Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1961, p. 9

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M7,:o Milton's Rote Tf'tre le greming coincert aboat the fuatare cf Miltont and the rele il may play in the arma. Most ef the cencare istexprtssadi in a ques- tien liba 'mhtr te the îomn geing teintasx soeatnd?" Aineation bas bern a pepuar trtpic nom almost since the lest annasation in 1953 whar 572 acres mes addad te the original 400 acre tewn. Tht application mas fer 739 le 1955 rhnrr mas agitation fer forther annexerions and the tapic: bas bacc a tacot- ring oe anar since. There are tmo attas of cencern in con- s'leratien of annesarien, First the obnis naed fer areation rs ssggested in the lscb ef industrial lard anaileble, Canadian Mater, Cenadian Felling Zinc Ooide, the James H. Mstthtms Ce., Coeaed Lambar, Milten Dis- trict Horpital, the site fer the ram Cesnty buildings, Milton Plaza and eriginalit, the site fer tht Multer District t-igh Scheei, ara cli csIda tha temn beandary. Tht assestimtnt creatad by thesa industries des banafit tht tome, homerer, sinca thry ara lecsttd In the arse fromt mhich fonds fer tha public seheels ara raised. Siecerateombar of tham ara ser- r'icrd mith mater aed samart thay cartrihata te tht tome thrssgh thoe ratas. Thay aise cortrihate te tha oeratise rtf tht fine deart- ment throgh the arma arrange ment. Tht second ara rn corsiderng anneoe- tien le tha persihtlity and aceromics of pro- nidirg services te a mach larger ara, Tht ecsesmy le the major fadeor harts rince the ramage traatment plant is gearad for e popo- arise of 7,000 and me'rm gie te ander- stand the maer ssppiy aned potentiel lis adaqata for a larger tome, Eat ooarshadsming heth thelle factore are tht mort significent tvrtis arord s. Esrliigtstt nlom gaies as fat rorth as Milter aed stretchas fram tht isa. tl r mithie a muae of tht teme's mest boordery. Trafalgar and Gabnilît ara on the vrge of a form of amnalgamnation that cosid aither maire se msnicipeiîy flomi tha lae te Multer or tht aast of tht tome or create s matrepolitar centre a te h ssth mith an agricoituas nom- More bld hae or clddt hae? tehat's that ... Why did h't rate bi sha- dem ... tht grosedheg. of core. Toasten tsdsay iPahrsary 21 le the day ererye rs sopposnd te heap their tvearon the soni or perhaps peaied fan a groondhog ta Olnd est ust hem mach mole minter thara mli be. Tht aid folb tales say that if hae dots sert bis shadsm me mii ha in for six mort maths of-minIer. Tht moodchocir, ite praper rma es famoar as a hihernsting animal. tan7 ri the astame hl retires ta tes den at tht hottom af the hsrrsm and 'reils sp inro a tight hall mith tht head and feet drame sp tightiy. Tht aid etory bas tl that se Febroant, 2 tite grosrdhsg siomly emerges ftam bis hi' hetnatirg den te tht dayiight. If he imarges le hight sunlight and rae hie rhadam hae at once retares ta hiherrate thrssgh erethar ris meeka et mirttr meather. If he comas oat v -' e-', ,yObs art- - - .:s.;;;~ t4~' - mseity that m tihlok te Multer for inclusion. It mas in Aprîl sf 1959 that tht grandiose schesre for amslgamnatieg Ochnilia, Trafalgar, Mtlton aed sections of teniiegton, Esqoesirg and Nassagactys cas aeeoanecd. Tha plan mes tcsfftdl et and geeaily rajectad as Il concarned Millon, tanlinglor, Esqoesieig ced Nassogameye. Sa Oshnilia and Trafalgar caetirstd teibe on amalgama- tise, Multon's roica bas rot hear injected irIs, thora dtscoreions beaase thisre mre appa- rertit, ns suggestions ta ha offared. Tht end resait miii ba semae fsrmt re slation for the rout mith tam prohiame for tht lamer as- resemeet area et the north, Multon's noie, aftar the jsggitrg of mari- cipal hosedanies, cee ha ont eftwIo thinge. tither tht tsrjaocsararie as il si, lscatirg ced snrnicirg irdstry len arother manici' peiity et il cen deveip soe aggreset'nt thiebing, planning aed action te creste a realistic msnicipeiity mtb safficent lard ton espansisn erd safficiani contrais te aidl hrtrbraptcy. kart yeat a cosncicsmmitteemwastformad pe errasatise. Tht oniy report me recail mas se agreement te dlisegrea and ne pro- grass. Thetolam pierrner has maintaired hie ieehiiity te hrng rn a tapent ssggasting an- reostise bacarae ha lache sfficient esidenca or tht potentiel et tht mater rappit,. The mater commimie ashe mairtaired there es penty et mater. Wa de rot maielsir thller reretiar i tht hast thing for Multer, tee freebit, dor't hrom, tehet concernes as thosgh is thet ns are cire reeme ta bnam or ha reatchieg for the aremer mhiia ail erord us manicipalitier hart or are jsggliig thair houarins attd Mitron's leaders hart rot ptopooeded ary astrse et attise er.futara thirbirg, Thare is e nacd for aggressire leadership, se this sshject. Il bas bae tht shjett et coartiase coarcil and pierinirg board ses. sions hut srtaiy rosat il tan reattivte ile cemmirteal, seai the hait, et the planning hoard ard deoaiop semae imaginative and preclicel thiniking or teillons hoardonies, Vinter? onea coady day tend ses no rhadom, minIer s oa. ted tht g'rosedhag remeirfe attire. Corsidenig the datethbis story musthae bcd ils enigin rn Nem fEgiard or fanther rooth in tht ragior of Matyland or Virginie, chant mosdchscbs de emerge eariy rn Fnb rsery. Thare mat, airla, ma're rald, have heer rame conrertiar mith the reitgioss crehra- lion of Candiemas bey, which folie on Fnb- roary 2. -We cee imagine that cn Oetarto, groord- hoge ssily tome est math later mher fle meather metmr ait se dor't pst for math stockin the sid story. Malter af fect me cesid prabably oredit another ris maths et minIer right nowmrot hrsmirg mhaîher the tocather se Thusdey miii herser7y or closdy. Seeme thet lest-ynar me hed ramae e stance le Fehroaty le ramne sechioes aed spring reont îealiy seeme ta tome anhil me gel a lot cioseetofoEatet, Await That Day The publut hearinge of the Rayai Com- chere there te roreit, a grsming inîrreet misston inqoiry litrs the acoesmio cliat n le ethere neiqhharr, Nom ot coorse the Commission, heeded by fieay Grattan O'keary, usl bas te am ut, mAh ils proposais thet mi maire the competitice fueld sotticicnty healthy ton Canadien publications. if tht hearirge did nsrhing tise, Ibny did hrnrg eherpt, unte, totos oen daperderce on the U.S, for me magaztenes. Their Canaduen contant rs liited and ,rdcnd left out ofthIe mtain editiore. Canada bas siy cre publiucatton Ibler us natonaleandîatifect Canatdien thinhingOand artttde. Thar us Mecleane and il slst orar $100,000 lest year. Ssraiy thosgh tet isesome grou sr joorcelirîlo maard that ,ooid cepehiy iesrch a Canadien hared cosnerpert ta Time et Nemseair, Cepehit, herdied tl might aeri gaie a fam readere sstb et the border Lesstiagscheapublicationuei of orse ne sumple Iasi either hresncily or adiossai- y. Canada isa radilandmiha cpleity oftregieai pnshnmeeand aeecarcty of pe- renai reeders becasse et lisre raiieiy emali population. Of coote soch a pubhication might he toeiarad hy the Canada Cosetîl or hrough the govrrmert i lle rie CSC bhcîrstberatf hos solctionr oppeor rsty attractive. hl maaid mec thot Canada mi hove sa deperd se U.S. haged neme mogaziuessselete tht recommandations et the Comtcissuon are more drastit than eeticipatad or uebil a fînanciar and a Iran jacreeluer gel togethet. We losok formard ta that dey baecue the impact ot tron Canedien attitudes and ideals miii he more nltectiey trersmlted throagh tht cedium et the prtrted mord. ae 11EY TOOS a lt. critcyy boulestcccti-i-sctheblonddon- ni lncor Tustiy sighl. Tcc toi une". Miltois si-ti llc te s,.'iy cifrte costibole Ihair pirri ci biss o tos Lat,esr tifs et datlî. a A GOOD osmhrtr no douht ce.joytd tclsbi-aîiog Rohbis Bu, r rî0bsun Salai-ot. Socse Sti-e Io tlha Let ro Scao Pipe BosA Sobbio Bucr sighl sn Ocm ptan Artostt cote erty 10 IL lie phtts yosoii hy fict Mait Luci Gi-csp ut Kroc Chot.h. a MILTON'S tids,tt and ptthtyc tîtit l br.t sorte flic lt-t oteic, Chomer ol Cent 'iv t iici-ttttttts n0oit 19 htdsti t cojead 114 bsinsr,- Il tteta tl te itig ciere 1i hodgtt. I kilo. Octs ts ,.'te k o it o stokot','. I breot% t.i, I o tr I toui ti- [h itît aern tiig ou(l îioth c budgt. Tlitt'ilettoi tecaloi-urm t dcoie,. ty c hbudget. Il liioyyt,, about r-itte a prar, srotcIitrlg itîate ce1 c --c reg lihiîIhcintî JOct ort t le'ttî lhaui- i-se jtlrl 1',, And t kt-y itciietrîItcl o', tul ,posbe otrysi trIi-gs- ett ihrd Il' ttmana cîrt iur Iu ka rte fitoutlt loir ttt',îî' yiodc l',plasrAr ri-til art orîre, casve had lits bils je a anc fiemn the deellel, and Vcr miseedltedisonîtntheby- des bilt, wch bat, bae le m bill poctr thee meeke. Bat -tirie lbinse drat realît, baISer mn tee msr.b. îleschas ant cite gels n se of hi- tisas' crat-gar kicks te rile ha- cernes rasil gltastî amorted place,. Sire isecnlî, de. il wtrec airts ie oe er 1atte seL JOTTINOS qII 4-11fî GIRLS' SalatIci, lonfltitrieti trac t'i- toate rst,,l f-Il1 ta r.'.tot Itu tiacsetg p m'A. Ials nilt hctai fin- aht i h.cktoi.' bt 111511' tili gl'h' iflaitttttiht y 1to t. k, undtidsic aoi., Ne sud, h'u etot lb,,t llctdof Il,,,., ' il l fti, li-I B y J l M DII b 't t-e AILL ltttttttt I li tttt' - tt on titA, tJ bo ., Io. tto, Il' NtitI do ~ ~ , t t , oxno o.ki.d ooi t .7 il lit' titi 0e' jl hp, i tl' ilo i t t t..- >C9t aad SAce,, l liT kIL bMI' tme la q lt- t"'- Mi.l cash ine bt ' i l rctiy%ý,t Nie fI doc't, kt', t, I ti .'ttt I-tt"t' t'-.nt t,-,l t"e t.' t i t tgc5tiiig cod ',rlo. l lp TI:i tale bttl" l, t' t'.N t'- t"' il il,.. - havted thtl te- cccn bh b th t,,-i'i flt- Il' ' t li - "'t, a Dot li' ct ti,t. toc' il Icie eh of tîhe. li I eIirn oteîetar - ail vriet, bl te 1 tt, ,- trîd asd ci..cl dnl t li clc Nibves bing Ier.artrv ficbike t e tcii, Itt letn ilît caepertirs.e-" Inde tt 'ho faclmn d e toaIn dyct l ',1 1 t 1,1, Il- , - l t tiI," 1. t I, t I 't'.,' t th ii. . t t.'. ' li 1, t..] tla " l" " t-tii d"lit'. i .ttt i ttilil' ct--l i t]t" î, tdie- i-t.-i,' -lW I,' a. alat "-t,' 'o t-t i.r ndvcr ls six . mo t.--. _'... 50 YEARS AGO Tillat Cm pion tIele at ha9tare eîoCbcstrdst , toi, Itî1, i-tt ,,],îitî c,,. e i etue 'tt.ttt Vatl Jea," le Si. Dottd't ',tttttttChat ,h, Cat.oyhtii- tire, t,i, teteti,'. Fthtsi,tt h. ui 8 yeto. Toei lic sitcav et Jeane Val Jea,, t,,d ho Dt. Ck,tct, 1 es ivthe tmctltt îit.t.t. ci Vio- hoi Huago, it ctl ta tch tt masi tycllhosoti. Dnetmisl IL. tH. Ciid, th, Lacoirtc tki1t, ttho won 'h, tinglet t ah nhoyet' i 1 o eted. sn ,i of Mr. Chi,hohee', t ti ktu- pltu t,licol le the Sct.cth eBock, M..Ktt il, Milii", Clubh.a b,,ctbtf fi, 1th ,ir, te, kil171b, il. thll il . A.ni Mithtot i, lic'k cli bili i k'ni t t it.t2. t, ttiti, ,ttt.'tit o nto iL. t',d "t, C In p '" 'Mb. i looc il, h. oi., tIi ...'l,i Sol -rbW tl,,,t. N.nald h11 tit c 20 YEARS AGO Tabien frrrrrr tr filas sE Ile Cart' celles Cbartrr.ler 'ar'arr 6. 1941 Mtt, cI I craqoo lo l, t.ei ittti ai I la i i I thtl ttt h lit ,, " t iiw tt fi ii, l . fi Atîbr,,- Spi ttt it u i Il-t' at tieon'ai, ielcd t ho thoevils tbt,.' cct o' ii i SelSg, 1071 ol k 'tn, r, Sd.tti 1,ll i 't,..,, n t t "t l Bras t tit n t. ,,,e, i i,,, 'i et,, fer ecc ltbtt lit, et,,, Mît , I, rt-ti- t, d l. ,ti tt tt tntttk. oit. il, k.bto lob', il oit.". l'-c ,f t.kti ile, li",lln 11 1 .t, i , vh l i l tt.tt, i tttt - Il , tl tl ¶7t5 I't17i',tI'tt- k' t"'k k . t M, ,tt. .1 -, lt Ittlit, I[hot, lan t il itn' Ilt k. yl Mlo.ol'tc.','itotOh AROUND THE DISTRICT W ROY DtDWND t t O'-tTt It ot iI.. g.. lt I -vt and'. 10 -". t ui lI laiiNT n ag- Iottl cî 't- to,îtt planrit l - ',ra 'I'ht iltty Hace hricl npaedit Art"' t ectasr pr t lit -- byarot Semble armoi oaI.IhI st o It, liesc 1-le,-a MdoeLmtd e 3PtOMpat r e Thaplda ar- d yeqc I rrtid ia ygasctl Il ui1r fia tove.r'Fj Thle Canadian Champion Pohlrrhrd rsrrr Thrda, ai Maint St.. Mite on,, Msembor eft ha Arudit Buottas et trtolltiort, Flic C.W.N.A. anrd the Orttario-Osrhac Ditvis C.W.N.A. rat i es on rerleeso. Sebstiriplises payable je adrace, 00 l Canda. 4.00 ile the U.S.A. Asîhetied ce Secca Clasp Mail, Post Office Departesent, Ottaca. G0. A. bis. Edlterda-CheE limas A. OMUs. Macqlrtng JEiter Prtbtlrted in thre Heart otf Hate Pabilatd Sp tdu DMii Pil an d Pubiiahlg Va. LEd. I&USI NESS ANDO EbITOS IAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TE 8-2341 M The Turning Point By 1. NI. Sicuir 1 :elijci;;t)e 1, 1 fie 1-n 1 IL o%% 1 , fini, m'ndov, fil, I -p, flood, wlio Il ov, Inam ni il, a L-lomi. vviodo', ,lot, [Il'.. il liéolu lhef, il file Ont, or (lie ""N [lest id'a, Il ou, nIill,,Il fou- il dit, "ealioi, or pleut gold'il wiiitlti',s. Nothing il so inipoilani ni a boule. [la%, Nou b-Il ni anv .1 ,le ncvv ,bouts or hopitill, teid,! Il - , ha-, on ,fil -Iiic b"', 1 lie net,, pictut, ha- 1,Ippil, . ...... ild nl , or d", .1Il" Il, intiluti.rl.,l lIipIz..e-,ý,,, Bi,., os Il, look b,,.Iikl, aller I-ý) Il lo Ici vvilli file and lilo iii.ét ,11 "Io, it imtl ', - ', l"", -'l .,Il liv', and gardens and beautitul vistas. soin, .1 vou v'ill a .,l ai- il l", 'atu, il 'o't 'A fait, of 1'l'hion, Il. old 'om,'o, L fi a 1 ai, -Il "Ib"l'oi vv.I, I'd. I!ý*a,\" t., i flic 1,1 o.f nalhoi. il hu ., -Ic .ý,d flot Il il 'lIZIIIII al Ih, "indov', oi foi I), - on, ..fil Iv'f' ;.le terni ait,,- pon-viili, !h, afol, of th, -l". -I-ý 'l fi," Ille fin, fIaL, in oul'Il- Iuiý'A, lalling Il, ai [Il. sonIv ol ; ci ,,;i(ilig il don, il[ a c"I' hclo., 1 -o h-1, -Il, .'il Ih, 'l'ilchen 1,, - 1, ifLý and ,, Ih, nulli, ol l"I' .'nd gla', 'i'v, and Joint Ilic Ilial loul', our ýIIoILlo, vvili, ile ýiiog ,, il aod [look .oni flic pal"i ol da"', il, Ih, Il il hou, ,fil Illouphl, il, il,. L l'i "I' Il, l"i'l, .1 ih, and ilt, i 1 lie blo, iol ol [fi, Iiiil. k(.,I, hanpi Il "'In, illai Ile "Ift [lie niole illouvIns %%u imill, 11volire 'ainfol faille Il, tio lien l"'f i'l on, ihink il a"', 1, 'f', illIt il Fil,- , I li ,ýu:, 1 , ,Il il S ilt i-, 111 :IgIlio Ji 0 il, ;li'd liglil !', Il li- ý,ftý-o 1'. 'f rial Ih, -, ait. Ih, lit ilic 'oul. Bbic, jod oui , k. 1, ,,k ont oul vý- 1-* il,çi, finv failli, l'e, ell"F' in il,,% 'c'. Il le lIl c,,lý v'llai i, -'l il, v- Il. 'hoold ;il riff., ý Il again ,, il il flot lit- fin, 111, IC, file 'l'illinon 'i.uId"ý eili, - Il I, Il,, 1,17-oI, ol 1'. Ille nio-ing: il il and It-Il Ii, : il i, Il,,- fliond c il file illai fl.s IL il jouillev . . . or il 1.,1% 1- oillv i -,ilv. il v'o'd, a l'os, d foi a"', .oil, ol rial ai, ol 'oakingu, Il va, "Ilo 'c""', loilli loi., flic liplu lit Iý,I nuit- 1), Nout t'ache, THE GOOD OLD DAYS

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