mih no reourd loI> behind nf the sînries >bog lnned lu tel. As humes are brobon up, nid lettons. onni>' husohotd items, aud mac>' mmorios are sna»oered or desîrnyod. Gibet Halon municipali>icu banc alreadg organined groapu nu Hisînrinai Sunieles lu prossene mha >he>' uon, neunîrent tehu can ho fund and renurd mhol k- :iapperncg. Surel>' snnh au, nclori lu mnrlby cf s>artieg bore. Thero havn bucu efforts lu record nati>' da>'s bu> Ibere lu pieu»' yn> unnoered. Inch lime an "nid lime>-" tenues milbnut rennrdirg signilicnt renolieclin mnre is Inn>. The limited ulnteuet in blitr>' s a bang- nnc frnm the onlaunf mmnized dates le uchuni dagu. The hisn>-> c.f a nummnunit>' s lu cnurait a refreubiug breene. The>e iu surely a need and the lime lu nun if ener îine W~istniy'inf thrun nummunilinu lu Hallun is lu bu rennneted belote ail is lus> n une big meirupolis. Workin'g for Good le theso dags whee the populan hoadlie seemo lu ha on jvnolo deliequoncg and Ihero sa a cncertod effort tk go>e in unen- le doccen>' itli 5 mol Éthene anc orgoninotins lite thse Bn>' Scouts. The ortginal concept ut the Scout mronoe- mont bas ut course spnoadl tn encomposu the WountCbu and Bnowuies for those from 8 lu 12, tho Scouts and Girl Guidos for thuso frun 12 lu 18 anA tho Roetes aed Raugets for Ibuse fianm 18. Bn>' Sconu tirs> opprorod en Canada lu dcuelup in the goung bu>' n chentîni, ru- sourcetul, gonrd neigbour ty'pe ut chatanlor. tho pranliceofu gond health habits ani a hubbg-hedit( t> ies> Ibal me>' hclp himn lied h.s niche in lite. liis a tati ondor the mnnnmenlt bas sel ont but il ie une Ihal benause of is challenge bau nuntiub'ed lhîuugb the goanu. Au>' lun lu funtunote lu banc on anunve Snout moue- ment. huhen il aluna ennnmpassnu the Wulf Cubu. the Brnunins, tbe Guides, the Rangers anA Ihn fouets.>l s enen mono turtunate. 190ucantlolagfe mocteoeeeos.lpnoo nu .corrtunty.nsnneu.nuuoe oun.e tu 99' counîlins ut the nurld and lucludos ces. Il Lu tortunrate lu haning childen inte- 5,000,000. The total Caeadioe monborsbip reutc le cblileegieg prugnamu anA ie honing ieîiudieg bu>'> and adoît leaders is mure leaders sutticieîig ieteresled and capable tu With Bn>' Snout neob upon as le is monts Neol meob lu Scout Woob. If >'uur bu>' or saime time lu thieb about the movaeent Ibat girl is tab>eg port in the muomoul renm'm bas beaucaîîied onin tis commnueitg fnom ber tupassnilngoalhaeb>'nu to thelader lis naîl>' btgiuniugs lu the 19>2-1918 potiud. teho lu deotirig spare lime lu a mnrîhmhile a REPORTS FROM >bouc bnii- ann ut oaiginfi b u nh utu prnnino thu fl The afim ut the Scout monomoul lu lu admiit>'. i.lu >ligtn lu>- nu "nrîbet" g.'nluut * ininour-. The untnnued loch of cd 1 A Ii n the Samne Boatrlctaelri lwy vcettru und buigtgb lic ibu ulr>. fiu ra Au litou Cunnui mn>' dinido Inn Cold Tomes and cilles blossed nilh a spiri t ik>uur tah>-.sl ibuh tlc. As long lEn Wat oulagnisin, n Bambou Cantoin ma>' boop baml'adnie upu acabg uiu duu arc us btighl unit gtnhlu harmoy an unied prpos hav a bg inIleny an s>hey hune hune bute, i the fi Cn>uuust China et toast tompononil>' con- jump le ihis da>' ut iedustriol iteneinpment gubns e'I uitu. hune tuuappnub'ageeit tintA. But il isuouvertboless a fan> ebal aIl theo le tlc Ibut gulu>' e> oct clio>a>e ' Éirezn peoples ~ ~ ~ ~ ne> oftethu r n h aieba. bse nhich mn>' houe a loe beallhg anA bu contcnt lu linîco lu lise dorgitu peAHt cfeth nuî ld Wto n n"iastt ot ,les Ironsa the 'sunsse'uch". nidieul onliecnln leibis anc of tbo atom b6tti. 'Ar ' so amoeg fellon situoens cf a nommueil>' a BREAKING DOWNW muoriuip, linn un .d hundaries aeid tise restrictivet' l cuculf mac>' notions mog tock the boa> lu a lu usali> tued pnejudice. the leabilil>' or ftiues thy scen tu encurage m-flrrdneosdge iaytm.W a l nilnneso n ru aso ae- amjrlb itnCucl leu ut> ho i l buhurrinanu' path of-nuclear taîl-out onefrauh h iteoc> n'b inl mande nan>- unnluabe lau nc if the wndu ut naî are uuloashed. cf o roliginus nture; he>' nan be racial ut Il mve do nul lean ta lino tugether me cure ecnemin. But no malter il>. nature, tbe mn>' ail ii-togoihet. And Ibis un bu os flleo Ot aîî Caadiounnulmuiiai iuofthe laclnofthaîmoe>'and udersandiug bis noîrli scne 4' thuIi ilciBàr-'ag'e. Ttloi tome nl>' dîunuîd ani n quinb hall lu the match tbat is lin b>' dissension and poIl>' difforon- ut progteus. cou. the nummueil>' mhoso people are prune Brolhenhond Wonb, upunnuroit b>' fibe tc peuitico. ehuone nilizns mili et ge> lu- Couucil ut Chtiuliaeu and ,tums, enulit be a goîhnî in commun etfot milI eut progreus or gonrd lime for ail ut us lu shed nut pull>' Ho properînrthotu.> i headed for doua>' and prejudincu le tanour ut n mute chartalue TV ouenutl denth. nien ut nut tellun, mou, buo Political Grab-bag Il. uttchdog nfth Ibe Ipageru' mon>', tise gtt'tînt-G.otal, bas note b is report tu garîatuent saime ut the trie mbg tbe cash n.n'uens cf the nuemptogmrent inunrauce foued bano droppeit sn fat, su faut. One f an- tut, b>e îtgu, mas the inclusion ut flubermen le 'b- irbomo in 1957 - siguificaut>'. il mighl bu addod, ult 91101 lu a fedoral elen- tin lurt-e April 1, 1957, anA Marnh 31, 196,ui. >'>'nrmeei drîn nulut o fond $26.7 mîlîit' pend>in oui>' $2.>' million. Mos> 1mbh- etne. Auditur-Genoerai Heuderson sagu le. bri report, are seit'empln>'erl ani "il is nul pîult.îlncb o appi'Inn nI otho basin cnui- tin' lut rnceiuiug benlîis-beieg unr. pin>nd unit ana.inble ton nnîb." Itis eqocil>' 'i,îîiul'. hie sagu. Iàv7èii>thnt nlo ubr ani nain'd nomn are oulua5>' in the labuu marknt and tborefo-e eneitiod lu bouce- filst ani soasoual benotfitu have alsia droiued the fund. The insurnne fond lu in a prenarinus positin. Oui>' tour gOars agu, Decomber, 195A, il stoui aI a bigb ot $927 million;, bg nexl hue>' the oduluor' cummitten bas Inuit the gunernent, Al mn>' be duon as Inn a $85 mAiin. Obiousli> A a>. n> ben ogeba tig on au anluarialgy sunu basin, ani tht nbisus fail han been the pnli>.nn manueun ring en mhinh aIl parties houe partinipuluit inuthe Tbroespeecb the prsnlguerumen promised reforme: "Amenitmns n bue Un nmplu>'mcut lesurance Act miii ho plane. belote gnu lu sateguatit the basic purpun> ut the ant, tu sîreegîben the fond ani t. correct abuses nbinb bave Annelopein prier bine." Abut bren anA lhreu-qu.îrtmllier mnrbets arennueretlugtheufedîulnirnnn scbcme. hun> nI thunu, gerba'> cu'la, nil pa>' iuto the Ini uS thuïr nnîbu.ri buvs nc nvrhave tn appl' for upnny ofs un'>.' pilugmeet beclîfs. fi monîmt bu nîgue tliru ibis is n basis ou mhch tu crinuiz lhn schnmn's operutin but il is similur n rn nipie lu au>' bled ut cusuait>' or fine nsurnn planuiunbîiche mn'c-praetabnft the nfnrtuuaîn ten. Nunertheins., bue public han tbe rigbitaI inutut Éhat, libo an> pîiunlc insorauce fuit, ibis publinclfond sbnuln be upnra>nt n a noun i huncial basi nn n> au n puliticai gnub-bng. The Canadian Champion Piibl,'bed n>u>i, n in. tu Mu.,. Si.., sli,», (je Meuiehr nI tbu Audit Bnuuný niI n IL.uu'. n CýWN.A. und tise Onnaiuchnubu> , nnb C.W.N. b hdsri>.ingr ten n teqous. Shu>-cipb'uns panublen lu adc, le ie Caeada, 34.00 on lise U.S.A. An>irit anSeond Cai al Post Office Depautteut, Ottaa. G. A. Dilsa, Edilor-io-Ciec James A. Difis, Maaagiog Edîlur Pobîlusboit hie Heani uf HaIlioc Potelcled buIIh DOMs Prlcsilcg mcod Pcbtlaslg Ce. Lsd. I>tSj N 85 A ND D I~Tf Irat OPFICE TELEPHONB T R 8-234%1 Di> nou .uud finut big btutb ers d, ubutir n.u n i luntbatl pupe - ub e iu à ril I1 g>.> tîuuutieus flS> ibis deinnî.uîmut'iunt "Sngut anA "Thut S>iice Ct>iinsn Mon> Wiitnin lut tn cibtut ni Cuuuduli." Thuins prtn> guthu-bge - iad i.u.>ul I tu cud abuit yu,. "et> 1 Il se.Iiu>ýcu>i. iA A>iun' itepren' iug, 'unu lir' unth bls un irc hu w>ittbn theu bl brS>, t ntinî .ll . tepgs. W Ilut lu> il -utid 1 ii fl i > i l... th tibis tiru hbur coldn ig>uu. Runln ini11 î>.u.nintui,'i.c.Rode iuh e, lni un>th hsr biw>> i>n have %vile' I 220.1100llo .1 et n nb >>tn Cu ile >l> . lu mii 'n u.ubt t '11. toiu>'t>Ie[.li c an lu>' . u us t-n.itr hlle aut%, tund meî r. ", I'n n uitl igote it fu' irt Wu1n bu-nma, hicae th on- uuute lck c'smlt u ni Tntnn qAc. uI oubui nd onlins unita butn I of Auc lu nuri.. ma.i Wi>uu taie i winnihg enfantin nxteint iibn'iiîln t's fu>.>i ligue. Ail ly I utling g. in hapve ni thrc 'I ui. u inru>', tabn min ptne'> dcth ivdi iluflunic'iiien aclie nT.»ont A.lu trit nl a ullin u und mb'mu uoeu,uuii. JunIt cngn. ilb t'nu 1>u'> Ie nuls N In iures b nl N-Se ti rn i nbtobilb. Pi.. rl ~ .' tnt. Gcre> thI'. r>>.> liî i, butt illn Wfob hi>. l uic I r ne> n lu l an 1. ,iuge> tek laneli staise, tas noute;L vuns hointe ti iori a na fini Tisai inel ple 1fi pealer ocar, bangA ec et ho Spb.r, mut' cis Ivor s ag . andAC i,. "ieis go nd, e OaA t uo In tiso says 'uae I go l lie Ruteai' ce nicget ecoigie?' I allacung is an a>. moIS 1 ir>' Hogis. 'Du yon reaice ciscest usaI my .coisans la d '-t". cidire JOTTINGS B y J 1M V 1iL. S te>- ttbv 'in g ine o iii bu>.uii tir ila bil g el nun.ut th hmulunc servn'ice unn bu ericeu.Milo g ruuti icu l tilunm gil naius o fulic Cvi thetinuoflbeunialdnub- inn tran Ail ia Miltn ti mci >ciih a b.gi luotu uie in ibur tue los bun" terr bine u b'.' i 1 gualic nun uni u ..I Ce. ltin 11ui >diiiiaut n >> um'* *s ugAlNG OND Vtlnîuu' alo. î»lb iln tliil nctustu trid o nuh iuunur it. Vunien un,> th, b'a, ud unt hup ili i Vulunîtu>, Vlenin avd antê Sûee. Bt' BILL> SMILbY til 'u i" I lq ic v Cin> b.. bu>i' arue nub u >1 nid 1. 1 11,vn ud lu g>. ut nn nu' ts .inibn.uunun, tlIsinn buien ac'*%nu conlg t>e ,king ullur tbnnutn, c., libue nitl.tîne," un iýlCýd 'u 1n .b li un, iu"n kl nu, budu'i a n [)oil>t tI,> ittn bu <bt a i i mu' te d » ia ti , nd. c il»,*I il teuiln fl, and r n u hi-flici,îil l diî. ,i i ' ns tira(ui. 'bni udi t 1ulit.>. b t tntcbe tir il fi aicad'inut n>.guu>un Bernitndm bu t 'Aotl I Ii tn>i rngti ubut il., at"s> brunr Inu, et 'riieo . Oh,, Wl nnl il e dnnois[in> lie homeaIv soi dmos t-r", >n'.n bu> Il, , ,t unu,-vl t, Iln t. ' tin îung tia irn-u p beuplte nieu.tt tl, And' dunu boekliv-l flu- bu l gi. t ulîlu'>but feignteibunlItfefb> ol fl t n bu .>,tn hic Tîcnu Id Lu nil t e Il,-n - ; ' " I, t ha kuu,, .,.ut th, ., 'utub. i hba". b'ubI t' bel, ilItr, fini %lunnn id ,,i,,t, 'u, M' ti..iîîr Nt,, ut itr tli. pt u.- onn utuu unI Sînilu>-. 112 I i.nbuib Si.. Mid- luand, Oi.' KrCun>cuhai -'I dut' Idlubu buit t bhe ' ourmilion ut thun, Atiu tn Tornto> lu a trubk. bite ni>. men tu buron tiben uille tnîn>'>.)1 offiue, dhimie te onohin denk and sa3'l 'Tlh'ty nolt a clt>' eh, Piette>' Thin lu my avtetuge nncistn nuit." Thuî'd shako hie,. limne is NowI Toieo frocs thso fillo th e Co. adin Clhamiono Pois. 20. 1943. Wuncnd >.ge'.i ul C. B.- Knigbi'ns:ticun, tunulut 5u, n ,ah, 39c, 3 furi$;luks nd Ar- nb sit>, reuna $1, un sl Ni.>. Ricuard White, unu ni Miln'. ulduni and bigbi>'es iuumied uitien, nul tulnbn>lne butr 8th hinlbduy ut li tte>in' eneni butr sn, M. T. Wbile,.un Suturduyn es. lu.>a teoeicde - ng yu tuent- bluducs and ee>p>y till puni>- lobe>. lu the Red Coss meetinin luheb Lugin Huit n Mulcolm McNubb Guurgutown, icun clutet uburitu ut a guoi>.'» bnuiu>mteten ucl>b R. H. leu' bu. inglue. Ft-nn, ssec, t unv nilb> te eniylninud H..lln Agriuture, Monîlu nuigbt. Tbu'-u Nu>.n.g.nvenuAluexander and Mu>. Nuu>, Ruubnund: Arnuld Muarsh- ull. Cumubuilnillu: Atbbibulit Sut- licu, Munien. Esnu>.ii.gt Mulcnlm. McNilb. Guorton: Jnbu Law-n soAct.n Onuinit- Churlu's, lu»unc.Trafaulgur: P. A. Phbilligns. O.,,cu: Auntin B>.ick. -i or:M- Ardbur Cunu... Purl Cit 'utt Nuin i Dai' i>.>>u, lrenn illium Dutur, Cum.uî ut>'> litc M>,,iun Wutsnu Tuens len W *J *Rubutiun M'iiun, P, DO Hu> ill.>' Miltn. plunit ilCd hn an Ottawunu i Iomlc in itudi iuudiug ul C.ginl)litilu, Tu>..,v uigl. Ai- lc i flc lo ling plire andi Atcu>>bng bl JumesRune thu>. cn i.H ullin'un cnn.nu' v n. u I brein innu uS bi ,nCe h." Thu Cu.,.nbuilii Civ il g>..>.>ing tbu n>ut. Tariscn Croire fle fleu of Éie Cao' adciin Chamonuc. b. 1f, 1t11. The bain] nvl p lu' ut flic di utnicluit Victii S(., und neuleu. Hugli i,>,gbul li-u huvet up- guintnd ibs'.>iut ni uîuîi ugu bitnn> Ontnun Illeibnnn'unnl n (n gn Ibui 1i 'ibnt a tâieic tide' The>' hlînith bus n l driveuthuîn onuluuon nnub. Tbutu ns an, niuhuub nI ,,tre [ci.ui iiiiu Cl.u. i>cu v>Al Wuil 5n ellunnni buu> il l1',lieu,î>i cdnutstui i Un San ,' ,ud'. Agtil uÉ no>b Ouel (liu n.il"' uhu t lit>ni, tib'>tliii tb>c letuuil" b Appil, .»'tît'>n bu nun>l.t'. Ille- gc alit. n. Ille>t>n i-,tii h kl o utir l w>- ...>tI, no, i u, bl t' d nh i% d>il, fi u.d.t bt'b noi -uni "lu ni b> al,'tt' age t> li t>'> ,'t l e-'. guiicll Vittuee 2>', (un.> qnti l.~unn b u,. My.ng rît in-, an , 1',' I1 or. ~ ~ ~ Pcigalo, %, AROUND THE DISTRICT WITH ROT 001555 ACTON-OliciuIl euu t'nc , d M IIleito n ni Fit,. Luke ib uirtei, l' i , - 'tr ibu.Thusni (ire'>'pui".uvlund inîliu innngt'l - u' bu ,elini nieu BURLINGTON-t>.P>.P., bi,.,lr, a>r t 25-.'r~ ,ur cbun,,t' irldlutuingenn..>the.soudendtrliuni.'».> m'> lop ndt nu"> tiiilIr bluntAe. A nu'a i î , l" i,, b oI, bn' t' i rut' ll i d h i t - e ilcrr>iiud ,r( i i l, tel, niu.'. nil "t..- ît'u GEPORGE 'rlbtN-C,ruutîi'n brill I,, tIC finesnit IIAM,1(, H.." uodt ad irS2,000 t une tus, 1;,t tho., ,I tut o 'tatnr'.tl.trnetîfnnie tib bt.rur, lîn' "t bue 5uu.ni.e Linns. field bu» unnuil Valeninue bufftu. Sunds gondt unu.gb) i.abet nou mînd OFF Intu' STREETSVII LE-Concil lu mabieg nînrr>-e tu ucqcire n rep'lientuun 20 aucres ofprim In ducItilnd inte baust Vbia Heigb». anae, anA lise priue is ponlîn bnmmteinhte a> $2.500 an aure.- Au ogtin un the grupurîn, nnuoiciî hugr. moulA g>se the andeulrl comsine anppurlounil su Anal ditectly uilb prospective iottstry - ut a hurtd price. ORANGEVILLE-A ntie, tire englue mas un tise lis> hn seiee 0n lomal brtigaito putitioned counulilo orante noe nspeooOO M01 7yO AlnBise tes tete ou extra fibeman, a second lise ehorent fol wt dry. ncoanal&.atb a4au mac- - Weor woeeled. Thora are couettoess cegauloaliono wnrk- îg le tise tn a&Mi district for ci groat mcc>' worthg and belpfui commuelo>', aed satinal canses, bu> no'isere le theos a gronp mot- king tu prosoerne uhe hlsturp or hisînrinal thiegs uftuhe nommonit>'. We cnstoetig marneai about the histurin dutail bolt cneh renallod nen Engtish nusile or a Snottish disis. The rots nf thers countries are deep in theocntuîries aid sncb gonieratin han passed n a share cf Io ocrl>' histor>'. As Canadiens me banc a bito>' thut gares bacs nl>' a tom hundned goans. As a comi- mue.»' hare>' tie huned. But if thero is lu ho nu mure sellerns attompt thon is cuident lu reno>d that bist>'y our banitago mill nouer bu esiablisbred. Records nf hilIonrs carl>' duys are fas> dtuoppeutiog as oanh "nid-limon" passes un By I. M. Bicot "A feeling of sauduer, and lnngiog, I I>iut* nul uient un , And tuhesbls oîu.ewev A> bhe nu>. îenu>nble' Illeu>uin!' 11-n>t Ahir pule> pguio u.d >cnn u n>e>pow>ng feeling uf l»nelinurs>' Lnclinu'n is urtii u nger ilî>n.uni he'ures. Ai >i>nts we nbu- l>unle in a rado fl nI peuleu. urpecialn il they are newly met, o n larg bugruuge .>y . n n- nn on hnnlur. Howenun. aill flnu nwho chnse.u [nnlt. >l,.nu et [flles .>in nue lne.ly penplu. Oul the »pp.n>iuete bur' un ci vbitr t lu lndnl Tb>irmenidnaiu>n>o>ing>ih idunl>un> 1.li o.kd ,>t fi, l->-ln Mylulhe al s.uivie hnarinHen.>,., lifte>Ille g'...>llln>>n..bhue lived rentn nilh Nau»>eb .>>> illîc,,n con>icib-l nul> -nIliin )e,,è Heulnnudlniuia nd lasnubutrl>>ppinutcn>ul. r l>,lb'»unn-nn n>nd.hewtnn>u1,im>no or>îne.l>lial a>driîlll'o,'>,kon.>u..llu>- bui, r: i Nn iale Siar !' l ,>>bu n.nu i.. i l.mo nbllb..l,>u ilnuu hnlh bien --lc>rarevill>., îlu-nong, clltir winA, >bu duni [lie .uln mnning A lier>snnr -Il bu Ionu I nlien unn >.uuh naun>, bu> unîne il ubu>e l ni Incfnksnand dnue, ril -c WC>ciciue ui n viennnclin'. . .bhekind .ll.» týýi ei ler j>.uunnau»c ru>eunu>n>n hu1î»u>un's..Let loue, lhein.1uand î>î>d bailliionn in lilu nuwil bce.nu Lnnlinunn b>bug" jinr ai nfu i une fi>.nie (i .>nnîli-u>Iul 'bhune uv l>euupunu>nic-d a g>.-.> lusn n, nulluî>ul a rilt mntn.Ilicathsnusnnlgurd.btil WC malle i-il nit or>->,l, n-il> qnickly [andu un'.». Snn.n inn'nnuî bing bua "n.' -. t. .>l% deaubis pat oflile.AInn.uîhi ini lnlin- (Alle>ln lleua >hibk log >ten>uailn ',hiiutul, oui uviuno fnlic 'b" il,, lu-.>> At hngnu>buhd n un. In >>in >nu>nnl the inulîntudun ilhpp n1 ,l nuutu>lnilbnntinudnunsli nnuiuid bntln,>unii, rt.l,.iennu w bsll t i[fltrer> nu> nu unin>' li>u.» ug>> and k.'.>> ..>o> >i>iu>>ghi> lnruc> l>unbuandhuppynand inngnidî ui..e ;it iiu'lt, l>bngiu nhn lin. as. GO intundnd nu>">ha lierre i»u nbu inly. Thun u>c fnn bn'.n, fu ....ng.d neill iblci niius, unt.i -n bnu% nu livrenu.builnc>i.Anynnunuul a niygond b.uk u(iiiu,>,n-.nn,v "Gondflnu"Ilnnlinunn. Gond>n>ading siuineus annnd nulnul,., flund nu go un nbulic nu>- n c du.,ol 'un"erf idlu>".nho >n>ngiuiu ni buing lunul>'. . .nsu b»i voire ninl und heuurt niibnlulcnumuuznd cnsntr.uctv bIinking. und voennillnib>g1nnu'.us Ynn nul liiu il dununud rnock uul biinnn unil. lnun.>ný Mun>c nunlu tbu flib.ingt Eu.'i b.sun>stnn dibîHu.n,n ni iit STHE GJOOD OLD DAYS 20 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO TIhe -Turning a' Pointa