Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Feb 1961, p. 11

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SARAH MARIN L..E. eemed the i1961 erreretive Thursday aven ing ai the annelt meeting ir Milton Inn. le front, Ieft ta rigiri are serretary Mrs. R. A. Wrelend. firsi cicr-ragent Mrs. C. Waiiers, regent Mis. S. Prame, pasi raent Mrs. M. Roberts ard second rire-ragent Mrs. 4. Noble. Ai the rear aie standard bearer Mrs. R. T. Serrer, treasuerr Mrs. N. D. Martir, edura- tistral secrtary Mrs. F. D. Thompson. Rrhors secrrtary Mrs. G. Pîtmar and assistant seeratary Mrs. G. Chittiie. Sarah Martin Annual Review Projects, Activities It jr wtth grmai pleasare that 1 . Mrt. C. M. Roeets é -atiterced ttic Urtrr Jacki. tterted tu the -abstit thr third aanat repent theerostetl meetings fer hctt e led Comepany Girl Guides, Milter. tit the Sarahi Martin Chapter. im- Northi Helten Cartr ceit a.d et-,t.ci.tlly prreeted red dedi- perlai Order Daeghters cf the the Cttneciar testitete fierte ct Lmpire. Blind. Issertesig Meetings Theetffis.rrsdarinsathe past In Nercnthrr.Mrs. D. Ttmp. Ateour Mari meeting nice- year wcrr Regrot. Mrs. C. M. stn and Mrs. C. M. Roet s at- Rcgert. Mr-. B. Frarne. preser ted Roerts; tirsi ricr-Rrgrnt, Mts. tcndrd the olfieial epening cf fie ta cery fine paper n ceFouanders B*Framr; secoend vic-Regns.rrehigh sehetdantd Met. B. fie". Mra. J. Nobhlr; srcrrtary. Mrs. C. Frame atnd Mrs. P. Hrrdrie rep- Film eorrrrr. Mrs. 'S. G. Chut- Watters; assistant terertary, Mrs. resrnted oee Chapter at the Muni- tim. preertsd the film 'Traens- 'D. Hltl: trrasarr.Mrs. K.Ctr-cnialfSitce, snsredetththeCranaaSommrer" at cur May trishley aned Mrt. N. D. Martir; Legier. held te licnt't the ýmem- meetingi. eclecatienat sercrrtary, Mrs. Di. ceetofthermce hotttid the ttp- AtthieOetoer meeting wersrre Thempeer; Eces secetery. remnesaetifice fi te tucelcli pleascd te havec Geergc Ilerter. Ms .A. Wectand; stasdard tttn. twhe dolitcd ane enfermative beaer. Mrs. P. Hendnie and Mrs. Or Satertiay, Janettne 21, Mre. tatkeOnCivil Drfrrtr. R. G. Banrer; atteins at hoe C. M. Roerts,. Mesý D. Thcmp- OurSJ2f. Bersary was amard- aedahmad sccrtary, Mes. fi. A. sntand Mr-. R. G. Btcer ttenrd- ccl tfi heree Presse whe is nes MacEachrt. ed a petat eeereeretsieih a studttrseathe RyalVie- Eight are mcmhrrn mmc wel. teria Hospital, Mentreal. î,tmedtintether ltairdrng eAhitahaktesic flic year and rer mrmhrhip te AI nhita b.... tenc ai tarmrr date is25. WV. esoyie rreslUOII5 eleatrd gitts et teys te the ehild- flering thr yrartfourrnrcetivc Agicltr Grofe theteamily. aetl10fregular mertingsmwith ar A rclue oup Tise etlewnigecath deretiers vh..~ atVdnrita rr îe anneel meeting et Trate-ceemdl Siitit h fiel, f.r Fecleratien of Agriculture wt-. htgh ssheel. fer the penehasr n' Ma5y ProJacta edîttePryW Meer t e titahis gift: Sî20.00 te the 2.d Oer Chapter's tirtt prejeet foýer d et en the Prsdyrcie. Ceta GrGid.Mienta the per mas a 'Stapper Party'.Sho nTusa vn g CmayGr uds itn o ernrrnrd hy Met. C. M. Roerrts The felloingeoffiers wmr ei- thr perefiasc et a Cempany Ftag; hemcet ofne et esir mrmhr, -cretary treecerer. Teom Aider- Campaign"; $25.00 t te rMeni- Met. Brece Framre. Thts ptred tee; lady repretentatire, Mrs C sipal Seimming Peel. Hemilten; te bicatiremendees secccserad Fored; iunter fermer rcpt-eettta' iS70.00 te carieec 1O.0.E. Fonds. t~~~ tfectefereadagivtt, Saim Ftrttie Jr.; dirc rtst Thanks ta AI il.esthed obr. etd g RosLaurence, Clarence Ford,' tn conclusin, mylenfc- Osce again. e Chriemas troc, Gertdon Reobinsoe. Elmr Doueglas, tiait et the Chaptr rstcnd ear deccratrdscittt 10 tû1.0 bills, Clarc Fond 'MartinfieecurdC. W. fttefis teecath and eer ent. mat rattird in Dercrnhcr and the Siimpsee, Htugli Bete. Rtte erembenternd nee mrmhcrt., whfi minnina ticket fielder mas Anc Brek, Mes. George Rebineee, bate in any tra. fieiped te mae Wattrors et Miltten. Mes. W. R. Set le. thie seei a .sccssfei er. Oer Opperterrity Sfiep. undfir The edirc r ces trere wer fiy Patricia M. Wattrrs. Seerretary. thecoenvertership ef Mrs. R. A. Mr. anti Mrs. Etîss Lawrtence. fieraI Merlin Chapter. I.0.D.E. Weetand. has centired te bir ea ___________________________ sueecec, httt ufr'tuecnaîrip has heen îemperariyeiesced dseneas aith fenmd et Jeneaey 'fit. due te teck ttt sitehin leecîtion a cs eniabie rentel. S N LF Assistance stan git-cin tei flite U LF CatncerfoitcitY Wtmen'ýSevce ECîttîttiite, itelping te make dres- a sings titr fie cancr patients le titis aee vered end essistedl progressive seilf thie boese tît heate ceave. tee the Canadien Cancer Seciety cm al ~ f aenistî fur, teefe National Ietîtt com an elle fer tlire Blind. Pestret and pamsphlets in een- i n a nect ion wtf the UNICEF drive in ouîter b er Piaed in the J., rgeffi M. DientYe- 'peubri, teheel and the rgesv Htle Rtear seireratc s,-fleel. Attend Ents indu.stJi/ fils. R. MeCeaig ettendct the tirais et the Nttrtth Haiter Mes-.o r icet Festival andt prcsrntrd fie W .W R Y 1 7S pttqe, dcnttted hvee ur cfittre .GR Y -1 7 o r t te fie stee, iîtn pttlic sefleel. TR 8-2421 sfief pittced seconrd in the cen, Met. C. M. Robierts and Mrs. P.l Henrie attentieti fie Prtttincial SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. anuimeetitnf il Himilten in Apeil. ,In Jely. memheee ptteticipaeet nb thcitieen-.fip recepttcrt hel ei fihe r iHuee Meron PROTECT Electrify YorCar your home life .. j Andadolio ir An 'cti, ". hoe wilisv ohurofwk age pace fou ,itc ns' tvrnwek. WeII1 cinsathe lcr apin new ga1,,ýc. ~~yo eend and pthe unes yo aetc i- Cal ti for etcns werkirg cenditirn. CONSIDER A FAN FOR Ray NrwmwlGOOD AIE CIRCULATION Rayue etecor McPHAIL LimitedIE E T U UL 4-2263 E6CaLE. e.TE 8I 1 box 569 Millo 6Care t TR891 ,mets umhiega At S"h Murtia AaauuI Mission Society Plans Coming 0f New Group Thie rcguiar meeting oft the W.M.S. et fi. Pacte Uînited cher- ch mos brtd ai hhebuste et Mns. G. MacNah. King St, un Tarsttay et tast mehk. Mes. R. B.~ Cirmenis. pnesidcni. epenedi the meeting by rcpratirg ther Crrrd et thec W.M.fi. fife else rrad "A Tcsted Recipe tfun a geed Mussucneey Mceting". Jamns astd Jetiies sece ceiteeted te send te the Neigfheanfieed WorercsToronto. Plans Semnîe Attntinas deesen te the Wcrld flay cf Praer in Si. Paul's Scnday scheri. The 32ed enneat meeting et tbe Pretbytceia us te fie hsttd nesi mcek. Tbis seul fie the tact oes brid as the bcsiness efthfe meeting ts the amalgame' tien et ait W.M.S. end W.A. ce- ganloatuens. fleeotes miilfbr et trndung tnemr atil user Holten Cecnty. Reperts ere hoerd frem tfie varins scretres. Tt -as e- cuded te cotunue ther practice et eetectisgsarnsl dauteetach meeting teerifie Victor Mission, Toronto, end et se utems tee 'ty- e te hrb sent ocereas t, mis- siestery fieledt. Used cltttrng trtted bc ecemdifur thiepack- ing efthfe haie je fie Sendey scbeel. Cossduels Wanshîp ficretienai mas fion reey abty cendueteti by Miss. Field. Mes. W. L. MeNeit entcniainrd sitfialetu*evepianousolo, The Stade Booek 'Esemenicet" mcanirg fie tstîisitilabitcd erth. wsa taken by Mes. McKimn wrfi dem attentuen te the ptigfii eftihecrards et reragees ait ve thefir ed. hreeets and flungre. TheIr tecater Mes. Huteflinsen rerid an ealloeatuion of $19.ft bad been sen t the Petsevteruat. A delciou lecuni tes sered. M&I Mt e. R. A. Woeiand ereid est the îtpenatien and icmpcrary cits- img (el fie Opp.trtasity Shitti. Wlsss Blashet -Mes. Win. Satoir drew fie sein7 nitîi ticket fr a baby trhtnkst heoh ,i wnb Mes. Johntr Memisers tîgait agnentil tet beip rtittlis Cancer cnz,,, îîrtsn te intt e fi prng A tlitîî.îtî.t e, ), maisfe te ttis itîl trr Mît-e esistt Rectîrt Meý. M. Robrts lisînk- rFlM:,; Wtmittndteeral ieertcttel ;ne, .sseîien tsitb fie Oîpeortun- lis Sistt, aned tise espeessed fier appttsiatien tît tlie meeis l fhiî suppert dertttg hen form as regeel. The shirinm tisen teeil cd lIse ta fie Cfitee Regetît, Ms. P. Hentirice e-fi cîîdtrtted tise .tttttttai meeting. Repttett re read fie fie tfiis Marne Ottleers Mes. J. Nehle loochsiarge tif fie ntminatin and tlic low ingtts-rerlectcd te effie, Regent. Mîs. B. Frame; tiret vice. Me-. C. Wattrt sescend vceMes. J Nul; teenetane. Mes. R. A. Wti- adasitat t eceiztnt.N Mt e. G. Ciîtm treaserer, Mes. N. fi. Mri;educatienet ssecltarv. br. .Thntpasr; ehtte'.-ece- -av i. G. Pitmae - altate' tnd isîo, iMr.. MaEacsiern; si înctard iseaen Mt s. R. G. Ban- Teç.ptee's Chter andtscrap bootk îîere on tîteptîr eth meting.le SBIG POWER SOURCE Tfieith tris 35 milet longf tise NaaaRiver is tee il [i euti poe.Thte stîmfined ,pl t Otarstio, ittît ttitg- i ptritts t s nîttîe tli 2tl,00,00 Sam Harrop Heads Scots Band Group The Las-ne Scats Pipes and firurs hsel titir annel elerslan et attirers tac 19f annr the steak- erd miti Sain Harrap naieal as chairman cf the band carisitter. Ther eamrittee toua allRer the soc.iatecrntt piannettby tlsran ,nid is fict hasy miihtihre îlrtgbet the ear. The hitgnest etentceacfit'caeis the anncat Refie Osrtts dane ch ils s- talaclmxtel ttboutt fit-e tdan ces tctf ar-e beit tuitt thfe le;so h thiefband. flenews Acsesslesases Ptenies. ,cinerttand ctrnrttsts -îtt.il ce tinas. te eker relis and coshnsare ste cf fieex ltit ectitis in nefief the bard members teie part. Aise inctcd- cd dttrtng fie pasi seminrr mas a tisit tethe Kitchener Feruma wtfereeildecqaintanees wr e ewtcdtrbcn thecbandsmen met fie membrs et the band et the Qeens' Oser Camrnen H-ighland- etrs îtith trbtm ifiey had taker plaiithfe Edinfirrgfi Festirelino iscetiard tactsomr Tîte yeare age bhey ettcndrd a smlrerent at Toronte Mapir Letf Gardonsrrhcn the Scots Geerds prcscn tcd a shoew. GIfler membees efthfe cemmit- tetarelKenrBees and Elmer Btaekieei tof Milton, Bois Ceen ted Boh Mtarshall et Brampten. Pipe Majer e Sclees erd flnam Majttr Finlae MuCeleet are 'tise semmitîce membees. and Art Cecpereof Milter s tise tecrettr- Get-Togtees One moecdane is planned tee lit..tasen and it is lifirte titi ît-ilibeiseid the secontdmcefiin Apeil. Memfirsttnd tfieir seices il-ate-tttelbee ene fiateedttt fi mo td fier Sotch danci .ng cs serfttemet indta gencraireeocial corinp it-.c.lc insidirg films) i, njcrNed. Net fig elîting fttr tbe pipes anti tdtrums t ii bc at rip lo Van- covrpttnneti tee JeIr. Halton Cut Rate Meats WHERE QUALITY ANDI LUW PRICES ARE COMI1NED R.R. 2, Rockwood - Phone UL 4-2627 MA T (UT TO OR THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL .4-c lb. CubeoStocks69 i lis. Club Stocks &hc Femer Style lb. Smong. 39e IThe Cohlian Chéffiplan, ITers., Feblar i lth, i Atkins Gives Horticulturists Message on Public Relations The regtsiar mrrtingl et the Mil- fleu prie-e ere tees hp Met. tos and District Heeticettura Frank Tht"pnpetiand Mrs. John Socetyi s boetid jrhfe 111gb MeMtttiast. Sietts mmce atsa dis- Schbrmi recetrle. Tho'ese pe tritttcit Iot reeyar mrtb thie sernt enitred an inieraeing scomplimrnts ni the Doloas Scett spreh entitird "Publis Relatotns" Ct. ofl Branitford. I iver b y Georege fi. Atktns ot I ro .M r. Athins teid et a notm- If fie sein ere fieiittse. ie .1 tî tt, ne îtis ted in- tetîit take i,331.lOW tilsas .t terest ptenple in tie suris 5. lt Iliecttiltt tilt t i. stresd theaosetiutice mdisaea netsstaperet.teleltistcn,t.taiciie.t bueintt boatrds tai brîrg inltttttcs anid pcts hul-ule tiso pîtirt. Miss Mare Reid, Omagb. entcr- tained euth fiaten -tetrtieg and @W ite&Marsal rap dancing. d a hw l aN ao E The sale et begunie and amrore nuis iraifs teteembees rr d Nlul, hmrnseEEuEEune y cees sceecsttil. gsega.ltp fscientists sas- fie tinýt man trt ALL WOIK GUARANYRUSIII morlre u ear nrr fe ameI burjng NE 7-1018 te eetrntcatb. Mat i To Ewheat *... top dresse wlth Aoroprîlle nowl Wtinîi er ehems ineretset ateeiri 1tom 15 issssper ocre miscn tep dteseî miith 8i0 ttu 0 itite ot *Arpritls 33.5% nitrern tertiieri jecaey speiîtg. Aeroesiits, ihfaacting' nitroen sourcr-srythicr mmcdi- aîeiy 'traitable nitren te treettîcte stttling, srimeltccrapid grumîfi and higs yirlti. liepriti unAerpeitis te Rire veur A E RO P R L S teheet a beot e n geuming condlitiens arc peur Cet eceneca Arneprittel freet yeer fcrtiier dseater -ma'eFAST-CTN G NITROGEN CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUEUEC ce* cca Osts ...tt; Tarant., Mnesi.rcc Mee th ca tht'ssecmuc a artof '61 Pontiar-mith its tes i eegacean sesilefase ..a bel aced combina- lionof igntypretig an yotefl gtond faste thettells you hat ontic i undubtely he firrst car in its field. Hersacrta' enl egnerrrdfrontthe ties tP You*e crdle in omfrt ad scttity betue Pori.î..ics rugged~~~~~~ frm ciain en oe centre of gaet ty Pota' cpr upenso g vs yoe a joli-fee ride On i Sip mie a ew Pntia ...dors are mider, open fatnher sue youcanslde it luurousdep foam.îshiond frtl sct ihgreae cage Scatar higher with ailthfe hrad- ronlgrom, fotom ad shoutder nr ou tttcould wiho.SpakiguphleY iexcitesthe admirattion ofaLt Ye\ th\~ est 'ta aures barcl sart Io sPefi Out the Pontisoi Critcal engineering, quality gosuto n sperr nw fnaterais and fiishsecombtietu alePnicaartt wl ine ou ba er perforinanccler . t letman tenance and grett gasrinteccor om Yijlnrlz howatuchvalueacrta55vepauuniyuwa Pontim Wfiit tie erre optmclatexta ro A GOERAL MO5TORS VALUI! ___ ..somuinpa-tof ____________Fels boit Inde.ss. se. oe.oe aMtn esrssdwU&wly - heck 1ttdTV litstis r ine5d honne MILTON MOTOR S7ALES UIMITED 3 lMain St. Miltonf Ontario 941 J

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