoar futurca eighhcee Flucî llî Seuelh Elelcîeee Choe nced vecckr and cailud help. was lîluncîeedaeeeing ith Ficrîeenlely ecvny mec alending 13 neers allending. The meet- 1, .eîeeaciceiÉie disrict u-ig pceilih he 4-H pledge cpeneddandelac.aed tuavcethe and ws avilleced by a short ei- bain, aiîlîcegh sveral liiev thu e esesioe. Ali girls ucperled that rouf waun finre. recrdhbooksand rcipe fileseoere Mrs. Predd eeas fereîerly Jae u tpldat. The memhershadhop Rcyer etlthe thîird fie. Her cd Miss Lctepmae eeeald ho pue- frieeds ie thein part- haeve evedea- senel bal previece enlgagements veuedltecvsivllthe lcmilygel e- madle il impossible for hieu le lalishe. agaie aed gifle cf ne- cne eey andlheacheld aricles hae Theroll cl'Oeeeay tueus liceeegieen t lum. Weeedcer- diedfruvit"easeelleanseed stacedlhey ineed ta reaild. by cIl. There eeas a discessien an Go de Raeeer slupped an a "Sal." 'Deavarl and "'Bakinag eaileele iassvSi.îithe fieaed eiîhfruit"adlheqesienaire . lieder veediva 1 cre. vas ceîepleîed. Catecbleen AmortIs The leadlers Me. Pallercen and Niee yeece ladies receieed e.pc- Mrv. Siempsoe demevelraled mak- .iclce carcificcleefr raiieg ngvae"fruiparfaitlpudding"and the eehele cf the vhorler clc-h- adec made a venhor of frait is0. hi dipama le avecîdud hy salads. Tlîee eere sereed feur flic Gencrai Aseeehlyof he Pic- luech eeih veakice and cake hyleveee ChcvheliCanada andl0îeîegllhy Barbara Breakand wcc gicee Seîede le Onagh Pree- Herîha Bracker. leyleriacîî lîach. Mre. Arthur Pea- AI flic ee meeting a girl eeill cue-k techergave il tle cla,v bc cehoen la rcpruee the cluh ille..s Mievee. Heluie Braviver. aed give the live mine al one Marie Cîrlie, Jeaene Pcllceeo flice ciaO ehibil aI Achievcmeel aed Marioe Marshall. Mre. Stuart Day, May 27. The discussien and DAPPOVIL TEA plane are nenrieg coeplein ns port oh the edacaliceal peogram ch the North Helten Unit eh thn Ceadin Cencer Society. 50e-n diseceesieg the arranegements are Mis. D. Pteleeey, Mec. C. Wilson, Mes. C. B. KnigOl endi Mrs. F. McMascer. Welo;îeve Ironi f rvvv Ii ivd..Io Mi,. A. J. Peeeîeis.vh. N vpoit lilas onhtlce Mr. ande Me.. Roye Tuerand ter- vie Mr. and Mrv. E. 1). Ma- Avit andi Mr,. Daidi Maion an on l Widver tpientEa1 ,%iffi Mr. andMi, J.E. Maih.. MI-. and Me,. Liiied Cvcvtleed INCING. Moaoer Sales (id. as yoce demonstrainlfur the eelmee- ieg evîll ho- un fruit tahle arrange- ments aed the arl cf garelelîlg. In, Hospital M m Keilh LaureceofWod- ro. asatchewan, s in surna euiito in haepill felleveieg a cracdent ie vehich 0cr ncîher and hchy daughler wr ntm hîlled Mrs. Laurence cece lOr dri- vercaithe car evhich cellided veilO eneulîghled truck ce thc vicie oîf th od. Mue. Lauenîcce is te dccbllîiîîti-law cf Howard Laue- ece,~ a for mer revidel of ibis dsrc.Frieedeeillhe rrylte Icr f Iheir Iragie, ac.cident. Hwrd Laarcece alec has heee in lîcepilal and eedervee apura- diinale.iealîi Tee Newn York About 225 yceg peoplef grade 12 aed gade 13 cf Berlieglce, Dardasv cnd OcOvîlle High seheele leIl Hamcilonestatioeaon Meedav cevenie fer a haeey holida. en New York City fer lîvv dcyv. Dcr- ieg thie lhey veill visil Radia Cily. Madison Squeare Garden, a ouI trip arceed the islaed, a trip le the United aie cec lecef more placese (iler.D board [raom ii disleic L Mivs Jeanne Palleucce ci Me Margarte Wlieecell. Tevc cdrlads ch veceg people fronm Onagh Preehylerice Y.P.S. melcred le Toronto le attlend Oeed Priday breckfastan c n mno in Reeeymede Chuch. They eevacccmpaniedbyRBey. R. A. Nevîv. Mivs Oladyv Pealhcrvvcee is vpeeig 0cer RavIer holidcvs in Jan.vvcc. SOc Icil MalIce by air un Fiely canI cill rvcvvv thie lveck0eed. Vistnu Here Missv Lcis Jzicksv eof Hilhcvgiî vspeev casc weeecl vilh hier grandeeelher Mr.. Ocrge Pea teck aed Mi-ss Mildred Jackson of Hille.Ocrah eejcyed c leve days hocidcy aI the sacme home îii veeek. Birlhdiy grcliege letu al Peacock ue hie. spec.ial day Aprîl CANADA'S ONLY SHORT HEEL FASHION STORES HI-STYE FLATS 7.99 te 12.957 Oinierent 5 paid on *UARANTMUD CIETIFICATES issured in amounecJrfron $100 tu $100.000 yeur rJeice of teni freont une te flue yenrs 4/ 451 Brant St., Burlingn Mgr.: J. E. WbituIck Res. TR 8-9533 4.1 Club Stait«, bp Uns. C. E. Daveuport Auduey uBueei and Mars' Lave cup and saucer vhower Friday night for Evelye Peddie, ut Ev ciyn's homne. Anweg [base pre- entwe elvcv ad cusinsvl bath the 1 *l and geccmi-hýe. Mm. AMcKenzieand Nc ti.sild tIcie cusins, Me. t. l.eeeccv and David, HI.cvile>vr, i Gondl Frid.îy. Mr. and Mrs. Clil rownt sev Iwo ticv- lavleek in Bruce- bridge iiv Clivilv lalthe [val iceBo, wows ka Paul Zimmeercecu, Darda, is vpending the Easter hulidac, veith hiv gracîpace. Lacr Huweden was- havIes.- ic the Mach 25 meeting cf fic 4-H Nevcaie. Sica-cen girls-cer- of making fruit -,clads These c ampled ai lunc.h fitnie. On S.turavc Mr,. Fench li.dc th, girls meetle hailîne. There nee ie girl. presenl. Cherr. pie weas fic ctcic or this et ieg. The girls discev.d the me- thed of prepa-ieg and berieg LITN ORET E -WINT LL NWLARAN PlO The Canadien Championý Thursday, April éth, 1961 a . p e ,f this eeek's Newlycss wivvll be fu earded tlv>str wo pcv lieipatud in the wcekend Going to Dogs ue l oIant Close lv, 300 dogv in Mvllo. -Il -Milton Police vepvvvcd n reqiehei dgl,,, d fi, cîcets .,ihce wek- as he dedliee r ,he -aviv drcv eur Tliev vffive ha,-.vId ab-_______________ cuI 40 of th ta,gtcdate. Pce r-e nd$4fo-lenaenir INSURANCE Il flice . rc ecî f 1 icIhefi polive vlçvcp inan îvi.E f~iihe» wv-vvvlee R. R. FORD Svnmpch ivetdd t Mi,. Geurge Fisher and fail.in teir MILTON, ONT. TE S-.>357 ieetbcreceer.-. _____________ , FA(- KERR'S PHA&RMACYI 212 Maine St Miton WILL BE OPEN FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. AND THIS SUNDAY .30P.M. TO5.30 -7.30 T09 PM. YO R PRESCRIPION fli.lBC PROMPTI.Y FiILI El BY A RIGISTEREI? PIIARMACIST, EMIRIUNCY AilLS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SOUL I: DIIIREC TED THIS SEJNDAY TO TR 8-4492 HIOME PHIONE NIJMEER TIR 8-9924 COLLECTION SATURDAY APRIL 8th, 1961 Please place your papers at the Stret lsy 9 arn. for collection. COLLECTION SECOND SATURDAY EACH MONTH For assistance ne addîtcseal inomation. phone TR 8-9760 OR TR 8-9992 I lo yours atTHE CANADIAN BAN K 0F COM MERCE prcveeee-aiide servcice pregcnee by feaeviied Ontario automobile deailefrtehhoed car bayer.Il guaratees n 15% discount ce ail parle eed n 15%. discunt ce ill a.ber fer anc hall yeae lvce, cil c'- iicipcieg dleclere. This emblsum eientiîRes tbe new service BUY ONE 0F THESE GUARANTEED WARRANTY USED CARS AND RECEIVE 15%/ REPAIR DISCOUNT FOR ONE FULL YEAR. 1958 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 4 coucr liard toi),e. o matie. per Orakes. radio, whlvite altr wîeîdnhieid waahere. wliace disc. veep viev mileage. Onu eveelr. 1952 PONTIAC DELUXE 2 Tceu Coi l, u-.cii cîedîtiiead. iew Pc i. Tbese ae onlpeIwonofthenea,îy GoadwilUsedcars coveend bitGarantend Warrantp at Milton Motor Sales Ltd. ' ýe